THIS PAPER u pabJtohiiW aflsraoon, Buadayi ex- ;on. T. JArtES, EIUTOB AN f KKOPKISTTOR. gCBCltiPTION8.POSTAGK PAID. One yr, 00 8ix onth 2 60 Throe sob tas, f 1 te month, 60 cento. TLe pi? delivered by carriers, of charge, in any pert of the city, ft the gbore rates, or IS cento per week. ; Adertieing rates low end liberal 0-Subscribers will please report any and failures to receive their papers regularly. March lOth, 1879 BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street- WE srBMIT A SHORT LI8T of Prices fr this week, preparatory to learing for tbe Northern markets, and are offering gTeral Lots at prices which require no com ments : 4 4 Rockingham 1, 4-4 Lake George , k, Best Q-iality Ppring Calicoes, 6. Call aad examine oar $1 Quilt. I edict Beit Quality Lin n Collars 10c, in eiz 12 inch to 15 Parasols and Sunshades From 10 cento np. MISSES WHITE COTTON HOSE. Without any seams, lfio a pair. Best Machine Needles 3 cts. Each! 4-4 NEW MILLS LONG CLOTH, lie per yard or 10c by the piece. We are BOLE AGENTS for the following .jj well-known Northern firms : Agent for Devlin A Co., of New York, Genu' Custom Made Clothing. Have a mag nificent Line of Samples on hand. Call be fore makinsr vour Scriner carcasses. Fit - n - Oueranteed. Agsnts for Frank Leslie's Cat Paper Pat terns. We will have the fall assortment this week. Ladies can hare Catalogues by send iag for them. A rents for Mystic Rubber Com.any. Gos samer Waterproofs, the lightest and most perfect In the market. Gents' Coats from $6 00. Ladies' Cloaks from $4 00. CLOSING OUT AN Odd Lot of Corsets for 97 1-9. A Great Bargain. Brown & Roddick. 48 Market Street- mch 8 - ill Ti-1 Coine North. AH GOING TO THE NORTH in a few days for the express purpose of laying in th LARGEST AND HANDSOMEST STOCK OF GENTS' AND YOUTHS' SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS vet seen in Wilmington. Stick on band will therefore be sold THIRTY DEGREES BELOW ZERO, as I most have money to buy new goods. The Best Unlaundried Shirt in tbe City for 78 cts t SHRIEK'S EMPORIUM, feb m Market at. Globe Flower Syrup MERRELL'S HEFATINE. A supply of each just received. Wistar's Bal sam of Wild Cherry. A fine lot of Toilet Soapa, Perfumery and Fancy Articles. For sale by JAMES O. MtTNDS, Druggist, Third street, Opp. City Halt 07" Prescriptions Compounded at all hours day or night jan 6 . Samples from Baltimore and New Orleans. QRDER8 for Molasses, Sugar, Coffee,8oap, Meats, Rice. Ac. promptly executed at hot- priees by JA8. T. PXTTEWAY, ati 14 Water Street. Just Received. MME. DEMORBSTS Spring and Sum mer Patterns. Want to Wear, 15 cts.; Pottteele, 15 cents; Quarterly Journal, 5 cents; Magazine, 25 cents, at JNO. L. DUDLEY'S, mch 14-0t . 2d St. next Postoffice. Blank Books k Stationery. AROE8T STOCK AMD LOWEST Priees u Publications, in books, papers aad Catiaee. fjaroaoa aad lithographs, fancy rtkks, Ac, Ac, at a " Front Street Book 8 to The Daily Review. vol. IV. LOCAL NEWS.' New Advertisements. P.HamsBiaBKR IIow to Get an Ink that Will Suit Ton. James C. Stevskbox Fiih. Giles A Mckchis The Leader Burner. Boatwbight A McKov Family Groceries. Williams A Murchisoh At Close PriceB. Gkbhakdt A Co Buggies, Harness and Saddles, Ofkba House Pinafore ! Hall A Pkarsall Molasses Mullets. J. R. Mbltok More of It. 8. Jewett Blank Books and Stationery. A. Ssbibb Ooing North. J. C. Mcnds, Druggist. Ga-be Flower Syrnp. t Kui-hts of Honor meet to-night. The Storm Signal is floating to-day. March is more than h ill g ne a1 ready. Sure atd this is Saint Patrick's Day in the morning, so it is. Mr. Benj. White, we are sorry to learn, is reported as no better to-day. Mr. John . Henderson is no better to-day, we are sorry to hear. March jutst got up and jduste l, forenoon, and no mistake. 1 this The fragrant yellow jessamine is in bloom in the woods around the city The prospects are now for one' of the finest fruit seasons ever known in this section. This of course , provided there does not come soon a killing frost. The sale of tickets for reseived seats at the Opera House to witness the perform ance of the Opera of H. M. S. Pinafore, will commence to-morrow mornmg at Heinsberger's. Hon. A. A.. McKoy arrived in the city on Saturday night and left this morning for Lumbermen, where Robeson County Superior Court convenes to-day. Judge McKoy will hold this Court. Opinion of a Baltimorean. I have used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for some time in my family and lound it the best remedy for Coughs, Coids, &c I ever tried. Louis Bruning,2e Caroline Street; Street Cleaning. Ihe sanitary condition of the city may b) good, and the street-cleaners may do their duty, but we have been credibly in formed that there are . heaps of trash on Hanover, between Second ard Third streets, which have lain there undisturbed except by the hgs, lor nearly or quite twelve mouths. FULL WEIGHT IN THE CANS: absolutely pare material: careful chemi cal combination these are the secrets which have made Bqoley's Ykast Pow er the acknowledged nonpareil of this class of preparations. Now-a-days 'people have learned to study the question of health, and they have solved it m one direction by the use of this article. False Alarm. Between the hoars of 12 and 1 o'clock this morning there was a cry of fire, bHt it proved to - e a false alarm. One or two of the fire companies got under way,, but as there was no fire, and the could not even find a smoke they returned to the amulet of their beds. 1 7 Confirmation. Bishop Atkinsen preached at St. Mark's Church last evening and confirmed eleven persons. The church was crowd ed to its utmost capacity, there haying been pressnt in seats reserved for their many white worshippers. The Bishop's discourse occupied about three-quarters of an hour, and his exordium to the con firmed about twenty minutes. The Biggest Train Ye t . The freight train on the C. O. railway which arrived in" this city yesterday, star ted from Charlotte with 44 cars attached (two better than have been heretofore announced( but left two of them at Ab bottsburg and reached here with 42 cars. This on a North Carolina railroad, with a native North Carolina engineer, which his name is Garrason and his front name is George, than whom no better steps into a cab or pulls a throttle. Three Times Arrested. The only case at the Sheriff" s office or in Magisterial circles to-day was that of a colored man arrested upon a warrant from J. C. Hill, J. P which, the defen dant alleges, is the third time that he has been arrested and summoned before a Magistrate upon the same charge. This sort of thing, the defendant protests, ia getting rather too monotonous, the oily variety about the arrest being that he i summoned before a different Magistrate each time of arrest. The prosecutor is a wo man of dark complexion. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, MARCH Up for Repairs. The steamer Wave has been taken temporarily lrom the line between hero and Fayetteviile in order to have her old boiler removed and a new one placed in position. She wili probably be again ready fr her regular trips in the course of a week. A Big Issue. The last issue of the New York Herald was a ejuintuple sheet and contained ev entj' columns of advertisements and fifty or sixty columns of news and editorial matter. This is several columns of print ahead of any newspaper published in our little burgh When the Review reaches the climax of the great New York daily we promise a big champagne supper to all the printers in town. In fact, we might as well be generous, it will do harm, and extend the invitation to all printers and nwspaper men in the State, for we feel sure they will all come. Sudden Death. Lus Sarah Henlerson, of Pender county, died between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock, a. ra , to day, at the residence of her brother, Mr. J. M. Henderson, of heart disease. Miss Henderson had come to this city to attend upon her brother during the severe sickness with which he has been prostrated, when she was at tacked with the disease which proved sud denly fatal. We learn that she has been afflicted with this terrible disease for some years, and it was probably owing to the excitement and fears incident to the seri ous sickness of her brother which caused such a sudden termination of life. Fire in Duplin. We regret to learn that the residence of Mr. Daniel D. Wells, of Magnolia township, Duplin county, took fire from a defective stova pipe on Thursday last anel was entirely consumed, with all its contents including the furniture and near ly every article of clothing belong ine V the family. Mr. Wells, whe is lT" I Duplin's best men, and a thriving young farmer, was absent from home on busi ness in this city when the conflagration occurred, and knew nothing of the dis aster until his home, which bad been built only a few years, was in ashes. The property destroyed was insured for $2 000. St. Patrick's Day. The patriotic sons of the Emerald Isle residing in this city, honored the natal day of their "patron Saiat with a due observance of the occasion. For reasons already stated there was no display. The members of the Hibernian Benevolent Asssociatioa met at their Hall this morn ing and from theace marched in regalia to St. Thomas' Church, where the services commemorative of the day were to be celebrated. They turned out with full ranks. Arriving at the Church they filed into the seats reserved for them, the balance of the building being crowded with the families and friends of the mem bers. There wero services appropriate to the . occasion, some excellent music and an address by Rev. Father Gross, which we have heard spoken of cn every hand as singularly beautiful, interesting and attractive. At the conclusion of the services at ta Chureh the Association returned in order to thtirHall and after they had dispeirsed a large number of them made a pilgrimage to Oakdale Cemetery where rest their deceased members. Beginning with that of Capt. I. B. Grainger, their deceased Presi dent, they visited all of the graves, leaving behind them floral .trophies to the memery of those who so peacefully repose there. At a business meeting of the Association, held te-iay, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term, viz: President Capt. John Barry. Vice President Frank H. Darby. Secretary D. O'Connor. Assistant Secretary M. O'Brien. Treasurer L. Brown. . s There were two nominees fcr the office of President, Capt. Barry and Mr. Darby, but the latter gentleman arose in his seat and declined to contest the election with Capt. Barry and thereapoa moved that that gentleman be elected by acclama tion, which was done. Mr. Darby was then elected Vice-President. We are pleased to learn that the affairs of the Association are in excellent condi tion and that they never were, in a f nan c'al point of view, more prosperous than they now arc , Oysters are on their last legs now. City Court. Alderman Bowden, Mayor pA temp , presiding : Two subjects of the giant alcohol were arraigned before the Mayor pro tem,. this morning, for disorderly conduct on Satur day night. The first offender on the docket was released with costs. In the second case a line of $:) was iaio posed. This ended the proceedings, and the Court adjourned. Convalescent. We are glad state that Mr. J. W. Thompson is improving as rap'dly as could be expected. For a short time yes terday (Sunday) he was thought to be worte, but he soon rallied and has con tinued improving ever since. We earn" estly hope that the wishes ol his many friends and relatives may be fully real iz3d, and that hemay'socn be fully re stored to health. Repaint? St. John's. Some repairs are now being made to ft he chancel at St. John's Church. The eastern window above the altar is to be cleaned and repainted and other improve ments are to be made. The repairs, we understand, are to be the gift ef a liberal minded gentleman, a vestryman in the Church. The congregation will worship this week, while the repairs are in pro gress, in the Parish School House- next North of the Church. Young Africa. A slight altercation occurred on South Water street this morning between two colored youths at Elias Ilalsey's wood pile. One boy was about to strike an other boy considerably smaller than him salf with a can of concentrated lye, when the other youth who, was ef the same complexion and antecedents as his adver sary, whipped out his pocket-knife and sliced his big opponent's arm for him, whereupon the combat wounded boy was taken ceased. The to the doctor shop where his arm was dressed and the paternal parent of the other little darkey happening along just then, took the knife away from his young hopeful and depos ited it in the bottom of the river and then marched his boy off home. Whose Is It? Saturday evening last Chief of Police Brock ha1 information that a colored boy had been seem on Hanover street with what appeared to be a gold watch which he was offering for sale. Mr. Brock im mediately directed officer Allen to go over to Brooklyn and ascertain the facts. Tbe atter went to the corner of Second aud Hanover streets and there leaned that a colored boy had been seen to sell a watch to another colored lad, and pursuing his inquires he found the watch in the peses- sion of s colored boy by tbe name of Cowan, who had bought it of William Henry Howard, ths boy in whose pos session it was first seen, and for which Cowan had paid tea cents and a ball of twine. Howard upon being interrogated said that he found the watch, whish by wayis only a galvanized one,on the street. The watch is now in the hands of Chief Brock to be del ivered to the owner on proof of property. A Wilmington Boy. From a private letter whick we have had the pleasure of perusing, we glean an item in reference to one of our Wil mington boys which we are glad to note. The writer states that Mr. Ancrum 13. Burr, a native of our town, son of Col. J. G. Burr, has been employed for some time past in tbe Engineering Department ng obstructions in the Baritan and Passaic rivers. A few days ago he removed an enormous rock in one of the slips at tbe foot of Whitehall street. He drilled tha stone and then blew it to pieces with giant powder a species ef glycerine and fuller's earth. The experi ment was entirely satisfactory and was witnessed by an immense crowd, and strange to say, though the slip j was sur rounded by ferry houses and one hun dred and sixty poun Js- of powder were fired , which is thirteen times stronger than ordinary gun powder, not'a single pane of glass was broken in any of the sur rounding buildings. It always gives us great pleasure to chronicle the success of onr boys who have been compelled to leave the old homestead in the hope of bettering them conditions, and never was a truer saying uttered than that the old North State was the best State in tbe Union to move away from. 1 rpHE WLM1NGTON JOURNAL, is one of the very best advertising, mediums pm the I RtmtM TVw it I 17, 1879. NO. 34 Unmailabie. The following is a list of unmailabie letters remaining in the Post Office in this city: Judy Barret, care Mr Baly, Moore co, N C ; John Pulmon A Co, New York, N Y ; John Anderson, Forest Port, N Y ; Mrs Dorthey Bradshaw, Burgaw, N C ; Ed wards, Eroughtou & Co, Raleigh, N C Spear & Dehnhoff, 717 Broadway, N C. Hotel Arrivals Empibb Hocsk. Wilmington N. C, March 17th. I. L. Dolby, proprietor. from 8:15 o'clock March 16 to 8:15 o'clock March 17 R E Lee, city; N J Maginis, N J; Chas A Troy, W E Gillett, New born, N C; J C Shephard, Johnnie Clem ent, N C; A K Walker, city; G M An derson, R R Bennis, Charlotte, N C; Capt W Feilding, N C; P F Farly, Suffolk, Va; J D Nutt, city; J Wm Willis, N Y; A J Smith, city; J 8 Collier, Augusta; J M Poor, Charleston; I H Royal & ilm Clinton, W A Bagley, Weldon, J N Jud kins, N C. New Advertisements. Opera House Pinafore ! Thursday Evening:, March SOth, 1879. HOLM AX OPERA TROUPE, in the Reign iag tinccess of the day, Su livan and Gilbert's Satirical Comic Opera, H. M. S. PINAFORE, The Magnificent Painting of the view of Portsmouth ( covering Over 22,009 square feet of canvass) from the pencil of Mr. Geo. Morris. The deck of the Ship, Sails, Cabin, Bulwarks, Ac, Ac., made frost tbe original models (as produced by the au thors in London, England), by Ambler 8. White, acknowledged by all the Press as bein? "The Handsomest Set Scene of the Day." ' Admission, 25c, 5Cc, 75c. Reserved Seats, 9i.uu, to oe naa at lleinsberger's. mch 17-3t How to Get an Ink that Will Suit You. Carter's Combined Ink, Carter's Writing Fluid, Carter's Copying Ink, Carter's Raven Black Ink, Carter's Crimson Fluid. CARTER'S MUCILAGE, "The Great Stickest," for "Sticking things not per sons." This is made from pure selected gums, and chemically prepared so that it cannot mould or sour in any climate. It is ten per cent, stronger than any other standard man ufacture, aad does not tnicken or dry np wuea exporeu in mestana. ror sale at mch 17 HEINSBERGER'S. More of It I A NOTHER LOT OF THAT fine Bryant Beef has jnit been received and will be sold by J. R. MELTO V, At No. 8, Second St. Market At the LOWESi PRICES the market can possibly afford. I invite gentlemen and ladies to give me a i call and examine for themsel res. mch 17 J. R- MELTON, Prop'r. Molasses. 2QQ Hhds and Bbls CUBA, NEW ORLEANS and SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES. For sale low by mch 17 HALL & PEARS ALL. Mullets. BBLS. BRIGHT MULLETS, For sale low by HALL A PEARSALL. mch 17 Fish Fish. Fish Finnan Haddies, A Most Delicious Breakfast Relish, Imported from Scotland. Smoked and Pickled Salmon, Cod- : fish, Mackerel, Smoked Bloater Herring, Sardines, in Half and Quarter Boxes. 1 Call and buy some of the Haddicf, which are especially recommended. JAMS C. 8TEVBN80N mch 17 FLEASS S OTICK. We wUi be giad to receive oosastuicaUoJaS from onr friend em any and all subjects of general inter t btt : The name of U writer most always be f rushed to Us Editor. Comannicatioca mist bj written on only one aide of the paper. Personalities mast be avoided. . And it ia esf scialiy nd particularly nod toed that the Edit does not always the views of correr on dents unless so state in the editorial columns. New Advertisements. Boatwiight & McKoy liaTt scade vp their minds To Keep in the Lead ! IN THE 1 1 Retail Grocery Line ! If Hard Work I Buying Good Goods Low and selling ac Cordinglf i Polite Attention to All I An 1 Free and Prompt Delirert I WILL ACCOMPLISH Til AT END ! We are alive te the GREAT COM PETITION now exutiDg (we are in a condi tion to us so) , 'and we propoto TO MEKT IT. Strange as it may read to some, but we say it, and have our cash-book to prove it, that we aava SOLD MORE GOODS FOR CASH during the last sixty days than we sold during ti.a Holidays for the same length of time; and every close oeserrer couli not he p but notice HOW BUST WE WERE, and tbe AMOUNT OF GOODS THAT WENT OUT OF OUR 8T0RE during those days. We trust there is BUSINESS- ENOUGH FOR US ALL, but we don't pro pose TO LOSE OUR TRADE, but rahr DAY BY DAY TO INCREASE IT. Every facility our brain can (evise shall be bestowed on our customers in the way of GOOD GOODS AT EXCEEDING SMALL PROFITS. We trust we have merited ths liberal patronage which we have received, and will promise TO TRY AND GIYE A QUID PRO QUO in ths future as we hope we have done in the past. COKE AND SEE US. Boat wright & McKoy. I.7A8 Worth Front St. Btftll At Close Prices! 1000 Bbli FLU L il 300 Hhds and Bbls Cuba MOLASSES, 250 Bbls N Md P B MOLASSES, 250 Bbl,a H-8TBur' 1000 Ko"NAfLS' 200 B xcs' ft,AII Smoked SIDES, jQQ Bbls Family ME8SPORK, 300 B C0FEE' 200 oli 8UQ IRS, 200 To" GtJAlrAPK GUA!f0- ALSO Manchester Mills aad Randolph COTT ON YARNS, Lake George Sheetings. For rale low by Williams V Marchfoon, mch 17-d Aw. Buggies, Buggies, Harness & Saddles, , FOR SALE AT &DT ACQ'S, 3rd st., opposite City Hall. REPAIRING DONI WITH INEATNEf S A.X U DlSrATUu. HORSE-SHORING A SPECIALTY, mch lT-tf The Leader Burner. rpHB LEADER BURNER Gives a Better Lhrh t than any other Burner in the market. We hav. them m store aad are selling tm at Very Low Figures. Cell aad Examine" J GILES A MUROmISOIV, mch 17-dw Si A 40 Mnrchison Mlock.