gga l BEFORE SEDAN. Here in M1 lefy P"""8 ouiet he lien, rJui. witu bl Higbtlesa face i urueu to the skies; is out auotUer dead; All you caa say i said. tarry his body hence Kiuks roust have slave; Kings climb to eminence ,jver men's graves; -u uii man's eye in dim; i lirow the earth over aim. What whs te white you touched, 1 liere. at bis Hide Paper his hand bad clutched light e'er he died; or wish, may be; a moot b the folds out aud aee. Hardly the worst of us Mere could have smiled! july ihe tremulous Words of a eailtl; rtue, that ban tor stops ju,l a few ruddy drops. Look, she is sad to miss, Morning and u light, His -her dead father's kiss; fries to he bright, iioo t- mamma and sweet. mat i R. "Marguerite.' ' h. if beside the dead niu inhered the pain! vh. ,f the hearts that bled Slept with the slain.' It me grief died; but no; . Death will not have it so." lDdretng Little Ned. Where is 'vVhukej Bill.' who used . that old white boras iu front ,1 H twenty-ivfjeut express wagoh? , peated lha mxu, iu tones of snr prise. V B. " Liovr, n ij a cu ious cae, uc -.1 . u. vv oontinu J 'We all thought .. , ilo ,1 .mi fir anr&t fnr hfe w.- dr.Uiing a plul of whiskey a day; Lut a few month ago he braced right Mopped dr nkifcg, aud uow 1 near up hr in good baaineaa ana saving it beate ali for the last time I taw him he seemed half under gound.' When you go home at night and and tbt-t ail ;a well with your own flash sud hlocd do you go to sleep reason ing that the rest of the world must care for itself? Do yoa erer shut your ey s and call up tbe hundreds of iHces you have met during the day, nud wonder if the paleness of death will oover any of them before the mor tov ? When you have ouoe been at tracted to a face, eren if it be a stran ger's do yon let it drop, from memory with your dreams, or do you call it up gaiu ad again as night comes down nud hope it may lose none of its brightness in the whirling mists of time? - So 'Whit-ay Bill' wrs hunted down. An inquiry here and there finally traced him to a little brown cottage on a by street. He sat on the step in the twilight, a burly, broad-shouldered man of 60, and in the house three or four ehildren gathered around the lamp to look over a picture-book. Yes. the v used to call me 'Whisky bill, down town,' he replied, as he. moved along and made room, 'but it is weeks since I heard the name. No wonder they think me dead, for I've not set eyes on the old crowd for months,' nd Ido't Trautto for montbs to come. Tl ey tell me you Lave quit drink ing. One oouid see that by your fac .' '1 hope so. I haven't touched a drop nuoe February, ikfore tbat I was halfdruuk day in and day out. and more of a brate than a man. I don't mind sayinir tbat my wife's death set me to thinking, but I didn't stop my liquor. Qod forgive me, but I was dank whence died, half-drunk at the grave, and I meant to go on a reg ular apiee that nigbt. It was low down, sir, but I was no better than a brute those days. 'And so you left your motherless children at home and went out and got drunk?' 'N.I id I me nt to, but I didn't. The poor things weie crying ail day, and i fter coming home from tbe burial I thought to et 'em tucked away in bed before I went out, Druuk r sober, I never stiuok one of th m blow, and they never raajfrora me when I staggered home. There's four i f 'sm in there, and the youngest isn t qaite four years yet. I got the older ones in bed all right, and then came hit e Ned. He had cried him-etf to sWp, aud he called for mother ts soon as I woke him. Until tbat night I never had that boy on my knee, to say nothing of putting him to bed, and you oan guess these big fi'igers made plow work with the hooks and buttons. Every minute be kept sayirg mother didu'tdo tbat way, ar.d mother done this way, and the big ohildren were hiding their heads under the quits to drown their Fobs. When I had his o othes off and his night-gown on I was ashamed and put down, and when the o deat saw tears in my eyes and jump ed out t f bed to put her arms around my neck I dropped the name of Whiskey Bill' right then and for ever.' And little Ned?' Mebbe I'd have weakened but for him,' replied tbe man, as he wiped his eyes. 'After I got the child s night gown on, what did he do but kneel right down beside me and wait for me to say tbe Lord a Prayer to him! Why, sir, you might have knocked ne down with a feather! There I was, mother and father to him, and I couldn't say four words of that prayer to save my life! Ha waited aud waited for me t) begin, as his mother always had, and tbe big chil dren were waiting, and when I took him in my arms and kissed him, I celled heaven to witness that my life should ohange from that hour. And eo it did. sir, snd I've been trying nard to lead a sober, honest life. Q d be ping me, no one shall call me Whiskey Bill' again.' The four ohildren, little N d in bis night-gown, came out for a good night kiss, and the boy oaddled in his fath er's arms for a moment, and said : 'Good aigbt, pa good night, every body in the world good nigbt, n.a. up in heaven and don't pat oat tbe light " we gel to sleep? Detroit re frost. - How a-Toad I n dresses. A pe itk man sends to an agricul tural paper an amusing description of 'How a Toad Takes oft his Coat and PantfHe'ays be hasseenone do lt.nud a friend 1 as seen another do the aame thing in the same way : About the middle of July I fouud a toad on a till of melons, and not wanting him to eve, I hoed around him. He appear ed sluggish, aud not iLcliaedto move. Presently I obseived htm pressing biH elbows against his sides jud rubbing downward He appeared so singular that I watched to ee wlat he wao up to. Alter a few saoart rubs his skm began to burst open straight aloug hi baok. Now, onid I, Old fellow, you have done it; but he appeared to be unoonoerned, and kept on rubbing until he bad worked all his skin into folds on his sides aud hips, then grasping one hiad leg with his bands, he hauled off one leg of his pants the s m aaanb dy wou'd, then stiipped i he other bind leg in toe same way. He then took hi1 cast-off cuticle for ward between bl forelegs into his month and shallowed it; then by rais ing aud lowering his head, swallow ing as his head cme down, he strip ped off his skin uuderneath until it came to bis forelegs, and then grasp ing one of these with the opposite baud, by oousidorble iputling, strip ped off the fkin; cbangiug bauds, be stripped the other, aud by a slight motion of the head, and all tba wbiie swallowing, he drew it fr m the neck and swallowed the whole. Tne opera tion seemed an agretabie oue, and oc copied but a shorj time THE NEW YOliK WEEKLY HERALD. JAMES GORDON BENNETT, Prop'tor, The Best snd Cheapest Newupap Published. 1 Postage Free.J ONE DOLLAR Per Tsar, 50 Cents for Si Mouths, An Extra Copy to every Club of Ten. NeW York Herald, Published every Day in tbe Year. Postage Free; i $10 pays for one year, Sundays included. $8 pays for one year, without Sundays, So Days for six months, Sundays included. $4 pays tor six uonms, wuuoui ouuuy. S2 pays for one year for any specified day of the week. , $1 pays for six months for any specified day of the week. $1 per month (including 8undays) will be charged on subscriptions for a less period than three months. TO EUROPE Including Postage. Dailv. $17 30 4 00 Weekly( European Edition) Weekly (Domestic Edition) 2 00 NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED, Postage Free. Daily Edition. ..Two and a half cts. per Copy Sunday Edition Four cts. per Copy Weekly Edition..... Two cents per Copy N. B. Not less than 5 copies mailed to newsdealers at wholesale rates. We Allow no coinm ssions bn subscriptions Daily Edition Address, NEW TORE HERALD, inch 19 Broadway and St. Ann N. Y. 11, 13, 16, 8o. Front St. Deviled Ham- r POUND PACKAGES, 6NLY 76 Cents. PICKNICKER8 and EXCURSION I8TS, as well as Housekeepers; will find this th most delightful as well as the cheapest Deli csct ever otfred. (iEUlilifcj ait BOie a.genu Our Sweet Mash Whiskey I WE, GUARANTEE THIS WHISKEY, s'oldat$5 00 per gallon, b-tter than any Whiskey sold in the market at $5.00 per gallon. We invite spoc'al attention m the same. GEORGE MYEH.S, Sole Agent. Wholesale Buyers T7ILL DO WELL TO iXkMINE THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF GROCERIES rer offered in the State, at the LOWEST PRICES. may 23 GEORot MYERS. For the Seashore ! ATLANTIC HOTEL, Beaufort C NEW M ANAGEMEr T. FIrtT.CLASS SEASIDE RESORT, and the most pleasantly situated house rn the Atlaatie coast. The tide ebbs and fi ws daily beneath the buildins;, and it is free from dust, Dies ana mo-quitoes. ine Ball Room u the most spacious and airy on the coast. A go d baud af music has been engaged fo- the season. Surf bathing unsur ptaatd with no danger from undertow. Dressing houses on the beach ; also bath houses within fifty vards cf house for still water bathing. Oood sailing. Hplendid hsh- iug, both S'ill water and trolling. Fine hunt ing. Table supplied with fi-h, oysters, crabs, scol'ops. clams, turtle, terrapins, Ac bar, Billiards aud Tea f ma. Terms $2 50 per day. $12. CO per week $15,00 per month. Special rates nade with excursion parties. may 23-lw B. L. PERRY, Prop Thoi, H. XcKoy, Bobt H- McKov WILMINGTON, N. a Office North side Market, street, betweel Second and Third street. 4aa27-U Miscellaneous Th GU1TEST IVISG AU THORN- inch as Prof. Max Hal er El Hon W Gladston e, Jas A Froude f rof Huxley, It A Proctor, Bdw A Freeman- Prof Tyndall, Dr W B Car penter Francet Power Cobbe, The Duke of Argyll. Wm Black, Miw Thackeray. M a Kuloch. Geo Mc Donald Mrs r liphant Jeanlngelow Mrs Alexander Thomas bardy, Mat thew Arnold Henry Kingsley.W W Story, Turguenief. Carlyle, Buskin, Tennyson Browning, ad wa,ny others are represented in the pages of Littell's Living. Age. In 1870 tbe living Age enters upon it fiirty-sixth year, admittedly unrivalled and continuously successful. During th yeur it will furnish to its readers the pn ductioiis of the mst eminent authors' above named and many other; embracing the choicest Serial and Short Stories by th Leadiug Forign Novelists, and an amount Unapproached by any other Period icalj in the world, of the most valuable Literary and Scientific matter of the day, fr m the pens of tbe foremost Essayists, Scientists, Critics, Discoverers and Editors,represeii! ing every department of Knowledge and Progress. The Living Age is a weeKiy magazine giving more than THREE AND A QUARTER THOU SAND double-column octavo pags of reading matter vearlv. It westmts in an inxpen sive form, considering its great amount ol matter with freshness, owing to its weekly issue, and witb a satisfactory completeness attempted by no other publication, the best Essays, Heviewg, Criticisms, 1 aies, ofceivu es.Travel and Discovery, Poetry, S ientific Riofrranhical. Historical and Political In formation, from the entire body of For fiicm Periodical Literature. The importance of the Living Age to every Amreicau reader, as the only aatis fac orily fresh and COMPLETE compila tion of an indispensable current literature, indispensable because it embraces the productiens of the Ablest Living Writers, is sufficiently indicated by the following OPINIONS. "In it we find the best productions of the best writers upon all subjects ready to our hand." Philadelphia Enquirer. "It is simply indispensable to any one who desires to keep abreast of the thought of the age in any department of science or litera ture " Boston Journal. "The prince among magazines." New York Observer. "It affords the best, the cheapest and most convenient means of keeping abreast with the pn-jrress of thought in all its phases." Philadelphia North American. "A monthly that comes every week. The Advance, Chicago --' "It is incomparable in the richness, va riety, and sterling worth of its articles." The Standard, Chicago. I ... "A pure and perpetut.1 reservoir and foun ai n of entertainment and instruction." Hon. Robert C. W nthrop. "With it alone a reader may fainy kep up with all that is important in the literature, history, po itics, snd science of the day." The Methodist, New York. . "The ablest es-ays, he most entertainine flrrifl. tha finest ooetrv of the English language, are here gathered together." Illinois S'ate Journal. "The choicest of the day." New York Tribune. . , "It is indispensable to every one who de sires a thorough compendium of all that is admirable and noteworthy in the literary world."-Boston P. sL It has no equal in any country. Phila delphia Press. . i "Ou?ht to find a place in every American inn Kav York Times Published weekly at $8.00 a year, frae of postage. EXTRA OFFEK FUtt ly. f n n.wnrtriberB for 1879. will be sent gratis the six nu -mers of 1878, containing, with other valuable mi "Sir Gibbie," a new s serial story 01 mucn iotereot by George MacDonald, now appear ing in the Living Age from the authors advance sheets. Other choice new serials by ors are entraeed and will speedily appear. Club-Prices for the best Home and Foreien Literature. ' Possessed of the Living Age and one or other of our vivacious American mon hlies, a subscriber will find himself in command ol the wbok- situation-" Phiia. Even'g Bulle tin. Prr sin &o the Livinsr Acre and either one of the American $4 Monthlies (or Harper's Wrtkltr or Bazar) will be sent for a year, both postpaid; or, for $9.50 the Living Age and tne est. xnicnoias, ur flj)(nvu Address tilTTELL s GA 1 , uoston. jan 8 The Millionaire, I H. O' BRIAN, of San Francisco, Cal., aara t "Herald Compound is the best rement for broken wares I ever saw. I have articles mended with it tbat stand as good as hufore thav were broken." 8old by all drug gists and country merchants, or 'f your drug- .Tt haan't or, t it. nor WODt Send for it S nd 25 cents for a bottle to J NO. T. PATRICK, Sole Man'fr, sd! 29-At Wadesboro, N. C. Furniture. UST RECEIVED FKOM FACTORY a large as3ortiuent of Walnut and other gradea of FURNITURE, which weflfer at Great ""Bargain. t.C all and examine. feb 19 D. A. SMITH A CO. Steamer Passinrt, i . uv r mr uiiiPVK WiU resume 8CNDA jjEjjA TRll'a TO SMiTHVlLLr, April 27,weatber rvermittinr. Datlv Trips as asaal. Leare sr ca Dock at 9.3 A. M. apl M GEO. MYER8, Ages w F BICES JThe following a uoutioni represent the waol seals prices gesetallv. Ia t&kiair id taall orders highe- price have to be chwgad gne- prices bava to I io' "A" f 10 inestic J 11 Double Anchor. 11 lutf 11 10 11 5 0 ti 7X0 X 10 0 13 6 0 7 6 0 6H 6 0 4 0 2X0 i Doable A.nch Standard Domestic BACON North Carolina. Ham, ? tt Shoulders, V lb Hides, lb Western Smoked- Hams. Sides. V & Dry Salted Sides, V lb i, Shoalderi, V BEEF Live weight... 1ARRELS Spirits Turpentine second tlana, each... New York, each, new .eawAX- m 1 26 0 1 60 1 85 1 75 S3 Q 00 8 00 10 00 00 01i Of 16 0 'JO 16 9 'lb ib & 40 11V 8 0 9 1 : 7 8 28 0 SO 18 9 20 65 0 1 jo ft) 2 10 96 & RICKS Wilmington, 1? M 8 00 Northern J B 'JTTER North Carolina lb Morthorn, $ lb CAN DbKS Sperm tt TaUow, f fb. A dan. an tine, set OH EES K Northern Factory, M 1 ft... Dairy cream, ft SUte, lb COFFEE Java, - lb Rio, V tb 'llA9 Laguv.a, w n 4 COKN fEAL-V busbI.... COTTON TIE: V bdl .... DOMESTIC Sheeting. 4-4 V vard Farn, bunch 86 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, bbl....l 00 No. l,f bbl 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl.... 12 60 No. 2, 1? M bbl 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3 V bbl 00 00 Mullets, bbl 2 00 (N. C. Herring, kg 6 50 Dry Cod, y 7 FLOUR-Fine, If bbl 0 00 Super, Northern, y bbl... 4 50 Extra do " V bbl... 5 2b Family " bbl... 6 60 City MillEx,.Super V bbl... 7 00 " Family bbi... 7 50 " Ex. Family bbl... 8 00 FERTILIZERS - Peruvian (uano, 2000 Bbs. 60 00 Baugh's Phosphate " " 00 00 020 00 0 J 0L 000 0( 0 0 6 5C 8 5t 2 60 tj 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 OC 60 00 25 75 25 0 0 0 8 000 00 000 00 061 00 040 00 046 00 047 00 040 00 067 00 070 00 070 00 00 00 Carolina Fertiliser Ground Bone, Bone Meal " Flour Navajsa Gusno, Complete Manure " 46 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 36 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 Whann's Phosphate Wando Phosphate, " BergerABruta'sRos. " Wilcox, Gibb A Co., ma nipulated Guano. GLUE V m 48 00 067 60 8 0 10 1 60 0 tlX 64 0 65 None. 46 60 66 0 65 . 1i 4 0 9 0 GRAIN, 561bs n,y Oats, V bushel Peas. cow. V bushe HIDES Green, fl Dry, W HAY Eastern, 100 lbs... 1 00 North River, 100 lbs.... 1 00 HOOP IRON ton 60 00 0 1 10 05 00 LARD Northern $ lb North Carolina fi 8X0 11 0 12 0 00 LIME V bbl 1 25 LUMBER City steam sa'wd Ship stuff, resa wed, Mft.l8 00 Rough edge plank. $ M ft. 16 00 West India cargo, accord 026 00 018 00 014 00 025 00 014 00 0 ing to quality, Tff H ft.. .12 00 Dressed Mooring, seasoned. 15 00 Bcantling and boards, com mon, M ft 12 00 MOLASSES Cuba,hhdgl 32 Cuba, bbls., V gal 36 0 0 0 0 Sugar bouse, hbds. fr gal. 20 " " hbls. gal... Orleans Choice bbls. gal. 22 35 60 13 10 00 45 3 60 NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,k'g 2 OILS Kerosene, V gal 0 0 0 0 Lard, gal 1 Linseed, w gal 1 1 45 1 10 20 1 25 Rosin, gal 12 PEANOTS bushel 90 POTATOES -Sweet, bus. 00 0 0 50 Irish. Northern, bbl 3 00 3 60 PORK Northern, city mess. 10 00 1 10 60 Thin, bbl 00 00 000 00 011 00 000 00 Prime, DDi extra) iu ou Rump, bbl -...00 00 RICE Carolina, ft 7 0 00 00 00 9 1 15 ( 22 70 00 80 e 00 75 0 80 25 0 1 35 75 m 00 10X9 00 00 10 9 9 7 00 9 $lA 9 UX 6 9 7 East India, ft Rough. bushel 1 RAGS Country, ft City, V ft ROPE - SALT Alum, saek Liverpool, V sack. American V sack Marshal's fine, sack...... Cadis V sack dUUAK uuDa, w m A- Coffee, B C Ex C- ft Crushed V B oOAP Northern, V ft SHINGLES Contract, m 6 OO 9 1 00 X Common, H M 1 &0 9 L lb 15 00 00 00 9 00 12 00 (10 75 8 00 6 50 9 4 60 4 00 3 60 2 26 STAVES W. O. bbl. M.10 00 R O hhd. w" E 00 00 TALLOW ft 8 TIMBER Shipping V M 10 00 8 50 Mi I. ex'.ra per M Mill, prime per M 7 00 Mill, fak- per M 6 00 Common, per M 4 00 Interior to Ordinary.per M 3 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 26 North Caro-ina, per eal ... 1 50 WOOL Unwashed, per ft... 18 Washed, ner a 26 The Collins House On The European Plan. Comer Front and Red Cross Street Near Union Depot- RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO tnv tripnns arui Tiie; uiionr miii i nc . 4 ti v . 1 : . I lLlinA ODeiied the atxve House and am now pre pared to fnrnish meals and lodgings. RestauraM open at all hours. Prices low and bed-rooms neat, clean slid airy. Special rates by day, week or month. QyTheoB' HesUurant in the city. W. M. tUbLia, oct 2fi-2tw-mthu , Proprirtr. Copartnersliip. mBK UNDEKSIGXED HAVE THIS day formed a CJpa tnerahip under the name and style of NEWBCRY A CHASTEN, for the tm purpoae of conducting a Gereral Commifaion and G' oeery Buainew. Consignment! of Cot ton, Naval Stores and Country Produce gen erally, aolicitad. Good pricea and prompt returna guaranteed. Reapectfully, F. A. NEWBURY, Late of Magnolia, . C. J. R. CHASTEN, Latt of . M, Chasten A Soa. I api 26 Steamship Line, ftc. CLYDE'S New York AND Wilmington. N. C., Steamship Line Tbe Steamer benefactor; CAPT. JONES, WILL BAIL FROM NEW YORK O SATURDAY, May 31 V Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOiD, A. I. CAZAUX, oup't, rreight Agent, Wilmin.'t n, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., 35 Uroadwav. New ork. may !8- The New 'Sumly South." THE BEST AND HANDSOMEST PAPER IN AMERICA. Send for it at Once See Rates Our Club THE "SUNNY SOUTH" is now the mod el weekly of the age. It comes out in an entire new nre-s and new make-up generally and is overflowing wita tbe richest and spi ciest matter of the day Ponma, Essays, Stories, News of tbe Week, Wit and Humor, Female Go-sip, Domestic Matters, Letters from all Sections, Notes of Trarel, Puziles, Chess, Problems, Marriages, Deaths, Uea'th Notes, Personals, otaee Notea, Movements in Southern Societr, Fabhion Notes with Plates, Answers to Correspondents, Bi graphies with Portraits of distingui-bed men and womn, Bnmorons Engraving0, Hencational Clip pings, Correspondents' Column, Local Mat ters, Railroad Guide, anc forcible tditorials upon all subjects. I it possible to make a paper more complete T Oct a copy and ex amine it. It now circulates in all the States aud Territories, in England, Ireland, Cana da, Australia, B-azil, and the Indian Mation. It is rea ly an honor to the South and ( ur people are proud of it, ard every one ahould take it immediately- The price i only $2.50 a year . We will send the "Su'-ny South" and the Dailt Revisw one Tear for f6, or. we will send tha "Sunny South" and the Wilmington Jour nal one year for $3.50. The "Sunnv South" and "ii-ys and Nirls of the South" will be furnished one year for $' 50, with a large a'nd magnificent picture thrown in. Address this ftice, or J. H. A W. H SEALS, may 17 Atlanta, Oa. Corn. Bacon, Molasses. 40 000 Bush 1rime WhIte CTQ q o r Boxes D. S. and 8uioked O Sides, 200 350 1,250 LIhds Nl Crop Cuba Molusser, Bbls Cuba,.N.:0. and 8. U. Molasses. Bbh Fresh Flour, 1 q -Bbls Sugars, Crushed, 1 4tO Granulated A, Extra C, andC, QQiTuba ChoiceFainily Lard, 150 Boxe8 Tobacco Tax 0ff iy r Half Bbls and Boxes PjiuAT. 7o LTsx or. 1600 Kegs Nails, AL80, Potash, Lye, Soda, 8oap, Starch, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Glue, Ac For sale by WILLIAMS A MURCHISUN, way 26 Wholesale Gro. A Com. Mer. Headquarters for Ale, , Lager Beer and Porter. H MARCUS 6c SON'S, No. 6 Market Street C AN FURNIjJHJOU WITH TUK BES Al, Lager Beer aDd Porter, both keg and bottled, in the city. fW Country order, promptly attended t o D ILK K ICOi iPLageiwa, Harness & Saldles, FOR SALE AT GERHA&DT da CO'3, 3rd at., opposite City Hall. rep a I K.1 NO DONE WITH NaATNESh AND DISPATCH. HOKSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY. m&T 26 tf Exchange Hottl, oolossoro, sr. c. A FliiST CLa8S HL-E in erery respect. r. Special arrangements one ad to torn merciai tonaiu. riices R-asonaS!e J. M. BnVTIG, Forme ly of Wilmington and P. P C Co. 3 L. . MERRITT, Formerly of Petersburg A BlaeR'dge springs, may 14- rropneiora. riHB WLHINGTON JOUaSAL, ta tbe verv bwrt auvofunnj Jicliam bia btala, Trjtl, Rail Road Lines, &c. i- 1 f " V 1 'y a - if sy-TVk CAHOLIN A CENTRAL RAILWAY' CO. Orrica Qbnshal SiPBainrHoaBT, ) Wllmineton. N. C., MT 18. 1879 179. J CHANCiK K SCDKD1 LK. () V AV) AKTKH TH H rit-. the f..ll w M-t.i-.1ui.- will be operated on thi Railwar : Passeber. Mail and Fxpress T?in. J Leave Wilmington St.... 7:0 . P Arrire at Hamlet at 2-.'. 7 A " at Charlotte at.... 1 :2flj A ) Leare Charlotte at 8:25 P 'o. 2. Arrire at HaaJet at... i... 1.3 I A ) " mi Wilintnirtiirj at 9i O A M i M Is Ch'S c fi(ertmn nude st Ham', t a ith trsics of Raleigh A Auk uta Air Line lU'il wy. Shelby Diviatoa Mail Freight A Paafeafei n 1 Kxpre . u. q ) L Charlotte- A WO" "f ArrUe.1 Shelby ' V Mo. 10. ) Leave Shelby 1:15 P ,M Arrire at Charlotte 5:05 P M V. v- -OHNSON,!, my li OfrtHr! Sapai intendrriit. WILMINGTON & WELD0K RAILROAD COMPANY Orrtoa'or Gsm'l MrriRims dint Wilminirton, N. C, Nor IS, U7t CHANGE OF SOHEDUI-F i j On and after Sunday. Nor 24th, 17V Passenger trains on the WMmington A K don Railroad ill run as fo'lows : DA" MAIL AM) EXPRESS THAI S.I da . Ieare Wilmington, Front St. Pepoi at 3A Arrive at Weldc.o at 1 00 P Lave Weldon i St P Arrire at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at. , 9 63 P M M M NIGHT MAIL AAD EXPRESS TRa IN . DAILY Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot at 9 'OP M Arrive at Weldon at 3 50 A A. ! Leave Weldon, i 13 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at.. 8 1C t Hi Train on Tsrboro Prarrh Koaa )- Rocky Mount for 1aboro at M 0 P M dailv, and Tuesday , Thursday and Saturc ay at ttVi) AM. Returfing, leare Tarbro at 101)0 A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday atO Friday at 8:30 P M. i. Tbe Day Train makes close connectim sk rVeldon for all points North ria bay Lit daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via Virh mond and all rail route. , Night train makes close eonnertione jwt Weldon for all points north via Richmor 1. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trail f-. JOHN F. DIVINE, Genera. Kur i nov 24 1 m lyHy i . Gen'l SuVts Office WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AC GUST A RAILROAD. A Wilmington, N. C, Nor. 3, 1h?bJ l! OHANGE OF 80HEDLLE, On and after Sunday, Nor. 24, the foil y Ing schedule will be run on this road: - DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN, dailv. Leave Wilmington... 8 3C, A to Leare Florence 1 03 ' M Arrire at Columbia 4 15PM Leave Columbia Pi 56 1' M Leave Florence. J.... 4 4.' P M Arrive at Wilmington 'J JO P M 'NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington 0 M Arrive Florence 1 30 A H Leave Florence 2 00 A M Arrive at Wilmington 6 i A M This Train will only stop at Flem ngt n , Whiteville, Fair Blui, Marion, and ftor- i it ... a Ml ence, and an stations Dei ween r lcrence a: a Columbia. iV Passengers for Augusta and brond should take Night Eanress Train : run. vV il . mington. ' Thrinirh Sleeping Cara on night train for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Supt. nov d For Health and Pleasure GO TO ti UGieoratGft mm. Mil f v rpHE8E SPRINGS are situated four mil Souh of Pbelby ard six milea North of Whitaker's. on tbe Air-Line R. R. The min eral waters a-e sulphur and chalybeate. Thej , properties of the sulphur are iron, au phur and magnesia. Properties combined are be nefieial to all di eases, and never fail to earn I tbe most obstinate caas, as many will t sur . The chalybeate waters cann t be surpaatd. having wrought many aim' at miraulom cures. These Celebrate! Springs will b oj.en.Pr.t April, and tbe prices are in reach of all, hav ing been greatly reduced this season. Bathing houses, croquet jrrounls. trn pin alley, and other amusement and attractions free for visitor. Hacks running f rr m tbia place will meet visitors at Shelby or at Wbit aker's on the Air I in- U. B., upon short ao tice to the Proprietor. Kaiks or Boakd. Per dy 1 Per week Per month ,.L f Z ' Per a' nth for two or more months.... 18 CO Children and servants ban price. For further panic ulars, a laresa W. O. PATTERSON, Prop1 j. apt 29-daw 13t 8he!biv, N. C. NEW PIANOS $125 I. ' I L' -- K mwkA alt mttr'm InolnHincp OrinH flnmri and Upright, all strictly riasr class, sold at the lowest aar cash wholuili racroT 1 prices, direct to the pcacBasaa. These Piao made one ot tne nneat displays at r i -n-tennial Exhibition, and wer unanim ns! j Re commended for tbe HieHasT Hoxoas wr 11,000 in use. Regularly insorporatsd Man ufacturing Co. Factory established over 30 years The Square Grands contain Mathu shek's new patent Duplex Over strung Scale, tbe greatest improvement in the history of Piano making. Tne UprtgDta are tne nnen in a m eric a. rianos imi um irub w fail to writ foe Illustrated and Descriptive one catalogue of 48 pages mailed iree. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.. apl 74b M KM I ("! r (e