The General Assembly. Baleih Observer Condeaied. SENATE. Wedesday, Marc!i ro, 1B79. Senate bill to incorporate the Rock ingham and Salisbury Railroad Com pany pawed its second and third read ings, and was ordered to be ongrosjed and sent to the House. House biU to prescribe the mode of selling tar, passed and was ordered to be enrolled. The bill provides that tar shall be sold only by weight and that 280 pounds shall constitute a bar "blnate bill to consolidate the towns of Winstob and Salem into the "City of Salem," passed it second reading and was placed upon the calendar. fThebill Drop -sen 10 sjhroit too qus tian of the change to the quaalied voters of bol-: towas Hone; till to rtpt .. the ucz oliun ;r, hA AiTn.lincr lino of UruEHwick uud Columbus passed auu ' House for concui i etcQ ment. House bill to provide It the pur chasing of lands tuld under execution j bytheeovsral boards of bounty com-j missioners of the St ite, passed and ordered to be enrolled. Senate bill to change tne name oi the t ;vn of Tilden, Rob.- sou county, to the Oid name oi Shoe Heel, was put upon its third reading Mr Rrjan, of Pender, movf d to Re store the original spelling Qhuhelfe, corrupted into Shoe Heel. Mr B stated he had the bebfc authority for his amendment. Mr McEachern accepted the amende ment, and the bill then paseed i third reading and was ordered to be grossed. inmate bill to secure to widows and exenrjhildreu the personal proptrty passed allowed by the Constitution Senate rdertdto be engrossed, gioners of fcho Commis- ansoial tax, Benatw. tQ jevv a id was sent to t rif in an aiueuu der stood that this was not to be con sidered a test vote. Senate bill to amend the law in re ference to fences, making 4 feet a lawful Le'gLt, passed its several read ings and waa sent to the House. Senate bill to ensb e the city of Wil mington to pass its present bonded indebtness, passed its third reading and went to the House. Senate bill to authorize the com missioners of Rntherferd county to fand bonr's issued in aidjof the Wi' mington, Charlotte & Rataer ford Bail road pas?- d its third ret d:ng and was ordered to he enrolled. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Bill to authorize Oaslow county to istue bonds. Read by its title only and pasf-ed. This bill came up on its final read ing, as a special order, and was con sider?.:! hy sections, and pas. ed. The bi:l fo abolish the Insane Asy lum of North (JnoiiDa, and to incor porate the North Carolina Insane Asy lum then Cioio up as the second spe c ai order a id was rend and passed third tim Tha hfii t ; e?ab inh a Board of In Urn;! Iprovf meats was then taken This bill provides f"r a Board com posed of out) from each Judioial Dis trict, to be appointed by the Govern or, and tl,o Atornej-General, Secre tary of State and Commissioner of Agriculture. Mr Clarke saw to necessity for the bill. He said that the present law was gocd enough, and moved to lay the bili on the table. Prevailed. The House then resumed the con sideration of the bill for the support of the Penitentiary, &s. Committed to the committee on Penal Institutions (AliOLlNA went to th,m torero lo ft a ti rl Raleij a ffi?f pnor to the Caption o debt' e?utiou of 1868. wettomdson expiamed the provig. Kt-the bill, and said rhut.-f the law to what it waa before -ape aud ie sum , i n ':,lDg,the bet we -uwi tttm creaitor as thv t) w v oflered a substitute ter- ; , L ne fecting the bill, which was rZJti Mi, ana the bill then passed and was at P r "corporate C werteHrn8SOa'P"8ed oenate bill to provide for th ry investigation of county and rnn mcipal expenditure, TjI. a jLUe Dili passed its secoad reading ituawas maae special oorder for 104 q ciock tomorrow. The special bill, the Hjub Machin ery Bill, was now proceeded with. Passed second reading and made special order for to-morrow. Senate resolution instructing aad re questing our representation iu Con gress to work for the repeal of the 10 percent, tax on State banks was adopted and sent to the House tor concurrence. The bill h received 111 bales of cotton on WedDesday. S veet potatoes are 33liing in Nawbern at 35 cents a bushel! Mr Rums C Monk, a well known citi zen of the Newton Grore section, Samp son comity, and brother of the late Dr paikdied on the 21st ult. boro that ijy Shell: We learnv from that place in one Juarrived fromSwans- '-roMsboi o Man 'vul "'e caught at - i 0 JIM j . o..,'. : i i r r u constitution of nj ;,ru- no committed n Z?.'7c orougnt to will be sent to the Cape, in which Lord Chelmsford would retain a sub ordinate command. The name of Majw-Oon. Sir Daniel Ly sons, Quartermaster-General of the army, is mentioned in con sect o a with the new appointment. Lord ChelBsferd Declared a Failure, and his Keesll Demanded. London, March 6 The Daily News say a: "It II our painful duly to de clare that JLord Chelmsford, comman der of the forces at the Cpe of Good Hope, has failed, and ought instantly to be recalled. The latest news con firms our impression that the disaster at Isandular on the 23d of January was due to miserable blundering and halp less incapacity." The Standard and Pall Mali Gazette declare that Lord Chelmsford ia in competent for the post he now holds. The Times, after summarising the fnd details of the Isandular disaster, which are now at hand says Lord Chelmsford was both surprised sad deceived. . ; The Post fays nobody will be Bur prised to hear that it has become a matter of anxious consideration whether the strategy of the war should not no ba entrusted to the highest p vail able talent. St. Petersburg, Mareh G A tele gram from Tashkend sta'es that alter the death of Snere AIL at Maz r. a bloody conflict broke out among the followers of the various pretenders to the Afghan throne and the partisans oi xflxoob Jvnan were victorious, was reported that Yakoob Kbaa two other pretenders had taken refuge at Herat. CO! LCIAL HEWS. - ' -1 .Hi :- SPLRIT8 Uh awliM tmiaetat ttttesat ir ii'HlT niinsin qaotatkasa. j . n. . OBITDS TI for Hard aad U 7i fr salwi at qooutl OTTCMf Qaiet. nntaMnn. and SSJM reported. taJsareoeipuat at tl 1 Ylxalm. Th following are taw uom Uraui&rj.n,., Strict Good Ordinary. r .m lit ... iddlia. . Good Middliof s M u It it bailt uomrri Cotton.. spinw 1 urpoBtone. T.r tltMIMtlMllttlttl Orode Tarpantln-.,........ 80 bales 2 cuts 9U bh a 493 H 157 MARINE HEWS. ARKIVED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Health villa Geo Myers. Steamer Ware. Smith, Fayettevtlle, Williams March ison. SteamerGov Worth, Worth, FaretteYille, Worth A Worth. CLEARED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Sim:hville Geo Myers. Stpanmr flrtv WmtK Wn.k tr- . tit. ltd Wartu A Worth. J?!1 Jffi mth, Fayetterllle. Williams a Murchisoa, Rc!?i1ilH A 'st. Hail, Mayaguez. P R. h Kidder a Sons. Miscellaneous SPEER'S Port Crape Wine sp at a sm . - - l sea in VBareuss ror vosimanioB purposes. PASSAIC, ttibii 1 1 i ii ! nirwr Elected Bishop of Toronto Tobonto. Mar oh 5. Archdeacon Sweatman, of Huron, has jast bees elected Bishop of Toronto by the An glicise Synod. Ue was reoom mended by the Evangelical party. DIOCESE OF NORTH CAROLINA. reen giv0 8ePuitur" : fITf T w. in Place and J t!X " Tk- , tLe J"wi8h Cemetery L n per- s trhe of Bayard Taylor U t. n S?? April n York 0n, f th mat. iff J" few April expected to arrive in f h.f aiDS are f rida April ltv, during the com I? Clt Satard April Bishop Atkinson's Appointments. Wedaesday, Mareh 19, p m.. ) Thursday, March 20, a m.. M1 Friday , March 21 Faiaon ' Sunday, March 23, 4th Sunday in Lent.. .Goldsboro Monday, March 24, p m Wilson Tuesday, March 25, pm, Rocky Mount Wednesday, March 26, p in Enfield dav, March 28. Rinsrwooc 'rch 30, 5th Sunday in 1 2. land Neck larnflton Hpoer's Fort Urape Wine I Tour 1 ar Old, rpHirt JUSTLY OKI.KBRATtD NAT1VK Wise is ansae froiu the joioe of the Oporto Grape, laised in thin c untry. It inraluab't Tonic and Strenethening PropertiPS are feasor passed by aay other native Wine. Being the pare juice of the grape, produced JB-Tb foUowifcf omotatioBi wholesale prices geaarallj. In ZT' ay... i r"A" f ioj estic I n5 16 a BAw?y:........; uoiDis ajienor Doable Anchor Standard Domaatie BAOON Norta Caroliaa', mmm, fr JD Shoulders, ft Sides, V ft Western Smoked Hams. Sides, 9 ft Shoalders. Dry Salted Sides. V ft Solders, ft... BEEF Lire weight. BARRELS Spirits Tur pen Second Hand, each New York, each, new BEESWAX V 4 BRICKS Wilmington,' M 8 00 Northern An BUTTER N orth CarolhTaft it nurmern, w ID CANDLES Sperm V "...' Tallow, ft Adamantine. se CHEESh Northern Factor j, V ft Dairy cream. V fi 8tate, V ft....T. COFFEE Jsra, ft... Rio, V ft T. Cr6nm,EA?'bnakL'' I 9 5 1 1 75 i3 ft 10 j t5 n bdl 16 66 1 35 10 c 13 7 1 if 1 u 00 10 00 U 0t 30 0 4U 111 ' 9 li s 30 34 6 06 Bx parts. rossiea. R ehr Susan A Stetson COTTON TIES V nnii nnsav n 1VSIlStOTlU Sheeting, 4-4 ? yard i arn. nnneh W8H- Mackerel, No. 1, bbl....l6 00 Jo.l, V3bbl... g 75 Mackerel, No. J, y bbl....H 60 No. a, bbl...T. 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3 V bbL....O0 00 stuuets. 7 hoi J N. C. Herring, V bbl 4 Dry Cod, W ft... FLOUR Fine, V bbl.. Buper, Northern, bbl.. ABtra go S 1 10 Maragnea. P 125,0 18 ft lumber, 15, 3io cypress sbiacica under Mr. Speer's own personal supervision, ) Familr " Thi tF& anteed. Citj iuExBnnJinSS " Family bbl.. " Ea. Familjbbl.. SCBA ivrna 3 Hon Geo VSkm- SundVt : commencing A ori I 9i2t C41,ur vourt. Tuesdnv a . Draof .Vo akflpr,l.2H Qd take un th- uiEJ April J r n ai to provide for a railroarl commissioner and prescribe his duties nrai a .1 A 1.1 it . ' wo uibuo me tjpaoiAi oraer lor 12 m a x naay. J . - a l . 1 1 a i oousw diu to regulate tue sale of uquora in tUiS atate, tuo special order was proceeded witU. The bill is identical with that report ed by the oommittee of lioanoe, except as herein noted, and wbicu fviileJ to paaa its second reading last week Seotion 1, Mr Bull offtrtd as a'sub titnte for this aection the tirat eecrioa of therevouue bill whili fdm,;. sc-nnn iz . . . l-'oa u license tax so i3 procure! from ,u puono treasurer, under a heavv object of the amendment, Air Bull piaiHaa to oe to moludo ail liquor bisiue33 iu this bill. Tha following sections were a to: ta L . m . o?c 4, Mr liarr s moved to amend yjr reuuciU.o- rLe tuX ca rftfc(jii deaer8 lJje country or towns of less than 2 -000 inhabitants from $50 to $20 Be jected. b ae com in or went w r- . i ivinston Journal- 11 nffaV.l "ur next. practice abandoned hV 'h; , . Up tne n - t-T:.00" Vy hlna after his elec- is.inston Journal: On wfljnj last week Mr Jacob Ha7di.,n, eTSt,. three, while assistina Mr H-rl?t i.:.:JL mill, fifceen miles from Kinan ma JT.u a terrible accident, by which he' ToVt- an iu anu uaa tne other badly mangled. Chatham Reonvrl- Tn " w u TTLJIL- HIT rlTT Ml. I r. . . ast issue, our Foreman. Mr w u n-u:! i?ay (who was acting as Praaaman SJmFTZ HS?. remarkable run of forty-t wo' papers Tn five minutes. This w xr. VVashingtjii hand Drew. Win . tk'.,.J I -iuay, Chatham Record.- Th .. Saturday. r . i . vvtui cii in r nn i " ' ottms community hare been vprVr,k oulMlaX disturbed recently by a rumor started amoog them, that they were all soon to be removed to Africa, and indeed th. 10th to'fePave.,"a,d 1 J re Newbern Nat SKaH ftr- 1UC April April New AdvertiomantB. Water Mil! Meal. 800 BJJaa9' 'RH VI. MEAL, For sale by mc l-dm HALL PKAR8ALL. Coffee and Suear. OHO BA08 RI COFFEE, "BP .Hi Williamston' 100 BBLS KED SUGAR, jamesville Far sa'e by mo 4 daw HALL PEARS ALL. A St David's Hertford The yunnsrest child mav D&rUke of it wnpr ous Qualities, and the weakest invalid maj use it to advantage. 1 1 is particularly bene ficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that afflict the weaker sex. it Is, ua every respect, A WINE TO BE Speer's P. J. Sherry. me r. j. SHEKKY U a Wine of 8DPB- aiuit iiUAKALTKK and partakes of the golden qualities of the grape from which it is mane. For MEDICINAL PROPERTIES. iv wui tuuaa uDezceiiea. Speer's P. J. or Pedro J- Brandy, TDls noted Brandy is a pure distillation irom the erape sad is equal to the finest Hen- nessy or utaru Brand. es ; for medicinal pur poses it can be relied upon as strictly pure. ee tnat tbe signature of Alfred Speer, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. A. SPEER'S Mt PtQspect Vineyards.New Jersey. Office, No. 34 Warren St New York. For sale by GREEN k FLAN NEK, J. C. MUNOS, Druggists, and P. L. BKIDGER'S yj :b i ' - a. 00 00 7 0 00 4 60 6 n e so 7 00 7 60 8 00 10 00 9 (X 00 (X 6 5( 8 H 3 60 00 0 4 00 6 00 6 bO 7 00 7 35 7 75 8 36 PlowsPlows ! PLOWS, CASTINGS, TRACES. r? county J. Ha,CollMa, Backbamif, Bridles, 8 9. . Woodvii'u. PaloMM county Boatwright & fflcKov ARE Good Friday roaster Day ueaaay, April 15. .St Peter'g V . OfLSM a wnnn... THAN E7EK fi Peruvian Guano, V 2000 lbs. CO 00 uaronna Fertiliser Ground Bone, Bone Meal - Flour! Narassa Guano, " Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate Wando Phosphate, m BerfrerABruts'sRos. " Wilcox, Gibb A Co.. ma- wrvAxii vyorn,store, &lfci ,2Wsl " 00 00 " 46 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 ' 00 00 " 3b 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 00 00 00 00 61 00 40 00 46 00 47 00 40 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 08 r.n'' f utbeI oe. vui, w oasnei 67 60 10 IS 5f HIDESGreen, ft .. . "Ji V ID. lY Eastei 60 6 1 10 6 00 11K 000 April 7. April 18. April . Gates viile . . . Winton Marfreetbero To Furnish the Best ! OP the ;recd f .0nn J-- XT , . : iUC- h i p,t" ?r l Mrn thl8 morning for f wu ooiatn the follow ine report Ratagh for the pu rposecfaski ng the Leg- of the rmometor, as takea thu 7S? la ture to ( . appropriate a suffident sul mg at 7;31 o'clock mUrn' for the publication, the Dntch laogua2e Augusta, Ga 1 i , a . , 0 a desennfivs) nl, c . 6U' fvHI fiY " l Mobile. Ala.. Mm ---a" uuua. lit itrrn i : vmiu. in co I m -mTf ii-LAJ Vd 9 I . .... . na I am . w . ys - I -vumuiflrr A I A u i i t us ujsi. n. i Kjf a. . . . "..-x Just Received. dP-" ... I April 26 aP Halifax Awarded a Gold Mad., ... - ""BKIESI April 27, 2d SandaV .ftaM. Ptioa. It has-T... 5B x" .. faster.... Welcv iiMaH AT THE collections made af. Mnk , . I . . cesan Missione. ,or J (1(1(1 HOUR, all cradas. ; w ' J - ' "i-f . . , j ' r " ill 300 Box9i Drj Wtrt t 8mok ed BaeoB. s Oa.U- I I AIT W h(F nna -.1 ZOff .iHwi I. - --i-'M,wT.rjiMum. l jn rtJZZZ? Sf? whic,' 0'" ,he" -H "-'orj, Mr. The Tbei From the United States Signal QfilCe at lowest Market Prices. Cincinnati.. I r-.: ,w I ew ur eB i waireston,... a3 , HhrwJ maianola co JacksoaTiUe, FiL'.'.S3 uoxTiiie...., 54 otc.ion o waaamoaucd by reqairujc the proprietor of tue beii punch to euter into bond in the sum of K nnn t iujdemnify ti mm of 85.oon f-C , . "O ili- u.ugmom tu patent, Are. Section 21 was amended by exemnt ipg maaofactarers of wine aad malt jiquora, and distilleries of aicohol.c " , "ay quantities leas than ono quart instead of live gallons. Preaident IJobinson, (Mr Dortch in the chair, ) drew attention to this wmr any where could disti" any qnaiitity of the article named and till tiea aofc iosa than one quart without paving any tax whatever. w,mout iur juebnue concurred in this "wou oi section '21 t i . . . to oe distributed in Holland o&ce at Amsterdam Goldsboro Messenger : Wild turkeva seem to be q.uite plentiful ia the New Hope section of thie county. On Satnr day last Mr Benjamin Parks killed five ?0bblc"at,OQeflhtout ofaWD o ' b.- J.Q6 HVe Wfiicrhp Co jw Th 1 -o--r puuuas. V "counjr previous Mr Farks killed tLree m tue same neighborhood. Raleigh Observer: A letter receive from Frankhn, Macon county brings the news of the destruction b fiXf ruru uPe sq. He had W ,w - . uuc a oeautifu rpjsidpnna ; - J I partnersn n for tKo ynchbarf. 60 ru a. Kf r no ' - v o "cars, 350 Bbl- Pft Cuba, jr. O. . rr Rm. T" oii St. Loslfn,,,,,,S OrVAfl W aad 8eCond H. Oi . . " I MUUlf WUminrton. ' 71 TTT - ooipa Tama. o please adrise us prompt! j. We Plaase, and shall aesire to complish that end. exert every energy to ac 46 66 4 North Rirer, V 100 lbs 1 on HOOP IRON V "ton. North Carolina V ft i,7 T TUV Villi II iiinarr DDI 1 'c LUMBER Citvstaam 'wVr DnipirtmT,resawed,JBlift.l8 00 30 00 West India cargo, accord iBtoqMift7,VMft...lJ00 14 00 MQiJcrass-ll oo 14 oo Cuba, kbia, Va7. 2 f Lard, mS ' v f , Rosin. oo Kio2baSj&ar o oo Ronp-ii. K " W RAQ8-Connt;r,L- W SALT-AJain;' l,irii-r,nl n 2 . TO 7"rwlLFCl fit HOC J. 00 American Marshal' Anj mistakes on th Notice. 'HUE UNDERSIGNED HA VB entered Manchester aad pr:n'.VUfl7 Soap, SUreh. nA. Oatf. OW- " prietor or emplojo in rKrted, will be prompt remedied. e part of aojprc- our establiehttent, i Olae. BanM HSpa Iron. Ac. A. Far sale lowlbv latJ ie edg of :raplete.'". I ... ovto UU -he village, uadVfurnished it uu was just moving his fan; '.s sweut awav. uuiuswiro messenaer- a ujsry busing r Jir ' ' and style of ' u"uer tQe Drtn Williams A We require of ur r.. - ' linen poute- prompt deli Terr of Goods. name iiy iuto it when it wa ieng ..a tur iu w liansom, re- ilavmj; had several vm - , tor of tbi if- . ripnno .uTt e. ral y.ears Practical exiv. i-ucbday. won after tb lz. Maa,iE; sua f . -7 i We think we know the Cadi. w " 8UOAR-lCuba."ft Porto Rico, V ft A- Coffaa. VaT c- IS: Ex c jb;... - Crashed - 'iiL BOAPVnrA-Z:' R O hhd. v W1 f.10 00 TALLOWLA X 00 00 HOLMES dk Hav the adurn:.n proposa bv .;T,Y"r?'",a,.UMW th. gracing total- SSTtzZFT' to mmd SStttE t . difoatrh frnm r"CoraPmC j l iA vv ransom "J LU 1 Thoi . H. Mcloj, Jtobt H- McK PBPle f itJ f WiIminton the . a - & 1 1 ronndintr ' J va propose to sapnlr wants of tha snr- Worth CaroJna .7pef J 1 24 Waaaad.71, Xt. IS WAITERS- AriORNBYS. xer ft. Uonffros-s. hrincr. u 117" "u Y " 1U Person unon thiV - ...o no IUJ tTHI V !lrr int. v 'JWUiC I ? 1 17Vm Fit I r. 1 i . euse has been inerfiaapH avTc . public ire n Ami i inenas and the thP i- i "T ir ana -w. for " ;r " "--PlPnation of $7,000: con- ta nmnI 1 - ' . "" UlOVea ujr icyuiring a tax of oent! par qaart on wines and malt iqnora and two cents on alcohol liquors. Adopted. aioonolio chQaesi?on now recurred on the second reading of the bill. tIie Mr lall said th hot x . faror of the bill was the bxT iSe" J was not a temperance meaenre bat ne f re. 8160.000 in addition to the ordinary revenue hid t! k raised and it must evident", 'come out HL.- "ec7essanLof iii. r ?n? P"ciPle of the : BU1,la tne dealer and v"w,u aaea not trouhlw fi10 oonsumer if h. fi, irwaoie tbe huin i.r"uvuKu proper to I"Y" . use ot ictox.oatinR drinks. He estimated a revenue from Bhould be 1,770 puncheim use in the ?!?Sf derate business. The bill then passed its tesond read ing by a vote of 25 to 16, it bein I r- War Between China and Rasgia im. minent. Hoxg, Feb. 6-Tha Anti-Rus "a",8.18 Govern! ," h;.""-, moaitiea ere placed STOCK that imm;.:ZlW-u peered at PHT TraSLTff 06 declared from ;T - u.uueDt reports come from the interior army under Tso whose forces are said t JlHIS the Russian tenfold. Te party ex moderate counsels is wholly iu subiec. tion to th J auujec- H?iUiru to be obtain o, tuem as LUff as the F,nWff ittire. v?J3i?penabontth lOthinM at Xo. 8 orthFrcnt .sfaf ZZn wuo 10 tne mainritv The result of th - WaaKi.. . ""B"CIonS at southern proving wh emigTa! tton is most numerous. The rerort ia prevalent that the Chinese QV" ment will establish posT oZ treaty port8 before tha present year. 4 lue A Xew Co,dT forulTAfrica. London. Marnh a tu. t.. . that it is orobabU OF STAPLE ANI GROCERIES. FAXCY Forrt I 1- . at JUli, . j . TBBTBS m a -a-vu.jaamoer, that is, if selling GOOD aSnnO i T rvm VM,amiuvw r&WEo will that end. accomplish We make up all our bills piomptlj at the end of the month, and would be pleased CEIVED FROM FACTORY, forward promptly and set- tie. It has been said that short settlements make long friend. ach 1 OABRIBX HOLMM u. H. WATTERS. Bonitz's Hotel, GOLDSBORO, ITST. O. PRWSS MDCtD TO fl., f, UU 100 per daaeeordin; to locaden of Single Meals lb and SO cents. - Ma, v mc neiei rr AocoaamodatiABa c. .ji llj-unrp M.7X Vd to COBUBoroi.l TV . . of Walnut and other grades of FURTflTtTtlMmMkmk .mm offer at Great Bargaiafc Cafl and eximire. reblO A. SMITH CO. WE CANT, NOR WON'T, BE UNDER. SOLD. "JalXD THTl. - a a Altontlon! "WIND S 00 3 II f 12. : The Latest Out the GEinmre stbwaet 8EWIfro MACHUTE, TWtt BBEJfgreatl the following SS31ST7 init, 0 Speed, light pacity of workxaananJ'aTd SSa? Dd f Beauty ot finish and great wea, , hies ; and " eaung q, The best worwi market. wtr put in HdqMrtert fH Clothing Coi REAT- ett Ftarn mtn a i . muvwa in me annals of nJatory. - . w no Hnmhiiff Moat be sold ia qrfer to make room SPRING STOCK. Wright A McKoy. oith Front St. tor men buggies, Buggies, Harness & Saddles, I 1 PnU 43 a a mm . MrA 4 w w S a snlH r- nA' u Oil LandC - viu xuL3f on, a verr ou Lande wcr than Xrw Before 0nV Call and see for yourself at A. 8 CHUT' 2a28Frontandliandi Wood-Woo! of higher rank thai WSSSSl wm'. bonitz, : u pp oeue Uitj flail RBPAIBINO DONS WlTR vL ered. aord iro Wl tab 14 J for Cash. "ur CBt Pf M A. DAYID, LTae Ciotaier. IAJTD DISPATCH. o H0E8E-SH0EING Mcas-tf. A SPECIALTY SAi U