A PARODY . Tall me ye winged winds Tuat round my pathway roar, Do ye not know soma spot Where women fret no more? Home lone and pleasant dell. Some holler" In the ground, Where babies never yell. And cradles are not found? Tne lond wind blew the snow into my fuce And snickeTed as It answered "Nary plaee.:' Tell me, thou misty deep, W hose billows round me play, Knows't thou some favored sj.o!, some i aland far away, Wh re weary man can find A place to smoke in peace . Where crinoline iinot, And hoops are out of p ace? The loud winds, sounding a perpetual shout Stop for a while and spluttered, 'You git out.' And thou, neren est moon, 'ihat with such holy face, Doht look upon the girls, Who with their beaux embrace; Tell me, in all thy round. Hast thou not seen some spot Where muslin isuotfouud And calico is not? Ilehted a cloud the moon withdrew in woe. And a volee sweet, but sad, responded Teh !" Tell mo, my secret soul Ob ! tell me, Hope and Faith, IS there no resting place From women, girls and iJeath? Ti there no happy spot Whore-bachelor are blessed, Where females never go. Ami man may dwell in rest? Faith, Hope ami l'rutn -Ly t- boons to mar, tain given Waved their bright wands, and answered "Yes, tri IF' aven." Chicago Inter-Ocean. Sceinjr a Klfl Ball In Flight. Battle Creek, Mich , Feb 20 We l.iefftHu heard persona discussing tii quet.on as to whether the optic lit ivc ri u d rea.jy difoeru a rifle ball iu it 11 gi t from the gun'u macs!, Alter htfcaii g to eewvl aseertious f this chuE etvr, i L.d being rather kt-p-deal vn Lnvi. at, uccepfct d the .a vitation ci tv. o ! the uaembww of tut riiie club oi tilts oity and with them : repaired to tiieir practice grounds to j settle the question. Tbetrget was at j 200 yards distance. Oae of the guar used was of medium Lore, and the other carried a very large sized ball about twelve or fourteen to the pound, we should judge. Preparations ready we took our stand for observation at a distance of about one yurd back and to the right of the firer, giving a very toute angle, or, as 'omen might say, a very bias view of the ball's course. The attention of all being ready, the smaller gun was fired, bome d clared they could eee the ball, ot: ers not; as for myself, I won't ray that I could not see it. Then the larger gun was brought to range, and discharged, and all wero unanimous in the verdict that they could see the ball ia its course, it being visible but a second apparently. It was most plainly observed by standing directly back of the gnu, and the more the spectator stood to one side the more effort was required to decern if. It was also noted that bulleU which were coated with grease were more easily seenthe intense heat evolved by thei rapid transit evidently melting and vaporizing the coating. But we clear ly settled the controverted point we could Bee a bp I let shot from a gun; and, if any doubt it, let them try the experimen- for themselves on a clear day. -'Msb." Famine in Palestine. Mr Wilson Unietd States consul at Jerusalem, writes to Jthe Department of State that serious apprehensions prevail there as to the future harvests . famine is imminent. Arrangements are being made to import flour and grain direct from New York city to anticipate the wants of the people The consul has furnished the merchants there with such information as he could obtain from New York as to the prices of provisions, the oost of freight, Sea. Toms and Tripoli are suffei ing more from drouth than Palestine. The condition of Bierut is more favorable than that t f Jerusalem. The health of the people, with proper sanitary re gulations, would be generally good in all seasons. The free dispeneary of the Leu ion Jews Society renders elii -cient service to the poor Jews of Pales tine. The Belgian Government is said to intend to follow tho example of the United States and make considerable reductions in the diplomatic staff. It would only maintain representatives with the five great powers which guar antee the independence of Belgiurr; namely, France, England, Prussis, Russia and Austria. The question of the maintenance oi the legation at the papal court would thus be solved in an ii direct manner. A card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak, nesa, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, 1 will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South Amer ica. Send a self-addi eased envelope to the Rrv. Joseph T. Lvman, Station D, Bible lloum, New York City. d : w Merchants and Vistors wh: have desi rei, so long, to live at a Hotel above the bnsiness centre, and to take a portion of their meals down, town while in New York.cando so as the Grand Central Hotel on Broadway, is now kept on both the American plan at $2 50 or $3,00, and the European plau $1.00 and upwards per day. An elegant Restaurant, at moderate prices, is'conducted by the Hotel. unc Thing on Which the Doctors all Agree. Doctors disagree about a great many things but they are all of one mind re garding Cod Liver Oil, as the only thing to prescribe when the enfeebled system refuses to absorb and assimilate any other kind of nourishment, whatever, may be the cause of the patient s lack of vital orce Whether it is consumption, scrofula, w the general debility so often following Malarial fever, this peculiar form of food is the only known specific that rarely fails to invigorate the blood and solid tisues of the body, and speedily avert the dreaded crocess of decav.'Yet neonle turn from this beneficent ae&na of preserving me, oecause cr its repulsive taste, inous ands will rcioice to know that all us valuable qualities are not) only preservet but multiplied, in the palatable mixture of Scott's Inmlsion of Pre Cod Liver Oil with tho llypr.-plic-aphitee of Lime and Miscellaneous VER This important organ weighs but about throe pounds, and ad the blood in a living person aaout three gallon, passes through it at least once every half hour, to have the bile and other impurities strained oif filtered from it Biiela the natural purgative of the bowel, at if the Liver becomes torpid it is rot separated .'r n the bloc !, hut carried through the veins f, ill parts of the system, and in trying to c cr. dirouh the ports of the skin, causes it turn yellow or a dirty brown eolor. The ston. ach becomes diseased, and Dyspepsia, Indi gesti a, C nptipntidn, Headache, Biliousness, Jaundice, Chills, Malarial Fevers, Piles, Sick and Sour .Stomach, and general debility follow. Mf.reei.l's H f.patine!, the great vegetable dis r ivory for torpidity, causes the Liver to throw off from o:i9 to two ounces of bile each time tlij blood passes through jt, as lone as there is an ecs of bile ; and the effect of even a few dose- ipon yellow complexion or a lirown dirty i ook'ju.; &kin. will astonish all who trv it thev W H IbeiiJir the first symptoms to disappear. The cure -t all bilious diseases and Liver compiair.t is made certain by taking Hai'ATiNE in accord ant with directions. Headacht is generally ure in twenty minutes; and r.o, disease that .tri - from the Liver can exist if a fair trial ia SOLD AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PILLS BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price 25 Cts. and $1.0 f.t:Jity of Consumption br Throat and Diseases, which sweep tc the grave at: .-1 onc-tfura ot p.ii aeatn s victims, arises . 0;ium oi Morphine treatment, which , stupefies a the work of death goes on. . , ; . will br pnid if Opium ci Morphine, or . ;' i i'.;-j..c.i of Opium, Morphine or Prus A i. can be found in the Globe Flow er IGo'Joh Syrup, which has cured people whr are living to-day with Hut one remaining lung. I ; Rreaicr wrong .,in be done than to say that C Msumption ia incurablc.i Gloke Flower I i : . i SYRUP will cure- ft when all other ricT.-.-s h:i-. e failed; Also, Colds, Cough, 'Asthma, ftronchitis, an-i all diseases of the thrav. ami Inngs. Read the testimonials f , '.he Hun. Alexander H. Stephens, Gov. Smith d Fx-Gov.l;i"!i of Ga., Hen. Gjeo. Pea ho.ly, as well as (h "vc of oilier renir.rkable iil put book, free to, all at thr. drugstores. S"ii Le convita ' that iC.you wish to b( cured you c.- be by taking the i Globe Flower Cuci.h Sykhp. Take ftp Troches or J.ofenges for Sore Throat, when you cun. gt Globe (Flower Syrup at same prica For sale by I all Druggists. Price 25 Cts. and $1.00 L00B Or: ve mistakes are made ih the treatment ot all dt eases that arise from prison in the blood. Not Be case of Serofula, Syphilis. White Swe! a the ' cury and ( .iny Dk Dei t Fig, Ulcerous Sores and Skin Disease, in s.aid, is treated without t'.ie use of Mer soine furm. Mercury! rots the bones, :; diseases ' produces are worse than r ki:.l oi btooa or skin disease can be. iMBEB rON's StILI.IN-IIA Of Ol EEN'S ;ht is the oniv medicine upon which' a hope of recovery from Scrofula, Syphilis and Mercurial diseases in all st.u;es, can be reason ably ' ; unded, and that jwiii cure Cancer. f 10,000 Will he paid hy the proprietors if Mercu -y, or any ingredient not purely vegeta- .ble and harmless can he found in it. 1 Price by all Druggists fk.oo. 1 lii.f'BK Flowkr Cough Syrup and Mur. ' ;;; 1 '.s Heptine for thk Liver for sale by u:l Druggists in 25 cent and $i.oo bottles. j A. F. 112 SHELL & CO., Froprietors, PHILADELPHIA. PA. The Collins House On The European Flan. Corner Front and Bed Cross Street Near Union Depot- J RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO my friends and the pnbliei! that I have opened the above House and am now pre- pared to furnish meals and lodgings. Restaurant open at all hours. Prices low and bed-rooms neat, clean and airy. Special rates by day, week or month. , ttThe only Restaurant in the city. W. M. COLLINS, I oct 26-2taw-inthu , Proprietor. Tonsorial, ' HAVING AGAIN located in the base mcnt of the Purcell House, I hare thor oaghly renovated and improved the old stan and am now prepared to shave, shampoo, ap cut hair lor eTeryhody. The beat of work men, clean;' towels, sharp razors and Ict prices. ELVIN ARTI8, july 27 Purcell House Barber Shop. GREAT BARGAINS ! SOL BEAR & BROS. vFFER ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE and cheapest stocks of Ready Made Clothing ! ' AND Gents' Furnishing Good?. Ia tU City vr State. A full and complete stock of custom-made Boots . and Shoes at Manufacturer's Prices. Give us a call bafore going elsewhere. dec 14 SOL BEAR k BROS. Theodore Joseph, Corner of Harsnt & Salisbury Sts- One Corner West Kai igh National Bank. RALEIC fl,ir. C. Board by the day or on the European plan 8 itisf action pur ran teed in every, particular M v bar is supplied with Finche's GolAen Wedding, 1870, Gibson's 1871 Rye, Ffeifler and C, and many xaore of the Fines Brands of Kje aod Kentucky Bourbon. oct 19 rjiHE WLM1NGTON JOURNAL, ia one of the Terr best advertising mediums in the State. Try it. 1 LUNGS Miscellaneous. The GREATEST LIYISG AU THOES, such as Prof. Max Mnller Rt Hon WE Gladatone, Jas A Fronde. Prof Huxley, R A Proctor, Edw A Freeman, Prof Tyndall Dr W B Car penter, Frances Power Cobbe, The Dnke of Argyll, Wm Black, Misi Thackeray, Miss Muloch, Geo Mc Donald. Mrs Oliphant Jean Ingelow Mrs Alexander Thomas Hardy, Mat thew Arnold, Henry Kingpsley, W W Story, TurgTienief, Carlyle, Rnskin, Tennyson, Browning, and many others, are represented in the pages of LittelTs Living Age. In 1879 the Living Age enters upon it thirty-sixth year, admittedly unrivalled and continuously successful. During the year it will furnish to its readers tbe pro ductions of the most eminent authors above named and many other ; embracing the choicest Serial and Short Stories by the Leading Foreign Novelist, a- d an amount Unapproached by any other Period ical i in tbe world, of tbe most valuable Literary and Scientific matter of the day, from the pens of the foremost Essayists, Scientists, Critics, Discoverers and Editors,represent ing every department of Knowledge and Progress. Tbe Liviny Age is a weekly magazine giving more than THREE AND A QUARTER THOTJ i SAND double-column octavo pages of reading matter yearly. It presents in an inexpen sive form, considering its great amount of matter, with freshness, owing to its weekly issue, and with a satisfactory completeness attempted by no other publication, tbe best Essays', Reviews, Criticisms, Tales, Sketch es, Travel and Discovery, Poetry; Scientific Biographical, Histori and Political In formation, from the entire body of For eign Periodical Literature. The importance of the Living Age to every Amreican reader, as the only satis fac orily fresh and COMPLETE compila tion of an indispensable current literature, indispensable because it embraces tha productions of the Ablest Living Writers, is sulliciently indicated'by the following OPINIONS. I "In it we find the best productions of the best writers upon all subjects ready to our hand." Philadelphia Enquirer. "It is simply dispensable to any one who desires to keep abreast of the thought of the sge in any department of science or litera ture." Boston Journa.' "The prince among magazines." New Fork Observer "It affords the beet, the cheapest and most convenient means of keeping abreast with the progress of thought in all its phases. Philadelphia North American. "A monthly that comes every week." The Advance, Chicago . "It is incomparable in the richness, va riety, and sterling worth of its articles." The Standard, Chicago. "A pure and perpetual reservoir and f oun ain of entertainment and instruction." Hon. Robert C. Wmthrop. "With it alone a reader ma fairly keep up with all that is important in the literature, history, politics, and science of the day." The Methodist, New York. "The ablest esxays, the most entertaining stories, the finest poetry of the English language, are here gathered together." Illinois State Journal. "The choicest of the day." New York Tribune. "It is indispensable to every one who de sires a thorough compendium of all that is admirable and noteworthy in the literary world." Boston Post 'It has no equal in any country." Phila delphia Press. "Ought to find a place in every American home." New York Times. Published weekly at $8.00 a iyear, free of postage. BSEXTRA OFFER FOR 1879.- To all new subscribers for 1879, will be sent gratis the six nubmers of 1878, containing, with other valuable matters, the first part of "Sir Gibbie a new serial story of much interest by George MacDonald, now appear ing ia the Living Age from the authors' advance sheets. Other choice new serials by distinguished authors are engaged and will speedily appear. Club-Prices for the best Home and Foreign Literature. ' Possessed of the Living Age and one or other of our vivacious American monthlies, a subscriber will find himself in Command of the whole situation " Fhila. Even'g Bulle tin. Por $10.50 the LWing Age and either one of the American $4 Monthlies (or Harper's Weekly or Bazsr) will be sent for a year, both postpaid; or, for $9.50 she Living Age and the St. Nicholas, or Appleton's Journal. Address LITTELL GAY, Boston. jan 8 CHAS. KLEIN, Undertaker and Cabinet Maker, So. 24 South Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. A fine assortment of Coffins and Cast kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and arnianed Ureters by tele graph or mail promptly filled. jan IS Jas. T. Pettewav WILMINGTON, N. C, JS AGENT FOB THE SALE OF W1LC0 I BBS A CO'i Manipulated Quai. The beat, cheapest and most popalar Guano offer, ed. Will take orders tor deiirery at Lam berton, Shoe Heel, Laur nburg, Laurel Hill and intermediate points, jaa 2T-dw Miscellaneous. TEACHERS WANTED' PB MONTH, during Boring and 150 to $100 I or . dnrlflMnrfnfp an tanmrr-.A For full particulars address, J. C. McCURDY 4 CO., Philadelphia, Pa. feb 26-4w DIPHTHERIA!! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively prevent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine cases in ten. Infor mation that will sare many lives sent free Oy mail. Don't delay a moment. Prevention i. better than cure. So d everywhere. I. S. JOHNSON A CO., feb 26 4w Bangor, Maine. CONSUMPTION AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE j hroat and Lungs PERMANENTLY CURED OR. T. A. SLOCUM'S -Great Remedy "PSYCHINE" taken in conjunction with his COMPOUND EriULSION OF PURE CODJI JVEK OIL and Hypopbofphitss of LIME and SODA- A FREE BOTTLE of each nreDaration sent by express to each suQering applicant A : . v. . .: - t r j i' j dress to Dr. T. A. Sclocum, 181 Pearl St, flew Yore. leb 26-4w Aft BENSON'S GAPCINE PORUS PLASTER Thnro ia no doubt about the rreat Runeri- oritv of this article over common porus I 1 i l-.il J. I . i V piasters ami uiuor e&ierimi remuuies, bucl as liniments, electrical appliances, Ac. Ask physicians in your own locality about it it is wonaeriui. oo a cy an urusrgists, Price 25 cents. feb 26-4w CHEAPEST BOOK STORE Wovl the LD. 53,672 Snperb English Books At Our Price 75,270NewAmerican Books At Your Price 112;726 Second-hand Books At Any Price Catalogue of General Literature Free- LEGGAT BROTHERS, o Beekman St., near New Post Office, feb 26-4w New York. THE SUN FOR 1879. THE SUN will be printed every day during the year to come. Its purpose and meth od will be the same as in the past. To pre sent all the news in a readable shape, and to tell the truth though the heavens fall. Tas Sun has been, is, and will continue to be independent of everybody and ever thing sav the Tiuth and its own convictions o duty. That the only policy which hn hon estnewspapi ,-dhave, 0 hat is the policy which nas won for this newspaper the confi dence and friendship of a wider constituency than was ever enjoyed by any other Ameri can Journal. Thb Sun is the newspaper for ths people. It is not for the rich man against the poor man, or for tbe poor man against tbe rich man, but it seeks to do equal jastice to aii in terests in tbe community. It is not the organ of any person, class, sect or party. There need be no myrtery about its loves and hates. It is for the horn et man against the rogues every time. It is for the honest Democrat as against the dishonest Republican, and for tbe honest Republican as against the dishonest Democrat. It does not take its cue from the utterances of any politician or political or ganization. It gives its support unreserved ly when men or measures are in agreement with the Constitution and with the principles upon which this Republic was tounded for the people. Whensver the Constitution and constitutional principles are violated as in the outrageous conspiracy of 1876, by which a man not elected was placed in the Presi dent's office, where he stills remains itspeaks out for tbe right. That is Thb Sex 's idea of independence. In this respect there will be no change in its programme for 1879. Thk Sun has fairly earned the hearty hatred of rascals, frauds, and humbugs of all sorts and sizes. It hopes to deserve that hatred not less in the year 1879, than in 1878, 1877, or any year gone by. Thk Sch will continue to shine on the wicked with unmiti gated brightness. , t While the lessons of the past should be con stantly kept before the people, Thb buxdoes not propose to make itself in 1S79 a magazine of ancient history. It is printed for the men and woman of to-day, whose concern is chief ly with the affairs o'f to-day. It has both the disposition and the ability to afford its read ers the promptest, fullest, and most accurate intelligence of whaetver in the wide world is worth attention. To this end the resources belonging to well-established prosperity will be liberally employed. The pre ent disjointed condition of parties in this country, and the uncertainty of the future, lend an extraordinary significance to the events of the coming year. Tn discus sions of the press, the debates and acts of Con gress, and the movements ot the leaders in every section oi tne Kepnonc wm nave a di rect bearing on the Presidential election of 18S0 an event which must be regarded with the most anxious interest by every patriotic American , whatever his political ideas or al legiance. To these elements of interest may be added the probabilities that the Democrats will control both houses of Congress, the in creasing feebleness of the fraudulent Admin istration, and the spread and strengthening everywhere of a healthy abhorence of fraud in any form- To present with accuracy and clearness the exaet situation in each of its va rying phases, and to expound, according to its well-known methods, the principles that should guide us through the labyrinth, will be aa important part of Thb Sck's work for 1879. We have the meats of making Thb Sch, as a political, a literary and a general newspa per, more enteitaining and more useful than ever before ; and we mean to apply them freely. Our rates of subscription remain unchang ed. For the Daily 8cx, a four page sheet of twenty eight columns, the price by mail, postpaid, is 65 cents a month, or $0.50 s year; or, inducing the Sunday paper, an eight page sheet uf nfty-ux columns, the price is 65 cents a month, or $7.70 a year, postage paid. The price of the Weekly Sun, eight pages, fifty six columns, is fl a year, ptaire paid For clubs of ten sending $10 we will seed an extra copy free. Address L W. ENGLAND, Publisher of Thb Sus, New York City oct 2s Is s monthly. 100-page Scrap Book of the cream of the World's Litrtare. Single copy, x, or 2 per rear An Oil C -romo Q4x2Q inches; of Yoeenxite Valley." pnoe. fS; " BUck Sheep." a 150 book, in pper binding- "Christian Oakley a Mistake, a f 1 took, in Pper binding, and a sample copy of "Wood a PqsbWImM smyiTt',n post-paid, for only 30 cents fn money, or in one-cent postage stamps. Agents wanted. Most liberal terms.bat nothing sent free. Mdnm f S. Wood, Iraae Sukiutg, w ?;k Uty. Steamship Lines, &c. CLYDE'S'! New York AND Wilmington, W. C. Steamship Line, ' he Steamer REGULATOR, CAPT. DOANE, WlLLfTSAIL FROM NEW VORJt 0 WEDNESDAY, Feb. 12, Shippers can relv udoti the nrnnmt sailing of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to A. D CAZATJX. Agent Wilmington, W. C. L. S. UELDEN, Soliciting Agent. WM. P. QLYDE A CO., General agents, Bowling Green, or Pier 13, . K.. Nw Yrok. i tl-1, 12 Baitsmor AND Wilmington. C STEAMSHIP LINE. CAPT. OLIVER, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON Saturday, Feb. 15J Steamers Sail fom tfilniiiistoii every Saturday promptly at 12 M. Shippers can reiy upon the prompt taili&g' "f steamers as advertised. Through Bills of Xiadin? given to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. For Freight Engagements apply to A. &. CA2ACZ, A?ent, Wilmingten, n. C. L. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agen Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimere Kork. feb 10 Accidents 1 WILL THEREFORE INSURE ACAIHST THEM By taking out a Yearly Policy in the MOBILE LIFEIINSLTRANOE CO., OF MOBILE, ALA. MAURICE McOARTHY. President. H. M. FRIEND, Secretary. 25 Cents insure "ag&ir.tg Accidents for one day in the Bun o! . $3,000 in the Event of Death I T '! OR, $15 00 PorlWeek Indemnity 'for Disabling Injuries. RATES 1 Day 25 cents ; 2 Days 60 cents, 5 Days $1.25 ; 10 Days $2.60; 30 DayB $6.00. Yearly policies issued at from $5 to $20 per $1,000, according to occupation, and written at short notice. jane 25 dee S-dXy-tk-wlj fe The Steamer i Kail Road Lines, Ac. WILMINGTON & WELDOK RAILROAD COMPAirYeZ OjioVo Gbs'i. ScrsaivTSjrosiiT i Wilmington, If. C, Nov 33, 1P7V 1 CHANGE OF SCHEDULF. On and after Sunday, Nov. 24t2i, l7p , Passenger trains on the Wilmington A tf'e. doa Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, ds Leave Wilmington, Front 8t. Depot t. c 38A 1 Arrive at Weldon at 1 00 P to Leave Weldon 2 32 P il Arrive at Wilmington, Front 8t. Depot at 9 63 P k, NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRA 1 .N- n i rr v Leare Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 9 v 1 V Arrive at Weldon at 3 60 A J: Leave Weldon 2 13 A JH Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot t 8 16 A M Train? on Tarboro Branch Rosd leflte Rocky Mount for Tarboro at t.00 P M dsilv, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturc ay at l-A A M. Returning, leave Tarboro at KM A M dailv, and Monday, Wednesday" n Friday at 8:30 P Mi f. gj$j Tbe Day Train makes close conccctici Weldon for all points North ria Lav 1 l daily, (exctpt Sunday) ac-J daHy, via V :C mond and all rail routes. Night train makes close ednnec tir,f , Weldon for all points north via Kichrocr. li Sleeping Cars attached to all Nigh 'J rain JOHN F. DIVINE, Genera. Sui t. nov 24 j 15a: iC re tt T lr . - CenMSuVts Office WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AM it GuSTA RAILROAD! Wilmingtor, N. C, Nov. T3, I CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after 8unday, Nov. 24, the foil-. I J 1 "II a . t T . uijL Bcueuuie win do run on mis roaa: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN, daily Leave Wilmington 8 36 A M Leave Florence 1 03 P J! Arrive at Columbia 4 16 P M Leave Columbia 13 66 P M Leave Florence 4 47 'P M Arrive at Wilmington 9 00 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington , 10 SO P M Arrive Florence 2 80 AM Leave Florence 2 00 A M Arrive at Wilmington .. 6 18AM fThis Train will only itop at Flensington, Whiteville, Fair Bluf, Marion, and Flor ence, and all stations between Florence apd Colombia. ' Passengers for Augusta and beyrnd sh ould take Night Express Train from ! mington.' Through Sleeping Cars on night trarrs for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General RurT" BOV 9 CAROLINA CENTRAL RAIL WAY COMPANY. OVFICS GKNKKIL PcPIBINnitDT, i Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 39. 187 J Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS dsf, tbe i- 11 h ing Schedule will be operated on tbi Railway : PASSENGER, MAIL AND !XrH! TRAIN. Leave WilmingUn aT.... 6t2C V No. 1 VArrive at Hamlet et . 2:0fi H V J " at Charlotte at.... 7:57 P Hi Leave Charlotte at :C0 A it Arrive at Hamletat 11:43 A K " at Wilmington at f:65 P il BHELBY DIVISION, MAIL, tKKlQh'l A PASSENGER AND EXPRESS. v q Leave Charlotte.... 7:00 A II ' 'Arrive at Shelby 11:15 A M ffn to 1 Leave Shelby M.12:46 P M "1U-Arrive at Charlotte 6:00 P M The above Trains have Passenger accom modations, and are the only ones permitt 1 to carry Passengers. V. Q. J0H5F0N, General SnDerintendent. rov29 E,& H.T. ANTHONY A CO., 591 Broadway, Kew York, (Opp. Metropolitan Uotel.)f Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers In Velvet Frames, Albums, Graphoscoj, Stereoscopes and Vie as, Engravings, 'Chromos, Pbotognplif, ar. J kindred goods, Celebrities, Actresses, et . Photographic Materia! We are Headquarters for everything in the way of Stereopticons and Maic Lanterns, Being Manufacturers of the Micro-Scientific Lantern, Stereo-Panopticon, University Stereoptican, Advertiser's Stereoptioon, Artoptifon, School La ntei u, Family Lantern, People's Lantern. Each style being the best of Has rl.i.. the market. Beautiful Photographic Ttatsparejfe j of Statuary and Engravings for ti!- wiw Convex Glass. Manufa tuers : Frames tor Miniatures a'.d gavtra iilse Pictures. Catalogues of Lanterns at.d SHies, .;! directions for ns ng, sor.t on reciipt (f leu cents. oct ll-d-Jw-wiim Thoi. H. McKoy, obt H- McKov ATTORNEY SATLAW WILMINGTON, N. d 0ca North side Market street, between Second and Third streets, jan 27-tf i i

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