THE SAFEGUARD. Of old twassaid that whea meu drew near J o-fierce temptation or deadly stiir'e, Aud lost their way in a muze of fear, i fi periled tbe.r.-ouls for worldly geor, Ky a way udkiiowu an angel hand vuuld lead them out of the dangerous laud Iuto the liijiU ol a noble lite. The tory is tiue for the world to day ; V e ee ii" vrtult rooed angels mild But out of the dark and perilous wav Where men aud women forget to pray, into the peace of a purer land They are ieJ by a gentle, shielding hand i n nauii ol a little, helpless child. Elizabeth W. Deul.-.on. The Hoyal k) fugle Decree. fhe other day, after a strapping juung ni-iu liun Bold a load of corn ud potatoes on the market and bad taken Bis team to a Lotel barn :o feed,' it became known to the men uiuuLid the barn that he was very da Birous &f joiniug some secret society ;u town. When questioned, he ad mitted that i-uch was the case, and tu boys at puca oITered to initiate him into a new order, called 'The Caval i rs of Coveo.' lie was told that it was twice a m cret aa Free Masonry, mnch nicer than Odd Fellowship, and the coit wbk on y $2. In case he had tne toothache he could draw' $5 per we k from the relief mod, and he wag en titled to r oeive $10 lor every head ache, aud 2. ftjr a tore thict. The joui.g iiiiiu thought he had ptiuun. a big thing, and after eating a uidiijr uiuuui lit, was iuk. n into a (duieiotin utove the barn to be ini liattti. 'Xht-bojs poured cold watoi uovrn his bck, put ftutir on hib hair, Hworr him to ki i his momer, if oom uianded, and luahed him around for an lour without a tingle complaint fioti hi bp-. When tnoy had flu lbhed, b l quirtd: 'No Jm one of the Caval ers ol Covt-o, UOi 1? 'Y juttre,' th- y utwfutd. 'Nothing mote :. tmiu, is there? '.Nothing,' 'Weil, tnen, la eoiug to lick the whole crowd! continued the candidate, aud he went at it, and before he gut through he had hia 2 initiation lee baok, and $3 more to boot, and had knocked everybody down two or thret timee apiece, Lie didn't stem greatly disturbed in mind a he d ove out ol the barn. Ou the contrary, hid hut was slanted over, lie I ai a frtn five oent cigar in his teeth, and he mildly paid to one of the barn boys: 'Hay, boy, if you hear of aiy cava litrs atiug for a Coveo aboat my size, Ul.'i'emjl'il be in qn the full of. the moon tj tako the Royal Skyfugl degrees.' THE LITE KH II MONO HOMICIDE. What Mlotbe Killing- Curtis Want edj to Lace up a rouug Ladj's Gaiters. 'XHe Lnspatph of yesteraay gives iud following statement of the-young lady who was the unfortunate cause of the killing of Curtis in Kichmond, by Foindexter, Monday. .The statement is not only interesting, but may be of beueftt to frivolous young men and garrulous youDg ladies. The Dispatch bye : The young ldy who was unfortu nately and unwittingly the cause of this sad catastrophe, and who resides outside of the city, yesterday evening, in answer to uuestions, gave, in sub stance, the following statement, which rmhiih tn silence the many'con- tbntinff rumors which have been spread as to the nature of the alleged insult : Mr Poind exter was to see me Sun day evening, and took me out to drive. I told him what had occurred, and p.f ter having reached home, when seated in the parlor, I again told Mr Poindcx ter in full about it. I said to him that about three weeks ago I went to the store of Wingo, Ellett & Crump to purchase a pair of shoes, and on laRt Fridav. in company with a lady -,or,ri Hain called at the store to ! aaake 'an exchange of the shoes as they did not suit me, aud to have a pair repaired. The gentleman who itfr1 nnon me was Mr. Curtis, whom I had. always endeavored to avoid, as 1 thought him rude. He was especially so on this occasion, when he insisted upon lacing up my elioes, a service which I peremptorily declined. I bave no acquaintance with him, but he endeavored todiaw me into a con versation. After I bad handed him the 6hoea he held up one of them and remarked that it was a very pretty little nhoct and that a very pretty lit tle foot filled it. l asked him not to make any comments about my shoe, 'or I was very iudignaut at his con uot. He then commenced to talk to ie about the different sociable s he had '.tended daring the winter, and com euteo op how phe ladha dressed, and ked me my opinion in a manner tioh I considered to be very inher ent. I turned to leave him, when ouud that i had not obtained the l-taps tuat I wanted. He left me in a few moments returned with a, aud when he did so, holding shoes in bis hand, he ask me how it was that 1 off the heel of my shoes, and vVi me to shoT7 hiq; my foot, i rnuoh oonfused and mortifi d tlid not know what to do, fcr LiUviorto ne was very effensive. 1 out of the store, handing him thaey in payment for the heel tarft when I reached th sidewalk and about to get in the phietcn, flwi)Gt of ti:a Mtore nnd said 1 bad iVen him the proper change. 1 waspositive whether 1 did or no , for 1 fco mush confused. He the a opene hand and in it was a dol lar no T trM him T t.hnnaht I had paid hit). He tken returned into the stofc took from the counter the balih 0 tke money that he had feft thef then started to get into the phaiwben he took hold of arm, and, ass)g me, squeezed it quite hard- -mi more bo than I thought hy gen timn ought to have done. 1 toJd the Jjy who was with me of this, and arthf remarked that I would never go into that stcre again while ut yoang maa was enmloved siere. After, having iod IV r-omaexter what 1 bare slated. tOyCUhesaid in a iornlar wv that, he thought he wou'd go by the store uu uorsewnip Mr. Curtis, and asked me to give him a de cript oa of him- I, laughing, remarked that he was anything but good looking1, and, really. t e is very ugly. He then remarked that if he (Mr. Curtis; was a large man it wou'd be doubtful whether he wouid htlem o horsewhip him" for he rn'gtit in r. turn ?tt whinrjed, him 8 -if. from t he roanrer ;n which he spoke 1 iiid uot ft r one monont think that any difficulty would grow out of tne aiiair, nor d dl think that it was Mr. Poiudexter's purpose to make an attack or to call him to account. He certain. j sam notning to ma that was calculated to lead me to believe that he would, and I was very mnch surprised wheu Mr. Poindexter's brother came tome this afternoon and told me what had dccurre.l. I deeply regret the af fair. After having made inquiries of the repcrtcrof the condition of Mr. Our tis, she said the sincerely hoped thit the young man would recover. A Word -with Practical People. The climate of some parks of the South seems to peculiarly foster ih ee special scourges of the seoeral health: these are yellow tever periodically; malarial fever and consumption of premature decline al ways, ine result of all of them, when not rapidly fa'al, is comp ete prostrtion ui me wnote system, and fh most cases utter laabiltty to derive restoration from thanourusument ot ordinary food. Then i he Doct Dis all say, the only thing the t-tomach and pancreas, and liver, can ac ' t 'pt a id turn ioto vitalizing blocd and oiid fiber is Cod Liver Oil, or rather Scoti's Emulsion of the Oil with the Hy of Lime and Soda This is a tiner uutrieut than the Oil alone, and is besides a splendid tonic, and then it haa n..t the disagreeable taste or ndnr ans' 18 acceptable to the moat sensitive stomach. important organ weighs but about three . and all the blood m a living uersnn I Eitx'Ji; ihn e gallons) pusses through it at least " '" :rr halt hour, to have the bile ana r nil pun ties strained or filtered from it ;' natural purgative of the bowels i! tuo Liver becomes torpid it ii nor. s"ar..ic Oic . ,u ...a4-rjii tlubUfch tlie c'i i: rti of the system, ajicl in tr'ips to c -hroitgh the pores of the skin, causes it to ! ...rauirty browa .color. Thestoih- 'mes diseased, and Dyspepsia, Indi iUonrCoiistip-tion, Headache, Biliousness Jaumk. e, Chills, M.tiarial Fevers, Piles Sick and yur Stomach, and general debility follow Mi bkkll's HapATiME.thegreltvegctabledis- v ; r torpidity, causes rhel Liver tdthrow oil from one to of! bile each tinu the.L io . 1 p. ,v.t-s. through if4 a; long as there is an 6 ess of bile ; and the effedt of even a fcv. dose- ip n yellow complexion dr a browin dirf I xAlwit.rf: in.. V'lt fttfoinVi xl . -s. -"- cure ''all bilious diseases and Liver Compia 5r.-. is luetic certain bv takimt HKPATiNKlin aceon rt ilir - i rns. n "eiier: . tWCMt ,'enty lumutes. and co disease ths the Liver can exist if a fair ttiui i? A.S A SUBSTITUTE TOU FILLS ui en. SOLD BV ALL DRUvjJGlSTS. ; Price 25 Cts. and $1CC N 1'h fatality of Consumption or Throat r-nd Lung Diseases, which sweep tc the grave at least oite-tliird of all death's victims, arises from the Opium or Morphine treatment, v hich simply stupefies a the wrk ei !w.ah gee- t n. io, -j v. ill he paid if OpiuWi 01 Morphine, or any preparation of Opium, Morphine or P;iis sic Acid, can be found In the GlobH Flower Cot"GH Syrup, whith hi- "red people vihr are living to-day with Imt one remaining lur.g. No greater wrong cr;n be dune than to say that Consumption is incurable Glouk Flower Cobgj 5-YRt'P will cure it when all other means liav'c failed. Als, Colds, Cough, Asthma, It: or. hilis, and all diseases of the thr '.ta'nd lungs. Read the testimonials f the Hon. Alexander H. Ptephess, Cov. Smith 'arid Fx-Gov.Br ivvh df Ga , Hon. i Ico. Pea body, as well as tJ" vl "ther remarkable cures In .-ttr bookjfree to all at th.c ilrug stores, and be i onvinced'that if you wis"h to bt cured you can he by t-.king tf;e Globe Flower Colh.h Syrvp. Takeino i'roehesoiLo.ienges i for Sore Throat, when j-ou can gat Clock i Ft n ! k Svaur at same price, For sale by all Druggist, Price 25 Cts. and $1.00 BLOOD til o PQ O 0 1 Gr. ve mistakes are made in the treatment ot all dianc that rie from pdisonhn the BIcod Not one case, of Scrofula, Syphilis, V 1.;:. ISwelliEK, Ulcerous Sores and Skin Disease, ii I, a thousand, is treaicu tU(Mla-'! i, ti-r.llrti i 'tb die iisc ol Pier rots trie bones, enrv in , m.j torsi. Mcrci'.n ailu IHQ i.iseases 11 yiuuutt-s ait S .v " 1 rsc Iran any ofe-r kind eT t icod or skin disease can be. Dk- P.-mpi-rton':; SxiLLIKGIA or Q'lEF.n's )uT.Tc;nr is the mc Heine upon which a hope of recevery from bcrofula, Pyphilisi and Mercurial (.lir--cascs in a'.l stsp- car. be'reaacn ably foar.;ie.l. ami that f iil cure Cancer. ivxj will be paid by the proprietors if M icurv, or any rngredirnt not purely vccta bl : and harialesa can found iai. Trice by all, Druggists fi.oo. j f'.Tomi Fi'miru tfr,H SVKOP and MeR- HH.l a Dnii llErATiKE rK thk I ivek for sale bf :is in r; cent and ii'.c be tiles. A. P. M2RESLL k CO., Proprietor' PHILADELPHIA. PA. -- n j t . ..u, ,.orinP,.,i, ,-vf ths creimol r,i- T Ttorit ur. Rinele copy. 30c.. or yer .' BiaS book. i hpt btnamg Christian Oakley's Mistako a f 1 . ""T -- -, ... - Wood a Houehold Mapazine"-au post-paia. ior oui, K. in in money, or in one-cent pgy 'r.Jg: wanted. Most liberal terms but nothinK sent i ree. Address S. S. Wood. Tribune Budding, ow ork L'ltJ'r Open lay and Sight. s 17 C. MILLER'S DR0Q STORE, Corner r . r Fourth .ir.d Nun treets. Prescriptions componnded with care and at reasonable rates. Perfumery, 8oa.p, Fany ArHoias. Ctgas, and a full line of fresh GARDEN SlrtiUB- leb X ; j Samples from Baltimore and New Orleans. JRDERS for Molasses, 6oar,Co2ee,8oap, Meats, Rice. 4c, promptly executed at bot tern prices by 4AS. T. PSTTEWAT, dj 24 Water Street. mm Miscellaneous. The GREATEST LIVIHG AU THORs, such as Prof. Max Mailer Kt Hon WRiadsteB,JaaA Fronde l rof Huxley, R A Proctor, Edw A Freeman, Prof TyndaU, Dr W 2 Car penter, Frances Power Cobbe, The Duke of Argyll, Wm Black, Mfaa Thackeray, Mias Moloch, Geo Mc Donald, Mrs Cliphant Jean Ingelow, airs Alexander Thomas Lardy, Mat thew Arnold, Henry Xingaley, W "W story, TuTgnenief , Carlyle, Rnskin. Tennyson, Browning, and many others. are represented in the pages of Littell's Living Age. In 1879 the Living Age enters upon it thirty-sixth year, admittedly unrivalled and continuously successful. During the year it will furnish to its readers the pro ductions of the most eminent authors above named and many other; embracing the choicest Serial and Short Stories by the Lieaaing . foreign ovehst. a: d an amount Unapproached by any other Period ical 4 a the worid, of the most valuable Literary and Jvientiric matter of the day, from the pens ol the foremost Essayists, Scientists, Critics, Discoverers and Editors,represent- mg every department of Knowledge and Progress. 'i ne Liiving Age is giving more than a weekly magazine THREE AND A IQUAttTER THOU SAND double-column octavo pages of reading matter yearly. It presents in an inexpen sive form, considering its great amount of matter, with freshness, owing to its weekly issue, and with a satisfactory completeness attempted by no other publication, the best Essays, Revinwg, Criticisms, Tales, Sketch es, Travel and Discovery, poetry, Scientific! tuograpnical, ili&ton jal and rouUcal In formation, from the eutire body of For eign Periodical Literature. The importance of the Living A?e to every Amreioan reader, an the only satis- t ic only fresh and COMPLETE compfla- tion of an indispensable current literature, indispensable because it embraces tha productifens of the Ablest Living Writers, ia sufficiently the following OPINIONS, "In n we dnd the beat projections of the best writers upon all subjects ready to oar hand." Philadelphia Enquirer. 'It is simply indispensable to any one who 'j'to w wncHivi 111 c iuuuai oi me Age in any department of science or litera ture. " boston Journs . "The prn? atang maaalafa." New ot(. Oojrver. "it affords the best, tbe cheapest and most convenient means of keeping abreast with the progress of thought in all its phases." "l - j C" -r s 1 Adyance, Chicago 'Itis incomparaDie m tne nennrw, va riety, and sterling wrth of lto aruclee. Tho StATldirfl. t,IllCSLrU. - . 1 "A pare and perpetual reservoir ana iana ai n of entertainment ajdstrftttoii.w--Hon. Robert C. Winthi-op. - "With it alone a reader may tairiy aeep up with U tuat is important id w history, podtics, snd science of the day. lhe MethoUiet,iiew xora. . T. "The ablest eays, tW most entsjrtaialnsr stories, the finest poetry oi tae n-ngnsu language, are here gatnerea wvuxw. Illinois 8ate Jonraal. "The choicest of the day. 'New York Tribune. - "It is indispensabia to erery one woo at- sires a thorough compendium of all that M dmirable and noteworthy in the l'terary world."-Boston Pctt. It hs ao eual ia any eountry. Phila delphia Press. "Ought to find a place in every American k.A " Ka Ynrk Times. Published weekly at $.00 a year, free of postage. B,EXTKA QF?ER FOR 1879 To all newiuDACrlberi for 1879, will be sent o-r.tis th sir nubmers of 1878. containing, with other ralaable matter, tha nnt part of "Hir Qibbie." a new serial itory or nmcn interest by Ueonre MacDonald, now appear ing: in the Lirinfr Age front theaathors' advance sheets. Other choice new serials by Hist in imbed authors are engaged and will speedily appear. Club-Prices for the bwt Home and Foreign Literature. ' Possessed of the Living Age and fas er nthflr nf nnr rivaciona American tton'hlies, .nWriW will find himself ia command of the whole Bitaatian PhUa. Even's Bnlle- tia. Vnr stin go thn Ivinir Aire and eitter one f the American $4 Monthlies (or Harper's Weeklv or Bazar ) will be seat for a year, both postpaid; or, for 9.S0 tke Uring Age and the 8t. Mcnolaa, or Appleton s journal. Addiees LlTTELL A IsAY , Jaoaton. jan 8 CHAS. KLEIN, l w Viiil IW a Undertaker an! Catinet Maker. Ko. 24 South Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. A tine assortment of Comas and Cast kets conitaatramead. Furalture Kepaired, Cleaned aifd" TarnisMed. 'Orders by graph ariM proaptl filled. jas tele. II T heodore Joseph, Corner oi Hangett & aliibury Sts- One Corner West Rai igh National Bank. RALETC d.N. c. -r. i rrT .T rr VI e H Board by tbrflafWoirtba f ifopean plan 8tIaftIon gurrantaad In every par titular My bar is supplied with Fmcbe's Go Wen Wed'ding, 1870, Gibson's 1871 Rye, Pfaiflor A and C, aad many more of the Fines Brands of Rysaad Ksn tacky Boarbon. oct 18 Miscellaneous. TEACHERS WANTED"0 to OU., Philadelphia, Pa. feb 2e-4w DIPHTHERIA !! Johnson s Anodyne Liniment will KSSSfe-" terrible dSi, S -iwiimcn curs mn mioi i tha will aare nxj live, aeot free nr mail. Doa't deUr a moment. PrTMt,n. ;! ..w i.ui. do q eTervwhere. I 8. JOHNSON CO., Bangor, Maine. feb J6 4 w Consumption AND ALL LiSOKDLKS OF THE hroat and Lunes i -citJ4ALArLY CIIREIl MB V . !.A. aLUCUM'S Croat Iiemed PSYCHINE" taken in cor junction with his CDMPOU&DTaAUI inw nr PUKE CODJ JVEK OIL and Hrpo bosphits of MM and SODA m. ersiBSl UUTTI.K f oanu hent by express to each ,ff7B " i y:f express to each suQering a ienoing their name. P. O., and xl Jress to Dr. Tl a Kn'.,. 101 n cd rets ad V VlUUUJ, 1D1 ( 'earl St. T. 1eb 26 4w BENSON'S CAPCINE PORUS PLASTER There r.-twioMuuiucr nwrnai remedies, suci as liniments, elt-ctrical , . . . abi rjoiuB iu your own locahtv nhr.nt i it u wonderful. Sod bv all "nrni.i. Pries 25 cents. J - i ft o io. feb 2G-4w CHEAPEST BOOK STCRE IN THE WORLD. ?-'2LSrUperb El)Sl56b Dooks At Our Price J27eNewAmPricanl?oksAtYourPHpp a2J720Secdandl5ooIrsiAgf! Catalogue of General Literature Free. LEGGAT BK0TUEKS, feebeJ" St'' near New it omf . I THE SUN TOR 1879, THE SUN will be printed every day during the year to coma. Its purpose and meth od will ba the same as in tne past. iup Bent all the news in a readable shape, and to tell the truth though the heavens fall. Thb Sua has been, is, and will continue to be independent of everybody and everything save the Tiuth and its own convictions o duty. That Jthe only policy which an non lest newspapai jo nave, . jk- than was ever enjoy ea Dy any otner Ameri can Journal. Thb Sum is the newspaper for the people. It is not for the rich man against the poor man, or for tbe poor man against tne rich man, but it seeks to do equal j as tice to all in terests in tbe community. It is not the organ ofanvnerson. class, sect or party. There need be ao mystery about its loves ana nates. It is for the honest man agamet the rogues erery time. It n for tne honest Uemocrat as against tbe disbonest tiepuDiican, ana Tor ne honest Kepublican as against tbe dishonest Democrat It does not take its cue from the utterances of any politician oi political or ganization. It gires its support unreserved ly whea men or measures are in agreement ... . i . . . i . iil.. ii : . l Wltu tne .AJOnsillU'Vm nu wim iue priuuipico upon wbih this Republic was founded for the people. Whenever the Constitution and constitutional principles are violated as in the outrageous conspiracy ot 1876, by whicL a man not elected was placed in tha Presi dent's office, where he stills remains itspeak out for the right. That is Thb Sun's idea of indepesdenc-e. In this respect there will be no whange in its programme ior i73. Thb Sea has fairly earned the nearty hatred of rascals, frauds, and humbugs of all sorts and sizes. It hopes to deserve that hatred not less 19 the year 1879, than in 1878, 1877, or aoy year gone by. The Sun will continue to shin a on the wicked with unmiti fated brightness. 3 . W mle the lessons ot tne pact snouta ne con stantly kept before the people, Ths iScndoes not propose to make itself in 1879 a magazine of ancient history. It is printed for the men and women of to-day, whose concern is chief ly with the affairs of to-day. It has both the disposition aad the ability to afford its read ers the promptest, fullest, and most accurate intelligence of whaetver in the wide world i3 worth attention. To this end the resources belonging to well-established prcsperity will be liberally employed. The nre ent disiointed condition of parties ia this country, and the uncertaimy of the future, lend an extraordinary Bignificance to the events of the coming year. Tn discus sions of the press, the debates and acts of Con gress, and the movements ot the leaders in every section 01 tne nepuDiic win nave a ai- w . m . v . 1 . a r reet hearing on the r residential election 01 1180 an event which muet be regaraeu wuc the most anxious interest by every patriotic American whatever his political ideas or al legiance. To these elements of interest maj be added the proDanuities tnat tne uemocrau will control both houses of Congress, the in creasing feebleness of the fraudulent Admin istration, and the spread and Eirengthening everywhere of a healthy ahhorence of fraud ia any form- 10 present wiin accuracy ana clearness the exact situation m eacn 01 its va criast chases, and to expound, according to its well-known methods, the principles that j should guide us through the labyrinth, will j be an important r art of The Sex's work for 1879. We have the mea. s of mk'ijcg Tne Sua, as a political, a Hterary aad a genera! newspa per, more oaioitaining ar d more useful than er before; nd we mean to apply them rrly. Oar rates of subscription remain unchang ed. Per the Datlv Sck, a four page sheet of twenty eight columns, the price by mail, postpaid, is 66 cents a month, or $4.60 a year; or, ia cubing the Stndy paper, an eight page sheet of liAy-six columns, the price is 65 cents a sonte, or $7.70 a year, P Tpeeof the Wbbblt Sen, eight page', fifty six colnaiBS, is fl a year, postage pid For slab of tea lencing $10 wa will teed an extra copy free. Address .1,. W. ENGLAND, Publisher of Ths St -, New York City oct 26 Tonsorial. l FAYING AGAIN located ia ths base AGAIN located J. neat of tbe Pur cell Hoaae I aave thor oughly renovated aad improved the old Starr and am bow prepared to shave, shampoo, ar cut hair for everybody. The best of work mea, cUaa. towels, sharp razors and prices. KLVIN ART 18, july 27 Pcreall Hooso Barber Shop . Steamship Lines, dec. CLYDE'S! New York Wilmington, N, C, amship Line. REGULATOR, CAPT. DOANE, WILLSAIL FROM SEW Ynu O.N WEDNESDAY. Fob. 12. omppsrs can reiv nnon th:nMim r- i - Sailing of Steamers a.- adTpUi.n 'or FreiL'-ht Emram.... I i ' . c ""n.ui "Lt'PLJ to A. D CA2AITX. Aecnt Wilmington, N. C. b. S. BtLJiO, 'iri!ir' Arret WM. P. CLYDE & CO BoWling Green, oi i icf i rok. 'UTnl agents, 13, . K.. 'fw r-b 12 Baft i more AND Wilmington. N. C., STEAMSHIP LINE. The Steamer ;x7 CAFT. OLIVER, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON JSaturatay, e, 10. Steamers Sail from vVUmiiifijtoD every Saturday promptly at 12 M. r ...j .fUu mcjlJUHipi Sailing f steamers as advertised. "Sj. Through Bills of Xiadinr gien to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. For Freight Engagement apply to A. . CAZAU2, Agent, Wilminrten, Hi. C. L. 8. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agen Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore Jfork. feb TO Accidents WILL THEREFORE INSURE ACAINST THEM By taking out a Yearly Policy in the LIFE!INSUSAN0E CO., OFt MOBILE, ALA. MAURICE;McOARTH Y . Presidoul IT. M. FIUEXD, Secretary. 25 Cents insure ragaint: Accivler. for one day in the sum 0 $3,000 in the Event of Death ok. 815 00 PerlWeek Indemnity for Disabling Injuries. RATES 1 Dy '25 cenu ; 2 Days bO cents, 5 Days $1.25; 10 Days f 2.50; 30 Days $5.00. Yearly policies issued at from $5 to $20 per $1,000, according to occupation, and writtan at short notice, jane 2i Jas. T. Pettewav WILMINGTON, N. C, IS AGENT FOH THE SAI S OF WILCOX 1 I UBS 4 CO'3 Miupi iHi ;ian. The ' bt, cheapest a.i.d e. popal d Will take orders for dt bert d Sr,.e Heel, Laar nburg, Lace'; Hill and iniermec jan 27-dAw tt points. D VERTISE in he Wilmington Journal r On e OI tna fXl.esl weckiT yimyTzim v lUhed in tbe 8tte. OfEce corner n aterar.'i Cncstast atrceu p stairs. "The Steamer 1 . W I ELa,leig Rail Road Lines. &c. WILMINGTON & WELDON Ed RAILROAD COMPANY. WOm ngton, S. U., Not 83, 1877 aCHAXGE of schedulf. passenger trains oa the'Wi! froTj Zilb, 1878 , tnincton A Wl . . , MAIL AND EXPRK8S TRAI5, dail. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot Arrive at Weldtnat Leave Weldon 6 3A A. 1 00 P h 2 V2 P iJ 63 P 5a MAIL AM) EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY Leave WUmlngton, Frunt St. Lrepui ai Arrive at Weld Leave' Weld !' -.0 1' so a 2 13 A i"n at. Arrirt at XL' ; "it" "' ..m.uu.Q rrontst, DePot a: Bieia, ,!-;i1D,V.n-.TP-rlc- branch Road lest, AM bT' !u"ay and Saturt av m J M. nturnuiif, kave TarbOro at 1( A M daily and Mond.v, WedneJda,', Friday at 8:J0 P M. -. r' "V avTm"0'7 Tr,ain ffi,lkM ose Conner tilt Weldon for al points North via ba dai.'r. fexcppt Snr.i , : ' w " ii rai. routes Wdon for all points no, t vi. Rici tr ;, , bleepinCarsattac-heJ to all Nigbi 1 , ;. , JOHN F. DiVLNL, ttenerai 1. V fc4 ' Cen'ISun'ts Office WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AM J GD8TA RAILROAD. - rf. Wilmington, N. C Nov.o - CHANGE OF SCg , .e foJ!. v On nd after "-O JJAII. tr'V Ing scbe itagton tc I'loracf oa:; . Arrive at Columbia.. .. Leave Columbia Leave Florence ; 1 m Arrive at Wilmington T Ml 3 TRAIN (Uar Jtf NIGHT EXPRESS TRA Leave Wilmington Arrive Florence Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington 10 Sf ,.2 SO K 2 0O A 6 18 A u 'This Train will on stop at rien ingua., 1 Whiteville, Fair ,ir BIuM, Marion, anu rn-i-statuns between Florence ami ence, and a Columbia. Passengers for Augusta and beyond .hould take Night Kxprefs Train trom W r mington. B$ Through Sleeping Cars or. nighttrairf for Charleston and Augueta. JOHN P. DIVINE, General Supt, nov fi H mm ii 1 ' " CAROLINA CENTRA I RJl WAY COMPANY. Ofvicr Genekal 8cpsrintencekt, Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 38. 187i J Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER TIUS dte, the H v. ing Schedule will be operated on ti Railway : PASSENGER, MAIL AND TRAIN. Leave Wilmington at.. Arrive at Hamlet at.... " at Charlotte at.. A P P A P 7:67 V n Leave Ch arlotto at C:C0 Arrive at Hamletat 11:4a " at Wilmington at i:5& SHELBY DIVISION, MAIL, f REUS Li & PASSENGER AND EXPRESS. ) Leave Charlotte ..7:00 .11:16 .1'2:45 . 5:00 M 1)1 y No: 9. J Arrive at Shelby No. 10. Lea I An Leave Shelby rive at Charlotte.. 1 he above Trains have Passenger accom modations, and are the only ones pcrmitt; to carry Passengers. V. Q. JOnKlfON, nnv 29 General 8nierintendirtt GREAT BARGAIN AT SOL BEAR & BROS. FFER ONE OF THE MOST COMPLE7 K V7 and cheapest stocks of Ready Made Cloth in nr AND 1 Gents' FurnishiDg Goods. In thin City or State. A full and Vmpi.-te sti ck f Boots and Shoes at Maca'acturer's Pries. Give u a call befo-e going: elsewhere. dec 14 SOL BEAR k BRO.. Each, and ail styles, ir.c:udiag Oiatd Square and Upright, all strictly naj lold the lowest KBT cien WHOLKaaxi rACt -prices, dirct to the i Hr '. - . Thf-f P. .r,. - I maae one 01 ins ucfei uispimju i 1 e uri - M V XBJS tftt mm M5 Guano ofier-: tennial Exhibition, aad' wet uianiimus! v 1 j commended fr the Hi en car lie. to as over -..rv at Lum-' 12,000 in uc Regularly incorporated Mar. 1 iifrtnrine Co. Factory r-tablihed ov-r SO I years Thequare Grands contain Matbu- ihek s new patent Uuplex uverstraag ocaie. the greatest improvement in the history : Piano making. The Uprights are the finest n America. Pianos sent on triaL Don't ail to write for Illustrated and DescriptiT fatalojroeof 43 pages mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.. sept 6-ly 21Et 15th3tra?t, a i 5!