DEATH. that death Is but Al ... .J ...irnmiil UWiftlV StlUt. A doping out of warmtn and light, k ui u.aesUted Uligut. . ,U 'I'"1 nuw - - - j - Ituklo 1Dto beamleKs night, it aud iove and iht and wound ."' h is indifference profound, mure sweet hope, or wild despair, n?entte rest, or tender care; v more to laugh, no more to weep, C" more sweet human jov or grief; t , v o.iii beyond belief; a m out iit the calm of sleep! ii mth w t be awake forever! r t.'ve 'id oeloved never! l love .l,.,u hnrll ,, JT, tiie dim gulf that spheres -the world; . - . . 'l'rai i. ,-.1 la a maze oi tinnesH iuhubui. W ucie iaUut to iuuuu uuu nun"". ,,'m warm life's remotest link. .i. i ir. S U J A HLCE OF PEACE. ltae eraup, o'er seas and forests, seeks her home; uud su wild but has its quiet nest, Wueuce it no more would roam; i'he fcleeplebS billows on tne oceau breast Hurst like a bursting heart amd die lin peace, Ana inusat length find rest. !HjulHieb.s mere is a place of peace ' tit-re my weak heart and all its tlirobs auall cease. . rt Shelley. General James bhields. press despatch from Ottumwa, la, utuouuoed tnat General James Shields, ve'ran of the Mexioan war, the oaly man who ever represented three .c, ft:oLe dtutes in the United States L, a r died in that city at 10 30 on . . a. r i i ... r u .) U'gut. no uau (juuc wj iuwb ctu'ibg tour ana remained in (IL 011031 visaing b.-uie reuaives. jlu mu Sunday lie enjoyed his usual th and ate a litany supper at 6 1,'eiocK. after which he wrote several etters. About 10 o'olook he oom plaiutd of sevtre pains in his chest Hud in a short while said to his niece butt lie was dying. In less than half bd Lour he died sitting in his chair, bat to the last he retained his con sciousness. General Shields was born itAl'more, near Dungannon, in the I o Lt Tyrone, in Ireland, May 6, 1807, sua as tne oldest of three brothers. Hii father, who had gone out to America and become a citizen of the United States, died while his eldest tou was yet very young, but his mother cultivated carefully the talents which James displayed from a very early age, giving him a good classioal edu cation. At sixteen, moved by the piaises of America wh ch he had heard pronounced by his uncle a resident of New Orleans, where he had fought uuder Jackson James Shields came to this bountry, leaving the pa ternal property at Altmore to his mother and his younger brothers. H iuund, however, that his uncle was dead, so that while still a boy he was cast upon his own resources iu strange land. He began the study oi the law, but the Seminole war break ing out he volunteered for the cam paign, fiom which he returned with tiie rank of lieutenant. Settling in Il linois, his ability soon obtained recog nition for him. The Democrats sent Inni to the Legislature, in 18-40 he be came Auditor of the State, in 1843 he bucceeded Stephen A Douglass as As sociate Justice of the Supreme Court, and President Polk made him Com missioner of the General Land Office, lie often told with glee how he and Douglass, then members of the Lpgis lature, had roomed together at Vau a boardinghouse kept by Col. Flack, where, iuaccordance with the custom oi the time and locality, they k pt a pitcher of Bourbon whiskey on the thble. They were a jovial pair aud Flack soan tired f refilling the pitol er at d keeping count of the n tm ter of times it was filled, so cutting a hole in the partition which divided Shield's and Douglass' room from hisj oar he put in a barrel of whiskey with a spigut in either room, the nascent utateemen being allowed to drink at one while he sold to the general pub lic at the other, and the cost of the wnibkey being divided. The first day tbe landlord was ahead, the second day they Were even, the third day Douglass and Shields had taken a de cided lead and Colonel Flack, getting alarmed, compromised the ooLtraot, whioh otherwise would have lasted all winter, for a five gallon keg of the beverage. While Oeneral Shields was Auditor, of Illinois be challenged Abraham Lin coln to fight a duel on the presumption tUat Mr. Lincoln was the author of a letter abusive of General Sheilds w hich had beeu published in the Springfield Journal. The challenge was accepted by Lincoln and shot guns at forty paces err chosen as the weapon). Before the duel could be fought, however, the editor certified that iur. Lincoln was hot the writer of the letter in which among other things Shields was poken of as a 'dandy who went floatin' about the air without beft or earthly substanoe just like a lot ot oat-fur whar oata bad been fightin'.' Shields then challenged the editor, but the journa list, while he refused to give up his uthor, declined to fight and published an answer from 'Aunt Becoa the an thor of the objectionable letter. The answsr closed thus : If this should not answer, there is one thing more 1 would rather do than get -a hokin.' I have all aloDg expected to die a widow, but as Mr S is rather good looking than otherwise I must ay 1 don t care if we compromise the matter by-really, Mr Printer, I can't help blushin' but I it must come out I but widowed modestly well, U 1 must, I must wouldn't he may be sorter, let the old grudge drap if I was to consent to be be-h-i-s w-i-f-e! 1 know he is a fightin' man and would rather fight than eat ! but isn't mar gin better than fightin', though it does sometime run into it? And 1 don t mink upon the whole, I'd be wch a bad match, neither ; I'm not ojar sjx y and just four feet three in my bare feet, and not much more round the girth ; and for color, woukln t tarn my back on nary gal m the Lost Townships, But, after ail, maybe I'm conntfn my chickens before they're batched, and dreamin of matrimonial bliss when the only alternative re served for me may be a lickin.' Jeff tells me the way these fire eaters do in to Rive the challenged party choice of weapon?, which being thecasa, I'll tell you in eonfi ience that I never fight with anything but broom-rticks or hot water, or a .shovelful of coa a or pome such thing.-th a fmmer of which, being somewhat like a shillalsl , may not be so very objectionable to him. I wi'l give him choice, however, h one thing and that if, when wp fight, I shall wear breoh s or he pe tic )ats, fcr I presume this change i- sufficient to piece us on an tqna ity. J Years after this occurrence it was said and generally b heved that Mrs Lincoln was the author of the 'Ant t Beoca' letters and whatever may b thought of Mr LiDdolu in these days for accepting the challenge of Shield, it was counted to him for manliness in the West at that time, and by hit gallant would-be antagonist alwavs. Miscellaneous. Furniture !yjrnitiire ! S Large 4fgopHnent of WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS ! I to be Bold at the very bottom prices. r.i t Walnut Wardrobes, 8idtb ara, Extension Ta' lea. Marble Top Tables, Ac, Ac., as well as common Chamber 8ets, tiudateads, Cl.aire i T and Rockers of all sorts. Look in Glasses Mirr irs, Parlor 8uit , Lounjree, Shades I Bed ding and everything belonging to a First Class Furniture Establish ment Aleo, another lot of the celebrated Genuine Stewart Hewing Machines, a teal comfort. ior sale at , F. I A. 8CHUTTE'8, 26 and 28-Front, and it to 15 Dock sts, may 29 t WE Boatwright & JttcKoy ARE Doing Our Best TO KEEP IN THE LEW! BY Selling' Good Goods AT Very Moderate Profits ! ! Aud we are vain enough to believe We are Selling more Good's than any t House in the Stain, In our spec al line. If it is so, why is it We leave the ju stijn tpbe ausVered by the Fublie who know the value oi a dollar STO 'K FULL ANO COMPLETE! 1 I J GOODS NICE AND FRESH ! l I We say emphatically, either at Whole sale or Retail, WE DON'T ALLOW OURSELVES TO BE UNDERSOLD. Could you or would you ask for more '.' "No Cards," but an invitation to all to t come and see us. I Boatwiight & McKoy, 67 NORTH FRONT STREET, june 2 Corn, Bacon, Molasses. 4:0 000 BuSh Frime Whlte Corn SmoLed fcides, 325 Boxes L. 8. and Hhds Xew C"P Cuba Molasses O rv Bbls Cuba, N. O and 8. H. Molasses 1,250 Bbls Freeh Flour, 1 7 .rBbls Sugars, Orushe, Oorraaulatea A, Extra C, at.-i'C, 2Q Bags Coflfee all jtrad g, 2 00 Tabi Choice Family Lard, Boxes Tobacco, Tax Off. - Half Bbis and' Boies 8iiuff, ' O Ta Off. 1600 Kegs Nails, ' I ALSO, Potash, Lye, Soda, Soap, 8ta-ch, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Olae, Ac For sale low bj i I 1 j . . WILLIAMS k MURCHISON, june 2 Wholesale Qro. Com. Her. Miscellaneous. YELLOW FEVEH -BLACK VOMIT. It i too soon to forget the ravHT of this terrible disease, whicti w.h no doubt return in a more ma ignant and virulent f rui iu ibe fall months of ls79. Mkrbbll's HtPA riss, a Remedy discovered in Southern Nubia and used with such won derful results in Houtb America where tbe most agifmviitea caes of fvtr are found. (ause- from one t two ounces of bile to be filtered or 9traineri rom t' e blood each time it pa,.-ea through the Liver, as loner as an ex ese of bile exintp, Bv its wonderful action on the Liver and toinch the HEPATIN not "nlv prevents to a certaintv any kind of Kever and dla, k Vomit, bu also cures Head che, Constipation of 'he uutveld, Uvscj-sia and all Malarial diseases. No one Deed fear Yellow Fever who will expel the Malarial Poison and x--88 0t bile trom, the blood by uing Mkhrki l's Hspatinb, which is sold by al! Druggists in 25 c nt and 1.00 bottles, or willbeseLtby exoreby the Proprietors. A.F. MR fcLL 4 CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Dr Pemberton'8 Stillingia or Queen's Delieht. The reports of wondcful cures oi Kheufnatism, Scrofula, Salt hheum, Syphi lis, Cancer, Ulcers and Bores tnat come from all oart- ot the couotiy, are not oniv remark able but so miraculwuo as to be doubted wer it not tor the abundance of proof. Rema kable Cure ef Scrofula, &c. CASE Ot' COL. J. C. BRANSON. I Kinost n, Ga., Sept. 15, 17 Gents: For sixteen years I have been a reat sufferer from Scrofula in its mott oie reusing forms. 1 have been co fi ed to m v room and bed for fifteen y ars with scrofu lous ulcaratioiis. The most approved reme dies for such cases had been used, and iht nost -mineot physicians consulted, witho it any decided benefit. hus prostrated, ujs re-8 d, deapor;ding, I was adv:sed by Dr. y r, o F'loyd county, Ga , to commence the use of your Compo i d Extract 8t llinjjia Language is a insufficientjo describe the re lief I obt tined from tb use f the -tdliogia aa it is to onvey an adequate idea of the in ter.sitv of my suffering bt-fore using your medicine ; sufficient to say, I abandoned ail other remedies and continued th-i use of y ur Extract of tillingia, unt.l I can say truly, "1 am cured of all pain," of al1 disease, with notiiing to obstruct the active pursuit of my profession. More than eight months have elapsed since this remarkable cure, without any return of the disease tor the truth of the above statement, I re fer to any gentleman in Bartow county, Ga , and to the members of the bar ot Cheroke Tirciiit, who are aca Tainted with me. I shall eyer remain, with tbe deepest gratitud , Your obedient servant, J. C BRANSON, Atty at-Law. A MIRACLE. West Poist, Ga., Sept. 16, 1870. Gents:-My daughter was taken on the 25th dav ot June, 1863, with what was supposed to be Acute Rheumatism, and was t eated for the same with no success. In arch, follow 'ng, pieces of bone began to work out of the right arm, and continued to apoe r till all the bone from tbe elb w to the sh ulder joint came out. Many pieces of b ne came out ot the right foot an i leg. The case waa then pronounced one of White Swelling. Affe' having been confined aoout six years to her bed, an 1 the case considered bopeles, I was induced to try Dr. Ppmberton's Comp und Extract of Stilii gia, and was so well satis fied with its effects that I have conti ued the use of it until the present. My daughter was confined to her bed about six y eat a befo-e sue sat up or even turned over without he p. She now sit up all dav, and sews most of her ti e has walked across the room. Her general health is now good, and I believe she will, as hjer limbs gain strength, waik well. 1 attribute hpr recore ry, with the blessing of God, to the use of v'our invaiuable medicine. With gratitude, I am, yours truly. W. B. BLANTON. Wkst Point, Ga., Sept 16, 1870. GeBtP: The abeve certificate of Mr.W. B. Blanton we know "and certify to as being true. The thing is so; hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to it. As much reference can be given as may be required. Yours truly, CRAWFORD WALKER, Druggists. HON. H. D WILLIAMS. 1) K. Pemberton's Stillingia it pre pared by A. F. Merrell A Co., Phila., Pa. Srld by all Druggists in $1.00 bottles, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canvass everywhee. Send for Book "Curious Story" free to all. Medicines sent to poor people, payable in instalments. may 28 ! CEO. P. POWELL & CO. 1 ' i Newspaper MMtiaai Apcy. For Ten Cents : One hundred page Pam phlet with Lists of Newspapers and Adver tising Rates. For Ten Dollars : Fur Hues inserted. one week in Three Hundred and Fifty Newspa pers. lO Spruce St. N. Y. mav 23- Tonsorial. I PAVING AGAIN located in the base L X ment of the Purcell House, I have thor oughly renovated and improved the oldstan and am now prepared to shave, shampoo, an cut hair tor everybody. The beat of work men, clean towels, sharp raxors and lo prices. ELVIN aRTIS, iuly 2T Pureall House Barber Shop. Visitors to Smithville WILL FIND THK BBST LIQOORS, Wire-', Beer and Cigars a' my place. The celebrated Delmonico and Blue Trass Whiskeys, Dry Wines, Champagne and Mil waukee Beer always on hand Sardines and Pickels for convenience of excursionists, at J. D. DAVIS', may 29-2m. Jut back of Qarrision. I fo.,lowing quotations represent the wholesale price generally, la making up hilfhe- prieea hare tp be charged. Double Ancb.r.. .. 11 & Double Ancbo' "A" Standard Domestic BACON North Carolina,' Hams. V B 8houlder, ft sides, m Western Smoked-Hams. lo 11 10. 9 11 5 0 6 10 0 13 6 7 & 5 6 9 9 H 9 K Hides, fb Dhoulders. Dry Salted Shoulders, lb . BEEF Li VP WtMOrht BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each 1 New York.eac, new ... 1 JESWAX 9 tt lb 1 50 0 1 8& 00 10 00 14 Of 75 23 00 00 15 16 2b 8 ilCKS Wilmington, y M Northern BCTTER North Carolina Northern, fb CANDLES Sperm ft..!!" Tallow, V tb Adamantine, 9 set OHEESr. Northern Factorv. 9 lb.. 20 25 40 11 12 81 30 20 2 10 9 W4Q 1O,0 8 9 Dairy cream, 9 fb 113d State, 9 fb 1 & 0OFFEE Java, rb.... 28 Rio, 9 ft 12 laguyt a, m CORN MEAL bushol COTTON TIES 9 bdl DOMESTIC 8heetinjr. 4-4 9 vard.. 16 65 9 6 Yarn, 9 bunch 95 & flBH - Mackerel, No. 1, ? bbl....!6 00 No. 1, 9 bbl 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, 9 bbl.... 12 50 No. 2, 9 M bbl 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3 H? bbl 00 00 Mullete, 9 bbl 2 00 20 00 9 00 00 6 oc 5C 5C 50 00 0 00 oc 60 00 26 25 8 2 6 0 m e 9 m m 9 N. C. Herring k g Dry Cod, 9 fb FLOtJR-Fine, 9 bbl Super, Northern, fl bbl. Extra do ' fj bbl. Family " 9 Vol... City MillEx,.Super 9 bbl. " Famiiybbi. " Ex. Family bbl. FERTILIZERS 5 50 7 0 00 50 2b 50 00 50 00 Peruvian Guano, 9 2000 lbs 60 00 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 rJaugb'f Phosphate " 00 00 Carolina rertihier Ground Bone, Bone Meal " Flour) Navassa Guano, it 51 40 46 47 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 " 00 00 " 35 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 40 67 70 Complete Manure Whann's Phosphate Wando Phosphate, BergerABratz'sRos. " 70 00 00 00 00 00 Wilcox, Gibb St Co., ma nipulated Guano 48 00 GLTJE- fb 8 GRAIN Corn,store,561b8 60 Corn, cargo, 9 56 fbs 54 Corn,yel., 9 bushel None. Oats, 9 bushel 45 67 9 9 9 9 1 50 10 55 50 65 9s Peas, cow, 9 bushsl HIDES Green, 9 fb , Dry, fb 55 4 9 00 00 00 HAY Eastern, 9 100 fbs North River, 1001b.. HOOP IRON ton 1 . 1 60 10 00 65 LARD Northern fb North Carolina fb LIME bbl 1 LUMBER City steam sa' wd Ship stuff, resawed, M ft. 18 Rough edge plank, y M ft. 16 Weet India cargo, accord ing to quality, M ft.. .12 11 12 00 lb 00 00 00 20 00 18 00 14 25 14 & 9 00 00 00 Dressed flooring, seasoned. 15 00 8cantling and boards, com mon, 9 M ft 12 00 MOLASSES Cuba,hhd?gl 32 Cuba, bbls., gal.. 35 Sugar house, hhds. gal. 20 " " bbls. gal... 2t Orleans Choice bbls. gal. 35 NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,k'g 2 50 OILS Ejerosene, gal. 13 Lard, gal 1 10 Linseed, y gal 1 00 Rosin, y gal. 12 PEAN DTS bushel 90 POTATOES Sweet, bus. 00 Irish, Northern, bbl 3 00 PORK Northern, city mess. 10 00 Thin, bbl 00 00 Prime, bbl (extra) 10 50 Rump, bbl... 00 00 9 3 1 1 1 3 10 oo 4S 60 45 10 20 25 60 60 50 00 00 11 00 00 RICE Carolina, 9 fl East India, ft lb Rough, 9 bushel ,..1 RAGS Coantry, 9 Tb City, 9 ft) ROPE. SALT Alum, 9 sack Liverpool, y sack American 9 sack Marshal's fine, 9 sack...... Cadix 9 sack SUGAR Cuba, 9 ft 7 00 00 00 15 6 70 80 75 25 75 22 00 00 80 35 00 10 00 10 9 7 x nx IX 2 9X9 Porto Rico, 9 ft A Coffee, 9 ft. 10X9 00 ii " ft C " 9 lb Ex C 9 ft Crushed ft , SOAP Northern, ft SHINGLES Contract, M 6 Common, 9 M 1 STAVES W. O. bbl. 9 M.10 9 9 9 9 9 00 6 00 50 00 9 15 00 R O hhd. 9 E 00 00 TALLOW 9 ft 8 TIMBER Shipping 9 M ...10 00 Mi I, extra per M 8 60 00 00 00 ei2 00 10 75 Mill, prime per M 7 Mill, fak per M 5 Common, per M 4 Interior to Ordinary,per M 3 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 North Caro ina, per gal ... 1 WOOL Unwashed, per ft... Washed, per ft 00 00 00 00 25 50 18 26 9 00 50 50 00 50 25 The Collins House On The European Plan. Corner Front and Bed Cross Street Near Union Depot- J RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO my triends and the public that I have opened the above House and am now pre pared to furnish meals and lodgings. Restaurant open at all hours. Prices low and bed-rooms neat, clean nd airy. Special rates by day, week or month. IT'The oc'y Restaurant in the citv. W. M. COLLINS, oct 26 -2taw-m thu Proprietor. Each, and all styles, including Grand Square and Upright, all stricUy riasT class, sold at the lnMt 1ST CAriH WHOLESALE FACTORY . mm . .n l n- - i prices, direct to tne rcacHASKa. 1 nese rianosTQ.pQjirrjR FOR THE COAiT OF maae one 01 tne nnest aispi i ine vtso tennial Exhibition, and wer unanimously re commended tor the Highest Honors orer 12,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory established over 36 years Tne Square Grande contain Mathu shek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, tbe greatest improvement in tbe history ef Piano making, lhe Uprights are the finest in America. Pianos sent on triaL Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive catalogue of 48 pages mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., apl 7 -6m 21 East 15tk street, N I Steamship Line, &c CLYDE'S New York AND Wilmington, N. C, Steamship Line. The Steamer REGULATOR. CAPT DOAKE, I'. A ILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK 031 SATURDAY, June 7. Shippers can rely upon the prompt "1 ailing of Steamers as adrertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, A. D. CAZAI X, Sup'f, Freight Agent, Wilmington, N; C. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., 35 Broadwav, New Vor'k. ;une 2- The New 'unny South.' TH BEST AND HANDSOMEST PAPER IN AMERICA. Send for it at Once ee Our Club Rates- THE ''SUNNY SOUTH" is now the mod el weekly of the age. It comes out in an entire new re-s aud ntw make-up generally and is overflowing witn the richest and spi ciest matter of the day ' oeins, Essays, Stories, News of the Week, Wit and Humor, Female Gossip, Domestic Matters, Letters from all Sections, Notes of Travel, Puzzles, Chess, Problems, Marriages, Deaths, Hea'th Notes, Personals, Stage Notes, Movemant- in Southern Society, Fathion Notes with Plates, Answers to Correspondents, Hi igraphies with Portraits of distingui.-hed men and womn, Humorous Engravings, ten: ational Clip pings, Correspondents' Column, Local Mat ters, Railroad Huide, and forrible editorials upon all subj cts. Lit possible to make a papnr more ocmplte ? Get a copy and ex amine it. It niw circulates in all the States and Territories, in England, Inland, Cana da, Australia, Brazil, and thel'idian Nation. It is rea ly an honr to the South and our people are proud of it, ai-d every one should take it immediately The price i only $'2.50 a year. We will send the ' f Sunny South" a id the Daij.v Beview one year for 6, o- we wlh send the "Sunny South" and tho Wilmington Jouh nal one year for S'J.fSO The "Sunny South" and "Boys and Qirls of the uth" will be furnished one year for $.'.50, with a large and magnificent picture thrown in. Acdress this office, or J. H. A W. B. SEALS, may 17 1 Atlanta.. Ga. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD. JAMES GORDON 'DENNETT, Prop'tor. The Best and Cheapest Newspap Published. Posts ire Free. ON E DQLLLAR Per Year, lO Cents for Six Months An Extra Copy to every Club of Ten. L New York Herald, Published every Day in the Year. Postage Free. $10 pays! for one year, Sundays included. $8 pays for one year, without Sundays. $5 pays for six months, Sundays included. $4 pays for six months, without Sundays. $2 pays for one year for any specified day of the week. $1 pays for six months for any specified day of the week, $1 pe- month (including Sundays) will be , chargea on suoscciptions for a less period than three months. TO EUROPE Including Postage. Daily . $17 30 Weekly ( European Edition) , 00 Weekly (Domestic Edition) 2 00 NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED, Postage Free. Daily Edition. ..Two and a half cts. per Copy Sunday Edition Four cts. per Copy. Weekly Edition Two cents per Copy N. B. Not less than 5 copies mailed to newsdealers at wholesale rates. We allow no comm scions on subscriptions Daily Edition Address, SEW ORE HEHALD. mch 19 Broadway add St. Ann N. Y. Furniture. "UST RECEIVED FROM FACTORY a large "assortment f.VValuut aud otbex grades of FURNITURE, whidi we oSet at Great Bargains, and exaBuir-e. fob 19 I, A. SMITH A CO. The Missionary - . rAROUN'A AND T..K. H A H A M A ISLANDo WILL VIiT Wil mington ard the Sounds during the month of June; from South Carolina line up to Cape rear during July ; from Cape Fear up to Cape Lookout daring the m.mth of Au gust ; from ape Lookout to Ha tera and to Htate Line of Virginia and hoanoke Islnd, during the worths of Sep em er and Octo ber; Frying Pan Light-hip and Bahama Islands during the V inter months. W.J POTTER, Miasio&ai j Colpoteur. P. O. Sfliithyille, N. C may JJ-im Bail Road Lines, ftc. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. OmCB QlNBKAL Si PIHIN riRDIBT, Wilmington, N. C. M-t 18. 187P.J Change of Schkiu ie, OV AND AFTER TH.s dat.. tne f.dkw inechedule will be operated oathis Railway : Passenger, Mail and Fxpress Train. Leave Wilmington at.... 7. 01 P No. L VArrire at Hamlet at 2:v7 A ) " at Charlotte at.... :2() A ) Lea Ne. 2. VArri e Charlotte at 8:25 P riTe at Hamletat. 1.31 A at Wilmington at j: u A Close o rnwtu.n made at Hamlet mith trains vi Raleigh A Au u-ta Air Line Rail way. Shelby Division Mail, Freight & Passenger an i Fxpres. Vo. 9 L-are Charlotte " ) Arrive at Shelby..... ....8:40 A ftl ..120 P M 1:16 P M Vr i ) Leare Shelby Arrive at Charlotte 6:05 P M V. v.- -OHNSO.N, may 1 1 General Superintendent. WILMINGTON & WELD C K RAILROAD COMPAlfY Orrtoa or Gkw'l SrpKRiRTawnraT Wilmington, N. C, Nov 23, lK ) , X CHANGE OF SCHEDUUT On and after Sunday. Nor 24th. 171 1 Passenger trains on the Wflmtafrton A 'ei don Railroad will run as follows: DA MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, dsy. t 6 3a h Arrive at Weldonat 1 00 P M Leave Weldon i 32 P M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 9 53 P M NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. DAILY. Leare Wilmington, Front St Depot at ; p i0 J' M Arrive at Weldon at H0A L Leave Weldon, 2 1.1 A M Arrive at Wilmington, FrOntSt. Depot at 8 16 J M Train on Tarbnro Branch Roaa bate Rocky Mount for 1 aboro at h.'0 P M daily, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturt ay. at bHHt A M. Returt ing, leave Tarboro at 10,01 A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday blu. Friday at 8:.i0 P M. The Day Train makes close connecti"t t Weldon for all points North vi Say i 1 daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via 1 icfe mond and all rail routes. Night train makes close connectiors at Weldon for all points north via Richmon l. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trait s. JO FN F. DIVINE, General Sunt. noy 24 Cen'ISup'ts Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND A U GUrfTA RAILROAD. ' Wilmington, N. C, .lune 3, 1 79 1 CUAN'.rE OF SCHEDULE, . On and after Wednesday, June 4, the fol lowing schedule will be run on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAi V, daily. Leave Wilmington.... 8 86 A M Arrive Florence. 12 43 H M Leave Columbia i0 40 A M Leave Florence 4 4.' F M Arrive at Wilmington 9 JO P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington , 13 13 1 hi bt-ave Florence I tb A P Arrive at Columbia 5 4b A M Leave Florence ' 'th A ft Arrive at Wilmington 6 2 t A M This Train stors only at Flemingtori Whiteville, Fair rJluM, and-Marion. Passengers for Augusta (via Columbia should take Night Express Train from Wil mington. I . JWThnugb Sleeping Cars on night trai for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. 1) I VIN h, General Supt. ' june 4 For Health and Pleasure -' 1 GO TO Patterson's ICelclirdtei Springs. rpHE8 SPRINGS are situated four miles South of Shelby and sir miles North of VVhitaker's, on tbe Air-Line R. R. The min eral waters a-e sulphur and chalybeate. The prrprties of tbe sulphur are iron, su'pbur and magnesia. Properties combined a-e b.--eficial to all di eases, and never fail to cure the most obstinate cases, as many will t stif. The chalybeate waters cannot be urpasaed, having wrought many aim st miraculous cures. These Celebrated Springs will be open first April, and the prices are in reach of ail, har mg been greatly reduced this season. Bathing houses, croquet grounds, ten pin alley, and other amasement and attractions free for visitors. Hacks running from this place will meet visitors at Shelbv or t Wbit aker's on the Air t ine R. R., upon sh rt no tice to the Proprietor. j Rat8 or Boibo. Perdy mmm $ I 2i Per week 7 W Per month J 20 00 Per m' nth for two or more months.... tH 00 Children and servants balf price. For further particulars, address W. G. PATTERSUN, Prop'r. apl 29-daw 13t tibelby, N. C. llead uarters tor Ale, Laser Deer and Porter, S MARCUS fc IGN'3, No. 6 Markeksuee. C IAN PtTSNlM rOB WITH THE Bfc Ale, Lager Boer and Porter, both keg and bottled, in the city. Country ordsr; promptly attended 1 9 M M M k M M

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