A MISPRINTED PASTORAL. ..i.ie, let mm gander o'er the green, Pluck uosei for our hair; The c-Iouda are goue, the sun shines out, And oh! the aay is fair, Hie birds are garbling ou the spray, And bees all softly bum Amid tlie-fiowerg fresh from I be showers, A ud, see! a rainbow h come ! 'J lie swollen brooks go gabbling by And glisten in the sun; The leafy trees are ail astir, The merry squirrel run. So, Mary, put your sonnet on AnJ ti ltjunder your chin, And el us away to the bean wood gay, where ba moles the loaring Umf. 1 he gentle sneeze shall fan your brow Aud hiss your golden curls; And ev'ry bird will "Yelcome!" sing To the dearest of all girls. And should the silly hephyr fail To kiss that rosy cheek i ll wiser prove and buss my love And fondest words I'll squeak. So, gutle Mary, come with me Acrou- the grass and clover; The soft dove boos unto her mate, The raiu is gone and over. V'itb roses let us swine our brows And banish carts that wrinkle, ill daylight dies along the skies And spars begin to wriukle Philadelphia Times. WHERE Till UMAX STAND - Declaring that He Will Sot Kun lor the Governorship of Ohio- Cincinnati, Feb. 5 Senator Tiior u i is, M now in CoJutnbuts, was tn iliv iloor o: House this rnornirg, Hnd 'waa weii received.; Ho looks Hrong, smd Bys he never ielt better in : ufe. Tti(Me wtio hope to count ii :u out of the Presidential race on ac: couutuf physic U infirmities are very ciuch mistaken. The Senator has res o.uttly refused to talk to newspaper ;;-n on party politic, but in conver-r-.. lion with a reporter of tho Cincin Luti Enquirer to-day, which be insist ed must b taken as an interview, he expressed h niaelf freely. He declares tli it under no 6ircumstanct;8 will he ruu'for he Governorship of Ohio, He bis full confidence in the ability of the Democracy to win the tight Mi'rhouthim. His ambition, he Iriiiniiy, would be tin sjgnal for opposing forces from the Eist, which would be exerttd to secure bis defeat with the bopo of crippling him iu fu ture political ambitions. He suys that in the election of eleven Demo cratic Congressman Ohio not only tavtd the Democracy in case the Presidential choice should full into the House of Representatives, but also Baved the organization of the House itself. He bad been oritizized by Home of bis friends when he came out here lutt spring and urged the re J striding of the State, but subse quently events had shown that was a w ee political move. Had Ohio sent a dig vtion of fourteen Republicans and tlx democrats, as she most assuredly would have done under the old dis tr cting, the Bepul lica is would have been able to organize the House and turn the tables on the Democratic hk-nat ra son as it should get into power. The Senator urges anaggres hive policy for the Democrats. Bold action is needed, iu his opinion, to achieve success. Let the party have aggressive doctrines iu the future and light for them, and he had no fear of tiie lesult. Knoxville Tribune. The Western orth Carolina Railroad. Our friend, Major J II Rambough, of Warm Springs, North Carolina, is on a visit to the city. lie informs us that be has just returned from Kaleigh, over tho line of the Western North Carolina Railroad to Asheville, and that the work is progressing most satisfactorily. Trains will run to Grej Eaglo station, twelve miles east of Asheville, by the first of March. The work from that point to AsbevLle is in a forward state, and is being rapidly pushed to completion, all the heaviest grading on that part of th e lino being uearly completed, and the Swananoa tunnel, one of the longest in the country, only lacking about eighty feet of being finished. A force ot six hundred convicts is employed on the work. While in Raleigh, Moj K cauvassed leading citizens and prominent members of the Legislature from all parts of the State, and found tho sentiment in favor 'of completing ibis connection with the Tennessee frTPtom ot railroads, universal. The I eople and authorities of North Caro linano longer regard this road as a local enterprise, but one of the utmost importance to the general interest of the whole State, giving them, as it will, a short and direct connection with the whole South and the northwestern rgion of the country. A large por turn of the work from Asheville to the Tennessee State line is already done, and it is almost certain that the Leg islature, weeing the great importance of this work, will provide for placing a force on this end of tiie road to meet lbs force working from Asaeville in the direction of the Tennessee line. As eoou as it is a fixfd fact that thie iond will be finished to the Tennessee line, the short gap between our own roads and it will be built, which ill give us a short line to all the South Atlantic eeapdits. It will also stimu late tiie building of the short connec tion required to put us iu direct com munication with the Cincinnati SoutL ern Railway and the great West. WHAT -S200 DID IN WALL STREET. Aug. ltith, 1878, U S. Webb, Phila., Pa., wrote Messrs. Lawrence & Co., Bank ers, X. Y.; Dcar Sirs: Yours containing remittance for $1,113.25, as profits ou my "200 shares, is received. Accept my ':..Uikf, fur I am very well satisfied. As you request, you may use this letter. I would recommeud every one who f;els disposed to speculate to send for your circular." This is but one instance out ol thousands, by which the new COMBI NATION SYSTEM of operating in stoxks enables people with large or small capital to make similar profits. By this excellent plan, the orders of thousands of customers from city and country are polled into OX K IMMENSE SUM and co-operated as a MIGHTY INDIVID UAL ACCOUNT. Each member of the combination secures all the advantages of the largest capital united with experienced Bkill. Profits divided monthly: $10 in vested returng $50, or 5 per cent, on the stock, $f)'j will make $450. and so on, according to the market. Messrs, Lraw rence & Co.'s new circular (mailed free) has "two unerring rules for success," and expVms everything, so that any one can operate profitably. All kinds of Stocks and Ponds wanted. New Government kaa supplied. Apply to Lawrence & Co, Pinter?, &7 Exchange Place, X. Y. 3tty. The decision in favor of He heirs of Gen Leo in the Arlington ejection suit will probably const-rain Congress to pa si the bill introduced by Senator Johnston, of Virginia, to buy the Ar lington property. This is all the claimants desire simply to establish their property rights, and then be c m tent tt have the -Government pay a fair equivalent for the ground occu pied. The case has been appealed by the United States ' to the Supreme Court, but theattorney is of the opin ion that the decision of the lower court will ba allowed to stand. A lically Beneficent Discover-. The disgust eo. generally felt for the taste and smoll of Cod Liver Oil is almost proverbial. It seems to' be peculiarly nauseous to the consumptive and scroful ous patients, to whom the whole medical professionkuow it is especially beneficial. Endeavor have vainly been made to dis guise its objectionable characteristics, by mixture with t'oftee, brandy or by t he process of deoderiz itiou, which impairs its efficacy as a nutr.eut. : But in Huion with the Hypophosphites of Limo and Soda, a? we find it in Scott's Emulsion, ' it retains it's healing and nourishing properties. ' It nforcover' combines with the other chemical agents, to pr-O'luce not only a medicine of agreeable tiavor, but one cf the most' powerful and pleasant tonic? that ever gave v:tal and brain. vigor t: the nerves Consumption Cured. An oid physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the foiinu la of a .simple vegetable remedy for th speedy and per manent cure lor consumption, bronchitis, j catarrh, asthma, ana all throat and lung! affections, also a p sitive aud radical cine for nervous debility and, all nervous com plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it Li- duty to make it known to iiis suffer i g fellow. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to ieliee human suffering, I send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this recip?, with full directions for usang in German, French, or English. Sent b mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. VV. Sherar, 14'. Power's Ulock, Rochester, New York. 4 v A Card, j To all who are suffering from tlie errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early dec.-iy, loss of manhood, &c, 1 will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in Sdutlij Amer ica. Send a self-addiessed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inmax Station D, Bible ousc, Nvw x ork City. d & w For Upwards of Thirt? Years Mrs. Wixslow's Syrup hasj been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diar rhtea, whether arising from teething or other cause. An old and well-tried remedy. 25 cents a bottle. ; d & w. Ham and Eggs, M' ODNTAIN BUTTER, Choice, Table! Butter, Sugar Cured Pig Bacon Hams, Saus age, Liver Pudding, Pigs Feet, Sugar, Cef- ee, Flou-, Ac. ftb 7 Send to No. 24 Water st. J. H. PETTEtWAY. Beer for AIL AT H ZVIAB.CUS 6l SON'S No. 5 JMarket Street. J UST RECEIVED per Steamer, ! 501 Kegs of that Celebrated Pilsner linger XSeer. Whica we will gell at the lo Cash jprice o $2.5'j per Keg, for this weektnlv. ii: mabIcus & SON, dec 23 h Market Street Law School. CHARTER will be' applied for to the next General Assembly. A DAY SESSIONS for Lecture ai,d Eeci tatlou, every Monday and Wednesday, 0 P. M., to 6 r. M. NIGHT SESSIONS. Every and Friday, 8 P. M. to 9 P. M. Fur terms, &c, address Tuesday EDWARD CANTWELL. Gee ii Wilmington, N. C. Is a monthly. 100-page Scrap Book of the cream of the World s Literature. Single copy. 20c., or 92 per "ar. An"Oil Chromo (14x20 inches) of " Yosemite Yaller," price. $3; M Black Sheep," a fl.M book, in raptr binding: Christian Oakley's Mistake. ' & ?l book, in paper binding, and a sample copy of "Wood's lIouiiyud-3lajrazine" all post-paid. for only 30 cents iaiaontj-, or m one-cent postage stamps. Aeents wanted. Most liberal terms, bat nothing sent free. Address S. S.Wood, Tribune Building. New York City- Theodore Joseph, Corner of Harnett & Salisbury Sts- One Corner West Raleigh National Bank. RALEIGH, N. C-. Board bv the day or on the European plaftf Sitifaction gurranteed in ererj par tic alar My bar is supplied with Finche'd Golden Wedding, 1870, Gibson's 1671 $tje, Pfeitfer I A and C, and many more of the Fines Brands of Kje and Kentucky Bourbon. act 19 Miscellaneous. The GREATEST LIVISO ATT THORS. such as Prof. Max Mvlter Et Hon WE Gladstone, Jai A Fronde, Prof Huxley, B A Proctor, Edw A Freeman. Prof Tyndall. Br W B Car penter, Frances Power Cobbe, The Duke of Argyll, Wm Black, Misi Thackeray, Miss Mnloch, Geo Mc Donakb Mrs Oliphant, Jeanlngelow, Mrs Alexander Thomas Bardy Mat thew Arnold, Henry Kingsley,W W Story, Tnrgnenief, Carlyle, Bnskin, Tennyaon, Browning, s-nd many others, are represented in the pages of Littell's Living Age. Jn 1879 the living Age enters upon it thirty-sixth year, admittedly uwivalled and continuously successful. During the year it. will furnish to its readers the pro ductions of the most eminent autlwrs above named and many other ; embracing the choicest Serial and Short Stories by the Leading Foreign Novelist?, asd an amount Unapproached by any other Period ical in the world, of the most valuable Literary and Scientific matter of the day, from the pens of the foremost Essayists, Scientists, Critics, Discoverers and Editors,represent ing every department of Knowledge and Progress. The Living Age is a weekly magazine giving more than THREE AND A GUAR TEH THOU" SAND double-column octavo pags of reading matter yearly. It presents in an inexpen sive form, considering its great amount of matter with freshness, owing to its weekly ibsue,and with a satisfactory completeness attempted by no other publication, the best Essays, Reviews, Criticisms, Tales, Sketch es,Travel and Discovery, Poetry, Scientific Biographical, Ilistori:al and Political ln foimation, Irom the entire body of For eign Periodical Literature. The importance of the Living Age to every Amreican reader, as the oniy salis faclorily fresh and COMPLETE compila tion of an indispensable current literature, indispensable because it embraces tha productions of the . . Ablest Living Writers, id sufficiently indicated by the following OPINIONS. "In it we find the best productions of the best writers upon all subjects ready to our hand." Philadelphia EDqairer. "It is simply indispensable to any one who desires to keep abreast of the thought of the age in any department of science or litera ture." Boston Jonrna.. "The prince among magazines." New York Obstrver. "It affords the best, the cheapest and most convenient mears of keeping abreast with the progress of thought in all its phases." Philadelphia North American. "A monthly that comes every week." The Advance, Chicago. 'I t is incomparable in the richness, va riety, and sterling worth of its articles." The Standard, Chicago. "A pure and perpetual reservoir and foun tain of entertainment and instruction." Hon. Robert C. Wmthrop. "With it alone a reader may fairiy. keep up with all that is important in the literature, history, poatics, and science of the day." The Methodist, New York. "The ablest as.-ays, the most entertaining stories, the finest poetry of the English language, are here gathered together." Illinois 8 'ate Journal. "The choicest of the day." New York Tribune. "It is indispensable to everv one who de sires a thorough compendium of all that is admirable and noteworthy in the literacy world." Boston Pest. "It has no equal in any country." Phila delphia Press. "Ought to find a place in every American home." New York Times. Published weekly at $8.00 a :year, free of postage BEXTRA OFFER FOR 1879.& To all new subscribers for 1879, will be Bent gratis the six nubmers of 1878, containing, with other valuable matters, the first part of "Sir Gibbie' a new serial story of much interest by George MacDonald, now appear ing: in the Living Age from the authors' advance sheets. Other choice new serials bv ditineuisbed authors are engaged and will speedily appear. Club-Prices for the best- Home and Foreign Literature. ' ' Possessed of the Living Age and one or o.her of our vivacious American monthlies, a subscriber will find himself in command of the whole situation." Phila. Even'g Bulle tin. Por $10.50 the Living Age and either one or the American $4 Monthlies (or Harper's Weekly or Bazar) will be sent for a year, both postpaid; or, for $9.50 the Living Age and the St. Nicholas, or Appleton's Journal. Addiess LITTELL A GAY, Boston. j an 8 CHAS. KLEIN, Undertaker and CaMnet Mater, ' m No. 24 Scmth Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. A fine assortment of Coffins and Cast kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned aud Varnished. Orders by tele, graph or mail promptly filled. jan 13 Jas. T. Pettewav WILMINGTON, N. C, JS AGENT FOR TOE SALE OF WILCOX iUBS k CO' 3 Manipulated Oam. The best, cheapest and most popular Guano offer, ed. Will take orders for delivery at Lum bermen, Shoe Heel, Laur nbarg, Laurel Hill and intermediate points, jan 2T-U4w SB imHili Miscellaneous. TEACHERS WANTEDS PiB MOaTH, during Spring ! and um?. For full par ticu.ars address, J. C. McCCRD Y 4 CO., Philadelphia, Pa. 29-4w DIPHTHERIA! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively prevent thia terrible disease, and wUl positively cure nine cases in ten. Infor mation that will save manv lives sent free by mail. Don't delay a moment. Prevention is better than cure. So d everywhere. I 8. JOHNSON A CO., J234 Bangor, Maine. AhD ALL DISUIiDiiRS OF THE I "hroat and Lunafsl PERMANENTLY CURED OR. T. A. SLOCUM'S Great remedv PSYCHINE" taken in conjunction with his COMPOUND EriULSION OF PUKE COD JIVE R OIL and HTparhosphits of LIME and SODA A FREE BOTTLE of paeh rtrenamtinn ent by express to each suffering applicant enuiog tceirname, r O., and KxDress ad ireaa to Dr. T, A. telocum, 181 Pearl St. Vew York. ian 29 im.- X BENsOK5 0APCINEI PMU1Q BlfiT8 FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Females suffering from pain and wetfk- ness will derive great comfort and strength rrom tiie use oi nenscn s Uapcine Porus rlaster. w here children are anected witn whooping cough, ordinary coughs or cold?! or w ak lung-, it is tne one treatment thev should receive. This article contains new medicinal e'ement such aa is found in no other remedy in the tame form. It is farB superior to common porous plasters, hni nents, electrical appliances and other ex ternal remedies. It relieves pain at once.l La Al U j 1 1 i 111 .a streujfiueiiB uere uiusr piasters win nui even relieve. For Lame and W eak Pack. Rheumatiem, Kidney disease and all local iches and pains it is alio the best known remedy. Ask Jor Benson's Capcine Plas ter and take no other. Sold by ail Drug gists. Price 25 cents. jan 29-4w j i .iiM iiupuruuih organ weigm oui aoout tnrce jpounds, and all the blood in a living pcr.-n j about three gallons) passes through it at least joncc every half hour, to have the bile and j other impurities strained or filtered frcm ir t Bile ib the natural purgative of the bowels. if the Liver becomes torpid it in not separatee. I .r.n.-i the blood, but carried through the eh:s i ' , . : i t 1 i . i . . . 10 ..a parts oi tne system, and in trying to es cape 'h rough the pores of the skin, causes it to turn yellow or a dirty brown color. The stom ach becomes diseased, and Dyspepsia, Indi gestion , Constipation, Headache, Liliousrcsr-, jaundice. Chills, Malarial Fevers, Piles, Sick and Sour Stomach, and general debility follow. Mkrkell's Heparins, the great vegetable dlsr coverv for torpidity, causes the Liver to throw off from one to two ounces of bile each time the blood passes through it, as lorig as there is an axc of bile ; and the effect of even a.f:v-dose- ipon j-ellow complexion or a brown diro lookiv; skin, will astonish all who try it they beinr the first symptoms to disappear. Th cure m all bilious diseases and Liver compiclr is luaile certain by taking Hepatine in accorc ancc with directions. Headache is genera... cure in twenty minutes, and r.o disease lb. artSjMi from die Liver can exist if a fair trial SOLD AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PI L BY ALL DRUGGISTS. H Price 25 Cts. and The fatality of Consumption or Throat and Lung Diseases, which sweep tc the grave at least one-third of all death's victims, arises from the Opium or Morphine treatment, which simply stupefies as the work of death gee: on. 10,000 will be p da if Opium 01 Morphine, or any preparation of Opium, Morphine or Prus sic Acid, can.be found lathe Globe Flower Cough Syrup, whi h has cured people ,vV are living to-day with but one remaining lui . . No greater rong can be done than to say that Consumption is incurable. Globe Flower Colg.i Syrup will cure it when all other means have failed. Alsoi Colds, Cough, Asthma, Lrenchitis, and affl dise ses of the thr&nand lungs. Read ti e t- timonials t the Hon. Alexander H. Stephens,. Gov. Smith and Ex-Gov. Brown of Ga., HoX Geo. Pea body, as well as those of other rcrnr.rltahlc cures in. our book, free to all at the drug stdre and be convinced tharif you wish to b; cured you can be by taking the Globe 'Flower Cough Syrup. Take r.o Fi-oches or lli zi :-.:,es fcr Sore Throat, when you can gt Gi. uh Flower Syrup at same price. Ear sale by ail Druggists. Price 25 Cts. and $100 ti i o n o Ormre nri?takc? are ma e tr? .c t ;all illllMT i t that . rise fc&rn p i n i . : ' i'Not'OSte case of Scrofula, Syplu is, Whi'e SweHlag, Ulcerous Sores and Skin I it la thoHand, is treated n Lth ut tke u e ,: ' ' .--' cury In some form. Mercury rots the ben and ikm . diswfecs it pr are wdr j . any atlKr kind of blo '. ( r skin i . in bv. ! Dr. Pkmeert.j.n'.s S : :. c .- Queen's Delight is the oniy me ine U a Li h :. hope of recovery from Scrotuia, Sypl dis 1 Mercurial diseases in all Stages, c.n be rcaM.11-. ably founded. iar.d that will cure Can r. j ' f i.-,ooo will be paid by ihe propri.: . : - t Mercury, or am; I:-. ;r-. net purely veg lu! ,ble and:harm!es car. te- found in .:. Price by ail 1 h-uggists jt.- -I Globk FtoysR u-f.H S'yri v an i Mrs 1 rfxl's Heeatine FOR the L; .. ; i . ...e i y Dru csj.x an .: L 5: CO.. Pr:r.ric:orsf FKILADELPH All Right j-i La 4 "yyEARE PLEASED at b ing able to state to our frienda and tl.-: public tLat the store occupied by us, daniac ihe Ute fire, has been" thorougliy repaired And that we haTe now in stock a fu 'Mine of Fresh Family Groceries, and aie prepared to Gil all orders. We haTe stM a few articles daraaeed by the late fire which will be sold at almost any price. J. W. ALDERMAN A CO, Family Grocers, Cot. Chestnut and water streets. de 4 Steamship Lines, Ac. CLYDE'S j New York AND Wilmington, N. CM Steamship Line, RECUL CAPT. DOANE, WILL SAIL FROM , NEW 1 ORK Oil WEDNESDAY. Fob. 12. 'S- Shippers can rely upon the prompt Sailincr of Steamers as advertised. "5 For Freight Engagements apply to L. D CAZAUI. Apent Wilmington, TZ . C. L. S. BELDEX, Soliciting Agent. SVM. P. CLYDE i CO., General A-gents, Bowling Green, or Pier 13, N. R., Nev Yrok. feb 12 altimore AND Hrningrton. N. C, STEAMSHIP LINE. 2hs Steamer CAPT. OLIVER, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON . Saturday, Feb. 1 5. Steamers Sail from Wilmington every Saturday promptly at 12 M. Shippers can rely upon the prompt Sailing pf stealers as advertised, -"te Through Bills of leading- gen to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. For Freight Engagements apply to JL. X. Agent, Wilmington, W. C. L. 8. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agen Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore York. feb 10 Accidents WILL j THEREFORE INSURE AGAINST THEM By taking out a Yearly Policy in the MOBILE life:insuranue CO., OF MOBILE, ALA, MAURICE MCCARTHY. President. H. M. FRIEXD, Secretary. 25 Cents will insure nagaints Accidents for one day in the sum of S3000ain the Event of Death i OR, $15.00 Per Week Indemnity for Disabling Injuries. RATES 1 Day 25 cents ; 1 Days SO oents, 5 Days $1.25 ; 10 Days $2.60; 30 Days $5.00. Yearly policies issued at from $5 to $20 per $1,000, according to occupation, and written at short notice. jane 25 ! Tew pianos $125 Each, and all styles, including Grand Square aod Upright, all strictly first-class, sold at the lowest net cash wholssalb factory prices, direct to the pcrchareb. These Pianos made one of the finest displays at the Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re commended for the Highest Honors otijt 13,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory established orer 36 years. The Square Grands contain Mathu shek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement in the history cf Piano making. The Uprights are the finest n America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't ail to write for illustrated and Descriptive fatalogue of 48 pages mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.. sept 0-1 j 21 East lothetreef, If T. The Steamer ATOR Bail Road Lines, As. WILMINGTON ft WELDOK RAILROAD COMPANY, OrriOT'cr Oti FrmnrrnDim ' i Wilmington, V. C, Not lP7k. , XGHANGEOF SCHEDULE'. J . On and after Sanday. Nor. 341k. 1878 , PaMenger-lrains oa the WUniagtaa k Wat -don Railroad .will ran aa follow : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, da r. Leare Wilmington, Front St Depot 38A X Arrive at Weldcn at 1 M P Leave Weldon 2 s" P V A.rrive at Wilmington, Front 8i. Depot at 9 53 f Si NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRa A DAILY. Leav. Wilmington, Front St. Depot at f f) J y Arrive at Weldon at 3 50 A afi Leave Weldon, a a U Airive at Wilmington, Front SL Depot at .....U. 16 A V Train? on Tarboro Branch Road Ieav Rocky Mount for Tarboro at L.00 P M dally, and Tuesday, Thursday and rfatuix ay at ItM A M. Iieturning, leate Tarboro at 10Ot A M dailv, and Monday, Wednesday at : Friday at 8:50 P M . The Dav Train makaa eloae conneortcn I Weldon for all pointa North via Bay Li: . daily, (eacept Sunday) and dally, ria Rich mond and all rail routes. Night train makea eloae connection w Weldon for all pointa north via Richmond. Sleeping Cars attached to ail Night Train-. JOHN F. 1)1 VINE, General SupL nov 24 Zi ia Cen'l Suo'ts Office WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA! AND v GUSTA RAILROAD. Wilmington, N. C, Not. 13, 187 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE i On and after 8und4y, Not. 24, the folio. Ing schedule will be run on this road: . , DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN, dafly Leave Wilmington S 86 A V LeaTe Florence 1 03 P M Arrive at Columbia 4 15 V V Leave Columbia 11 66 P M Leave Florence 4 4 P M Arrive at Wilmington 9 30 P 11 NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dailr). Leave Wilmington 10 0P W Arrive Florence 3 80 A h'. Leave Florence ' '2 00 A V Arrive at Wilmington......... 6 18 A Ii T-SThis Train will only stop at FleiBlngtaa. Wbiteviilc, Fair Bluf, Marian, and ilor . ence, and all station? between Flerence ana Columbia. Faasengers for Augusta ana bevon'. -1 ij v!i.. i.- r r ..... mington. Through Sleeping Cars on night trair for Charleston and Aegasta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General SaVtT nov 9 xi CAROLINA CENTRAL RAH WAY C 8 MP ANY. OrriOB GlBTBAL ScrBBIBTBBDIT, i f j Wilmington, N. C. Not.:2S,;1878. J x Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THtSdale, the fcilt ing Schedule will be operated on at i -Railway : PASSEJfOER, MAIL AND KXJ'H u ' TRAIN. Leave Wilmington at.... 6:20 A y Arrive at Hamlet at.. 2s94 P ' " at CbarletU at... 7:6? P M Leave Charlotte at... .... A M Arrive at Hamlet at 11:40 A M " at Wilmington at 7:6 P M SHKLB Y DIVISION, MAIL. FRMVMl & PASSENGER AND EXPMR8, y0, g Leave Charlotte ......7.0 A M a9' 9J Arrive at Shelby 11:16 A M Sn in leareShelbr .........1146 P M -w- Arrire at Charlotte.. IrOO P m n be above Trains have Passenger aecom modations. and are the only ones psriaHtjS to carry Passengers. .Y. Q. JOHNSON, l o v 29 General Suserintenslent E.& H.T. ANTHONY A CO., 691Broadwy, Vew York1 KOpp.'Melropeiitan HoteL) Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers la Velvet Frames, Albums, Graphoscopcst Stercosoopes aod Views, Engravings, ;Chrornos, Pliotograpba, and kindred goods, Celebrities, Actresses, 1c. Photographic Mater in I. We are Headquarters for everything in the way of a Stereopticem and Magio Lanterns, iieing Manufacturers of the Micro-Scientific Lantern, Streo-PaDoptJcon, U niversity Stereoptican, Advertiser's Stereoptican, Artopticon, School Lantera, Family Lantern, People's Lantern. Each style being the heat of its class in the market. Beautiful Photographie Traaspareais of Statuary and fingravings far the wlaOew Convex Glass. Jdanufactaera ef Velvet Frames tor Miniatures aad C eaves Glass Pictures. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, wiaa directions for using, sent en receipt ot ten cents. oet Il-d2w-w2ny I mgf,i' u m? laaBaaalaa