Miscellaneous WAIT NO LONGER ! HUT COME TO.TEEj Exchange Corner ! You should 'come at once aud serotjjyoia Japanese Goods before all are sold. A nice lot of those beautiful Waiters, only $1,25 per set; they arc going fast. The nicest present you can "give is a Hand kerchief Box with half dozen nice Handkerchiefs, J Or a Gluve Box with one orjnore" pairs of Gloves. You should remember the Kid Glove De pot. The 4-Button Kid Glove you should buy at once as they can not be du plicated in price. Only 31 per Pair ! We can give youKid Gloves from' 50c up. Come and get your - present at Exchange Corner for a little money You can find a Present for any one, from ',he darling babe to the rob us man.jj tWe would call your attention to the g Flexible Hip Corset For sale only at Exchange Corner ! It" is a B a-ity'! Wejnvite all to come as we are prepared co see.then;"on MONDAY 1 TUESDAY AND, i WEDNESDAY ! As we know, it will not only be to their inVJegt bitl to their amusement alto. 7 . . H. SPRUNT, Exchange: Corner dee 31. The Daily Review JOSH. T. JAMES. Ed. and Prop WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 18', 9 VIKU'S AND RBKltiWS, There is to be a change in the pedes trian mania. The Detroit Free Ircss mentions a lady who is going to try to wink her eye one billion times in one billion seconds. Marshal MacMahen wouldn't hear of a pension, and refused to use. the money voted to defray hospitalities at the Elysee during the Exhibition. It was dstribu. ted by his wife among the charities of Paris. The total number of dwellings in Bos ton is 41,457, of which 1,512, valued at $6,804,100, are vacant In addition to this there are 2,074 stores, 120 hotels, 80 family hotels, and 4,360 miscellaneous buildings making a grand total of 50,903 buildings. Pope Leo XIII dees not countenauce the theory that all dancing is of the Evil One. To some ladies who asked his per mission to dance during the late. Cam ival he said: "Go, my dears, and enjoy your selves ia an innocent dance, only don't keep up too late your papas and mammas when they want to get home again." The Patersoa (X. J.) clergymen have decided to issue a memorial to the inhab itants of that city, requesting them not to hold any funerals on Sunday. The preachers complaint that, in cons? quince of the number of funerals on Sun day, they sometimes do not ind time for their meal?. Twenty-five years ao the first Atlantic cable was laid. Now there are 70,000 niiies of cable, almost enough to go three times around the globe. How many plagues, pestilences and famines; how many heart aches and rejoicings ; how many wars and rumors of war, to say nothing cf "peac ) and honor," have been flashed over the cable in these twenty-five years 1 Seme of the fashion writers siy that the models of new dresses show a decid ed fulness. Clinging dresses, it seems, are slowly but surely going out, and tied- back dresses are becoming things of the pa?t. Many of the wemen. drowned when the Princess Alice weut down were so encumbered by their skirt that they could not help th nifel-fs vrhc.z h?!p wts given them. It is intimated thatZieh Chandler is preparing a bill, which he will iatro duce ia the Senate on the Srdt day of the session declaring Mr. Davis an out law and requ ring him to pay full rent for the use of the quarters occupied by him in Fortress Moor e ia 18G5. Bal timore Gazette. ' It is faid' that the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland were watched faj German detective officers from the moment they landed at Lubeck until they reached Aus trian territory, and that this espionage only ceased upon the protest of the Eng lish Ambassador at Berlia against such an indignity to a Prince of the English royal family and a sister of . the Princess of Wales. . If Prince Louis Napoleon s design in volunteering for the Zulu war .was to di rect public attention to himself and his house ho has certainly attained bis object. His letter to Iiouher has been published, aad commented upon in a1 most all the English and Continental newspapers. It was a day's talk for the Paris boulevards, and an enormous crowd of the unwashed Londoners assembled to witness the Prince's departure from Waterloo Station, and cheered him heartily. Last Tuesday night at the conclusion of the tragedy of "Virginius'' at the Mem phis Theatre, John McCnllough was called before the curtain and presented by Col. .7. M. Keathing, on behalf of the citizens ot Memphis, with an ejegant and costly gold badge. Tho presentation was made iu grateful remembrance of the generosity of Mr. McCulloughjWhoco ntributed the gross receipts of a performance last fall to aid the fdvcr-sLiicktn people ofthe South. The audience was one of the largest and most fashionable ever congregated within the walls of the theatre. There is an ordinance in San Praneis;o that requires tha sheriff to cut off the. queue of Chinaman wko are sent to the county j til. One prisoner, who was thus treated, sued the sheriff after regain ing his liberty; he deuied the constitu tionality of the ordinance, and the ques tion thus raised has been under considera tion by a United States Judge for some time. Meanwhile, the sheriff continues to cut off the queues as fast as he gets jurisdiction over them, and the China men are bringing so many suits against him for reparation that the board of supervisors have found it necessary to provide extra counsel for his defence.- THE TURN IN THE TIDE. According to the New York Evening Post the general opinion among business men there is that bottom has been reach ed in prices, and a reaction has set in. The jjrebabil ty is that moie dwslling houses will be built in that city during 1879 than have been erected during any previous year. At present, inquiry with reference to real estate and dwelling houses by persons now living in New York or the suburbs is very active, and even by capitalists living in other cities. Rents and prices will in all probability re main substantially the same as last year. There is a clamor for lower rents and lower prices, but owners are unyielding, and last year's prices will be given and received. It is noted that there is much inquiry made about real estate by capi talists from other cities with a view to in vestments. A NATIONAL. MUSfiUM. It will have been noticed, says the Ncvcs and Courier, that Congress has ap propriated the $250,000 asked for a National Museum, to be erected at Wash ington, near the Smithsonian Institute and the buildings ofthe Agricultural De partment. The building, to be of brick and one story high, will cover about two and a quarter acres of ground, and every known precaution will be taken against fire, dampness, rust and vermin. The glass area will amount to nearly 13,000 feet or about one-seventh of the floor space, aud special devices will be employed to display the exhibits to ad vantage. . At the clo;e of the Centennial Exhibition th.-e United States was the re cipient of inauj curious and valuable pres enta from foreign governments, which are now packed away in boxes, and the Smitb- sonian institute has several important col lections which cannot be shown for want of spaca. I a the armory building 4,000 boxes are also awaiting exhibition room, so that the new museum will be largely furnished when it is first opened, probably a year hence. RATES OF FARE BY LW. TheTallahassee Ploridian publishes an act approved on the 11th inst., which declares that from and after its passage it shall not be lawful for any railroad com pany operating a railroad or railroads in that State to charge for the transpoi ra tion of passengers over the same-more than three cents per mile. Aud any offi cer or agent of any railroad violating the provisions of the act shall.be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be puuished by a fine net less than twenty nor more than one hundred dol lars. t are led to remark herewith that perhaps the legislative body which re cently dispersed itself at Raleigh is not an anomaly in Hs way after all; theft1 may, perhaps, be found one or two lcg isla'nre elsewhere which even know less and display it more. Such laws as the abovtr, if once put into active operation and kept tbere, would in time destroy the rail ro kd system of any State in tha Un ion. AT WORK. The Forty-sixth Congress of the Uni ted States organized yesterday and is now harmoniously at work. There are Dem ocratic majorities in both bodies for the first time in eighteen years. Upon the wiodom of their deliberations will depend future majorities.for the Democratic party wiil go squarely before the people for a verdict upon their legislation, and will not seek to retain, as they have not sought to regain, a political rr-scierce that is not in accord with the wi.hes i f a majority of the people Mr, Randall has been chosen Speaker of the House, for the third consecutive Congress, and this result argues well for the House. He received 145 votes and was declared elected. Garfield, the Republican nominee, got 125, Wright, Greenbacker, 13, ar;d Kelley, a Republican who has been coquetting with the Greenbockers, received 1 vote The jfcreen backers boasted that they would poll 15 votes for their candidate and theygot in 13, which was creditable to their determination to abide by the plat form on which they were elected. In the list we look in vain for the name of Judge Russell, Greenbaoker from this district, and instead we find that of Russell, Re publican, from Massachusetts. This is evidently a mbtako. The Russell from MASsachuS':Ua voted tor Gai field, and the Kussell from North Carolina voted for Wright. Of this we are certain. The Greenback party is nearly p'ayed out. Zach Chandler is called by his admirers a mau of "great moral sincerity." Mr. Hayes will serve out the rest of President Tilde a 's ieina under Democratic surveillance. For do wnw right malicious lying regard ing the South, the National Bepublican leads all the rest of tho Northern papers. MOOSSMISE Behold how great a number of in surance agents a little fire brings forth. Oil City Derrick. A young man feels that he has not lived in vain when he finds hie pioture exhibited in the showcase of a photo graph gallery. Newark Call. Judge 'Your client baa better make a compromise : Aek her what she will take.' Counsel 'My good woman, his lordship asks what you will take.' Old Woman 'I'm obliged to bis lordship (oourteey), fcae he's bo kind (courtesy), I'll just take a glass o' warm ale.' A little girl was tasked by her muHi er, on her return from church, bow she liked tha preacher. 'Didu'c likf him at all,' was the reply. Why? asked her mother. 'Cause he preached till he made me alt epy and then hoi lored so loud he wouldn't let me go to sleep.' W hen a lady answered the ring of the door-bell in Baltimore last week, be was pushed rudely aside by a bur ly fellow who strode past her into the hall. The lady's screams brought her husband to the scene, whereupon the intruder remarked: 'Beg pardon; didn't know any men were about,' and rushed away before the gentleman recovered from his surprise. Some forty years ago the program me of one the concerts of the Norwich Mniioal Festival contained the follow ing list of pieces and of singers It can hardly be considered overloaded as regards pnnctuation. The 'Mes siah,' was to be performed, and the numbers ran somewhat in this way: 'Comfort ye Mr Hobbs, But who may abide Mr Balfe, Behold a virgin Mr Young. B hold darkness shall cover Mr Phillips. Rejoice greatly Miss Birch. He shall feed Miss Hawes. Come unto me Madame IStockhsusen.' Fayettville Gazette. Hon. A. . Waddell. Our Representative in Congress for eight years, Hon A M Waddell, of New Hanover, surrendered his trust as the' public servant of the people of this district with the expiration of the present term. Iu 1870 he led a 'for lorn hope,' as it was then considered to be, against Oliver H Dockery. This district was considered hopelessly Rad ical, and Dockery was indeed a great leader in his party a powerful speak er, a shrewd politician aud an uneon scionable demagogue. Few of us hoped for success, and Waddell was to stand only in the breach, to be a sort of Curtius of modej times, plunging with all the panoply of war, into ,the yawning gulf of defeat Bat the keen rapier of the finished orator and cul tured scholar was .more potent than the sledge hammer of the redoubta ble son of the 'Old Wagoner,' and with the Ides of November Alfred stood over the prostrate form of the Radical Goliah, Oliver. Again and again he has been chosen by the Democracy of the Cape Fear section to represent them aft the council balls of the nation in Washington, leading the party to victory by increased majorities with each succeeding election. In 1878 he was defeated by Daniel L Russell, by default, the Democrats failing to go to the iblls.WOf this we 111 now say nothing lo tin6thos4 who failed Jfco. great security Kbrtl Calsplinjl needs BuUu men as Cot Wad nim in the 1 ly tegrffcted anc&cosfideni the dell, and the day is not far distant when he will again be called to the front if no fwr Coogree. for some other high position. - . , . " J -Charlotte Observer. 4 Frightful Deah. Death yesterday overtook Mr Thos Neal, a young man of Sharon township under shocking circumstances. The youth, aged about seventeen years, a son of the late Wm (Neal, had been plowing during the morning, and after dinner started to the field t resume his work, riding a spirited horse which had on him only the plow gears. About a hundred yards from the house, up the pubiio road, the horse took fright, turned around and went run ning back down the road. The young man was thrown, his teet catching iu the gears, and a moment later, his bis ter, standing on the piazz i, eaw the animal shoot pass the house at feariui speed, and heard witbhorror the ft ante 6hrieks of her unfortunate .brother as he was dragged along the highway and tossed from eide to side. From the residence of Mr. E lgr H Walker, to w ard which the horse was go ing, thejroad ;s perfectly tsaight for some distance in the direction of Mrs Neal s, and Mr Walker, standing in front of his lot, saw the riderless horse charg ins toward him and soon discerned the form daugiiiig by his side Call ing a colored man to his assistance, the two placed the'mselVi s urosa tht? road, and.fcpr ofi. g at the p flighted horse at. ha reached tbxm, they fcUrew him upon the lenjj on th-1 md-j. uf u e road ami held biuu ia t. Tjjie foot 6i young Neal was diseisgsgt d from the Oaaiu vb cU had heid it, but liirel8'? e came ail too He gu&get fcbrioe nud died, The lgrSenaa tun sri'-hl-im ht!f u niii, end the face and l o:!y trpT 8kiockiUgly bruised atd mu'itaied. The tkuls was. broken above i i- eye aud again behind the kft em; i.V nose bad been split iu t m-c; the clothes had been torn from th- upper portion of the body, and from the waist to the ueok there remained hardly a eqaare inch of skin. What agony .he must have endured during the few brief moments white dashing helplessly, along by the horse's eide, can never be known nor imagined. jlfot Symptoms, But the Disease. would seem to be a truth appreciable by all, and especially by profes&ors of the heal ing art, that to remove the disease, hot to alleviate its symptoms, should be the chie aim of medication. Yet in how many, in stances do we see this truth admitted in theory, ignored In practice. The reason that Hostettert Stomach Bitters is successful in so many cases, with which remedies pre viously tried were inadequate to cope, is attributed o the fact that it is a medicine which reachesand removes the cause of the various maladies to which, it is adapted. Indigestion, fever and ague, liver complaint gout, rheumatism, disorders of the bowels, urinary affections and other maladies are not palliated merely, but rooted out by it It goes to the fountain head. It is really, not nominally, a radical remedy, and it en dows the system with an amount of vigor which is its best protection against disease. Miscellaneous. Go To GEpEGE MYERS', 11, 13 & 16 loath Front St Make no !Mfstake l I8 THREE STORES contain the l argest and Finest Selections of Choice Family Groceries. Wines, Teas, Liquors and Provisions the City has ever Known ! Puny, Blue Grass, Delmoaico Club Iluuse, Sweet Mash, Smoky Hollow and Ken. tacky Gem Whbkeys Wines, Cham pagnes, Holland Gin, Jamacia Ram, French Bra&dy, French Cordials, Domestic Wines. Oolong and Imperial Teas, 25 per cent un . . der Market Price. 100 Bbis Choice Red Apples, 100 B bis Potatoes, 50 Boxes and Bales Oranges, XOOO Cocoa Nuts, lOOiOOO Choice Havana Cigars, 3)000 Cases Assorted Goods. Sweet Mash $3.00 per gallon. Baker's Old Rye $2.00 per gallon, Choice Teas M cents per pound. Make no Mistake. Gire him a Call. febli THE aTEAMEB WILL RESUME REG alar trips to Smithvillle MONDAY. March 3, leaving ner Wharf at 9: SO retarnro 5 P. M. r Hajrina: bean OTarhauled, Redecor ated and Painted, we promite excarnonists and pleasure aeeaers accomodations ansar paaaed. Ticket 50 cents, feb 28 GEO. MYERS, Agent. fjQTsfr Wilcox, Cibbs Cos CELEBRATED THE MANIPULATED GUANO ! The Best and Cheapest ! 2- COTTON In offering to yon the WILCOX, GIBUS CfO. MANll'V LATED GU AKO a another season, we do in ith the m st perfect tor fidei ra that u will fifld vi a BEST AN D CUEAl'EVf FERTILIZER It is no new article, requiring expeiimenls to estabHShfits van, hint hj n r years with w bounded stRX sp. gainine in finer from year to year, until it h , scented as the STANDARD r ER 1 1LIZER. ' 7 m for accept It Ins been our stu y, not to make it EQUAL to others but SUPERIOR, fc . our success in these efforts we relt r you to the many of your neighbors h. ha?e n, it, as well as to tne thousands in tl e South Atlantic Cotton tatea . This Guano is so well known thai ir is unnecessary to publish auy certificates but w annex a few testimonials in our circulars only from Flauters who have made specU lests of it alongside the Peruvian Guano, as showing how it compares with Peruriu Guano, which has heretofore been generally esteemed above all other Fertilizers. Tie will have only a moderate supply for heir orders early. Li Our Agents are authorized to iell the MANIPULATED on very favorable Unw payable in cotton next Fall. jan 29-diw J AS T PUT TEW AT. Araat sqZ-w rrs - g gag's, fr ZMX f o r i if . T2 - At John Carroll's YOU GET THE BL8T WHISKEY pass c i over any counter ii'thia, e-ty. A solemn factl Atao, Wine, Liquors and Cigars, an free lnncd every dy. The Celebrated Winberry Ovsterg fold only at THE COSMOPOLITAN, jan 21 " ' 1 i Bonitz's Hotel. GOLDSBOBO, 3XT. O. T3 RICES REDUCED TO $1.25, $1.50 jand $2.00 per day,accotding to location of rooms. Single Meals 25 and 50 cents. Bar, Billiard B oom and Barber i-hop attached to the Hotel. Accommodations for Ladies and fam ilies unsurpassed. Special advantages offer vd t Commercial Travelers. WM. BOXITZ, feb 14 Proprietor. - Furniture. UST RECEIVED FROM FACTORY, a large assort ineut of Walnut and other grades of FURNITURE, which we offer at Groat Bargains, uall audi exam ire. feb 19 D. A. SMI'lU & CO. E& H.T. ANTHONY CO., 591 Troadway, Kew York, (Opp. Metro, olitan Hotel.) Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers iu Velvet Frames, Albums, Graphoscopea, Stereoscopes and Views, Engravings, Chromos, Fhotographa, and kindred goods, Celebrities, Actresses, etc. Photographic Materials. We are Headquarters for everything in the way of Stereopticons and Magic Lanterns, Being Manufacturers ofthe Micro-Scientific Lantern, Stereo-Panopticon, University Stereoptican, Advertiser's Steropticon, Artopticon, School Lantern, Family Lantern, People's Lao tern. Each style being the best ot its class in the market. Beautiful Photographic Transparencies of Statuary and Engravings for the window. Convex Glass. Manufactuers of Velvet Frames tor Miniatures and l onvex Glass Pictures. Catalogues of Lanterns and Sliiloo i directions for using, sent on receipt ot ten cents. oet Il-d2w-w2m FERTILIZER, - r GUANO! :o: in use. sale and would request Planters to akf j jTJNITED STATES OF AMERICA, K ASTER X DISTRICT OF NORTH CAR0LIXA WILLIAM LAWKEXCEand others, vs. J tic. Barquentia "SUMMER CLOUD. IS ADMIRALTY For Seaman's Wa rpo WHOM IT MAY C0NCER5 i Take notfee-, fliat la obedience f a Mofliflw, to me addressed, by Win. Larkins,E q., Clerk Distr.ct Court of the Uiflted States, dated Wilmington, 8th Marcl879, I have takdij seized and attached the British Barqtetti "SDMMER CLOrjD", hfr Tackle, Apparel and Furniture, said Moit;on being foanded on a Certificate filed bv Edward CantwelL U. S. C, that the satd hlp ewet fortwsges earned on board, and thal-iToy-age cannot safely -e proceeded with p count of tte unseaworthiness of said Veeeel, and that sufficient cause of complaint eiiiti whereon to found Admit alty Proeessj Jd11 persons claiming the same, or kn wfnft or saving the authority to ear why the mm should not be condemned and sold, and the proceeds thereof distributed according I prayer of the Libellacts above named, are hereby required to be aad appear before U District Court ot the United Elates for tie District of Cape Fear, in the Eastern Distriet of North Carolina on the First Monday of May, 1879, if the same shall be a day of jaw diction, otherwise on tie aert day of Jtn diction thereafter, then and there t in tereoee a claim for the same, and make their allep- ions in that behalf. J. B. HILL, U. 8. M., Per J. N. VaaSosLSS, Depstf . mch 13-3w jvew pianos m Each, and all styles, including Grand Saftf and Upright, all strictly .riast:CASS,wBiJMi -the lowest' bbt cajh wholbiali fAJ prices, direct to the roacHaeaa. These FI"J made one of the finest displays at the tea tenniul Exhibition, and were waaimoasiy' commended for the Hisbbst HoBoas-J"" 12.00Q in use. Regularly incorporated M ufacturing Co. Factory estahllshed ojti years, The8quare Orandi contain shek's new patent Duplex OrmtnatBc, the greatest improvement ia the aissafT Piano making. Tho Uprights are n America. Pianos sent on trial. -P ail to write for Illustrated and Descnattw fatalogneof 48 pages mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO- sept 6-ly SIEsst 15th itrt. The Collins House On Tho European Pla& Comer Proat a&d M flo -HJ Near Union Depot J BESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO my friends and the public that-HjjJ opened the above House and an now P' pared to furnish meals and lodgings- Kestaurant open at all hours. Prices low and bed-rooms and airv. Srwial rtm Kv Ion tmmIc or 3" The onlv Kestaurant in the city. "W. M. COLLINS, oct 20-2Uw-tntbu piejyrioW- THE WILMI5GTQ X JOURNAL, iy);.iipbliahed erery Friday ana bib, OiMafatiea targe.

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