IN CONGRESS IESTERDAY. SENATE. Washington, March 24 A larg number of bills were introduced, in cludm several by Mr Ccke, and ont by Mr Kellogg, givii g aid to certain railroads extending from Texs tc specified points on the Bip Grande Mr Beck introduo d a bill for th? eettlement of eccouuts uth cer'au railroad companies. Mr Bntler introduced a Did antnor izing the Secretary of War to deaver to A P Rhott and others four Japo leon guns, for the ose of the . OUarle ton (3 0) Artillery; a!o a bill for. the relief ef the sufferers by ,f-he loss of the steamer J D Cameron. Mr Baulsbary8 resolution, calling flKAtfln of the Tiea.-ury for information cone i tog the nego tes securities, peid etc, wufc tiaticcs cf United the amount of i&ten passed . A motion was iLeq mo !e, to pro eerdtofte rite of officers of the Senate, ulc an animated deb&tesprapg up. Mr AuU otj taid :otV: g Le coud do would prevent the foregone con elusion f t the majority to make s i eweenin? oi offieere,not oeciuee it was demanded by duty, but because partisanship dem udedit As one who neld in respect, if nut rev2rence, the precedents and iisttb of the iSeiittte, he desired to enter Jus-protest against tbo personal inconvenienoe to which tby would a'l be hi' j crd. and the disturbance of the orcler of bo&iuesfeoJ the Senate which would occur by Ab rupt oiaanges of officers. Hemontioned the names of several officers of tht Senate who had never been disturbed in their official relations lo thu body. Mr Hamlin followed Mr Anthony, saying he hoped that pnrty spirit Would not ruu riot in the Senate. Mr Wallace replied that there wat no intention to interfere with busi ness, or to break down the ef the Senate. The majority only desired that the offices, held' eo many years by lie publicans, should be niied by gentle men politically in accord with ' the majority of the Senate. Ttt-y had gentleman ftbundant'y qualin d tovfiil ; them. Mr Con Wing uttered bis regrets at the! i act that tee officers of the Senate were to ba displaced Mr Bayard was impressed with the speech ci St uator Authony, as it con la ned matters of historic interest. He regarded as dangerous end degrading; the reward: ng of partisans with gov ernment place. It i- id entered the civil eervioe of the country, and unites if. chnn i lie w a Erruai uci re mod in ed if TDi-tnt.t irmreaae to the detriment of tracA rcvernment. Bestowal vi r 5 OlUCi atiould iu consideration of the we fnro nf the eountry. the dignny oi government, and the purr.y oi our in stitutions. I hj power of appointment to ctiiee in this body had lalien to hit party. Lie did not understand tnat it contemplated any euoh slaughter ol innocents as was contemplated by the opposite side. Observation 'had snewn ttiit instead of Federal oftiS' s hivinff been bestowed for the good ol trie country, wUh eipab e and oonest ' incumbents, many of them had been : used for many yeara for toe benefit of a single party. Tlio-sa here wh ' now complained" never neglected to i fill the offices with their party friends. I The debate was further participa ted in bv Senators Beek, Blaiae, Lid! lani other-, aad at a late hour tbtrSen i ate proceeded to vote, and elected the offieerB receutly nominated by the J Damocratic caucus". The President sent the following nominations to the Senate : Dr John 13 Hamilton, of Ills, to be Supervising Surgeon General of the United States Marino Hospital Service; John M Wilson, of Ouio, to be Coubul at Pan ama; George Scroggs, of Pis, Consul at Hamburg; Joseph Hopkins, Post master at Brownsvdle, Texas. England and France to the Khcdire LoxDON, March 23. The London Observer publishes the text of a join1 note of the EugH-sh and French Gov ernments, which was telegraphed to Egypt March 8, recapitulating the terms which had already been agreed iupon for the settlement of the crisis. These include the right of Ministers De Bliguieres and Wilson conjointly to veto all measures they may disapprove The note concludes : 4 The Khedive 'will understand the seriou3 responsi bility he hab assumed by giving rise to these new arrangements, and th2 grav ity of the consequences ta whicu he would expose himself if H 3 should not ; prove able to insure their complete ex ecution, aud if difficulties should interfering' with the piogresg of the Government, or if public order should be disturbed. ' The War In south Africa. London, March 24 Tha corres pondent of the Dally News at Cape town, says there is much suspicion as J to the loyalty of the Fingoe?, who ; constitute a large end powerful tribe. ;The sickness among the soldiers oi ,the garrison of Heipmak iar is deplor able ; of 56 carbineers, 11 cr;y are fir for duty. The negotiations to detach iGetywayo's brother and followers from the Zulu jline have apparently failed. The Greek Frontier Question, Athens, March 23 The Minister of ; Foreign Affairs has sent a circular to the powers invoking their mediation on the frontier question between Greeca and Turkey. The Turkish Commissioners have signed a docu ment declaring that the Porte adtv.ts the principle of reciidcation of the frontier, but that the line indicated by Greece is inadmissable. I Constantisopls, Alnrch 23 Muk'u tar Pasha has been ordeiei to return htii within a few day?. The Same of a Xcw Planet ; Washington, March 23 Prot Foer pter of Berlin announces that the planet observed by Prof. Peters in eleven hours fifty-eight minutes right Ascension, &o , is 'Leto.' The Spanish Democratic Programme Madiud, March 23 Senor Castelar and 103 former Deputies of the Cortes have issued a manifesto to the Demo cratic pa!y. They announce as their pi c gramma a eiucere r turn to -ths Const i t,ati on of 186i, which proclaim ed reiihju aad educational liberty, irfctil m of tue pres, and liberty cf jn;eii g nd -nocianon. Tue maoi frstu a! o u ' " iu luvof Unlfcer--al snffrag, inviu ubiity of Spaib terriior, ud payment of the lattrest on the i ub ic debt,, and recommends a policy ao diL,g reaetronary exc sses and d na igogic utopias. The tteorsanized Teller Qommltlee. Washington, March 23 The Waiy lace Committee will meet on Wedne day to map out a plan for continuing the investigation of election frauds. The investigation came to a temporary Stand t-tiil when Teller ceased to Ch iirmaii of the Committee. It is ex-ptct-d that John Shermaii will give the Committee this week a pUtc-mnt of moneys paid to and services per formed by buper visors of election nd depuiy marbha'sin the Stated cf N.w YVrk," Pennsylvania, Mass c' u etts, Maryland and' Ohio. The Committee will ogi.i its investigation of the ojptt ationa oi raaical election laws in Phil adelphia. Kew York will nex'. be vib ited.. Inquniei as , to nbtiem's made on o.licehoiders for political pu; puseo will also be made. L - ; The Hudson Open for NsTlgation. IVrGHKEEPiiE, Mi' eh 23 The ice n ihe Hudson bppestte thiV ciy moved out With the tide this afternoon, without doing any damage. A steamer has umved from Nwburgh with coai boats in tow. CAROLINA- Newbsro is repairing her jail, in ao cordance with the recent enactment of che Legislature. There are 187 government di&tiilei iea in the S;xth I). strict, in this State moie than in any other district in rhe United Slates, with the exception of one in Kentucky. Gov Jarvi6 has offered a reward of $200 for the capture of James Radford tlin?on. charged by the oorouer's jury with the killing of Jack Smith in Feb ruary last, in Wyus county. A couple of -editors in States ille have been b itting their head again each other's rjatr, but owing either t the softness' of the hsts or the tn:ck ae a a" the tku-Is no serious dicbgr vas done. Newbern Nut ShcH : We learn from our friend Mr Man, from Hyde, that ihe prospec & for the crops in that county are bolter tlin for' the three or four preceiing years. "There ia'lees water than at this rime last season, and low water iu Hyde means an Egypt of corn. Te Knhnond ( Va. ) State says: Coio -el h t, Shober.of torth Carolina, got the nrxt best place, f chief clerk, through the good managemflct of Sen ator Ilausoai. Suober was a Confed erate Colonel, has been a membar of his Stiite legislature, and twice a member, of Congress. GoIdsborot,r2r:On the 18th inst; some parties unknown, robbed and then set hVe to the store and gin house of Mr D L Flowers, in Elevation township Johnston county. Loss 53,600. JNo elue to the parties has yet been ascona'ned. The store snd gin house were completely destroyed. New North State : It is regarded about Greensboro as certain that Judge Kerr, in consequence of continued ill h.-aliHi, will resign, and nays the air is full o rumors as to who his successor will be. The Slate thinks he will be Col. J. I. Scales, of Greensboro, who, it says, would make a highly accepta ble judge. Goldsboro Messenger : The vener able and venerated Bishop Atkinson officiated in St Stephen's Church, in this town, yesterday, and preached a most earnest and pathetic sermon. In the evening the rite of confirmation was administered to four persons. The impressive servioea were hrgaly at tended. Charlotte Observer: A fees' fire breke out in Mallard Creek towoship, in the v cinity of the residence of Mr Elam Robinson, two days ego, and created a good deal of exci eoient. It burnt over several hundred acres of land t.and destroyed about a hundred ctrds of wood, whioh be longed to Mr Babinson. Newbern Nyt Shell: A ten mi!e race between the sharpie Lucia, owned bv Mr Geo Ive-, and Julia, a boat of sim ilar coostrco ion, belonging to Mr Be 1, of Carteret, is in prospect. The race course will be very similar to that of .the Neuse River Sailing Club. Give ihem the breeze and it will be the fast est race ever idled over these waters. Gotdxboro Messenger : The smoke houae of Dr. W. J. Joncs, on his prem ises in this tuwD, was last Saturday eight robbed of a quantity of bacon, lard and tiour. A search warrant was pr. mptly :?aueJ by Mayor Gri6wold, and we are pleased to be able to say that a portion of tue meat aud lard has been recovered. A negro named Buck Hadley is supposed to be the thief and is now in eustodv. A caru. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak, qess, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, 1 will :M?nd a recipe that will cure you, FRilE Or CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South Amer ica, bed'a seif-addiessdd envelope to the Rkv. Joseph T. teMAlar, Station L, Bible U juse, Ntio York City. d w Tubs Rose Bulbs NEWBURY'S, inch 1 WATER STREET. The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at his place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'ek rk : AagusUu U ...50 Cairo, 111...... 45 Charleston, . C. ...35 Cincinnati... ....... 35 Corsicana, Tex 63 Fort Gibsoa, 6. N 57 GalvastOB 64 f ndianola 67 Mobile. Aim M I Montiromerj Ala... 51 AaahvUie New Orleans... ......t9 New York. 39 Bavannah, Ga 57 bhrereport.. ......... 3& St. Louia Mo 46 SL Marka, Fla. 66 Yiokabnrg, Miae... . 5 . Washington. Wilmington.. ...... ..54 Jacksonville, Fla...b j B noxfille ll Lvnchburj....... 49 aJftephi, Tenn 49 COMMERCIAL NEWS. w iLMi NtiTO MARKET 1 Mxacu 25 -4 T M. I 4 4 1 KITS TD UPBNTIXF Quoted firm at , fnta bid. Later, sales 44 caska at UieKe rlfjures. hu&I N-Quottd dull at fl 124 fr Strained and 1 1 fur Good Stroined. 2fo sales re- 1 AU-CiuoUd steady at 51 25. Bales at quotations. UKUDK TCKPENTINi: Steady at $1 15 for hard aud SI 75 for 8oft and Virgiu. Sale rcc dptsat quotations. UOTTuN Q, noted quiet. Sales 35 bales ou a basis of 9$ cents tor Middling. The following are tha official quotatious 'rdinry Ceota. Good Ordinarv 8 Strict i.)uu UraiuMrj bow VHddline jiiddhug fc or urn. diJdi.u ................. DAILY aioaipra Cottca- 192 bales Spirits Turpentine 182 cajks itoein 1,1U bbls Tar 763 Crude Turnentins 42J " MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smlthvllle Geo Myers. Steamer Gov Worth, Wortb, Fayetteville Worth & Worth. CLEARED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville Geo Myers. Steamer Gov Worth, Worth, Fayetteville Worth & Worth. Schr Martha Welsh, Burdge, Philadelphia, Harriss &. Howell. Br barquentine Resolute, Lawrence, Lon don, Alex epruut &. Sou. Experts. COASTWISE Philadelphia Schr Martha Welsh 50 bbls tar, U tons old iron, 145,479 ft luuber, 2.25S jumper bolts, li3,'io shingles. KUHEIuN. London Br barqueutiue liesolute i.0 casas spts, o.-41 obis rosiu. stsaanBBBBaaiava9BCBBaKBBaaBiB9BBMQn- WEEKLY STATEMENT OP STOCK 8 OS BAND MA.&Oh24, 1879. (Jetton ashore 2,602 anoat..... 42 Total 2,tt4 Spirit ashore 8,027 Total......... 8,317 Rosin ashore (9 644 afloat. 6,36s TeUl i 96,012 Tar where Hf426 afloat.. l,t 85 Total 12,410 Crude ashore 1,643 afloat 9 Total 1,652 asoaiPTS roa thb Wf rt smdin mauch 2if '79. Cotton I,0i6 Spirits St4 Rosin 6,619 MTan La'aa iw ei mmm 4,00 Crade . 76 i SXF0&TS roa ihk w.&k aasiss mabch 24, '79. Domestic Cotton , 874 p ir 1 , . , . t it.. 433 Hosin i. m 1,493 Tar M 1,470 Crude , 11 Foreign. Cotton 1,655 Spirits , 476 Rosin 7,896 Tar 8,507 Crude w Furniture ! Furniture ! L Large Assortment of WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS ! ! to be sold at the verj bottom prices. Walnut Wardrobes, Sideboards, Extension Ta lea. Marble Top Tables, Ac, Ac., as well as common Chamber Sets, Bedsteads, Chairs and Rockers of all sorts. Looking Glasses, Mirrors, Parlor Fait', Lounges, Shades, Bed ding and erer thing belonging to a First Class Furniture Establishment. Also, another lot of the celebrated Genuine i Stewart Sewing Machines, a real comfort. For sale at F. A. 8CHUTTES, 26 and 28 Front and 11 to 15 Dock at. mhc 10 Buggies, Buggies, llarnrss & Saddles, F 3S SALE AT OE&HA&DT dL GO'S, 3rd st., opposite Citj Hall. REPAIRING DONE WITH :EATKJK&S AND DISPATCH.: HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY men 14-tfV Miscellaneous. The GREATEST LIVIHG AU TH0RS, inch as Prof. Max Mnller Rt Hon WE Gladstone, Jas A Fronde, Prof Huxley, R A Proctor, Ed w A Frecmam. Prof Tyndall, Dr W B Car penter, Frances Power Cobbe, The Duke of Argyll, Wm Hack, Miss Thackeray, Miss Muloch, Geo Mc Donald. Mrs Cliphant Jean Ingelow, Mrs Alexander Thomas Lardy, Mat thew Arnold, Henry Kingsley.W W Story, Turgnenief . Cariyle- Rnskin, Tennyson, Browning, nnd many others, are represented in the pages of Littell's Living Age. In 18T9 the laving Age enters upon it thirty-sixth year, admittedly unrivalled and continaously successful. During the year it will furnish to its readers the pro ductions of the Tinwt eminent smthon above named and many otte-: -r,ihraci' Mie choicest Scri?! ,vh'r &tories by thf Leading Foreign Nml:st?, ad an amount Unapproached by any other Period ieal in the worM, of the most valu .ble Litrarj and'6cieutific matter ofA day. frw 'lie pens of the foremost E-s ims!, be wntiara, Jritics, Discoverers and E'Mtorsn-pn spir ing evpry department of Knowi dge at.ii Progress. Ihe Livinai Age is a weekly Uja:u giving more than THREE AND A GUAHlEi: TfiOU- :natt-r yearly. ItB-esf ts i a' i'lexpen sive fo: ni, e-Tisi lei'i g -ri amount Ol matter lieshnlss, ownit,' tc i:s weekij issui,and with a satisfactory completeness' tttotiipted by no other publication rhe besi Kssavs, Kvi"ws. f'ririeism. Tales. Sketch es,Travel and Discovery, Poetry, Scientific? tiiograph real, Historical and Political In formati -n, fropt the entire lxdy (i For eign Periodical Literature. The importance of the Living Age t every Amreicau rea ler, as the only satis fac.orily fresh and COMI'LE'I E compila tion of an indispensable current literature, iiidi-pensable because it embraces tht' p odmuiwns of the Ableat Living Writers, is sufficiently pidicatedby the ichowiag OPINIONS. "In it we find the best prodactiorifl of the beat writers upon all subjects ready to our hand." Philadelphia Enquirer. "It is simply indispensable to any one who desi es to keep abreast of the thought of the &ge in any department of science or litera ture. Boston Journal. "The prince among magazines." New Tork Observer. "It affords the best, the cheapest and most convenient means of keeping abreast with the progress of thought in all its ph.wba." Philadelphia North Americanr "A monthlr that comes every week." The Advance, Chicago. JJ4,lt is incomparable in the richness, va riety, and sterling worth of us article;." The Standard, Chicago. "A pare and perpetual reservoir and foun ai n of entertainment and instruction." Hon Robert C. W nthrop. "With it alone a reader ma fain'y ke p up with all that is important in th lit -rature, history, politics, nd science of th? day." Ihe Methodist, New York. "The ablest aaayi, 'tie mcst entertainin? stories, the finest poetry of the itnglisb language, are here gathered together." Illinois 8ate Journal. 'The choicest of the dv "New York Tribune. "It is indispensable to eve; y on? wb de ires a thorough compendium of all tht c admirable cd noteworthy in tue litc-ra' worl."-B wton P st. It bi no equal in any country." Phila delphia Press. "Ought u find place in every American boe.' New Yors Pub'iihed weekly at $8.00 a yar, free of postage. EXTRA OFFER FOR 1879. fi To all neweubtsC-ibe'8 for 1879, will be sent gra is the fix bu ueit of 1878, containing, wi'h othe valuable matter?, tbe first part of "8ir Giobie," a new serial story of much tere-i by Ueo ge MacDonald, now appear ing int the Living Age f om the authors' advance sheets Other choice new serials by distinguished authors are engaged and will speedily apj ear. Club-Prices for the best Home and Foreign Literature. 'Possessed of the Living Age and ore or other of our vivacious American mon'hlies, subscriber will find himself in command of the whole situation " Phila. Even'g Bulle tin. . Por $10.50 the Living Age and either one of the American $4 Monthlies (or Harper's Weakly or Baxar) will be sent for a year, both postpaid; or, for $9.50 the Living Age and the St. Nicholas, or Appleton's Journal. Address UTTELL & GAY, Boston. jan 8 E.&H.T. ANTHONY &C0., 591 Broadway Kew York, (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel. ) Manufacturers, Importers aud Dealers b. Velvet Frames, Albums, Graphoecoi, Stereoscopes and Views, Engravings, Chromos, Pliotographs, and kindred goods, Celebrities, Actresses, etc Photorrapliic Materials. We are Headquarters for everything in the way or Stereoptioona and Magic Lanterns. Being Manufacturers of tbe Micr-Jicientinc Lantem, Stereo -Panopticon, ; University Stereopticar., Advertiser's Stereopticon, Artopticon, School Lantern, Family Lantern, People's Lantern. Each style being the best of its class in the market. Beautiful Photographic Transparencies of Statuary and Engravings for the window. Convex Glass. Manufactuers of Velvet Frames lor Miniatures and Convex Glass Pictures. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with directions for using, sent on receipt of ten cents. oct Il-d2w-w2m rpa WLMLNGTON J0CR5AL, is one of theverv bt advarUiing fmediomj is the State. Trj iu Misoollaneoufl. TO APE JEiTTSfa RS. Geo. P. Kowell & tV SELECT LIST OF Local Newspapers. Many pe-sens suppose this list to be com posed ojCHKA-P. low priced newspapers. The fc 1 is quite tberwi e. '1 he catalogue states ex c ly what the paper are. When the name of a paper is printed in FULL FACTY E it is in every instance the BEST paper in the place. When printed in C API TALS it is the ONLY paper in the place. When printed in ro man letters it is neither the best nor the only paper , bat i usually a very good one. not ithe andi g. TheliM gives the popular ion of every town and the circulation of every psper, 1 V IS NOT a CO-OPERATIVE LIST. IT IS NOT A CHEAP LIST. At the foot of tLe Catalogue for each St te the important towns which are not covered by the 'ist are enumerated. IT 18 AN HONEST MKT. The rates charged f r advertising are barely one-fifth trie pub lishers' schedule The price for single States from $1 t $S0. Tbe price for one ii-ch four wks in tr- entire lii is $620. The eirulr ra eu rt tr pper for the srme spact and tXLUb are $2.92U.C6 Ihe list iuc.udes j6 ne-6pa"ers rtf which 19 are i sued PAIL r.d 77-' W h,EH L V . Tfcev are located in 799 idTi-nt cits and towns, of which 86 are State apiila, 3o placeti of over b,QA) popu lauor . r d 486 noucty Sen. Lletp sent on application Address Geo P.. Kowell A Co's vev epaper , dv-rti-ne Bnrfa JO Hpruct ie eet ( i riotiif m u.e square), New York, feb 1 2 mob THE SUN FOR 1879. 'pHK srjv will be printed every day during L d'e ear to coiut. Its purpose and meth d wiil be the bamosis in the past, To pre sent ail tee uews in a readable shape, and to tell the truth though the heavens fall. Thk Sun has been, is, and will continue to be independent of everybody and everything -av the T:uih and its own convictions o duty. That the only policy which an hon est newspap it jd have. 1 hat is the policy whicb has won for this newspaper the confi dence and friendship of a wider constituency than was ever enjoyed by any other Ameri can Journal. Thk bos is the newspaper for the people. It is not for the rich man against the poor man, or for the poor man against the rich man, out it seeks to do equal jistice to all in terests in ti e coxurnunity. It is not the organ )f any perron, cls, sect or party. There neee be no mj stery about its loyis and hates. It is for the h-meat man against the rogue? every time. 1 1 i for the honest Democrat as against tLe dishonest Republican, and tor the honest Republican as against the di-dioneiM Democ-at It does not take its cue fr m rhr utteratc8 of ai y politician 01 political or ganization. It gives its support uii'tser red ly when man or measures are in ag-.-mt-m with the Constitution and with the prinotpLe upon which this Republic was tonodt-d ft the people. Whenever the Constituti n aao constitutional principles are viol t d s i the outrageous conspiracy ef 1876, by whicL a man not elected was placed in the Presi dent's effl .v, where he stills remains it speaks out for toe right. That is 'Us Sum's idea of independence. In this respect there wi'l be no change in its programme for 1879. Ths cn has fairly earned the hearty hatred of rascals, frauds, and humbugs of all sorts and sizes. It hopes to deserve that hatrd not less in the year 1879, than in 1878, 1877, or any year gone by. Ths Sun will continue to shine on the wicked with nnmiti gated brightness. . s While the lessons of the past should be con stsntly kept before the people, Thb Sun does not propose to make itself in 1879 a magazine of ancient history. It is printed for the men aud oHjen of to-day, whose concern is chief ly with tue affairs of to-day. It has both the disposition and ihe ability to afford its read ers the promptest, fullest, and moat accurate intelligence of whaetver in the wide; world is worth attention. To this end the resources belonging to well-established pre sperity will be liberally employed. The pre ent disjointed condition of parties in this country, and the uncertain-y of the future, lend an extraordinary significance to the events of the coming year. Tne discus sions of the press, the debates and acts of Con gress, and the movements ot the leaden in every section of the Republic will have a di rect beai ing on the Presidential election of 1860 an event which must be regarded with the most anxious interest by every patriotic American whatever his political ideaa or al legiance. To these elements of interest may be added the probabilities that tbe Democrats will control both houses of Congress, the in creasing feebleness of the fraudulent Admin istration, and the spread and strengthening everywhere of a healthy abborence of fraud in any form- To present with accuracy and ticai i. coo i ne exaci &uu&uon in eacn oi its va-jj ry ing phases, and to expouud, according t6 its wen-mown meiooas, toe principles that should guide us through the labyrinth,' will be an important j art of THa-SuVa work for 1879. We have the meat s of making Thk Sua, as a political, a literary and a general newspa per, more ente taining and more useful than ever before ; and we mean to apply them freely. Our rates of subscription remain unchang ed. For the Daily Suit, a four page sheet of twenty eight columns, the price by mail, postpaid, is 65 cents a month, or 9C.60 a year; or, inducing the Sunday paper, an eight-page sheet of fifty-six columns, the prioe is 6b cents a month, or $7.70 a year postage paid. The price of the Wkbklt Suh, eight pages, fifty six columns, is $1 a year, postage paid For clubs of ten sencing $10 we will send an extra copy free. Address I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher of Thb8cs, New York Ctty oct 26 Appleton's Journal for 1879. - m, ui arriiLiun n JOURNAL will ti-i.nFn.H A - wm i ( ex clusively to literature of a Mgh order of ex cellence, by writers of acknowledged stard- kIt is the growing habit of the leading Binds in all countries to enntrihnt thai. r. .v. vutii ucci ifjwei- lectual work to the magastnes and reviews atd. in order that A nnloicr'. ' adequately reflect the intellectual activity of the time thus expressed, it will admit te its pages a selection of the more noteworthy critical, speculative, and progressive papers that come from the pens of tbee writers. Fiction will still occupy a rdace in the Journa", atd descriptive paoers will appear but large place will be given to a-tides bear ing upon h erary and art topics, to d.scus Sir m of social and political progress, to pa pers addressed distinctly to the intellectual tastes of tbe publ c, or devoted to subjects in which the public welfare or public culture is concerned. Terms of Appleton's Journal Three dol lars per annum, in post e pr. WJ&V 'l ubwriberTmbe United States or Canada; or Twentr-five Cents per number. A dab of Four Yearly Bubscnpbona will entl the Lder to si extra anbscript oricratis that Ar npuia will be sent one year for iwlrfc doll a. Ad- ftS5l,,S and ? Popular 8eice Monthly, for one year. Tor seven dollars postage prepaid (full price, eight dollar.)' The volumes begia Janaa y aad Jmlv of D. A PPLETO.V 4 Co., Publiahers . 649 4 661 Broadwa, NewTorfc MM M TlcUnatin Beit ki OP Fancy and Stani Ff OBD Whlr-K . " iu m a . i EVER OFFERED IK BOAT WRIGHT a JcK6Tti (free) prouiptly. boatwkioht a Miiioi'a always fresh sad alee. BOAT RIGHT .mcIot viiaaoa to all to come aad m amine stock and prises. BOAl Wr.lGHT A '""i"0 ntion to erery . tneir store. BOAT WRIGHT 4 BeKOT those who bay at Wholi- write lor Kricet aad aBpl,, men 24 New Goods. JUST RECEIVED- ' csilk Handkercbiefe,in all styleiau Plsitings for Skirts, Lineu Handkerchief at 5c ech, j Printed Lmeu Hdkfs at 15c cad,; t J 25 cents. Toikt 5 s, ilii R and ne U Tkf. Also, llm elexV le liip ( orst,, UQ l T!ie Ladi will please cil mb,1 H. SPRUTT inch 19 exchange Coru P. L BRIOGERS & V" 99 999 muk lAm 21 346 SacksUomE. 119 fi7Q Cma Lf CAN A I llAA Package t LIQUOR 11,696 w' 5 500 Firkfi1 buttir 1 t OO Cases aud BUU. P. L. BlllDUhlCS k U Printer's i. k is mj chsafi space is onoe paid fat. Fifty f0"" coat no more than ot.e. A DISCUlMiXATlXG PUBUC please sUke cfl as many figures u p as from t)ie above, ai U then fS U P. L. BRinUEKS who brou-bt Groceries drw LOW PRICES, aad hay LOWER THAI E Vtt mcb 10 Removal. jyRS. SPEBTsllR has rrtsevd H store next Weet of the r rid se of M ' Thompson, where she it better pr-fa stamping for Eaabroiderr sad HtUS- ,4 patterns aad rood work. rxch 18-1 vs. Furniture. JUST RECEIVED FROM PAtTJV a large aaeortJweut of Wahwt aad grades of FURXITUBE, wbkb M at Great Bargai. Call and feb 19 D.A.SUnU

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