THIS PAPER I. pablisked etsry aftsraoba, 8adji eeptsd br JOSH. T. J AMES, BJtlTOB AND PKOfRIBTOm. SUfeeM RIPTIOWB. POHTAXJK PAID, joe 00 dix saontha, 12 50 ; Three months, $1 16 ; One month, 60 cent. The paper will be delivered by carrier, jr of charge, in any part of the city, at the e rates, or 13 cents per week. AdrertiiB(r rate low and liberal F" Subscribers will please report any and a failure to receive their papers regularly. Now Advertisem nts. Wake Up B OWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street FK-v THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL i a K4iD n( wl" commence tbe sale of the same n so. day tbe Utb Apil, 1870. KEf P MOVING. LOT 1. I Q .ftli-y (Jet W SUPERFINE and 8TOCT D LF HOSE, 35 cts. pair, formerly 37 cents. KEEP QUIET- LOT J. 65 Dossa I at st tvles Ladies' Bows, 25 cts. each. Regular price 624. KEEP COOL. LOT 3. 50 Dox n B st -Quality 3 button Ladies' Kid Gloves, 85c, worth $1.50. KEEP THINKING. LOT 4. 30 Dozen Ladies' Out Sise Hose, 26c, price ever j where 75c. KEEP STILL. LOT 5. 250 Dozen Worsted Dress Fringes, 12ic per y -rd, cheap ai 36c. KEEP SAVING. LOT 6. 40 Dozen Children's Striped H se, 10c, usual price 29c a pair. KEEP COMFORTABLE. LOT 7. 10 Posen Ladies' SHETLAND Woi Shawls in asserted Colors, $1, good value at $2. KEEP EASY. 1550 Yards Colored Silk Figured Barege, 15c per yard, GOOD ra'ue 40c. The above does not embrace all the 8PE CI AL BARG IN 5 we have secured during the four weeks passed in the markets, having spared neither trouble or time in order to ac complish our object. It afforos us even more pleasure than it does our patrons to put desi rab'e goods on this market below their actual slue as it increa-ee our business and is really the cheapest system of advertising as well as tbe true policy of et tending any business. We are also offering great inducements in all our regular purchases and can with safety add that at no time bare our facilities been equal to the present season, and we are deter mined to put our regular stock of General Dry Goods on this market at a lower rate of per centage than ever before. See adver tisement in Star. Brown & Roddick. 45 Market Street- apl 11 Pond's Extract 3 SIZS. SPECIALTIES, v z : Dentri- nce, Toilet Soap, Ointment.Medicated Paper, (1000 sheets For rale by JAMES C. MURDS, Druggist, apl 16 Third street, Opp. City HalL Alfin ! CaU In "VTOT ONLY THE LARGEST AND Best 11 Selected and Cheap st stock of Clothing in the city, but a 8plendid Assortment of Hats and Caps for Gents', Youths' and Boys' of all styles, qualities and prices. Also the best Unlaandried Shirt in the city for T5 cents and the beat Laundried Shirt ia the city for $1.00, at ' SHRIEK'S TWO STORES, apl 9 Market si. The Collins House On The European Flan. Corner Front and Bed Cross Street Hear Union Depot- T RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO my friends and the public that I have cpeued the above House and am now pre pared to furnish meals and lodgings. Restaurant open at all hours. Prices low and bed-rooms neat, dean and airy. Special rates by day, week or month, K7-The only Restaurant in the city. W. M. COLLINS, oct 26-2taw-mthn Proprietor. rpHK WLHLNGTON JOURNAL, is one oftheverv best advertising Issesnssss ia tie. State. Try iu The VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. B2 WEDNESDAY, APRIL LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisement. Mas. E. A. Lumbdiw For the Ledi s. Williams A Mukchuoh A t Wholesale. Gao N. Hi-EBiss, Reporter Knights of Honor Hall A Pearsall Flour, Lard, Batter, Ac. Daiiil F. Bbattt Piahos and Organs AeawTS Wabtid It atioaal Publishing Oc. A. J. Holm ak A Co A?i U Watted. I. 8. Johmbon k Co New Ric Blod. rtnasow's Capcine Porus Plaster. Wbitk SeriB Mar ine. P. HaiMSBaasKd 1 leatraettea acid Kecon- struction. J. C. Mobbs, Druifi t Pood's Katrait. A Sbbibb- All In ! Call In ! 2?o Ctty Court to-day. Jet lace is coming in voyns Harrow traius are de rigeuer. Dolly Varden styles are revived. For other locals aee fourth page. W&o will be 'Queen of the May?' Round trains are generally preferred Crabs are row plentifu' and are getting cheaper. The yachtmeu are thiufcing about get ting their boats out. When is water most likely to escape? When it is only half tide. It is better to hang arouud a sensible girl than a street corner J , 4 Shingle weddings occur when the first child is old enough to spank. New beets, the regetable kind we mean, in market this morning. 'When does a man smoke a cigar too long? When he smokes it too short. Evsn a clothes-line becomes unsteady when it has too many sheets in the wind. We seek for riches, and do not find them ; wt de not seek for death, but alas! he comes. Another fox chase is on the tapis for Friday morning, iu which several ladies will indulge. These seems to be a general detire that Prof. Agestini should repeat Aladdin or give us something new. Have nothing to do with a man in a passion, for men are not like iron, to be wrought upon when they are hot. As sturgeon are now being caught in the Delaware river no more shipments ef the fish will be made from this point this season. Give it to the children. Physicians prescribe 'it. Thousands use it. Sold by Druggists. Dr. Bull s (Jough syrup. Price 25 cents. A mule's hind leg has only one seaeon it is always a beautiful spring, even if it is backed down. Spring in this case is always followed by an early fall. Love rules the court, the camp, the grove and earth below and heaven above, but it never se,wed a gray patch in the seat of your husband's black trousers. That isn't love, lhat a revenge. The attendance at Sunday Schools is getting to be large as the season ap proaches for pic-uics and excursions. i ; i i Several dramatic troupes are wending their way North. Some of them may conclude to stop in this city. The flower gardens in this city were never more beautiful than they are this spring. A gentleman who advertised his goods in yesterday's Re iew informs ns that the articles were all disposed of by noon to-day. Another race on the track at the fair ground is talked of. New horses will be put on the track and the excitement will no doubt be great. The kidnapping scare still lingers in some portions of tbe city. We have heard of no person being kidnapped, but the owners of chickens and early vegetables suffur. The "Sons of Rest," composed of the brick-presiers of this city, we under stand,will organize to-night by electing a President, Secretary and Treasurer. What they want with the lat'er i named officer we can't tell. rh- stockholders of the Belie vue Cem etery Company are reminded by adver tisement, to be found in oar columns, that their anneal meeting will be held at the) City Court room on Friday, next (the 25th inst) at 8 o'clock, p m. " Off I ,.uJ . - Knights of Honor sueeA to morrow night. gL One more week, then oysters step down and oat. We have not heard of tbe first green" peas of the season as et . Liy aside yon- ulsters and turu you; thoughts Towards ice-cream And now tne Cornet Jonc rt Chit Speak ,of their inability to appear on pa rade and discourse music for the Ladieo' Memorial ssociatiou on the 10th of May. Memorial Day. Humored. j It was rumored on the strata last night and this morning that some man in this city tried to pat an end to his existence yesterday by hanging, but that he was discovered in time and cat down We could trace the report to no reliable source and think in sdl probability that tfome one started the report just to give us a local. Bis: Swisnusinjr. We learn from Mr. W. J Hand, who was a witness to the feat, that a young steer attached to a cart ran sway from his owner and driver, a colored man, yesterday, near the Northeast ferry, nine miles from this city, and plunged into the river and swam across, having a car with about 400 pounds of load on ths cart. It seems that ' the colored man who was driving the steer at the time had be:n into the city with a load and was on his return home, and in going d iwn the hill towards the ferry, the steer bicame frightened and ran into the boat, and from thence into the river. In going out of the boat the wheels became detach, ei and were left behind, while the frame with the load continued attached by the shafts to the steer. The water , was about eighteen feet deep where he jumped over board, hut he made a straight line for the opposite shore which he reached, and with the assistance of M . Hand, who was present, he landed safely with his cargo minus only a few bars of soap which were washed off in tbe passage. The distance across the river at this point Is nearly ort quite 200 yards. A If oa Paying easiness. A producer having ca' led our attention to the tact of the very low price of tar, we together entered this morning into a calculation concerning the sost of the production of this commodity with the following result: We will take for an example that the producer intends making a 50 barrel kiln, the expenses of which are first: saTo the labor of one man two weeks to cut the light wood 86. 00 One man s labor and horse and cart one week to haul to the kiln . 6.00 Banking the kiln 5.00 Burning and running off the A A same ouu 50 empty barrels at 40c each... 20.00 Hauling to the river 5 00 Freight and expenses in Wil mington 80c per bbl 15.00 Total cost of production and ex- pec ses $62.00 Credit by 50 bbls merchantable tar, 300 lbs to the bbl at 82 J Coats per ebi of 2-0 lbs 44.20 Deficit $17 80 L. aving a balance as above stated on the debit side of the producer, after pacing tbe expenses of making the article and placing it on the market , of $17.80; In other words, the producer, after selling his 40 barrels of tar and pocketing the proceeds finds on bis return home, when he eudearors to pay his laborers, that be is short $17.80, and lacks just that amou t o pay oS his hands, and coaseqiently, after all his labor, trouble and worry, to say nothing of the coat of the lightwood, he is in debt $17 80. In this tiew of the case we think it oar turpentine fanners snd tar producers would torn their attention to tilling the soil, planting chufas, wheat, rice, flax or tobacco, and cultivate a less area of ground than has bean their custom for some years when planting cotton, and enrich their plot of ground from time to time with farm manure, they would find, in our opinion, a falter crib and smoke house, besides having a heavier purse to buy S i Hie and the children a new dress and Sunday clothes to go to church in at the end of the year, and possibly, in the coarse of a few years, Use farmer who quits entirely the product ion ef turpentine may be able to run a two-horse farm where now he only runs one, er probably a four horse team where now' it is only tae. What say our friends in tbe country to trying a change ? Th y have tried the turpentine busi ass for, k ! these many years, and have tested it thoroughly and, as we and trstand the matter, are getting oorer and orer every year, 11 . ' ' " . J. . c Rwtew Reception ef His Excellency, Cot erner T J. Jarrls and Parly. The arrival of Hon. Thomas J. Jar vis, Chief Magistrate of the fc.ta!e of North Carolina, Col. Win. L. Saunders Secre tary or' State, an 1 Mj r U A. Gi .i im was announced ltnitjf.t by the booaiig Ol cannon from a becii u of the Cap Fear Light Artillery uliuued near tbe depot, as the 9:53 train from the North, i bearing trie Governor and party, r:l!ed iututhc depot. The party, after a short ' hands shakiiiy, itej.pei into carriages j which ere awaiting them and drovi rapidiy uowu Front street to the PurceH HouseV'where quite a large crowd had as sembLed to greet the Executive of the State. There was, however, uo demon stration of any kind beyoud the fact tha1 a goodly number of citizens had assem bled in front of tne hotel to pay their re spects to His Excel 1 eucy, some of w;om expected that the Governor would deliver a small taTk m the occasion of this, his first visit to us as tbe h:gbest official in the State. But after alighting Irom the car riage the party entered the hotel where the proceeded without delay to brush away the dust of travel, Col. F. W. Kerchner, in the meantime, appearing in front to announce to the crowd assem bled that His Excellency would not be able to make a speech to-night owing to the fatigue of his journey, but that he would be glad to meet and shake hands with his fellow-citi-zsns in the reading room ol the hotel in a few moments. Accordingly the crowd began to throng the room set apart for the reception and the Governor coming in a faw moments-later all hats were doffed when Col. H. B. Short and Col. F. W. Kerchner proceeded to introduce the different gent'.emen as they cameforwaid. His Excellency is a man of fine physique, standing about six feet, one inch, is rather retirisg and modest in his demeanor and extends his left hand to shake, his right arm haing been crippled to such an extent by Yankee bullets during the late war that he has now very little control of it. Af er the reeeption, the Governor and party! retired to the dining-room to partake of supper, and the crowd adjourned. To-day His Excellency and party, ac companied by several gentlemen of .this city, took a drive to Wrightsville Sound, where they spent the day, expecting to return this evening in time to participate in the festivities ef the ball of the Lotus Club at Germania Hall, w hich is given in honor of the Governor. To-morrow morning the party will make an excursion to Waecamaw Lake as the guests of Cel . H. B. Short where they will sail out on the lake and proceed to haul in the fish which Col. S. alUges that be has already baited and waiting fer them. The party from tho Lake will return home to Raleigh direct. Climbing the Pole. Several unsuccessful attempts were made yesterday afternoon to reave the halliards on the Denrocratic flag pole on Front street. A sailor was engaged to do the work and several times climbed near ly to tbe mast-head but as the pole was very slender and apt te be broken by his weight he came down and this morning lewered the top-mast, reeved the hallia ds and then raised the mast to its proper place. The flag of the Nation was te-day run ep in honor ot Governor J arris smi SacrtUry of State Saunders. Mr. J C. Lurnsden has very courteous ly extended an invitation to the Governor, Col. Saunders and Maj. Gilliam to par take of tie hospitalities ef his ice cream and strawberry saloon at any time daring their stay in Wilmington. Mrs. Lumsien's grand opening tf Spring and Sumnaer hats and bonnets, and flowers and feathers takes place to morrow, to continue during the remain der of the week. Ot eourse all of the ladies will be there. DIED. t her residence on Kocky Poiat, in Pen der county, oa the moraing of ths ldtb inst., Mrs. HANNAH COftB'T, agd 64 years. 8fce was a consistent meaber of the Bap tist Church, tired and died in the faith, and si buried by the Eev. Mr. Kenns-jy of Milaya Cieeh Cavek. Thus ends a long life ef uefaloe-i. Pbe leaves a fansi'y of eight cb.iid.ea to aourn bar loss; their iocs is irreparable bat it is tc her eternal gain New, chtldrea, weep not bnt bow in humble pubmiatiea to the will ol God, her father, reae sabering that ah can merer cosne to yon, bat if you will, joa can go SB bar. What a consolauan I 8ne was a good woman and leaves taeay, very many, warm friends, who t uly sympathize with k.. aa-aS I heMaaa tber knew what a treaa- wathdT hare ioC May l er spirit guide and h nr eSsneVmi mW tftt did wh n she was iB thu sorrowing woris. "Oh God, net I my will, bat Thine be done. sT. 23, 1879. NO. 65 I New Advertise inants. THEBES T THE world SOLD B X1 BTWw BEWARE 0F s rUR PARTICULARS WhiteSewing Machine Co. Knisrhts of Honor. jJRO INA LODOR Jfo. 434. Special Metiflg to-mo.iow (Thursday) evening at 8 o'c'k, for the pnrpAge of conferring Ugrees. GEO. N. HARRI8S, bpI 23 Reporter. Notice. qiHB THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OK' I th KWiKMll..o ..- U.. n ... Company will be held at the Ci'y Court Koom at s o'clocayp m , Friday, zatn inst. President Ma ntTg and Directors request ererj (stockholder to be present in person. JNO. 8. WcSACHKKN, apl 23-lt Secretary A Treasurer. For the Ladies. THERE WILL BE A GRAND OPENING of Fine French Pattern Hats and Bon nets, French Flowers, Ribbons, Ac, Ac, on THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, To continue for three days. Ladies a-e rt spectfnlly invited to call, apl 13-lt MRS. t. A. LUMSDEN. READER I BEFORE BUYING A PI AN O or ORG A Do not fail t send for my latest 20 page Il lustrated Newipspsr with much ra'uable in formation FREE. New Pianns, $126, $135 and upwards. New Organs, $65 to $440. Be sure to w.ite me before buying elsewhere. Beware of Imitators. Address. DANIEL F. BEATTT, apl 23-4w Washington, N. J. AGENTS WANTED For the Best and Fastest-elliag Pictorial Books and Bi b ei Prices reduced 3 t per cent. Natiob al PuBLtSHiNO Oo., Philad, Pa. apl 23:4w AGENTS WANTED For Smith's Bibla Dictionary and HOLMAN'8 NfcW PICTORIAL BIBLES. Prices reduced. Circulars free. A. J. HOLM AN A CO., apl 23-4w Phila. NEW RICH BLODD ! Parsons' Pnrgat ve Pilis make NtwRich Bio jd, and will c mpletely change the blood in the etire syst m in three moiths Anv person who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be reared to sound health, if such a thing be possible. Sent by mail for 8 letter stamps. L 8. JOHNSON A CO, apl 23-4 w Bangor, Me. Ca1 BENSON'S GAPCINE PORUS PLASTER There is ne donbt aboo t tbe grat supe riority of this article over common porouc plasters and other external remedies, sacl as liniments, sleet' ical appliances, Ac. Ask physicians ia your own locality about it. It i4 woncerful. sold bj all Druggists. Pric 25 cents. apl 23 4 w We Keep jpLAXT'i EXTRA FLOUR, FAIRBANKS LARD, CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER, FINE N. O. SYRUP, And other Standard articles. Orders solicited, apl 23 d&w HALL & PE A.R9AI L. At Wholesale. 3QQ Hhds New Crop Cuba ;Molasses, 200 Bbl3 h 8t"p qq Bbls Sugars, all grades; 2 JQ Bf Coffee, 1500 Kef' Toni Hoip Ir -a, 200 Bbl' DbtilI,ir' GIn?' 2500 "rtCa.ka, .jq QQO osn'rlQl w"lte Corn, J t)QQ bbl Floor .all gradea. 200 Bxe" 8iJ' a 200 " P Ae', J Fer sale at close prices by As Williams & ftjurcUUon ap223 -slw. PLEASE ITOTICS. We will be glad to receive et n rrrnl alicni from onr friends on any and all inrjtctiol general intereit but : The name of theriter mastalwsjs be fa nished to tbe Editor. Communications mr' be written on on.'y one aide of the paper. Personalities muit be avoided. And it is especially tnd particularly and stcod tlmt the Editor does not always endo re tne views of correst oa dents, unless so state i in the editorial columns. New Advertisements, rfll.L"' . - ... . - ADDRP? 5 Cleveland, ohio. LIVER This important organ wefehs but about three pounds and all the blood in a living! person I about three gallons ) passes through it at lenst ioncc every Bafi hour, to have the bile anu other impurities strained or filtered from i a i the natural purgative of the bowels if the Liver becomes torpid it i not r. in the blood, but earned through tficWfti t. ill parts of the system, and in trying to 4 . rou:;ii tne pores ot tne sun, caics it i j mi 1 vciloworadirty Wv eo!or., ' " -ou oversell, auu dyspepsia, pij p i "i, Conatjcation, Headache, BHiousDi w fl o:r St mach, and general debility fi W . Mi kkeix's H kfavinu, tlicgreat vepetabl-e di. L, covt rv for torpidity , the Layer totb-nw 'A Mo ii one t.) two our. res of bile each t yV the Mood passes througli it, as lent as there is - aa efcss of bile ; and the effect of even a few ITJ dosi ipoa yellow complexion or a brown dirty ,jlx)ku :.kin, wil' astonish all who try it they bein the first ryniptoiiu to disappear. Th 1 cure M all bilious diseases and l.ivcr complj' . i niiwic certain by taking Mj-TATiNh in accor incv wih direct! n. Headache U generaJl cure- in twenty t.iinutcs, ,-uid no disease that arisi" U au tiic can exist if a fair tiia a , ioLD AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PIlljuS ?ricS25Cts.and$LC: i I ;c :ta!ity ot Consumption or 1 nroat ar.d j.lAv. Diseases, which sweep i the gnrreat jj b ast one-third of all death s vi uu.s, arises ! from the ipiuin oi Morphine treatment, which simply stupe lies as Vhe work of (lu.-tth k. Ml '" w all be p. iid if p':afn 01 Morphine, op any preparation of Opium, Morphirta or P;rs QS sic Aciti, can be found in tae ClobB Flow SB lJ Cough Syrup, hi h has cured people .-V SBflars livins to-day wttn ht.t one remattunK hir.f. No preater w re a an be done than to say that Consurripf'on i incurable. Glmkb Flowfr o Lour.J p wul cie it svhe-n all other 1 Astliina, Bronchitis and all diseases of the rv. ! thro m and lungs. Read the testimonials af the Hon. Alexander H. i-tepher.s, Gov. Smith fjS'and Hx-GovJ Brown of Ga., Hon. Geo, Pea S body, as well as those of other rrmarkable cures in our book, free to all at the drug stores, and be convinced that if -u wish lo'bt cur a you can be by taking the Gi.obk : FlOWBB h"? CoOQH Syrup. Take no Troaltes or Lotenges rK for Si rc Throat, when you can Kit (iLona wrl Plov p Syrup at same price. For sale by B I all Liruggi6t3. 1 Price 25 Cts. and $1.00 L00D jf Grs ve mistakes are mai;-. in tne treatment ot all ii -5t-s that arie-froin poison in theblcod. Not ''lie case of Scrofula, Syphilis, White OlSweh eg, Ulcerous Sores and Skin Diseaae .n a the iv.nd, is treated without tUe use of Met4 ,cury c some form. Mcrcary rots the buii.s, 525 and the diseases it produces are worse tr-.n , . any oihr ki nd ot biood or skin disease I an br. " 1JK. F EMBERTON'S StILI-INIIA Of Qjt'BEN J Drlight is the only-medicine upon which a hope of recovery from Scrofula, Sypliilis and sJ Mercurial diseases in all stages, can be reason ably founded, and that wiH cure Cancer. Wj will be paid by the proprietors f HI Mercury, or any ingredient not purely vegeta ble and harmlevs can be found in it. fi Price by all Druggists Si .CO. i Globb Flcwi k CoOGH Syr'T ar. Me. ' RFLIS HhPAI INE VOH THE LTVBI h t Sale by Jl Druggists in 25 cent and Si .00 bottles. I A. P. ICZILSELL k CO., Prcprietora, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Theodore Joseph, Corner of Harctf & Salisbury Sts One Corner West Baleigh National Bank. BALEIG fl, N. C. Board by the day or n the Enropean plan 8 itiafaction gurranteed in erery particular Mj bar Is supplied with Finche's Golden Wedding, 1870, Uibson's 1871 Rje, Ffeiffer A and C, and many more of tbe Fines Brands of Rye and Kentucky Bourbon. oct lS-tf Buggies, Buggies, Harness & Saddles, FOB SALE AT OEEHAEDT k CO'3 3rd st., opposite City Hall. REPAIB1NO DO.N'I! WITH HEATXB88 AND DlrtFATOH. BOKSE-8H0EING A SPECIALTY apl ll-tf Destruction and Rcc?n- straction. p bsonax expebie sczj or tue LITE A2. lij BICaiRD TATLOR, Lieateaant General in tbe Confederate Arm j. i toL, 8 to. Cloth. 271 pages. Price $2. "These remioiscences of seeeesioa, war aad reonstrnct.on it Las seemed to me a d jty t record. An actor the eia, accident of tot tuie afforded me exceptional ad raa left's ff aa int rior riew." From Preface. For sal at apill heinsberoeb Lire Book aad Basic tor j. rr j i rilr simple SjpBSJiS"11',1'BSSS T0 'S