nai biht 0$ Jti 'r?i4 i i - Miscellaneous WAIT NO LONGER BUT COME TO THE Exchange Corner! You should come at once and selectJ,your Japanese Goods before all are sold. A nice lot of those beautiful Waiters, only $1,2." pr set; they are going fast. The nicest r resent you can'give is a Hand kerchief U x with half dozen rice n& Or a tikve Ix with one or'more pairs of Gloves rvggs You should remember the Kid Glove De pot. TLe 4-Dutton Kid Glove ycu' should buy at once as they can" cot be duplicated in price. Only SI SDer Pair ! We can giveJyoubKid Gloves from 50c up. Come and get yourjpresenta at Exchange Corner for a little mone ! Y r-u can find a Present for any one, from the dailing babe to the robus man. We would call vour attention to the g Flexible Hip Corset For sale only at Exchange Corner I It is l' antv ! We invite all to'cv i::e as v.e are prepared to'see them on MONDAY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ! As we know it will not only be to their interest but to' their amusement also. . H. SPRU r,2 Exchange Corner. dec 21. The Daily Review JOSH. T. "JAMES, Ed. and Prop WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1870. Largest City Circulation. VIEWS AND BE Vf (-:". George llargreavcs, eighty years of aga Lirerpool merchant of good standiug has, just been sentenced to five years' penal servitude for forging a bill of exchange for $5000. The people of Rhu !e Island will give Senator Burnside a reception when he re turns home. It hss been something like tea years since a. Rhode IsLiud man mustered up nerve enough to call a man a liar, and ot.he pride of the Rtate is touched. Over 70,000 he id of cattle are shut up on the grazing range ia Nebraska, be tween the tw o forks of the Platte river. The deep snows prevent their reaching the grass, and some have already starve. I. Fears are entertaiued of the loss of the en tire herd. During a debate ia the jdaiue LcSsla tare, the other day, a lawyer sa eerihgly remarked to a journalist, who had : tl e fleor, that it was tha function of editors toj '-ferret out rogues and thieve. " Whereupon the editor mildly rejoined that it was "the function of lawyers to defend rogues and thieves." Somehow or other the Treasury ac count show that from 1874 to 1S7S the Republican financiers ia charge of the Treasury Department have paid $3,200,--433 more interest than the public debt calls for. This is a significant fact in con nection with Senator Davis' revelations of the forced balances and erasures on the Treasury books. Gea. Skobcleff is about to Lc appoin ted Governor-General of the Proviace of Kazan, holding at the fame time- the command of the troops within the Kazan military district. As the appoiutmcnt is one of the raot important ia Russia, it is considered by his friends that the merits of the hero of Plevna are at last to re- ; ceive imperial recognition. A salt well ar L" Roy, X. Y., Lad bsen bcred to a dep'h f 458 feet, whoi a rush of gas ' as ig ifed at the mouth by contact ; i. a - o . and the bLz? rose a hundred i v.. air. -A volume of water came nex, smelling j.-.. i tailing strongly of sul phur. TL : u . ' it it ions workmen fled in dismay, supr. i-; that the' infernal regions had bfeu ta ped. Sanstnr . . i ;:.Wire. has nine J mmm - w.-j... y - " J t '11 tl: . r A r. -.r i i I CUiiUrc-n. ilia LF-UCt tou, auuui aineteea yea; a, is a student at the Uni versity of Virginia. Several of the older chilirea go to school in Washington City. His wife has very little disposition for tcc; ty life, ahd passes her time with her chi .or en, giving an occasional plain reception. The Rev J j Cjok thus analyzes the action of a boy who climbs a tree to steal apple: "The apples are the objective nat ural motive; the boyfa appetite is the sub j dive natural motive; bis intention is Lis moral m tile.' Tin Chicago Tribune ald3 the following: "The seat of the boy t pautaii ons is the bulldog's objective natural mokivi ; the dog's appetite for small boys is the subjective) natural mo tive; he has no moral motive; his inten tion is to make mincemeat of the kid.f Corporal pui isLment u still permitted ia the public sch old of Boston, subject to he rule that it shall always consist of blows on tLe Land with a rattan. Super intendent Eliot advocates further restric tion, so that whippings 9hall nevr be in dicted while tiio teacher js in a passion. "There should be,:' he says, "an interval between the offence a ad the chastisement at least as long as that; between two ses sions." But imagine the torturing sus pense in which the pupil would be placed. The story rscen' ly set afloat that a real pirat e had jbeen'eeen plundering a ship out side the harbor of :Corlyj new turns out was set afloat for a particular purpose. The British gunboat, Goshawk has been for some time . ast engaged in protebiiiig the fisheries t blacknock, near Cork, and it is supposed that, lit erjier to carry out tht ir illegal pructic sjsome fishermeu circulated the rumor iLat a pirate vessel was olf the harbor. The intelligence! being conveyed to Lloyd's, the gunboat was ordered out to look after the phanitom depredator. In the meantime the piscatoiial poachers threw out their Iseiues and made large haul. 4 gC"a- - A PROFITABLE BjtfftlNESS- Corbin, d South Carolina, who for two years Las b en persistently working to obtain the seat ia the United States Senate to which Gen. M. C. Butler was elected and which he occupies, has retired finally from the contest. A bill has been introduced into the Senate appropriating $10,000 to Corbin. We hope and trust that bill will cot pass, for he had no valid claim to the seat, aud the appropriation would be, in fact, but so much money bestowed upon a scoundrel in bis attempt to perpetrate a fraud. To give a man $5,000 a year who was trying to defeat the expressed will of a sovereign State and rob'a Senator of the honors to which the voice of the people had exalted him, is paying possibly no moie than tlaef average price for Republican rascality,: but it is rather more, we thiuk, thau aiDemccratic Congress will feel called upon to pay. If such a precedent were ouoe established, the business of defeated candidates would be one of the most profitable iu which a needy politician could engage, and their number would soon be rapidly on the in crease, - i JE F F E R S ON DAVIS. No man ever exhibited sublimer cour age on the battle field than did Col. Jtffer::oa Davis at the head of his reg iment of Mississippi Rifles at the battle of Bueaa Vista, aud no one single officer or soldier did more to cause victory topercU upon the' American standard on that eventful day, than the distin guished gentleman named above. The result of the battle of Buena Vista wa one of the series of important j victories which led to an early termination of the war withalexico and which gained ior the United States the untold wealth acquired by the annexation hi California, All of this was brought about by Southern valor. General James Shields, Vtue hero of two wars as Lis particular friends like to de nomiaate him, received the ripest of his reputation. while in command of troops from the Southern States, and in additioa To this he was feted and feasted in several Southern cities,after the close of the Mexi- naa war; ia retura for which kindnee he J led a host of invaders during the late war upon Smthern soil, who buraed, de stroyed and devastated tbj property of some of h's former compatriots ia arms. Xotwithstaading all inn, wUea Geaeral Shields' name was mentioned in Congress some moaths ago for retirement with the rank aad pay of a Brigadier-General, his warmest friends aud the warmest advo cates in favor of this meausuro were Southern men. In retura foe this last kindness, this iagrate allude to the man whom he knows the Sohrhern people all honor and respect if jfor no other con -sidatioa, for the fact that he has been made the scapegoat for our acts in the following terms, during the debate in Congrew on tht. Mexican bill. thouglat that singling out Jeffer Davis fepni 10,003DOO of people in South was giving him a distinction greater than he deserved Mr. Davis cer tainly deserves greater distinction than any man that we know of now living either North. or Sooth for the part that he bore ia the war with Mexico, and fur the service that he has rendered h's coun'ry, both in peace and war, there is no man in this fair land of ours wbcm a maj ,rity of the SuthernJpeople would rath.r honorithan the hero of BuenaVista A POINTED SPEECH. Judge Hoadley, ol Ciicinnati, delivered an address Saturday night before the Hamilton County Democratic Club, n that fruitful topic, "The Electorsi Cona mLsion." He drew the curtain from the past in a very effective manner. Indeed the story of 1876-7 cannot be too often repeated before Americans, and the Judge was especially graphic on that Florida budness. After relating the steps which led to the order for a second count, he said : "Here was the Supreme Court saying, count Manatee, Hamilton. Jackson and Monroe, and here was Zach Chandler, trembling with fear leot the wicked Democracy should get the Presidency, saying, "You have got to count them, nut throw out something else." And the State Returning Board very quietly took Baker county and cut out Darby ville and Jacksonville, and gave Mr Hayes forty six majority in the State. That is how Florida came to be called a Republican. Stat Are you.surprised that the pebTe pf Florida are not in love with the Republican party? WLat did Florida do? Did it submit to hfe outrage? The new Keturmne Board, inaugurated with the in coming of a Democratic State adminis tration, made a r,ecaavassof the State and announced that Tilden and Hendrieks had carried it, and oq the same 26th of January the Legislature sanctioned the recanvass, and put the broad seal or the State ol Florida upon the result, by law. let, when the Electoral Comm'ssion met, tbe gro:inH on which the votes of lh' State was counted for H aye and Wheeler was the last ground that would pugge t itself the reasoa was the sacred dootrine of States rights. They had stolen the vote, therefore the State had the sacred right to have it stay stolen. They had stolen the vote, therefore ao power eXist iag in the United States could legally reclaim the stolea property. "The people of the Uaited States, alter the fraud was committed, were like Gen eral Turchin at Athens. After he cap tured Athens he said: "Boys, now at 11 o'clock I shuts mine eyes; at dree o'clock I opens dem.' Between 11 ahd 3 the town was 'put through.' That i pre cisely what happened here. The Ele toral Commission said: 'Boys, we shut our eyes; .on the 5th of March we open dem.'" I AX EXTRA SESSION. At 12 o'clock, noon, yesterday, (March 4th)the Forty-fifth Congress of the United States adjourned, without a date. In iti final hours it failed to make the necessary appropriations for the Legislative, Ex ecutive and Judicial expenses ef the gov ernment for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1880, and also filled tomame the necessary appropriation for the same pe riod. I a consequence of this Mr. Haves has issued his 4 proclamation caHipg' sti he Forty-sixthOoogres, extra sessioa of th to cenvene on the 18th inst. U . tt . i The reduction in the tux on tobaclco goes into effect on the 1st day of May next. nr PEOPLE AND TIIBW S. 'When a man begins to go down hill all creation seems greaeed for the oc casion. Josh Billings. 'On his head said the lecturer, 'there is nothing left to be desired.' The bald-headed man in the front row immediately rose to call to order. Boston Transcript. 'Truth crushed to earth rise again.' Strange coincidence. It' iust the same was a corn. After it ha been crushed to earth it generally rises high enough for a maD to hold it with both hands whilo he waltzes around on Jthe other foot. Oil City Derrick Zulu men are not permitted to mar ry until they are 40 years of age The result is that the wives find them ter ribly set in their ways. They smoke in bed, refuse to light the lire, and have no more perception of the re quirements of a full-grown baby than a mule has of the shorter oatechism, New York Commercial Advertiser. 'If I never can be freed from these adverse environments said the des pondent workingman 'Oh dear John' brokeun his tender hearted wifeiiave you got that ? It is too bad, you have suoh lucjr.. Is it catching? I do so hope the children won't have it, espe cially tha baby, for he's teething, and ' John didn't wait to hear more but started for the environments of the woodshed, where he chopped . ad versity oat of his mind, getting the kindlings ready for the morning fire Hew Hayen Register. A Visage Rivalling- in ifeljowneas That of a "heathen Chinee," if belongtag tx one of our race, can scarcely bo dseoribstl as attractive. But worse than this, it is the index of a disordered liver, of a liver that need arching and regulating, Tbe remedy is at hand, prompt, efjf. capious. A coarse of Hostetter's 3tomach Bitters witl e pel the misdirected bile from the blood and divert it into the proper channel, open the bowels, remove the dyspeptic symptoms which in variably accompany billlousness audcoun- IT teracttaerifeidly veloptag Br i m h mwt MS. tendency to of Hie liver, which ithAkln tad white krelfew -hue. The pains through tbe right lower ribs, aide and shoulder blade, the nausea, furred stats ol tha 'fBlfa upjUeaeant breath which Indicate liver complaint, in short all it dis MBeeablgcxmcvttat pre moa reepd VthU sovereign! celVe j wtiieh 1 -ditionCto it regulating properties is a superb cinal stimplany appetizer and nervine. Miscellaneous. - . Go To GEORGE MYERS', 11, 13. 6c 16 iouth rront St Make no Mistake ! "13 THREE STORES contain the 1 argeat and Finest Selections of Choice Family Groceries. Wines, 'teas, Liquors and Pro visions the City has ever Known ! . I Pony, Blue Gi ass, Delmonico Club House, ' Sweet Mash, 5inrky Hollow aDd Ken tocky ttena WbUkeye, Wine, Cham pagnes, H Hand Gin, Jamacia Rutn Ereccn Bratdy. French .. i ; Cordials. Dwmeetic Wines, - . . Oolong and Imperial I'e, 2b per eeiit ud- if . der Market Price. ' ICO Bbls Choice Red Apples, 100 Bb!s Potatoes, .V SO Boxes and Bales Oranges, lOOO Cocoa Nuts, lOO OOO Choice Havana Cigars, 3; OOO Cases Assorted Goods. Sweet Mash $3.00 per gallon. Baker's Old Rye $2.00 per gallon, Choice Teas 50 cents per pound. Make no Mistake. Give him a Call. feb 11 f.etsi P. L. BUIDGr ERS & CO. Those Who'll read thi rhyme and vtilt our store ; Will appreciate morethan ever before That our bum does not vainlt aspire To ciizbh Olanpas, and iaglerioosly eipireg Ia the attempt, but keeps an even pace With the time, an i always point to the place Where tey ' blow" about one special thing, Which has, without doubt, th true business i . riifflv ; : ' ed ", i And this thing w re will briefly explain, With the hope that we will cause no pain To brother grocers, who, ia yearsjgone by, Learnea gU ioaf it ;ftVure that were Unfortubaeb ' we seesome of them incline To IWe customs of "Auld liana Svna:' a , : se i - But we consider it matter of congratulation That we've ao ro-y notions in oar education! Ip eld time "61g pronts" had a wide range, t till i j eafeOtl' ecc c.r.- ' auj . o. And bid habits are hard, hard to change. .;o'ii f . fipftiD ei-' v- ,i,Jv'j Of Wi! jiincrtnn ftrnflnna tcV tha laaH t Now to prove this assertien we only need To reminethe public that oar clean new store Made others be painted and swtpt a little morel if n nLitiBwATAxLstAiel like all basiaesi ai n who ar traly wie, We at once began to extemirely advertise. When out fristds catching the idea, tt ought it wall To increase the4r apace, as the print will ,tell 1 llfirst'we pat soms'poetry in oar "ad," BNrt when they saw this plan was not bad, They followed oar lead. And when we tried prose they followed as nicely as if led by the nose We next thought 'twould be well to try When lol they grasped Abe Idea as sublime Though they hare followed ia all we have done When this battle is; well fought aud won, Some will see that "extra percent." isn't 'rtoneaae " Bat with old stock ani such heavy epee, They iflodthalhejrlpP. Bridger If followed will surely Wiag the to woel to proe thai we man what we pay, " e an noonce that we sell for a week from to- Heraa po-Bdjof'A Sugar" fhr only oa : dollar, Which lead we invite all greeer to follow. The aaaae faece eaagat aight f ifaat . Qe horse sffitag machine of Herr Von Kr a Krifile,ad was so thoroughly dugu-ted at the eheap way of grinding out poetry that neither love nor money could induce him to finish our rhf mo, s0 it had te come to an abrupt ending. Respectfully and Truly, an if P. L. UK1DGEB8 k CO. Wilcox, Cibbs Co s nrT rnn a T'trn THE MANIPULATED GUANO ! i ? The Best and Cheapest I .iiJ., ..r is COTTON I n offering uyon rbn WILCOX, GIBBS & CO.'S MANIPL LATKI) ,(.I a( f, ther season, we do so wiru the mst perfect confidence thst ou will d h anothe BEST AU CU&APm'X JfJtBTHyKf It is no new article, requiring experiments for years with unbonnded succrss, gainine accepted as the STANDARD FERTILIZER. " It has been our stuoy, not to make it EQUAL to others but SUPERB r, ai d ftl our success in these eflorts we refer you to the many of your noighbois win hae it, as weil as to tbefhonsands in ihe South Atlantic tJotton States. This Guano is so well known that it is unnecessary to publish any certificates but e annex a few testiiimuiale in our areolars only from Planters who have made special tests of it alongside the Peruvian Guano, as showing how it compares with Peruvian Guano, which has heretofore been generally esteemed above all other Fertflrznrs. lie will have only a moderate supply for sale and would re quest llanters to n ske their orders early. Our Agents are authorized to sell the MANIPULATED on vary favorable terms, pavable iu c.ttou next Fall, jan 29-daw JA8. T- PBTTBWAY, Agent. aSu a s t a? I M a M 3 2 L 0 ! cos ? pa t- cr tr o o c 5 " E 3 ia?- en 9 9 i- B" TS cr - O or i The New Boot & Shoe Store. I WILL CLOSE OUT, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY ' DAYS, THE DAL. ANCE OF MY Fall and Winter Goods. Consisting of BOOTS & SHOES, At Greatly Reduced Prices, Preparatory to my leaving for Northern Markets, to purchase a Fine Assortment of Spring and Summer Qood,9,'andall the Novelties of the Season, Thankful for oast favors. I will endeavor K , in the future, as in the past, to sell you a GOOD ARTICLE at a LOW PRICE. C. ROSENTHAL) 32 Market SI. feb 10. Ham and Eggs, jyjOUNTAIN BUTTER, Choice, Table Butter, Sugar Cured Pig Bacon Hams, Saus age, Liver Pudding, Pigs Feet, Sugar, Cef- ee, Flour, Ac. feb 7 Rond to No. H Water st. J. H. PETTEWAY. NEW PIANOS $125 Each, and all styles, including Grand Square and Upright, all strietly rrasr class, sold at the lowest hbt cash wholksalh factory prices, direct to the fpscbaseb. These Pianos made one of the finest displays at tbe Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re commended for the Hishsst Honors over 11,000 ia use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory established over 36 years, The Square Grands contain Mathu ghek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement in the history of Piano making. The Uprights are the finest n America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't ail to writ fr illustrated and Descriptive fatalogueof 48 pags mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., sept 6-1 j 3t East ISth &-: v i' Wood-Wood BLACK JACK, SPLIT OAK. ASH, PINK AND 8WAMP WOOD. Full supply for sale frpm wharf or deliv- J ered, fcora ing.G or ct uo, at lAJweAt Frice? for Cash. B O. G. PAU8I.RY, 4a.. Agvnt, Coal and Wood Yard, Cor. Orange and S. Wausr Sts. fb 21 rpUE WILMINGTON JOURNAL, (Wk A lv) I s published every Friday at $2 per B c. h. n '23 r er " rs f d a r- m o nr n f o- ttk,t?ttt.t7r,t? f '. GUANO! :o: agaiu th ia use. f f to establishes vahip, tuj i in favor from tr to ear, until it Vfw S j & S 8 Q V- f4 mt A S ar ft i e; ifrw ..'t'Wil . ' IITO ADVEBTISBB8, Geo. E. Howell ) aalqic to 1iBm1 . .--7" jneii; Jijvl baa , " SELECT LIST OF Many peMoffs suppose this list to posed Tnif J iMltf Ijnii i in The fac i U quite ojtherwueTne cafaWf a tatea exactly what the papers are. Iwaen the name of a paper to printed in FULL TALS it i the OtfLY paper Ja, tbe ptoea. When printed in rotn an letters it fe ftblr tbe best nor the only paper, bat is usually very good one, notwithstanding. The fat gives the population . of every town a4 the circulaliow M eVery 3per, TT 18 50TA CO-OPERATIYg LI8T. IT 18 OT A CHEAP LI8T. At the foot of the Cstalogne for each St te the important towns which are not covered by the fftt are en umerated: if 13 AN HONEST LIST. The rates charae fr advertising are barery one-fifth tui pub- 'hers' schedule. The pnce for ialajt4m raneeg irom at to 5U. Tbe priee for Briee for ons inch four weeks in the entire list is tJfc Th regular rates of the papers for the seme spe and time are $2,920.66. Th 114 in o lades 9 M newspapers of which ltd are lsued DAILY and 776 WKKKLY. They are located ia f W different cities and towns, of which Soar State Capitals, 346 place of OTer 6,000 papu lation, aad 680 County Sent. Lists sent ea application. Address Geo. P. BowU A Co'i Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Snrae sereet, (Printing House Square), New York, feb 1 2 mo Bon itz's Hotei, QOLDSBOBO, flif. Q p RICES REDUCED TO $1.25, Jl 50 and $2.00 per dar,according to location of rooms. Single Meals 25 and 50 cents. Bar, Billiard Boom and Barber Shop attached to the Hotel- Accommodations for Ladies and fam ilies unsurpassed. Special advantage oflbf vd to Commercial Travelers. WM, BONITZ, feh U Prppriejer. "All Uigbt aitastr yE ARE PLEASED at being! able to state to our friend and the public that the store occupied .by u, damaged by tbe. let fire, ha beenthoroughly repaired and tba we have now in stock a lull. Hue or Fresh Family Groceries, and aie prepared to fill all orders. ftt" We have still a few articles damaged by the late fire which will be sold at almost any price. J. W. ALDERMAN A CO. Family Gr oers, Cor. Chestout and Water rtreeu. use t3 ' - Local NewfiDflDers. vZJ IIVTU1W KECfclVfcD THIS MuhM.NO a jpiendtd line of white aad colored Card sod Bristol boards. Caa give a nice job aad the bea pest iob in the city. DAILY KKVJEW JOst Ol KICK a - .fvircuiauon large.

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