THIS PAPER t published every afternoon, Sundays ex cepted DT JOSH. T. JAMES, KDTTOB ASU PROPRIETOR. a t hh( ;k i Knows, post ai e fa j d. 1)ne ver,f! 00 Six months, t'i 50 ; Three months, $1 ! ; Gne month, 50 cents, rhe paper will be delivered by carriers, r. ()f charge, in any part of the city, at the lb,1Te rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertising rates low and liberal jSuoacriberg will please report any and failures to receive their paper regularly . Will Fight BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street- WILL FIGHT AGAINST HIGH I 1 ' r V ptiinEH and at A LL times speak tfce truth in regard to aov and EV EKY anicl i e sell. WfJ HOUSE in the country SHALL r'J)K'KHKLL us. Our facilities for buying ...... witli idt Northern House and our dbiii'v and .Imposition to pay is fully estab lUhed in the markets. We buy nothing on - ur months credit and are ever ready to pav ish on the spot and take advan age of all discounts nud do ive our patrons the benefit ol such at all times. Dress Goods. We are offering some Great Bargains in this department. Just call ana loos over our Vi, 15 and 2c lines; they a e certainly worth double the money. from 4c. Ladies' Underwear We have just received a very large assort ment of tne above consisting of NightDresses, Cbemisf, I'autaletts and Skirts, They are far Cheaper th in they can be made and are cuts and envies in the market. . k Machine Needles 3c Silk Figured Grenadines, 15 cents, ihe Cheapest ever shown Hi this markflL I The W amsutta Shirt ! a 100 Linen Bosom I Still 75 Cents ! FANS BY THE THOUSAND, FROM lc UP I LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR! r. . . n, ..... , I j ne largest ana uneapest BtocK we uiive ever shown. We have a beautiful line of First-Class Piques Children's Stripe Hose from 1 c. Regular price 2j0c. Ladies' Bows 25 Cents. We have still a few left of this lot and they are really w rth 50c. I adies will find our Goods just as advertised. NO KD8E. Every article is on our counter and will prove to be just s represanted, See advertisement in Star. Brown & Roddick. , 45 Market Street apl 26 A Diamond for a Dollar ! rj'tie. DIAMOND SHIRT, ...uuuiroU)i.w, r V 1 - 1 1 An Unlaundried, V5 cents. Warranted made from the very, best mate- rials and acknowledged to be the best Shirt for the money in the city. Full stock of Gents' and YouthB' SDrinir and Summer Clothing.selling at ridiculously lowpricei, at SHRIER'S TWO STORES, 7 2 Market st. Theodore Joseph, Corner of Harnett & Salisbury Sts One Corner West Raleigh National Bank. RALEIC fl,N, C. Board by tha day or on the European plan Satisfaction gurranteed in every particular My bar is supplied with Finche's Golden at Redding, 1870, Gibson's 1871 Rye, Pfeiffer a A and C, and many more of the Fines o Brands of Rye and kentucky Bourbon. Tbos. H. McKoy, Aobt H- McKoy AlfORNETTSATLAW WILMINGTON, N. a mce North .ids Market .tt h- 1 Dond and Third street. ' Jan if-u The Daily Review. M nejsnnn , VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Quo. Mysrs, Agt Fzcursion to Blackfish Groundson the Btmr Passport. Excursion to. Waccamaw Lake. Prof. Agostini's Family Excursion. C&pt. H. T. Cheney Stand Not Amaxed. 8ee ad "Fabiola." J. C. Munbb, Druggist Soda Water. Shrier's-A Diamord for a Dollar. P. Heihsberser Games. No City Court to-day. Bad weather for the Firemen's pic nio at the Gardens t day. Strawberries were selling at 10 centa per quart this morning. A iashiunable belt for ths feminine waist is calied the Huss band. Isn't the band ot gold which enriches a young man's scarf a near ring? It is the fashiou to have the stems show in the boutjuet worn in the belt. White muslin scarfs, folded double and edged with Breton lace are popular. The new bouquet -holders are orna mented with fans of Rhine pebbles. mi iw. 4m .. m . ..:,; . i 1 inemaraet was wen supplied witn channel and soft shell crabs ye terday. A French physician says drinking boiled water on y will prevent yellow fe ver. Excursions and picnics, sudden rain storms, sunburnt noses aud "sich" are up on us. Paris has a municiDal laboratory where wines, beers and brandies offered for sale are tested. feThe hair-spring .1 a watch weighs 1 1 1 K AAA. I. C L T I iu.uuuiu ui a uuuuu iroy. in a Sbraiuub int if 5a a frnt nni. I I 1 I 1 1 V J u 1 1 1 I. IWIIL 1 1 1 J I " The Marie Antoinette bonnets have one side filled in with flowers, and are becom- I ing to fresh young faces. There was an immense rush this morn- log for soats for the complimentary con cert to be given Mrs. Kahnweiler. What is the difference between an editor and his wife? One writes things te set and -the other sets things to rights. Humiliation is a guest that enly comes to these who have made ready his rest- J 11 i. : 1 I 'u5 wi B'vio lu wei- Wo have had rain enough to encourage I everything in the way 0f vegetables to grow; al! that is needed now is some sun- 1 I shiue. Make no mun your idol, for the best rr-tnri mnuf nono fVtt-iTtaa rt -v A kia wll I . ' - Wi u insensibly become yours, in addition te your own. The newest French jacket 1 is ade of velvet and silk pekin of twe colors and has painted china buttons. It is called the Franeac. An ind'screet man is more hurtful than an ill-natured one; the latter attacks on ly his enemies; the other injures friends o n I f rQ a o il- . Never write on a subject without hav- iQs firsfcread yr3e,f tul1 ofit; and never reau on a suDjecc tin you nave raougnt yourself hungry Tne great , demand for the ten; per cent u. S. certificates may be realized wnen jt is stated that one thousand dol- la rs worth were solid by Col. Brink this forenoon. There is an uumailable package in the Postoffice in ' this cit7 "Christian Young ' held for want of postage; also a letter directed te Messrs. S. Kind A Co.j Phila caping with the most of that lady's jewelry delphia, Pa It is to be hoped that the rogues will soon 1 j Babies are too hizhlv nrized to nermit I r&fcX'S relieve them. Price 25 cents. Osr young bachelor friend, Dad. burkheimer, laid in a cradle last night but we don't mean to say he slept in one It stands on four legs, bias a fly ni brush at one end and a corn masticator I tba other II caQ tear and make forcible strike and goes'at the rate of An ..,L U -.iv uu iuc jiu&. xnt wnat aces ft1 bachelor want with a cradle? Wanted him to Settle Up. Capt. Crogei, of the Norweigan barque Cato, was arrested at Smithville y ester day at the instance of a stevedore who r.lftimftd thera waa a Halanro Anm &J I ... "7" 7. . " 7 TT . .. T swrago. x ue um was paia ana tne vato proceeaea to sea, of Paradise Lost. Prof. Chamber I i a, of Smitbfield, N. C, exhibited h.s Panorama of Paradise Lost at the Court House in Smithville on Tues day evening to a large and delighted aud ience. Good Work. The Woodbury digs out on an average two hundred and fifty yards of sand per day. She is now operating in the Seward Channel. The pilots report six inches more water on the bar than there was before she commenced work. Tie maximum number of yards per day made by the oid Woodbury w.s seventy-five. Getting Larger. The shoals is the horse shoe and in the river are said to be getting larger. The idea of those who are in charge of the river and harbor improvements is that in deepening the water on the bar the shoals will be washed eat but there is no doubt that the Woodburg will be pat en the shoals to dig them out. Magistrate s Court Matilda Hall, colored, was arraigned before Justice Hall this morning upon a peace warrant sued out bv Jane Outlaw. xhe defoadant wag bound over to keen m the in th gum of m iugtified bound tor the period of six months. Polley Yann caused Alice Beatty to be arraigned before the same Justice for an alleged false arrest. The case was dis missed at prosecutor's cost. Another Entertainment. We understand that Professor F. M. Agostini has in contemplation and in course ot preparation aootner of his deliffhtflll arvflrtarnlar pntftrhainmpntfl hmt how entirel diferent in F t a. e .i . , ., ... mi . ... . Land,' and from the well known talent which the Professor has employed to as- sist him on such occasions, together with hU 0Wn abilitJ to arraa 8uca matters, we feel justified in stating that there is no doubt the entertainment will be emi nently successful. Tne Stars. Mercury is in the morning sky. It reached its greatest western elonration thi , . . WM nftftr . L . ... . Vwn i fck hriolik I -w 'I w wMlfc ovai p tic Mari 18 now a morning star, and faint will become very brightnext October. T . . ' Jupiter li a morning star, and is now is the constellation Aquarius. Satarn is new a morning sf sr. and is in the . Uranus is in the constellation of Leo which passes tbe meridian early in the evening. This planet is only two or three degrees east of the bright star Reg- lus and in a clear CTeni8 c0 06 een w,th tne nakd eye. It appears as a faint object of the sixth magnitude, or equal to the faintest stars visible to the naked eye. Neptune is very near the sun, in the conBteIlatim Ariea Taig h visible to the naked eye. Items from Pender. From a gentleman who reached the city yesterday from our sister county of Pender we gather the following facts and incidents: On Sunday evening, the 4th inst., the residence of Mr. W. W. Lark ins, near Reilley's Creek Church, in Pender, was en- tered during the temporary absence of Mr. Larkins and family and a considerable number of articles of wearing apparel and bed clothing stolen and carried dff. The thief or thieves also broke open the jewelry box of Mr. L.'s wife and succeeded in es- be ferreted out and brought to justice. a minMj xi v some two weeks since from another color ed man who represented himself as hail. ing from Clinton, paying for the said ' critter" the nice little sum of $85, which amount the seller immediately deposited in pocket book and then left for parts un nOWH. But on Monday last a gen. le man Mr- BarfieM by name, so Wa mformed Put m PPrnceat Excelsior olantatinn and r.laiinod the horse. Excelsior plantation and claimed the horse. In order to make everything satisfactory to the unfortunate possessor of the horse at the time, Mr. Bar held gave an indemni fying bond to tne victim of tbe none trade and then mounting bis stolen animal hied him away to Duplin, We are sorry to learn of the very severe " Mclntlre, one of the oldest citizens of Pender, from an Htm drensr of the heart. m w Brack's Exchange. Gtpt. H.T. Cheney has opened Brock's F TpKoriffO an1 ImbIi.. il. . t l 6vuu lUTiiBB me puriic to give him a call. His assistant, Mr. Lewis, ie an old veteran and knows how to set 'em up. A mmptuous free lunch, will be served daily from 11 to 1 o'clock. See advertisement in another column. To be Dedicated. The mum me nt erected at fcmithville to the memory of the pilots who lost their lives dering the severe gale two years ago, will be dedicated an the 20th inst. Rev Mr. Yates, of tbh fcity, will deliver the ad Iress on the occasion, i he Fa$8p9rt will Cirty passengers te Smithville on that day at reduced prices. Mr. Geo.. M. Crapon, of this city, is one of the committee of ar rangements, for the ceremonies at Smith ville FablOla- mill tha n-ktittt, .. .... .. r .-"aii j pioaaui attracuons oi- fared tn thA nnhlio I . .iJ r ulo luu0h not oe iorgotiea thejentertainment of Fbiola, , ... . ' Which 18 to be presented at the Academv of the Incarnation on Friday evening. It in an MtimaWla ni.nnnt;n U: i i upon the tria's and nerser.ntinns nf thJ early Christians, and offers to the mind of old and young alike anient rtainment that is net only interesting but instructive. trr- il.i ! . .... yo irusv mat tne auendance will be very ,arSe- The Bats' Castle. The tall r.hJmn.x, nf ur M cr... -, vl iucooie. uaiv, Bailev & CUV ! - "'uvuauiuc lUUpo UMO UCCU taken possession of by leathering bats The chimney is supplied with a hot air tubelar flue thrnncrh islilnh tV.A ,w,U I and heat passes and areund this flue the chimney forms a cold air passage. At stated intervals there are small ventila - ters about the size of a brick. Any arternoon about dusk thousands of bats can be seen tumbling out the of ventilators and for a few minutes flying- about the chimney. They scatter, going in ail di- rections, hunting tiny insects on which to , i ,in w . . lie ins Looked Into. The schooner Lp.wia niMV nant Umltl, ixavana ior jxew i orK, which has alreadv heen rnnrfo Qa Kim 4U " r a '"u 1U wu wuo xvku luai,, ia bziiu lio oe Shore OI hands. TNCapUU, a.ked permissi.n to IIAX i.t .1 ..I wuiuuuivHU) witu ine City DUt as the came from a nnrf. .Kikk u - w. u.wu aw usuaiiou uy the Quarantine laws, the request was re- fosed. It is reported to-dav that the rml ha, b0 applied with four men from this port and that four of the old crew had left the vessel and had come up to the city on a lighter. The matter is beins investi crated hv the rlina authorities and the four discharged t sea. m3n are being carefully looked for. If Lr to the city indeEanoeef the law are spot. ted it will go hard with them. Excursions. There are no less than five excursions now in prelection from this city during this week and the next. The first of these takes place to-morrow, on the Passport, to the Blackfish Grounds; on Friday the Front Street M E. Sunday School, with their guests, will go up to Waccamaw r.alro , . 1 a-i I - v a yujujuioun BUU VU OiL- I uraay frof. Agostmi will give a family I HWU w 4vUw fur. laamg aiong tne youtniui participants in the pretty entertainment recently given by the Professor's dancing class, who are to be photographed In costume some- where on the sea-beat shore. On Tues day next, the day on which the monu ment is to be erected at Smithville in memory of the lost pilots, the Passport will take down a party under the auspices of the Fifth Street M. E. Church Sunday School and on ike following Saturday St. John's Parish Sunday School will prob ably excurt to Lake Waccamaw . Therinometrical. "From the United States Sienal Office at this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock : Angosta. Ga 69 Atlanta. Ga.........65 Mobile, Ala 73 Montgomery Ala.. .72 Nashville 64 New Orleans. 75 New York 62 Panto Kassa, Fls...75 Savannah, Ga 74 Shre report. 7 St. Louis Mo 61 St. Marks, Fla 70 Vickabnrg, Miss... .11 Washington.. 66 Wilmington 6a Cairo, 111 t6 Charleston. 8. C....7S Cincinnati 70 Conicana. Tex 61 Fort Gibson, C 1 .62 Qalveston... 7J Indianola... ....74 Jacksonville, Fla...70 nonville,.. 64 Lynckbar . 68 Memphis, Tenn.....6T The cherry bonnets are India muslin cotttage shapes, with the crown covered with large red beads. A wreath of cherry eaves passes around the brim and from it droops a fringe of cherries aba4ed from red to black. 14, 1879. NO. 83 For the Review. OUR DAN. A lu nr. '. World. It was our pompous Uongresiuau rum Brunswick'ii woods among. Printed a speech he did not speak All In the Record Omuj. H is war-like words did tar o'er top I tie blatant Maine Commander, And Frye, and Mint while m yclept ihe "objecting Micblgsmder " Bi greenback plastered on his brow And a workman's twang he had, But underneath you plain could see The unmetamorphosed Had. He demagoued" 'bout Union men Aud Bourbon arlsiocracv, Poor men's rights, and negroes, add The dangerous DeJHocray, rnls Oon federate Captain bold .saw In the failure of our cause. The triumph of good government And human rights and laws.'' Iheie hails from a far Western State A man by the name of Bragg Who "sat down" heavily upon This Brunswick scalawag. He told how uhey bad made a judge () Who e'er had seenBlcskstone And as to briefs and caveats ' vras mgorant as a loon. !ivnt!ihUpo1rap??sjud must choose I c. i ' ; . u cll!i i r KJl xvitumu is reaay to ad- Vc ance wtlwW, xnougnorass upon this judges cheek ul win i ZJ 52Q T,e8l)e- ui,i ween, decide upon A masterly inactivitie! -C, May Igth, is7! M0W Advertisements. I" a h I ft I A D I O I a Tfv DI?8M0P THE Acde- ,L "7 of the Sisters of Mercy will reoro- cce by request, the Drama of Fabiola I on TRllDUiil v xriin n . . . I n.n lQ Academy , ffuurw sireei. uoors epen at 8 ?.c,lock- Music by Italian Harpers. No aamission lee at Uoor 25 c.nts. I miv 14 I -Mr JLlUrS10U 10 naCCaHiaW. TT'RONT ST. M. E. rdav annom I " &n ExCQr81on to WACCAMAW ' on FBIDAT NEXT, leaving by the 1 egmer morning train. Tickets 60 cents; To be had at Parker a Tvi.', ali4"lt OfQTiv flrMnr.A1 I 1'anCl R0Z jimaZeCl ! jP0R THE GNS ARE MANNED AND BROCK'S EXCHANGE is again open to tK . . T . .!, .L.. i i ocj) uuoBiuiuj ,me nnest I " luc liquors, ueer, Ale and Cigars to be found in the State, h lso Deviled, Sft Shell oonmps ana uandwiches A snmntnnni ffpui I nnK Amil c 101 o ciocc. 1 hve engaged the services of Mr K. J. LEWIS, who will be happy at all H' l" serve mis menus ana customers with ""0, I Druuy, speciames- D J -li. J 1 J " ap. a. i utlKJNJfll. FfliTTlily EXCUrSiOD ' i U""" OP PROF. AGOSTINI, On 8teamer PASSPORT, Satnrday, May 17th to SmithvilIe and 1 PortJi Italian i S? Band Ticketa 50 ceats 5 ChiIdren j na erTt 35 centa. may U-3t Blackfish Blackfish, 'T'BE STEAMER PASSPORT will make a Trip to the above Grounds, THUR8DAY, MAY 15th. 8tart at o'clock, A. M. Trip One Dollar, may U-lt GEO. MTER8, Agent. Only 5 Cents per Glass for Soda Water TyiTH THE CHOICEST V V FRUIT STROPS or sale by JAMES C. MUND3. Drueist. may 13 Third street, Opp. City Hal). w 01116 QMu 0 UV OOD FLOUR, SUGAR and COFFEE, Molasses, Pork and Lard, Batter, Crackers and Cheese, Potash, Lye and Candy, Tobacso, Snaffand Cigars Paper, Twine and Paper Bas, ' One Spoon" Baking Po wder. mar 12 MALL A PEARS ALL. Exchange Hotel, GOLD3BORO, XT. C. A FIRST CLASS HOU8E in every respect. t. Special arrangements offe-ed to Com mercial tourists. Prices Reasonable. J. M. BUNTING, Formerly of Wilmington and P. P. C. Co. L. F. MERRITT, Formerl y of Petersburg A BlueRidge Springs, may li- Proprietors. Games. N ENDLESS VARIETY FOR Botn Old aud Young. At the LIVE BOOK STORE. Books and Stationery. ACOMPLtfTE STOCK OF STANDARD AND Miscellaneous Works. B'ank Booki of evey six) and style. Stationery to suit all. HEINSBERGKR'S, may 11 Live Book and Music 8tore. PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to receive eommanleations from our friends on any and all subjects o t general interest bnt : Tbe name-of thriter mast al ways be fa nished to the Editor. Communication most be written onoo'f oc ejue oi tne paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it;is especially and particularly and Stood that t). Vjtu. a . ... Bu,wr uiet8 not always endo tt tne views of corresjn deny, unless so state in the editorial columns. New Advertisements, opERfA.i4PlJSE. Friday KveniTiff, Maw IG Concert ! COMPLIMKNTAKY TO Mrs 1). K A1IS WEI LEB, rJ,!le Pro"mme consist of Vocal and Instruimm-al Music by the best Amateur lalent of this city, who have kindly consent ed to assist hr. ' ' VAA?f ' E 7N LAEP' Mnsieel Director. cetj extT Cen" Re8erTCd 25 iiS.0?4 S'1 open Bn Wednesday, May Uth, at fleiosberger's Book Store, may 12 5t Another Lot j JONFOME CATARRH AND ASTHMA lfirarattes. Hlmmnna' 1 ;..i- r i Labia's" Powders, Green's AaT " ' Bull' Tetlow's Blano Ulusion' Powder, and a full stock of prescription drugs. F. 0. MILLER, Corner Fourth and Nun street. Opn Day and Sight, may li uiuuu m r urn. a un' u l AS IT MAY APPEAR TO bOME OF i OUR COMPETITORS, ve win state that we never advertise! i anything " , We Did Not Have, Or assumed An Agency that wasn't vouchsaled ;to m ' ' I , i , "Mind That". I Come and .examine our papers they are i open for inspec'ion- , BY WAY OF DIVERSION WE WlLf4 STATE TO THE PUBLIC , G EE.tALi,Y Til AT Boatwright & McKoy Are Receiving Daily Fresh Supplies OF ALL THE SUBSTANTIALS AND DELICACIES III IN" THE ' t .'.- GROCERY LINE 03" To our friends in the distance we ) - - say, if you want to I I I BUY GOODS AT WHOLESALE Call on or write to j , Boatwright & McKoy. 5 4 7 NORTH FRONT STREET, may TO ADVERTISERS. Geo. P. RoweUl & CoN SELECT LIST.OF Local Newspapers. Many persons suppose this list to be com posed oi CHEAP, low-priced newspapers. The fac tis quite otherwise. The catatogae states exactly what the papers are. When the name of a paper is printed in FULL FACE TY'E it is in every instance tbe BEST paper in the place. When printed in CAPI TALS it is the ONLY paper in the place. When printed in roman. letters it is neither tbe best nor tbe only paper, bat is usually a very good one, notwithstanding. The iht gives the population of every town and the circulation or eyery paper, IT IS NOT A CO-OPERATIVE LIST. IT 18 NOT A CHEAP LIST. At the Toot of the Catalogue for each St te the important towns which are not coTered by the list are enumerated. IT Id AN HONEST LIST. The rates charged for advertising are barely one-fifth tbe pub lishers' schedule. The price for single States ranges from fl to (60. Tbe price for one; inch four weeks in the entire list ia $620. The, regular rates or the papers for the seme space and time are $2,926.66. The list incudes newspapers of which 179 are iwued DAILT and 776 WEEKLY. They are located in Tj'j different cities and towns, of which 26 are State Capitols, 346 places of over 6,000 popu lation, and 486 County Senta. Lists sent on application. Aadrees lieo. f. lio well A Uo's Newsp. ewspaper Advertutnz bureau. 10 Spruce aereet, (Printing House Square;, Near York. Zfeb i 2 ios . -

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