f 1USO UUQ UI LllO Dl'ua bright and proLuiftiug lad of tn rt who wtis drowi.eJ :n Mr .1 CAROLINA- The baseball fever is raging in New bern. The First Baptist Church of Fayette ville has received teren ricdidates for baptism, three members by rf gtoratiou and six by letter, sicr-a the 1st of February, without LolJinga prot.-acv d meeting. AsheviW Journal : KoLday 1 st at Richland Institute, II iyvtood County, Mr GP Lon? accidentally shot hiru self through the 'eft hand withapifcto, but not regarded as dangerous. Raleigh Xeus: That pushing busi ness house, liand & Barbee lire?, cored S0 barrels of flour, aa their sales for the week e:.dii.g Friday Mareh 14tb, and it wasn't a guod wetfa for selling fluur either. llobesonian: We regtet to learn that Mr J T Auiy, of St Pauls town ship in this couniy hud the misior- tune to lose one of ma aona a iew ago - -a Mimmer H McEachern's mill pond. Charlotte Oboener : Aa ai evidence of the abundunce of the water eupplj on the Weitern North Cirolma tiaii road, it is etatcd that there is not a kinglewater taLk west of SratesYilie supplied by a well. The water tank pumper is a character unknown up there. Raleigh New: The officers of the Deaf and Dumb and B:ind Institute on yestordty presented Mr D C Dud ley with a handsome gold watch as a tee-t'nonial of their high regard and as an cipression of their regrets at his departure from the post he haaso long and acceptably filled with them as teacher of the Institute. Fajetteville Gazette: A large crowd took advantage of the excursion from the Gulf last Thursday to pay a visit to Fayettevillo. The number was es timated at about four hundred, and we learn that many were at ev ;-ry station as the train camo down wLo were forced to give up the trip on ac count ot th impossibility of get.:ng teats. Nwcrn Nt,t Shell i 'One of cur can ; -j, Tommy Hancock, went oul in the woods Saturday to look for hia cow and took hip gun along with the view of killing a El of b ids. Whu near Yeoman's Mi!!, Rciae four miles from this city, Le acddcntly dis charged the gun, fchootirg off the fore ringer of hif left band una bo seriously shattering Li middle fii ger that there is but little hope of saving it. Charlotte Observer : An engineer Baskerville, of the Carolina Central, was coming up, yobtciiLtj, ho wan pre sented, ou the line, with a bill for $12.50 for a yearling bull, which he had killed on the last trip down. Mr Baakerville, however, was 'not buying beef to-day. The bill to make engi neers and conductors on this road pay for cattle killed by their trains, failed in the House, Newbern Nut Shdl: The 4Bonett brothers,' two youths of cur city, viz: David Henry and Justine Jones, gave a tight rope performance on the park, corner Mid lie and Broaitreets, Sat urday, the rcpe was stretched at a heif ht of some twenty feet and the boys walked it, forwards and back wards as suoce Scully as did Mius Mat tie Potter, advertised aa the female BJondon, who walked at the same piece and abcut the same height last December. Fayetterille Gazettt: The Supreme Court of North Carolina has affirmed the decision of His HonorJJudge Bux ton in the case of Richard Lee, tried and convioted for burglary at the fall term of the Superior Court ot Cumber land county, 1873. Lee's case was re moved to this court from Biadea, and the evidence against him was over whelming and conclusive, ihe case upon which he was couvicted was a very aggravated one, snowing him to be a desperate criminal, auu a dan gerous enemy to the peace and w ell being of soeiaty. The sentence of the eourt will probably be carried into ef fect, and the indications are that Riohard Lee, re-sentenced by Jndge McKoy nex t month, will pay the pen alty of the law. covered in Berlin and East Prussia, although it was true that the East Prussian nucb'ne was only construct ed to tec ire to tha inverter en in former's fees. W. T. Marqb 17 it-turned. The THL j,ATE-Xf KoMbllKl ramt Fears Efitrrtlnd that the Settlement May be Destroyed Vashi.ngt n March This tele gram ia r. c,-.v.d to Jay: by Major Win G Morrin.ep eUl Treasnfry Agent front the surgeon of th M iritie Ho-pJa! at Pnpet S juq i : Port 'l o w .-.hh.su, TLti CdluotmahiS Indian e.iief CaV.nm an 1 thirty s;x of hie follow ra are at a tka ana are re .olvf d on niir'cLi-f The other Si'ka '.uiuUH tore LiO1 i'ulloiijg them in ihi& resoWr. Caliam has gen-j to grt his connections among the Tarkotis and Kouizenous to make a joint attack op the settlement. The murderers brought down by the last trip of the Cai f jrn a are ennnf cied with the Taikous and the KmatznouH. Capt Selden, Cap tain of U M S Oprey, and Col Bull, Col'nu Ujt of Cu .torn5", unite in saving that without prott eton the dectruc ti. n cf the settlement is ctcLaiu. The U- j rev will renititi unt! the return of the Ca i rma and ioi ger if ntc ssary. Thomas T. IU lnor The otate Department to-dny re ceived a dispatch from Allen Francis, American Councel at VancouveifTsland, saying that he had maih J the cfliciai report of the commander of the -British Gunboat O. pr?y. The English Cap tain stated that he deemed the United States revenue cutter Vv'olcott inade qua,e to afford proter'ion to the in tiabitaufa of bitk., land that he would remain tuerv3 until relieved bv an americin mau-oi war. A Disease that Wrecki the System. Every function Is dran ed , every nerve unst rung, every muscle and fibre weakened by lever and ague. It ia. In laet, a diaeasa which if unchecked, eventually wrecks the system. In all its types, in every phase, it is dangerous, destructive. Stupor, delirium, convulsions often attend it, and cause swift di solution. But when com batted with Hos tetf i s Stomach Blttr ltj. fr.nthf.n in ! system Is dislodged, and every vestige of It era heated. That benignant!-febrile specific and preventive of the dreaded scourge is nre .i,i;ized not only within our own boun- dai i-, but in tropia lands far beyond them, whrre iutermittents and remittents are fearfully prevalent, to be a sure antidote to ti.e mHlaiial poison and a reliable means of overcoming disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, of which a vitiated torrid at mosphere and brackish miasmatainted wa ter are extremely provocative. All emi grants and travelers should be supplied with it. centennial Premium Wine. Ph hio'iana ' have u.seii Spser's Port Gripe Wine of New Jersey, and, having applie I to it the strictest test, prouounce it a pure wine, and recomroei d it to the aged ;.nd inhrm, auditor yenei u u e where wiue is desirable, the uiwt r liable of wines to le had. It receive ! tb highe8 awanl at the GentenniLl Exibiiaon. For sale hy J C Munds.jP. !.. Briers t Co and Green & Planner. jWashibgton Post MiLf. ALrR WAS ELECTED 01; ir, r.'i i rauds Discovered in flnrln nati -Other Politlc'al ilatters. UixoiNNATi, Ohio, March 16 It is h'aruel that the mocratic commit tee has ben at wo:k quietly here fcr several week taking teutimony of Re publicau frauds at he late Congress lcnal election. J hey have over 400 afiidavit, whic'iiaayo been forwarded to Washington with a memorial set ting forth the facts shown in them, and a; king the clerk of the House to pmce on the list of membere-eleot the came of Milton S i.yler for the Firbt Ohio district, instead of Ben Butter- worth. Rainiii"; Sulphur in PennsjlTania. Keadino, March 17 It began rain ing here last mght, and continued until about noon to-day. All over the city can be soeu a strange yellowish deposit resembling sulphur, euppoaed to have come down iu the rain. It has neither tase nor smell. Allextown. March 17 There was foand this morning, beneath the snow which fell last night, a substance, in some places half an inch deep, strong ly resembling fu'phur. It has the coior and emeu, and a quantity of it, scraped together and set on fire. burned as re..d,ly and emitted the same fumes as sulphnr. Kecepflon to Gen. Grant, Philadelphia, March! 17 The com mittee recently appointed by the City (Jouucil to make arrangements for a proper reception to Geri. Grant upon his return, met to dav. ?The Chairman explained that free transportation would be furnished for a committee to go to San Francisco and that Gov Hoyt and Mayor S'okley would probably go there alto. After a brief interchsnopi of viewf, the commitjtee, without tak ing any action, adjourned uutii Friday night. Wilmington D.sttfct. S-cpndioundef Qurler-iy Meetings, II. E. Church, South; D i i i r j , at Kenausville March 22-23 Ulititou, at Johnson's Chapel. March 29-31 Coharie, at Averjsboro .ApriL 3 Cokesbury, at Cokesbury April 5 6 Bladen, at McDonald's School House April 19-20 Elizabeth, at Siogietarys April 26-27 Waccamaw, at Cypress Creek... April 30 Whiteville, at Wayman May 3 4 Sniithvil'e Station iiay 7 Wilmington Circuit, at ZJon."...May 10-11 Wilmington, at Fifth Street... May 17-18 Wilndngton, at Front Street.. May 2-1-25 Topsail May 28 29 Onslow May 3l,June 1 Lt. S. BUKKHEAD, Misoellapeouf, AppLetous Journal for fJlBR P&OPaiETOE3 of APPLETON'8 X Juuto al wiU heneeforth devotd it ex cloaively to literature of a high order of e ceHence, by writers of ckowleged tnd- Wf j Itiithe growing habit of the leading miodi in all conntrie to cootribure their best intel lectual work to the ngaxlDea and reviews ; and, in order that Appleton'g Joarntl ma adequately reflect the intellectual activity ol tbe time that expressed, it will admit to its pages a selection of the more noteworthy critical, specahitive, and progressive paj jrs that come from the pens of these writers. Fiction wih still ocenpy a place in the Journal, acd descriptive pacers will appear ; but larjre place will be aiven to article hir ing upon literary and art topic, to d.acus sions of social and political progre, to pa pers addressed distinctly to tbe intellectual tastes of tbe pnbl c, or devoted to jubjects in which the public welfare or public culture is concerned. Term of Applet in's Journal Three dol lars per annum, in advat co, postage p-epid by the pnblishsrs, to all cubtctibers in the United States or Ca-nada; ir Twenty-five Cents per number. A ( lub of Four Yearly pubsc.ip tints will entitle tfce sender to an extra subscrit'on erati'j that i?, hve copies will be sent one yea-for twelve doll as. Ap pleton's Journal and the Popular Science Monthly, for one vear, for seven dollars. postage prepaid (fall price, eight dollars). The volumes begin Janua y and July of each vear. Subscriptions received for anv length of time. D. APPLETON A Go., Publishers. 549 A 651 Broadway, New York. jan Miscellaneous SPEER'S Port Crape Wine Used in Churches for Communion purposes. New TJVO'X'k w U Boatwiight ft Have made up tieir Keep fn the IS TQg Retail Grocery 14 U Hard Work J ' Kuying Grod Goods low tn., er dingjT J '111! Polite J t'ention to And f-re and Prompt Delirrj , WILL ACCOMPUsIT THAT 1Kb - are ale to ilia RUti. . PETITION -wtxuti gtwa.ei.a tion to do so), and we propoio TO Mf I'resiaiug jiar. The Saviour or tuc Little Ones. There wo 'Id not be so many liltie graves in cemeteries and churchyards, if parents used !he means within their reach to ss.vt the sickly offspring, whose span of feeble life is i:j their keeping. The busy baby biaiu requires constant food, the .sensiLive nerves want steady toning, the rapidly changing tissues, incessant nourishment, often tne mother is herself nervously de biliiated, a.ud bodily worn out ; mother and chiidren may gain a new lease of life and health, by the persistent use of Scott ' Emuhion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, lt is sotljr, and as nice as milk, and both will learn to love it just as well. Don't fail to try it for any form ct debility, and for all forms of infantile wasting, such as Marsas- nius, Rickets or any scrofulous tendency, its restorative powers are wonderful. COMMERCIAL NEWS. TPK0AR IS TILE REICHSTAG. Beld Words by a Socialist Threat enics to Deprive Him of a Right. Berlix, Maroh 17 The Reichstag to-day diEOiseei a report explanatory cf the action of Government in insti tuting the petty state of eiege in Bjr liflu Herr Liebkneoht, Sociaiisf, strongly eensured the measure, which he pro nounced wholly unjustified. He de clared that his party was a party of re form, not of revolution. He defended the coarse of the bocialist Deputies in not rising from their seats when cheers were given for the Emperor. The President of the lieichstag, amid cheers, said that this conduct of fended the moral sense of the Cham ber. Rerr Liebkneoht continued: If a repnblic is established iu Germany ' He was unable to finish the senteuoe in consequence of the uproar the words provoked. The President threatened to deprive him of his right of speech. Count VonEulenburg explained that the Government's reason for proclaim ing the state of siege was that Bjrlia was in great danger, because it was the home of the Socialist ggit&ticu. Referring to what he termed the as sassination and murder epidemic, he said investigation showed that the in struments of crime were prepared in Berlin and East Prussia. The Reichstag took formal cog ii zanca f the report oncruiDg the state of siege. C3unt VonEnienbu g stated in the Reichstag, yesterday, that Prince Bis marck and even the Emperor had late ly received a good many letters threat ening thtm with assassination. In fernal machines had been actually dis- Albany ExpreM. I'uung Ladies who are About to Walk The pedestrian fever has even ex tended to the most sec'uued precincts of the family circle. We hear several youDg iadiea of highly respectable parents in this city who are training to walk, and nearly ail of them are under 2 years of age. rne Ktissians Crossing the Caspian Sea. London,v March 18 The Standard's correspondent at Berlin ; declares posi tively mat 'j.UUU Kuesians are being cwnveyea across the Caspian JSea, and it is believed they are destined for WILMINGTON MARKET 1 March 19 -4 r M. I SPlltlTS TURPENTINE Quote steady at cbU. Sales 250 casks at the fig ures. - ROSIN Quoted quiet at fl 12 fr Strain ed amd fl 15 for Good t rained. No sales re ported. TAR Quoted steady at$l 3d. Sales at quotations. CRUpK TURPENTINErSteady at $1 15 for Hard and $1 75 for Soft and Virgin, kales receipts at qaotat ions. COTTON Quoted firm at an advance f V, of cent on yesterday's quotations. No sales reported. The following are the official quotations Ordinary Good Ordinary.. Strict Good Ordinary... now Middling. anaaunij... Good Middlings TO ADVERTISERS. Uto, P. JKowell & s SELECT LIST OF Local Newspapers. Many pe'eons suppose this list to be cora poseu o ibaftAf, luw-pncea newspapers. lne tec l if quite otjcrwie. The Cita'ou states ex cly what ib papers are. When the name of a nai-er is printed in FL'LI fACh TY "E it is ineverv instance ti.e HZX'l paper in the place. Whtn printed in OAPI TAL8 it is the ONLY" paper in .Hie place When p' intea in rniran letters it is neither tbe beet nor tne only paper, but is usually a very .good one, notwithstandir jr. The list gives the population of every town and the circulation oi every psper, 11 la A Of A CO-OPBRATiyjl LI8T. JT I!S :OT A CHEAP LIST. At the foot of the Catalogue for each St te the important towns which are not covered bv tbo liet are enumerated; IT 13 AN HONEST LIST. The rates charged tor advertising are barely one-fafth the pub Ushers' schedule. The price for single State? ranesfrom$l to $50l Tbe price for one inch four weeks in tbe entire Im is $620. The regular rates or" the papers for the sme space ana time are &B,?ze.t6. Tbe list includes 955 newspapers of which 179 are i sued DAILY and 776 WEEKLY. They are located in 79 different cities and towns, of which 25 are State Capitals, 346 places of over 5,0! 0 popu lation, ana 4t uounty rens. L,isis sent on application. Address Geo. P. Roweil & Co's Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce se-eet, (Printing House Fquare), N"ev Yurk. xeo l a mos Tbnsorial. HAYING AGAIN located in the base ment of the Purcell House, I have thor ough! y renovated and improved the old stare a-nd am now prepared to shave,shampoo, arc cut hair tor everybody. The best of work men, clean tttowels, sharp raaors and lew Prices. ELV1N aRTIS, iulj 27 Purcell House Barber 8hi,p Cents. OAH.T aaoxirts cotton , 190 bale spirits turpentine.. 1.15 cajks iwoein e'2I hhls Tar 4s Crude Turpentine 17J " DIOCESE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Clinton April fprll 2. April 3 . April 4 . -April 5. April Bishop Atkinson's Appointments. IT'., 1 I a r i i - tveuueauay, aiaren l'.t, p m . . J i nursaay, March L;U, a m . . S March 21 Faison?g Ma; eh 2:, l'h Sunday in Ijent.. .Goldsboro March 24, phi., Wdson M uch S, p pi, Rocky Mount March lie,, p m Enfield March 2S, A Ringwood March 30 5lh Sunday in IsJtiZ . . Scotland Xeck 1 j Hamilton '....Willianiston . . . .l.Jkmesville Plymouth o .t 'Luke's, Washington county 5, Palm Sunday - St David's s- lleitforu 'J. . Wooi viilc, FerqnijriianB county lOJa m. . Camden C II p in. .Davis' . t- chapt i, Pasquotank Good tiiday, April. 11 . .'. . . .ElizaBth Citv Easter Lay, April hi Edeuioii Tuesday. , April lb. .St Peter's Chapel, Gates county Wednesday, April i(i Catesville inuiiuay, Annl Ik J.. WintAn April li. Mm.freesboro April 20, 1st Sunday af Easter, I Woodille, Bertie co April 22 Windsor .April 24 Jackaon April 25, p m JL April 20 am... Halifax April 27, 2d Sunday after Friday, Sund iy, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday , Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesd iy, Thursday, do; April April -.'!;! d' r i luay, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sundaj-, MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithrlll wcp aiy via. Htearaer D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette ville, Williams t Murchison. CLEARED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville Geo Myers. Steamer D Murchison Garrasoa, Fayette- me, vr jumiMs k murcnison. Headqparters for Ale, Lager Beer and Porter. B MARCUS tft SON'S, No. 6 Market Street JAN FCRNIiU YOU WITH THE BES'i Ale, Lager Beer and Porter, both keg and bottled, in the city. Country orderd promptly attended to Thoa. H. McKoy, Eobt H- McKoy AT iOSKEYfi-AT-LAW WILMINGTON, N. C , etiw North side Market itreet, betwees oecond and Third streets, j an 27-tf Ham and Eggs, FOUNTAIN BUTTER, Choice, Table Batter, Sugar Cared Pig Bacon Hams, Saaa- ge, Liver Pudding, Pigs Feet, Sugar, Cef ee. Flou r, Ac. Send to ICo. 24 Water it. 6 7 J. H. PETTEWAY. Furnitere ! Furniture ! A la ge Aisortoient of WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS ! ! to he sold at the very bottom prices. Walnut Wardrobes, Sideboards, Extension Ta les, Marble Top Tables, Ac, Ac., as well a common Chamber Sets, Bedstead?, Chairs a ad Rocker? .,f all sorts. Looking Glasses, Mjrrera, Karlor Suit-, Lounges, Shades', Bed- uig and everything belonging to a First Clasa Furniture Establishment. Also, another lot of the celebrated Genuin e Btewart Sewing Machines, a real comfort. For sale at F. A. SCHUTTE'S, 26 and 28 Front and 11 to 15 Dock sts. mhc 10 Spcer's Port Grape Wine ! Fon a Vi .ii Old. rpiild JUSTLY CELEBRATED NATIVE L Wme ia irade from tfce juice of the Oporto Grape, raieed in this country. It invaluable T(-nic fart StrcDgtteniDE Properties are unsurrased bv any other native Wine. Being the j. ure juice of the grape, produced uncer xr. hpeer s c-wn personal supervision, its purity aud genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its gener ous quantiefl, ana tne weakest invalid may use it to R-lvantHge. 1 1 is particularly bene ricial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that afflict the weaker sex. It Is, in every respect, A WINE TO BE Speer's P. J. Sherry. -tstranf e as it May reaa to i we say it, aad have oor caih-book to p,, it, that we have SOLD MORE 000D8 10 CA8H daring the last rixty dayi tk w sold during tbe Holiday for the m of time; and every clcie obteryer eoalj he p but aetice HOW BUST WE Will aod the AM OUN T OF GOODS THaT WaXT OUT OF OUR STORE diinC thoHdH I- We t.utt there ii hpbt vt u wre ENOUGH iOR US ALL, but wedoi'i DAY BY DAY TO IM0REA8R IT. The P. J. SHERRY is a Wine of 8UPE- poie TO LOSE OUR TRADE but r. w RIOR CHARACTER and partakes of the ' " n golden qualities of the grape from which it is made. Fo- MEDICINAL PROPERTIED, ii. wtii ue iouna unejceiiea. Epeer s P. J. or Pedro J- Brandy, This noted brandy i a pure distillation irom the grape ntd is equal to the finest Hon nessy or Utard Brandies; for uedicinal pur pose? it can be relitd upon as strictly pure. jsee that tne signature of Alfred Speer, Passaic. N. J., is over the curk of each bottle. A . of KhK a Mt. Prospect Vineyard,New J ersey . Office, No. 34 Warren St. New Y ork. ror saieby GREEN A KbANNRR. J r. MUND8, Druggiak and P. L. BRIDGER'S Every faoility our braia can c shall be bestowed on oor cuitomen io U j way of GOOD GOODS AT EXdEIDUrn SMALL PROFITS. CO ian 1 P. L. BBIDGERS & GO. We trust we have merited th liberal patronage wh'ch we have received, aad till promise TO TRY AND GITE A QUID PW QUO in the future ai we hope we hare Ue in the past. COME AND SEE US. MM MMM BBLS- w-ow, 21,346 TsC01FFfE 112,673 T CAN GOODS. Boatwrrght & McKoy, 8.7 48 Worth rront It mch 17 Fish. Fish. Fuh 61,000 11.696 5. packages f L1QTJOP.S, Boxe SOAP, Fhklins liUlTEB, At Closs Prices! J000 Bbl8 FL0UR' alUradca, 300 Hhds and BbIs- Cuba MOLASSES, 250 Bbls X- - and P' a- MOLASSES, 2Q Bbla8. H. 8TRUP, 1000 KeK8NAIL' 200 BoxesC R-and Smoked SIDE", Bbla FamiIjr MESSPOEK, g00 Ba" COFFEE, 200 BhU BU0ARs 200 ToM QDANAPE GUANO. ALSO Mancheater Mills and Randolph COTTON YARNS, Lake George Sheetings. 1 h VdSeS "1 rMs' backers. Finnan Haddies, L Mot Delidou Br.nkf.it Ktlijb, Imporud from Scotland. Smoked and Pickled Salman, Cod fisla, Mackerel, Smoked Bloater Herring, Sardinea, in Half and Quarter Boxes. P. Li lUllBGEIlS & CO. For rale low by Williams ch 17-dAw. A. Murcliisoii, Printej'a ik is VCrV choan after space is onco paid lor. rtUy ifjgtires (50) cost no more than olc. A DISCRIM1N ATINT1 prTRT Tfi rtn -- - V f ilk piease su ike ofl aa many figures aa they p'ease from the above, aiul then go to P. L. BMDUEKS & CO who brought Groceries down to the - LOW PRICES, and buy "vfc- Call and bay gome of toe Haddiet, wbich are etpecially recommended. " te ' JAMES C. STBVEW mchl7 Mullets. 50 BBLS- HEIGHT MULLETS, For sale low by HALL A PEAE8ALL. Molasses. 2QQ Hhds aod Bbla CUBA, NEW ORLEANS and SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES. For sale low by u ; mch 17 HALL A PEAR&ALL. rriHff WLMLNGTON JOURNAL, ia one m. nfthm Easter. . . . Weldon 1 Slate. very Dfj wr ertiaing mediami Js tb Jas. T. Pettewav WILMINGTON, N. C, 8 AGENT FOB THE SALE OF WILUOX IBB3 A CO'S Manipulated Gaano. The beet, cheapest aad moft popular Gaaao offer d. Will take orders for delivery at Lmm brton, Shoe Heal, Laorinburg, Lanrel Hill nd intermediate point', j an 27-d Aw L0WEE THAN EVER. -bTaBuibT rncli 10 Fo; Sale. rptiK iilACT OF LAND known as the "Wil.iams Place", conta'nin - over Eleven Hundred acres. Lies within five and a half miles of the city. For particulars apply to A. Q. LATTA, mch 10.1m Office Capt. A. D. Cazaux A' mch 18 NEWBUEY'S, WATER STREET. Removal. jypS- 8PEBTEEB baa remevd la the tore aext Wart of tbe redence of Mr. J. W. Thorn peon, waere she ia batter prepared to do stamping for Embroidery aad Braiding. Eaw p a t te rn s aad rood work. mch 18-lwk. I