IN CONGRESS. SENATE. Wa hikotjn, June 21 -The rei-oln-tion tixiug Aeduesday, Juue 24, at o P M as the time of adjournment, wav ou motioD of Mr Davis, of Wat Vir ginia, recommitted to iha Committee on Appropriations. Mr Jonas preheated the mem rialol tbe Louisiana Constitutional Conten tion, asking that tbe Secretary of the Navv be directed to ofitablish a naval or marine school at New Oriaus. lie f erred to Committee on Naval Anair. Mr Beck submittal a concurrent resolution provi.lmg for a joint com mittee of eigbt Senators and seven Representatives, to report at tuo next session what changes if any, ought to be made in tbe mode of guarding 01 collecting the revenue. Placed ou the calendar. o i The Senate then took up the Senate ioint reaolhiion rotating to additional Uj of employes in both bouses, and after Me adoption of sundry amend menls, aLd pf-ndmg the further cou Fideration thereof, adj arued at Z iu P M. HOU312 OF REPRESENTATIVES Sir House, of Tniiessc oil -rod a resolution forth', final adjournment oi Cougress, at 5 o'clock Wednesday, June 25. . , t, " , Mr UruHld inquired whether House 3U d say that hft appropriation bills would be passed by that time, but received no answer. MrTownhend, of Illinois, objected to debate. A yea and nay yote was taken upon the resolution, and it was defeated yeas 82,nays 103. Several Democrat voted in tbe negative, among them Mr Stephens, of Georgia. 1 Mr Singleton, rising to a .question of personaHprivilege, sent to tbeCleikfc desk and had read an article from the New York Sun of the 23rd iLst criti cizitg his course relative to the print ing of tbe Glover report. He intima ted the article had been written by Mi Glover himself a man for whom he had supreme contempt. The House thtjn resumed th co -pideration of the bill prohibiting po litical assessment, but the Republi cans filibustered to prevent action thereupon uutil the expiration of the morning hour. The busiutss on the Speaker's desk was next taken up, and pending the conBideration of tbe bill relating totlu enrollment and licensing of vessels not propelled wholly by sail or internal motive power, the Home adjourued. VICEREGAL ANGLING TlK' Princess Louise Lands a Twenty eijiht Pound Salmon. Metapedia, Q lebec, Juue 23 The latest advice from Indian Hoiioe Pool say the viceregal party are all in the bent ot health and spirits, although thus far the sport, baa not been par ticularly good. The best catch so far was made by the Princess, who killed a splendul twenty eight pound salmon on the day of their arrival. Hks Ex eelleney was in the cuoe with her at the time, but did not touch her rod or reel, and the Princess aloue managed j to tire out the big fib aud briug him ashore, when he wes g iffed by a Mic mac lndiau atteudaut. Tbis was aj remarkdblv liue faun., and thoe who.; saw htm takeu say that he showed an xtranrdiuarv amount of game and activity. His Grace the Bake of Ar gyll took the next largest, and the j rish taken by Captain Harbor i came next. Colonel Mi Neil aud Lord E phin-j stone are camped at Two Cress Pomt, three miles below Iudiau House Du- ring the past tea d iy- they have taken j about eleven buudrud pounds of sd-.j mou. The Spinners1 Strike Fall Rivi u, Mass.. June 23 There is little progress to report to-night concerning the strike, 'ibe spinners have called another special meeting for to morrow evening, iostead of waiting uutii Wednesday, as originally intended. The manufacturers have not yet held a meeting to decide on their course of action. Tbe agents sent out by tbem report that a considerable number of bpmners can be obtained, and it is not improbable that they will try and run the mills regardless of tbe strike. Nothing positive, however, can yet be asserted It is generally believed that I such a oourae would makj the strike a j short one. To-morrow, St John's Day, will be celebrated here with a parade and speeches. Processious and decorations were very extensive here last year, but the threateaed strike will ptobabiy interfere considerably with to-morrow's oelebratiou. Butler and the G overfish! p. Boston, June 23 Representative ; men of th9 Butler wing of the Demo cra io party say it is a fa?t that (leu Butler will receive and accept a nomi nation both from a Labor Reform and a Democratic Convention this fail They say that reports have been re caived from the largest towns in the State during the past week, and tbat with but a single exception these re ports favored Gen Butler's nomiuatu r. They add that their Convention win be held at Worcester in cepteniber, but tba: a Gubernatorial nomination of Gen Butler will be made previously, either by a Labor Reform or' Green back organization A Fourth of July Orator. Sprisofield, Mass, June 23 The Committee charged with selecting an orator for the Fourth of Juiy oelebra tion here, whom the Republican has been calling on to invite an ex-rebel to Springfield, have gone to the other extreme, and chosen exGov Cham berlain of South Caroliu u J European Sews L-osbox, June 23 The Times' cor respondent at Sheffield says: It is a long time since huco. a feeling of un easiness has prevailed here. Local fa: ureshave been announced during (he past we' k wib liabllltiei aggre aiug 2' Mi fXKJ pounds-" In tbeHouse )i(J:mnions to-day Hol R Boirke, member tor tbe King sLyu and under secretary lor lottiu office made an iaipr autstaameut respec -lug Egyptian affairs. He said it wi true that the Eugdsb, Fr neh, Gr. man, Au-tnau aud Italian Govern ments had unitf d in the request of tbe Khedive's abdication, but the Khe dive had not yet communicated his r -p y to this request, nor bad any cfti cial intimation concerning it been rt ceivi d from the Snltai. High t Ho -John Bright aked what was the object of this luterme tding With En ptian ai-fair-. Tuis might lead to gn ut d Hi cutties and periiaps to Berjou disu.-. er, and he thought people Were enti tl d to know what whk the purpose f the G ov r..ment in their present ae rion. liourke repiied that tiie Eight Hon. gentleman couid not expect u; auswtr to In question unless ibe ueu-. al notice was given, aud ihi iul j ot was dropped. London, June 23 Daring the pro cession in Eiifast yesterday there were several slight disturbances. A dispaicn from Cairo says there i great excitement there, owing to the report tout tiie Khedive is now willing to abdicate ou certain condu.oni upon which tbe powers are united. The Chilian Government has satis factorily explained the reasons foi the l ouj bard nit nt of the British consulate at 1 o.ndon, June 21 An iub rvii w be tween Queen Victoria and tx Empress Eugenie atChlst Jhurbt yesteiciay iabttd over an hour and was very ariecting, arid when tbe Queen took her leae and entered her carriage she was weep ing. A dipatch from Palis says tht;e are reports of additionui btCebiOi s rrom the Bonapartis's to thy Republic. Or.eanist and L gitimist p4pe;s bint at a iu&ion of tne three parties. Paris, Juue 23 M de Lesseps now announces that ho will start lor Pan ama eariy in November, and that he will turn the first sod for the Inter Oceanic C-mat on the 1st of January, 1880. Ho says hs will employ TJ.OuO navvies, (including Chinese, and a te io.UOo free negroes fiom Brazil. Weston and Rowell to Contest for the Aslley Belt in New York . Kiw Yokk, June 23. A private dh pa'.ch lrom Louden Fays Weston and iioweli are to post 10i) aside this week and feign articles to contend for the Astlev Belt in New York, Brown, Hazael, Enuis aud Panchoat will also compete, and leave lor America at i n early date to train for tbe content. Sir John Aatley will visit America to witness the match. Eunis is to receive a gold medal from the lioyal Humane Society for saving two ladies at Hamp ton Court from drowning. Westou's victory over Browu, Harding and En jis cot the bookmakarsS000, of wnicb amount; At-tJey and a number of Amerioau gentlemen weie the princi pal winners, having taken odds of 100 toiUO laid against Weston. Mrv Hull's Murderer (aught. BosroN, Mass , June 23 II P. M -Cuatiue Cox, the negro murderer of Mrs. Hull, in New York, was arrested about an honr ago just as he was c m lug our of a church on Shavvmut ave nue. Mrs. Huii'c watch was fouud up:n bis person. A green cameo set has been fouud at Srerberger's Jew pawn nhop.cor uer of Marker and Merri mac street-. Louisiana's State llebt New 0blean8, June 23 In Con vention to day the State Debt Com mittee reported an ordtnanaj authoriz ing the Legislature to provide for fu tiding the floating debt of the State by issuing bonds bearing four per cent, interest, said bonds to be re-j ceivabie for all taxes due the State i prior "to Jan 1, 1S79. Protestantism in Mexico - PiTTsBriRG, Pa., June i'3. The con secration oi Rev Henry Chauucey Riley as Bishop of Mexico, which takes place in Trinity Cbuieh to-morrow, may be re garded as a notable event in the- hi tory oi tbe Episcopal Church in America, in asmuch as it trill bo the extension ot this denomination into a hitherto almost wholly Catholic country in tbe interest ol the natives who, b ru Catholics, have been converted to Protestantism. The services.. which commence at teu o'clock, will be of a very impressive character . Right Rev Or Coxe, Bishop ol Western New York, will preach the sermon, and Right Rev Alfred Lee, I) D, Bishop of Delaware, will preside. Fourteen bishops and other Weil kuown digu itaries "of toe church will be present. It is under dtood that Rev Lr Riiey expressed a wish to have the consecration take place in Pittsburg, recognition of the fact tbat he hid received more contributions to bis work in Mexico lrom this than from an o'.her d.ocese. ! Truth Oes in a uut-shell,' and 'brevity is the soul of wit.' To be brief, when the shell is broken,-the truth will be dis covered that, the Grand Central Hotel, on Broadway, New York, now kept on both plans, the American $2 50 or 3.00 and the European $1.00, and upwards per day, gives more stisfactiou tor ibe same money thin any other tirt-class house in Gotham. An elegant Res'aurant, :tt m Mier.ite prices, is conducted by the Grand Central. To all who are sulTeriuij from the er- rora and indiscretions ot youth, nervous weakness, eariy decay, loss . of manhood Arc. . I will send a recipe that will cure you, FKEB OF CHARGE. This gieat remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a eelf-ad -result envelope -to the Rev Josnrm T. Inman Station JJ, Aew York tVry. CAROLINA Raleigh Observer: Nearly $100,000 of old bones were received at the Treasury yesterday, and tbe soailee od Dr Worth's face pusned up bis speota c es over his forehead. Raleigh Observer: A teacher from on of our Lantern couutits has just ufned 'he Normal School, having via'ei all the way, 13b mile.from hit home HetxeoiH to return in the an e manner. He is to be admired for h s pin a. Polktn A rgua: There is a disease among the hordes in White's Store neighborhood, that is said to be fatal in nearly every ease. Mr Ike Huntley, we learn, lias lost a very tine hor-e from the disease, as has also Mr Bar rett L Robeaonian: On "Tuesday night of I s week, Mr J F McKay, near Mc L ans X Roads in this county, had tne misforti ue to have his dwelling, and u 1 irge part of its contents, des r toyed by fire. Carelessness of a servant, who left a box of ashen in the cook room, was the cause of the fire. Robesonian: Mr Jos Regan, of Howeiisvi'le township, wl o was in town lapt Friday, reports snow at h house lat Thursday afternoon. He says it continued to fall for some ;eugth of time, very fine at first, but in ere sing to very large flakes. Others report irost in tnis vicinity last Friday niornmg, indeed it seemed almost cold enough for frost. Newbern Nut Shell- Our young t wnaman, Mr John D Howard, has just returned from Washington City, where he ha3 been spending several days in examining tlae many different sil - lUo ings forcers (over three buu drtc1 in number) with the view to pat enting one which he has for some months been working upon, and be hss succeedei in filing his caval for the most improved, useful coupler now known. Newbern Nut Shell : One of tbe ut zzie holders of the steam lire engine Elijah Eliis, informed us ytsterday tbat the engine 'sucked up' a catfish and an eel Saturday night, "4from Trent river, and that these inhabitants of the deep were forced through the n' z zie by ibe poweiful pressure of water which was 'played on the burning stabie8. This is net a fish story, for the cat' was onlv supposed to be about cwo feet in length. Durham Etcordcr: On last Sunday night the dwelling of Mr Q AFauoett, who lives about 3 miles West of Hills boro, was entered between the hours of ten and eleven, a trunk broken open and rifled of most of its contents, con sisting in part of between S"5 and $80 in specie, mostly in old silver oin, and a number of n )tes. The robbery wa- committed nnmistskeably by a negro, one Thoma Fuller, wbo had been in the employ of Mr Faucett for eighteen mouths or more, and who dii appeared at once titar the theft. A corre-pondeut of tbe Ra:eigh Ntws cays tbat the ernallebt woman m Western North Caro ina was in Wins Ion some days ago. The correspon dent adds: She is a daughter of Fletcher Jones, who lives eight or nine miles from here. IShe is eighteen years ot age, twenty seven or eight inches nigh, and weighs thirty-seven pounds. tier style, ways and mauners and ap-p-aracce are childlike, txcept the ex-pres-ion of her face, which i3 rather, elderly. This 'little woman' gets away with the celebrated Maria Nail, of Mocksvilie, who at the age of twenty one- weighed,, we believe, thirty-six pounds, but was twenty nine or thirty inches high. Raleigh Observer: There was a great bond tiie at the Treasury Depart mti t yesterday. The Governor, the Ai tomey Gmeral, Cnpt Dnd ey, princi pal cUrk in the Seoietary of State'' , otiice. Mr Partin, chief cieik in ibe Auditor's Department, Donald Bam chief clerk of tue Treasury, and a few oys'anders, witnessed tne cremation of the oid bonds to make way tor the new. The bonds were called off, checked and piicd up, and Governor Jarvis .applied the match. The old evidencts of the States debt crackled and curled, biaz"d up and became a pile of gray ashep. it y mm vr i .". noocsoman : MCJvay s pond, near . i . ii 1 ot aui, nas always oeen a noted re sort for faribermen. The mills decayed and 'went down,' ond tbe dam was broken 20 years ago, but the large lakes ou the streams still furnish an abundant supply of fish. The pond is the largest in the State, the soil of it has been submitted to the test of a chemical analysis, and is very fertile It is a portion of the 'Big Swamp which Sen tor McEaobern endeavored to have drained during the last session of the Legislature. The mill site and 2,000 acres of tbe pond belong to Messrs Worth & Worth, of Wilmicg ton, and it ie reported that these and other gentlemen intend locating a fac tory and mills there. Exchange Hotel, GOLDSBORO, T9, C. A FIRST CLA.S3 HOUREin everv reject. l Y. Special arrangements offered to Com mercial tourists. -jfr Prices Reasonable. J. M. Brj.VTlVO, Formerly of Wilmington and P. P C- Co. L. F. MERKITT, Formerlv of Petersburg 4 BlueRidge Springs, jane 3- Proprietors. Jas. T- Pettewav WILM I SGI ON, N. OL, 8 AGKXT FOR THECALS OF WILCOX BBS CO'i Manipalated Guano. The beet, cheapest and moat popular Guano offer ed. Will take orders tor delivery . at Lum berton, Saoe Heel, Laorin burg, Laurel Hill and intermediate points. "The Flirry la Stocks'' Always means an opportunity for some shrewd and lively operator to make a handsome profit. Messrs Lawrence & Co., Bankers, N. Y., have established the combination system for operating io stocks, so that capital in any amount from $5 to $50 000 can be used profitably at any time that may suit the customer. By pooling the orders of thousands ot patrona into one immense sum, aud operating them as a mighty whole, onder .th most exierieneed skill, vast profits are made which aould be gained in no other way Thtae are divided pro rata among share holders mo? thly. An investment of $lu return o0, vT 5 pt.r celjt uf, tht. stock $ 100 pays $9oU and soon, ac cording to the market. A St. Louis patron made ver three hundred per cent, on an investment in October by the com bination method. Messrs. Lawrence & C.'8 new circular (mai ed free) "has two unerring rules for success" aud full information, so that any on can operate with profit. Stocks and bonds wanted. Government bonds supplied. Apply to Lawrence fc Co.. Bankers, TO Exchange Place, N. Y. City. j Quarterly Meetings Vilmingtou District 3d Round. Bladen at Soule Chapel June 28-29 WbiteviPe at Carver's Creek . . . .duly 5-r Gharr.e Miss Black's Chapel . .July 12-13 Clinton at Goshen (l)is. Con.). July 17- IS Brunswick at Bethel July 26 -'-'7 Wilmington Fifth Street July 26 27 Wilm ngton Front street Aug 2-o Waccamaw Miss. Bethel.. Aug 3-4 Smithville Station Aug 5-6 Topsail Aug 9 lo Onslow ...Aug 16-17 The District Conference will convene at Goshen Church, Clinton Circuit, Julj 17th, 1879, at 9 o'clock A. M. Let all the pastors and delegates be present at the time apjointed. Brethren, let us meet in the name and Spirit of Christ. Rev John Tillitt will preach the opening ser mon. L. S. BURKQEAD, P. E. Magnolia, N. C. Theriuometrical. From the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o clerk : Augusta. Ga 75 Atlan a, Ga 64 Mobile, Ala 81 Montgomery Ala. ..70 Naahville 74 New Orleans 77 New York 71 Punta Kaesa, Fla...76 Savannah, Ga 77 8hreveport 7 St. Louis Mo 71 St. Marks, Fla 7S Vicksburg, Miss. ...74 Washington .70 Wilmington 77 Cairo, 111 CO Charleston, 8. C....74 Cincinnati TS Corsicana, Tex 76 Fort Gibson, C. N .8 i Galveston 81 lndianola 84 Jacksonville, Fla...79 K"noxville ....68 Lyncbburg 77 Memphis, Tenn.... 73 American Wines. But few persons are aware ol the great amount of grapes raised in New Jersey Alfred Speer is known to be the Urges, winegrower east of the Rocky Mountains! His Port Grape Wine is the best, and is considered by physiciaus aud chemists as tbe best wine to be procured. It is or dered to London and Paris, where it is becoming very popular among wealthy families. For! sale by J. C. Mundp, P. L Bridgers & O) and Green & Planner Apl. 1- The dark blue English llanuel su ts with two vets, one of satin and the oth r of flannel, both deep and finished wi h two rows of gold buttons, are capital dew signs for mountain excursions or for seaside wear. A new caprice iu evening gloves is to have them laced instead of buttoned E)e!et' holes are i ot used, and they are laced by 1 very simple arrangement, which adds greatly to the neatness of the fit. COMMERCIAL NEWS WILMINGTON MARKET ( June 26 -4 P M. I SPI RITH TURPENTINE Quoted firm at 254 cents. Hniall sales at these figures. ROSIN Quoted firm at $1 074 bid for Strained and $1 Viy for Good Strained. No sales reported. TAR Firm at To cents per bbl of 280 lbgy No receipts. CRUDE TURPENTINE-Steady at 00 for Hard, $1 60 for Soft and $2 10 for Virgin. Sales receipts at quotations. COTTON Steady, No sales reported. Ibe following are tbe official quotations : Ordinary Good Ordinary , Strict Good Ordinary. Cents. 11 12 Low Middling Middling Good Middling DAILY BIOIIFTI Cotton lo bales Spirits Turpentine 15 cag Rosin 755 bb I Tar Crude Turpentine 4 MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steam-yacht Passport Harper, Smithville Geo My era. Steamer D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette rille, W illiams & Murchison. steamship Kegulator, Doane, New York T E Boad. CLEARED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville Geo Myers. Steamer D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette ville, William Murrhison. Nor brig Gaiata, Anderaen, Cork, for or ders DeRusset Co. Br Barque Brnnette, Richards, Hull, Paterson, Downing A Co. Nor brig Eidaiva,, Gundersen, Trieste, Alex Sprunt dtSou. Exports. roxxisx. Cork (for orders) Nor brig Galatex-l cak spts turp, i bbls rosin. . Hull. Kng-Br oarque srunette 2,17 bbin rosin, oou do tar. Trieste ,Nor brig Eidsiva 1,125 bbls raaua, Miscellaneous SPEER'S Port Grape Wine Used in Ch arches for Ccmmucion i urpose PASSAIC, KJL Speer's Port Grape Wine Four Vear Old. rpillrf JUSTLY CELEBRATED NATIVf Wine is made from the Ju!ce of the Oport Grape, raised in this count: y. ItJ invalaabk Tocic aai Streogtiiemng Propjrtles are ungurpasee - b? any other native W ine. Heing the pure juice of the grape, producer under Mr. Hpeer'a own persora supervision its pu ity and geanineDeea are guaranteed '1 he voungest child may partake o it sever oua qualities, acd t'e weakest invalid mat use it to advantage, it is particularly bene bcial to the aed and debilitated, and s ite to the various aiimente U at afflict the weakei sex. tt is, in every respect, A. W INE TO BE BELIED ON. peer's P. J. Sherry, The P. J. SHERRY is a Wine of SUPE RIOR CHARACTER and partakes f the golden qualities of the grape f-om which ii is made. For MEDICINAL PROPERTIES, it will be found unexcelled Speer'g P, J, or Pedro J Brandy. Thignottd Brandy is a pure distillarior, from the grpte and is equa to the finest hen nesy or Otaid Brandies; for neoicin;l pur poses it can be relied upon as strictlv puif. liee tt at the signature of Alfred Speer, Passaic, S.J , is over the cork of each hot tie. A. SPEER'S Mt. Prospect Vineyards, New Jersey. Office, No. 34 Warien St., New ork. For sale bv GREEN & FLNN R, J. C. MUNOS, Druggists, and P L. BRIDGERS k CO. anril l-v Rooms and Board. VERY FINE ROOMS AND BOARD can be furnif-hed to families, C( ujJes, or sin gle persons, on favor ble terms for the Hum mer, at the peasant and convenient dwell ing on the corner ol Front and Mulberry streets. Both transient, permanent an day board ers accommodated t moderate prices. For particulars enquire of MRS. L. BOUDINOT, june 14-tf Cor Front and Mulbeirysfa WEEKLY STATEMENT OF STOCKS ON HAND JUS E T , 1879. Cotton ashore 2K2 afloat 6 Tota' .8 Spirits ashore 3,079 afloat 3,ufe4 Total ,163 Rosin ashore 90,2' 3 afloat 7,731 Toiai 97,934 Tar ashore 13,679 afloat 500 Total U,179 Crudeashore 1,257 afloat Total 1,2 j 7 aaCEiPTS roa ths wkkk emdish ivu 23, '79. Cotton , 4R Spirits 3.:oo S8" I",i27 T.. 115 Cruae 2,409 EXPORTS FOS TUB WEEK E If DINS JXSSM 23, '79. Domestic Cotton , iq Pnta.. 36i 8in 715 I"-: 439 Crude g Foreign. Cotton Spirits .......'..!.'.!!..'.!'.!!! 320 osin 13,IV4 Tar m ' Crude... , int Julep ! rjlHS FIRST OF 1I1E EAbO.N ! .a. sift fjlmmmZbl fmr i CJJk jute 2 Mi8Cfllane!ni7 Beautifuj Lace Lils Gloves, VERY 'LOKG Latest StJ ALSO, eilinJ Bretcnne Lacei Black ami White A fine vt of IVT S From tl red for 5 cets tol ALL L NEN HANCKLRCHIEFI.5! The "Flexible Hip Corset bl J the favorite. Hosiery. Frati patent fastening Iil Gloves. Neck wear and otlicr article J numerous to mention can ben at EICHAKGE COENSE 3- june 1? Warm Sprigs Western North Carolina I S NOW OPKN for the r,-ceptin -L ut e seekers an imaiiiJ:-. This lovely place is .-ituat?d it H km ful valley 1 f'the iTinth Bmad. wita idP I in les of the r-ti.road. W e have a hoc band of u-usic, I " '' I vnts, snd al other accouiiDi3au i 1 tour d at a first-c'a66 wntrnrg For particilare apolv f r descii. ti phlet. W'. H, HU1.rT0 ! ju'ie 10 lm ymirmi g g A WEEK :a r j w town, " ImW ImJ.-.l. You can -14 sinss a tiial without -t v.-. '11 opportunity ever ollen d :r t Ik-sa work. Yu should try u 1 1 j i S you see tor yourself what you carid - business we ffer. No room to here Vou can devote all your I IUUI Ol'ilir- iiniT- lu bin. " . i c .. tw..,. tit v.iii wmw i:re3ai pay ! r cvi-iy h'mu . Women make as much as in'-n. srh'ciiil piivate tenns an! paitic j we mail free. $5 Outfi fr. 1' 'TM plain of hard time? while y,.;i lU S 1 chance. Address Ii. HALil I M Portland, Maine. jure. 1 Another Lot BON FUME CATARKH AND Cigarattes, Siixu '-rie' i- r 1 Lnbin's Powders. Green'a Au,rot rv bull's Blood Mixture, Allan r.'; ,J J Tetlow's Blanc Illusion Powrer, u stock of presc.-ip'ion drni. jjlLK Corner Fourth 'and Open Day and 5ijilit. june 23 Over the Water. THE OCEAV HOUSE, at the most deHsrhtfa'lv ? atwI ' , :o the town, UsurronDded by wawr All hroexM. The OtfSt ' I '4- 1 .! " " -a t . nn hard. txCor. - will fin it the most comfortable pj . m wa'er front to pass the day n?J(r crabbine. Ice cool Lag r 'fe'c proP- j m 9 t HK I A SOME THING Buggies, Bug?s Harness & Saddles FOB SALE AT OERHARDT A CO f 3rd it, oppowte City Hall. REPAIRING OONB WITH AND DISPATCH. H0R8E-SH0EING A BPECIA' ju-e23-tf JXO. CARROLL'S i

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