' .anO Aac!- ' ' THIS FIFE FLKA8B AoTlCK. We will be triad to reserve eeatiB wiralh at It ublih ry afternoon, 8aadayi ex- Mptl T JOSH T. Jlllli lUtTOR 15D rKOJRXTOa. g UBe-Rl1rioN8 POSTAGE PAID. "M yr, $6 00 Six months, $3 60 ; Three oaths, $1 M; One month, 50 cent. re papar wU1 bs delivered by carriers, frM of charge, in any part of the city, at the jjjo re ratea, or 13 cents per week. Advertising rate low and liberal j-Subscribers will please report any and ,U failures to recei re their paper regularly. Daily from oar friends on any aid all sutj-ctsol general iaterest bat : T e same of the writer must always be ft niahed to tbe I ditor Commaniemtio a iant b written en en'y one side ef the paper. Personalities mast be avoided. And it ia especially -nd particularly and 1 VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1879. NO. 49 s trod ttat the Editor doea not alwaja en do si tbe views. of aorresj oadents, unless so state ia tbe editorial columns. . The Review March lOth, 1879 BSOWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street- E SI BM:T A SHORT LIST of Prices V for this week, preparatory to leering for the Northern markets, and are offering ierersl L"tt at prices which reqaire no com ments : 4-t Rockingham k, Sf. lU Lke Georee A. a, Best Q lality Spring Calicoes, 6. Call end examine our $ 1 Quilt. I aJies Best Quality Linea Collars 10c, in riieK 13 inrh to 15. paranoia and Sunshades From 10 cents np MISSES WHITE COTTON HOSE. S ithoat any seams, lee pair. Best Machine Needles 3 cts. Each ! 4-4 NEW MILLS LONG CLOTH, lite per yard or lOe by the piece. We are SOLE AGENTS for the following well-known Northern firms : Agents for Derlin A Co., of New York, OenU' Custom Made Clothing. Hare a mag nihcent Line of Samples on hand. Call be fore makingyour Spring purchases. Fit Guaranteed. ."T Agents forffcank Leslie's Cat Paper Pat terns. We wUl hare the full assortment this week. Ladies asm bare Catalogues by send ing for them. A rents for Mviic Rubber Company. Go.-- tamer Waterproofs, the lightest and most perfect in the market. - Gent' Coats from $6 00. Ladiee' Cloaks from 00. CLOSING OUT AN Odd Lot of Corsets for 87 12. A Great Bargain. Brown & Roddick. 40 Market Street- mch 8 What to Wear. f 00K IN AT SHRIER'S TWO STORES ii .week and see the elegant New Spring id Summer Stock of Gents', Youths' and Jots' Clothing and Furnishing Goods. The Cheapest things yon ever saw 1 And the Best sdil And the Neweet Styles 1 And the 'ieest Fits i Buita for $6, $8 and $10 worth fully 50 Pr cent more money. And, see here Tha Beat Shirt in the World ! "The Dia- iokd", lanndried, for $1. ' The Diamond" niaundried, for 76 cents I All at SHRIEK'S EMPORIUM, Market at. apl 3 ale of Real Estate. Y VIRTUE OF THE POWER CON ined in a mortgage deed executed by lames A. Mebane and Maria A. Mebaoe, tis wife, to C P. Mebane, dated January 1874, and registered in New Hanover 'Unty in Book H H H, pages 499, 500, 501, le uudersie-nad. aa Affeut and Auornev fact of Martha C. Mebane. the assignee K said mortgage, on Wednesday, the 30 th yor April, 1ST9, at the Court Mouse in the tatvof Wilniington. will expose aaie at public auction, for cash, the lot uud aud premises deaenbed aud convej. by said mortgage, beinc a cert am lot of id in said City, fronting on Princess street, stween the lot occupied by by Dr. J. T. nwald and tho property or 11. C. us. A full description of said lot aud ea is contained in said mortgage and ill be read at sale. JOHN LONDON. 5 Umington, N. C 31st day of March, '. aDri i-ta Fo; Sale. (HE TRACT OF LAND, known as "WiUama riace", containing over ften Hundred acres. Lies within five and mites of the city. For particulars apply to A. G. LATTA, 10.1m Office Capt. A, D. Cazaux LOCAL NEWS. .New Advertiaeiueuta. Cms. D. Myer?, Ch'mn Proposals. P. UaiasBBEeaa Books Books. J. C. Mchbs. Lost. See ad Burbank's Pharmacy. Read ad Copartnership. A. Snaiaa What to Wear. 8. Jswstt Blank Books and 3tatione-y. The Jewish Passover falls due next Tuesday. A Sound Tarty was iuda'god in by some of the fair sjx to day. The comet is ec-sttiua Antn umers say it U visible by the aid of a telescope. It wHl be Nearest the earth about the 10th. The stores signal was displayed this forenoon, but later the oil shore sigual was run to the masthead aud was floating iu the breeze at last accounts. The depredation ou tijwer gardens still continues A lew nights ago a thiaf en tered one of the handsomest gardens in the city aud spaded up some of the choicest plants in it. Thousands of the most prominent aud intelligent persons throughout the land have testified to the true merits of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrnp. We advise sufferers to use it. Price 25 cents. Mr. John L. Dudley, as Past Grand, has bean elected Representative from Orian Lodge I. O. O. F. at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of the State, to be hold in Fayetteville next month. The Ladies' Memorial Association held a meeting yesterday afternoon and decided Upon the gentlemen whom they will in vite to deliver the animal address ard act as Chief Ma'sTaal on Memorial Day. We Irave seen it stated iu some of our exchanges that General Wade Harrpton is a Roman Catholic. This is a mistake. Senator Hampton is a communicant of the Episcopal Church, and has been for a long series of ye ira ' , By notice published elsew here, it will be seen that all proposals for repairs to the City 11 ill are to be handed iu to the City Clerk and Trea- urnr before 12 o'clock to morrow, atd adjlressjpd to Alderman Myers, Chairman of Committee on Public Build ttgs 5ew Hose Heel. The long-looked tor hse reel of How ard Relief Fire Engine Co. No. li, has been received. The Adrian iteamcr is now thoroughly equipped arid the sala manders in her company will render a good account of themselves in all conflicts with the fiery element. The Amateuif, The Thalian Ama.eurs, flattered by the gratifying success which attended their last appearance, on which occasion they gathered in something like $100 in green backs, have consented to another enter tainment for the Friday evening of next week, the 18th i-ist., ou which occasion "The Last Loaf" will ba repeated. The Circus has Left. The steamer Acadia, bound from the West Indie to New York, with a circus company on board, pot into Biaufort on the 1st inst. on account of the bad weather. She took in a supply of coal cf: which she was in need and proceeded on her voyage to day. Poetry, Poetry Poetry. Hacksteri, hucksters, do beware. Or else the Mayor will jerk the hair Right from the top and leave yen bare; Then where will yon be ? Oh 1 where ? The reason why, is'nt hard to tell, For you gobble np everything, and sell At aa exorbitant rate, bat what do they care If they make a man swear, Over the actions of the huoxsteraire. I Dooley s Yeast Powder is endorsed by the highest authority in America, the euainent Prt fessor Doremus, of New York city, who Cci titles that: '1 have analysed the bread made ; with Dooley's Yeast Powder, and find it free from Alum or any other deleterious sub stance.' R Ogdkn DoBEMUJ, M. D. LL D , Professor Chemistry and Toxicology in the Bellevue Hospital Medieal College. Reorganization . Quite a large number of the members of Wilmington Lodge No. 64, Independent. Order of Good Tomplars, met at Temper ance Hall last night for the purpose of re organization with a view to active service in behalf of the principles of temperance Considerable interest was manifested at the meeting, aud it may be expected that the Lodge will be ia earnest working con dition within the course of a couple of weeks. 1 he Lotus Hub. At a meet in j of the members of the Lotus Club,brld last evenh g, Mr. W. J. Gordon resigned his position as President, and Mr. E. J. Lilly was elected to the po sition. Other in-itters of interest were con sidered. The Club will probabTy give one more of their delightful h ps after Easter. The North Carolina Medical Jour nal. We have reci ivtd the March number of this valuable and useful magazine. It comes to us looking as neatly as ever, but considerably ei.la;ged. The leading editorial discusses the Board of II aith Bill, and invites and urges the cooperation of piysiciars and others to Ciriy out the work contemplated in the law. It is a well-written paper, and com minds itself to the attention of every citi zen, whether iu or out of the medical pto f'ssion. Th? Medical Journal is indeed an thouor to the profession which it repre sents. M. J. DtRosset, M. D., SDd Thos. F. Vd, M. D. are its editors. It i8 published monthly, in this city, at a sub scription price of $3 per annum. More About the Wreck at Hatteras We were in error yesterday in stating that the name of the man who was lost on the Wyanoke on its passage from Cape Hatteras to Newbern, was Whitehead. It should have been written Whitehurst. He was assistant light keeper at Cape Hatteras Light. The Mrs. and Miss Rue who were lost at the same time were the wife and daughter of the chief light keeper at the same station. Mr. White hurst was a member oi tho masonic fra ternity, nd the members ol the Order at Beaufort are making arrangements to hrve his remains brought to that place for interment with masonic ceremonies. A Tar Bill for Tar Heel. The following is the bill passed at the recent session of the General Assembly, to regulate the sale of tar. We gather it in from the columns of the Raleigh Observer: The General j ssembly of North Carolina do enact : Section 1. That two hundred and eighty pounds avoirdupois weight, shall be a barrel of tar. Sec. 2. That hereafter tar shall be sold by weight, at the rate of two hundred anTd eighty pounds to the barrei, under the same rules that apply to turpentine as to excess of weigh Sec. 3. That if auy person shall sell or buy tar In any other manner than by weight, such person so offending shall pay rive dollars to auy person informiuf, to be reserved to the use of the p-rson inform ing, before any Justice" of the Peace hav iug jurisdiction of the place and contract, upon written information supported by affidavit ; Provided, it shall not apply where tar is sold iu less quantity than one barrel. Sec. 4. That all laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. That this act shall be iu force from and after its ratification. Ratified 7th day of March, A. D. 1379. Pinafores and Pinafores, Wilmington has already seen Pinafore butchered, and Wilmington is therefore all the more anxious to see the charming little opera presented in a creditable style. This we are promised and in abundance. During the coming week Mr. Bartlett Campbell's Comic Opera Company wili give us Pinafore, notia la Holman, but secumdem artem. That tne public may rely upou a creditable per formance is to be inferred from the follow ing extract, taken from the New Orleans Times, of the performance iu that city by this company. The Times says ; "It ii pleasant to chronicle such a success as was accorded the Pinafore Company at the Academy last evening. Tbe bouse was crowded from fcht parquette to gal lery, and there was not a point that de served appreciation 'that was lost. In deed thore was given to the opera a seat that, notwithstanding the familiarity with it on the part of the public, was most enthusiastically received. The Campbell company have made a success here be yond all doubt, and last night's perform ance proved that the members were artists meriting the repeated encores they re ceived. The Josephine of Miss Eugenia Paul was a most vivacious and lively per sonation and her voiee is above the ordi nary." Miss Estelle Mortimer as Little Buttercup is simply charming. With all tbe life and eln of a LotU, she gives to tne part perhaps more than even the author dreamed of. Her voice, although lacking somewhat in volume, was pure and her noses correct. As Hebe, Miss Cabannaa gave as much to the audience as the part admitted. Her voice is fresh and clear, and there is nothing in it that looks like artifice. Mr. Brown, as dpt. Corcoran, plays his part well and his splendid voice adds much to the happy rendition of it. Public Services. Public services will be held at the S- cond Presoy'erian Cnurch to-morrow, when a sermon will be preached on the important subject of Foreign Missions, There will also be preaching at tbe same place to night, at 8 o'clock, by Rev. T. B. Ganias, of Whiteville. Hew Firm. Messrs J. H, Petteway and J. E. St George have associated themselves togeth er for the purpose of cond acting a general grocery and commission business at 24 North Water street. They will bring in creased facilities to tbe business, are both from among the ranks of "our own boys" and wo bespeak for them i liberal ahiir of patronage. Citr Court. Louise Loftm, Caroline Frank:, .Louiae Jones, Mary Eliza Lively and Susan Franks, five sable-hued damsels w ho are denizens ot the Long House neighborhood, and who are creatures of ill fame, threw off all restraint yesterday afternoon and indulged in their favorite pastime of quarrelling, enrsing, fighting and using obsene language to such an extent that Justice J. C. Milhs kit called up on to interfere and command the peace, b ut he was cot only not heeded, but his author ity as a magistrate was put at defiance while these creatures continued their de moaiac rage and kept up their iufernal pandemonium, to the disgust ot all law abiding citizens, until tho arrival of the police who arrested the whole party and carried them to tbe guard house. This morning Justice Mil lis testified that tbe conduct of these people was such that; ladies were afraid to p ass that neighbor hood, as language that is not at all suit able for refined ears is frequently indulged in by these cbarac ters on the streets. The Mayor seemed i.c pressed with the importance of meting; out severe punish ment for such cond ast, and accordingly passed sentence of $20 fine or thirty days in the city prison upon each of the defendants, with the additional injunction to the Chief of Police that the parties be confined in separate cells and fed on bread and water during the r confinement. David Mallett colored, charged with being drunk and down, was fined $10 er fifteen dajs in the city prison. The Wilmington Presbytery. In accordance with aHjournrnetit the Wilmington Presbytery met at the Second Presbyterian Church, oo Campbell street, in this city, at 8 oclocfc last niht. Iheopeuiiig sermon v ;.- preached by the last Model ator present, Rev, K Mc Donald. Rev. R. H. Chapman, D D , was elected Moderator, and Rev. A Kirkiand and Elder A. Perry were elected tempo rary Clerks. Adjourned to meet again at 9 o'clock this (Thursday) morning. Presbytery met again this morning at 9 o'clock in accordance with adjournment. Several delegates appeared and gave ex cuses for tardiness and the usual routine business was then transacted. Rev. Jcseph R. Wilson, D. D , and Eller A. pruot were elected as delegates to the General Assemb y with Rev. A. rurk land and Elder Dagild McMillan as alter nates Rev. E. A. Y'ates, of the Front street Methodist Church, and Rev. J. B. Tay lor, of the First Baptist Church, appeared and were invited to seats .n tbe Presby tery. The Report of the Agent on Foreign Missions was made the order of the day for to-morrow at 11 a. m. The Report of Agent of Susteutation was made the first order of the day for Saturday morn ing, and the Report of the Agent of the Sabbath Schools the second order of the day for Saturday. After 30 minutes passed in devotional exercises the meeting adjc timed to meet again at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had placed in his bands by an E ist India missionary tbe formula of a simple vegetable remedy, (or the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and al. nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powe s in thous ands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to bis suffering fellows. Act uated by this motive, and a desire to re-1 here human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all who de.e it, this recipe, with fall directions for preparing and using in Gorman, French, or English. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp. naming this paper. W. W. 8herar, 149 Bowers' Block, Rochester, New York. March 25th. Wilmington District. Second round of Quarterly Meetings, M. E. Church, South; Bladen, at McDonald s School House April 19-2 Elizabeth, at Singletarys...... April 26-27 Waccamaw, at Cypress Creek... April 30 Whiteville, at Wayxaan May 3-4 Smithville Station May 7 Smithville Circuit, at Z;on May 10-11 Wilmington, at Fifth Street.. .May 17-18 Wilmington, at Front Street.. May 24-25 Topsail May 28-29 Onslow May 31. June 1 L. S. Burkhead Presiding Elder. American Wines. But few persons are aware of tbe great amount of grapes rinsed m New Jersey Alfred Speer is known to be tbe Urges. wine grower etst of tbe Rocky Meuntainst His Port Grape Wine is the best, and is considered by physicians and chemists as the best wine to be procured. It is or dered to London and Paris, where it i becoming very popular among wealthy, families. For sale by J. C. Mundo, P. L. Bridgers & Co and Green & Flaaner Apl. l-2w DIOCESE Of NORTH CAROLINA Bishop Atkinson's Appointments. Thursday, April 3 Jamesville Friday, April 4 Plymouth Saturday, April 5 . St Luke's, Washington county Sunday, April 5, Palm Sunday St David's Tuesday, April 8 .Hertford Wednesday, April 9 . . Woodville, Perquimans county Thursday, April 10, a m . . Camden C H do do p m. .Davis chapel, Pasquotank Good Friday, April 11 Elizabeth City Easter Day, April 13 Edenton Tuesday, April 15 .. St Peter's Chapel, Gates county Wednesday, April 16 Gatesville Thursday, April ,17 Winton Friday. April 18. ..... .Muifreesboro Sunday, April 2,i8tSunday at Jfiaster, Woodille, Bertie co April 22 Windsor April 24 Jackson -n Halifax A xtll loam.... Auri 27 2d Sunday after Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, xaaw:r. . . . yireiuou Collections made at ech place for Dio coean Missions. Won't some enterprising indirlduali build that railroad to the Souna!? New Advertisements, Proposals. ALL BIDS FOR REPAIRS to City Hall, and Building Cisterns, as advertised for 25th and 28th March, mast be banded into the City Clerk and Treasurer's office, before 12 o'clock, M., FKIDAY, the 4th hut., and addressed to CHA8. D. MYERS, apl 3-lt Ch'mn fioaa on Pub. Build'jjs. Lost, jN' 4ARKBT KTkEBT, between Fifth and Ninth t eetB a GOLD LO( K T, with 'earl setting. The finder will be rewarded by leaving the same with JAMES 0. MUNDS, Druggist, apl 3 Third street, Opp. City Ha.lL Burbank's Pharmacy. QN HAND AND CONSTANTLY Re ceiving, a fresh supply of Drugs, Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Articles. Wines and Liquors for medicinal use. Cigars and To bacco in great variety. Compounding Pre scrip tions a specialty. apl 3-lt Copartnership Notice. rpHE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a Copartnership under tbe name and style of PETTEWAT A StGEORGE, forth, purpose of conducting a General Grocery and Commission Business, at 24 North Waf'r Street. Will bring to the business increased facilities and respectfully solicit patronage. J. H. PETTEWAY, apl 3 J. E. StGEORGE. Books-Books ! rpBE PLACE TO BUY BOOKS OF ANY DESCRIPTION, IS AT HEINSB E&GE&'S. Also, Cbromoa and EngrariDg, Beautiful, Near and Cheap. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments of all kinds, at prices to suit the timer. Pianos, and Organs sold on the instalment plan at HElNSBERGER'9, apl 3 Live Book and Music & ore. Blank Books & Stationery, J- ARG EnT STOCK AND LOWEST Prises Lateat publication, in books, papers and magazine.. Chromos and lithograph', fancy articles, Ac., Ac, at S. JEWtTl'S. mch T Front Street Boek Store 'HE WLMLNGTON JOURNAL, ia one of the verv beat adverting f mediums in t e state, i rj it. New Advertisements. The New Boot Sl Shoe Store 32 MARKET STREET. J HAYS J08T RETURNED FBOM THE north with a large stcck of First Class Goods IS MY LINE. All the Latest Styles of the season in CK o t', Ladies' and Children's Goods. A call at my plaee will save yea money. My &tck is new, and tha Best is Quality and Style. Fine Slippers from 50c np, Newport Ties fpom fl op. And every thing ia proportion. Fricia to auittbe hard tim s. Ca 1 and examise for yourself. No troubla to show Goods. Rjfcpectfully, C. ROSENTHAL 32 Market St. ' ' I " apl 2 NOTICE. jyB. R. W. PRICE HAYING purchased my interest in the basinets of A LTAFFEU A HlLL, T have this day relinquished all claims to the same, and am release a from all c'aims againat the said firm. Thanking my friend", botb in Wilmington and the country, fcr the many favora receive, I beg to solicit for tha new firm a continuance i their orders for Doors, Saab, Blinds and Ornamental Wood work. Respectfully, April 1st, 1879. WM. E. HILL. Copartnership Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED HAYE this day termed a Copartnership under the name of ALT AFTER aft PRICE, for the purpose of Manufacturing and Deal ing in H ASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND OR- btfaMENTAL WOODWORK. ft. al. A T.T A FFK.R. R. W. PRICE. Wilmington, April 1st, lei 9. apl 1-daw. Peruvian Guano ! 250 Tons Ztfo. 1 Gaunape, .For sale by W LL'ASS & MURCHISON. 3HOICE NEW CKOP CUBA. M0LASSE3 ! 300 Hhds. PART OF IT NOW LANDING. For sale by Williams fc tonrckisoiie apl 3-d Aw. St One Spoon." The amst Reliable aad Eeoaom'cal Baking Powder ! ONE TEASPOON YUL to a Quart of Flour is ENOUGH. Try It once and jou will use ao other. A t wholesale by apl 1 HALL A PEARSALL. Excursion and Pic N c Parties Q AN NOW BE SUPPLIED WITH THE best of music at low terms. For rates, e'r., apply to F. W. OatTMA M N , 19 Water street, or FRANK RIEMAN, a pi-J daw lw Pur cell House Al ey. Fishing Tackle. JUST RECEIVED a vary large saw! ml assorted stock of Fishing Tackle, eoasi tt bag of Poles, Lines, Hooka, Corks, Biik era, Ac. . which wili bo sold at Very 1 ow Figures. GILES A MURCHISON, Gl-dAw 38&40MarchiaonB;ock. .. j t mat' a i ifa -..Tit