I - , a. witLii;) ihrt past CAROLINA The eecond annual fair of Pomona Grange will be beld at Poplar Twt, in Cabarrus county, on the 13th and Utn of August. Charlotte Observer : The business of the Charlotte, Columbia cV. Augusta Railroad in February was $8,000 above what it was for the same month last year. The increase will be fctiil greater this month. Re Dr Craven?, president of Trinity College, will deliver the annual ad dress before the literary societies of the North Carolina Luther n) Col lege, at Mt. Pleasant, Cabarrus coun ty, next summer. Charlotte Observer: The new Union Methoditt church mar Wolfaville, Union countv. wue destroyed by tit last week. Loss ub ut fGOO. The nre is supposed to havs been ot inoen- diarv origin, rhis ih the t&ura cumcc that has been Grcve circiu months. Qoldsboro Miificiiger: Oj Satur day last a little t.oa of Mrs Dei nmf was set upon in the street end severe ly bitten through thethifh by v c ions' dog belonging to K -! Cohen. The little felloe i Buffer in voj. much. That dog ought to bj kiie lie has bitten several childroa, oa va rious occasi&Ls. Monroe Enquirer: We. regret -to learn that a little son of Maj J Q Ash craft got a leg broken on last Tuesday, by a heavy slate rock turning on Liiu after falling some four feet into a ditch. The little fellow narrowly es caped being crushed to death, as he was in the ditch when the rock turn bled in, and had it fallen on him; in stead of onlv tnr due over on his leg. after striking the ground, it would have mashed him into a mummy. Charlotte Observer: Close to Piue ville, as the Charlotte, Columbia & Aagusta train was on the down trip the other day, the bell pounded over the engineer's head and he stopped . Conductor Clarkson ge t out a-d atkeu what was the matter, and a tramp, seated on the platform of the mail car, told him to "go ahead, Cap, I've put the fire out. " A spark from the engine had fallen on the tramp's back, burned a hole in his coat and singed his hair. He explained that he hed pulled the bell-cord because he couldn't put the fire out in the breeze which the motion of the train created. Then they snatched him oil" of the platform, quick, and wont ahead. A few statioas bdow, somebody went around behind the sleeper, and a tramp, with a ho!e in the back of hiss coat, wa3 seated on the platform. They took, him oft again, and went head. At another station they hap pened glance under one of the cars and there he was on the trucks, look ing;, quite innooent and contended. For the third time he was invited to disembark, and did so with all alac rity, and the next time anybody on the train laid eyes on that tramp, it was at Doko, near Columbia, and he was comfortably coiled up in a retired spot in the second-class car. Nobody had ever before seen a tramp with jti9t this amount of hangonativenesH. ALAttH AT SITKA A Flotilla or Hostile Canoes on Their Way to Destroy the Town. Victoria, March 16 The steamer Cali fornia arrived from Alaska this morn ing, with news that the Indians are preparing for war. H B M Ship Oa pie and the United titates cutter Walcott had reachad Alaska. The Chiefs received the Oprey cordially, but informed her commander that they c jul l take the Walcott whenever they chose. The Walcott had gone to in tercept a flotilla of hostile cahces which were on their way to destroy the town of Sitka. The Osprey reenforeed the Walcott with a number of marines and a Gatling gun. The situa tion is alarming r.nd the Oj prey will remain until relieved by an American man-of -war. The Sitka chiefs were giveu two hours to pro duce a certain female witness to the Brown murder. They pretended that the woman was abotLt, but produced h'er lovg before the time expired. She confessed to having seen Brown's .body after ho hud been shot twice. The body was then wrapped up iu blankets, weighted with stones, and thrown overboard. The 0-prey Laa not been in port vo minutes before the Indians surrendered Brown'. gun, axe, books, etc. Tho California ha three witnesses to ihc mcrderon board. Why the British Garrison has Been Keenrorccd in British Burmah. L,odon March 1G-lathe House of Commons, on Friday night. Sir Staff ord Sorthcote, replying to an inqniry a3 to why troops had been sent fo British Barm-.h. rfad tne following telegram from Lord Lvtton, Viceroy of India, dated March 8 "The Butish garrison has been re enforced on t tie urgent recommenda tion of the Chief Commissioner and the strong advice of L eut-Gov Eden. The British Esi lent at Maadalay has reported thaf warlike preparations are making, and that the Burmese art strengthening the river forts. There are rumors of disturbances and dan gers threatening foreigners. Warn ing coriits from weil-iuformed qaar ters that early mischief i a interded, and, altogether, the position of aff-iirs is precarious. The ..garnou in Bar man was on a pei.ee footing, and too weak for protection in the event of disturb ,-:c- on trmj frontier. Nsw3 of the ret-nfo'rcem-fcrifc support our Ufki.-i-.:.: at Maiidalay. ' AH ild Faseijmt Th5-e resides io S Birds In Chi J. tij vicinity df II ar- ri-buiir, in &u oht-of-the-wayj plac in Lai cook cauctjj, boat three miles sfi -t of Mounl LVaj cLard, a vary re markbie child, giJ 5 years old, who jeems to li've the power to cuarm o.ri3 at will. Her mother first noticed this .strange fascination that the child pos sesses about a year ago. The little 2irl was playing in the dooryard among a bevy of snowbird1 , and when sba spoke to them tbey would come and light upon her, twittering with gleb. On taking them in her bunds and Stroking them, the bird?, iustead of trying to get awny from their fair captor, seemed So be highly pleased, and when let ioo e would fly away a short distance and immediately return to the child again. She took several of them into the house to show her mother, who, thinHIng sue might hurt them, put them out of doors, but no sooner was the door opened than the birds flew into the room again, and 1st upon the girl's head and began to chirp. The birds remained about the prera ises all winter, flying to the little girl whenever the door was opened. The parents of the little child became alarmed, believing that this strange power was an iil-oaaen, and that the much-dreaded visitor, death, was about to visit their house. But death did not come, and during last Bummer the child hay had numerous pets from tho bird1?. , The child handles the birds so gent ly that a humming-bird once in her hand does not fail to return. This winter a bevy of birds have kepther eom pany, and she plays with them for Lours at a time. Every morning the bit da fly to her window, and leave on ly when the suu sinks in the west. The parents of this girl are poor, superstitious peopie, and have been reticent about the matter until lately, fearing that some great calamity was about to befall them. British Labor Troubles. i London, March 16 The Observer's dispatch fiom Blackburn states that the operatives are greatly incensed at the proposed reduction. In conse quence or a telegram from the Mayor of Blackburn, a troop of hussars and some companies of infantry were held ia readiness at Preston on Friday and Saturday. Broadhead, the notorious trades union leader of Sheffield, is dead. DIOCESE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Bishop Atkinson's Appointments. Wednesday, Mareh jo, p in.. rinfnn March 2J, a m.. March Sfl.i.'. Faison's March 23, 4th Sunday in Lent. . . Goldsboro March 84, p m ..... . . Wilson March 35, pm. Rockv Mount Wednesday, March $6, pin Enfield Friday, March 2S Kingwood March SO, 5th Sunday in Lent . Scotland Neck i . . . 2... 3. . 4. . . Thursday, Friday, Sunday, Monday, 1 uesday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, April Api il April April April i Sunday, April France's Cabinet Crisis. Paris, March 16 TheMomteer Uni versel savs: "There will be no shift ing of positions ia tae Cabiuet, which ! win endeavor to continue as at present a few days longer; but tho Minis ters themselves are the first to recogniz3 tha fact: that they cannot abide long after Thurs day's proceedings. It is generally considered that a Gambetta Ministry has becom3 a necsssity. Gambetta is earnestly urged by his friends to ac cept office, and begins to understand that it will be difficult for Lim to evade it." The Ministry of the 16th of May have issued a protest against the vote of censure, which they declare was pronounced in their absence by charges brought by an incompetent tribunal. The Bochebouet Cabinet has pre sented a similar protest to President Qrevy. . J Ilamiiton . .1 . . Williamston JaniHsyille . J Plymouth 5. St Luke's, Washington count , Paiui Sunday St David's p Hertferd V. . Wood iile, Perquimans county 10, a m. . Camden C H n m! .Davis' chapel, Pasquotank Good Friday,April 11 Elizabeth City Easter Day, April 13: Edentoa Tuesday, - April 20. .St Ppfers Chapel, Gates county Wednesday, April IG IGatesville inursaay, April : J n.. -..Wmton April IS Murfreehoro April 20, 1 at Su'nday af Easter, codMl;e, Bertie co Tuesdav, Wednesda Thursday, do April April April do Fridav, Sand ay, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Windsor . . Jackson Halifax April 22 April 25, 1) ill . . Ar-i il 26 a m L. . ( April 27, 2d Sunday after . E aster.... Weldon Collections nude at ta;'h place for Dio cesan Missions. The fieichstag Xot to be Dissolved. London, March 17 The Post's dis patch from Berlin states that Princa Bismarok, af the Parliamentary coiree on Saturday, denied that he intsnded to dissolve the Reichstag shortly. Snow Storm In Cincinnati. Cincinnati, March 16 Heavy snow has been falling here since 2 P AX. The Saviour of the Little Ones. There wo ild not be' so, many little graves in cemeteries and churchyard'!, it parents used the means within their reach to save the sickly offspring, whose span of feeble life is in their keeping. The busy baby brain requires constant food, the sensitive nerves want steady toning, the rapidly changing tissues, inceasant nourishment, often the mother is herself nervously de. taiiiated, kand bodily worn out ; mother and children may gain a new lease of life and healdi, by the persijtent use of Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with the Hypopbosphites ot Lime and Soda. It is sorter, and as nice as milk, and both will learn to love it Just as well. Don't fall to try it for any form cf debility, and for all forms of infantile wasting, such as Marsas. mus, Rickets or any scrofulous tendency, its restorative powers are wonderful. centennial Premium Wine. Physicians have used Speer's Port Grape Wine of New Jrsey, and, having applied to it the strictest teat, pronounce it a pure wine, and recommend it to the aged and infirm, and for general use where wine is desirable, as the most reliable of -t . he had. It received the bighes awnr 1 at the Centennial Exhibition. For sale iy J. 0 Munda, P. L. Bridgera & Co and Green & Planner. oommekcial; hews. WILMINGTON MARKET I March 18-4 F M. I ei'iKlTS TURPENTINE Firm at 28 bales 50 casks at these figures. HodIN Quoted firm at tl 15 fer S train - d and Si 11 lA for Geod strained. ' Later, we hear of sales 1,000 bbls Good Strained at il 15. 1 A K-Quoted steady at $1 W. Sales at quotations. CKUOK fURPEXTINE Steady at $1 15 for liard and $1 75 for Soft and Virgin. Sales receipts at quotations. COTTvj' Quoted steady t an advance of of cent on yesterday's quotations. Salea on a easts of cents for Middling. The following are the olliial quotations OrdiQrv - - i eats. Good Ordinary e Strict ljhcd Ordin&r j . ...... how Middling ... 9 Middling J ... lti!vl iVlludhCg . it tt It Gotten 114 bales Spirit! Turpentine 147 casks Roain 1,435 bbls Tar 1,321 " Orudd Turpentine 171 " MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithvilie Geo Myers. Steamer Isis, Paddhon, Point Caswell, R P Faddison. Steamer Gov Worth, Worth, Fayetteville Worth & Worth. Steamer Clinton, Bisby, Bannermann' Bridge, Master. CLEARED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville Geo Myers. Steamer Gov Warth, Worth, Fayetteville Worth & Worth. I Steamer Isis, Paddison, Point Caswell, It P Paddison. Schr Annie Ketcham, Ketchum, Charles ton, to load with phosphate rock for Wil mington, Hal, Harris & flowoll. WEEKLY STATEMENT OF STOCKS ON BAND MARCH 17, 1879. Cotton ashore .2,842 afloat M6d Total 4,307 Spirits ashore... 8,381 afloat Total 8,381 Rosin ashore 91,835 afloat 4,946 Total $9,781 Tar ashere 13,598 afloat. -. 4,880 Total ... 18,478 Grade ashore..... , 2,691 afloat Total 2,691 SIOIIPTS FOK TEE WSSK SN3ISS M1.&CH 17, '79. Cotton 646 Spirits 906 Rosin 7,302 Tar 4,17 Crade 1,888 EXPORTS FOB IKE WtEK BSDI5S MA.RC517, '79. Domestic. Cotton 924 Spirits & Rosin 2,33 Tar 3,576 Crude "7 Foreign. Cotton.. Spirits 1,050 Rosin 1,325 Tar JO Crude NEWBURY'S, WATER march 1 Headquarters for Ale, Lager Be8r and Porter. & XKA.B.CUS & SON'S, No. 5 Market Street QAN FOKNIiH YOU WITH THE BESt Ale, Lager Ber and Porter, both keg and bottled, in the city. Country orders promptly attended to Tho. H. McKoy, Bobt H- McXoy ATTORNElfl-AT LAW WILMINGTON, N. C. GtScd North side Market street, between Second and Third streets, jan 27-tf J as. T. Pettewav WILMINGTON, N. O., JS AGENT FOB THE SALE OF WILCOX 1BBS k CO'S Maaipulatea Guano. The best, cheapest and most popular Guano offer ed. Will take orders for deli Tory at Lnm berton, Shoe Heel, Laarinburg, Laurel Hill and intermediate points. janlMAw mHS WILMINGTON JOURNAL, ( Wek X lT)y spablished eTerr Friday at2 p annum. Circulation large. MiscellaneonE. Applet oil's Journal for 1879. THE PROPRIETORS of APPLETVb JOURNAL will henceforth derotd it ex elnsirely to literature of a Mgh order of ex cellence, by writers of acknowledged stand ing. It is the growing habit of the leading mindt in all countries to contribute their best intel lectual work, to the magazines and reviews; and, in order that Appleton's Journal maj adequately reflect the intellectual activity of the time thus expressed, it will admit to it pages a selection of the more noteworthy critical, speculative, and progressive papers that come from the pens of theae writeis.' Fiction will still occupy a place in the Journa', acd descriptive papers will appear : bnt large place will be given to articles bear ing upon literary and art topic, to discus eions of social and political progrea?, to pa pers addressed distinctly to the intellectual tastes of the publ c, or devoted to subjects in which the public welfare or public culture is concerned. Terms of Appleton's Journal. Three dol lars per annum, in advance, postage prepoid by the publishers, to a l t-ubsc. ibers iu the United States or Canada; or Twentv-five Cents per number. A Club of Fur Yearly cubsci iptions will entkle the Sender to an extra subscript em gratis; that b, five copies will be sent one year for twelve doll i ?. Ap pleton's J ournal and the Popular Science Monthly, for one year. f-r sewn d ilare, postage prepaid (full price, eight dollars). The volumes begin Janua y and July f each year, fcubsciiptiuns received for any length of time. D. APPLKTON A Co., Publishers, 619 A 551 Broadway, New York. jan TO ADVEHTISEHS. Uro. P. Kowell & (o's SELEtfr LIST OF Local Newspapers. Many persons suppose this list to be com posed o jCHKAP. iw-priced newspapers The fc t in quite f-tiierwi-e. '1 he catalogue States ex c ly what iba papers are iien the name of a paper is priutt-d in FULL FACE TV E it is in every instance the BEH'i paper in the place. Wh n printtd in CAPI TALS it is the ONLY paper in the place. When p inted in romao letters it is neither the best nor the only paper, but tis usually a frj good oce notwithstandiug. 1 he list gives the population of every town and the circulation of every paper, IT 18 NUT A CO-OPERATIVE LIST. IT IS NOT A HEAP LIciT. At the foot of the Catalogue for each St te the important towns which are not covered by the list are enumerated. IT IS AN HQNEST LIST. The rates charged for advertising are barely one-fifth the pub lishers schedule, lne price for single states an es from $1 to $50. The price for one iach four weeks in the entire lUi is $620. The egular rates of the papers for the ssme space and time are $2,926.66. The list includes 956 newspapers of which 179 are issued DAILY and 776 WEEKLY. They are located in 79 different cities and towns, of which 25 are State Capitals, 346 places of over 5.0; 0 popu lation, and 486 County Senta. Lists sent on application. Address Geo. P. Rowell A Co's Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce sereet, (Printing House Square), Nev York, feb 1 2 mos Tonsorial, TAVINQ AGAIN located in the base LJL ment of the Purcell House, I have thor oughly renovated and improved the old stars' and am now prepared to shave,shampoo, at cut hair tor everybody. The best of worl men, clean towels, sharp razors and lev prices. ELY IS aRTIS, lulj Purcell House Barber Shop; Furniture ! Furniture ! A La-ge Assortment of WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS ! ! to be sol 1 at the very bottom prices. Walnut Wardrobes, Sideboards, Extension Ta les, Marble TopTab'es, Ac, Ac,, as well as common Chamber Sets, Bedstead, Chairs and Rockers of all sorts. Looking Glasses, Mirrors, Pari .r Suit , Lounges, Shadts, Bed ding and everything belonging to a First Clas3 Furniture Establishment. Also, another lot of the celebi ated Genuin e Stewart Sewing Machines, a real comfort." For sale at F. A. SCHOTTE'S, 26 and 28 Front and 11 to 15 Dock sts. mhc 10 Miscellaneous NEW mm $125 Each, and all styles, including Grand Square and Upright, ah strictly FiasT-cxAss, sold at the lowest nbt cash wholesale factobt prices, direct to the purchase. These Pianos made one of the finest displays at the Cen tennial Exhibition, and were- unanimously re commended for the Highest Honous over 1J,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory established over 36 years, The Square Grands contain Mathu shek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement in the history of Piano making. The Uprights are the finest n America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't ail to write for illustrated and Descriptive fataiogueof 48 pages mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., sept 6-1 7 HEast 15th street. V Y The Collins House On The European Plan. Corner Front and Bed Cross Street Near Union Depot- J RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO my friends and the public that I have opened the above House and am now pre pared to furnish meals and lodgings. Restaurant open at all hours. Prices low and bed-rooms neat, clean and airy. Special rates by day, week or month. ttThe only Restaurant in the city. W. M. COLLINS, oct 26-2taw-m thu Proprk tor. Ham and Eggs, jyjOUHTJLIN BUI TLB, Choice, Table Batter, Sugar Cured Pig Bacon Hams, Saus age, Liver Pudding, Pigs Feet, Sugar, Cef ee, Flour, 4c Bead to Ho. 14 Water ft. Ifcb 7 J. H. PKTTEWAY. SPEER'S Port Crape Wine CTed in Churches for Communion purposes. PASSAIC?, JM.cT. mm Spoor's Fort Grape Wine ! f'our lV-;tr Old. rpHI JOST1.I ChLiUKATEL" AATIVK Wine is made frorj. the juicb of the Oporto Grape, raised in thb cuuetrv. It invaluab's Tonic anil SireEEtliGning Properties re ansurpaeted by any other native Wine. lieinfc the pure juic? of the grape, produced under Mr. Sj.etr'aown personal supervision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The y-ungett cnild may partake ol its gener ou? qualities, and the weakest invalid may rise it to advantage. t is particularly bene ficial to the aped and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that afllict the weaker sex. It Is, in every respect, A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Speer's P. J. Sherry. 7 he P. J. SHERRY i-i a Wine of HUPE KIOK CHARACTER and partakes of the p older, qualities of the grape from which it is made!. Fo MEDICINAL PROPERTIED, it will be found unexcelled. Speer's P. J. or Pedro J- Brandy, This noted hrandy in a pore ditttillatioo from t e grape and is t qual to the finest H,n-nes-sy or ;tard Hrand'ee ; for medicinal pur poses it cn be relied upon as strictly pure. Pee that thf signature of Alfred Speer, Passaic. N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. A. SPEER'S Mt Prospect Vineyards,w Jersev. Office, No. 34 Warren St. New York. For sale bv GREEN k FLAN NER, J. C. MUX S, DrukgLjta, and P. L. BRIDGER'S CO ;aB l P. L BRIDGERS & GO. 99 999 B1!!S r,'"l'!!' 21,346 SacksCOFFtK' 112 673 CaMif.CA"N good 61 000 rackagis f rjQuoBSi 1 1 aoa Bex-8 soap, 5 500 Fhkiius btrrTR 16 7vJ t -u.se s anvi i;i.js. Crackers. P, L. BliiDttBRS & CO. KF" Priutei'd i. k is very cheap after sace is once paid ihf. Fifty figures (GO; cost no more than one. - A DISCRIMINATING PUBLIC wiN please strike ofl as many figured as tbey please from the abo ve, a:.U tbeu Oo t P. L. BRIBGEKS & CO., who brought Groceries down to tte LOW PRICES, and buy LOWER THAN EVER. rccb 10 Fo; Sale. rjlHE TRACT OF LAND known as the "WiUams Place", contaning over Eleven Hundred acres. Lies within five and a half miles of the city. For particulars apply to A. G. LATTA, men 10-lm Office Capt. A. D. Cazaux WBOLBIAL1 P&lOlft - - The following mmI - - - . . w u raw. . V waoleMle price, generallj. In BAGGINO nnnn i ""'tea. - - j ioudi. Ancnor.... 3 ii 10H 10 6 6 I mi 9 Double Anchor " A " Standard Domestic I BACON Nor tb Carolina, nami, fr pa,.-.... Bhooldera. V & Sides, V Ib... Western Smoked Ham. 8ide, lb Shoulders. Dry Salted Side., V lb Shoalder. V ft.... BEEF Lire weifrbt. BARRELS Spirita Turpentine Second Hand, each i New York.eaeh, neir.M.... 1 BEESWAX-V lb BRICKS Wilnrinjrton, V M Northern BUTT EH N or tb Carolina lb Northern, frf ft NDLES- Sperm V Tallow, ft Adamantine; V set. CHEESh Northern Factory, V 8 8 Dairy cream, V l'X oxaiv, n OOF r' EE Jar a; IB ft Rio. V lb Laguy.., Jl lb., 10 T 6i .6 00 0 16 u I l 0 ft 18 6o Si 6 16 00 8 76 60 00 00 00 00 T 00 60 26 60 00 60 00 Ii a n u a a a a a it a ti 0 4 6 6 7 7 8 .60 00 46 00 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8 MX 49 None. 45 66 4 9 00 00 00 8M 11 26 00 00 . 1 . 1 60 CORN MEAL V buahel. COTTOS TIES- V bdl .... 1 DOMESTIC Bheetine, 4-4 ? yard...... Yarn, V bunch t II8H- Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl. o.l, bbl Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl.... 12 .No. 2, V X bbl 6 Mackerel, No. 3 V bbl 00 Mullet., y bbl 2 N. C. Herring, V bbL 4 Drr Cod. ft FLOUR Fine. ? bbl Super, Northern, 19 bbl... Extra do. V bbl... Family y bbl... City MillEx,.8uper V bbl... u Familybbl... " Ex. Family $ bbl... FERTILIZERS Feruvi&n Onano, y 2000 ft. BRujrti'B inoBphate Carolina Fertiliser Oround Bone, Bone Meal " Flour N avassa Guano, Complete Manure Whann's Phosphate 4 Wando Fhoanhafe. Berger ABruta'.Roa. " " 00 00 Wilcox. Gibb A Co.. ma nipulated Guano 4t GLUE y ft GRAIN Corn,itore, 56ft Corn, oargo, V 66 ft....... Corn,yel., bushel.... Oat., V bushel Pea., eow, bush. J.. HI UfcS Oreen, ft .. lry, ID HAY Eastern, y 100 ft. North River, V 100 lbs.. HOOP IRON y ton...... LARD Northern ft.... North Carolina ft LIME bbl . 1 LUMBER City steam sa'wd Ship stuff, resawed, M ft. 18 Rough edge plank. V M ft. 16 West India cargo, aeeord- ing to quality, y M ft...l2 Dressed fooring,seaconed.l6 Scantling and boards, com mon, M ft 11 MOLASSES Cuba.hhdgl Cuba, bbls., gnl........ Sugar house, hhds. y gal. " bbU.Vgal... Orleans Choice bbls. V gal. NAILS Cat, 20dto4d,k 2 OILS Kerosene, V 4L.. Lard, y gal 1 Linseed, y eal. 1 Rosin, y gaL. PEANUTS bnaheL POTATOES -Sweet, bus. Irish, Northern, bbL.... S PUKh. xNorthern, city mess. 10 00 Thin, y bbl..... :.. 00 00 Prime, bbl ( extra) 10 60 Rump, y bbl 06 00 ttitt uaroiina, y ft East India, ft.f Rough, y bushel RAGS Country, W ft City, y ft ROPE SALT Alum, y saek...... Li verpool, j$ sack American y sack Marshal's fine, y sack.. 1 Cadix y sack SUGAR Cuba, ft... Porto Rico, y ft A- Coffee, V ft B " y ft c- y ft Ex C f ft Crushed 9 ft SOAP-NorAern, y ft SHINGLES Contract, 6 Common, y M 1 STAVES W. O. bbL y M.10 R O hhd. y E. .T......00 TALLOW V ft TIMBER-Shipping M ...10 Mi 1, prime perlf. 7 Mill, fair per M Interior to Ordinary, per M 8 WHISKEY-North'ipergl 1 North Caroina, per gal ... 1 W OOL Unwaahed, per ft... Washed, cer ft 60 86 00 10 00 u ot so M 40 11 I 11 8 90 20 ail 20 00 9 00 00 00 60 60 60 00 0 00 oc 60 00 26 76 8 21 00 00 00 00 61 08 40 00 46 00 47 00 40 00 67 08 70 00 70 00 00 09 67 60 10 66 50 60 16 v 66 0 10 N 08 oo oo 00 82 36 20 23 86 60 IS 10 00 12 66 00 00 20 00 18 M 14 00 26 00 14 08 s 44 H 44 18 20 90 60 60 60 80 00 00 9X9 0X0 00 E.& H.T. ANTHONY 4 CO., 591 Broadway, Wew Toik, (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel. ): Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers m Velvet Frames, Albums, Grapboeoopes, Soereofxpes and Views, Engrarings, JChromos, Fliotograpbs, sad kindred goods, Celebrities, Actresses, tie. Photographic Material. We are Headquarters for eTerytbing . In the way ot Mereopticona and Maggie LantenUt Being Manufacturers of the Micro-Scientific Lantern, Stereo-Panopticon, University Stereopticar., Advertiser's Stereoptlcon, Artoptiron, School Lantern, Family Lantern, Peoples Lantern. Each style being the best of Ha class m the market. Beautiful Photographic Trauapareuciei of Statuary and Engraviuga for the window Convex Glass. Manufactuers ofTeJvet Frames lor Miniatures and Convex Glast Pictures. Catalogues ol Lanterns and Slides, wit directions for using, sent on receipt ol ten cents. oct U-dSw-w2 RJSmStSb tS5Z M.UKMIMQ sfkS Us of white and colored Cards tsd Bristol boards. Can c ire a a ie. job and hea pest job in the city. m DAILY REVIEW JOB OFF1C1.

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