- a k ik n . . , ikt' 11 W I- 1 I V THK KOSAKi or !! Ill t -nil"' fATH KK Rl AS. ' yerax, ,'tHf II I"-' r,: . e , a,lN - bj tbe now of their , tbe moans of tiielr heart. outh niaj- hhow I tbe depth, of our years; come few or many they iiieiuiured by uars. silvery' tf ia y h t by sunny iiair. ml we pifh win : ui i the finger of ewe ,1 and f:-e have made; Hi lit oti r veai; ,foui earth but the shade i iuts Jail of our tears. re sometimes old, twsare bright and fair;' beats waim aud then &prlng-1 Ime but W inter point-time young, b thin and white; ae a iu youth death quite a farm of about iifty acres iu a high etite of cultivation, lie was an avowed Mormon, and made no se cret of living in polygamy. The Echo says that in the same house he bad liv ng two wives, and each had bles-ed her husband witn a large family ol chi dren: at d what was more snrpris ing, theft two women had ever aved on i he best terni" and were said to be sine -rely attached to each other. They worked for the cruoiorj good of the household, and appeared to treat their rival s ft pnrg as their own. Both at the time of their hnsbauo'd death had yotiug Imlj f'S-aud appealed to nourish them iu c -ixituoD.' Wueo H-nry die.l each of tiies- w meu c :.i:ned to be his wif, and he left a will iu which he bequeathed to tbt m joint. y hi9 prop erty with the proviso that they must ' - . . . rill. UW always bo d it in cutaaioa. J.ue r-uui a so eays that th;s was not an excep tional case, but that polygamy is openly and generally practiced in Og lethorpe, Georgia, among the negroes. WathinBton Pest, lath. FOUR AT A BIRTH. WaOLHS&uS PRICES, il1 I . I H " 4 " f l ,sfic ) 1 1 ion ii io ii 10 13 6 m u:i- p,ut besJ l be ro .1 1 they h, for their crown was litfht. bead I tell .,f ujv years; , in across they lead-'tis well, ulessed witu a blessing of tears. :ar ol strife ;iii urv 1 sleep; Better a ' tl!,tfcad 'i a Ions; alream of life, , , land tears of tliedeep . ,1 ousand joys may foam '., . biilowaolall tue years; he foam irin. the bar! : ' - . .. . i. ... luri r-HIl k ,home haven through tears. Petersburg Index-Appeal. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE- Itiiury kieliberately Shoots lllmsclf in Front oi JarraU's Hotel- lut e btfore 11 o'clock yesterday Qiug, Mr Spacer Webb attempted tu coma.it suicide by deliberately ag bimselt through the heart ii htii iroui iuc piouwi The and Qn;:rtctte Two Months Old Didiu; Well Hearing of a remarkable arrival on the 6:37 train from Biitim ore Monday 1 j-i iliv stigator hieu niai The . K f i u u'nMHil it. P illSi (1 IS ( LlHii, UlU IU " , ; mcb .i serious character that it is ' ef) a death will certainly result. The loliowing particulars of the af fair bave bten obtained: A short wiiile before the shooting occurred, Mr Webb sought to born w from sev- m the bttsemont oi jar- . ,ul 111 sond rutt e Hotel ana eisewuero, riug to leave his watch as security , the batL- return of the weapon. beu qaestioned as to what he want td with a pistol, he stated that he wanted to go ou. on the afternoon tiuin to Keams btatiou, on the Peters -burg lUrlroad, to get a horse; ttiat he to rule the horse back to tbt city late in the eveuiDg, and d. - ot wantto'ravol uuarmt d not kno w ii g vhat might befall him on the coun try roads. One gentleman, to whom he upplied, rather laughed at the idea oi borrowing a pistol lor tuch a purpose, .: d told him that he need have no more fear ot tiding Horn Keamo' to the city ol lteiburg by night, than oi waking from Jarratt's Hotel to Market street ut noon-day. Still intent, however, on getting pistol, Webb went orl and suc-eeeded in borrowing one, but from whom, it is not known. The weapon be obtained wa a small four-barrelled, two-story pistol. He returned with it, i d leanihg his back against tue truntv of the largo Ailanthus tree in front of .Urrt tt's Ho el, placed the muzzle, as he thought, over his heart, and tired. With the discharge he fell bleediDg to the ground. The report of the pistol wae beard by several persons in the vicinity who when they saw Webb lying n the ground, ran to his assistance, lo one of these the wounded man banded a small piece of brown paper, ou vvoich were wiitteu in peaeil the words: lam tired of liv'u g ' lie was ab'e to talk, aud when asked why he had shot hinisoll, he w uld say nothing more than that he was tired of livi: g This he repeated a number of timf wh; 6 he was bcug removed to 1 ;is- on1. Drs V Rjbiuaou ami J W Bryant were called to attend him It was th ir opinion that the b 11 had jtibt grazed the heart and that the indie i iioLS were all unfavorable to recovery. The wounded man was taken to the r 1 I-l HI.. I.' t W U U home OI Ills iainer x- m on Federal street. The cause of the rash act is not known, but believed to be mental trouble resultit g from tiuancial dis tress. He was brought before a Jus tice and fined ou Wednesday, for vio lating a city ordinance in selling liquor without a license. This he feared would not be the last of the matter, as it was thought the State and the United States might also take acliou in the case selling liquor with out a license being a violation of boh the btate aud Government revenue laws. It is thought that the fear of noAAntinn mav have deter" mined him to take his life, aud thus avoid the peualty that might be im posed upon him. He might have avoided this by ltaviug the commun ity, and 90 it is probable that there may bave oeen some oiuor ubuc wm bintd to make him attempt suicide. Webb is about 2 or 30 years of age and unmarried. His bfe has been rather wild and eventful. Of course the statement abont hav ing a horse at Reams' station had no fnr?ati-m in fwr-t. ami was only made VUUVlv" - " I " ' oc i-nL.j tn crnt A nistol. OUT WOfcu j . " r selected one of the most public places in the city to shcot himse f, and the ir.Btol was fired iu full view of several persous, who, however, hail no nr'snsrvie.inn of his inteutk-n to liimself. At a late hour last night Mr Webb was stTl alive. evem oc to the Baltimore aud Oaio dt pot objects of bts h arch had i.e. n trans ferred to Mr. O linen's hole , on the opposite corner. Mr- John W iUom wa found iu a third-floor room. 'Good evening, Mrs Wilson, I want to know all about your babies.' ' 'We i, sir, here they are, four of them, and a l two monihs old.' What do you propose to do hen V was next queried. I have come to get a living iur tue children. ' 'Where is their lathi i? He died a month before they were bcru being killed while building a bri'lge near Wilkesb"e, Pa; he was a Btone mason.' Where were they born? T rlnn't. know the name of the lace. It was in the country, among the liiue Kidge mountaius, in Peunsyivauia. At this juncture a shrill t eble voice souuded just behind the reporters chair. This was takeu up from tue other side of the room, aud before many momenta four pair of blue.eyes had opened, and a Dauoi oi uiy struck up a chorus of ear-splitting annna. Hiisttiuc around, the woman of much maternity soon had the four tiny mi u hs filled with mi k-emitting tubes attached to as many bottlee. Silence resigned once more, and some further fac's were gleaned. Ida, a black haired beauty, is the hrst oi tne ouartette. Next come Maria, Jane and Joun.the latter the smallest sp cimen. All are well formed aud hea tby look ing children, rather below the average z , except Mis Ida, who has besides, a handsome suit of hair. No idea ol their weight at birth could be giren by the mother. She is a Urge-boned, hearty-looking woman, and has borne fourteen children altogether, but excepting one pair of twins, all had been single births. She was born iu North Carolina, and her husband in Ireland: he was a lew years oiuer herse f, and her age in forty he followm quotation rep return the holtle DricM renetliT. Id making np email orders Tiijf he' price have to be ebrged. Double Aocbvr Doable Ancho' Standard Doioei BACON North. Carolina, Hatni. y tb 8boalder, tb 8idt, ft) Woaicrn smoktxl Ham.. Bidet, V ft Shoulder. Dry rial ted Sides, V ft dboolders, fl lij bEF Livp vreuyht ARREL8 vSpirit Turpentine Second Band, each 1 New York,eac7 Lew...... BEESWAX fb BtilCKS Wilmington, w M 8 Northern 00 BUTTER North Carolina to Northern, V B .......... 0 A N D LES 8perm lb Tallow, lb M Adamantine, ff set.... OHEEBiv Northern Factory, lb... Dairy cream, h) State, V lb COFFEE Java, V Rio, V Ueuvii, V Q CORN MEAL y bushel COTTON TIES- bdl DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4 jard.., Varn, bunch FISH Mackerel, No. I, r bbl....l 00 No. 1, y XA bbl 8 76 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl.... 12 60 No. 2, y M bbl 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3 ? bbl 00 00 Mullets, y bbl N. C. Herring, kg....... 5 Dry Cod, fb FLOUR Fine, bbl Super, Northern, J9 bbl. Extra do " V bbl. Familr " "9 bbl... City MillEx,.8uper bbl. Family DDI. Miscellaneous. 1 M 9 l 50 175 16 S3 US 00 8 00 10 00 00 14 09 15 20 16 25 26 40 1H4 10 it 8 9 hm 12 7 8 28 30 12 lA 18 20 65 1 36 2 10 wo & YELLOW FEVEH BLACK VOMIT. It U too goon to forget the ravages of this terrible di-eise, w hlch wr.ll no doubt return in a ruo'e anant atJ rirulent foroi in the fall moctki of th7'. Maaaai l' HxpaTrm, a Remedy discorred id toutbe a Nubia lI ui-d with such won d0r?ul reeul's in St oth America wLere the most aggravated cases of fever are f ud1. m-.uaes from OLe tj tro ounces of bile t- be filtered or strained frnm te blood each time it payees through the Liver, as long as an ex cest o bile exiots. By its wonderful action on the Liver and Htomac the HEPATlNK not n!y prevent to a certaintv any kind of Fever and jlnk Vomit, but also cures Heart ache, Coi ftipation of the Bowels, Dvspei sia and all Malaria! diseases. .No one reedfear Yellow Fever who will expel fhe Malarial Poison and excess of bile l a a . . . trom tne Diooa oy unng Herkri i.'s Hkpativf, wr.ich is sold by al! Oruggist? in 25 cent and 1 CO b .ttles, r will he sei.t by ex -res by the Proprietors A. r. MKKKhLL A Cl , Phi'.adelpbii, Pa To IIm- s n in in , r Keort OF Western North Carolina BY TIllS NEW AND ATTRACTIVE SPARTAN BURG'ROUTE. Rail Road Lines, Ac. WiLMiNSLTON & WELDCK RAILROAD COMPANY. '"fliaf. 2& 00 50 7 0 00 4 60 5 25 6 60 7 00 7 50 10 00 'j 0C 00 OC 6 5C 8 5C & 2 50 SVlLMLSGTON. Col.. A At'GUSTA R, fw Pa- exokk Dfi'.vhtmkn't. June 10, 1S7 lOMMKVCINO J ONE l'th, 1S79, the fol- Kchedule will Ex. Family V bbl... 8 00 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Ouano,r 2000 Ibf. 60 00 Baugh's Phosphate " Carolina Fertiliser " Oround Bone, " Bone Meal " Flour " Navasst Guano, " Complete Manure " Whann's Phoaphate Wando Phosphate, " Berger ABrnte'sRoB. 11 Wilcox, Gibb k Co., ma nipulated Guano 48 00 GLUE V 8 GRAIN Corn,tore, 66ft 60 Corn, eargo, 56 fes 54 ' Corn, y el., V buehel None v Oatt, bushel., 46 Pea, cow, y buibtl........ 55 HIDES Green, V fi Dry, t 9 HAY Eastern, V 100 Ibi... 1 00 North River. V 100 lbs.... 1 00 HOOP IRON ton 60 00 00 0 00 OC 60 00 25 75 8 25 on (mi " 46 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 00 00 " 36 00 " 00 00 ' 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 40 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 67 50 Dr Pc-m tor ton's Stillinia or Queen's Delight. f&t- The reports ol wonde-fu! cuns ot Rhenrnat'sm, Scrofu'a, Salt Fheum, Svphi lia, Cancer, L lcers and Sores t it come frotu atl narts ot the country, are not oniv remark able but s mirarutoua as to be doubted wer it not lor the abundance of proof. Remarkable Cure of Scrofula, &c. UASE OF UM, JC, BRANSON. KiRQRToa, Ga,, Sept. 15, 1871fc frMnts: Kor fixteeii yeart I have been a great sutler or f on Scrofula in ittmostdu treeing forms I have been co fi ed to rn v room an l be 1 for iifteen y ars with scrofu lous uleerati"D8. 'he most approved reme dies for such cases had b-en used, and ihe most eminent physicians c -nsulted, without a'iy decidea benetit. '1-hus prostrated, dis tress d, despor ding, I was adv sed by Dr. yer, o' Floyd county, On , to commence the use of your Compou1 d Kxt-aot St Uingia Language is a- insullicient to describe the re lief I obtained from th use of the ftillingia as it is n onvey an adequate id- a of the in'. tensitv of mv Fiifl'ering b fore using your medicine ; sufficient to say, I abandoned ail other remedies and continued th use of y ur Rxtract of fttillingia, unt l I can say truly, "1 am cured of all pain," of al disease, with nothing to obstruct the active pursuit of my profession. More than eirht months have elapsed ainoe thia remarkable cure, without anv return f the disease For he truth of the above statement, I re fer to nv gentleman in Bartow county, ia , and to the members of the bar of Cherokee Cire jit, who are Rcqia inted w ith me. 1 shall ever remain, with the deepest gratitud , Your obedient servant, J. (J. BRANSON, Ati'y a'-Law. ilC lo ing pereet and contii u n te operated .ver he SPARTANBURG ROUTE, by whith Round Trip Tickets, to all promi nent Western Nrrth Carolina Excursion points, will be on sale, food until November 1st, Leave Wilmington bv Sleeping Cars to Col urnr,ia) 10.13 P M Leve (Jtumbia 10 ::o A Arrive at SpartALbu-g 3.10 P Arriye at Ilendersonville 6.10 P Arrive at Asheville 10.20 P 24 Hours ! Wilmington to Asheville ! To connect with this very attractive ache 1 A ilmintwn. N. OL.. Jut.e 13. 18 9. cn sav of scfiKnuL?. On do fter Sunday, June 15th, 18. PaMnger trains on the w v mint n A H t-.. do Railroad will run aa fo lows : DAI MAIL AND EXPRKSS TR. f . ("t Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot at. 10A 10 t P M IS i. 10 62 55 60 65 i 9 0 1 10 65 00 Arrive at Wddr.nat. Leave Weldon Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at P 61 r v viout Mail am express tua i Da IL . Leave Wilming-ton. Front t. Depot at ft 4"' I Arrive at Weldon at 3 oc A Leave Weld .n 'i 13 A Arrive at Wilmington, FrootSu Depot at t 45 N Trains on Tarb"o Branch Roaa Rocky Mount for 1 a'boro at B.i 0 P M ',., and "Tuesday, Thnrnday and Saturc v nt 4 : 0 A M. Retnrtdng, leave Tarboro at lo. i A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday ' Friday at P M . The Hay Train makes close onaaert . Weldon for all points North 'ri" Har I . daily, (except Sunday) and daiir, via iici mortd and all rail route . Night train makes close connections Welaon for all points north via Richmor 1. Slet-ping ( ia- atta.iie l to all Night Train., JOHN F. DIVINE, Genrai -ui i. jane 1.1 . , ule, Passengers can leave: Weldon 9 live. Headquarters for Al Laser Beer and Porter. H 1VIAB.CTJ3 4k SON'S, No. 5 Market Street yjAN FCRNIaSBjVOU WITfl.TB E BESl Ale, Lager Beer and Porter, both keg and bottled, in the city Country order pro mptly attenaeu mi B 11 25 '20 2i 36 10 00 12 G3 mm Is monthly. 100-page bcrap iWKOu ecrwu, trie World's I.iter iture. hmle cup-, 20c., or ifi rr V. :l.r. .. "".Voi'.rvsw " . 1.50 book, it TbChr.sHau Oakley-. Mistake ;al in mod, or in one-cent postagejstamue. Apcuta wanted Most Mtieral tei mt "u; uinumx ..v A. . a.- -. S. $300 A MONTH guar an ii ed. $12 a day al home uiail -i Ly Hip i . :n . . . . , . . i . . , i wiii inausunms. uapaai uot ivHi . start you, Mn, woui.-n. b.ys ami gtris make money faster at work for us than al anything else. The work is light and . ami such as a vone can eo right .1'" , .i : wii' are v ia j-" j at. Those notice will semi us their addresses at opce and see far themselves. Costly Outfit and terms free. Nuw is the time, lhoseal- LARD Northern ft North Carolina V ft LIME V bbl 1 LUMBER Uity iteamsawa 8bip stuff, reaawed, M.ft.lo uu Rough edge plank. M ft. 16 00 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, ? M.ft...l2 00 Dreased flooring, neaioned. 15 00 Bcantling and boards, com mon, m M ft 12 00 MOLA8SES Ouba.hhd1gl 32 rinh. bhl.. V ral a& Sugar home,hhd. gal. " " bbl. gal Orleans Choice bblf. gal. NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,k'g 2 60 OILS Kerosene, gal 13 Lard, yo gal ... Linseed, V g1 Rosin, id tral... PEAN UTS bushel 90 POTATOES -Sweet, bus. 00 Iriab, Northern, bbl 3 00 PORK Northern,city mestJ.lO 00 Thin, bbl.......'.. 00 00 Prime, bbl (extra) 10 60 Rump, bbl 00 00 RICE Carolina, V 7 East Iadia. V ft 00 Rough, bushel 1 00 RAGS Country, n City, V ROPE SALT Alum, V sack Liverpool, Jlf sack American sack Marshal's fine, V sack...... Cadix V "ck SUGAR Cuba, ft Porto Rico, V ft A Coffee, V ft. B " J ft C " ft Ex C f ft Crushed ft n() A P Northern. D ft SHINGLES Contract, M 6 00 Common, 1 M 1 &0 STAVEci W. O. bbl. V M-10 00 R O hhd. V E 00 00 TALLOW V ft 8 TIMBER Shipping "V M ...10 00 Mi I, extra pe- M Mill, prime per M. 7 00 Mill, fak- per M .v. 5 00 Common, per M....... 4 00 Interior to Ordinary, per M 3 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 26 North Csro ina, per gal ... 1 &u WOOL--Unwashed.per ft... 18 Washed, ner ft 9 0 00 20 00 918 00 014 00 025 00 014 9 Q 0 e 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 00 45 50 1 46 1 10 20 1 25 50 3 60 010 50 000 00 011 00 000 00 0 0 1)4 0 70 0 80 0 75 0 25 0 76 0 90 100 00 0 00 6 readv money, Maine. at work are laying up large suumui Address TKl K Augusta, juue 7 dcNw. J as- T. Pettewav WILMINGTON, N. C, I S AGENT FOR THE'SALE OF WILCOX A 6iP3 Manipulated Guano. The best, cheapest and most popular Guano offer a w;n tA orWs tor deliverv at Lum- ru. " ... --w " ka.nn stho H-el. Laar nbarg. Laurel Hill UV I HU, l P ' and inte-mediate point. 7 t v an 00 I 15 22 00 00 80 1 35 00 10 00 10 y 7 U 7H 7 00,' 2 25 a miraclp: W tsr Point, Ga., Sept. 16, 1870. Gents: My daughter was taken on the 25th day ot June, 1863, with what was supponed to be Acute Kheumatism, and was t-eatd for the same with no success. In Larch, follow ing, pieces of bone bepan to work out of the right arm, and continued to apoe .r till all the bone from the elbow to the shoulder jcint Cime out Many pieces of b me came out ol th ritrht foot an; lei?. The case was then pronounced one of White Swelling. After having been confined aoout six years to her h.rt an-1 the oase o nside-ed hopeless, I was induced to try Or. rVmberton's Compound Extract ot StiMi gta, and was so well satis tied with its effects that I have continued the use of it until the present. My daughter was confined to her bed about sixyeais befoe'she sat up or even turned over without help. She now sit up all day, and sews most of her ti e has walked across the room. Her seneral health is now good, and I believe she will, as her limbs gain st.mjrth, wa.k well. I attribute her recove ry, with the bbssir.tr of God, to the use of i "our inva-uable uicGicine. With gratitude, I am, yours trujy. W. B. ilL ANTON. West Point, Ga., Sept 16, 1870. Gents: 1h ab. ve certificate of Mr.W. B. Bianton we know and certify to as being true. The thing is so; hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to it. As much reference can be given as may be required. Yours trulv, CRAWFORD i WALKER, Druggists. OOtf. H. D WILLIAMS. DR. Pembertoc's Ftillingia ia pre pared by A. F. Merrell A Co., Pbila., Pa. 8rld by all Druggists in $1.00 bottles, or sent bv express. Agente wanted to canvass every whe-e. . n - - . Send for Bok "Curious ntory iree w all. Medicines sent to poor people, payable in instalments. may 28 n.:i2 P V ils n 5.40 P Ta'boro 10.00 A Newbern 6.41 A Goldrboro C36 P Ma?tolia - ?.00 P r- For Tickets, Time Cards, engagement ot Sleeping Car accommodations, Ac,, Ac, in quire of Agents at the stations named, or ol the undersigned. A. POPE, june 10 Gen. Passenger Agent. M M M M M M Gen'l Sup ts Office. WILMINGTON, COLOMBIA A VD AU GCSTA RAILROAD CO Vilmington, N. C, June 13, 1 79 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE', On and after Sunday, June 15, the f 1 1c wing schedule will be run un tb id road: DAY EXPPESSAND MAIL TRAIN, dairy. Leave Wilmington 9 f 5 A M Arrive Florence 125 I' M Iieave Florence 3 5u P M Arrive at Wilmington 8 0 P al Furniture. JUST RECEIVED FROM FACTORY a larue2 assortment of Walnut aud other grades of FURNITURE, which we "oiler at Great 'Bargains. Call and examine, feb 19 D. A. SMITH & CO. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington r 10 13 P M Lea?e Florence I 6 I A M Arrive at Columbia 9 00 A M Leave Columbia 6 10AM Leave Florence 2 5.s A M Arrive at Wilmington 6 60 A M This Train stors only at Flemington , Whiteville, Fair Blui, and Marion. Passengers for Augusta ( via Colu ubia , should take Night Express 'train from Wilmington. JWThr ugh SleertngCari on night trail for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General SipU ju rj e 1 i $1500 9 9 9 9 9 15 00 00 00 9 00 12 00 (10 75 8 00 6 50 4 60 4 00 3 50 2 25 Cor n , Bacon ,MoI asses- 4l0 000 Btt3fa 1riare Wnlte Corn 'of Boxes P. S. and Bmoked 62D tides. Hhds New Crop Cuba Molasses. Bbls Cufca, N. 4. aaf . H. Molasses. -A Bbls Fresfc Flwr, CEO. P- ROWELL & CO. N wspapcr iiTSifcias Agency. TO $6000 a year or SO to $20 a day in your own locality. No risk. Women do as wen as men. Many make more than th amount stated above. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one cau do the work. You can make from 50 cents to $2 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money mak ing ever offer d before. Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Read r, if you want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us youi addrfissand we will send you full particu lars and Drivate terms free ; samples worth $5 also free; you cau then make up your mind for yourself. Address GEORGE ST1NSON & CO , Portland, Maine, june 7-dAw TEACHERS4' TUDBKT- " to $ 100 or $200 per Month during Vacation . For full particulars, address J. C. MoCURD Y A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. june 18-4 w DEAR SIR : Please write for large Illustrated Catalogue ot Rifles. Shot Cuns. Revolver. Address Great Western Oun Works, Pitts burg, Pa. jQne l'-4w CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. Orrioft Grnkral Hupbrintknoknt, Wilmington, N. C, May 18 1870.) Chanok of Schedule. ON AND AFTER TIUS dte, the f Ih w. ing8chedule will be operated on this Railway : Passenger, Mail and Express Tain. Leave Wilmington at.... 7:0(i,P M Arrive at Hamlet at 2:' 7 A M " at Charlotte St.... :20 A M Leave Charlotte st...v 8:25 P A Arrive at Handetat LSI A M ' at Wilmington it 9::0 A M Clog" ennnertbm made at Hamlet with trains of Raleigh A Auguots Air isine Rail way. Shelby Division Mail, Freight A Pa enger and f.xprers. Leave Charlotte 8:40 A M Arrive at Shelby 12:33 P M 1 Leave Shelby 1:15 P M f Arrive at Charlotte 5:05 P M V. vt- OHNSON, mav 1 General SuDerintendent. SANFOfiO'S JAMACIA ForTenCeLts: One hundred pagi Pam phlet with Li?ts of Newspapers and Adver tising Rates. ' 200 350 1,2 JO men kill A Black PolJSamlBt. A negro man named Henry Thorn ton uitd in Pleasant Hill, Oglethorpe county, Ga, on Friday night last, who was iu many respects a remarkable mau. He was very industrious and honest, and owned at the time of his Furniture ! Furniture a. l.a-ge Assortment of WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS to be sold at the very bottom prices. WtrrlmVii. Sideboards. Extension ft i.iiu - r Tablet, Marble Top Tables, Ac., Ac., as well as common Chamber Seta, Bedstead, Chairs and RockerB of all sorto. Looking Glasses, Mirrors, Parlor Suit, Lounges. Shades Bed ding and evervthin belonging to a First Class Furniture" Establishment Also, another lot of the celebrs ed Genuin e Stewart Hewing Machines, a real comfort. For sale at y. A. SCHOTTE'S, 2 and 28 Front aud 11 to 15 Dock sts. may 29 1pm nols nnesre, vjrmu, Liraonlated A, Extra C, and C, 2JQ Bags Coffee, all grade?, QQ Tubs Choice Family Lard, 1 rn B(xes Tobacco, Tax Off. Lau r Half BbiB andBoxes H;.uff, 1 aa Off. 1000 Kegs Nails, ALSO, Potash. Lj-et Soda, Soap, Sta rch. Uoop Iron, Spirit Barrets, Glue, Ac For sals low by WILLIAMS 4 MDRCHIfiON, june 17 Wholesale Gro. A Com. Mer. For Ten Dollars : week in Three Hand pern. Fuur line inserted one ed ad Fifv NYwspa- 10 Spruce N. Y. The only combination of tbe true Jamaica iinger with choice Ar oTiatics and French Hrandv for Cholera Horbus, Cramps and Pain. Diarrhoea and V - T mf.Ancl i uvsenierv, wTtFsl"i Platiilftncv. Wsnt of Tone aid Activity in the Stomach and Bow els, and avoiding the dangers of Chang-! ot Water, Food and Cli mate. Ask for No. 9. No. 10. 1879 EICURSIOH SEAO. 18:9 rESSSgg 'BaaMaaaai SKia4tL GINGER. anford's Jamacia Cinger june ltt-4w St. LAME BACK SON'S CAPCINE PORUS PLASTER r- . 1 k is fo' lameness or weakness oi me uaca, heumat sm and all local ac&'ie ana pains, be bt remedy known. It was invented to o?er come the slow action ot the ordina rv Porus Plaster. It reli-ves psin at i k. ,.tV,A rJastArs Drill once, ana cu-e wuwr.- -iui. ---- L j . . - . . r r . not T-n relieve. Mia every""':" f'roggi'", Price 26 ent . june 1K 1 mav 28- WlLMISGTO't A Welhoh RAitsoin, Passknoss Department, Wilmivsds, N. C, June 8th, 1 -'5V. JOUND TP IP TICKETS TO THE Vari ous Virginia Springs, Western North Caro lina Summer Resorts, Morehesd City, lf.C, snd O'd Point Comfort, Vs., good until No vember lit, 1879, are now obtainable at Union Ticket Ofhce, Wilmington, Qol Jsboro, Wilson and Tsrjjoro and will remain oneal until October 1st, 179. CI ie connection f jr pointi on A. M. AO. R. R. by 9tli P. M trsin from W ilmington. Close connecti nfor points on C. A O. R. R. by both trains from Wilmington. Close conrection for point n Wmtn North Carolina Radroad by training b aring Wi'mington, Wuldon WiU- n Ta boro Leaving G1 leboro a 8.M A M. 1.13 A M. 'i A M, 8. 0 Y M. 10. lo A. M. dailv,. Thot. H. HcKoy, Robt H- McKov WLLMINGTOX, N, a tBce North ride Market street, bet wee t Second and Third streets, tan 27-U The Collins House On The European Plan. Corner Front and Red Cross Street Near Union Depot- J RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO toy friends and the public that I have opened the above llouse and am now pre- pared to rarniau i-- -vir Restaurant open at all hours. Prices low and bed-rooms neat, dean "specUl rates by day, week or mouth. aTheonly Restaoraut in Ojog c ct 26-2Uw-inthu Proprietor. NEW PIANOS $125 Each, and all rty'e. including Orand qor snd Upright, ab strictly riasr class, fdd at the lowest vkt caaa who.ssals rsCTOST prices direct to tbe rcaCHAsaa. These fiMMOm made one of the finest displays at the Cen tennial Exhibition, and wer. unanimously re commended for the UiOHsrr Hosoai-over 13,000 in use. Regnlarly orpnraud Msn uflcturin Co.-Factory eeUbhshed vwmg M rears Tbe Square Grande contain Matfau Jhek's new patent Duplex Overasrmng Scale the greatest improvement in the history of Piano mskiag-. The Dpngbt are the fine in America. Pianos sent on tnL Don t fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive catalojraeof 48 psM SS fr MENDKLSaoHN PIANO CO.. apt 7 -s 21 East i&tb sUest, N Y .rririncr at Ma tiburv 10 .'A P. M ., there cot, nectiue wi'b SleepinK Csrs on W. fi. C. Rail road, snd reaching: Bwaorianost t, a. v. and Ssheville 10 :50 A. M., beinf beyond .,uee. tim the line of q-neker tranait IH pMr comfort to all others r mnic to Weitern JTorth Carolina. For tickets, tim1 esrds. lf4fiWli of leecinc: car ascommodati n, ino,aire of Airentu st WUtion named or to th under iined. A. POPK, jane 9-tf General I'awe g-er Agent. CHAS. KLEIN, Mertater ant Cabinet MaLT, Vo. 24 South Front Street, WILMINGTON, 5. C. 0mf A fine aac rtment of Coffas and Cast keuconstanUy on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varniabed. Order, by tele, graph or mail promptly filled. jaa 1

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