THIS PAPER j, aoblUhd ertry afternoon, Saadayi ts eeptod br JOSH. TP. JAMES, HO; TO A9TD PROPRIETOR, SIjBSOR'PTlI,'p08TAOE PAID. Doe year, $6 00 Six saonths, S3 50 ; Three months, $1 16; One month, 60 cent. The papr will dUvred b7 carriers, of charge, in uy part of the city, at the kt)0Te rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertising rates low and liberal jer Subscribers will please report en 7 and failure to receive their papers regularly. March lOth, 1879 BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street WE SUBMIT A SHORT LIST of Prices for thiB week, preparatory to leering for the Northern markets, and are offering ierersl If ts at prices which reqnire no Conv ene lU : 4-4 Rockingham A, 4-4 Lake Otorge A, A, Btet Quality Spring Calicoes, 6. CH and examine our $1 Quilt. Ladies Best Quality Linea Collars 10c, in cites 12 inch to 15. Parasols and Sunshades From 10 cents up M13SE8 WHITE COTTON HOSE. Without any seams, 15 c a pair. Best Machine Heed les 3 cts. Each ! 4 4 NIW MILLS LONG CLOTH, llo per yard or 10c by the piece. We are SOLE AGENTS for the following well-known Northern firms : Agents for Devlin At Co., of New York, Gents' Custom Made Clothing. Hare a mag nificent Line of Samples on hand. Call be fore making your Spring purchases. Fit Guaranteed. Agents for Frank Leslie's Cut Paper Pat terns. We will hare the full assortment this week. Ladies can hare Catalogues by fend ing for them. Agents for Mystic Rubber Company. Gor samer Waterproofs, the lightest and most perfect ia the market. Gent,' Coats from $6 00. Ladies' Cloaks from $4 00. CliOSINGr OUT AN Odd Lot of Corsets for 37 1-3. A Great Bargain Brown & Roddick. 45 Market Street- men 8 to Wear. jOOK IN AT SHRIEK'S TWO 8TORE8 thii week and see the elegant New Spring aid Summer Stock of Gents', Youths' and Boys' Cluhing and Furnishing Goods. The Cheapest things you ever saw i And the Best Goods 1 And the Newest Styles 1 And the Nicest Fits I 8uHs for ft, $8 and $10 worth folly 60 percent, more money. And, see here The Best Shirt in the World I "The Dia mond", lsundried, for $1. "The Diamond" Unlaundried, for 75 cents ! All at SHRIEK'S EMPORIUM, Market st. apt 1 OPERA HOUSE. Lyrical Event of the Season I MONDAY. MONDAY, April 7 MONDAY. MONDAY. Campbell's Comic Opera Company of Haw Tarsi. . Ia the greatest success of the day, PINAFORE TT M C PINAFORE PINAFORE Xl.Jl.O. PINAFORE. Presented by an Unprecedented Cast and a Magnifiotnt Chorus of Picked Voices. 30 New York Artists. 30 NEW and Specically Selected Company, and Dnparalelled Chorus, and Elegant Scenery and Appoint ments. I Do not judge th's perform an ee L- (without si stag it) by any other representation given here. Je? Seats for sale oa Saturday, April 6, at Heinsberger's. aid -3t James C. Munds. D DEALER IN FANCY GOODS and Toilet Articles. Prescriptions compounded at all hours day or night. pi t Third street, Opp . City Baft, Mm ilUUUU Thb-W Review. I - ,Wvoi ,9qai- raft 'at VOL. IV. HI LOCAL NEWS. New AdYertiBemeDts. P.HnxasBiaexa Books, Pianrs, Organs Gbrha&dt Co Buggies, Harness Saddlee. Boatwriqht ft McSot The Flt J Batter Giles A Muacais Cotton Sweeps, "-tee! BhoTela. James C. Stkvibsok -ApoMinaris Water. Williams A Muacaisos C hoice New Crop Cuba Molasses. William A Mcrohisojt Peruvian Guano. 8. H. Fishblati The Rash for Bargains. The Mendelssohn Piano Co. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. J. C. Moans, Druggist Fancy Goods. A. SiKi-Wbat to Wear. Oysters take a rest next month For other locals see fourth page. The thead men of the world are those who think. The ignorance of la w excuses no one M not even a lawyer. Some men are like brooks ways murmuring. al- Gloves are long, reaching to the elbow for full evening toilet. Elbow sleeves are seen ou ball and eve ning reception dresses. Affectionate daughters grow fender of papa as Easter advances. The small boy inwardly yearns to be curled up In a cucumber. New parasols hare flatter tops than the canopy ones of last summer. Waistcoats are as often made to' wear over the basque as under it. - - - - Many a man would take a paper, if ha could borrow his neighbor's. Parasol linings are sometimes of gay Scotch plaida or bandana goods. Flat crowns with very little taparing are seen in English round hats. Postilion pleats and fan trimmiDgs in the back of basques are revived. The Free Press calls baby carriages that turn out ia this weather croupees. Fichu collarettes and jabot collarettes give a dressy effect to a plain toilet. The dentist will make more mosey per acher than any farme we ever saw. - - t 4 Seven persons were admitted to mem bership in the First Baptist Church yea terday. Some men are going about withfaoes as long as if they had money deposited in a saving's bank. 1 Borne people are willing to be good if they are well paid for it, and others are good for nothing. The spring lamb is fighting his way to the fraat, and the mint for the sauce will L The man who attempts to please every body pleases nobody, and wags around discontentedly himself. Oapt. A. H. Worth has been appoint ed a mail agent on the river route between this city and Fayetteville. Wood seems to be plentiful in this mar ket, but the few dayt of cold weather' during the last week have sent up the price. The Newborn papers call the little vessel which was wrecked at Hatteras last Week, when three lives were lost, the Vine Oak, whereat she was reported as the Wyanoke. Considerable similarity in pronunciation, but nob much in or tho The Easter egg this year, we are told, will present soma new features. de scription is not given, but we presume it will be cut bias at the small end and wear a maroon-colored . overskirt, trim mad with magenta loops, said a jabot aromad Use neck, and htns will ohaygeptls cents apiece for 'em. , a 'What,' says the Woman Jourj&l, it a sadder sipht than seeing a young bride sick at heart?' Why, tick at sea, of course; especially when you gat a subject who pawt the deck with her feet digs htr elbows into the rail, grasps bar bursting tea pita with desperation, and ftwglet at, 'Oh, my! Oh, dear! George! - . The editor of the Xevbernian heatd his . first martin on tarn 30th ok. It have been that little fellow of Pom wrote fOdvsaav in: The first bird of spring - But era SWW&R Pnlte Ha feel Irtaa taw limb , a smiVAS . A dead bird was him The music had a!- ' rewfc WILMINGTON, N. C I he Passover. The Jewish Passover commenced last evening at sunset and continues for seven days. T be command nw ita osTTarjc 11 ba found ia fitter J2uh ai i?h hapters. The IsrslneTr sre command ed to eat un'eaveneti bread for seven days, te keep the curat and seven-h days as Sabbaths dajs of Holy Convocation , tad tee penalty for non observance by Isrealitea is accorded that "their ft- ui& shall be cut off from Israel " This festi 1 1 a i i 7 taI is one of the most important In the Old Testament. It is -generally a season of great edification to those Israelites who observe it, an i it commemorates one of the grandee t events of history the fre -do n of the Hebrews after four hundred years of bondage. As the chosen people of God they were then sent forth from Egypt at the pioneer of reiigious liberty, enlightenment and civilization. city Court. John Murray, a son of the Emerald Isle, who ia on a tramp for a job or a living, was arraigned this morning for beg ging on the streets and insulting these who refused him a&l. The prisoner put up a piteous appeal and the Mayor re leased him on condition that he would "set about" making himself scarce in thasapuitormirjedtely, whereapon the defendant "scooted." The next on the docket was a bad case of drunk aad diaarder resitting police and "mlftlw amM or thfrtyaya in the eit$HQ. W. p. Geefn.cbioVed, was brought up for viajating the peace in Jack Growdpr s ifM Add'g Hollow on Saturday night. The Mayor fined him $30.00 cr five dayt in the city prison Jbut after wards remitted the fine aad released the defendant. and last case oa the Clerk's docket. He was charged by orBoar Wad kins with aiding in the escape of a pritoner and refusing to assist in the arrest of the party. The Mayor said $25 fine or thirty days in a cell, and the prisoner went below. H M S- Pinafare. , i at r I - H I I bat the performance which is to be given at the Opera House this evening is well worthy of the patronage of the Wil mington public, wo quote here an extract from the Charleston Jiews and Courier relative to the appearance of the troupe in that city on last Thursday evening: In marked contrast with the recent wretched failure of the Holmans, was the very pleasant and successful presentation of H. M. 8. Pinafore last evening by Campbell's Comic Opera Company. Lets than a week ago the writer heard the opera sung by the picked company at the Standard 1 heat re m New lurk, where the piece has had to remarkable a run; and it is no mean praise to say that the per formance at the Academy last night suf fered little by ths comparison. The house waif fur!, though not crowd ed, and the genuine enthusiasm with which moat of the airs were welcomed was the best possible tribute to the style and spirit in which they were sung. In the case of the Holmans, it will be re membered, the immense audience re mained apathetic throughout the opera. But last night all the gems of the opera had to be repeated again and again to sat isfy the bouse, and even the rollicking choruses came in for their shares of en cores A Reliable Article. It is a pleasure to commend an article o a thoroughly reliable character, and we do not hesitate to do so in speaking of Doo ley's Yeast Powder, which an experience of over ten yean convinces us Is the best and most reliable baking powder ia the market. When bran new pianos can be bought for $125, wa ought to become a music loving people. This U what the Mendels sohn Piano Co., 21 East 16th Street, New York, are doing tailing pianos from their factory at these prices. Tht great re putation of these lianoc ha;YQg been un animously recommended Tor the highest honors at the great Centennial Exhibition and the high character of the company for honorable smd sfcrabtforwerd deeding, should insure for teem liberal patronage. Their illustrated and descripti ve catalogue of forty cRTpager, gmf Wa testi monials of leadiag musicians, will be ,iled free to all, and all tnq ones by letter nuzn a nri r x n toner. - But few persons are aware of the great wine grower east of the Rocky Meuntainst Hit Port Grape Wine ia the beat, and ia considered by physicians aad chemists aa famine wFemie y JferU. S1N L, Badgers Flanaer Apl. l-2w an ... ,.- T ma a.aa iI j u.q; en - , MONDAY APRIL Si- L f aViMAitiii yr.Wsnir. Curtis the eSLuut and vifjisaMi t quarantine physician for the ort of Wflming'en, stationed at Smithvillr wrs in the city to-day in attendance upon tbermsefieg of the new quarantine Boar5, an account of which is elaawbere publish ed in this isue. J 11 V I I ! I l Magistrate's Court. r John Taylor, colored, was arraigned before Justice Wagner upon the com plaint of Charles Edens. colored, for as sault and trespass. The defendant was found gnilty in both cases, and fined $100 and costs in the case of the assault! and released in the. other case upon pay ment of costs. Correction. ' On Saturday in our commercial report a typographical error of one figure made it appear that spirits turpentine was be ing offered at 25 cents without luyerW when instead we4ntended to say it was of fered at 28 centa without buyers, which was the state of the marset we were reliably informed at the close of our report at 4 p. m. Subsequently, the market ad vanced to 28J cents, these figures beinjr offered bnt ao purchase was made as holders were then demanding a higher price. Meeting: of the County Commissioners- The Board of Commissioners met at 2:30 p. m. April 7th, 1S79. Present Cel. W. L. Smith, he Chair man of the Board, and Commissioners Worthy Montgomery, Baggand Grady. The minutes of the last meeting of the Board were read and approved, Committee on Hospital reported pro gress. Complaint having been made against Smith's 'Creek Bridge, the Baatter was re ferred Commissioner Grady. Report of the Treasurer of the genera and school fund was ree&ived, examined, found correct and ordered to he spread on the minutes. The Treasurer returned of special fund as follows: Six bonds of $500 each, due Marph 1st, 1879, and 36 coupons of old bonds of $15 each; 23 coupons of new bonds of $15 each; two coupons not numbered; and 54 coupons of new bonds of $3 each; all of which bonds and cou pons were burned in the pretence of the Board. A communication was received by the Board from Mayor Fishblate stating in response to an inquiry that tho city government had no authority nor had it appropriated any money for tbe pay of Assessors. Ordered that the Board of Finance be authorised to take such steps as are neces sary to expedite the listing and asssS' ing the property in Wilmington township. The Board proceeded uuder the machinery act to the appointment of As sessors for the different townships iu the county as follows : Wilmingtou Township M. Cronly. Cape Fear Township Iredell John son. Harnett Township A. A Mosely. Mason boro Hosea L. Home. Federal Point Jacob H. Dome. .The Wilmineton Presbytery. The Preabyterymet at 3 o deck on Sat urday afternoon, and proceeded at once to business. The report of the Agent of Sabbath Schools was received and approved and ordered to be f jr warded to General As sembly. The report of the Agent of Sustentaticn was received and approved, and the fol lowing resolution was unanimously adop ted: Resolved, That tho Presbytery urge Upon the churches under its care the im portant cause of Sustentation, and that the Pastors and Stated Supplies bee to it that the claims of this cause are explained and the duty of contributing to it en forced. Presbytery resolved to organize a church at Bargaw, if the way be clear. After tbe consideration of several other minor matters, and the presentation of toe usual vote of thanke, Presbytery ad- joarned tins die. Hearikg Restored. Particulars fne. v- l r f ;-r T.,.r w 4 d 2t a I "The steamship" Ra'sU: Captain Tyn4, wf!l ta3i from New TorkHor tb.i next the 12th teat. Ix -Judge Sam. Watts is in tbe city. 7, 1879 NO. 52 Now Advertisements Pre scriptions Accurately Compounded T Mil, Kl '.s U ug M-.rp, Corntr 4th and N un tr et. rarkei's Hir !iai-ni , itd (.itifTr f oniC. Bull's Cough -yrup, Mil- lei a Horcboand Couh Syrup, just in -peu iav acc" Night. a 1 7 Apollinaris Water. JUST RECEIVED Eleven Hampers W hich I am prepared to sell AS LOW AS ANY ONE by the Hamj e; or at Retail. James 0. Stevenson. apl 7 THE Jvl'SH FOR f ains STILL CONTINUES AT H, FiSHBLATE'S, 25 MARKET STREET, s. 100 On) Huadred Dozen 100 more of those 5c Ladies' Lace Ties ! Expected by Fxpres3 Monday morning. Alao, a Job Lot of Silk Sash Ribbon, 5 inches Wide. A BIU BARGAIN ! Only 10 Cents a Yard! Large Line of Hosiery and Linon Handkerchiefs. 3- Remember, we ae selling now at RETAIL as well as WHOLESALE, apl 7 It mm nm m ach, and all styles, including Grand Square and Upright, all strictly fihst class, sold at the lowest nkt cash wholesale factory prices, direct to the purchase!. These Pianos made one oftb" 6nest displays at the Jen tennijl Exhibition, and wer unanimously re c tmmended tor the Highkpt Honors over 12,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory wtablished over 36 years The Square Grands contain Mathu shek'a new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement in the history ef Piano making, i he Uprights are the finest ia America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't fail to write for Itlnstrated and Descriptive catalogue of 48 pages mailed free. MENDELS3UHN PIANO CO.. apl 7-6m 21 East 15th street. N V For Books. O T ATI ONER T, Itks, Psds, iJ Pencils, InkttanJs, Mucilage, And all other articles in the too and Stationery Hne got-) HE LIVE BUUK STORE. Pianos and Organs, JROM the Leading Manufactories, Fcr sale Cheap on the nnstalment Pian, or for Cash, at HEINSBERGER'S, apl I Lire B-5ok ard Music tore. Buggies, Buggies, Harness &-Saddles, FOR SALE AT GZ3S.HAB.DT ACQ'S, tea 3rd st., opposite City Hail. ikPAlRING DONE WITH NLATNESS AND DISPATCH. HORSsVSHOEINO A SPECIALTY, apl 7-tf B PLEASE HOTICE. We will be glad to receive conrmnciratiens' from our friends on any and all subjects t general interest but t Tbe name of the writer most always be fu n is bed to the Editor. Communicatioss mcst'be written on on'y one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly nnd "tro-i tlat the Editor does not always endo the views of corres ondents. unless so state in the editorial columns. So w Advertisements. COTTOa SWEEPS STEEL SHOVELS r f r,AVE OS a large tock of v ( ott.-n weeps.of the following shapes: ""srnoha, kussisMppi, hiclson Ai-. Also, .Meel Shovels of various sixts, Wed H es Spa ee, Shove's, F- rks, Ac, all for tale a' Very Lowest F inures. Q1LK.8 A HURCHISON, apl 7-d&w 88 A 40 Murchison Block. Boatwiight & McKoy OFFEK THIS WEEK The Fir&t New Butter sold in this city. Llegant. Our PRIDE FLOrjR is taking he lead. Wc ne better. Our PALE SHERRY has been tested, and judges pronounce it the beat they ever drank. And we bavj astonished the nativis with oar Double Stamp PURE RfE at $2 it is moving off.rapid'y,a few more barrels of the same sortelt. PRICE ONLY $2 PER GALLON ! Our Nortli Carolina CORN WHISKEf, is i I ure and anaulterated. i We Lava any grade of FLOUR you can ask a for. Our stock is replenished daily. We have in st re atd en route which we offer to tho Wholesale Trade I rjQQ Hblf. FLOUR, all grades j 75 id ugar of all grades ; 1 rn " Molasses, New Orleans, Cubt lOKJ and Black 8trtp ; 1 50 Bags Coffse, Rio, Java and Laguayra ; QQ Boxes Soap ; 0 Tierees Lard ; 0 Tubl Lard. LIQUORS ! Of erery description, which we can offer an inducement in at Wholesale. Our stock is more varied than sn nous in the Stite. For Goods wa can't be boat' Ali inquiries by mail promptly an s , veered. Write for prices and itmp!es; it hall not cost you anything. Boatwright & McKoy. 5, A 7 STorth Tront St. apl 7 Peruvian Guano ! 250 Tons No. 1 Gaunape. For sale by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. apl 7 CHOICE NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES ! 300 Hhds.: v PART OF IT NOW LANDING. For sale by Williams fc apl 7-dAw. rpats wLMiN' of tht tstt r State. Trj it 3? : b-UU4.3 wo. mm i.flj I ' v m. ttlvVlJ I mmm w fm -m rsM'J a et Atal A JJAil . t IA imdi mi tic iir&m