this ri.Pi pablisbsd sv.ry ufturaoom, Sundays - pted bf JOSH. T. JAMES, CDTTOB AND PUOPRIUTO. Al i:KJPT10NH. POSTAGE paid. . ..m: i 00 Six months, $2 60 ; Thrw miBth9,fl 16; One month, 60 cent. The PPr wil1 N deliTered bT crri" of charge, y part of the city, at the rates, orl?centa per week. Advertising rates low and liberal -Subscribers will please report any and . failures to receive their papers regularly. NEW ENTERPRISE. 30WN & RODDICK, Will opn on or aoout Wednesday, June 18, The St( re on the Southwest corner of Second and Market streets. We par- p. '-voting this entire store to the saie 0fr:icls at 5 and lO Cents. We cannot enumerate the different arti cle, at this time but our patrons may rest ,.ir 1 'hat no effort will be spared to de velop this New Enterprise. We certainly will offer the greatest in ducements that have ever been shown in his section of the country, as no house in c uatry has better facilities for'fhe base of such articles. BROWN & RODDICK. We w.iuld also take this opportunity of stating that we are oftenng some Special Barcaius at 45 Market Street, in our Dry Goods Department. Bfing--shTrt of space can only quote a short price list, but can safely say that at no time have we been better prepared or hadgrea'.er inducements than at this par ticular moment. Dress Goods. We have just received another small lot of those at 15c. Call early. Lawns Linen Finish, 6c. Worth double. Celluloid Bows for Gent's wear in Black and White, 5c, worth 25c. The above when soiled can be cleansed with a damp cloth. Ladies Linen Collars, 5c. A decided Bargain. Summer Shawls. We are closing out a -small lot of the above at less than half the cost ot manu factoring. Children's Col'd Hose. The cher pest lot in this market ; 10c a pair, and the quality is good. I ADIES LISLE THREAD GLOVES, 5c per pair. Comment unnecessary. Parasols and Sunshades. We have just received another lot of the above and can safely state that they are without exception the cheapest goods ever Uiyred by us at auy time. FANS ! 1 FANS ! ! ! For the millions at all prices. Gents' White Shirts. Made of Wamsutta Cotton and the best Liuen front. Our price is still 75 cents BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street june 14 Kobesoniau copy. Don't Travel TMTHOUT BEING PROVIDED with V V a nice Alpacea or Linen Duster. Summer Clothing CHEAPER THAN EVER now at SHRIER'S. We are selling everything it a sacrifice se as to make room far FALL AND WINTER STOCK ! The Diamond is the beet SMrt in the c ty. Laundri d $I,unlaundried, 76 cents, at SHRIEK'S TWO STORES, june 17 Market si. Warm Springs, Western Forth Carolina. TS NOW OPEN for the reception of pleas- u e seekers anc invalid. This lovely p'aee is situated in the beauti ful valley of the trench Broad, within eight nrlea of the rai road. We hare a fine band of music, attentive par ants, and all other accommodations to be found at a first-class watering piae . For panic a tars applv for descriptive pam Phh)t. W. H. HOWERTON, june 10 ltn Proprietor. The Daily Review. VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1879. NO. 123 LOCAL NEWS. If ew Advertisements. F. O. Millks Another Lot. Read ad Exchange Hotel. Clyde's New York Steamship Line. OnaBAUDT A Co Bnggies, Harness and Saddles. Boatwright A McKot Wholesale and Retail Grocers. J D Davis Visitors to Smith villa. Geo. Myers, Agent Grand Moonlight Excursion on the Stmr. Passport. tP, L. Bridge as A Co Various Advertise ments. Coknht Clcs Second Grand Moonlight Excursion. Hussy Sayagb Trea. A Col Tax Notice. J no. J. F.wler Card of Thanks. P.HaiNSBKaesa For the Su earner. J. C. Monbs, Druggist lavjring Ex tracts. Shriek's -Summer lothiag. June steps down and out to-day. For other loea! pee fourth paee. Needs looking into a telescope. Day's length 14 hours and 31 mia utes. . - A bat that flies brick bat. without wings A Cousin Annie Maria Barnes is in Pe tersburg "doing" that ancient burg. The man wfio stuck to his colors was the painter who sat down in one of his paint pots. A good 'farmer never slights his work; he looks after the near rows, as well as the fur rows. Mr. J. T. Schonwald, Jr., a son of Dr. Schonwald. of this city, graduated recently at Long Island College Hospital. A printer does not rush off to the doc tor every time he is out of "sorts." Nor to a baker when he js out of "pi." I Pa lady wants a favor of a boy she praises him; of a young man she hires him; of an old man she flatten him. A nice fine shoat, claimed by Duncan Holme as his property was run over by a two horse truck and killed on k Water street this morning. A car loadpf watermelons from the far South passed through this city this morning by the Atlantic Coast Line en route for New York. Our port is beginning to be filled with foreign shipping again. No less than five vessels arrived since Saturday's report, and more are reported in below. New Hanover, says the Raleigh Obser ver.leads in the value of its town proper ty, valued at $2,571,573; Wake has $1, 510,321; and Mecklenburg has $1,451,-743. The best counterfeit silver half dol lar ever coined is just out. It naadeits first appearance in New Orleans. The milled edges, color and all are perfect, and it weighs but little less than the gen nine coin. Everything conducive to the better con dition of the baby is sure to attract at tention; and hence it is that Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is becoming more and more appreciated, as its wenderful influence in subduing the diseases of babyhood be comes recognized. Price 25, cents. We want to tell Bro. Doesey Battle, of the Tarboro Southerner, likewise of the Fourth Estate, how much we have enjoyed the perusal of his address, deliv ered before the members of the Press Convention, ladies and gentlemen, and others, at the Sparkling Catawba Springs last year. There's lots of laugh in it. Flavoring Extracts- LEMON, Vanilla, Almond, Strawber j, . Orange, Raspberrv, Bnana, Pine Apple. Warranted Pare. For sale by J 18 Third street, Opp. City HaU, Dr. B. F. Cobb and son, Mr. CM. B Oobb, of the Purcell House, Wilmington came te Hickory two weeks ago with a view of purchasing landa and locating in our midst. They were pleased witn this sectioa and have decided to become, citizens of Hickory. Mr Cebb has re turned and will bring the families of the two to this town in a few weeks; in the mean time the Dr. is here making arrage raents for their reception. Hickory Press. The Swamiaiioa Hotel. We acknowledge, with thanks, an in vitation from the manager, Mr. W. M . Nicholls to attend the Opening Hop of the Swannanoa Hotel, in Asheville, to be given on the Wednesday of next ' week, Jnlv 9th. This hoase is newly opened and we notice a prominent feature, one which will make it a papular residence for tourists and travelers, which is that every Monday and Wednesday night, during the season, there is to be a Calico Hop and eveiy Thursday a German, at the Hotel for the benefit of the guests. By the Ligtit of the Moon. The Passport has baen dorated 'with a plentiful supply of bright new paint, put where it will do the most good, and an entertainment, which Commodore Myers designates as "The Climax of the Season," will be given on her down the river to-moi row evening, "by the light of he moon." There will be good music on board, a plenty of ice water and all for 50 cents tor the round trip. He Has Lefc Us. The Mr, Chamberlain (first name un known) who spent two weeks in the city werkmg up;thb postoffice robbery case, has very properly left Wilmiugton aud gone back to his congenialities in Atlanta. He is a gove runiem detective and we hope noc a very fair sample ot his class, so tar as 'his peculiarly perceptive powers are concerned. His official nose must he terribly out of joint. Let him try it over again somewhere else and see if he can't make a better job ot it next time. Going to Portsmouth. Our young friend, Mr. A . H. Kelly, sn well and favorably known as a clerk in Col. A. Pope s office, in this city, has received the appoiutment of Claim and Trace Agent at Portsmouth, Va . and will m a few days assume the duties of that position. We commend him to the courtly consideration of the good folks, in Portsmouth, and especially the young ladies. Another Sleeping Coach- We noticed to-day that 1 another parlor coach has been trausforme Ijiute a sleeping car by the W. C. & A. Railroad, and is now ready for use. This make, the second car that has been thus transformed, the first having been noticed by the Review some two or three weeks ago This is almost an exact counterpart of the other, and is a model ef neatness, ce avenience and superb workmanship. The cars are to be used upon the W. C. A. Road, and we learn that the work of transformation was done at tha railroad shops in this city. Yesterday's Shower. The copious shower with which parch ed vegetation was bountifully refreshed yesterday evening w as a welcome visitor from South Carolina. It made its ap pearance at Florence, S. C, where it was much needed, yesterday a little after noon, and traveling the line ef the W. C & A. Railroad raiued smartly aleng the entire route to this city. It reached Marion at about 2 o'clock, Fair Bluff at about 3' o'clock and Whiteville at about 4 o'clock p. m. The crops along tha line we have indicated were needing rain aud were becoming parched up and the plant ers were beginning to despond, but the rainfall of yesterday made vegetation and tha hearts of men rejoice. Its benefits are incalculable. The Cornet Concert Club. In the press of the large amount of local matter prepared for Saturday's issue of the Riview a notice of the Open Air Concert, given by the Cornet Concert Club in the City Hall Park on Friday evening, was overlooked. There was a small atten dance, but those who wore there weie more snore than repaid for the trouble of attending. Eleven pieces were played. As has been previously stated by us the Club will give a moonlight excursion down the river on next Wednesday even ing, a prominent feature being the ex quisite music which will be furnished on the trip. It will take place on the Passport and ouly a limited uumber of tickets will be issued. The boat will leave her wharf at 7 30 a'olock and return positively, at 12.30. . City Court. Larry Williams, colored, charged with disorderly conduct and insulting a police officer in discharge of his duty, was sen tanced to pay a fine of $10 or serve fifteen days in the city prison. Defendant went below. Henry Thomas, a colored lad of twelve years of age, or more, was arraigned for stealing a package of grits from Mr. J. H. McGarity's store, corner of Front and Dock streets, on Saturday night. The testimony of Mr. McGarity being positive and conclusive, having caught the defend ant in the act, the Mayor ordered the pris- oner to give a justified bond iu the sum of $50 for bis appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, in default of which was committed. Daniel Brown, anaigued upon the charge of assaulting a police officer, entered a submission through his counsel, M. Bellamy, Esq., and craved tbe leniency of the Court, the counsel stating at the same time that defendant had been severely punished by tbe blow he received m the melee, from which he still s uttered, and was only to-day enabled lo leav-i his bed, though the difficulty had occured a week ago. The sentence of the Court, in con. sideration of the statement of the counsel' was $2o fine, or thirty days in the city prison. The fine was paid, and the de fendant released. This finished the docket, and the Court adjourned. Prizes for the Regatta. T. e prizee for the winniug yachts on the Foutth aie on exhibition at Mr. Honnet's etoieon Maiket street. The fnst pn .: ia a silver ice pitcher, beautifully engraved ; the secnu a silver and cut-glass beny di-h, aud the third, a silver and cut-glass pickle stand. The prizes are all useful aud handsome, and reflect credit upon " the tastes ot those who s-lected them. . Now the question is, vhich yachts will w!n them :J New Advertisement. The Crops. Nature everywhere wears a cheerful countenance to-day, after the refresh ii g showers of yesterday. The growing crops fairly laughed with joy as the rain poured down upon the parched eanh. With all the other blessings of the holy Sabbath day, it brought relief to the crop:i and re-: joicing to the hard-working farmer, in the bountiful dispensation by a merciful Pro vidence of abundaut rain. The farmers had been wishing and p-aying for rain until hope deterred made tbe heart sick. Tbe corn was withering under the burning rays of the noon-day sun. Other crops were sutler ing. The farming classes were becoming discouraged because of the pro. tracted drought although, a dry June, so the grass and weeds can be batter killed, is considered the best for crops. We have not met a farmer or gardener to-day who does not show a pleasing face. The crops willnowtakea new start. The reports of the prospects are f avorrb le . A Novel Case. Two or three years ago, while Mr. David P. Foster was working at a lathe, as a machinist, in the employ of the W. C. & A: Railroad, a small piece of steel struck him on the end of his nose ana penetrated the flesh. It was soon removed and nothing more was thought of the matter. The wounded part did not heal, however, and after a while an excresence appeared very much resembling a large reddish eelored wart, which gave him much annoyance and created anxiety, not only on account ot the disfigurement it produced, but in the fear that it might terminate in a cancer. Several physicians were consulted and their remedies ap plied withjjjt apparent benefit. Some few weeks ago. while his daughter, Miss Kate Foster, was applying a dressing to the diseased organ, she discovered ac cidentally that there was a hard sub stance lodged beneath the curticle of the upper lip, immediately under the curti lage which separates the nostrils. Punc turing the place with a needle she became aware that some hard foreign substance was embedded there, and tatting a sharp pen knife she made a s ight incision from which she extracted a small piece of teel about one-eighthof an inch in length. Fcom that day the no33 began to heal until now the last vestige of the wart has disappeared and the organ has resumed its normal healthy appearance. The only solution we can give to the mattei is, that a Msmall fragment remained in the wound after the accident, and after trav eling around and keeping up a continued annoyance, it at last settled where it was discovered and extracted as above stated New Advertisements. A NEW SUPPLY OF THE POPULAK P-R-I-N-C-I-P-E Cigars. gold only by june 30 P. L. BRIDGER3 A CO. Grand Moonlight Concert. rpHE NEWLY REFITTED and Decora ted Steamer PASSPORT, Capt. J. W, Har per, will give an entertaiament TUESDAY JEVJEISO, July 1879. THE CLIMAX OF THE SEASON'. Leave wharf for Federal Paint. T.30 ; Re turn 12.50 sharp. 8trinT Band engaged. Ticket! Limited Fifty Cents Round Trip. For sale at office of jane 30 -it GEO. M ERS, Agt. P. L. Bridgers & Co., yyTLL HAVE 7 0 BEG THE indulgence of he public ( r a few dajs, as the demand for the GOLDEN RULE FLOUR has been greater than thej could supplr. jane 30 Card of Thanks. THE CAROLINA YACHT CLUB, being tuly sn itive of ihe furors ihowo it on the oecas'.en of tie reit rirfer races, unani m ualj adopted a resolution of thanks at their meeting on the 26th inst., expreasire of their appreciation of the kindness of Messrs. Lem merman A Coney In furnishing Lighters from which to start Yschts. Also, to the Messrs. Hei e, for the use of the Stesm-tug Nyee, for placing Lighters ia p eition. june 30 It JNO. J. FOWLER, Pu-ser. Another Lot B ONFUME CATARRH AND ASTHMA xJ Cigarattea, Simmons' Liver Regulator, Lnbin's Powders. Green's August Flower Bull's Blood Mixture, Allan's Fly Brick, Tettow's Blanc Illusion, and a full stock of prescription drugs. F. C. MILLER, Corner Fourth and Nun streets. &t" Open Day and Night, jmne 30 GOTO P. L. BRIDGERS & CO, FOR The Flower of Kev West Cigar ! The Best 10c Cigar in the Woild. Other Merchants quit keeping them on ac count of the small profits to be made on them june 30 P. L, BRIDGERS A CO. Boatwright & McKoy ARE STILL 1NT THE FIELD II ii ii ling up more mmmI. Prompt Paying Customers. WE ARE GOING TO FIND THEM! WE ARE BOUND TO HAVE THEM ! As we have the ammunition that will bring them down, sen at long range, v'z : The Finest Stock OF FRESH GROCERIES ! ever offered in the City of Wilmington. RECEIPTS ARE DAILY AND EXCEEDINGLY LARGE ! PRICES AS A WHOLESALE I LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE STATE. We hare by far the Largest Stock to select from in the City. JSsT Come aad ;e us. "TLe string hacg on the outside." Boat wi ight & McXoy, 5 dc 7 IVcrth Front Street- june 30 Don't Forget rpHB CAPE FEAR, . OLD CBI5KT, and STEWART'd RYE, at PLEASE.JTOTICE. We will be f lad to receive eoirxnnnuationl 'rom our friends oa any aad all subjects o t general interest but : Tbe name of the writer mug always be fa aished to the Editor. Communications must be written on only ne side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and parti mlarly under urod that the Editor do not always endosa the views of cor rest-on dents, unless so state in the editorial columns. New Advertisements. CLYDE'S New York AND Wilmington, N. C.. Steamship Line. The Steamer REGULATOR. OAPT. DOANE. WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK O SATURDAY. July 5. Shippers oan rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised, ffas For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOA D, 8up't, Wilmington, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., 35 Broadway, New York. june 30- Second Grail HooBliflt EicnrsiOH UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE CORNET CLUB, rn Stmr. Passport, to Fort Fisher, WEDNESDAY, July 3d. Boat will leave .Wharf at 7.30 o'clock, retormng- positiveiy at W..5U. Tickets limited. Bound trip 50 cent".. Music bv the Italian Band. Committee J. E. Willson, h. J. Otter bourg, H. I). Hurkhimer. june 30 2t Moonlight on the Water! RAND MOONLIGHT FXOURSION X ON THE 8TSAMER ISIS, tJn MONDAY NIOHT, Jun 3Jth. Boat will leave Williams A Hurcbison's wharf at 8 o'clock, sharp. Fare for round trip only 26 cents . R. P. PADDISON, june 27-2t fri-mon. Agent. Visitors to Smithville WILL FIND THE BEST LIQUOR8, Wires, Beer and Cigars at my ploea The celebrated Delmonico and Blue Ora Whiakeya, Dry Wines, Champagne and Mil waukee Beer always on hand Sardines and Pickels for convenience of excursionists, at J. D. DAVIS', june 39- Jast back of Oarrisien. pTlTbridgers & CO. Wish to notify the public that the CELEBRATED PAROLE WHISKET. Will arrive on TUESDAY, Put up in the most convenient shaped not ties, each in a nice little caje, and for th j quality of Whiakey sold remarkably low. They are the SOLS AGENTS, june SO For the Summer- AN IMMENSE STOCK OF Choice Reading to suit al A Qo9 selection of late literature Jut received at the LI YE BOOK STORE. Oatrcs for tbe Parlor and Playr roends for old and young new and interesting. Musical Instrument! of Every Kind. Pianos and Organs, OOLD ON THE jan 30 INSTALMENT PLAN AT H EINSBfcRGER't, Nos. 39 and 41 Market st. Office Clerk & Treasurer, City of Wilmington, V- C JUNE 30tb, 187. Notice. june 30 P. L. BRIDGERS A GO. rpHE CITY TAX BOOKS for the yiart 1677 and 1879, will be put in the hands of tbe City Attorney on Monday, July 7th, 1879, to enforce ths collection of the taxes due. All parties interested will save extra cost by ca'ling at this oflce this week and settle. By order of the Mayor. HKN&Y.SAYA'JE, june 3o-lt Star copy Treat. A Co!. Buggies, Buggies. Harness & Saddles, FOE HALE AT GERHARD T 4L CO S, 3rd St., opposite City Hall. REPAIRING DONS WITH MEATNESs? AND DISPATCH. HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY juae 30-tf