TkelDaily. Review, JOSH. T. JAMES. Ed. and Prop WILMINGTON. N. C. m : . if zzm. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30. 1879 VIEWS AND REVIEW.". Lager beer is down to three cents a glass in Cincinnati, t. Louis, and Provi dence. George Jackson, a white teacher in the Cincinnati High School, has married a negro girl; but her father owns $100, . 000. Germany and .Hanover, to the infinite satisfaction of England, are com'ng nearer to reconciliation. Prince Bismarck has promised that the anuual interest on ihe private fort jne of the Queen and the two Princesses of Hanover shall be paid. The cultivation of sugar is rapidly ex tending in New South Wales,, Queens land, Western Australia, and the North ern part of Southern Australia, and the production has increaded this year by nearly two-thirds over the production of last yar. Cardiac hypertrophy or muscular en largement of the heart a very serious mnscular exercise, a fact that should not be forgotten cy those men and women who indulge in contests of strengh, en durance or ability A Capt . O'Prien Bake, who k raituly held a comatiesion in th 1 . Pool British army . hat- c reated a seusatiotk at Home by refusing to comp'.y with the usage of kneeling when the Pope admin istered his blessing and felufing to leave the apartment when requested, in conse quence. The Cameritri had to remove bim by force. He afterwards apologized. The extreme party in France have put forward the n.ime of Monsieur Loysou. best known as 'Father Hyaciuthe,' as a candidate fer one of the Paris arrondisse ments. Notwithstanding his eloquence, he has not drawn many hearers to his new church. The principal attendants have been Americans and English. Pennsylvania follows Connecticut, Mas sachusetts and Vermont in the enact ment of a strict law to punish tramps. The Legislature orders a year's imprison ment for bogging and three years for en t3riag a dwelling against the will of the occupant, for lighting fires upon the high way, or for carrying firearms. A law fully as stringent ia before the New York Legislature. Reports have gone the round of the newspapers of late to the effect tha t Gen eral Kosencrans is in very delicate health, and that he is in a rapid decline. A lady residing near New York, who is an intimate friend of the family, received a letter a few days ago from Mrs. Kosen crans (in San Francisco(, in which she speaks of the above as a "cruel report,'' which has no foundation in fact, as the General is in his usual health. The official report of Russsian finances for the year 1877 has been published by the St . Petersburg Golos. Its chief items are these : Income, 54S,S30,800 roubles ; ordinary expenses, 585,044,810 ; war ex penses, 429,328,089; deficiency for the year 405,S42,0G9. It is customary in other countries, during a period ot war, for the ordinaiy expenses to fall oil' ; but in Rus sia, in 1877, they exceeded the income by 36.213,980 roubles. The conviction of Conductor Haitwe'll, whose neglect of duty caused a railroad disaster at Wollaston, Mass., was for man slaughter, and the punishment may be anywhere from $1 tine to twenty years' imprisonment. The "evidence was that he switched hi freight train across the track on which a fast excursion train was ap proaching, and did not send out a danger signal, as the printed rule of the company directed . His only defence was that the excursion train was so far behind its time that he supposed it had gone past. Booth's Theatre, New York, has been leased by Dion Boucicault for six months from the 1st of September next, at a rent al of $20,000. During the summer he purposes to spend about 5,500 on the house, which has had realiy no repa'rs since it was first opened, eleven years ago. Mr. Boucicault, says the Dramat ic Xcics, is a poor man again. He is what people ordinarily call 'broke ' This result has been mainly brought about by his speculation in Consolidated Virginia stock. Stock that he bought at 40 is now down to 5. Tha son and heir apparent of the Ehrf- dive, Prince Hassan, is a dull, dump h young man, with small eyes, thick hps, and a sensuous cast of features. He lives in semi-regal splendor, maintains a pal ace, a harem, aUd a costly stud of horses, and is a bon vivant of the first water. In the Rnsso-Turkish war he headed the Egyptian contingent aud distinguished himself by his quarrels with Mehemet Ali. During the siege of Plevna he lurked behind the fortresses of the Quadrilateral doing little or nothing to obstruct the progress ot the invader. The Empress of Austria is a good ten ant. It is said that she has already ex pended on Lord Lon ford's place in Ire land, which she hired the past season, 5? 10,000, and further paid $2,500 rent. She has taken it for nxt season on con dition that, if prevented from going, she is to be let off bv paying a' bonus. It is curious that the Km press-Queen of Aus-tro-Huagary should go to Ireland two years running, and that the Queen of Ireland can only manage a visit twice in fortyrtwo earp. The principal Ita'ian journal of Milan describes Queen Victoria as'a most simple unpretending, respectable looking lady, attired in deepest mourning, too short and stout for royal dignity but bearing a sorn bre aspect not devoid of charm. The fea tures, somewhat drooping, are imprinted with a saddened, pained expression, indic ative of iuward physical suffering rather than of mental itorrow, to which it has been ascribed. Her walk is that of a person more advanced in years than she is, aud she advances slowly, her gait being unequal, like tint of a person suffering from rheumatic pains ; but there is about her that air of distinction, acquired by the habit of command, which renders it im possible to miitake the Queen for au ordi- c .1 ill' nary person." THE VETO. Rutherford B. Hays, the fraudulent President ot tfit-se dis-United States, has vetoed the Army B'll His reasons therefor, as made up for him bv Chandler, Garfield, Conk ling, Logan and a few more of that precious t-and of bummers, wiH be found on the fourth- page of ibis issue. Low a our opinion" of the' man has always beeif we did not believe that he would slult if, himself as he has done, go back on his own record, and give thd lie to his ims professions. The hesult proves that we were mistaken. Hayes'Jaction in this matter was uni doubtedly taken with the view of possible future benefits to his party. As we have always contended, Seven when some of our Democratic co'temporaries were .lauding him so highly two years ago, he is not the President of a republican peuplo bHt f a Republican party. It is for the Democrats in Congress to stand firm. They should have been, and probably were, prepared for this vet from the very day that the Army bill with its rider was reported and they must be prepared to meet it. It is for then to stand firm and true to the peeple and their beat interests, and to make their arrangements for remaining in continuous session, if necessary, until the first Monday, in De cember neat, when they are . called by law into regular session. There must be no talk of a compromise; he who pro poses such a thing is a coward and a traitor to his party and his people. The Democrats in Congress will caucus on the ma.ter,anel will most certaitly deter mine to fight it out. Let them now in corporate the rider in a separate bill to prevent the presence of troops at the polls and then send it to Mr. Hayes with the intimation that when it is allowed to become a law then the appropriation bill will pass, and not before. If Mr. Hayes should then veto this bill let the Congress remain in session to watch the de facto President and John Sherman, for they both need watching. DROUGHT IN TEXAS The Dallas Herald says the drought in that State convers all that portion of Texas lying upon a line of Denison and San Antonio, iaeluding every county west of it, and an average of two tiers east. In portions of this territory people are hauliog water for drinking purposes from three to six miles, and the cattle pepend upon the larger streams, ail of which are lower than can be remembered. On many plantations the wheat is not more than one foot high, and is heading out. Farmers are holding back for rain before planting cotton, as it would be labor lost to sow seed. Fears are enter- tained of a famine in corn and oats, and hence the price of the old crop of corn is advancing, with nearly every one holding on to all they have. So far the veg etables are nearly a total failure. The Dallas market at no time this spring has -shown scarcely any at all. The supply is getting less and less every day. At the hoar of wrjtmg,: the high and dry winds which have prevailed for three, weeks are still blowing, with uo moisture or humidity in the air, and cot a cloud to be seen in the heavens. The situation is bad enough. It was never worse, and has not been so bad in the memories of thirty years as it lis now. All hone of I 'Hi is about abandoned. There ia time enough, however, to make a cotton and corn crop if we can get rain. THE COOLIE QUESTION LOOM ING UP. The Vicksburg Herald, one of the kad- i r ing papers in Mississippi, in a recent ar ticle commenting upon the negro exodus, plainly declares that if it continues ' it will reopen the Chineee immigration ques tion with tenfold force. California may not want the Chinese, but it the South is robbed of her labor the will, and what if mere, she will have them." This is precisely the view we have taken of the matter in the columns of the Re view. We should be sorry, very wrry, to see the colored population leaving as, but if they will follow the cunningly de vised fables of those who are promoting this emigration scheme, not from a love of the negro but from hatred of the whites, we shall not be left entirely destitute. On the contrary, the changod state of affairs with us may prove to oar luting advan tage. The Chinese take kiadly to labor and they do not need to be coaxed and cajoled into going into the corn fields and wheat fields and rice fields ef the South. Their labor is cheap and it is good labor at that. Our readers may call to mi ad that since the war a very successful exper iment ,has been made with Coolie labor in the valley of the Mississippi. The Asi atics know all about the culture ef rice and labsist mainly upon it. The climate of their own country also resembles that of the region now being stampeded and lhey could be employed to the mutual ad vantage of all interested. It is true that we would lose something of our present political prestige and in fluence, but the int .rests of the labor ques tion would absorb those. And, besides, the Chinese not being possessed of any political privileges, an important obstacle to the growth and development of the South would be removed as well as a se rious eource of disquiet. MOUXSHINE Aa Trishman who was a trifle Might h& led' -.did he had 'palled more at th" Cork than he could Kerry.' When the little frog was scooped up from the spring ho fouud himself wit hi u the pail of civilization. The Lewiston Gtzatte knows a ti dier who draws the hairs of the equine over the intestines of the feline in a moat masterly manner.' William Augustas to sleepy room m e: 'Come, Johu Henry, why don't you get up with the lark, as I do?' John Hmry, grimly: 'Been tip with him a'l night. 'Why, asks the Wheeling Leader, 'don't some one write a song on the first fly of summer ?' Because the fly wont hold still long enough for any one to write a song on it. There are men iu this country who know something about the 6ize of a world like this, but there are plenty of others who imagine that the world contracts to an acre lot every time they go to bed. Drilling her class in poetry, the teaoher quoted from the familiar lines of Tennyson: 'Yon must wake and call me early, call me early, mother, dear.' 'Now,' she asked, 'why did the girl want to be called early ? Don't know,' replied Tommy, 'unless it was because that was her;name.' Two old Texas rangers who had just helped bury a neighbor, were talking about religion and one asked the other how pious he thought it was possible for a man to get in this world, if he was in real earnest. Wa'al.' said the other, reflectively, 'I think ef a man get so't he can swop steers or trade horses without lyin,' 'at he'd better out pull for the batter land afore he has a relapse,' A good colored man onoe said in a olaRs-meotiug,- 'Bedren, when I was a boy I took a hatchet and went into de woods. When I found a tree dat was straight, big and solid, I didn't touch dat tree, but when I found one leaning aud hollow inside, I soon had him down. So, when de debbil got after Christians, he don't touch dem dat stand straight aud true, but dem dat lean a litt.n and are hollow in side.' i - The Blessing of Strong Nerves Is recoverable, not by the use of mineral se datives, but by a recourse to effectual tonic treatment. Opiates and the like should on ly be used as auxiliaries, and then as spar ingly as possible. Vigorous nerves are quiet ones, and the most direct way to render then so is to reinforce the "vital energies. That sterling invigoraut, Kos tetter's 8 torn ach Bitters, will be fouud all-sufficient for this purpose, since it removes impediment to thorough digestion and assimilation of the food, so that the body is insured its due amount of nourishment, and consequently of stamina. Rheumatic tendencies and af fections of the kidneys and bladder are also counteracted by the Bitters, which is be sides a pleasant medicinal stimulant, infin itely purer than raw excitants of commerce, which react in j uriously u pom the nervous system. Samples from Baltimore and New Orleans. QROERS for Molasses, Sugar,CoSee,8oapJ Meats, Rice. Ac. , promptly executed at bot tcm prices by 1AB. T. PSTTteWAY. see 3 24 Water Street. Steamer Passuort, QAI T. J. W. HARPER, Will reaume SUNDAY TRIPd TO 8MITHVILLE, April 27,wether permitting. Dally Trips as usual. Leave Dock st 9.30 A, M. apl 26 GEO. MYERS, Agent. Good Cook QM FIND PERMANENT employment with a fmall family. Must under tan 4 her business. Good wagta paid. Call on K D. B., apl 26 Review Office. Miscellaneous. Accidents WILL THEREFORE INSURE AGAINST THEM By taking oat a Yearly Policy in the MOBILE LITE INSURANCE CO., OP MOBILE, I AJLA. MAURICE MoOARTHY. President. H. M. FRIEND, Secretary. 25 OentS will injure "again to Accidents for one day in the ram ot $3,000 in the Event of Death OR. S15.00;PerWe6k Indemnity for Disabling Injuries. BATES 1 Day 35 oenti ; 1 Days 60 cento. 6 Days $1.26 ; 10 Days $2.50; SO Days f 5.00. Yearly policies isiued at from $6 to $20 per $1,000, according to occupation, and written at short notice. jane 26 A Sure C ure tor Piles. A8URE CURE for the blind, bleeding, itching and ulcerated piles has been dis covered by Dr. William (an Indian remedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst old chronic cases of twenty -fire and thirty years'rtandicg No one need sutler five minutes after apply irg this wonderful soothing medicine. Lo tions, inst uments and electuaries do more barm than good. Willian's Ointment ab sorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching (particularly at night after getting warm in bed), acts as a poultice, gives instant and painless relief, and is prepared only for Files, itching of the private parts and nothing else. aa. ''I consulted physicians in Philadel phia, Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and this city, and spent hundreds of dollars, snd found no re ief until I obtained a box of Dr. William's Indian Ointment some four months ago, and it has cured me completely." Joseph M. Ktder, Cleveland, O. 'Has done me more good than all the medi cine I ever tried, and I bave spent more than $100 with doctors, besides medicines I am cure cost me more than $40." D avid Sparling, Ingraham, ll "Have suffered twenty years with itchiDg and ulceratei piles, hiving used eve'y reme dy that cane to my notice without benefit until I used Indian Ointment ard received immediate relief. Jambs Carrol, (an old mi er) Tecum a, Nev. No Pile Remedy ever gained such rapidfavor and extensive sale. Hold by all wholesale and retail druggists. For sale by J. C. Munds and T. 8. Burbank. men 20-eow-dAw Appleton's Journal for 1879, THE PROPRIETORS of APPLETON'S JOURNAL will henceforth devote it ex clusirely to literature of a high order of ex cellence, by writers of acknowledged stand ing. It is the growing habit of the leading mind, in all countries to contribute their best intel lectual work to the mgazlaeB and reviews ; and, in order that Appleton's Journal may adequately reflect the intellectual activity ol the time thus expressed, it will admit to ito pages a selection of the more noteworthy critical, speculative, and progressive papers that come from the pens of these writers. Fiction will still occupy a place in the Journal, and descriptive papers will appear ; but large place will be given to articles bear ing upon li erary snd art topics, to discus sices of social and political progress, to pa pers addressed distinctly to the intellectual tastes of the publ c, or devoted to subjects in which the public welfare or public culture is concerned. Terms of Appleton's Journal. Three dol lars per annum, in advance, postage prepaid by the publishers, to all subscribers in the United States or Canada: or Twenty-five Cents per number. A Club of Four Yearly Subscriptions will entitle the sender to an extra subscription gratis; that is, five copies will be sent one year for twelve dollars, Ap pleton's Journal and the Popular Science Monthly, for one year, for seven dollars, postage prepaid (fall price, eight dollars). The volumes begin January and July of each year. Subscriptions received for any length of time. D. APPLETOX k Co., Publishers, 649 k 661 Broadway, New York. j p Copartnership. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS day formed a Copartnership under the name and style of NEWBURY k CHASTEN, for the purpose of conducting a General Commission and Grocery Business. Consignments of Cot ton, Naval Stores and Country Produce gen erally, solicited, Good prices and prompt returns guaranteed. Respectfully, F. A. NEWBURY, Late of Magnolia, N . C. J. R. CHASTEN, apl 26 Late of J. M. Chasten A Son. The Collins! House On The European Flan. Corner Front and Bed Cross Street Hear Union Depot- J RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO my friends and the public that1 1 have opened the above House and am now pre pared to furnish meals and lodgings. Restaurant open at all hoars. Prices low and bed-rooms Beat, dean and airy. Special rates by day, week or month. CETTbe only Restaurant in the city. W. If. COLLINS. Wilcox, Gibbs & Cos CELEBRATED THE MANIPULATED GUANO ! The Best and Cheapest 3 COTTOlT'oHGUANO! In offering to you the WILCOX, GIBBS & CO.'? MANIPl .ATI h .n Av, another season, we 1o so with the most perfect confidence that you w I fi BEST AND CHEAPEST FERTILIZER ia use. i It is no new article, requiring expeiinienfs to establish its vaiup, u ,.,, i.( for years with unbounded succ ss, gainine in favor fromjyear lo ear, ui.ti, h accepted as the STANDARD FERTILIZER. a ' It has been our stuay, not to make it EQUAL to others but MTKKW );, v , our success in these eflorts we refef you to the many of your neighbois ho i if, it, as weil as to the thousands in the South Atlantic otton Mates. This Guano is so well known that it is - . ... m n.tsw n tnotimmilA If 1 r Alir 'l PP 1 I tests of it alongside the Peruvian Guano, as showing how it compares wir, p Guano, which has heretofore been generally esteemed above all other Ferti! irs . Be will bave only a moderate supply for sale and would request Planter to nM their orders early. Our Agents are authorized sell the MAiri LATED on very favortJbJe. pavable in ottou next Fall. i jau 29-dAw JAS T PB1TEWAY Areut THE BC T the world rtAm a i SOLD BY r ot VV WhiteSewing Machine ew Departure. P. L. BKllHiEliS & 10 Following the example of Park & Tilford, Ackler, Memll & Coudict and other large Grocery of New York have commenced keeping BURNETT'S COLOGNES! W Inch are acknowledged by all to be THE FINEST IN AMERICA. ! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LINE OF THAT Old North Carolina Core Whiskey Which created such asensation among the lovers of PURE OLD CORN. It is made by a Farmer near Charlotte, and we are the only parties in the State who caQ sell it. 03"Guaranteed to be Four Years old. P. L. BMDGEllS & CO. THE CAPE FEAR STILL TAKES THEjLEAD !J Our Rockbridge Coui ty Is the best $4 Wniskey iu the World ! i THE DIAMOND STAR'CIGAR Three for 10 cents, is gu ira teed Clear Havana Filler. P. L. BfilDGERS & CO.. DON'T FORGET I Even if we arej THE LARGEST RETAIL CIGAR AND LIQUOR DEALEKS IX WIL MINGTON, THAT WE ARE ALSO THK Cheapest Grocers. P. L. BRIDGERS & 00, mch 26 Mint Julep I mas FIBST.OF THE SEASON I A At J FERTILIZER, :o: unnecessary to publish an oirtiticates hm 1 c T 1 , . . . I. i 1.111 V II I d I' Hill) 1 1 : ' w. SO SIMPtr 0 0 Co. Cleveland omo. IT : I I i i ii .!, The Most Valuable Medical Discov. ery Known to the ANurhl More Use for Quinine. Calomej or Mineral Poisors Life frt i lilool. Strength for the NVri and Health for All. AN OPEN LETTER TO TOE Believing tbH t, i v cyoeip. t' bl. '- -buildinjr up tr cn'n-ti'nun.n n u the oat irti wv of bnicfnre ni-ae end b'-'u,g trJab with wnnfene-R of the iunj., cutMrhJ tiri much broken dotyr in constitution, ic,n: arrer tryiog' the nt ptn picihiisi and jt:.- out m j mooev in- fii-ii y Kwxir ot iredicitw advertised without nudiue a permanent core, 1 b't'nn doctoDfJif mvseit, usiiitf nitdi made from roots and herbs 1 fortauwh discovered a wonderful tfitttrs or L lite ana vigor, ana in uinemectrti a pertv nent cure. I was free Irom catarrh mjj s . became strong and found, btioe able to ; the mo.t severe cold and expos u-e, aud 1 ijttij gained over thirty poundi in weight. ;?er ing confident that 1 had made a irdtdeftil discove y in mediciae, I prepared a (jaaititjj ot the Reot bitters, and wag in the hat ' giving trem away to sick frier dj and neigh- bor. I found the medicine effected the nnnj wonderful cares of all disease? capswi fronl h amors or scrof jla in the blood, Jmprudescf, Bad Htomach, Weaknesi, Kidney Disci, Torpid Liver, Ac , Ac. The news of bt discovery in this way spread from oneperi:; to anotber until I found myself caiied d, : to supply patients with medicir e far and) wide, and I was induced to establish a Ub - atory for compounding and bottling the to t Bitters in large quantities, and I now d rm al ;my time to this business. I was a- first backward in prtsenticgei ic myself r discovery in this ? to thept). t, not being a pstent ined cite man aofi small capkal, but I am gettirg braYiv N that. Hince I first adyrrtis-d t1 i- lutctr I have been crowd d witn order? t-oin dai giets and country deale's, and 'the boi of letters 1 have receiver froin ptrionslqirn prove the fact that no remedf eer did i much god in so short a time and btdsoaiBM success as the Knot Bitters. In fact, I convinced that they will soon lake tre 'o all other medicines in use. e 'J ?K hundred retail d-uggisti, right here at bait in Cleveland, now sell Hoot Bit e VB,J whom have already sold orer ce thoiw bottles. I Root Bitte-s are strictly a mem-al pr-p' ation, such as was used in tbe good otd" of our forefathers, when people w re cr, by some simple root or plaat, and calomel and other poisons of the mio kingdom were unknown. 1 by act strongly on the lirer ardlkidwj' keep the bowels regular and build n? t- nervous system. hey penetra'e erert I"-' of the body, searching out eery bone and tissue from the head to t e cleansing and st engthening the foit springs of life, berce they must reach diseases by purification ni nourish" JVo matter what y u- f e ings at sjmpw are, what the disease or ailment i.-, use aw Bitters. Don't wait un ll you a-e '-' "T ifyouenly feel bad or misrab e, o Bitters at once. It msy save yoar lifo . Thousands of persons ia an oar's country are already u-ing Root nif They have saved many liei of c v"m" wno'bad been given up by friends P. cians to die, and have permWntl cf many old chronic cs s of Catarrh, ?t Rh-umatism, Dyspepsia, and in l, .". where all other treatments hai fahd. you troubled with s:ck headache, fi0'Y dizzinets, weakness, bad taste in tli nervousnees.and broken down in constiti- -You will be cured if you take Hoot r w Have vou hnmo-s and pimpled on row ". or skin? Nothing will give J00 -eTfjL health, strength, and "beauty a l feS- I know that jeal- u pbyvciw cry humbug because my discovery co many of their patients, b t I care to . r now my desire and d-terminat- my Root Bitters as fast as p s iwe 1 I, reach fall thos euflering throuti world. Hold by wholesale aind reW T gists and country me'-chaints, or te" . press on receipt of price, $1 00 per o si battles f 5. 00. For certitct ' d derful cu -es. fee mv large ci cu . eacb b-ttle tf mediciae. besd'anCJ"0 youraeif. . J (If uAsk vour 'ruggict or rf""-ffek FRAZIKK'd KOOl BfTTt-R , Blood Cleanser, and take noiubr-itui recommend because h- maiei a r: U. W. FRAIZKK, I ct,r?n . . -,..r l C 1 6ii rsupe.ior n., bitt, For sale by J. C. Munds and f . r. Druggists. march 26th e., Tonsorial. inrn i k ta? tnoitfii in th ment of tbe Purcell House, i oughlf renovated and improTedth and am now prepared to snTe,.wr be.-k cut hsar tor every foay. oct 96-2taw-mthu Proprietor. 22 JNO. CARROT. f. tk. ParcallHoaw Btrbtt mm pi ices. laljW

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