JBSPaaaB i ft n r Miflcellaneom." M WAIT NO LONGER SH LKT rnvv Tf i TCli j Exchange Corner You should come at once" and seU ctJycur Japanese Goods before all are sold. A nice lot of those beautiful Waiters. only $1,25 per set; they are going fait. The nicest present you can'give is a Hand kerchief Box with half dozen Dice "f HandkeicLiefs, Or'a Glove Pox with one orjnore'palrs of Gloves. You should reuienjU r the Kid Glove De-H pot. TLe 4-Button Kid Glove you should buy at once as they can not bedii phcal d in pi ice. Only SI oer Pair ! We can give you Kid Gloves fimoOcup Come and get youi jpiesents atj Exchange Corner" for a little mono ! g Yon can find a Pies.'iit for any one, fr ra the daiiing babe to the robra man. g We wctddfcall vmr attention to the Flexible Hip Corset For gale only at Exchange Corner !J It; is ?. BVauty ! - We invite all to come as we jjare i rep m d bosee them on MONDAY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY i As we know It will not only be to their interest but to their amusement also. J . H. SPRUNT, Exchange Corner- decj21. The Daily Review JOSH. T. JAMES, Ed. and Prop WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1819 Largest City Circulation. In Georgia, one of the most Democratic of all the Southern States, there are fifty two companies of colored troops, fifty of which are infantry, one calvary and one artillery. Savannah has twelve, Atlanta three, Macon four, Augusta two. and Col umbus one, and yet the colored mau has no rights in the South. Senator Thurman's advice to the Demo cracy to inaugurate an aggressive policy, and to maintain it, is the best that has yet been announced. In any trouble with an adTersary there is nothing like carrying the war into Africa. The first blow is al most always the best and surest, and the most decisive of the entire Jight, but this must be followed up by an equal aggress iveness. It is better to attack than to de fend. Gov. Tilden went betore the Totter Corona 't tee and told what he knew about the Presidency steal. He goes ou record. Mr. Hayes is strongly suspected of know iog his snare, and yet he has not been be fore the .Committee, has not been sum moned, and has not 'kindly oflered to tell all he knows about it." He should be summonod before that Committee and put upon record. Mr. Tilden asked to be summoned. Mr. Hayes dare not, and there's the truth f jr you in a very small compass. IN A FEW WORDS. The electoral rote of Florid was for get it. So much is in evidence and it cannot be disputed. Hayes got the vote of Florida, and while there is yet no pos itive evidence that he bought it outright, it is certainly palpably manifest that somehow or other those who had it for sale have been very liberally rewarded by him. That is just how the case stands in a nutshell. COL. WADDELL iD TDK TEST OAT II. At the caucus held by the Democratic Senators aud Representatives in Congress in Washington on the evening of the 10th inst., the first proposition was presented repealing sec and 821 of the Revised Statutes, mdfit was adopted unanimous'y. " Secticn 820 provides that taking up arms in tie Lit-' w.tr, giving it aid aal comfort, in giving directly or indirectly any assis tance .u money, arms, horses, clothing, or anything whatever for the use or bene fit of any person or persons who partici pated in tlu war shall be cause of challenge and disqualification of grand and petit jurors in United States Courts. .Section 821 provides an additional oath to bo taken by grand and petit jnrors, known as tho test oath. As the proposition will be attached to the above-named appropriation bill and made a part there , we may he tolerably certain of a repeal of the unjust, cruel ami tyrannical law by which we ruve so iong been oppresbed. THE "IROX CLAD " 'i'nere is a serious conflict threatened between the Radical Senate aud the Democratic House which mfy, and very likely will, result in an extra session. Active hi'stiiities between the Northern and Southern armies having been suspen ded now for fifteen years reasonable men think' that it is about time to ,do away with Ihehar&h legislation which followed su soon after Lee's surrender and there lore, it it that the Democrats in the House wish to annul the law which requires jnruro in Federal Courts to take the test oath, familiarly known as the "iron clad." This would, of cosree, interfere with the practices of such courts as Bonds and Humphries generally preside over and would therefore rah tho Republicans ol their partisan cohtici ol tho Federal Courts. They obj' ct to the proposition to annul and the House objects to their ol jecticn, and thus the matter rests The repeal of the 'est oath is to be tacked on by the House to the Legislative, Lxecutive and Judicial Appropriation 1 ill and the Senate will refuse to receive it in thi r-hape. It i.s to be hoped that the House will stand firm if it takes all Summer to cany their point. 1 THE 25 SAL OF THINE HOUSE. We very much fear that the z 1 of those Democratic papers who are so insistent in regard to "retrenchment aud reform" as embodied in a reduction of the salaiies of State officers, "from Governor down,'' will work more e il to the party at the next election than if the subject had never been broached at all. It is unfortunate, perhaps, for the people that some of the oldest of our State exchanges, whenever they assume to lead or dictate on questions of Jy.ate or National pjlity, are always on the wrong side of the question. They are splendid at following, but erypoorin leading otheis. The matter of a reduction of the salaries of State officials has beeu agitated to such au extent s to absorb everything else that would savor iu any measure of retrench ment. Weightier matters of weightier moment have been forgotten or overlooked, and the agitation carried to such au extent as might justify an outsider in the opinion that the weal or woe of the Democratic party in this State hung upon thi? great question alone. These things aroj al' wrong. We can't all agree at all limes, but wecau always discuss a question fairly aud upou its merits alone. But it is not worth while to come to the conclusion aud worse than all to print that conclusion thai because a few pipers cannot bull doze the rest into thinking as they do the party must founder and go to Davy Jones' locker iu the very next election which takes pUce. The Raleigh Observer discusses this question in a very admirable article in its Tuesday's issue. Its facts are sup ported by 'figures which cannot lie and what it says. must exercise an importaat bearing on this question. Here are the expenses under Radic.l and under Demo cratic rule: For the year ending September 30, 18t5t), the ordinary expenses were $425, 000; for the next year they were $400, 700. The Democrats then came into power, but the fruits of their labor were not manifest until the succeeding year when the ordinary expenses were lesa than $190,000; that is, where the Re publicans spent tico dollars the Demo crats got along with less than one. But the Democrats did not stoo there; they continued the good work" until the ex penditures for ordinary purposes for the fiscal year ending September 30,. 1878, were only $114,107. Nor have ihey stopped there; other reductions, author tion, and made in 1876, are even now going into operation. Here it is now carefully summed up. The Democrats spent last year 114,107 against $425,000 spent, squandered, stolen and run away with by the Radi cals in 1SG9. We extract further from the Observer relative to taxes and rate of taxaVion and the expense of the gov ernment : The Radicals levied in 1869, 77 cents, and in 1870, 35 cents, leaving a deficit of $100,000 for the Democrats to make good. Per contra, the rate of taxation for the last four years has been 29 J cents. Is that no reduction in taxation? The public taxes amognt to about d convicts, 138,000 42,500 PPPBro and Blind. WWfB. R. Co 100,000 University.". 7,600 'lbs ordinary expens3s of running the State government have been $114,000, of which $52,000 ware paid the Judiciary. ATI other administrative expenses amount ed to only $62,000. The Agricultural Depai ttnent is provided for out of a spe cial fund, the Guano tax, and is not in cluded in the above. Instead of only $62,000, as in 1878, the ordinary expen ses of the government, leaving out the Judiciary, in 1869, were 8365,000, cloar saving of three hundred thousand dollars m one year. In regard to the allegation which has been made (and from more than one source, to ) that the salaries of the State officials have actually been increased, in stead of reducsd, under Democratic rule our cotemporary shows that under Rad ical rule the Governor was paid $5,000, and under Democratic rule he is paid $4,000. The Auditor and Secretary cf State were paid $2,400 each; now both together are paid as salary only $2,250. The number of clerks and their salaries have both been i educed. All fees of State officers are put back to thDse of 1858. The public printing for 1869 was $34,503; for 1878 it was $8,480, and at this session it has been reduced about one-half. The Observer thinks that eVen yet, however, some reduction can be made and ought to be made and in this we heartily agree. In speaking of this fact it says, and this extract closes the entire article: We have said that without doubt the expenses of administering the Govern ment might be still further reduced. The $52,000 paid to the Judiciary and Solici tors has already been reduced to about $40,000. And the remaining $62,000 may also be diminished. It is the duty of the Legislature to make all proper reductions. But it must be apparent that no very large reduction is practicable when the whole expenditure is only $62, 000. It being impossible, the popular mind ought not to Le educated to expect it. However severely we may prune in these item 9, the reduction will not, cannot in me nature or iniugs, oe appreciate. At the very utmost the saving in these mat ters can hardly be more than one cent ou the $100, or 1-30 of the present rate of taxation It would seem, then, that the Democratic press might well be careful not to raise public expectation for the mere purpose of disappointing it. The great expenditures are not embraced within the $62,000 spent in administering the government at Raleigh; they are to be found in the appropriations for the peni tentiary with its 1,150 convicts, $120,000, in the appropriations for the asylums $167,000; and in the $100,000 spent be cause ot the Western North Carolina Railroad. These items, amounting to $387,000, are the great expenditures. lt is understood that the Legislature s matting a thorough examiuatioa of these expenditures, and whatber they can be reduced or not can be ascertained only upon the report of the retrenchment committee; but it should be clearly ap prehended by the public that if any con siderable reduction in the public disburse ments is to be made, it must le made in these items. Why, if all the departments of administration were to be utterly abolished, the consequent relief is taxa tion would be so slight that the people generally would fail to note it unless at tention should be particularly called to the reduction We are not informed whether the ap propriations for ih'f penitentiaries ur lor the public chariiieoc.m or cannot be re duced (that for the VV. N. C. Railroad is made in the State's interest and to save it from loss), but utile s they can be re duced, the people will suffer disappoint ment should they be led to believe that by any possible curtailment of other ex penses their taxes might be considerably lightened. EWS AND VIEWS. The Danville (Va) Council has laid a tax of 2 per cent on net incomes in excess of $600. In the fourteenth century the 'Black Death' plague 1 ft 80,000,000 dead. The number of its victims in the nine teenth oentury may not be less . John M Cpok, the London tourist and excursion agent, was arrested in New York, Saturday, for libel at the suit of his fotmer partner, E M Jen kins. The bail was fixed at $5,500; damages laid at S50.000. Charles and Frank Morris, brotDers, were shot and instantly killed on Fri day night near MeLeansboro, III., by brothers in-law, Hale and Craig, to whose house they had gone for the purpose of killing them. Mrs Lucy M Caldwell, who murdered her husband with an axe near New bury port, Mass, wbile he was kneeling in prayer, has been sent to the insane asylum. A New York wedding nearly ended in a tragedy the other day. The brides maids stood so near a register that at different times during the ceremony and reception their trains lay upon it, and the white ruffles which trimmed them were scorched and almost ignited. Jacob Yeakle, an aged gardener in Terre Haute, Ind, was brutally struck on the head by his son with a board in which were projecting nails. These, entering his bkuil, caused wounds that will result in death. The parnoide fled aud has not yet been captured. Hon. Jefferson Davis in a recent letter, says he favors a Southern Pacific railroad, but that Senator Mattbews's bill, as it now stands, ia a delusion andja snare, so far as the in terests of the South are concerned, and is solely calculated to be a feeder for a powerful Northern monopoly. BLITICAL. THa flrai Aditwm MM aermoas oi m the late Rev W B JiBlwey, L u, ol toe Methodist EpiseofWraroh South, has been sold. m- Gen. Sherman ssys thai Georgia and Floride erf now receiAg ' be beat possible type of Immigration, and that the whole Southern country ;s stepping abreast of the North. President Grey hits been separated from his wife for many years, and the Paris papers are pointing out that in his present position the situation will have its inconveniences. General E Kir by Smith, in his ram bles through the South, Js making known the excellencies of the Univer sity of tbe ont, s Us ausj s , 'Jfeno, ef which school he is the head. A Kansas paper reports that what is supposed, by s jme to be a volcano has been discovered twelte miles north of Oawker City, that Stste. Smoke and ho air issue from the ground, which is so warm that the snow has been melted from 'he bluff. Judge Key has received so many letters preference to the Martin-Key estates of $200,000,000 that he an nounces his wiUingoese to give a quit cl Aim to his share of the money for a quart of postage stamps, or enough stamps to answer all the foals who write to him about the business. Henri Boehefort calls Gam bet t a, in his artiole in La Marsetliaise. a harlequin,' 'an Italian buffoon, 'a traitor,' 'a fatted satrap,' 'a.vaiu cros- breed.' and other elegant epithets. As for M Jules Ferry, he is a mere 'res taurant waiter,' while MM. Proust and German Casse are 'toadies and base iT.il ' UnUOICi a. MOONSHINE. - -coa- One of the stings of winter sting. Yonkers Gazette. Who puts the oyster in his little bed? New Haven Register. Sound to the Corps A bugle call. Cincinnati Saturday Night. The duty on sugar is to use about two lumps to every cup of coftae. New Haven Register. Young man devoted to and express ly manufactured for society, clasping his head in agony 'Ah, by Jove, how my head aches ! Awfully, by Jove V Sympathizing friend, student in Wil son's dental room. 'Oh, you'd better have it pulled; then, after a thought ful pause, 'or filled 1 Patient moves away with an injured air, and the young dentist smiles after him more thoughtful than ever. Builington Hawkeye. Wit sometimes consists of an unex pected definition of words, 'Father, said a youthful prodigy to the pro feasor of mathematics, 'can you tell me the difference between one yard and two yards ?' Iq an instant the mathematical brain began to run over the theorems of Euclid, but no clear answer came. The proiessor looked into the boy's face, and remembered hat Hayden played the cathedral or gan when he was 5 years old, and be" gan to wonder if this boy was equally gifted. 'Do you give it up f 'Yes, my son, I think I must; and he grew very grave and solemn. 'Well, the real difference is a fence, father.' The boy went out to play marbles, while the old gentleman thought of a great many things which he couldn't ex press. New Englaud Journal of Edu cation. v Source of Much Bodily Evil. If tbe habit of body becomes irregular. much evil is inflicted on the system. The stomach becomes dyspeptic, billions symp toms de velop themselves, the circulation is contaminated, and the nerves share in the general disorder. It is of the utmost im portance that tbe bowels should be thor oughly and speedily regulated when they grow derelict. The corrective agent best adapted to this purpose is Hostetter 's Stom ach Bitters, a wholesome, uon-griping vege table laxative, worth all the rasping cathar tics invented since the time of Paracelsus. People who have been in the habit of using blue pill, calomel, and other drugs and cheap nostrums for constipation, should abandon such hurtfnl and useless medlolnes, and substitute for them this pleasant and gentle apperient, which not only produces the purgative effect naturally , but also strength ens while it regulates the bowels, stomach and liver. It moreover cures and prevents intermittent and remittent fevers, gout, rheumatism, debility and urinary troubles Thot. H. McKoy, Eobt H- McKoy ATTORNEYS AT LAW WILMINGTON, N. G Office North side Market street, between SecoDd and Third streets, jan 27-t f The Latest Out. THE GENUINE STEWART SEWING MACHINE. THIS MACHINE HAS BEEN greatly improved, and the Company insists on the following advantages : Speed, light running, perfection and ca pacity of workmanship and material. Beauty of finish and great wearing qual ities ; and The best wood wuik ever put in this market. Also, a verv extensive stock of ALL KINDS OF FURNJTUKifi i u hand, to be sold from TO-DAY on, Lower than Ever Before Offered in this Market. Call and see for yourself at F. A. SeaOTTL'S, 26 and 38 Front and 11 and 15 Dock sU feb i Miscellaneous TO ADVEBTISER8. Geo. T. Howell Jf Ttfs SELECT LIST OF Local Newspapers. Many parsons, sopposa this list to be com poed of CHKAP. low-priced newspapers. Tbe fctis qaitoMherwi-e. The catalogue tatesexicly what the papers are. When tbe name of a paper is printed in FULL P A.CE TY it is in every instance tbe BEST paper in the place. When printed in CAPI TALS it is the ONLY paper in the place, When printed in roman letters it is neither the best nor tbe only paper, bat is usually a very good one notwithstanding. Tbe iHt gires the population of every town sod the circulation of eTery piper, IT IS NOT A CO-OPERATIVE LIST. IT IH NOT A CHEAP LIST. At the foot of the Catalogue for each St te the important towna which are not corered by the list are enumerated. IT Id AN HONEST LIST. The rates charged f ir advertising are barely one-6fth tbe pub lishers' schedule. Tbe pi ice for single States an. es from $1 te $50. Tbe price for ose inch four weeks in tbe entire list is $620. The regular rates of the papers for the ssme space and time are $2,926.66. The list includes 9S6 newspapers of which 179 are I'sued DAILY and 776 W fcEKLY. They are located in 799 different cities and towns, of which 25 are State Capitals, 346 places of orer 6,000 popu lation, and 486 County Sen's. Itists lent on application. Address Geo. P. RewellACo'a Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Sprue sa-eet, ( Printing douse Square), Asv lore. feb 1 1 mos The Collins House On The European Flan. Corner Front and Bed Cross Street Near Union Depot- T RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO. X my friends aud the public that I have opened the above House and am now pre pared to furnish meals and lodgings. Restaurant open at all hours. Prices low and bed-rooms neat, ctaan and airy. Special rates by day, week or montb. OThe only Restaurant in tbe citv. W. M. COLLINS, oct 26-2tawin-thu Proprietor. C. L. Cowles, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CUTTER. jyjAKING A XI) CUTTING SUITS TO order, Repairing, Cjcaneintr and Renovating old Clothing, makicg them look almost as well as new. Bringr in tout last Spring suits asd have the o iginal gloss put on them at the low p:ice of'$l 50. Patter as cat for Men's, Youths' or Children's garments, All work guaranteed a d at prices which defy compe tition. Tailoring Department orer OTTER BOUKG'S MEN'S WEAK DEPOT. j an 29 GREAT BARGAINS ! SOL BEAR & BROS. QFFER ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE and cheapest stocks of Ready Made i lothiug ! AND 1 Gents' Furnishing Goods In thia City or State. A full and complete stock of custom-made Boots and Shoes at Manu'acturer's Prices. Give us a call before going elsewhere, dec 14 SOL BEAR A BROS. Change of Schedule- ON AND AFTER THIS day tbe Stmr. Passport, will make daily trips to Smith ville. leavinjr Dock at 9.30 A. M., leave Mnithvi le at 2.30 P. M, Tickets 9 1.00, Round Trip. oct 23 GKO. MYERS, Agent. Open Day and Night. JP C. MILLER'S DRUG STORE, Corner Fourth and Nun streets. Prescriptions compounded with care and at reasonable rates. Perfumery, Soaps, Fancy Articles, Cirars and afull line of fresh GARDEN S8KL. jan 27 Tonsorial, IT ATLVG AGAIN located in the base LX ment of the Pur cell House, I bare thor oughly renovated and improved the old stand and am now prepared to shave, shampoo, trd cut hair tor everybody. The beat of work men, cleantowels, sharp razors and low Prices. KLYIN aRTIS, july 27 Pureell House Barber Shop. At John Carroll's Yu GET THE BE8T WHI8KET pass ed over any counter in this c ty A solemn fact! Also, Wines , Liquors and Cigars, ao free luach every day. The Celebrated Winberry Ofsters sold only at THI COSMOPOLITAN, jan 21 Each, and all styles, including Grand Square and Upright, alt strictly narr-CLaas, sold at the lowest war casS wholksilS raeroar prices, direct to tho rtracHAna. These Pianos made one of the finest displays at the Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re commended for the Highest Hokor orer 7 . Regularly incorporate Man ufacturing Co.-Factory established orr 36 rears. The Square Grands contain Math, shek s new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement ia the history ef Piano making. The Uprights are tbe finest n America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't ail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive fatalogue of 48 pages mailed free. ' MENDELSSOHN PIANO 00 pt &-ly 21 East 15ih street, N Y NEW PIANOS $125 Miscellaneous. LP. L. BttlDttEBS &u 1A' Ami wln'Hrreai ft UyMe fta .tor. If ill appreciate more than ever UfWt That oar ma e do s sot vaiair at -, To climb 0 vmpus, aud taftoHs? jsjsjsjjfc la the attei pt, bit kpa sa eves pee With the time, an i always poltt to ik Where tKey Wsw ' about ose special fl Which by, withoa doubt, tka tr. tj'sbt ring. And this thing we wil briely SXfAsisj, With the hope that we wi 1 eases sfepala To brother groce a, who, ifsjyearsjgose oy Learned to get foods at; figares that ,a high. Unfortunately we ere some of iu UelU To fjllow the euwo pof "4'jld Lat.g Bat we consi U t ii matter ( cBf rtnltiua That we're no fogy huiiur-s ia usr edacati! Ia old time big profits" hdi wtde Vas(t And old habits are kard, hard to estaag s. Of Wjlmingten grocers we take-tfce U i Now t prore this SMerttesj we oy t.,t To remine the public that our eieaa aew store Made ethers be raioed and ser-pt a Ht seocsi Like sU bus in ess' me u whs are traU m'u We at once began i exUQaivtlyadreruse, When our friends eatefcing'th idea, ti otgfct it rli To increase their aptce.. a the putt tell I Atfirst we put some poetry fa our, "ad," But when they saw this plan was not bad, They followed oar lead, lad wh-n we trtei 1 3 'i If X )-S5 r prose JjlfiA , 1 hey followed as nicely as if led by the aW We next thought 'twould be well te try rhyme, When lol they gra pd the Idea as sabHaui 1 J ' O syw 4) mm Hai i ft Though "ithey bare followed in all we havt doas, When this battle is weN fought sod wos, Some will see that "extra percent." isn't "nonsense," But with old stock and Buch ueavy expeais, i hey will Bad that the priees of P. L Irtiftri A Co. 1 toliewed will surely bring the to wee! , p o -e that we uv aa what we say, e announce that we sell for a week frost to- d'J' 3jSM 9 Eleven pound f "A Hugr" far aly d.llar, t V hicb lead we inrie all gr -rs to follow. The muse here taught tight of that ae horse grinding machine of Herr Yoa It i Kriugle, and wa s thoroughly dtogwitsd St tne cneap way i grinding out poetrv that neither lore nor m on eT could induee hiss te nniah our rhyme, to-rt had en enure te fta aorupt easing. Respect! aBy and Truly, Jau K P. L. WOOER. A 00. Flower and Card .Ml THE CIIOKJKSr VARLklisii JU&T i FROM THE GROWER ND GUARANTEED NEW. Jsuf -i a i . i MW X. C. HAMS, S U O AE-C USED HAMS snoULDEaSaodrBIPS. ST1 vat its Hue AesoitaaaiiL of C AXES and FRESH GOODS RECEIVED Jby evsrj Steamer. BUTTEU at 30c, 25 and 30c per -ud,ell guaranteed Fresh and Sw-t. Jarnet C. Stevenson. f eh 3t 4 : : Theodore Joseph, Corner of Hmreott k tfc!iatT? ft One Corner West Raleigh raleigh; N. r Beard by thsdar or oaths sar Satisfaction gurraateed hi every partSeaUr My hswis supplied with Fiaehr. OeiAfS A and C, aad aaay. more a the fiaes Brands of Rye aad Kentucky Brboa. It Samples from Haiti mope and New Orleans QRDBR8 for Moiaeeea, frwar.CosTas.rfssf, Moats. ' ' 11 ' M- Urn prices br JABTt. PlTTkWAT, sees

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