TERRIFIC BOILER F.IPL0SI05. A Pianlns Mill anil two Dwclllnss Wrecked Five Lives Lost P h i l a DEiiPH i a , J ue, 27 A boiler exploded this morning iD the saw and planing mill of Alpheua Wilt & Son, which haa a frontage on the eaut side of Front street, above Fairmount ave nue, from 711 to 7l3, inctaive. One house in a rar court wab ruz -d to the ground and a whole family were bur ied in the ruins. An end of the boiler shot through the brick wall of another house and lodged on the second floor, demolishing everything. Tha .explo. sion occurred, according to all ac counts, at about 7.45 A M. As is cus tomary in planing mills, the furnaces were fired with shavings, which neces sitates a filing up about every fifteen minutes. Tne engineer, Michael Dietel, had just fired up, and was sit ting in front of the end of the boiler reading a newspaper; the end blew out, and he was hurled with it acros Court A, through a wall and into the sacond story of a house standing at the southeast corner of the two alleys. His dead body was fcuud lying in a heap in one corner of the room with bis ribs orushed in and his mouth torn from tar to ear. He was about 36 years old, and leuvta a'wifo and four children . As soon as the police and firemen ar rived they went to extricate the dead and wounded. In a house adj lining the boiler house Jived John MeAvsy and his wife, Mary Ann McAvoy, arid thelatter's three cbildreu by her first husband, named Claude, Stella, and Eva Long. When the boiler parted the eugine house was torn into atoms, without a brick left standing and McAvoy s house suffered the same fate. John McAvoy had "gdhe off to work. Mrs McAvoy, with the as sistance of one of the children, was clear i ing away the breakfast table. The other children were engaged in some other work. The first body found was that ol Claude Long, 8 years of age. There was not the Sign ot a bruise upon it. The medical men who examined it expressed the opinion that the boy died of fright. Stella Long his sister, was next taken out of the ruins very severely injured, but her woundB, it is believed, will not prove fatal. The body of Mrs McAvoy was found beneath a bureau, and wedged be tween two heavy pieces of timber. It took two to extricate it. Eva Long, ageci 11, is missing, and is believed to be buried in the ruins. Houses 11, 12 and 13, Court B, were all more or less damagud. It was 11 into which the end of the boiler and the engi neer were blown. The whole front of" this house was torn away. It was occupied by the Gamble family . Mrs. Gamble and her children were, in the yard at the time, and escaped uninjured. In 12 lived John Hetzle and his family. Strange to say, the only one this family hu. t was a boy ealled Lollie, who was not iu the house, but over on Beach street. He was hit by a missile, but not very badly hurt. Shortly before sundown the dead body of Eva Long was found sitting with a lork in one hand and a broken cup handle in the other. Stella Long has since died from her injuries. Extension of the Fast Mail Service in the South Washington, June 27 The Post office department proposes at an early date to extend the fast mail service in the South over two routes. One route will be from here to Jacksonville, Fia, by way of Charleston and Savannah, and the other from here to New Or leans, by way of Richmond, Atlanta, Montgomery and Mobile. It was ex pected that these routes would be put in operation by the 1st of July next, but the postal cars neeessary for the service, which are in course of con struotion, will not be finished by that date. The work will not, however, be delayed much after that date. The schedules, number and trips weekly, &o, have not yet been determined on. A Swinish Pestilence. Chicago, June 27 Stock raisers re port terrible ravages among young pigs by hog cholera in southern Wis consin and also in Davies county. 111 A Galena dispatch says that hundreds are dying, and the disease not only spreads from drove to drove, but is always attended with fatal results The disease has raged for some mouths i Grant oounty, Iowa, and Lafayette county, VVisoonsiu. In Davies oounty, III, and Dubuque oouuty, Iowa, the loss is simply incalculable, some farm ers having taen ruined and others are much discouraged. Chinese Emigration to Cuba. Hong Kong, Juue 1. A proclama tion has been issued permitting emi gration from China to Cuba under specified conditions. Emigrants must pay their own passage, and obtain prssports from the native officials at the port of departure, vized by the Spanish Consul . Every ship is to be striody searched to prevent uu author izad departures, the same course to bs pursued at Havana by the Chinese Consul, as an additional precaution. Great pains are to be taken to insure humane treatment in Cuba. The (Herman Tobacco Tariff. Berlin". Juue 27. The Tobacco Commission arrived at the decision in favor of imposing a duty of 85 marks per hundred kitograms on foreigh to oacco, despite the Government's state ment that refusal to fix the duty at 100 marks would jeopardize the pas sage of the bill. The Reichstag has adopted the clauses of the customs tariff relating to drugs, colors, dyes, glass, paper, oardboard goods, lead, tin, and Etnc. Egypt's Floating Debt. London, Juue 28 The Standard's Cairo correspondent learns from an official source that the floating debt of Egypt has been reduced by two million pounds s:uoe the departure of the Khedive's European Ministers. N. T. Sun. Another Veto Expected. Washington, June 28 UUyea says to-night that he will sign the bit I- passed by the Senate to-day making appropria tions tor judicial expenses proper, nat he will veto the hill making appropriations for payment of marshal, tie sys that if 'Jongres adjourns on Monday without providing for the payment of marshals, is is the present intention, be will iuime 1 lately reconvene Cougress by proclaoja iioa on Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning. Mayes thinks that the South ern men are anxious to conibiue with the Republicans to pay the deputy marshals He does not believe that the Southern DemocratsJ agreed to the last caucus pro gramme cheerfully, hence he wi l give them one more opportunity to behave themselves and give the money to run the partisan raachiue. Hayes says, how ever, that rf Congress adiourns a second time without making appropriations for marshals he will not recall then a third time. Abolishing Peter the treat's Foil Tax St- Petebrbuko, June 27 The Golos says that ti poll taxtablished by Peter the Great has beeulTOoiished . Duties on interest bearing paper, on the incomes of persons subject to mil Vary service, and on buildings outside the towns have been substituted. Chill and the Argentine Slates. London. J'ine 27 Advices from Bue nos Ay res to Juue 1, received by steamer at Southampton, report that Chill had concluded a treaty with the Argentine States containing a clause which giv' s rhe whole of Pata 'Oiira to the Argentine Republic. Resignation of the Khedive's Minis try. London, June 28 A despatch Lorn Alexandria to the Dailv News states that the Ministrv of the late Govern ment has resigned, and that Cherif Pa&ha isorming another. General Grant San Francisco,- June steamer Belgio from Hong Yohohama, arrived this General Grant left far Peking on the 30th of M.'y. 29 -The Kong, via afternoon CAROLINA- The, revenue deposits in Raleigh l ist week were $27,926.09. Border Review : Mr ThoB Speed, of Warren County, showed us a bundle of tobacco yesterday that measured 30 inches, and some of it had been broken off. How is that for long? Hickory JPress: Mr M M Ciine, a citizen of this oounty, lost by that in curable disease, oho. era, abcut sixty tine hogs in the space of two weeks majority of them weighing near 200 pounds.' Other citizens have met with a like misfortune. Charlotte Observer : A telegram to Judge Shipp, from his son, W E Shipp, lately appointed to a cadetship ut West Point, announces the gratify ing intelligence that he has success fully passed all his examinations and has been admitted to that institution. Raleigh Observer : A band of col ored cotton choppers, composed of a dozen women and as ma iy mer, have oeeu moving from farm to farm and chopping out the ootton by the day in a part of this county. Oa yeijterday nine Of the men struck work, threw down their hoes and swore that the sun was too hot for them, that they could not bear it The women held on until the last row was chopped out and then walked off with their wages. Newbern Nut Shell : It appeared to us on Thursduy as a rather singular circumstance that 1,300 persons, among whom were drunken man, giddy child ren and restless boys could be carried 72miles on the cars and not the slight est accident occur to a single human being. When the train Jeft this city probably 9 persons of 10 were fearful that something terrible wouid occur btfore their return. But the cars were in good hands and as the sequel de monstrated, there was no cause for fear. Newheru itemtocrt: JffVur young men arrived in Newbern on Thursday, who left Goidsboro Monday, and made the entire trip to this place iu an' open boat down the Neus river. They took Nations with them, and also guns: they encamped at night on the banks of the river. The actual time consumed in travel in making this trip was 33 hours and the distance travelled was 144 t m i . miies. iue names oi tuese young adventurers are J t, Palmer, J W Long, J S Rodgers and A J F anner; tney wiil leave, we learn, on the train to- day for their Iniknes in Goidsboro. Charlotte Observer: Wm Burney, a youug man of this county, who took the degree of B S at Davidson College in 1875, has beeu studying chemistry, physics, geology ftQ(J mineralogy at Leipsio and Heidelberg, uuder Buusen, the most reuowned scientist iu his de partment now living. In January last Mr Burney took the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph D) at Heidelberg, with the highest houor, what is tech nically known as Hummacum laude, a distinction rarely attained by Ameri can students. He is now in- Paris, studying with Wurtz, and will return to this couutry iu August. Mr Burney is a descendant on his mother s side of the Hendersons that branch to which the brilliant Philo HendersoL belonged noted for intellectual vigor and acumen. He will devote himself to teaching. A t arn. To all whp are suffering from the er rors aud indiscretions ot youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-ad .rcsseu envelope to the Rev. Josefk T, Inmam Station D, Hew York Vity. A dressmaker who was at the point of death recovered, and the local paper headed the item: "Survival of the Fit test." ; i i "vi ua Beautiful- LOCAL NEWS. The y uug man who allows his girl to halt before an ice cream saloon is lost, and bin sense returns no more from day to dav. Cap. Savage City Treasurer and Co lectoi, publishes a notice elsewhere, by which it will be seen ihat th City tax book3 for the years 1&77 add 1878 will be placed next Monday in the hands of the City Attorney for collection. Those who would save costs should call at Capt. Savage s office this week and settle up. The First From Duplin. Our good friend, Capt. J. C. McMillan of Teacheys, Duplin county, sends us the first cotton bloom plucked this season north of Wi'miogton. It was grown on Capt. McMillaus farm at Teacheys, by e of his tenants, Anderson Wiiliams, a hird working coloredjman, who has about tweuty acres of good cotton, all his own. Quarterly Meetings. Wilmington District 3d Bound. Bladen at Sonle Chapel Juno 28-29 WbiteviUe at Carver's Creek July 5-6 Coharne Miss. Black 8 Chapel . .July 12-1 Clinton at Goshen (Dis. Con.). July 17-18 Brunswick at Bethel July 26-27 Wilmington Fifth Street July 26-27 Wilmington Front street. . . , Aug 2-45 Waccamaw Miss. Bethel.. Aug 3-4 Smithvilie Station Aug 5-6 Topsail Aug 9-lo Onslow Aug 16 17 The District Conference will convene at Goshen Church. Clinton Circuit, July 17th, 1879, at 9 o clock A . M. Let all the pastors and delegates le present ? the lime appointed. Brethren, let us meet in the name aud Spirit of Christ. Rev John Tillitt will preach the opening ser moo. L. S. BURKHEAD, P. E. Magnolia, N. C. 'The Flurry In Stocks" Always means an opportunity for some shrewd and lively operator to make a handsome profit. Messrs Lawrence & Co., Bankers, N. Y., have established the combination system for operating it stocks, so that capital in any amount from $5 to $60 000 can be used profitably a any time that may suit the customer. By pooling the orders of t housands of patron, into one immense sum, and operating them as a mighty whole, under the mos experienced skill, vast profits are made. Ht Joseph's Academy. We intrif1ffl to have eiven a list, of ,i u :-a .i,, I which oould be gained in no other way These are divided pro rata among share named Academy, wnicn were awaruou uu holders mo thly. An investment oi Friday night after the rendition of the 10 returns $50, or 5 per cent on the drama, but owing to the lateness of the stock. $100 pays $950, and so on, ac . . 1 patron made ver three hundred per cent. to-aay. l ney were a iouows. on an iuveatment in October by the com For general proficiency, a gold medal binatiou method. Messrs. Lawrence & was awarded to Morrison Divine, the gift Co. s new circular (mailed free) "has of Archbishop Gibbons. A gold scarf two unerring ru es lor success, and lull information, so that auy one can operate pm was a.Hu awarueu to vue name iui with profct Stocks and bonds wanted. Christian doctrine. Government bonds supplied. Apply t( Allen Godman, of Sampson county Lawrence & Co., Bankers, 75 Exchange ,n o arAA rvrlul fr.r uvmJ rnnfW.t PlaCO, N. Y. City. f won a gold medal for exemplary conduct, book-keeping and mathematics, the gift of Bishop Keane. 'Truth lies in a nut-shell.'and 'brevitj is the soul of wit. ' To be brief, when A void cross was - awarded to JosenU the shell is broken, the truth will be di: Redmond, of tiobesoo county, tor general D , , , ' , on Broadway, New York, now kept on prohciency, exemplary conduct and 5oth plan8 the American $2 50 or $3.00 Latin. and the European $1.00 . and upward John Bryson, of this city, for progress per day, gives more stisfaction for the duct, was awarceo a writing aesa. :4t moierate Dricea ig conducted bv the ..... . i Mercer Uonnor, ot Wilson county, was Cirand Central. awarded '-Catholicity in the Carolina." A silver medal was awarded to Wil liam Flanagan, of this city, for English lessons and good conduct. Edward Banks, of this city, was award ed, for English and writing, a writing desk WEEKLY STATEMENT or STOCKS OS HAND JUM 23, 1879. Cotton ashore afloat Total WILMINGTON MAHKKT I Junk 30 - Y M. I SPIRITS TURPENTINifi-Ciuotd steady at 25 ceuts. Sales 100 caks at these fig ures. KUSIN Firm at M 07 bid for Mraiued and SI 12' .i for tjood Strained. No sules rpored. TAK Firm at "5 ceuU per bbl of 2Su lbs. balek receipts at quotations. CKUUK IU ttP&NTLK fci Steady at 1 00 for Hard, $1 60 for Sua and IS It) fur Tirgiu. Sales at quotations. (JOTTON Quuted quiet. No saleb re ported. rii follow ing are tue ottJcial quotations : Ordinary uruod Ordinary Strict Good Ordiiuiry. - Low Middling Middling viood Middling ... oailt aionipra 11 u Certs. Cotton , spirits Tm penuno.. Aosin...: far Grade Turpentine bale? 224 cake .l,25t bo h ,. 6i4 " MARINE NEWS. AKKIVED. Steam-yacht Passport Harper, SmlthTllle 'ieo Alyert. Steamer North Htate, Green, Fayetteville Worth t Worth.. Nor baque ti'lieser, Foss, Cette, R F Heide. Nor barque Kristina, Jenseu, Lisbon, R E Heide. Nor brig Maria, Henricksen, Tigal, Alex -Spruut & Sou. Nor brig Aztha, Haiiger, ! l.irerpool, R K Heide Nor barquentiue Resolute, Lawrence, London, Alex Spruut & iSou, CLEARED. Steam-yacbt Passport, Harper, SruithvilU Geo Myers. Steamer North State, Green, Fayette Worth &. Worth. Nor barque Jury, Adsen, Treiste, Pater sou, Dowumg & Co- Exports. Lace Lils, Gloves. VERT -LONG, The Latest StylJ ALSO, COASTWISE. New York Steamship Regulator 9 bales varn, 10 bbls peauuts, 5 bales pine straw , S oales cotten, 1,C50 bbls rosiu, 157,111 feet lumber, 200,00i shingles, 30 bbks tar, 73 casks spts, 1 obis rosin oil, 35 bbls pitch, 155 pkgs mdse. Trieste-robin. FOISKIBK. Nor barque Jury 3.0UU bbls MiBcellaneous 28? 36 318 SPEER'S Port Grape Wine Used :n Churches for Con munion purpose SOMETHING NOT IX eilin Bretonne Laces! Black ami White.! A tiue lot of From three for 5 cents to $2 Walter Bailey was awarded a small volume of the Eucharist. Thomas Bowling received a handsome volume, the "Fathers of the Desert." Thomas Carroll, Freddy Westermann, John Barry, William Mayo, Went worth Scarborough, Frack Thompson, James Murrin, Edward Glav:n, CharU I Murphy, Peter Flvnn and Stephen Greliph were rotal ....14,179 also the recipients of prizes for general Orudeaahore 1,257 good conduct, attention to studies and progress. Honorable mention was alto made of Daniel Glavin and Robert Scarborough. Spirits ashore 3,079 afloat 3,084 Total 6,163 Rosin aihore 90,203 afloat 7,731 Total 97,934 Tar ashore - 13,679 afloat 600 afloat. Total. 1,267 ascKirft roa xaa week ending junk 2 i, "i9. A Card from Col. Brink- Jo T. James, Eq., Ewt-'R Daily Hevikw. Cotton 48 Spirits 3.300 Kosin le.127 Tar 116 Grade 2,409 KXPOSI'fl FOB rUeC WEEK ENDING JUSB 23, '79 Domestic Speer's Port Grapd Wine Four Ifears Old. Sir. To a portion of your report it Saturday's Review of the case ofhe united States va H miss, you will "permit Cotton 19 me,t hroui;h the columns of the Review, to Spirits 361 ... v r i I It.iijiri 7 1 b say, that as an owcer oi ine gover.irnent -j, i ai i 4 ,.f u. - i . i ..... auu an oiuoiai serYitui, ui iue pepie in Crude... 81 che capacity ot postmaster or this city, it is oiv dutv as well as mv pleasure to Foreign. give the greatest possible accommodation (j0tton to tne patrons oi tne oiuce.auu ai ine same Spirits... , 320 tim-; to secure the greatest protection and Kosin 13,124 rnHlS JUSTLY CELEBRATED NATIVE security te tne mails, in wnicn tne people 1 i . . a Crude Wine is made from the iulce of the Ooort (ML U1VI J IUIV.VU"V. I I (m , . . . Th, .rr-r I hov H.lflAvnrP,1 fn r.r. v,rape, rais ea in mil country, it. mvaiutbre form without t ear or favor, and while I WOtlCe- Tnnin ond Ciron.Tth oninnr Dnnnnritinn wouid not harm or offer an "indignity' 1U1"0 auu OUUUSlUbJllUfi llUyOUlDa to the I w most nimt . puritv ana eenmnenees are cuaranteed. - nnnrka : .- .u r I youneest child may partake oi its eener- uabe. waw,o roiuwBUJK in me unite oi iue ouam- n-,. nnaUAiam j v., . ; itS Tt was th nninmn of thfl ht r.ifcv ern Express Company. Consignees ar ad- I l' fcUCfi 1 ' " Lu u" " " v I "f. rC. call promptly or Goods will besold itztzsztzs iJLjry."S2 humblest negro in the community. A1L,lj BE4 aVLD, UN WliDWifidDAY, .re nnm.,., hv w; ould canne the punishment of the j jrjT,Y 2Hi 178 t 10 n'rlorlr A M t Being the pure juice of the grape, produced re.si ectable man tor the commission a - . I nder Mr. Hpeer sown persona1 supervision, t.oot.i as as mv rwn t.h;it all the I . j ---I -r - - i ior cnarees intormation obtainea relative to tne rob june 20 law4w. bery on tne 30'h ot May pointed directly to the defendaut. The department sent a Thoi. H. McKoy, Kobt H- McKoy speoiai agent nere oi loug auu varieu ex- perience, to investigate this- matter, and I ATTORWXlS-AT-IiATXr after several days labor he ordered the ar rest himself. WILMINGTON, N. a The special agent, Maj. Chamberlain, ffice North side Market! street, botwte of Atlauta, (jra., who would not knowing- oeconn ana laira streets. 1? gvutr jTf'' anv m ,n was ninfiilonf tk I mm l-lX he had arrested the guilty party and that the evidence then in his possession, beiro of a strong circumstantial character, war ranted such action. As to there being any intention or de sire on the part ol Maj. Chamberlain or anyone else, to oner auy "indignity" to, or to commit any "gross outrage" upon the defendant or his r.ends, is simply not so The guilt f the defendant not being es- catiltffhed, 1 can, and do leei as much rati fied at his honorable acquittal as does the writer of the repou referred to. Very Kespeetfully, Ed. K. Brisk, p. f. American. Wines. But few persons are aware of the great e : ,-,s : -vr . amount or grapes raiseu iu new Jersey Alfred Speer is known to be the larges wine grower east of the Rocky Mountainst to the various ailments ti,at afflict the weaker sex. It is, in every respect, A WINE TO BE KhLlKD UN., Speer's P. J, Sherry, The P. J. 8HEKRY is a Wine of SUPE RIOR CHARACTER and partakes of the g uaen qualities or the grape from which it is maae. or M hUlOINAL PROPERTIES. : i in . .... ' ii wiii De rouna unexcelled Speef's P. J. or Pedro J. Brandy, This noted Prandv is a Dure distillation m a irom tne grape and is equal to the finest Hen nefrsy or Otatd Brandies; for medicinal pur poses it can he relied upon as strictlv pure. See that the signature of Alfred Speer, Passaic, S. J., is over the cork of each brit tle. A. SPEER'S Mt. Prospect Vinrl. New Jersey. Office, No. 3 x Warren St., New ork. For sale hv GEEtf A FX. 4 If If R .in MUNDS, DrUirB-ists. and P L. HRTniiERH CO. nnril I.U ALL LINEN HANDKERCHIEF., 61 The "Flexible Hip Corset is slili the favorite. Hosiery. FosUh patent fastening Kid GIotcs. Neck wear and other articles too numerous to mention can be found! at EXCHAKCE COBNE&. Iff. H. SPRUNT, june 13 Booms and Board. VERT FINE KOOMS AMI BOAfcftl be furnifhed t families, Ccfues, or gle persuns, on favorable terms for the mi mr, at the p easant and convenirnt dry ing on the comer ol Front and Muibtfj streets. Both tran-sient, permanent and dy boit ers accommodated at moderate pricei. For particulars enquire of MKS. L. BOUDI.Wl, june 14-tf Cor- Front and Mnlbeirj SoL Bear & Bros.. rpAK'E PLEASURE in announcing to iMt numerous friends and patroci that they one of the most jcmplete and larwt it of CLOTHING & FURNISHING GO HATS, Ac, 1 And that the above will be M prices than by any other House in tb? 1 Call early and get Baraius. jane 17 SOL BEABABKO'- The Millionaire His Port Grape Wine is the best, and is p H. O'BRIAV, of San Prtrcisco, CaJ., considered by phybicians and chemists as nJ 1 "Herald Cooipound is the best The Offiruinette. pHE MOST WONDEFFUL MUSICAL INSTRUMENT of tie age. A child can perform on it. It plays Hymn Tunes, Pop ular Aira, Quadrilles, Polkas, JTaltzss, Reels, and Hornpipes, which few performers can (ha hMt inA tn he nror.nrflrl I;. Moment lor Drorn wares 1 ever saw. I hir equal, it is adnjirablv adaoted for Sinainir m j. ija P.-;., i . Mticles mended with it that atand as ood dered to London and Pans, where it u fore thev were oroken." Sold by Jl Ji prtiea, Eve.inj? Entertainment,, Ac, Ac. becoiumg very popular amoug wealthy gUts and country merchant , or 'f our drnf fauiiaes. For salu by J. O. Muod, P. L il- nor wont send for it send C0ME A!fD SEE IT AT ONCB. Bndger8& Co and Green & Pier "tejSW'.--L- Price $10 to $15. At Sale of Land in ?m County, HY VIRTUE OF A MORTACiI cuted to Sol Jdear Brothers bt J. fife. ai , i. laiftitft, coie man fr. jnne 26 YATES' BOOK STORE. Moore and H. J. A. Moore, lis i the 3d dav or 'November 18TS - .. . i i 1 1 I iA in IHIOB mongage is amy recoiur;u ... the records of Deeds ol Pender pages, 41, 42 and 4:5, to secure jjjj' of a certain sum of money tte1"! .f we will on Wednesday, "the --j" Jily, on the premises in rownship in the County oi reu . for sale at publfp-auction, for tff'1' I i. f on, oi'i.iiill; , a S. .S. bati bwell and otier?, ai." ... . f .Hows : beginning on the tree ii irwr oonipr of :h tract of ML , . X - . . . . .(! UC il ....... j .... . ,U ix.les, tlience ortn vo , . U.inlin Pine, t hence South oo Eat r?" . .1 nu" run of Turkey CreeK, meu kev Creek to the beginning, 2i acres more or less. v(vru0 SOL BEAR & BROT june 23law4wmon v