WHO? u ho Is the sweetest baby rat ever aaid "A300" Jhn is the dearest baby, 5 Uheyee so soft and blue? Wbu 1 tbe prettiest baby? I " mluK I auow. Do you? vl ho ba the softest golden 1. lit !e rings of hair? w,mj uas tbe rosiest cheeks and i ue -moothest forehead fair? vVu-jtia the sweetest kisses, Kueugb of them and to spare? Who has the cuoningest Angers, Aud wuothe pinkest of toes? u tmsamoutti like a rosebud, d who the daiutest nose? a j who is as sweet altogether As the very sweetest rose? Who has tnp prettiest dimples. Dancing In cbiu and cheek? AUII who is learning the dearest ot h11 der uanaes to speak? nd whose blue eyes are learning ' Mam ma's dear eyes to seek? Ah' Kiirelv. theres, only one answer ' To the questions asked you here; ( iMiy one true, glad answer, wsitiutt the mother's ear, W ho is the prince of babies? Why of course, my baby dear.' London Times. BLACK RUN' AT .ETNA. The Recent Eruption as Described by an Eye-witness. On the night of May 25 there were oo: tiuuous. murmuriuKs from M.txA, ku this not bemg an uncommon oo cuilehce, it attracted but little or no ntteutiou. On the morning of the 26th the e murmuriugs increased, and I called the attention of a servant of nnub to the fact, but he positively denied that the sounds proceeded from the mountain at all; be rather thought the noise was made by the surf beat n? on the sea shore 800 feet below, a dail sonnd which it much resembled. jjOHieDOUj "ouuuu vJ nun gmno rattling in the window frames, and somebody else suggested earthquake, a suggestion which was met witn de rision. However, at about 12:30 p m a dense cloud of smoke was seen to be issuing from the great crater of -32tna that is, as well as its origin oouia be traced amid the clouds witn wbioh the mountain was covered. It was a broad clond, which stretched over the land and over the sea until it was lost on the horizon It had a red, or rather it might be described of a burnt sienna color, and minute specks of ashes be gan to fall, but not in any quantity ; we could trace it in its course far into the night, and in fact, until we all went to bed. On the morning of the 27th all seemed in repose Lot a cloud was upon tbe moun tain, save the flat oloud with a lump id the middle which often overhangs the crater in the summer months, and which the Sicilians call 'the Oardinal's Hat.' But at 8:30 a dense oloud was observea to issue from the earth up on the northern slope of the moun tain, as well as oould be judged about half-way between Lmguagrosse aud Randazzo, but much higher up the mountain. Thia oloud grew and tspn.ad, and became so dense that the whole mountain became perfeotly in visible; the light became so much ob Hcored that it resembled the darkness produced by a total eclipse of the sun, and a rain of liue, black ash, like powdered emery, commenced. So heavy was the fall that t$ie promon tory of Nuxos, but two miles distant, became uerfeotlv invisible This blaok ruin continued the whole of the day, loud reports could occasionally be heard from the mountain, and no doubt now remained that au eruption on a grand scale bad commenced. No positive information could be obtained as to its exact locality, for nobody oould ascend the mountain under such o toumstances. .V. ua is so enormous and so precipitous and rugged that a voyage of investigation iu such a rain cl a h aud uch darkness would have been almost an impossibility. We did all we oould to obtain news, but very little that oould be depended on was acquired. All night this black rain went or. About midnight huge hres oould be seen looming (trough the den. e clouds. In the mormng a mont extraordinary ecene presented itself; the whole face of nUure was black, the hills and plains were black, the sea-shore was black, the usually dazzlingjwhite ronds were black, the roofs of the houses were black. My garden is just now a mass of flowers, but every lealf, every oup was loaded with blaok, the edges of the petals giving a bright line of the color of the flower. If a breath of wind passed a black shower fell from the trees, and still the blaok rain went od. The effect upon the mind was most depressing This ash penetrates everything, it is found in clo-ely shut linen drawers, in close boxes: it is all among my paper us 1 write, and it bee.ns to take delight in inserting it self in one's food for two days I have been chewing grit. The effect of trees and figures in this universal black la very strange, the colors standiug out with startling brilliancy. At 2 o'clock in tbe day I started on horse b ok to Piedmone, to try and gain some positive news, and heard that thiee craters, each about a mile apart, and situate like the points of a triangle, had opened in a valley about ftix miles above a postal station called Pasaapeaoaro, a place nearly midway on the road between Linguagrossa and lUudazzo a moat difficult place to reaoh, aa lodging of any description oould not be obtained within fourteen miles, over precipitous and rugged ground, with every path obliterated by tbe ash, the mouutam thundering aud vomiting fire in unknown direc tions, with the t rnble darkness and eternal rain of biact Mb, and general consternation everywhere. The lava was said to be flowing, but only its reflected light oould be seen at night, as it was in a valley, whioh, as far as I can ascertain, muat be next the 'Val ley del Boye.' My eyea were moat painfully in flamed by the floe ash aa I returned , were those of mv norm M tvwritAia wera fall, my boots were full, and my wo ujocxea up with it; the pol led ami ace of my saddle was ground away with the grit. On the road home I oame across a priest enlarging upon the eruption to a select audience of oontadini, anjrl ventilating h e knowl edge by describing tbe destruction of Pompeii; and among other accuracies, described the sentinel at the Heron laneum gate, stiokiog to his post h rough it si), and being found with his gun 1.800 years afu r! At night thiq scene was mngnifloent; a tremendous stream of lava, many miles long, descended in the apparent direction of Handazzo while from tht iew craters great bulls of fire were thrown high in the air, and burst in o showers of fir. hke gigau io rockets accompanied by thuuderiogt xplosione This morning tbe explosions are still going on;tbe streuin of lava teems more active than ever; but tbe ash has much diminished, and, although much of the mountain is obscured, it is by a cloud apparently of vapor rather than of asb, and this gives indications of clearing away, when the whole scene may become visible. Two English gentlemen left here this morning to try and reaoh the crater. Steamship Line, &c. CLYDE'S New York -AND Wilmington, N, C, Steamship Line. The Steamer BENEFACTOR, CAPT. J0NTES, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK 0 SATURDAY. June 28. V BsV. Shippers can relj upon the prompt Sailing of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, 8up't, Wilmington, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE k CO., 36 Broadwav, New York june 23- The Sew 'Suiiny South." THE BEST AMD HANDSOMEST PAPER IN AMERICA. Send for it at Once See Our Club Rates rpHE "SUNNY SOUTH" is now the mod 1 A weekly of the age. It comes oat in an entire new ore-s aud new make-up generally and is overflowing witn the richest and spi ciest matter mf the day t'oems, Essay s. storiei, Aews of the Week, Wit and Humor, Female Oo sip, Domestic Matters, Letters from all Sections, Notes of Travel, Puziles, Chees, Problems, Marriages, Deaths, Hea'th Notes, Personals, Stage Notes, Movement in Southern Society, Fahion Notes with Plates, Answers to Correspondents, Bi graphies with Portraits of distinguished men and women, Hurrorous fcngravingp, Sensational Clip pings, Correspondents'' Column, Local Mat ters, Kail road Guide, anc" forcible editorials upon all subj cU. Is it possible to make a papr more oomplete ? Get a copy and ex amine it. It now circulates in alt the States aid Territories, in England, Ireland, Cana da, Australia, Brazil, and the Indian Nation. It is rea ly an honor to the South and our people are proud of it, and every one should take it immediately. The price is only $2.50 a year. We will send the 'tunny South" aod the Daily Rkvibw one year for $6, or. we will send the "Sunny Southland the Wilmington Jour nal one yar for $3.50. The "Sunny South" and "Boys and Oirls of the oth" will be furnished one year for $3 50, with a large and magnificent pictur thrown in. Aodresj this office, or J. H. a W. B. SEALS, may 17 Atlanta, (fa. A Sure Cure for Pi les. A SURE CURE for the blind, bleeding, itching and ulcerated piles has been dis covered by Dr. William (art Indian remedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst old chronic cases of twenty -jfive and thirtyyears'standing No one net d sutler five minutes after apply ing this wonderful soothing medicine. Lo tions, instruments and electuaries do more harm than good. William's Ointment ab sorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching (particularly at night after getting warm in bed), acts as a poultice, gives ins tact and painless relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts and nothing else . t cons Ited physicians in Philadel phia, Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and this city, and spent hundreds of dollars, and found no re ief until 1 obtained a box of Dr. William's Indian Ointment some four months ago, and it has cured me completely." Joskph M. Kydkb, Cleveland, O. 'Has done me more good thanall the modi oli, e I ever tried, and 1 rave spent more than $100 with doctors, besides medicines I am cure cost me more than $40." David Sfabliso, Ingraham, II', "Have suffered twenty yeais with itching and ulcerate i piles, h-v'ing used every reme dy that ca j e to my notice without benefit until I need Indian Ointment aid received immediate relief. Jambs Carrol, (an old mi er) I 'ecu ma, Nev. Km No Pile Remedy ever gained such rapid favor and extensive sale, rold by all wholesale and retail drugguts. For .sale by J. C. Munds and T. S. hurbank. men 20 eow-dAw Thoi. H. McKoy, fcobt H- McKoy ATTORNEYS AT LAW WILMINGTON, N. a ffioe North side Market street, betweei Second and Third streets. ISA 11 -U WHOLEIALE P&XCB3 The fol lowing quotations represent tbe wholesale prices generally. In making up mail orders higher price have to be charged. dAOOIaO Cftfj Double Aacr .jr. Double Ancho' "A" Standard Domestic , BACON North Carolina, 11 lu 11 10 0 U 6 6 10 13 6 9 7 m h 2X 3 nams, y m Shoulders, 9 lb Sides, J lb- Western Smoked Hams....... Sides, V m Shoulders. Dry Salted Sides. V tb Shoulder, T$ tb.. BEEP Livr weight BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each I 25 New Tork,eac, new 1 75 BEESWAX lb 20 BRICKS Wilmington, ? M 8 00 Northern 00 9 1 ? 1 85 21 10 00 U Of BUTTER North Carolina Ih 16 9 20 16 25 26 9 40 UK 9 m ii 8 - 9 7 0 8 28 0 30 120 16 18 0 20 70 75 1 35 2 10 9 7 96 6 Northern, ft) 15 CANDLES Sperm lb Tallow, f B. Adamantine, TP set. OHEEShi Northern Factory, Tb ... 8 Dairy cream, V ft W9 State, y ro COFFEE Java, ? ft Wnyr, f ft CORN MEAL bushel.... COTTON TIES- bdl DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4 yard.. i arn. V bunch ... FISH Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl....l6 00 No. 1, bbl 8 75 20 9 00 00 0C 50 5C 50 00 0 00 00 00 00 25 75 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl.... 12 No. 2, y bbl 6 Mackerel, No. 3 V bbl 00 Mullets, V bbl 2 , N. C. Herring, keg 6 Dry Cod, ft)..., FLOUR Fine, y bbl 0 Super, Northern, V bbl... 4 Extra do 'ft V bbl... 6 Family " V bbl... 6 City Mill Ex,. Super V bbl... 7 " Family bbl... 7 " Ex. Family bbl... 8 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, yf 2000 fi)s.60 50 00 00 6 00 8 00 2 50 7 00 00 00 00 00 60 6 e 5 6 8 9 7 7 00 8 00 00 00 00 00 61 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 40 00 67 00 70 00 70 Baugh's Phosphate 00 Carolina Fertiliser Ground Bone, Bone Meal Flour; Navassa Guano, Complete Manure 45 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 00 Whann's Phosphate Wando Phosphate, BergerABruts'sRos. " Wilcox, Gibb A Co., 00 m ma- nip ul a ted Guano 48 GLUE ft) GRAIN Cora, store, 569i 00 67 8 10 67 50 65 65 9 Corn, cargo, ? 56 S)s..M.. 66 one. 46 65 4 9 00 00 00 Corn, yel., bushel........ N Oats, V bus ih el Peas, cow, V bushel HIDES Green, ft) Dry, f ) HAY Eastern, 100 lbs... 1 North River, 100 lbs.... 1 HOOP IRON y ton 60 LARD Northern ft) North Carolina ft) 9 9 9 1 65 10 00 7 ii is; LIME V bbl LUMBER City steam sa'wd 90 9 1 oo 00 00 00 00 Ship stuff, resawed, y M ft. 18 Rough edge pi auk . M ft. 16 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, M ft...l2 Dressed flooring, seasoned. 15 Scantling and boards, com mon, M ft 12 00 20 00 18 00 14 00 25 00 14 00 32 35 f MOLASSES Cube,hhdgl Cuba, bbls., gal Sugar house, nnds. gal. " - bbls. gal... 18 20 35 60 3 13 10 9 1 00 1 12 90 1 00 00 3 00 10 00 00 60 11 00 00 Orleans Choice bbls gal. 45 60 45 10 20 25 60 60 60 00 00 00 00 15 ! NAILS Cut, 20dto4d ol L.S Kerosene, ? g Lard. gal 1 Linseed, gal 1 Rosin. gal.... PEANDTS bushel POTATOES -Sweet, bus. Irish, Northern, bbl 3 PORK Northern, city mess. 10 Thin, bbl 00 Prime, bbl (extra) 10 Rump, bbl 00 RICE Carolina, ft 7 00 00 1 1 9 9 1 East Iadia, S Rough, bushel 1 RAGS Country, lb Oity, V m ROPE Hemp Maui. L 12M 13 70 r 80 75 1 75 9 SALT Alum, V sack 00 00 80 35 00 10 00 9 t 7 8 11 7 00 25 00 00 00 00 75 00 50 60 00 50 26 22 23 17 Liverpool, sack American sack Marshal's fine, sack...... Cadii sack..... BUGAR Cuba, ft) Porto Rico, ft) 10 A- Coffee, ft) 00 B " ft). y C " lb Ex C ft) 00 Crushed ft) oOAP Northern, ft) 6 8HINGLES Contract, M 6 00 7 Common, M 1 60 2 STAVES W. O. bbl. M.10 00 15 00 00 8 00 12 50 10 00 8 00 6 00 4 R O hhd. E 00 TALLOW ft) TIMBER Shipping V M ...10 Mi I, extra per M 8 Mill, prime per M 7 Mill, fair per M 6 Common, per M 4 Interior to Ordinary .per M 3 00 4 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 26 6 9 2 North Caro ana. per gal ... 1 50 2J 26 16 WOOL Unwashed, per ft)... Washed, ner n Burry wool, per S) 9 For Health and Pleasure GO TO Patterson's C6lel)ratea Sprinzs. T HESE SPRINGS re situated four milej South of Shelby and six miles North of Whitaker's, on toe Air-Line R. R. The min eral waters a e sulphur aad chalybeate. The properties ot the sulphur are iron, su'phur and magnesia. Properties combined are be neficial to all di eases, and never fail to cure the most obatioate cases, as many wijl tttify. The chalybeate waters cannot be surpassed, having wrought many aim st miraculous cures. These Celebrated Springs will be open first April, and the prices are ia roach of all, bar ing been greatly reduced tbif season, . Bathing housss, croquet grounds, ten pin aJlev, and other am a seme nt- and attractions free fur visitor. Hacks running from this place will meet visitors at tSOelby or at Whit aker's on the Air ins R. K., upon abort no tice to the Proprietor. Rates or Boabd. Per dy ... $ 1 25 Pr ,,, 7 Ou Per month 20 00 Per month for two or more mont hi.... 18 00 Children and servants sjalf price. For further particulars, address W. G. PATTERSON. Prop'r. apl 23-d w 13t Shelby, N. C. Miscellaneous. YEU0W FEVER BLACK VOMIT. It is to soon t forget the ravap-n of this terrible disease, whlch Will no doabt re1urn in a mo-e maligna and virulent f.rm in the fall months of l(79. VxKKtiL'a Hefati!, a Remedy discovered m southern Nubia r.d Poch won derful results in Houth America wbrre the most aggravated eases of feTr are found caue from one t two ounces of bile to be 6lrered or strained from t .e blood each time it pas ess through the Liver, as long as an ex cesf of bile exists. By its wonderful action on the Liver and Stomach the HKPATlN not only prevents to a certaintv any kind of Kever and Ulack Vomit, bur alfo cures Hea i che, Constipation of the Bowels, Oyspersia and all Malarial t!iiease!,. No one'reeo fear ellow Fever who will expa the Malarial P,,i9on and xss of bile from the blood by uiug Jerkki l's Hbpatink wnrch is sold by ali Drupes in 25 cent and l 00 bottles, or wiilbeae t by ex reby the Propiic-tors A. b M JR hLL A Co , Philace'phia, Pa. Dr Pemberton's Stillingia or Queen's Delight. The reports ot wonderful cures o? Kneumauam, fccrofula, Salt Lhtum, tvphi- no, vauuer, uicerg and Morea tnat c me from all '-arts ot ihe oouatry are not oniv remark able but so miraculous aa to be doubted wer it not lor the aouniance of proof. Remarkable Cure ef Scrofula, &c. ; CASK Of uO L. J. C. BRANSON. Kingston, Ga., Sept. 15, 187t Gents: Kor sixteen years I have been a great ouft'e:er from Kcrufula in its most cis re8iEg forms. I have been ro fi ed to mv room ani be d for fit teen y ars with scrofu loun ulcerations, ibe moat upproved reme dies for such cases had b.en used, and t In most eminent physicians consulted, without a.y decided benefit. "thu& prostrated, ois tress d, deapor.ding, I was adv aed by Dr. yer, of Floyd coun .y, Ga , to commence the use of your Compoj' d Extract St llingia Language is as insufficient to describe the re lief I obtained from to use of the ftillinia as it is to eon rev an adequate id-a of the in, teiisity of my suffering before using your medicine ; sufficient to say, I abandoned al! other remedies nd e ntinued tin use of y ur Extract of ftilliniria, until I can say truly, "1 am cured of all pain," of al' disease, witb nothing to obstruct the active pursuit of my profession. More than eight months have elapsed since this remarkable cure, without any return f the disease For he truth of the above sta'ement, I re fer to any gentleman in Bartow county, Ga , and to the members of the bar of Cherokee Circuit, who are acquainted with me. I shall yer remain, with the deepest gratitude, Your obedient se; vant, J. U. BRANSON, Au'y ai.Law. A MIRACLE.: West Poi&t, Ga., Sept. 16, 1870. Gents: My daughter was taken on the 25th day ot June, 1863, witb what was supposed to be Acute Khdumatism, and wa8 treated for the same wkh no success. In &arch, follow ing, pieces of bone began to work out of the right arm, and continued to appear till all the bon-; from tbe elbow to the shoulder joint CMiie out Many pieces of bne came out ol the right foot ac j leer. The case was then pronounced one of White dwelling. After hsviog been confined about six years to her bed, and the case considered hopelrs?, I was induced to try Dr. Pemberton's Compound rxtrac' ot Stilii- gia. and was so well satis fied with its effects that I have continued the use of it until the present. My daughter was confined to her bed about six vests before sue sat up or even turned over without help. She now sit' up all da?, and sews most of her ti e has walked acros the room. Her general health ia now good, and I oelieve she will, as her limbs gain st fngth, waik well. I attribute her recove ry, with thrf blegvi of God, to the usa of ourinva uble uicdiciiie. With gratitude, 1 am, yours truly. W. B. bLANTON. West Point, Ga., Sept 16, 1870. Gents: he ab ve certificate of Mr.W. B. Blabton we know and certify to aa being true The thing ig s ; hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to it. Ae much reference can be given as may be required. Y ours truly, CRAWbOKU i WALKER, Druggists. HO.V. H. D WILLIAMS. fl&? D!i. Pemberton's ttillingia i pre pared by A. F. Merrell A Co.. Phila., Pa. Scld by all Druggists in $1 0i) bottles, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canyast every whe e. Send for Hoi k "Curious Story" free to all. Medicines Bent to poor people, payable in instalments. may 28 CEO. P. ROWELL & CO. Hrwspa per Mfertmaj Agency. For Ten Ceuts : One hundred page Pam phlet with Lists of Newspapers and Adver tising Rates. For Ten Dollar? : F-.ur linej inserted one week in Three Hundred and Fifty Newspa pers. to ruce St. Sp N. Y. may 28- The Collins House On The European Plan. Corner Front and Bed Cross Street Near Union DepoJ- J RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO my friends nnd tbe public thit I have opened the above House aud am now pre pared to furnish meals and Lnigiiigs. Restaurant open at all hours. Prices low and bed-rooms neat, clean nd airy. Special rates by day, week or month. ttThe only Restatirant in the city. VY. Al. KyyuL.io, oct 2f-2Uw-mUm Proprietor. To the Summer ResorjM OF Western North Carolina BY TflE NEW AND ATTRACTIVE SPARTAN BURG ROUTE. -J Wilmisgtox, Vol.. & Ahu sta R. U. Pai engrr Department, J;n 1. 1T QOMMKVCINU JO.VE 1Mb, gT9, the fol io m ing prert and ennti; u us Schedule w 1' be operated over -he SPARTANBURG ROUTE, Ov which Round Trip Tickets, to all promi nent Western North Carolina ETrursi.in points, will be on sal-, good until November 1st, 1879. Lcare Wilmington (by Sleeping Cars to Col umbia) 10.13 P M Leave Columbia...... ...10 .50 A M Arrive at Spa.tabu'g 3.10 P M Arrive at Henderronville 6.10 P M Arrive at Aabeville 10.20 P M 24 Hours ! Wilmington to Asheville ! To connect with this verv attractive ached - ule, Passengers can leave: Weldon .5.32 P M V. ilaon 5.40 P M Ta-boro 10 00 A M Newbern 6.41 A M Gold.boro C.36 P M Magnolia .00 P M For Ticket, Time Cards, engagement of Sleeping Ca- accommodations, kc, Ac, in quire of Agents at the stations named, or of the undersigned. A. POPE, jane 10 Gen, Passenger AgeBt. Furniture. TlrT RECEIVED FROM FACTOR V a large 'assortment of Walnut, and other grades of FURNITURE, which we ofler at Great Bargains. Call and examine. fob 1). A. SMI II '& CO. TEACBEBS tVt sllJDENT!j t ) $100 or $200 pr Month during Vacation. For full particulnrs, address,!. C. Mo-UKDY & CO., Plrladelphia, Pa. june 18-lw DEAR SIR : Pleu--e write for laree Illustrated Catalogue of Rifles Shot Cunsi Revolver". Address Great Western Gun Woiks, Pitts burg, Pa. june lr-4w SANFOHD'S The onlv combination of the true Jamaica linger with choice Ar o'uatic and French Brandy for Cholera Morbus, Cramps and 1'iins, Dia-rbrot and ypentery, Dispcpsia, Flatulency, Want of Tone aid Activity in the Stomach and Bow els, and avoiding the dangers of Chang of W:Ur, Food and Cli nate. Ask for JAMACIA QINQEf. anford's Jamacia Cinger. june i8-4w LAME BACK! BENSON'S CAPCINE PORUS PLASTER is for lameness or weakness of the back, heumat sm aad all local acbos and painp, the beat remedy known, Ii was invented :o overcome the slow action of the ordina ry Porus Plaster. It relieves pain at once, and cu'es where othar p asters will not even relieve. Said everj where by Jruggists, Price 26 cent, june 18 , NEW PIANOS $125 Each, and all styles, including Grand Square and Upright, ah strictly first clasi, aold at the lowest uht cash wholisals factory price, direct to the pl kch a se n. These Pianos made one of the finest displays at the Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re commended for the HioaasT Hono&a over 13,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory established ovr 36 years The Sqnare Grande contain Mathu shek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement in the history ef Piano making. The Uprights are the finest in America. Pianos sent on triaL Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive catalogue of 48 pages mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., apl 7-6 m 31 East 15th str!t. N Y Furniture ! Furniture ! A Large Aas rticent of WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS ! ! to be sold at the very bottom prices. Walnut Wardrobes, Sidob ar's, Extension TaMes, Marble Top Tab' es, Ac, Ac., as well as common Cham bo r Sets, Bedsteads, Chairs and Rockers of all sorts. Looking Gl Mirrors, Parlor Suit', Lounges, Shades. Bed ding and everything belonging to a First Class r urnlture Establishment Also, another lot of the celebra ed Genuin e Stewart Hewing Machines, a roal comfort. For sale at F. A. 8CUUTTK8, 26 and 28 Front and 1 1 to 19 Dock ats. may J'J Rail Road Lines, &c. IfjBgijjgg WILMINGTON & WELDOK iiAILROAD COBtPAJf. Urrtm tw ffrw't ?rri?RT'TmnvT " i WihaincVMi, . 0. Jaoe IS, l7f ( H JF OF SCHF.'DULF. On and after Sunday, Jnne 15th, 19?!, r'nger trains on the Wi.mintoD k VV.. dop Kailr ad will run as fellows r DAY MAIL AM) KXPRKSS TRAIN, day lare Wiianineton, Kront St. Deprt t- 7 1 'A ' Arrive at Weldr.aat l ic : Lere W.Jd..n.... 8 j P M Arrive at Wilmington, Front t. Depot at 9 g 1 g VIGHT MAIL AM) EXPRSHH TK A o DAILY. Leave Wilruinjrton. Front St Depot at. fi I v. Arrive at Weldon at. 3 5i Leave Weldon l; A Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at t 45 . v Train on Tarb'.ro Branch Roaa !tv: Rockv Mount for 1 arboro at 5.o0 P i d ilv, and Tuesday, Thurdv and Saturt v at 4 :iU A M. Returning, leave Tarboro at 10.1't A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday aid Friday atfi:30 P M. The Day Train makes close connection l vYeldon for all points ortb vi lav L i daily, (eacept Sunday) and dailv, via mond and all rail route . Xight train makes close connecti.ia. Weldon for all points north via Riehroort. Sleping ( 'ars att a no t.-w.!i N igh; rr : JOHN F. DIVINE, Generai ur t. june 13 - . tit ii. Gen'ISup'ts Officf. WILMINGTOV, COLUMBIA AVI) AU &airtA RAILROAD CO Wilmington, N. C, June 1 !, 1 19 OHANGK OF SCHEDULE, On and after Sunday, June 15, th- fol lowing schedule will be rim on tblsroadt DAY EXPPSS AND MAIL TRAIN, daily. Leave Wilmington 9 l 5 A M A rrive Florence f. 125PM Leave Florence .'! 6u P M Arrive at WilminWn 8 WO P al NIGHT EXPRES8 TRAIN (DaUy). Leave Wilmington - 19 13 P M Leave Florence.. I f A M Arrive at Columbia 1 9 00 A M Leave Columbia 6 10AM Leave Florence 2 66 A M Arrive at Wilmington 6 '0 A M This Train stors only at FlenJngton, Whiteville, Fair Blui, and Marion. Passengers for Angasta ( via 0'!umbia , should take Night Express Train from ii mington. Through Sleepln? Csrs on night trai. for Charleston and Augueta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup. iu e 1 i ti t- CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO, OFFTOK GlHfcRAL SrPlRTNfRSrKNT, Wilmineton, N. C, Mr 18. l79.j Change of Sen edit i,k ON AND A FTER Til IS dite. t e f 11 w ing Schedule will be operated on tl a Railway : Pas?enrer. Mail and Express Train. Leve Wilmington at.... 7.0 P M Arrive at Hamlet at 2: 7 A M No. 1. at Charlotte at.... :'2(l A M Leave Charlotte at 8 'IS P lb No. 2. Arrive at Hamletat l;3l A M " at Wihoinfrton at 9 0 A M flosp cornert'' n made at Hamlet with trains of Kaleigh A Augusta Air i in- Kail Wfy. Shelby Division Mail. Freight A Pas engT and Fxpre a. No. 9. 1 Leave Charlotte ft 40 A U j Arrive at Shelby 12:3 ) P M No. 10. J Leave Shelbv 1:16 i' M Arrive at Charlotte 6:05 P M V. v.. OHNSO.N. may 17 General Superintend, it. CHAS. KLEIN, MciMer ani Cabinet Maker, No. 24 South Fmnt Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. A fine Mff rtment of Coffins and Cast kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished Orders by tele graph or mail promptly filled. jsn 13 Theodore Joseph, Corner of Harnett & F aliabury Sts. One Corner West Raleigh Rational Hank. RALEIG H, N. C. Board Dy thedar or on the European plai Stiifaction eurranteed in every particular My bar is supplied with FincheS t- Mn Wedding, 1870, Gibson's 1871 Rye, PfeifTer A and Cr and many more of the Fiats s brands of Hye and Kentucky Bourbon, oct lfrtf lleadqiianers for AIo, Lager Beer and Porter. B BXAZLGUS di. ZCZ '2, No. 6 Market Btroc 1 iN FURNIiiflVOL WliH THE bS. Ale, Lager Ber and Port-r, both keg aid bottled, in the city. SBT Conn try ordert pr npt: v tt idi ' tj $300 A M N I li tra t tpe'l. $ll a 1 iy . htme uiAdf hy t' imillWffrTrf. tJapaai DO n w-; wi.i . . a atart you. Mnn, wntut n, iys and girls make money faster at work fur us t' -m a, anytliing eiae. Tle work is light ud pleasant, art.) snch aa anyone can go right at. Those w are wia? who see Uiii notice will send us ih-ir addresses at Ossee and see for tbmselyes. Costhy Ouuit and tera'S free. Now to the time. Those al ready at work are laying up huge sums of money. Address THUS & CO , Augusta, Maine, 1 dw.