X MOUE OF LITTLEFIELD. tapiain Lee Keturned and Intertlew ed by a Kaieigh Reporter- ( Italeih Hews. ) flow did it a 1 come about anyway; tell it in yourowu comprehensive way, Captain?' - . He led off well: he was ealled to Governor Jams' room Moud y at o'clock p m; was told that the Gover nor wanted him to go to Fiorina to capture LittleQeld; he was armed with a requisition and a certified copy of sometning from Mr Thos Devereaux. on Monday at 12 m, he got Mr Mit chell, the boiier mukr, to consent to go with him, and both left on 'the 4 p m train; they weie determined that tbeywouid not return without their man. , Jacksonville was reached Thnfaday morning at 8 o'clock; they put up at the hotel, washed, refreshed themsel ves and at 10$ o'clock Captain L-?e cal led on the Sheriff to confer about the object of his mission. Mr Littlefield was not then under arrest as seems to have been stated be fore. The eheri J told tbe captain to go to his room until he Cilled for him. The Bheriil went to the Attorney-General and got Governor Drew's warrant for Littlefield's arrest. Everything was propitious. In a short time, as ii by accident, the hherilF and his man met on the mam street . 'You are my prisoner. Mr Little field seemed mucti agitated at first, but asked to cons lit his lawyers. This was granted him. He was escorted to the office of Colonel Stuart und Colo nel Walker, and !Maj Badger of lial eigh, who was in the city as attorney in the railroad suit was also called on. Awrit of habeas corpus was at once sued out before Juoge Archibald and the trial set for 12:30 p m on the same day. This was quick work and quite took Capt Lee by surprise when so in formed by the sheriff The court met promptly but adjourned till half pabt three p m. Mr Littlefield being ad mitted to bail in tbe sum of $2,UU0, he went to his hotel for dinner. Court was held from 3 o'olock until 7pm The argument of counsel being upon the question of a flaw on the indict ment end statute of limitation; Captain Lee's counsel claiming that the papers were regular, and that the Judge bad no right "to go Lehit:d Governor Drew's warrant. The oulj place to try this case was in Wake county, N C. On Friday the trial was in session from 9 until 12 o'olock. Captain Lee ,'while on the street met Colonel Stuart, to whom he had been introduced du ring the trial. He was in company with Mr. Littlefield, and the Colonel introduced the geutlemen. Mr. Little field wa- always glad to meet a 'gallant Tar.' They bandied a few words and Mr Littlefield would see him again at the trial, which began at three o'olock. Argument was carried on till night-fall and trial continued till a. m. Saturday. As Captain L3e and Mr Mitchell were enjoying p- quiet siesta in' front of the hotel regaling themselves on the fragrant Havana (they don't smoke five centers in Florida) , they were joined by Dr A B Hawkins, an old North Carolinian who has many friends in Raleigh. The Do 'tor talked well and the party were in splendid spirits Soon there was a stir in the office of the hotel. A handsome gentleman of commanding appearance and faultless ly attired sauntered up to the desk and asked for Capbian John Lee, of North Carolina. 'Captain Lee is sitting in front of the hotel, General,' 'Oh ! he would walk out and see him.' And thus it was that the North Carolina officers were permitted to at least have a talk with Mr Littlefield if they couldn't catch him. That was glory enough for one day. The General was next engaging them in conversation. He knew a good many Raleigh peo ple, and that was like being at home in Florida to meet two fluent talkers like Dr H and Mr L who could answer so many questions about R deigh. 'How is Loge Harris, Captain?' said the General, 'I would like to see Loge; he used to work mighty hard when we were running the Standard up there in Raleigh.' 'lie's very well, I believe, General. And how is Tim Lee ? Old Timo theus, as we used to call him. He was a remarkable man.' He is doing pretty well, I believe, General.' 'And the jolly old boys I ued to meet in the times of the Legislature ; now are they getting on, Captain?' 'I don't know, General.' 'I can tell you one thing, Captain ; I broke many a bottle of cbampague when I was in Raleigh, especially with my old friends in the Legislature.' 'I suppose so, General, from what I have heard people say.' 'I would like to go back to Raleigh , and I have come around to talk it all over with you to-night.' Aud he gen tly fingered with his massive watch ohain. 'By the way, I bought this watch and ohain from Mr Mihler, of your city. I have worn it ever since. It has been a good time-keeper. I would like to see Mr Mahler. How is he, Captain ?' 'He is very well, General.' 'We will have a splendid time going back to Raleigh together, Captaiu.' 'Yes, General,' said Mr. Mitchell, who had been 'wrapt in solitude' of a cloud of Havana and had just 'oome to' in time to catoh the words, 'going back to Raleigh . ' But gentlemen, if you please, I won't go this time.' Oh you will general,' said Captain Lee. You mean you hope I will Cap tain' 'I'm willing to back my judgment General, I'll bet you three cigars that I take you back to Raleigh.' 'Ha! ha! ha! wsil, Captain, I'll take you up,' and they laughed all around. The Raleigh boya thought they had the mighty General, and when they did get him it would be the beet joke in the world to tell for all time to come. I . After this conversati on became more gn ra!. a"d soon the mighty ;hero took his d p-ru-p avin riljmeet you again at tl e thai, g-iHieiu-n The trial cims up agaiu Saturday morning nut W'is p tponed till 3pm n. order to "f r the d -cision of Braid ey iu the at rdirod suit. At 3 p in Judge Archibald was oo nnwel. to hear tbe case. It was therefore ad journed till Monday (yesterday). Capt Lee and Mr Mitchell thought they had better oome aud get instructions from Governor Jarvis. I They accordingly did so, arriving here as stated in the outstart of this interview. They are not done with the case yet, Capt Lee is an efficient officer, there is no doubt of that, and he said 'I'm go ing to bring Littlefield to North Caro lina.' ! ! I Governor Jarvis is also thoroughly in earnest in his endeavor to bring hini to justice, and will leave no means untried to accomplish this end. These are the latest facts that came to thi3 city yesterday., ' The Governor expected a telegram last night but it did not coma. As the matters progress the Iews will en deavor to keep its readers posted. IS CONGRESS. SENATE Washington, Jue 3. The Senate proceeded to consider the untiuisked business, bei? g House bill to escablish post routes The amendments to the bill made in Committee of ibe Whole were agreed to, tind the bid passed. The Senate than took up tbe bill to amend the act creating the Northern Judicial Distriot of Texas, and pend ing tbe consideration thereof went into Execuiive session, and afterwards ad journed. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House resumed the considera tion of the busiuesH of the morning hour, being tbe bill amending tue statutes relative to the removal of cases from State to Federal courts. Mr. Townsend having withdrawn his demand for tbe previous question, the morning bour was cpustimed in the delivery of a speech by Mr Cox, of New York, iu favor of a repeal of the test-oath laws. At the conclusion of Mr Cox's re mark, the House adjourned. CAROLINA The. United States revenue collec tions at Raleigh on ASouday, were $2, 747.15. A man calling himself Wm. Thomas has been arrested in Cocbran, Ga., and placed in jail on suspicion of being one William Thomas Spell, who lately poisoned his wife in North Carolina. He answered fully to the description. Raleigh KNews ; We learn there is a movement on tbe part of the Telephone agency of the telegraph office in this city to start a telephone exchange here, giving good, reliable instru ments and guaranteeing satisfaction as to its working correctly and under standing. Charlotte Observer: It is learned here that on the 27th ult , William B. Redmond, special agent postoffice de partment, arrested James W. Terrell, postmaster, and John C. Wat kins, both of Webster, Jaokson oounty. on a charge of conspiring to rob the United States mail. Raleigh Observer: In the TJ, 8. Cir cuit Court His Honor, Judge Brooks, was the only Judge present. The only business transacted was the calling over of the civil and equity dockets, aud determining what cases Would be for trial. The criminal dooket has not yet been called. There will be no Grand Jury during the present term of the court. Raleigh News ; Court met yester day at 10 am Present Chief Justice Smith and Justices Ashe and Dillard. The time of the court was occupied all day in the examination of applicants for license to praotioe law. The class comprises thirty-three students, who were examined on the first oases yester day and will be examined on tbe sec ond cases to-day. Charlotte Observer ; During the morning service at St. Peter s Episco pal church Sunday, while the rector, Rev. Z . Doty, was repeating the gen eral prayer fo rulers, representees in the national councils, fco., his voice gradually grew weaker and finally oeased altogether. Several persons approached him and found that he had fainted, his head having fallen on tbe chair near which be was kneeling. He was conveyed to the vestry room, and revived in a few moments, but was un able to close the services. The Theories as to Count Koskiell's Murder. St. Petersburg, Juue 2. On Sat urday night Count Koskiell, the most intimate private and personal friend and confidant of the Czar, was murder ed in the suburbs of this city. The fact of the orime was not made known to the polioe until yesterday, and the circumstances attending the murder are evtremely mysteriors. Two theo ries are in circulation concerning the crime. That the Count was slain by order of the secret Nihilist Committee in punlsnment for the advice which he is known to have given to the Czar re specting the severe treatment of the revolutionises; and that the murder was the result of a private and per son. al enmity against the Count entertain ed by the lover of a lady whou. he had wronged. The Nihilists, Brantner, E Jelmann, Asaynaki, aud Antoooff were hanged at Kietf on May 26. The death sentence passed upon Sophia Von Herzfeld has been com muted to penal servitude. J American Hebrew Besidenti In Rus sia. Washington, June 2. The joint re solution introduced in the House to day by Mr. Box (Dem, N Y), is pre ceded by a prtamole reciting allega tions of unjust discrimination bring enforoed sgiins J Hebrew, c t zens f the Uniud Sta.ee resident in Russia, and provides that if the existing treaties oetw tQ the United States und Russia be found i its (4i-g--d to discriminate iu 'hi pturtica'ar tuat the President Oe r quested to take immediate action to h ve tbe treaties amended so as to reme'Iy tbe gn'evaLCe. The Rich California Banker. When it became known that one of the richest California bankers had left the Pacific Coast and transferred bis base of operations to tbe New York Stock Ex change, all the shrewd financiers watched nis course with keen interest to see how be would succeed. The result has emphatically proved the wealthy banker's sagacity. Beside having a much wider and more promising field to operate in, be is kuown to have been in several stock combinations that paid immense profits By the combination method of operating iu stocks Messrs. Lawrence & Co., Ban frs.N Y., unite orders of thousands of customers, in different sums, into one vast capital, and operate them as a mighty whole, dividing j rents pro rata among shareholders every 30 days. Capital in any amount from $10 to $100,000 can be used with great success in these pools. 25 would pay $100 profit. $500 would make $6,000 or per 10 cent, on the stock during the month. Messrs. Lawrence & Co s new circular (mailed tree) gives 'two unerring rules for success,' aud full particulars, so that any one can operate in stocks, and make money. Stocks and bouds wanted. Government bonds sup plied. Apply to Lawrence & Co., Bank ers, To Exchange Place, N. Y. Quarterly Meetings. . Wilmington District 3d Round. Duplin at Richlauds, June 7 8 Coke&bury at llaH'a June 14-16 El z vbeth at i'urdies Juue 21-22 Bladeu at. Soule Chapel.... j.. .June 28-29 Whitevil'e at Carver's Creek July 6-6 Coharr.e Miss Black's Chapel. .July 12-13 Clinton at Goshen (Dis. ConJ.July 17-18 Bi unswick at Bethel July 26-27 Wilmington Fifth Street July 26 27 Wilmington Front street Aug 2-8 Waccauiaw Miss. Bethel Aug 3-4 Stuithville Station Aug 6-6 Topsail Aug 9-lo Onslow Aug 16-17 The District Conference will convene at Goshen Church, Clinton Circuit, July 17th, 1879, at 9 o'clock A. M. Let all the pastors and delegates be present at the time appointed. Brethren, let us meet in the name and Spirit of Christ. Rev John Tillitt will preach the opening ser mon. L. S. BURKUEAD, P. E. Magnolia, N. 0. a Card. To all who are suffering from the er rors ana indiscretions ot youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a pel f-add reeled envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman Station D, New York City, 'Truth lies in a nut-shell,' and 'brevity is the soul of wit.' To be brief, when the shell is broken, the truth will be dis covered that, the Grand Central Hotel, on Broadway, New York, now kept on both plans, tbe American $2 60 or S3 .00 and the European $1 00, and upwards per day, gives more stisfaction lor the same money than any other firkt-class house in Gotham. An elegant Restaurant, at moderate prices, is conducted by the Graud Central. American Wines. But few persons are aware of the great amount of grapes raised in New Jersey. Aitred Speer is known to be tbe larges. wine grower east of the Rocky M'ountainst His Fort Grape Wine is the best, and is :j j i i : j . . cousiuereu ny puysicians ana cnemists as the best wine to be procured. It is or J l . t J r - i .. uejeu to ljonaon anu i aris, wnere it is becoming very popular among wealthv families. For sale by J. O. Munds, P. L Bridgers & Co and Green & Flanner Apl. l-2w Another Lot lONFUME CATARRH AND ASTHMA Lubin' Bull' Tetlow' stock of prescription drugs. F. O. MILLER, I Corner Fourth and Nun streets. Open Day and Night. juue 1 Exchange Hotel, OOLDSBORO, ST. C. A FIRST CL A88 HOTJSRin every respect. l a. special arrangements one-ea to Uem- merciai tourists. Prices Reasonable. I J. M. BUNTING, Formerly of Wilmington and P. P. c. Co. L. F. MERRITT, Formerly of Petersburg k BI ue Ridge Springs, june a- Proprietors. The Millionaire, PH. O'BRIAN, of San Francisco, Cal., says : "Herald Compound is the best Cement for broken wares I ever saw. I hare articles mended with it that stand ss good as before they were broken." Sold by all drur gi.ts and country merchant-, or tf your drug gist basn't g t it, nor wont send for it- send 25 cents for a bottle to JNO. T. PATRICK, Sole lfaa'fr pl M-6t Wadesboro, N. O Summer Boatd. FEW PERSONS can be accommodated with board in Bmithrille at $16 per month, or $1.00 a day. The house is located in a fine froTe, is open to all breezes and is the meet pleasantly situated house in the rilla. may 2S-lm GEO. L, BAJLTlSf garattes, Simmons Liver Regulator, s Powders. Green's August Flower. s Blood Mixture. Allan's Fly Brick. s Blanc Illusion Powrier. and a full tflAL WlLMIHQIOir MARKET JUHX 4-4 F M. I SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted Firm at 25 cents. Later, we hear of sales 140 casks at 24X cents. ROSIN Firm at tl 05 for Strained and fl 10 for Good Strained. No sales reported. TAR-Steay at 75 cents per bbl of 280 lbs. Sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPNTLNE Quoted at fl M for Hard.fl 00 for Soft aud 12 10 for new Virgin. Sales receij.U at quotations. COTTON Quiet. No sales reported. The following are the official quotations Ordinsrj Oood Ordinary.... , Strict Oood Ordinary. Low Middling... Middling Good Middling. Cents sw It u ss u daily bbobipts w . .vu. . .......... ..... ...................... u.tcr Spirits Turpentine 188 casks Rosin 1,811 bbls T Ml Cotton bales Tar 144 Crude Turpentine. ......... ...M...... . 48 MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. j Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smith ville Geo Myers. , Steamer D Murchison, Garraaon, Fayette ville, Williams fe Murrhisen. Steamship Benefactor, Jones, New York T Bond. CLEARED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithrllle Geo Myers. Steamer D Murchison, Garraaon, Fayette ville, Williams A Murchison. Hchr Jno A Griffin, Foster, Philadelphia, Harriss A Howell- Schr A. H Quinby, Lloyd, Wilmington, Del, Coi ville A Co. Ger barque Kronnewltz. Bui chard, Ant werp, Williams fc Murchison. Exports. COASTWISE. Philadelphia -Schr Jno A Griffin W., tons old iron, 22,363 ft cedar boards, 5,824 jumper bolts, 350,425 shingles. Wilmington, Del Schr Jno A Griffin 43,200 ft lumber, roasies. Antwerp Ger barqne Kronnewitz 825 bbls rosin, 1,750 casks spts turpt. MONTHLY STATEMENT OK STOCKS OH HAND JDMS 2, 1879. Cottoa ashore, afloat... 346 33 379 Total. Spirits ashore 2,457 afloat 4 2,419 Total 4,76 Rosin ashore 104,729 afloat J. 6,902 Total 111,63 Tar ashore 16,430 afloat Total 15,430 Crude ashore 1, 256 afloat Total 1,266 skckiptb roa Til hosts or HAT, 1879 Gotten 43 Spirits 7,725 Rosin 37,702 Tar 3.08 Crude 7,433 BXPOKTS DUBIHS THB MONTH OF MAT, 1879 Domestic Cotton 1,436 Spirits 1,968 Rosin :. 6,719 Tsr i.... 2,164 Crude.. 195 Foreign. Cotton... Spirits 4,696 Rosin 30,006 Tsr Crude List of Vessels Up and bailed for this Port. ANTWERP. Bk Normand, 2 Uptons, (Nor) Svenson, February IS ting (jalatea, 207 tons, (Nor) Andersen. I April 1 ARENDAL. Brig Lagertha, 345 tons, (Nor) Strangeby, April 8 BRISTOL. Brig Gem, 281 tons. (Sackville, N. B.) Richardson, May 6 CALAIS. Bk Nultur, (For) Eilietsen, April 6 CETTE. Bk HjemmeL 394 tons, (Nor) Ingmundsen, April 16 COPENHAGEN. Brig DiaDa, 382 tons, (Nor) Simonsen, April 24 GOOLE. Bk Normandy, 450 tons, (Picton) O'Neill, April 29 HAMBURG. I Bk Erwin,364 tons, (Ger) Langheurichs, April ij k uermama, z a cons, (irer) Vitmow, April 9 tj it jteaiacor, oz i tons, (or) Jensen, March 28 Bk Muni, 47 tons, (Ger) Boces, April 13 ang uarm, 200 tons, (ow) Schmidt, Apr J 25 LIVERPOOL. Bk Anna, 325 tons, (Ger) Sewerts, April 22 Bk Gloria, 254 tons, (Nor) Ormundsen, May 1 MADEIRA Bk Frank, 337 tons, (Nor) Christoffenen, April 30 MALAGA. Bk Duen, 253 tons, (Nor) Andersen, March 15 Brig Prof. Daa, 265 tons,(Nor) Sorensen, Mar h 30 MARSEILLES. Bk Thor. 343 tons, (Nor) Ormundsen, March 31 ROTTERDAM. Bk Amanda, 310 tons, (Ger) SLulu, April 7 Bk Lydia, (For) Norden, April 14 Brig Der Poaumer, 233 tons, (Ger) k Mays DMJCEJ Mitcellaneoiift Carraway's To promote the grov, th ot sr d beau tify the Hair; it rem c res all dand ruff and diseases of the scalp, aud stops the Hair from fall ing out. This Re generator is en dorsed by a great many of the leading gentlemen in ;the may 20-lm SPEER'S Port'Grape Wine Qsed in Char cbes for Communion purpose Speer's Port Grape Wine Fours Years Old. rpHIS JUSTLY CELEBRATED NATIVE Wine is made from the juice of the Oporto Grape, rais ed in this country. Its invaluable Tonic and Sirengtlienini Properties are unsurpassed by sny ether native Wine, Being the pure juioe of the grape, produced under Mr. Speer's own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its gener ous qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it to ad rant age. It is particularly bene noial to the ifred and debilitated, and s ited to the various ailments tLat afflict the weaker sex. It is, in every respect, A WINE TO BK BELIED ON. 1 Speer's P. J. Sherry, The- P. J. SHEKRT is a Wine of SUPE RIOR CHARACTER and partakes nf the lden qualities of the grape from which it is made. For MEDICINAL PROPERTIES, it will be found unexcelled. Speer P. J. or Pedro J. Brandy. This noted Brandy is a pure distillation from the grape and is equal to the finest Ben X nessj or Otsrd Brandies; for medicinal pur- pooes it can De relied upon as strictly pure. 8ee tbat the signature of Alfred Speer, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of each bot tle. A. SPEER'S Mt. Prospect Vineyards, New Jersey. Office, No. 3Wsrren St., New ork. For sale by GREEN A FLANNER, J. C. MUNDS, Druggists, and P L. BRIDOERS CO. april l-ly Sale of Land in Fender County, gY VIRTUE, OF A MORTGAGE exe cuted to Sol Bear & Brothers by J. R Moore and H. J. A. Moore, his wif , on the 3d day of November, 1877, which mortgage is duly recorded in Book D, of tbe records of Deeds of Pender County, pages 41, 42 and 43, to secure the payment of a certain sum of money therein set forth, we will on Wednesday, the 11th dav or T me, on the premises in Rocky Point T iwnship in the County of Pender, offer t r sale at public auction, for Cash, the fol lowing tract of land adjoining the lands of S. S. Satchwell and oti.ers, and bounded as follows ; beginning on the Creek at the upper corner of the tract of land known as lot number 1 of tbe A. L. Moore deceased. lands and runs thence North 55 West 26G poles, thence North 20 West 90 poles, up Clear Water Branch to the hill, thence North 4 East 52 poles to Bunting's Cor ner, thence South 68 East 80 poles to a Pine, thence South 53 East 252 poles to the run of Turkey Creek, thence down Tur key Creek to the beginning, containing 241 acres more or less. SOL BEAR & BROTHERS, may 7 8, 15, 22, 30, Jan e 5. Come Again! Call and See ANOTHER EXTRA Flif E LOT COCHIN CHINA Chicken H v.oom 10 Bbls Russet Apples, -w, Oranges, Lemons, Nnts, kc. 10 Bbls Family Pig p0rk. A fresh lot Family and Low Grade Flour. Choice brands ITine Chewing . and Smoking Tobaccos. Best New York and N r. m.. r.,,.. .a Cheese, Kentackr Ham. 1 iv a.,.. ra.k ron try, i-ggs, Ac. A few bbls Boston Mackerel. Most be sold. Call early and bur cheap. T. B. HENDERSON k CO., mJ Front Street. Salt- Salt. Salt 1 ' : - I 4,000 BM-LI7IEp00L8ALT, aow landing and for sals bj josl WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. J-HHSBCm. MisoeUan. Regenerator fb7 Hair. 1 Sssk HiL tin . Kpj21$ V fisvWc wT ' ' bK cm 00 b Hi,! James H. Carrawai THE m IS AT Exchange n- Something New Every Just receired s fine liseof thu v v e With Patent Fastening t. bm-a . . V ! once trr mesa. A new lot of those popaJar FlfiDl Hill 120 Bones! ilu Tm U7 r 1.1 the best made. The finest assortment of Sun Umbrellas AND , PARASOL ia thsfmarket. FINE SILK AND LINEN HDK'F!, FANCY TIES AND BOWS, LACE BIBS, USLE'OLOVEI, I im h m 1 h 1 1 ibt iinr GO CO HAIR NETS. COLOGNE. The Finest Assortmist f to seleet from erer offsrsii us market. The always oa hand snd we furuM to sell yon say style sf Hat or Bonnet Tor less Ln &n von ein hnv th. uai We charge only for the material, nothinc for the Stjle. We are glad to see all n mm apl 12 N. H. SPSClt; Lime Lime kl ARE SELLING LIMI of vfaanty at s rerr low price. rsrw- countr j or towns in this Htsts sstaf dealers in l.imn wnnM Hn rail to with us. may 2-tf (VIRGINIA ) VIILL BE OPEN FOB TBI of Visitors on the lstdsy of Js- "1 . it testimonials which bare bees llfr'T.n ...... .1 nKl.Ks . . 1 mm - enectire in all diseases or ils bw- snd Bowels, rat discovered. J r ... ...t.rlHmi ana tne accommodations are :mr offices iu main building'. He- ,t,r 1 contain! g fall particular, jjop" may 19 lm Gesr Steamer Passotft, QAPT. J. W. HARPER, Will retwme 8DND A TRIPS TO SMITH VILLE, JpfU permittiag. Dally Tripe u Dock at!9.3 A. M. If apt wm m.'-j2-" Mint Julep I , d- us-aNO JNO. CABB Ctt jaoe2