THIS PAPER U paoiijbed evary afternoon, Sundays t copted b? J OH H . T. JAMES, KUiloH AMD fKUPKIKTOR. SGBttCRCPTI 08, POSTAGE PAID, go year, 6 00 Six months, 2 50 ; Three aioBlhj, $ 1 15 ; One month, 50 cents. ra paper will be delivered by carriers, rm mt charge, in any part of the ci ty, at the iflve rates, or 13 cents per week. Aavertisiag rate sow and liberal Subscribers will please report any and ,!l failures to receive their papera regularly. PLEASE SOTICE. Daily Review. We will be glad to receive communication from onr friends on any and all subjects ct general interest bat : The name f the Writer mtlrt aijrsya te fu nished t the Editor. Communications mojt be urtrtji onoD y one side of th paper Personalities tutst be avoided. HAnd it is especially and particularly aad stood ttat the Editor does not alwajs the Tiews of correspondents, unit ss so state in the editorial columns. VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1879. NO. 24 The STATE PRIDE ! BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street WK TAKE ORB T PLEASDR 3 In Caliing particular attention to the fol lowing Departinen s for the NEXT TWO W E K K S We are making SPFOTAL EFFORTS to intro uc everyh a- ihtt i new in our line of busings', and OUK PRjDE is to do so a web. pi ice that tbey cannot help attracting the attention f k VERY ONE IK WANT OF SUCH GOOD-. Ladies' Underwear. We hare just opened a full assortment of the above, vz: Tuck and Fancy SKItiTS, CHEMISE and MtiriT DRESS and call partiuulara tention to a few Lots that are DECIDED Lot 1. 38 P. t. WALKING SKIRT-, 6 Tucks, 'SX Hem. 5o, worth dou We tbe money. Lot a- Doz. CHEMISE, Tucked Yokes. .50 cents, worth at least 75 cents. Iiot 3. XI Doz. CHEMISE, Tacked aad Emb'd V oke. 60 cts; amaryel of cheapness. Corsets, We hare the Largest Stock of CORSETS that has ever been offered in this city, and are making Special tie or the following lakes, Our Goods are bought direct from the Manufacturers and Importers, anil offer them at prices that will compare favorably with any Dry Goods Howe in the country. 40,'Doz. 50 Bone 8IDE 8TEEL CORSETS, 60 c ts a pair. 38, Doz. 70-Bone CORSETS, Silk Em broidered, 75 c ts a pair. Sole Agents for the Celebrated LA HEINE CORSETS. 75 cents They are made' under a Patent. No Cutting or Ripping of Seams being Req tired. To remore th Steels all that need to be done is to unlace the Little Silk Lacer. Every Pair Warranted. Edging and Insertions- Deeiao1y e Cheapest Line we have . . m - tve us a call. Parasols and Fan. Whave opened this day T IsWfee stock of Sunshades and Fane, having bought Try Low for Cash. They are at least 25 per tek t . less than they will be when in sea- W hare many floreraes. Sole Antsfor DEVLIN A CO., of New Y ork. GENT'S SUITS made to order. A beautiful Line of Samples for Spring Wear. Call and look them over. , ft rown & Roddick. 45 Market Street- fob 1A frivar Nnrth J AM GOING TO THE NORTH in a few days for the express purpose of laying in th LARGEST AND HANDSOMEST 8TOCK OF GENTS' AND YOUTHS' SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS erer Men la Wilmington. Stock on band will therefore be sold THIRTY DEGREES BELOW ZERO, a I must hare money to buy new goods. Th Best Unlaundried Shirt in the City for 75 ts- SHBIER'S EMPORIUM, fb 2ft Market st. Attention! Headquarters for Clothing ! OU CAN BUY NOW T1IE GREAT est Bargain ever known iu the annals of history. No Humbug! Must be sold in order to make room for SPRING STOCK. A. DAVID, The Clothier. feb 10 Furniture. JUST RECEIVED FROM FACTORY, a large assortment of Walnut aud other grades of FURNITURE, which we offer at Great Bargains. Call and examine. ftb 19 D. A. SMITH St CO. LOCAL NEWS. Largest City Circulation. New Advertisements. P. Hbzk3bbrsk& Novels. E. P. Covixgton Butter. A. SuRiER-Going'Nortb. J. C. Mcnbs, Druggist. Globe Syrup. 8. JaWETT Christmas is Over I Flower Fagiu, the Jew Scraps! Rip Van Winkle Scraps! Cardinal Richelieu Scraps! ' Look at that bt!" Scraps! 'Tack up the lunch?" Scrap! "Here's the win. Ob!" Scrap! H'rn well--hardly ever! Scraps. 'DM vou tver? Ever! What! never? Eve ins Prayer, with lecture, at St John's Church to-nigbt at 8 o'clock. The box sheet for the performance to ni-ht has filled up rapidly during the day. The Committee on Finance from the Board of County Commissioners meet this Endorsed by the people as a safe reli able, harmlees a nd cheap remedy. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Col. Waddell's family returned here laat night from Washington City, but Col. W. will remain at the Capital for tho present. Mr. VanOrsdell, the photographer has just turned out fine pictures of Bishops Atkinson and Lyman. They may be seen at Heinsberger's Book Store.; .. We are sorry to learn that Mr. J. W Thompson.the very efficient Secretary and Treasurer of the W. & W. and W. C. A- again quite sick at his residence in this city. Lieutenaut Isaac J. Pickett's lemains will be removed in (he morning at 8 o'clock to Oakdale Cemetery. The sur viving officers and members of the corns funjr to which he was attached during the war will be in attendance. United S'.ates Senator, IIoq. A. S. Merrimon and Representative Hon. A. XI. Waddell, of the Congressional Dis trict, retired from public life, after a ser vice of distinguished usefulness and honor to themselves and their constituencies, yesterday, with the adjournment of the Forty-fifth Congress. Magistrate's Bow- John Dottery, coiored, was arrested on a Magistrate's warrant this rrorning for several cases of larceny and committed until G o'clock this afternoon fof trial. Henry Statcher was arraigned before a Justice's Court this morning forr an as sault upon Henderson Davis. Judgment of the Court was that the defendant pay a fine of one penny and costs The North Carolina Medical' Jour nal. The February number of this valua ble magazine has been laid upon our table. It contains a number of able and care fully written papers of importance to the profession in whoso interest and advance ment it is published. The leading editorial article, "A Lesson about Drinking Water," is' a truly able and valuable paper, which we wish could be read by every citizen, or, at least by every head of a family, in this city. It treats of the matter in a candid and dispa ssonate manner, yet it cannot fail to pro duce a shudder in the minds of all who have the vital interests of the city at heart. We wish that the entire article could be presented to the people of the city, or, at least, to the thinking portion of its in habitants, that they might be awakened to the perils with which they are j threat- ened; and we hope that the matter may be brought speedily to the. notice of those in authority, and whose duty it is! to look alter every interest of the people, that they may be warned it. season and take such steps as will remove as far as possi ble th dangers of an epidemic. The writer of the editorial in question deserves much credit" for the manner in which he has called attention to this threatening dauger from the use of impure water. Make No Mistake In Dooley's Yeast Powder you get the best article of the kind in the work). Toe cans are always full weight, the article itself the purest and strongest possible., so that a smaller quantity than usual suffices. Do you wnt your baking al- wava nerfect? Don't fail then to use Dooley's Yeast Powder. TFporapMcal. We have recieved from Mr. S. G. Hall's book and job printing bouse in this city, a quautity of blotters upon which are a cal endar for the present mouth and his busi ness card. The work is finely executed, aud his name printed io very pale pink, and extending across the entire face of the blotter, in which each indivdual letter is arranged from corresponding letters from a font of ordinary ype, is p-cu!i-tr!y pret j and iu excellent taste. Home Production. Messrs. D. A. Smith & Co. are busy to-day receiving a consignment of furni ture of various kinds, desks, chairs, tablet, bureaus &c. , made at works at Old Fort, in this State, of which Messrs. Smith & Co. are the agents her. They come in various kinds of weed, oak, chestnut, walnut, maple and popular are evidently put up with much care and skill. The finishing touches are given them here. Capt. W. J. Calais, formerly of this city is in charge of th'se works. For the Cape Fear By telegraphic dispatch from Hon. M. W. Rano"i, United States Senator from this State, to A. H. VanBokkelen, Esq. of this city, received yesterday, we are glad to announce that th appropriation for the improvement of the Cape Fear river is $100,000, instead of $25 000, as at first stated. We are pleased to note this inasmuch as the sum appro priated, judiciously expended, will be of great and lasting benefit, while the paltry sum at first reporteJ would be only a waste of the money. Election of Officers. At the regular annual meeting of the W. S. F. Engine Company No. 1, held last night, tho following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Foreman J. W. Lamb. First Assistant Foreman J. N. Husk. Second " E. G. Parmalee Corresponding Secretary A. C. Croft. Recording Secretary H. D. Burkai mer. Treasurer J. Cause. Chief Engineer E. W. Manning. First Assistant Engineer W. J. Smith; Second Assistant, Harry Hill. These are all re-elections except the Recording Secretary, Mr. Bnrkhimer be ing chosen to succeed Mr. W. W. Shaw, who declined another term. The Company adopted the new uniform recommended by the committee and also passed a resolution thanking Capt. A. D. Cazaux, ot the New York line of steamers, for bringing out the new hose reel. The Convention tf the 0. K, S. B, The Triennial Convention of the Jewish Order Kesher Shel Barztl will be held in the city of New York, at Pythagoras Hall, Nos. 134 and 136 Ganal street, on Sunday morning, March 9 th, and will be called to order at ten o 'slock precisely. The convention, when in session, is styled th Supreme Lodge of the Order, and is composed of one delegate from each subordinate lodge, and will continue in session four or five days, or nntil its business is completed. The Order is a very important and flourishing one, having increased rapidly within the last five years, and has lodges in almost all the principal cities of the United States and Canada. Important matters will eome before the convention for consideration, sneh as con stitutional changes, the ritual, geograph ical boundaries of districts, etc. Mr. S. Hanstein, of this city, is the representative for the State at large and will leave here on Friday to attend the Supreme Lodge of the Order. One of the demi-monde from Paddy's Hollow was arrested last night for being drunk and disorderly and this morning released with a reprimand. Premium Wine. We can confidently recommend Speer's Port Grape Wine, which was awarded the highest premium at the World's Fair, as A superior article of wine for the sick and debilitated, and all those who require vinous stimulation and invigeration. The Vineyards are at Passaic, New Jersey, near New York City. Messrs. J.JO Muods, P. L. Bridgers A Co. and Green & Flanner sell the Wine. Wilmington DUtncf irst round of Quarterly Meeting?, Mcth odist E. Church, South; Topsail, at Union, March 8 and 9. Onslow, at Tabernacle, March 15 and 16. The District Steward will please meet me at the Parsonage' of Front treet Church, Wilmington, Feb. 25th, 1879, at 10 o'clock, A. M. A ruH attendance is nesired. L 8. BuxiHAl). 1 Presiding Elder. , Sold and Got the Money Mr. F. A. Newbury, the live grocery man on North Water street, says that he has sold one thousand dozen eggs to-day at ten cents a dozen. There's a sum for you, sonny! See how long it would take for one hen to lay that many eggs, or how many hens it ould require to lay the same number of eggs in one day Hon Kemp P. Battle. We learn that Hen. Kemp P. Battle, President of the University of North Carolina, has written a letter to Rev. Dr Bernbeim, President of the Historical and Scientific Society, of this city, stating that he will deliver a lecture in Wil mington sometime between the 10th of April aud the 3J of May next. We do not know what subject Mr Battle in tends to discus?, but it will probably be something in the interest of the Univer sity. The Colfax. The Rtvenue CHtter Colfax, which is to relieve the Crawford, has not yet arrived here, although she has been daily expec ted for a week past A note from a friend at Wilmington, Dal., dated on Monday, explairs her no a appearance. Our friend writes: "The Colfax left this port for Wilmington, N. C. on the 28th ult, but after proceeds g a few miles down the river she encountered very heavy fields of floating ice which rendered navigation so very difficult that she was obliged to back out and return to port. An examination showed some slight dis turbances, such as copper torn in several places and some of the buckets of the wheels broken. These have all been re paired and the boat will probably start again for your port on or about the 6 th inst. The Colfax has been greatly im proved here. She is now the largest ship in the revenue service on the Atlantic Coast and, In my opinion, the best. The officers at present attached to her are as follows : Frank Barr, Captain; J. U. Rhodes, Lieutenant; M T Chevers, Chief Engineer, and E. P. Webber, Second Assistant Engineer. You will recognize all old friends in this list." The Pat blinders In view of the fact that this Company will appear at the Opera House this even ing, we publish herewith what one ot our nearest neighbors has to say of the performance of the troupe. We clip from yesterday's Raleigh Observer: A fair audience greeted this company last night at Tucker Hall. The piece presented, "Scraps," if piece it can be called, is certainly sui generis, consisting of a succession of burlesques and extrava ganzas, savoring more, perlaps, of opera bouffe than anything else, but with less of plot or connection. But whatever the shortcomings of "Scraps' the actors assuredly found the path to th risibles of their audience, whem they kept in an almost uninterrupted roar of laughter throughout their mirth provoking per formance. On the rendition of their sev eral parts, a feature worthy of praise and imitation by actors of greater pretentions is the life and spiiit which they throw each into his respective role, and maintain without flagging to the end. Upon this mimic scene the "man and brother," as in politics, loomed up in huge proportions, Mr. Sen fro w being welcomed always with shouts of laughter and applause, and doing to perfection not only his absurdities, but bearing him self with equal merit with the "Jaspers" m their creditable grand and lefty tum bling The music is only ordinary, the aria from Girofle Girofla, though given with vim, not being a pleasant reminder of the peerless Aimee; and Miss Jasper too, is best in Dollie Dobbins and Biddy Mnlrooney, in which she is really attrac tive. In his amusing imitations of actors Mr Rogers, perhaps, is the most natural as Fechter; hut the others are well render ad, and one who cannot enjoy a hearty laugh at the Pathfinders must have little appreciation of fun. Ma. Eihtor Review ; Without presuming in the least to die. tate to the different .papers published in our city, the manner in which tbey should be conducted, or the character of the arti cles printed in their columns, yet, In the name of decency, I must protest against the publication of such a disgusting item as the one that appeared in all of our papers on yesterday. The influence of the press upon the morals of a community cannot be overestimated and that iufluence should always b exercised fcr good. Can any' food result in any way from the publica tion, and so much in detail loo, ot such a revolting circumstance as the one to which j I refer ? The papers of the city are wel QOfjM guests in every household in our midst, tny are lead by young and old, male and female, and read uilh avidity, and I respectfully submit that too mu:h oar cannot be taken to avoid the publica tion of anything that would shock iheec sibility of the modest ox wound the piety of the devout. Bktzx. Hotel Arrivals Empire Bocae. Wilmington N. C, March oth. I. L. Dolby, proprietor. from 8:15 cfclock March 4 to 8:15 o'clock March 5th H j Begister, Whiteville, N C; Wm McLouchlin, Baltimore, Md; J D Croom, Shoe Heel, N C; J L Wil son, Baltimore. Md; R C Terry, Phila delphia, Pa, W W Byer-', England; M T Pricket, Richmond, Va: I L Dolby, Charleston, 8 C; Max Cent, Idlewile, K C; NCr Osleen, Sumter, S C; S S Berry. Rocky Point, NC;C A Tavl HilU ooro, . C. DIOCESE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Bishop Atkinson's Appointments. Vednesday, Maveh 19, p m.. Thursday, March 20, a m.. K Clinton rnday, March 21 Faison's .Sunday, Maic.i 4(h Sunday iu Lent.. . (ioMsboro Motiday, March j. m V:rs.n Tuesday, . March 25, ' p in Rocky Mount Wednesday, March 2(5. nin. held Friday, March 28 Kit -v . Sunday, March 30, 5th Sunday in i.e'.n . . ccoiianu Ajecii 1 .Hamilton 2 Wiiiiamston j ' . . .... j..Jamesil!e 4 ..Ply mouth 5. St Luke's, " Washington county ; 5, Palm Sunday Tuesday, April Wednesday, April Thursday, April Friday, Saturday, p:ii April Sunday, April .St David's 8 Hertford 9. . Woodville, Tuesday, April Wednesday, April v Perquimans couuty Thursday, April 10, a m. Camden C JJ do do p m. . Davis' chapel, Pasquotank Good Friday, April 11 Elizabeth City Easter Day, Apiyl 18 Edenton Tuesday, April 15. . St Peter's Chapel, Gates county Wednesday, April 10 Gatsville Thursday, April 17 Winton Friday, April IS Murfreesboro Sunday, April 20,1st Sunday af Easter, Woodville, Bertie co April 22 Windsor : i . j i t ,i Tuesday, Thursday Friday, Saturday, Sunday, ausu .t iiachsoii April 25, p m April 20 a m Halifax April 27, 2d Sunday after faster Weldon Collections tmde at each place for Dio cesan Missions. For the Review. The Western N. C. Railroad. Mr. Editor: Taxing the people of the State about two hundred thousand dollars a year for the benefit oi the Bond holders of this road, is repudiated by the people of the State. The 'people of eastern and middle North Carolina pay twenty-four out of every twenty five dollars that goes into the State Treasury, and to take their substance in this way to carry on this mammoth Western North Carolina railroad scheme that will never bene fit the East is an intolerable burden upon the East. Wealthy bondholders are thus favored to the neglect of internal improvement schemes in the East and in the mud e cf the State that are as important and neoessary to the development and interest of North Carolina as this JWestern N. C R. Road. The men who dig the soil and toil and moil at industrial pursuits want to know why this unfairness and ruinous discrimination is allowed? These mortgagebondholdera are not in Western North Carolina; most of them even reside elsewhere. The people are becoming indignant at being taxed to death to buil rail roads for wealthy holders of railroad mortgage bonds of railroad 3 that will be of service only to certain sections of the State. Turn on the lights and let justice be done. Pro Bono Publico. March 3d, 1879. The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Ofhce at his place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta, Ga 39 Mobile, Ala 47 Montgomery Ala. ..44 Nashville 46 New Orleans 49 New York. 40 Savannah, Ga 44 Shreveport 67 St. Louis Mo 3 SJL Marks, Fla 45 Vtclsburg, Mis8....52 Washington 42 Wilmington. 45 Cairo, 111 41 Charleston, Si C....47 Cincinnati L 33 Corsicana, Tex &7 Fart Gibson, C. N.53 Galveston.... 62 Indianola 63 Jacksonville, Fla...45 Fnoxville ...49 Lynchburg 51 Memphis, Tenii 46 Butter. CONSIGNMENT OF A NICE SWEET BUTTER, IN SMALL TL'B.J. For sale low by m h 5 E. P. COVINGTO. Novels. F OR SALE AT HEINSBERGEk'n : Philomene's Ma-rLajrs... 75c Tke Count de Camor;... 75c Fanehon, the Cricket 50c Bessie's Six Lorer's 60c A Quiet Life....... 50c Madeleine 50 c Miss Crespignv 60 Lindsay's Luck 26c Helene ....7ic ' annon 60c The Matchmaker 50c iabri?lle 50c Pretty Pollj Petnberton 50c SaTeli'a Fxpiation 60c Two Ways to Matrimony 60c Doria . 75c A Woman's Mittak 50c sen 5 Rew Advertisements. OPERA HOUSE. POSITIVE.? TWO NIGHTS ONLV ! Wednesday & Thursday March 5 & 6 SUCCESS OF THE SEASON ! ! ! TU : PATHFINDERS A 1.7 T,nK... aud tho ltarreloos Milton Jaspers, in their great Protean ana Mmical creation, SCRAPS ! An entertainment without a flaw, bein? a pronounced success by Press and Public everywhere. Reserved I seats $1 . S.dmision Parqui?tu SI; Dress Circle 75; Parquette Circle 8Dc ; gallery 25c. Secure your seats earlvl at Heinsberger's. mch ;L Water Mill Meal. 00 Brsiis. fkesii va. mfal, For sa!e by , mc 4 dlw HALL A PEARS jaLL. Coffee and Suear. 200 BA' r:T0 COFFEE, 1 (j() B'BlliS. REFINED 8CGAR, For sa'o b HALL A PEARS ALL. mc 4-dw Headquarters for Ale, Lager Beer and Porter. B MAKCU8 dL soars, No. 5 Market Btree (JAN FURNISH TOC WITH THE BES Alt-, Lager Beer and Porter, both keg and bottled, in the city, Country orders promptly attended i, inch 4 Bonltzsotel, QOLDSBOEO, '1ST. C. pRIQES REDUCED TO $1.25, $1 &0 and $2.00 per day,according to location of rooms. Single Meals 25 and 60 cents. Bar, Billiard Boom and Barber Shop attached to the Hotel- Accommodations for Ladies and fam tliee unsurpassed. 8pecial advantages offkr vd to Commercial Travelers. WM. BONITZ, eD H ' Proprietor. Notice. rjiaE UNDERSIGNED HAVE entered into a Copartnersh p for the purpose i,f conducting A GENERAL RETAIL GRO CERY BUSINESS, under the Arm name and style of HOLMES dt WAITERS Having had several years practical expe rience in the business, iuall its details, they propose by waiting in person upou ther enstomers promptly, to claim and merit the kind patronage of their friends and tin! public generally. Shall keep the best articles to be oblain- Led and sell them as LOW as the LOWEST. Expect to open about the 10th Inst, at No. 8 North front street, and respectfully invite all to call and es amino the new and fresh STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. GABRIEL nOLMES, JOS. H. WATTERS. mch 1 NEWBURY'S, WATER STREET inarch 1 Open Day and Night. p C. MILLER'3 DRUG STORE, Cor0r Fourth and Nun streets. 2f Prescriptions coroj.ouadi d with care and at reasonable rates. Perfumery, Soaps, Fancy Articles, Cigar, and afall line of fresh GARDEN feb 28 Christmas is Over. UT I WILL BE PLEASED TO'wr: rou in tbe Book and Stationery Line, and will endeavor to give yon satisfaction in every transaction at 8. JEWETT'8, de W Front Street Book 8tore. GJobe Flower Syrup. MERRELLIi IIEFATINE. A supply ot each just received. Wistar's Bal sam of Wild Cherry. A tine lot of ToiJet Soaps Perfumery and Fancy Articles. For sale by JAMES C. MCNDB, Druggist, Third street, Opp. City flalL Prescriptions Compounded at all hours day or night jj g - 1

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