14 A. THIS PAPER Is oaoliiiied ererj afternoon, Sundays ex acted T JOSH. T. JAMES, SDITOK A,2tt PKOPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID, uaa year, $6 00 Sax months, $2 50 ; Three months, SI 26 ; One month, 60 cents. The ppr will be delivered by carriers, re of charge, in any part of tbe city, at '.be above ratee, or 13 cents per week. Advertising rate low and liberal "Subscribers will please report any and ill failures to receive their papers regularly. STATE PRIDE I BROW J & RODDICK. 45 Market Street WK TAKE (iRET PLt'AHCR'S la Caliing particular altetitioa to tbe fol lowing Departments for tbe NXT TWO WEEKS We are making SPECIAL EFFORTS to introduc - ever vtu a that it cew is our line of buieeet, anfl OUK PRIDE is to do so a such prices that tbey cannot lielp attracting tbe attention of EVERY ONE IN WANT OF SUCH GOOD?-. Ladies' Underwear. We bare just opened a full assortment of the above, viz: Tuck and Fancy SKIkTS, CHKMISE and MUHT DRK.SS and call particular tetition to a few Lots that are DECIDED BARGAINS. Lot 1. 38 D z. WALKING SKIRTS, 6 Tucks, i Hem. 53c, worth d u ble tbe money. Lot 2 20 D'z. CHEMISE, Tucked Yokes. 5 J cents, worth at least 75 cents. Lot 3. 17X Dos. CHEMISE, Tucked and Emb'd Yokes. SO cts; amaryel of cheapness. Corsets. We have the Largest Stock of CORSETS that has ever been offered in this city, and arc Making Specialties of the following makes, Our Ooods are bought direct from the Manufacturers and Importers, and ffler them at prices that will compare favorably with any Dry Goods House in the country. 40.1ox. 60 Bone SIDE STEEL CORSETS, 60 cts a pair. 38 70-Bone COR8ETH, Silk Em broidered, 76 cts a pair: Sole Agents for the Celebrated LA REIN fc CORSETS. 75 cents- They are made under a Patent. No Cutting or Kipping of Seams being Req ired. To remove tbe Steels ah that need to be done is to unlace the Little Bilk Lacer. i very Pair Warranted. Hamburg Edgfing and Insertions- Decidedly the Cheapest Line we have shown: Give us a call. Parasols and Fans. We have opened this dav a very large stock of Sunshades and Fans, having bought Very Low for Cash. They are at lest 25 per sent, les than they will be when in sea son. We have many Novelties. 'Sole Asent for DEVLIN A CO., of New ork. GENT'S SUITS made to order. A beautiful Lino of Samples for Spring Wear. Call and look them over. Brown Sl Roddick. 45 Market Street feb 15 Coins; North. J AM GOING TO THE NORTH In a few days for the express purpose of laying in th LARGEST AND HANDSOMEST STOCK OF GENTS' AND YOUTHS' SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ever seen in Wilmington. Stock on band win therefore be sold THIRTY DEGREES BELOW ZERO, as I must have money to boy new goods. The Bast Unlaundried Shirt in the City for 75 cts- at SHRIER'S EMPORIUM, feb 80 Market st. Attention! Headquarters for Clothing ! 7 OU CAN BUY NOW THE GREAT est Bargain ever known in tbe annals of history. No Humbug! Must be sold in order to make room ior SPRING STOCK, A. DAVID, 1 The Clothier. feb 10 v Furniture. JUST RECEIVED FROM FACTORY, l a large assortment of Walnut and other grades of FURNITURE, which we offer at Great Bargains, call and examine. feb 19 D. A. SMITH & CO. THE VOL. IV. LOCAL NEWS. Largest City Dircnlation, New Advertisements. P.IIe'nsbeuqes Gold Pens, Ac. GaaHABpi &. Co Baggie?, Harness a eg Saddles. j , Williams & SfoaCHisoa Just Received. Boatwbighi A McXojr Family Grocers. Giles A Moncaisoi Plows Plows. James C. STEvaasos Astonishing Prices. A SHaiEH-Going North. J. C. Munus, Druggist. Globe Flower Syrup. 8. J aarsir Christmas i Ove". - - - Knights of Honor meet to-night. A table of interest the dinner table. Tbe day after washing day is one of sad iroDy. Th" United States Mail is carried to Smithville daily on the steamboat Tire Fbj Two -nrominent railroaders from this city, Col. Cridgers and Mr. Pope, were in Raleigh on Saturday. W by is it that childien never fall into a tub of cold water? 1 failing into hot water. icy are frequently Why is fjt that a young man can fasten a pair of skates on bis sister's feet in half the time it takes him to fasten them on anybody elses sister's feet '.' Tbe visitors of tbe L-idies Benevolent Society will meet at tbe Hook & Ladder Hall, Tuesday, P. M. T.'arch 4'h, at 4 o'clock 2t. Be wise in time and procure Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, which always cures Coughs and Colds, and prevents consumption. 2f cent? large size 0 cents. Thus far March has advented itself in a rather quiet manner. According to the proverb it must, therefore, go out like un to a Hon. Mr. Julius ffahn, who has been North fjnfftrny ;n k ef.-sr.i- -Cf,-..,., fjajj ret umed. Lo'-k out far an advertisement atiugjbnrgains in a few days. Speculators got bold of all the shad in market on Saturday and were charging seven ty-fivf cents for buck, and ore dollar and twenty cents for roe shad. If vou sea a bank note on the sidewalk or crossing, he sure you pause, stop and pick it up. In not doing so. you might be guilty of passing a counterfeit bill. Col. B. E. Moore will read the regukr monthly paper before tbe Historical & Scientific Association lbs evening and something good is reasonably looked for. Pneumonia invariably begins with a cold -to which scarcely arybody attaches any importance, and the cold is neglected until it results in the painful and always alarming disease. Instead of excluding the sunlight from our houses, says th3 Manufacturer and Builder, lest it fade the carpets and draw flies, and bring freckles, we should open every door and window and bid it enter. There has been considerable interest manifested in tbe services at the First Baptist Church the past week, five persons having connected themselves with the church during that time, two of whom received the ordinance of baptism last night. The Twins. A pair of colored twin brothers, by the name of Baker, living in this city, occa sional! v act on a fclisht tare, but - c -J they take it one at a time, or in other words, they alternate the spree. Satur day night it was Isaac Baker's time and he ripped and snorted -to such an extent that the police had to take a turn with him by escorting him to the guard house. This morning the Mayor told him he could pay $5 or alternate in tbe guard house for ten days. Premium Wine We can confidently recommend Speer's Port Grape Wine, which was awarded the highest premium at the World's Fair, as a superior article of wine for the sick and debilitated, and all those who require vinous stimulation and invigoration. Tbe Vineyards are at Passaic, New Jersey, near New York City. Messrs. J. C. Munds, P. L. Bridgers Co. and Green & Flanner sell the Wine. A young lady who was rebuked by her mother for kissing her intended, justified the act by quoting the passage: "What soever ye would that men should do unto you, do yo even so to them." Daily WILMINGTON, N. Cv Thero are just ono hundred streets in Wilmington, the majority cf which are from one to two and i half miles in length. We have no means of determining the total of miles of streets in the city, bnt imagine it cannot be much leas than two hundred all told. Excolor. We thank Messrs. T. B. Henderson A Co., of North Front street, for a pound package of "Excolor" smoking tobacco. manufactured by A. Harvey, at Kinston X. C We have tried it and consider it very gcod. Mr. Henderson informs us that he can sell this tobaoco at a consid erably lower price than is charged for tbe brands manufactured at Durham. A nother Petition: There was a counter petition in circula tion among the merchants and busmen men of this city, this morning, to pray the Board of Aldermen, at their meeting 'his evening, not to consent to the remo val of tbe maiket house, at present loca ted on Market street. The matter will be discussed, both pro and con, at the meet ing to-night. Suffering at Sea. The schooner John Middleton, which arrived at this port on Saturday evening last, had very severe weather daring her passage here and the entire crew suffered greatly from the cold. Two of them were very badly frost bitten, one of whom died while, the vessel was coming np the river. The other, having received medical atten dance, will probably recover. Tribute to Re?. Dr. vYingate. We learn that the Rev. J. B. Taylor, the worthy Pastor of the First Baptist Church, in this eity, referred in a moat feeling and eloquent manner in his sermon yesterday (Sunday) morn log, to the memory of the Rev. Dr. Wingate, late President ef Wake Forest College, in this State. It was lis tened to with tearful interest by tbe Urge congregation assembled, who considered h a jujt tribute to the departed worth of one who had labored long and faithfully In The Master's vineyard. Unmaiiable The following is a list of unmaiiable articles remaining in the Post Office in this city: Peter J Smith Boston, Mass, paper, Lucilla Smith, Hampton, Ya, paper; Edward Bush, Constantime, N Y, paper; Alexander Cooper, Oxford, N C, paper; Wizard Manf'g Co, 767 769, Brooklyn, N T, letter; Messrs De Grand, Ayman Co, New York, letter; Morgan, Balti more, letter; G W Ford, 239 light st, Baltimore, letter; One blank envelope, No address. Mr. James Danforth. This wcrthy young gentleman, former resident of this city, and favorably know for many a year here and in Pender has gone to his former home in New Hampshire to remain there until Fall. By his efforts in the cause of education and material improvement he has dene much good, and mads a large number of friends among our leading men. Unlike tbe swarms of political adventurers who came South after the war, he came for the noble purpose of doing good, and is f ally identified in sympathy and interest with our struggling people. Such men nave always been welcome here as this true hearted man and good Democrat has been and will be on his return. He is an hon est man and a fine teacher. May success and happiness attend him through life. He has resided in Pender county for sev eral years. Dooley's Teast Powder, This truly unrivalled baking powder stands on its merits alons; and because of its purity and excellence, and from the fact that every package is strictly full weight , the people have adopted it in their households and have the utmost confidence in it. It always does the work effectually, goes much further in use, and makes better I and mnro trhrilpnww rH nntTifinn Vi;b . mnffin, . pastry than any other powder in the coun try. ' The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at his place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta, Gv &3 Cairo, 111.... 34 Charleston, 8. C....53 Cincinnati... ... ......40 Corsicana, Tex 38 Fort Gibson, C 5.27 Galveston... ........ ..55 Indianola S3 Jacksonville, Fla...53 Knoxville.............37 Lynchburg.......... M Memphis, Tenn.....3o Mobile, Ala M MoHrasuesi Ala.. .63 Bashvills ............11 New Orleans... ...... 8 New York........w.31 Savannah, Qa. ...... 5 S ShreTeport.... ....... 43 St. Louie Mo 31 St. Marks, Fla M Vicksburg,Miaa....45 Wilmington. .61 Putting five cent pieces in the collection it now called nickle plating. Review. MONDAY, MARCH The Battle or A verasboro. In the Southern Historical Society Pupert for March we find a short but in teresting correction, or rather, adden dum, to Gen. Taliaferro's report of the batt.e of A verasboro, in this State, in which justice is doae to the only North Carolina infantry engaged in that fight, a battalion under the command ef Oapt. A. Li. DeRoeset, of this city, which had been assigned to Geo. Stephen Elliott's brigade a day or two previous to the en gagement. Maj. Graham Daves writes tbe article. He says of the part which thi North Carolina troops took in the fiht: e On the morning of tbe lGth of March. at A verasboro', the battalion was moved to the left of Bhett's brigade, which held the left of our line. Daring the fighting ot that morning, as described by Gener al Taliferro, Captain DeRoeset, finding his men slowly pressed back, asked Colonel W. B. Butler, commanding Rhett's bri gade, for orders, explaining that General Jbluott was too far away, on the extreme right, to report to in ths smergeney. Col onel Butler replied: "I have no orders te give you;" his answer being evidently prompted by a not unnatural reluctance to give orders to troops under fire not a part of his command and not ordered to report to him. In the handling of his own brigade Colonel Butler evinced great skill and exeeMent judgment, and his praises were in very mouth. Turning then to an officer commanding a Georgia battalion on his right nrobablv the Twenty-third Captain De&osset advised that the two commands charge and retake the position from which they had been forced. This was determined upon, but in the act of giving orders for the forma tion for tbe movement, Captain DeRosset tell, almost at Colonel Butler's feet , shot through the lungs, as was supposed, mortally wounded. Even in that situa tion he rallied a few men. who had broken, before being carried to the rear. When the army moved on towards Beatonsville, Captain DeRosset, with tbe other dangerously wounded, was left and fell into the hands of the enemy. Thev finding it impossible to remove him, first relieved him of ail his superfluous person alty, and then paroled him. Kind friends came to him from Kaleish. oaasinr thsough the lines of both .armies under Beauregard tyth writer; snd.coutrsry to all expectation, their gentle nursing ef fected his recovery. 4 County Commissioners. Board met at 2 o'clock present, Col. Was, L. Smith, Chairman, Commissioners Bagg, Montgomery, Grady and Worth Minutes of last meeting read and approved . The County Treasurer's report for tbe month of February for scconnt of Educa tional and Special and General fund ex amined and found correct, ordered spread upon the minites. Register's report to 8 1st December, 1878, was submitted and upon examination found correct and ordered filed. The claim from Wake ounty ofor pauper Robert Powell jwas not allowed, the said Powell not being a citizen of New Han over county. Claim from Mecklenburg county, for pauper Joseph Johnson, referred to the County Attorney for examination. Application to retail liquor was granted M. M. Dunning. Note The Board was still in session a the time of our going to press. The meeting of the Board of Aldermen to be held this evening, promises to be an unusually interesting one. New Advertisements. ASTONISHING PRICES! TOU CAN BUY AT MY STORED ON MARKET STREET, lLb, ofOronad Coffee, st 15c Guaranteed pure. Bright Yellow Soger te Pure White do 3c Standard "A" do 13c Good Green Tea... ..4Cc Good Butter . 10e FULL STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICES, including all grades oi COFFEES, Roast. ed every day under my own supervision ; and when I sell a certain t-ind I know what lam doing. Ceil and get it warm from the Roaster CHEAPER than any one else can sell It in this city. jambs c. mmm aunt 3, 187. NO. 22 New Advertisements. Boatwr ight & McKov ARE V Better Prepared THAN KVER To Furnish the Best ! GROCERIES! AT THE Lowest Market Prices- We beg our patrons, ia every instaoca ia which Goods sent them are not satisfactory, to please advise ns promptly. We desire to please, and shall exert every energy to at compliah that end. Any mistakes on the part of any pro prittor or employe in our establishment, if reported, will be promptly remedied. We require of our Cartmen polite ness and prompt delivery of Goods. We think we know the wants of the people of the City of Wilmington and the sur rounding country, and we propose to supply a goodly numbsr, that is, if selling GOOD GOODS at LOW PRICKS will accomplish that end. We stake np all oar bills promptly at the end of the month, aid would be pleased " -" f m f". il, o .j It has been ea-d that shorT settlements tie. make long friends. WE CANT, NOU WONT, BE UNDER SOLD. "MIND THAT." Boatwright & JffcKoy. , 7 dk 8 Worth Front St. mch 3 Just deceived. ANOTHER SUPPLY of. that Celebratec Brand ef JACK FROST FLOIR : Awarded a Gold Medal at the Paris Ex position. It has ao equal. The very finest made. Also 1000 BBLS FLOUR, all grades, OA A Boxes Drv Salted and OUU Smoked 'Bacon, c trf 8aekiava, Laruvra 4iO) and BJo;Ceffee. 1 TA Hbls Crushed. Granulated, Staad- JL U J ard A, Bx C, and O Sugars, 9 CA BM Porto Rico, Cuba, If. O. OOU and S. H. Molasses. 5Q Bbls. City Mess Pork, JQQ Tubs ehoiee Leaf Lard, OAAA Bew and Soeoad Hand UUU Spirit Barrels, Lake George and Lebanon Shootings, Manchester and Randolph Yams. Cracker, Candy, Soap, Starch, Soda, Potash, Lye, Snuff, Matches,! Corn, Hay, Oats, Glue, Bungs, Nalls, Hoop Iron, Ac, Ac. For sal lowby Williams 4t Mnrchison. mch 3-d Aw. Plows Plows ! PLOWS, CASTINGS, TRACES, Hames, Collars, Backhands, Bridies, Weed Hoes, Grub Hoes, Axes, And all leasonable Goods, at prices thai defy l usaiisrilhin, either in New York, Bal timore, or any other city. GILFH A MURCHISON, mch S-dArw 5 A 40 MurcLison Block. Buggies, Buggies, Harness & Saddles, FOB SALE AT 3rd St., opposite City Hall. REPAIRING DOBS WITH BEATBES8 ABD DISPATCH. HORSE4BOHEG A SPECIALTY stent PLLA8B ff 0TIC& Ws wtt Wk glad t receive esexnmnlaatfam frem oar fries sisy and sal rahjsetsct general interest but: The name ef ue writer it always to fu usaod te the Editor. Conununisatiose mast be v, fittm on a? dde of the paper. 'ereenh ties mast be avoided. feAnd it Is especially end par ilcularbr and toad that the Idltor does not always endues the views of oorretj on dec ti, unless so ittfte hi the editorial columns. New Advertisements. Cold Pens. ALL GRADES 1, SIZES AND Stylos, jgingwri Pocket Books. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. Just reccelved all new styles. QOLD ON THE INSTALMENT 41 u, HElNSBKROiCR'S, Live Book and Music 8tr.re. inch 3 rjlHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE euterecf into a Copartnership fur the purposl f dnctiog A GENERAL RETAIL GHC CEHRy BUSINESS, under the iirm and style of HOLMS8 e WATIERS Having had several years practical expr. rlence jn the business, in all its details, they propose by waiting in person upon their Customers Dromntlv. tn rlim .v kind patronage of their friends and the public generally. Shall keep the best articles to be obtain ed and sell them as LOW as the LOWEST. Expect to open about the 10th instM at No. 8 North Front Street, and respectfully it.vite all to call and examine the new aul iresn STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. GABRIEL HOLME, JOS. H. WATTERS. mch 1 OPERA HOUSE. POSITIVELY TWO NIGHTS ONLY t - Wednesday & Thursday March 5 & 6 SUCCESS OF THE SEASON ! j ! 3 aB-PTH,FIIfD8 L Troubadonr. and thn llnrril nn. kri ; 1 . T . . mihuu o pers. in tfeeir great Protean and Musical ereation, SCRAPS ! Reserved seats SI. admission Parquette . tl; Dress Circle 75; Parqnette Oirele Mb : Gallery 35e. Secure your seats early at ucuifucrger B. JXlCh J-bt T. B. Henderson & Co. T T AS REMOVFfi fn ntore fnvmal. LU A-A pied by Mr. Jno. H. Allen, North Front street, near Market I 60 Boxes Crackers, Cakes, Cabbage, Tur tips, Ac, Fresh Mountain Butter, etc. For sale eheap. men 1 'it NEWBURY'S, WAT FR STREET marsh Coal ! Coal M 1 1 . FRESH ARRIVAL, br.nt quality l All kinds of good WOOD! 0y Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest. J. A. SPRINGER, feb 27-3t.Oi-fri-mon. THE rtTEAMER WILL RESUME REG na.r Mm Hiltlitlt. MOB DAY. March 8, leaving her Wharf at BfSO ntnrnin.l I P. M. Having Imwib Orri nla4 KuI.m.. ated and Painted, w promise excursionists sad pleasure seeker aooomodations unsur passed. Tickets 60 cent. fPM GEO. MYBBE, Agent. Open Bay and Sight P 0. MILLER'S DRUG STORE, Comer Fourth sad Ban street. Prescription compounded with care and at reasonable rates. jffff7' 8Pa FMCr Article, Clgv and .full line of fresh GARDEN SEEDS, feb 28 mas is Over. J-JUT I WILL BE PLEASED TO.sorv yon in the Book and Stationery lino, end wiU endeavor to fir yo. satisfaction Is every transaction at , J, B. JEWETT8, dseff Front Street Bok Htere. Globe Flower Syrup TIJTOEELL HEPATTNE. A supply JUMMt each just received. WisUr'a Bai- am nf W i ti Durn- a i . . r rr . Soaps, Perfumery and Fancy Artider. Vat a. I a k JAMES a MUBD8, Druggkt, Third street, Opp. City HalL PJ"iptiom Compounded at all ours day or night ja e. Passp

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