1 THIS FAPKB It oublisbed every afternoon, Saadays ex erted bv JOSH. T. JAMBS, RUIToK AMD PROrailTOB, 41 BstKlPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. 0u year, $6 00 Six months, $2 60 ; Three months, $1 3b ; One month, 60 cents. TLe paper will ba delivered by carriers, of charge, in any part of the city, at the above rates, or 13 centa per wek. Advertising rates low and liberal gsjr Subscribers will pleaae report any and . filor' to reeeiTe their papers regularly. arch lOth, 1379 BiiOWri & RODDICK. 45 rAarket Street- 1K8 BM'T A SHORT LIST of Prices V for thix week, preparatory to leaving for th Northern parse's, sua mrm uuenn)r L at prices which require no com- uirDts 4-4 Rockingham 4, 6. 4-4 Lake i-org A, a, H st Quality Spring Calicoes, 6. Call and eiawine our $1 Quilt. Ladies Best Quality Linen Collars 10c, in sizes 12 inch .o 1 5. Parasol and Sunshades From 10 cents up MI-SES WHITE COTTON HOSE, Without any seams, 16c a pair. Best Machine Needles 3 cts. Each! 4 4 NEW MILLS LONG CLOTH, lie per yard or 10c by the piece. We are SOLE AGENTS for the following well known Northern firms : Agents for Devlin St Co., of New York, Gents' Custom Made Clothing. Hare a magi nificent Line of Samples on hand. Call be fore making your Spring purchases. Fit Guaranteed. Agents for Frank Leslie's Cut Paper Pat terns. We will have the fall assortment this week. Ladies can have Catalogues by send ing for them. Agents for Mjs.ic Rubber Company. Gof samer Waterproofs, the lightest and most perfect ia the market, Gent' Coats from $6 00. Ladies' Cloaks from $4 00. CLOSING OUT AN Odd Lot of Corsets Tor 37 1-2. A Great Bargain Brown & Roddick. 45 Market Street mr-h 8 THE8 EXCITEMENT! IS AT Exchange Corner. Something New Every Day. J UST RECEIVED, a fine line of those Kid OIotps with Patent Fastenings, in Black and Colors. You will wear no other when you once try them. A. new lot of those popular "Flexible Hip Con-eta", 130 bones. Also, Dr. Werner's Health Nursing Corset, the best made. The finest assortment of Sun Umbrellas and Parasols in the market. Fine Silk and Linen Hdk'fs. Fa cy Ties ar.d Bows, Lacv Bibs, Lisle Gloves, Linen dollars and Curls, Good Hair Nets, Cologne, Ac. The Finest Assortmsnt of MILLINERY GOOD8 to select from ever offered in this market. 1 he newest styles al wars on hand and we. guarantee to sell you any stjle of nat or bonnet for leas than you can buy the same North. We charge only for the mate rial, nothing for the Style. We a e glad to see all at "Exchange Corner". ap. 5 N. H. SPRUXT. James C. Munds, DRUGGIST, A D DEALER IN FANCY GOODS and Toilet Articles. Prescriptions compounded at all oours day or night. pl 4 Third street, Opp. City HalL COTTON SWEEPS STEEL SHOVELS VE HAVE ON HAND a large 8tock of ivu v sjnsjMsl Ui ivnv w auapva tfenolia, Mississippi, Dickson Sc. A igO. Ktctal BImJ. -.-...a Won ti u v i- xm a. .ii r... at Very Do west Figures. GILFS A MOROMISON, aPi '-d&w 38 A 40 Murchiaon Block. rpHE WLMLNGTON, JOURNAL, is one o; th.Terr beat adrertiaing Emedi ssa ia tie tau. Try it. Thev b1lt Review. j 1 ,attl ' " fcOS ' ' ' St? I fi VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY APRIL 9, 1879. NO. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements P.HiBT!BKRSa Feetsi 's Business File." A. SfiKisa-All In ! Call In! Geo. N. Hj-aei-s, Reporter -Knights of Hod or J. C. Mcnbs, Drusrsri-t Fancy Goods. The turban is the fashionable cap for young ladies youn? and married woiieu. The patoier scarf alriaperwi cf Paris made dresses ar sjiiF-id with criuolins. Panier hC.irfrj aud dfiperiepaj pear on all Paris dresses broiigdf overtbis spring Caps ma le of rfilk handkerchisfd, in turban or Njrmaiidv form, pre much m , 1 worn. If this tine weather holds there will e lots of flowers for -the Laster t'lODS. ducora- Aladdin or the Wondtrlui Limp wi le presented to the Wilmington public at the Opera H,u e on Friday, the 18th inat. li-Tbe saying "timb is money" is best "ustrated by the prompt action of Dr. uil's Cuh Syrup iu all cases of Coughs, Olds, &i. Price 25 cents a bottle. All Druggists keep it. An unusually large number of hUts and rafts of wood, timber and naval atorea monopolized.the eastern shore of the Cape Fear this morning. Mr E. Scharpf, Health Officer, in the First Ward, is doing this duty in cleaning out the alleys and. byways. The Ward was hardly ever as clean us at present. The brick work under a large boiler at the foundry of Messrs. Hart, Bailey & Co., gave way under its weight yesterday and tumbled the boiler over. JNo on was injured by the accident aud the dam" age was light. Railroad freights are slightly dull just now, but we are informed that the passen ger traffic is very good, owing to the re turn to their homes of, the many Northern people who have passed th winter i Florida and other localities where it is warmer than in frigid New England. It is now thought that the steam-yacht Passport wilt resume her regular trips on Friday. She baa bien undergoing some repairs and improvements preparatory to the increased business her agent antic U pates. Canaries. Mr. J. W. Conoley bag in his drug tore oa the corner of Fourth aud Han over streets twentyfive fine canary birds. He raised all of them and is sufficiently compensated for his trouble by their sweet warblings. If Vou Have Never Used Doolev's Yeast Powdeb got a package the rext time you buy 'baking powder, and test it. After a few trials, we are confident you will give it the prefer ence over all others. It is absolutely pure; every package is strictly full weight, and it never fails in making bread, rolls, biscuits, cake, corn-bread, waffles, muffins, and similar article?, d.lic.'ou&ly light, good, and wholes me. We understand that he music in St. Paul's Episcopal, Church on Sunday next, Easter Day, will be unusually fine. Among those who are to sing in the choir of the church on that occasion is Mrs. D Kahnweiler, who has, we are informed kindly consented to assist in the services on that occasion. Carolina Lodge Kuights of Honor meet to-morrow night for the purpose of conferring degrees. The membership of this order ii increas. ing so rapidly that they find it necessary to hold special meetings to keep their wheel from being clogged by the rapid increase. In the language of a country newspaper, "circulation large and in creasing daily." The April numter of the Southern Planter and Farmer is upon our table This magazine deserves and receives a very liberal support. It is amongthe bast of the kind with which we sre ac quainted. While it mikes a specialty cf agricultpre in all its branches, giving the results of succcsful experiments rather than the impractical suggestions of the dreaming theorists, there is much in it that cannot fail to interest the thoughtful reader, no matter what occupation he fol lows. The contents are var ied and panic ularly suited to the work of the month. The Planter has some of the ablest con tributors to be found, and the beauty ia these articles consists in tbtlr being by Southern men. Published at Eichmond, Va.. Sia vsar. t . ; City Court. Butane case Vefore the Mayor this morning an aid sirjuer bj. the same f Frank Hargrave arrested last night for disorderly conduat. JfO. fine or five days in the city-priaou was the sentence of the Court, and the prisoner was escort- ei b'ow, A iirud Pic-Nic in. Pender. The good citizecs of Pender county cos template havitg a goid time on the 19th tust by a grand pic-nic at Croom'a Bridge. A committee of arrangements, consisting of ladies and gentlemen, baa been appoin ted; ' marshala have been elected ar.dt speakers have been invited, and the "feas of reason a d the tiow of soul" may be ex pected. A Surrey In Onalow, We leara that on batarday last a party of surveyors and engineers to the numbar ol twenty put in an appearance at Snead's Ferry, in Onslow county. They came in wagons from Newbern, and, se far as our information extends, they were to make a survey from the coast back in to the country towards Angola Pocosin. The euTvey will be both hydrographic and topographic, and will atnbrace the terri tory from tha ocean to the Nrfheast river and its tributaries. i The Fralt Crop h Reports from along the line of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad between this city and -Weldon are not very en" cjtiragiag so far as the fruitj crop is con cerned. There hare been frosjts all along the line for several mornings, and fears are freely expressed that the fruit crop wilj be cat short at least three-fourths. In this section it is estimated that the damages are not so great as it was feared some days ago they would be, and it is hoped now that the injury to the frnit will not exceed twenty fire per -cent of the pro mises of a week ago. Carelessness In Closing f laces of Business. J tl t Ii ! j 'Tit IJ a' ' ', Night before- last there was a robbery committed pn North Water street and goods to the Talus of $100 purloined from the proprietor of the store. - At the same tine a store immediately across the street from whsre this robbery was committed was found open and the poHceman on that teat was compelled to leave his post to go and notify the proprietor of the open store to come down and lock his store. It is possible that the robbery of the store across the way was committed while the policeman was absent. Last night again three mere places of business were found open and theMayorthereatens hereafter that he will publish in the daily papers of the city the name of each establishment found open at night by the police. He hopes in this way to break up that carelessness which some store keepers and elerks have indulged in for some time of goiagoff with out examining the fastenings of their doors and windows before leaving for the night Borax Washing latere sting to the Ladies. Our lady readers wbo hare not tested the magic properties of borax, says an exchange, have been losing a great help and comfort. If once used, you will never be without; a bottle cn your toilet table. It removes the stain and dirt from the hands better than soap, and at the same time softens and smooths the skin. It is splendid for washing the hair, and will, without injury, cleanse brushes and combs in a few moments. For washing purposes it saves both soap and labor. It will extract the dirt from articles of delicate texture without rubbing, it being necessary to put tbe articles in a solution of borax over night, and will need only to be rinsed in the morning. Two tablespoonfult of pulver ized borax dissolved in a quart of water, to which water be added to cover a pair of blankets, will, cleanse them, beautiful ly. It alao saves great labor in washing paints. Tis said to drive away ants and roaches if sprinkled on the shelves of safes or pantries. " American Wi But few persons are aware of the great amount of grapes raised in New Jersey. Alfred S peer is known to be tbe larges. winegrower east of the Rocky Mountains Hia Port Grape Wine is tbe best, and is considered by physicians and chemists as the best wine to be procured. It is or dered Id London and Paris, where it is becoabag Tory popster tonKm 1 wealthy families. For sale by J. C. Mund, P. L ttridgers & Co and Green A Fl 'M tiff. 1.9. Personal We received a pleasant call yesterday nfiernpon from an old-time friend, Air. F. P. Galloway, one of those Cap Fear bovs who bad strayed frotr the purli-ut. oftheoldR,ck Spring. Mr Galloway has beea in Texas, on the border, for some years past engaged in journalism, but now represents a New Orleans house. He is here on a visit to his friends, for the f rst time in seven years. Found Open. The front door of the job office of Mr. S. G. Hall was fomd open tnis mornii g by a round man of the police force. Mr. H. is confident that his door was securely locked la?t night. The back door cf the bnilding was alsostretched open. Noihing is missing from the building, but we im agine the w-jiild-be tbkf was so exaspera Uid that he 'chawed up about twenty five pounds of typi before he could get over his mad. The fellow must have been an es caped lunatic ; if not he would have gone somewhere else than to a printing office for plunder. Marine Item. From Mr. John W. Collins, mate of tbe steamship Benefactor, Iron New York, we learn that on Sunday morning early, when off the Capes of Delaware, they passed a yawl boat with center board bottom side up together with other drift material belonging to a boat or vessel. The bottom of iho boat above mentioned was painted green. The steamer was bear ing south by west at the tfme and was about eighteen m,ile3 from theFiveFathonag Banks Light Ship. ' The New Certificates. The four per cent certificates, now on sale at the Postoffiae here, sre being rapidly taken. Col. Brink says that they are going oft now at (be rate of five hun dred a month, but that this number will probably dwindle dowa after a while to a steady demand of from one hundred and fifty to two bun J red. It is certainly an excellent investment for poor men who lare trying to lay by a little for a rainy day as the certificates draw interest stead ily all of the time. We would rather hare them than to have their value in gold. Be Carefullof Four Tin-Ware-Housekeepers are warned against "tin" vessels where an alloy ot lead and tin has been used by scampish makers to coat the sheet-iron plate. The alloy is readily acted upon by acids, and salts of lead are thus introduced into the food. In Michigan several cases of paralysis agitans have been traced to this sort of poisoning, and it has been discovered that children have died of meningitis, fits and paralytic affections caused by drinking milk kept iu sueh vessels. Analysis of a large number of specimens of tin plate used in culinary articles showed the presence of an alley with lead in almost every instance, and often in large quantities, and it is assert ed that a large proportion of the tinned wares in the market is unfit for use on this account. The Spring Fashi n Jennie June, reviewing the spring fashions in the Washington Star, 6ays ia the popular mind neutral tints seem to have been all blotted out, and in their place we find decided colors, and the re flation of fljwered patterns, and ban danna reds and yellows, which are start ling to those to whom they are no hideous- Never was there a time when dressing in cluded such violent contrasts, and pre sented such a mass of contradictions Fashions could be declared, at one and the same time, to represent the most op posite things and both be true. Yet the skilled band of an artist id required for the simplest as well at the elaborat6 costumes, it being quite as much of an art to know what to leave off as wht to put oa. The distiLOtive feature, however are the same in kind, though not jn degree, and the distinction between tbe walking dress and the dress of ceremony is maintained, the skirt of the walking- dress clearing the ground, while that ol tbe dinner, or evening dress, is cnt with a small round, or long court train, ac cording to tbe eleganee of the robe, and tbe purpose for which it is required. What tbe Bandana dresses are Jenoie explains as follows : This name' has been applied to costumes made of checked gingham, the plaids cf which, are over a quarter of a yard wide, and the colors such as are seen in bandana handkerchiefs tied around Abe beads of negroes. They are aston- i shine productions, but some ladies are . at -oa raving ever tnetn, anainey win aounuca 1 have their enthusiastic ililiiwiis. 54 Criminal C om t. His II uor Judge Meares presiding;. The following cas-s were taken up and disposed of to-dy: State vs Anthony Eiowe, c'.targa with malfeasance in office. Terdict not guilty State vs, S. A. Richardson, charged w lb perjure. Continued. State ts Mag Brown, charged with lirceuy. Verdict guilty, sentenced to telve months in House of Correct ioB. State vs Mason Holme, charged with perjuy. Submitted; in consideration of prisoner's good cb racfer His Honor sen tenced him to only three months in the House of Correction. Fourteen Years Ago at Appomattox, This day fourteen years ago the purest living man of his day and generation arranged for terms of peace with Grant and his hordes on the ever memorable field of Appomattox, and on the following lay issued to his devoted little band ot patriot heroes his last farewellas follows- TO TE ARMY OF XOBTHEBN VIRGINIA Headq.uartkrsAkmy Northern V IRGIMIA April 10oh, 1865 After four years of arduous service, marked by unsurpassed courage and forti tude, tho Army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources. I need not tell the survivors of so many hard-fought bat tles, who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to this result from no distrust of them; but, feeling that valor and devotion could accomplish noth ing that could compensate for the loss that would have attended the continua tion of the contest, I determined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose past services have endeared tham to tbsir countrymen. By the terms of the agree ment, officers and men can return to their homes, and remain there until exchanged. You will take with you the satisfaction that proceeds from the consciousness of duty faithfully performed; and I earnestly pray that a mercifulGod will extend to you his blessing and protection. With an un ceasing admiration of your constancy and devotion to your country, asd a grateful remembrance of your kind and generous consideration of myself, 1 bid you an af fectionate farewell. Signed K. E. Lee, General. Hotel Arrivals- Burnt Housa. Wilmington N. C. April 9th. I. L. Dolby, proprietor. From 8: 15 o'clock April 7th to 8:15 o'clock April 9th Jno McDowell, Jr, N C; W J Daniel, New York; 8 C Tales, Pee Dee; Thos B Pace, Hamlet, N C; W H Haw lev, Thos Norwood, Washington, D C; Oapt Thos Jones, New York; J W Dunn, Raleigh; A K Walker, City; L A Powell, Sampson Co; D M Fennell, Sound; Frank Edwards, New York; A F Krebbs, Va; W A Sands, Soundville; B Monday, N C; Ed Marble, Cleveland, NY; M H Rob- bins, Burgaw; John L Collier, Augusta, Ga. IN MEMORIAM. Inasmuch as the Corporation of the City of Wilmington has been, by the hand of death, recently deprived cf the services of one cf its important officers, the Mayer and board of Aldermen den e to place upon recsrd their testimonial of nis valuable services to the City of Wilmington as its attorn y, of his genial disposition as a friend, of hia sterling quali ties aa a man, ot his ability and integrity at a lawyer, of hia intrepid courage as a soldier, and of bis public spirit as citizen. Col. WILLIAM 6TfcWa..T DEVANE was born in tbe c unty of New Hanover, Mareh 'Htb, 1828. Adopting the profession of the law, he wa a stadent under the late Chief Justice Pearson for two yea s, at Ri'ih mond BUI, in the county ot Yadkin, and was admitted to practice at the Bar n the year ifc53. He immediately entered upon tho practice f hi profession, and formed a law partnership vriin Hon. A A. McKoy, now one of the !-uperior Court Judges of the Htate. Tbis law firm continued to en joy the emolument and honors of a successful and lucrative practice, un til it was dissolved ao ut April, 1861, at which time Col. Devane entered into the ser- vic of the C'-nfederate ta'es Government. His intrepidity, his faithfulness, bis fidelitv, in fact his entire record at once bonorabie and brilliant, during the four w earj years of war, is a part ot tbe bistory of bis native btate, North Carolina In 1866 Col. Devane took up his residence in Wilmington, whsre he spent the remainder of his life engaged in the practie of ths law in partnership with bis brother, Majur D. J. Devana. In the year 1868, waen political stri e was at its highest, he was .hoaen by bis part as i s staadard D-arer.in the contest for tbe honorable position of Judge of the Supe rior Court of the i bird J udieial Dii tr ict, hav ing ss his opponent the Hon. D. L. Kanell, who was the Bepnbiicaa nominee for the same position. This is hat an imperfect outline of the ser vices which Ool. Devane has rendered to tbe State of orthCarolna and to the pe ple of t ;e Houth. His int ep d eourag - bota as a soldier and a eittzea, bis eharntiiur social qualities, bis generous teart, were attributes that en deartd him to all with whom he came ia eon tact; and we, the Mayor and Beard of Alder men of the City of Wilmington, apprecia ting hit services to the co: p nation, feel that we are paying bat a fain t tribute to bis mem ory in thus placing toe abore upai rtcj d; we therefore Reso'.ve, That we deeply deplore the death of Col. William H. Devane, and we dt ect, as a testimonial of onr grief, that the City Cle-k and Treasurer be instructed to set apart a page of the records for the inscrip tion of tr.ee. resolutions. Kesolved, That we trader to the family of the deceased our heartfelt sympathy in their sad bereavement. Keaolveft, That a eoey of these proceedings be t a-ismi tted to the fanul.v of the deceased, and aisb to the eitxjapers fr pab'ication. V jL. h. bovydbn. Chairman Committee. PLEASE NOTICE. We will be clad to receive eorxmnnus tiers from oar friends on any and all lahjeclsct general interest bet i The name of tbe writer mast alwsys te fh nished to the ditor. Communications mostbe writtonn on f one side of the paper. Personalities rruit be avoided. And it is especially nd particularly and stcod that the Editor does not always endo if the views of cor res oa dents, unless so slate in the editorial columns. A earn. To all who are suffering from the er rors and iniiscre i ns ol youth, nervous weakness, early decay, Ions of manhood. &c, I wi.I on a recipe that will cure yuu, FREE OF OHARQR. Thi great remedy was discovered by a missionary in S .nth America. Send a r!f-ad ressedi envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman Stati-n D New York City New Advertisements. ' Knights of Honor. JaBOUMA LODGE ICo. 43. Special Meeting to-morrow (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clk, for the purpose cf conferring degrees. GEO. IT. HARRIS8, pl 9 Reporter i Foster's Business File lETTER, CHEAPER, More Convenient t an any other FILE In use. Ornamental as well as useful. Papers bled so that contents are alwajs sc cts-ible Hinds 250 letteis in one-half minute, at cost of one-twentieth of a cent substantial j- made and beautiful'y finished four different sizes to fit any paper. Keeps papers secure so that they cannot be lost or blown off. Any paper can be taken off in an instant, without disarranging the others. Adapted to the ase of merchants, lawvers, authors, clergymen, or private individuals. Please examine ; it speaks for itself, for sale at HEINSBEBOER'8, j pl 9 Live Book and Musics tore. All In! Call In! OT ONLY THE LARGEST AND Best 8elected and Cheapest stock of Clothing in the city, but a Splendid Assortment of Hat atd Caps for Gents', Youths' and Boys of all styles, qualities and prices. -Also the best Unlaundried hirt in the city for H cents aid the best Laundried Shirt la the city for $1. 0, at 8URlEk'STWO STORES, pl 9 Market it. 1 HOICE NEW OBOr CUBA MOLASSES I 300 Hhds.: PAItT OF IT NOW LANDING. For sals by TV i Ilia ins V Ibnrchison. apl 7-dAw. Peruvian Cuano ! 250 Tons i - BTo. 1 Gaunape. For sale by WiLUAMS & MURGHISON. apl 7 Apollinaris Water. JUST RECEIVED Vi hieh I am prepared to sell AS LOW AS ANY ONE by the Hamper or at RetaiL Jain en C. Stevenson. apl 7 Prescriptions Accurately " ii Compou tided T MIL' k'o D ug Store, Corner 4th and Nan street. Parker's Hair Balsam I and Ginger Tonic. Bull's Cough Hyrup, Mil 1 ler's Horebonnd Cough Syrup, just ia Open Day and Might. apl 7 ADVERTISE in he Wilmington Joorna One of tbe otflast weeklr papers pub- , ! liaaed la the Mute. Onto sonar. Watarand

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