CABLE NEWS. f ke lattrttceaalc Canal Prrjecl Pro presses A (Uill'ANY ORGAMZi U Subscriptions to be Opened all the Worid. Over L'.nd v June 4 -The St lWiabur Gulos announces that -"uu DagtesUii niouutairef-rs who revolted during the late wr have been exitei to Perm The iVtV Berliii en reaboudeu report that another man war has been order ed to Sain. . i lor the protection oJ German iu'erfs'.M. The Madru! Correaponuencia says : 'The Englit-h government wiil ahortlj submit V. i be Cat,- a bill for the ab H ti u of slavery.' , ir MfMiteomery, Umted States Consul at Geneva, writes that tbe project lor hnl.iiio' an international icaita 1 a a on tnt lake ha., been abandoned lor thin year iHu P&ri corresoondeat oi me ieie eranh states that tne I rince ol Orange blightly improved on Tuesday, see iiB to be but little hope h but i here lor ni re- covery. The Standard's Berlin despatch sayn: -A barricade was discovered on the night of the 30th u!r, near the Feterhol Palace, in St Petersburg, across a road which the Cz rewitch and wife were about to traverse.' Dispatches From Tripoli give fearful ac counts of the drought prevailing m Bar bary. Wheat sells lor $3 per 100 pounds barley 32, while animals may be bought at a merely nominal price. Kpidemic diseases are feared. Disturbances have broken out in the province oi Constantine, Algiers. Eight French soldiers of the escort oi the Arab Department were killed. 1 hree battal ions of infantry and two detachmenuol urtillprv have bocu sent to qi icll the out- break . A letter written by the Pope 1 has been the Lew that the published in Rome, deploring rivil marriage law, denying Church desires to encroacn upon the pre rogatives of tbe State, but declaring that purely civii mairiaes are destitute 01 honest or sacred bonds The Standard announces that in con sequence of the treaty recently c Deluded with Portugal lur the development ol freedom commerce and civilization in Africa, a British mau-oh-war has aiready been ordered to Mozambique' to cooperate with tbe Portuguese lor tne suppression nf the slave traae. Paws, Juno ;; M. de Lesseps has th formation or a Oil I c I J Uliiniv"'vv rnmnanv to construct the ti lelevel in- teroceanic canal trom Colon to Panama h isthmus of Darieu. the route &sHJi'a U"v - - ' .-fllHcted bv the International Congress. Thfl nomuanv which obtained the couces- anient of Colombia and made arrangements with the Panama Railroad will turn over their charters to the new organiz ition tor proper considera tiou, so that the rew company may start fairly and square y. A tirst subscription of 400,000,000f. will be opened simuitaueously all over tbe world about September next. It is to be an essential y popular loan, without gov ernment aid or guarantee. The amount of the first s inscription, of which teu per cent is to be paid on subscribing, will, M. de Lesseps expects, be more than covered Mr. Nathan Appleton will be a director of the company, and will be delegated to open subscriptions in the United States M de Lesseps goes to Panama via New York to take out the first spadeful of eart i on the 1st of January, 1880. DISCOllUGEMEXT AT CAPE TOWN. t The Difficulties Lord Chelmsford Meeting In the Zulu Campaign. London, June 3 Advices from Cape Colony are not encouraging. Lord 'Jhelmsford has once more abandoned the plan which he had adopted for the fur ther prosecution of the campaign, and has decided upon another scheme which may or may not be found practicable. The difficulties of transportation are enormous and almost insurmountable. Fuel and water are both lacking on any route that lias yet beeu proposed. At Kambula uo fuel is to be obtained at a less distance thau four miles. At Iugwe there is no fuel, so that the supply must be carried with the troops to that place from Ut echt. A depot for the maiu body of the army has been formed on the Blood River, and over 1,000 tons of stores are now be ing transported to this depot from Help makaar. The distance is about forty miles, and 600 wagons are required for the service. The burning of the grass by the Zulus has vastly augmented the diffi culties in the way of an advance, for now the forage for the animals must also be brought forward from Helpmakaar at an enormous cost. California Worklngmen's lunvHUlon. San Fbasciso, Cal, Juie 8 The Workingmen's otate OouVi?utiou met to-day. Thirty counties are repre s ntet', and delegations from others are expecie L Djuis Koarney ea'itd the Convenllon to order, aud delivered an addresa reviewing the origin, present condition, and future prospects of the party. Reference to the proposed re peal of the National Banking act and the issuance of all niouev direct from the Tretsiry of tbe United States m t with much enthusiasm from tin Convention. The Committee on Perma-jeut gauizition reported in favor of 'DjU13 Kearnty as Permanent President, which was gieettd with great "ap plause. The proceedings of the Convention thus far have been harmonious. It is understood tbat there is an element in the Convmtion in favor of the New Constitution parly movement, and it is expected that it will shov its hand to-morrow in an attempt to either car ry or split the Convention. It is con sidered, however, tnat this element is not sufficiently strong to oarry either point, and that the proceedings will be conducted to rt uccs&Xoi terui&aUou. n CONGRESS SENATE. A HINOY N , j n ?i h 4 Mr Bayard, trom the Jud ciii.y Ut pmittee repor II .. rt na e 1 ' rer t o vitn m .i iuifi npea'ing sec voaf 820 bi9,iirvi ed Statute, wl. eh pi Hot i be ibe juror'B I -etMH;l tf r bu.(J(.etwcuiu piu I bly u-k leW ... ea I it up to-inorruw. .pr eoi.sid. atiou. uroereu w printed and pi .c d o h-i calendar. The bcuate took up the bill to amend tbe act in regard to the Judicial di--tr.cts in Texa. Tbe bill amending act creating tbe Northern Judicial 'District of Texat. wa- con6ideledud pansed Adjourned BOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Senate amendments to -th House Grasshopper bill; ex'ending tbe time f navme t bv, wan og'u jempto; w avi to, and the bill uo - r r . i ts the Presi- dents signature. Many bills were introduced on leavt and referred. Mr Buckner, Chairman of tbe Com mittee on Banking and ,Currency, re ported a reeolution directing an inves tigation into the affiirs of tbe Deean National Bank, New York, ana the Ci -rman National Bank, Qbicago, and especially in the mauagerneut of tue assets of "the banks by tbo resp-ouvt receivers Alter a short diaoussiou a to tbe luv. stig Kiou, 'n tbi oroorietv of tne course or which Mr Wfhitthou J-ol 1'ennesee . exuresstd a desire tiiaii In- whole naiioual banking sy-tem should be investigated a' d itsj corruption ex posed, the resolution was adoptecl. Mr Aikms, ot IVnnessee; uuirintu of toe Appropriation Coinuaitb e re ported back the joint j resolution repealing sundry clauses ofjtbe Sundiy Civil bill, approved Match 3d, with the Senate amendment thereto. Mr Hunton, of Virgi i U off red an amendment inoreaBing the jnppropriu tionfortbe famUy of late R preven tative Schleicher, o Texas, td $10,00U. Agreed to. The Senate am udmeut i was tbei concurred in. i Mr Si ringer, of i Illinois, a a ques tion of privilege, offered a pieambb and reso ution reciting the proceedings of tbe committee on Expenditures in the S ate Depart meiijt in tbe la Oon gress in connection .with tbe charges Hgamst G o F Seward, Minister to Cuina, and referring the report of that ciirumittee, ;the articles of impeach mtiut by i, 4nd tbe testimony tak ;n m the cube to ibe Judiciary comaiittee, with instructions to consider tbe same, take other-testimony, if necessary, and report to thefloutje at the next session. Agreed to. Adjourned. TT 1 r Maine's Greenback Convention Portland, June 3 The Greenback Convention was organiodj by selection ol W M Rust as Chairman and a full set of offices Thirteen hundred apd thirty delegates were preaeut The1 Convon tion then affirmed the principles of the nlatform ot the Maine Cosventiou of i 1878, demanded measures for the lestora tion of American shipping, and adopted soft money resolutions, adding: 'We op pose all subsidies or legalized monopolies; we favor lew aud simple laws, and those rigoiously enforced ; and we hereby denounce" communism in all its forms and phases.' Joseph H Smith, of Oidtowu, was unanimously nominated for Gover nor. McCrary to Go Out of the Cabinet. Washington, June 3 Hayes to-day nominated George W M -Crary, de facto Secretary of War, to be Judge of the Eighth Judicial Circuit, in place of John F Dillon, resigned, flayts informed his Cabinet to-day of the nomination, and some of the member.-. expressed their regret that the oand of advisory brethren was at length to be broken. Hayes wished to keep hi (Jabine; intact in nia term ot service, but McCrary wished Dillon's plaoe and sentimental considerations were not permitted to "thwart his ambition A score of candidates are already named as likely to succeed McCrary, but a new Secretary of War will not be appointed until tbe next session of Congress. t AKULl.NA Durham dqw boasts of two brass bands; The city debit of Newbern is only $'2, 788 iiS 1 s liutter u selling in Shelby at 10 cents a pound. Hon Josih TufUer has opened! a law office in Raleigh. There were 2.J700 who listed taxes in ! Wake county las jjear. j Whortleberries are soiling iu Golds oru at 5 cents a quart. Goldsboro Council, F df T, No 43, IS igain in a mbst doprisliing condition, with a membership of bver hfy. Mr B E Smith is President ut the Council. i ; Shelby A'Toru: Mr G C McSaiu in- kirnis us thiit one of hib cowsij ou the r.iglit of the 25th of May, gave 1 a calf with a Wtsfl develope.i Kxly birth to but no s'gns ut 1 nc calf lived for about 48 h'jurs Polk ton Aryu.i: Capt Frsje, of the toiKuiu section or me u j tt y, Dm a chicken that commenced crowing when it was only three day's old. .It is now only two weeks old aud flops ifs wings aud crows just the sa ne as a grown rooster. Goldsboro Mcsaencferi The many friends and acquaintances of M:ss Mary Arrington, daughter ot our townsman, Dr 13 F Arringtor, will be ph-ased to hear that her coudttioD1 is! greatly improved, and hopes of the young Ialy s speedy re covery are entertained. Durham J'lant : yie regret to ie.aru that tbe farmers ou Little and Flat ri ver snlfcred from a severe hail storm on Mon day, the 1'tith 't May. A great many farmers sudered. The wheat was badly damaged and the corn, though small in mauy places, was beat into the ground. Tmc Ucck.ILUi Uerold tUls of a gala whia T 1. i - i' .J Art i I i near King's Mountain, in this State, which was sold several years ago to a Northern man for $15,000, and he is realizing hand somely. A ton of the ore recently sent to Philadelphia assayed $400 in pure gold. Du. ham Plant: The sale of real estate yeittiday was the biggest thing ever seen in Durham. When tbe sale closed last night $ 8.924 05 w- rth of land had beeu s ld s we g-i t press the Bale is iu pro :jre s" A vacar tdof on Main street sold tt th ru- ol tn" ?t foot Other lots a half -idle from m- centre of towu sold for $ 1 .400 per arre. ( h irlottM Observer: The charter ol th, v tiura1 & Sd'Stuiry Knrocul expires in lei.en b r it is ussir.ed tbat tbe w.rk can be competed to Wadesboro in rix'.ydays. but it has not yet been com rn"i.:ed. It l estttnated tbat it will take $100 600 to finish up the work, about 90 000 of which has been secured from the sale ot bonds. The Nomination In Ohio. Columbus, June 4 The Demotatic S'atti O.nveuttoi; organized here by the election ot Samuel F Hard, ol Uineinnati, permanent chairman. 'i'he following ticket was nominated: For Governor, Thomas E wing, of Fair- find: Lieutenant Governor. A V Rice, of Punim: Treasurer. Antbonv Howell, ol Stark: Jutlge of Supreme Omrt, W J (i.lmore. ot Prebh-: Attornev G neral.i & Pdfara, of Alleu. Quarterly Meeting. Wilmingtou District 3d Round. 'Dublin at Liichlauds June 7 8 (Jekeshury at Hall's June 14-16 Fl zib-th at Putdieu June 21 22 Bladen at Sotile Ohapel June 28-29 W biteviPe at ( irver s Creek . . . .July 5-6 Coharr.e Miss Black's Chapel . . July 12-13 Clinton at Goshen (Dis. Con ) July 17-1H Brunswick at Bethel July 26-2 Wilmington Filth Street July 26 27 v'ihn ngton Fnut street 2-3 Vaceainaw Miss. Bethel.. .Aug 3-4 Sn.ithviile Station Aug 5 6 Topsail 1 Aug 9 lQ Onslow Aug 16-17 I he ('oufereuce will convene at Goshen Church, Cliutou Circuit, Julv lth, 1879, at 9 o'clock A. M. Let all the oastors and delegates be present at the lime apt oiuted Brethren, let us meet in. the name aud Spirit of Christ. Rev Jotiiu Pi I lii t will preach the opening ser mon. 'Trntli lies in ii nut-shell,' and 'brevity is tbe s ml or it " lo oe oner, wueu the fchell is broken, the truth will be dis. covered tnai. ine uranu uenirai noiet on Broadway, New York, now kept on both plans, the American $2 50 or $3.00 and the European $1 00, and upwards per day, gives more stisfaction for the name inouev tnan any utuer nrbL-ciiibfa i i l house in Gotnam. Au elegant Restaurant, s - at moderate prices, is conducted by the A 1 - lii and Central. Amtiu hii VViors. Rut few persons are aware of the great amount of grapes raised in .New Jersey Alfred Sneer is known to be the larties winegrower of the liocky Mountain!-1 His Port Grape Wine is the best, aud is considered by physicians aud chemists as the best wine to be procured. It is or dered to Loud 'U and fans, wnere it is becoming very popular among wealthy families. For sale by J. C. Mund-,P. L Bridgers & Co and Green & Planner Apl. l-2w Summer Boa. d. A FEW PERSONS cm be accommodated with board in Smithville at $25 per month, or $1 00 a day. The house is located in a fine irrove. id open to all breezes a H is the must pleasantly bituated house in tbe Tillage may 29-lin li&U. L, BAaTiSK, A Sure Vure for Piles. A SURE CDRK for the blind, bleeding, itcbing and ulcerated piles has been dit coTered by Dr. Williain (an Indian remedy), called Dr. Wiihanrs Indian . Uintucteot. single box has cured tne worst old curomc cases of twentj -five and thirty veari'standine No one re-d surfer five minutes after apply i g this wonderful soothing medicine. Lo tions, in-t u nitrite and electuaries do more barm than good. William's Ointment ab sorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching (particula. ly at night after getting warm in bed), acts as a poultice, gireB instant and P )ainless relief, and is prepared only for Piles, tcbin of the private par t and nothing else i '"I -cons lted phy phia, Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and this city, and spent hundreds ot dollars, and tound no re let until 1 obtained a box of Dr William's Indian Ointment s une four months ago, and it has cured me completely." Joskph M. Rydek, Cleveland, 0 'Has done me more good than all the msdi cine I ever tried and I I ave spent more than $100 with doctors, besides medicines I am cure cost me more than $4U. David 8pAaLiN, Ingraham, IP, "Have suffered twenty ye&ts with itchicg and ulcerate 1 piles, having used every reme dy that cae to my notice without benetit until I used Indian Ointment and received immediate relief. " James Caskol, (an old miner) Tecoma, Nev. NiPile Remedy ever gained such rapid favor and extensive sale. rold by all wholesale and retail druggists. For sale by J. C. Munds and T. S. Burbank. mch 20 eow-dAw Over the Water, THE OCEAV HOU8E, at Rmithvilln, the m )t debgbtfuHv situated Saloo'n n the town, isaarrounded by water and open to ail brezeg. TI e biat of Liqao a, v ines Heers and Cifrart on hand. ivxenrsi aku will una it the most comfortable place w the wa'er front to pass the day and indulge in crabbing. maj 29 -Is BRY4.V MORSE, Prop. COMMERCIAL WEW8 WLLMINQTOF MARKET I JUHK 54 F M. I 3PIRrT8 TDRPENTINK Quoted flirm at 24lA cf.ntB bid. No sales reported. RWIN Firm at 11 V7 for Stramjed and fl 10 for Good Strained. Sales 1,000 bbls Good Strained at f 1 10 and 33 bbls (K ai d M i Low Pale and Pale at $3 25. TAK-Steady at 75 cenUs per bbl of 280 lbs. Sales at quotations. CRl'UK t'U KPENTINE-Steady at fl 00 for Hard.Sl 60 for Soft and $2 lo for new Virgin Salea receipt-, at u,uotaliouti. COTTON Quiet. No Hales reported. The folluWiu- are tbn official liiotatious Ordinarj Uuud Ordiuarj, Uerts tt M tt Strict Good Uru.ur j . Low Midduair. SliddluiK it Good Middling DAILY BlOdlPlI Cotton S i balea -spirits t'arpaoune 4 -i cusJta doiin bb.s iar Grade 7 argentine 91i MARINE NEWS. AJUUYED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smlthvllle, Geo Myers. Steamer riortn rsuite, ureeu, rytjn.c- Worth & Worth. j . . . . Sobr Albert Mason, Rose, fuuaueipnia. Harriss & Howell. i OLBABKD. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smitbvilie Geo Myers. Steamer North state, lireeu, rayeiievuie Worth &. Worth. Nor barque Mediator, Jensen, Antwerp, Alex Sprunt A Son. Nor barque -chweusen, Gundersen, Ham burg, DeKesset fc Co. BxportB. rousiSN. Antwerp Nor barque Mediator 50 bbls roMiu 5 U0U oak staves. Hamburg Nor barque bchwensen-.'J-'" bbls rosin, dbO casks spts. MONTHLY STATEMENT OP STOCKS ON HAND JONE 2, 1679. Cotton ashore 3)6 33 afloat Total. 37 .Spirits ashore 2,457 afloat z,4i Total 4, 76 Rosin ashore 104,729 afloat WW Total i 111,631 Tar ashore 15,430 afloat A Total 15,430 Cradeashore 1,255 afloat Total L 1 1.5 arcBiPTS fob tbh month of may, 1879 Cotton., 431 Spirits J. 7.725 Hosm 31, iw Tar 3,081 Grade 7,433 KXPOUT8 DCHINe THB MONTH OF MAT, 1879. Domes tie J Cotton 1,435 Spirits 1,98 Kosin 5 71 Tar 2,864 Crude L 195 Foreign. Cotton. Spirits 4,695 Rosin 30,005 Tar jl I -ruae List of Vessds Up and bailed for this Port. ANTWERP. BkjNoimand, 21U tons, (Nor) Svpnson, February 18 Brig (ialaiea, 207 tc ns, (Nor) Andersen, April 1 ARKNDAL. Br 's. Laeertha, iJ45 tons, (Nor) iStrangeby, April 8 BRISTOL. Brig Gem, 281 tons, (Sackville, N. B.) Richardson, May G CALAIS. Bfc Nultur, (For) Eilietsen, AprU 6 CETTE. Bk Hj emmet, 394 tons, (Nor) Ingmundsen, Aprd 16 COPENHAGEN. Brig Diana, 382 tons, (Nor) Sim onsen, April 24 GOOLE. Bk Normandy, 450 tons, (Picton) O'Neill, April 29 HAMBURG. Bk Erwin, 304 tons, (fJer) Langhuricbs, April Bk Germauia, 274 tons, (G r) Vitinnw. Anril ft Bk Mediator, 327 tons, (Nor) .Jftnapn Maroh 9R Bk Minna, 467 tons, (Ger) Boces, April 13 Brig (Jarin, ztw tons, (Sw) bchmidt, Apr.l 25 LIVERPOOL. Bk Anna, 325 tons, (Ger) Sewerts, April 22 Bk Gloria, 254 tons, (Nor) Ormundsen, May 1 MADEIRA. Bk Frank, 37 tous,(Nor) Christofli rsen, I April 30 MALAGA. Bk Duen, 253 tons, (Nor) Andersen, March 1 Brig Prof. Daa, 265 tons,(Noi-) Sore risen, Mar h 30 MARSEILLES. Bk Thor, 343 ton, (Nor) Ormundsen, I March 31 ROTTERDAM. Bk Amanda, 310 tons, (Ger) Shul z, 1 April 7 Bk Lydia, (For) Norden, AprU 14 Bng Der P jmm. r, 233 tons, (Ger) , May8 rjlHX WLM1MOTON JOURNAL, u one the verv beet advertiaifif PWfc ia the Sute. Try iu l KiPcellaECcuB Hair. To promote the growth ot ai d beau tify the Hair; it removes an dand ruff and diseases of the scalp, nnd stops tbe Hair from fall- ng out. This Re generator is en dorsed hj a great many of the leading sfentleinin in ,tha m ay 20-1 m SPEER'8 Port Grape Wine Used in Ch rches for Coumunin purpose PASSAIC, Speer's Port Grape Wioe Fours Yars Olil. rpHIS JUSTLY OKLEBRATED NATIVE Wine is made from the juice of lae Oport'" Grape, raised in this country. Its invaluable Tonic and Sirengthenini Properties are unsurpassed bv any ather native Wine. Being the pure juice of tbe grape, produced under Mr. Speer'a own persona' supervision, its parity and genuineness are guaranteed. The vonngest child may partake ol its gener ous qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it to advantage. It is particularly bene ficial to the aged and debilitated, and s ited to the various ailments afflict the weaker sex. ft is, in every respect, A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Speer's P. JT. Sherry, The P. J. 8HEKRY is a Wine of SUPE RIOR CHARACTER and partakes rlf the g lden qualities of the grape fiom which it is made. For MEDICINAL PROPERTIES, it wiP be found unexcelled Speer' P. J. or Pedro J- Brandy. This noted Brandy is a pure distillation trom the grape and isequa to the finest Hen nevsy or Otard Brandies; for medicinal pur poses it can be relied upon as strictly pure. See tf at the signature of Alfred Hpeer, Passaic, N. J., is over the coik of each bot tle. A. RPEER'S Mt. Prospect Vineyards, New Jersey. Office, No. 3lWarren St., New ork. For sale br GriEEN A FL ANN R, J. C. MUNDS, Druggists, and P L. BRIDGERS CO. aoril My Sale of Land in Fender County, JgV VIRTUE OF A MORTGAGE exe cuted to Sol Bear & Brothers by J. II Moore and H. J. A. Moore, his wit' , on the 3d (Jay of November, 1877, which mortgage is duly recorded iu Book D, of the records of Deeds of Pender County, pages 41, 42 and 4;J, to secure the p iyment of a certain sum of money therein set forth, we will on Wednesday, the ljlih da or June, on the premises in Hcky Point Township iu the County of Pender, oil'ei f jr sale at public auction, for Cash, the fol lowing tract of land adjoining the lands ol S. S. Satchwell and ot exs, and bounded as follows: beginning on the Creek at the upper earner of the tract - f land known as lot number 1 of the A. L. Moore deceased, lands at,d mns thence North 55 West !)) poles, thence North 20 West l0 poles, up Clear Water Branch to the hill, thence North 4 East 52 poles to Bunting's Cor ner, thence ckut. (18 East 80 poles to a Pine, thence JSou'h 5:1 Eat 252 poles to the run of ThrKey Creek, thence down Tur key Creek to the beginning, containing 241 acres more or less. SOL BEAK & BKOTHEKS. may 7 8, 15, 22, :i0, June 5. Copartnership. JSL. ULmm a XT: rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS day formed a Copartnership under the na-ne and tyle of NEWBURY A CHASTEN, for the purpose of conducting a General CommLaion and Grocery Business Consignments of CoU on. Naval Store) and Country Produce gen erally, solicited. Good price and prompt retunw guaranteed. Respectfully, F. A. NBWBDRY, Late of Magnolia, N. C. Lata of. Mt Chasten d Soa. Miseellaneoua. fo the James H. Carraway, 23 NO ITH FROiVT STBj THE exciteiyiewt , IS AT 7 Exchange Corner, Something New Every Lay n Just receive a fine line of tW xv i a. Cloves, W h l atent 1 a-ter.i. Wck aid ( i 7' 1 ou n ill yy ai u oucu try tlirir. A- new h t of tbuse poj iar Mi Hiii 120 Bones ! Also, Dr. Werner's Health Xui the best made. riujf i or The hreet assorticent o( Sun Umbrellas AND P A R A SOLS in the market. FINE SILK AND LINEN HCK Fl, FANCY TIES AND BOWS, LAUt BIBS, LISLE GLOVES, I LINEN COLLARS AND CUFfl uuuw rutin llCId, The Finest Assortment of Millinery Goods to select from ever offersd in this market. The NEWEST STYLE always on band and we putnotw to sell you any stjle of I Hat or Bonnet fer less thn yon can bay th itBi Vi- We charge only for the materia nothing for the Style. We are glad to see all tt fin. I .J XT LJ V.IJK 1 . nfVl T ! . t ;1 - -Lime ijine yAK ARE SELLING LIME of 9m Quality at a very low price. Perrti" ctfnntrj or towns in this State tuiDfU dealers iu Lime, would do well tec -rrtf with u". may 2-tf 4 BOBIN80.V4I4 Alleghany Sprint (VIRGINIA THe Celebrated Dyipepsia p-t 1 - - . TL .I U itillIbe open fdk tue ft ,ri ot Visitors on ibe 1st day of June. uecessary to puoiish any of the tfc testimonials which bare ben nirt Vj,s n-v. -int. ' r ' m iii'.ri. . oU I Til i... . .... i t- I, I U' 1 1 S' . . ... - . - k ... " ney are oniversauy dowu . effective in all diseases of tbe t"toniof and Mowel.', yet disrorered. . r ... . rih i Tilegraph, Express. Post TJ-jj offices ih main building; Send f-rP coitaini .g full particilar. uttr'. may 19 1 in General - Steamer Passort, c APT. J. W. HARPEK, i . i mam Will reiume SUNDAY JU-jr ' TRIPS TO SMITflVILLK, Apru permitting. Dally Trips Jas ' Dock a9.3 A. M. apl 24 GRO. fiEW. int Julep 1 rnaB fikstof.ihe .M l At jane 2 JNaCARKOUj

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