i IX CONGRESS. ' . BENATF. 5 w wTKr.TGK. June Vest's fl At' free coinage resolution was a tua. million beiuff on cu. n . . . consider" &r Alii. . - .AiaV)io roorIntinn in IOO S QlOUUu icioi the Finance Committee, which wa adopted, yeas 2a, nays 0. , -Mr Eaton, from the committee on Appropriations: reported favorably or House joint resolution to adjourn su.e die at 4 p m to-day. , Mr Windom objected to its prepent consideration, and the resolution goet: over until to morrow. - Mr Windom stated that he regretted to be obliged toobject.bat as it is in hit power to prevent the majority fro adiournipg to-day, without passing the appropriation bill, for which Congres was convened, he thought it his duty to Rive them a night to think ovej their resolution and come to a bettei one. , . . Mr Chandler proceeded to arraign the Democratic party for its course li the present sessions . The Senate bill relatir g to licensing of vessels not propolltd wholly by eaii or internal motive power of their own. ,was taken up and the Uou .e amend znents concurred in. At 1:40 o'clock the Senato went Into Executive session, and when the door? were opened the Presidents inestags calling attention to the ailire oi Congress to make appropriation fo marshal's fees, was reud aud referred to the Appropriations Committee. 1 1 Mr Eaton then desired to take up the resolution with regard adjournment,whica he reported earlier in the day. . Mr Windom. however, again ob iected. and introduced a bill making appropriations for marshals fees, with out conditional clauses. On motion of Eaton, it was amended so as to be an exact copy of the bil just vetoed, and finally it was indefi nitely postponed. Afttr another Executive seseion o short duration, the Senate adjourned until to morrow. HOUSE lOF REPRESENTATIVES. The States were called for - bills for reference, but only about a dozen were introduced. One hundred and fifty-seven mem bers are present, being thirteen more than a quorum. The Speaker laid' before the Hous the veto message of the President or- the Marshals bill, and it was read The House refused to pass the bih over the veto by a vote of 83 to 63. At 2:30 another message was receiv ed from the President and was read, nallincr the attention of the 'Houde to the importance of making some; pro vision for marshals, saviug that under existing laws prohibiting tht incurment of liabilities outside of appropriations, the Executive co ila Lnl mmrwl Hu.ir ofirui "na n Ti il that aen have returned toUetywayo. vir tually there is a fortnight's armistice. Nearly all the special despatches to London newspapers fromj tbe. Cape acrrpp in nronouncmcr the oeace over r i w i i tures bona fide. . , . 1 1 ! . WA.SAIXGTCN, June 29--Scuicj 1 J ard will probt bly withdraw his rebig Qation as Chairman ,f the Committt on Finirce. j The D mocralic Binj -tjrs who haverjfjnaed to sign the let ler rtqaefting Ljm to withdraw tht resignation re laboring under a mis appiehens.on. i !r B,ayard does not entertain the idea of stifling any. leg islation in committee under any cir cumstances Tjbe Silver bill and the oill providing l for the exchange of trade dollars for standard silver dol lars will be reported promptly at I the ,iext regular session of Cgress Mi Bayard voted jaguibst rerkjrtibg those oi.is at this session, b epise he be lievtd it unwise that they should be lisposed of when there wafi j, not sufii oieot time for :ther proper (considera tion, either in committee jor in the Sen ate. The Senators ho refused to sign the letter askinghim to withdraw his resignation are of the opinion that financial legislation wruld be simpli fied iu the Senate, if iMr Bvfardthouid resign. CiaOLLM. not command their services, and that th ensnension of their functions, for even a short time, wou d be inconsia tent with public interests and might at anv moment rrove inconsistent with the public safety . The message TTa3 referred to the Appropriations,) Committee as was also a letter from the .Attorney ueuerai on thft same snbiect. presented by Mr Atkinv of Tennessee. After disposing of some unimpor tant business on the Speaker's table, the House took up and passed, under the suspension of the rules, the bill originally introduced by Mr McKiuzir, of Kentucky, putting salts, qmnint and fculphate of quinine on the free list. . The vote stood 125 to 32. Ailjourned. CABLE NEWS. . Loxdoji, June 30 A heavy thunder storm visited Paris last night. Sevei al'persons were billed. , Great distress is reported in the West of Ireland on account 'of the con tinued rains. The crops in all . parts of France have been injured by rains. The beet root vines suffered Heavily. A Chandahar despatch to the Times says the cholera is spreading in the villages of the Quetta district. The retiring troops suffered much from the disease. The Berlin correspondent of the Times reports that there is a myster ious coolness between Russia and Ger many, and the (Jzar in consequence of " it will not visit the Emperor. The Standard's Berlin despatch re ports that Herr Hobrecht, Minister of Finances, and Dr Falk, Mimsser of Ecclesiastical AlFiirs, are about to re sign, the latter on account of religious differences with the Emperor. The roat a correspondent at Ueriin says Herr Hobrecht has resigned, and it is expected that Friedenthal, Minis ter of Agriculture, will also resign. The Standard has the following un der date of Durban, June 9 : The cjoffia containing the remains of the Prinoe Imperial, on arrival at Pieter- mari:zourg,was wrapped intha French colors, the Prince's sword and helmet placed thereon, and his horse led after it. Iu the skirmish m which Adiu tant Frith, of the Lancers, was killed, the enemy numoerel 1,500 aud were repulsed by cavalry, many being kill ed. More peace messengers have come in to Lord Chelmsford. The messengers were informed of the addi tional terms of peace, which are : The King's regiment to disarm, Cety wayo not to assemble an army for five years ; the King to pay a fine of two bullocks for ever male Zuu, a considerable portion of the cattle to be distributed to the chiefs who sur rendered totheEnglish and an English resident to be placed at Ulundi. The terms have not yet been answered. The News' despatch f rem the Lower Tugela, June 10, says three of the peace messengers declare . that any terms will be acceptable, - TThe Daily Telegraph's special des patch, dated 'Pieternartizbnrg, June 9 announces, that the peaoe meesen- Ileavjr Former Arrested, B jfcToN, M.4S8, June iot e?tn ng James I l.dwarU, a prouiinent dour dealer of this city, und alderman cd leading cit;zh of Newton, waa ar rested for forgeries amounting to 880 home, threatened has always bern J00. - He is sick at vith brain fever. He held in the higbetst estimation. - H uaa no expensive Jaanits ana is sup posed to have committed : the Isrime for the paipose pt aiding some frit nds in d fficulty.jHe forged but two namop, those of his brother-in-law and of an old partner. The forgeries ware dis covered by a note falling into wrong illiUdP. i , Hpeciil Despatch to the Wo M Wa nn-GTON, JunCi 2fJ The Presi dent said this evening to your corres pondent that he has do yet. df fiaiteiy leterminea to reconvene jongre.s, should it adjourn without providing for th 3 inarenals and deputy marshals. lie feaid that everything depended uj.-- m the indicdtions at tne last uuar be fore adjourument. I If lie is ttSbuud chen that Cougressjia determined not oo provide lor these officers he waii not oall them b ick agaiu,ifor be doitis not intend to c41i it in a pet. He will only call it if he has; assurances tiiat the ap propriations lot the marshal aud their Jeptitits shall be passed; 'The mar shals, ho s iicj, would unipubtedly con :inue in oflic, whether j their fees in criminal cases were provided for or not. The trouble is that there will be no funds provide! for the payment. i the deputy marshals who may b6em ployed as a pdaso to execute the revenue laws in the suppression of iUioit stills. The President ad mitted t hat npt much of this work is now going on as the stills have been pretty effectually suppressed betweeu the officers and the popular feeiing of the neighborhoods in whiioh they were carried on. He also!, admitted jhit he does not know how much) evil could result from a f ai'ure jto make these ap propriations, and helintimated that he might try to get along without the money ond, if he found he could not call Congress back later in the session With reference to to thi3 subjetst he aid: 'I suppose I mut treat Ci n j;ress like any other body! of respectable people, and if they are determined Dot to grant this money, cease to try to compel them to.' Bpeakicg of the, veto . . message j he ' 'said: it would be sentj in to-morrow iu time to giVe Congress an oo-- portunity to adjourn1 at the .hour desig nated by the , House!! resolution 4 o'clock. The message will make about two pamphlet pages, and will call j at tention to the reasons given for the last yeto. This will be introduced bv dissertation on tnef importance o marshals and their deputies, especial ly in the enforcement of then interna revenue laws. I A good many House Republioana have been busy to dav laboring with the President to induce Uiim to ohange hiH mind and. hot recon vene Congrosfi, They have pointed out to nim the objections to shch course and urged upon him the fact that the country will not be pleased with it. This my have 'made some difference in Mr Hayes 'I designs, al though it has all along beeu doubted whether he ever really meant what he is alleged to have1 said. At any rite, jur xiayes nowiannouoces that he is m doubt about calling another ses sion and will not make up I his . mind until he can a-ortain in the course of to-morrow whether or no he loan ac complish anything by i W T Black well has been chosen Chief Marshal for the next State Fair. The dwelling house of Mr Frank Grad; y ;n Dnpiin county, ws recently! ilestr. y d by tire. i i . t XewbernArK SheU : A heavy rain, which wa muca uteet$ fell in tti section yesterday," cooling off the at mopliere. 1 j Goldaburjo Ales$hijOri The wheat crop in Saulston towuthip turns out to be a short crop. Mr A M Parks siye in bis section it will not.be muchlmore than half a crop. Cotton looks hue Corn is suffering for rain. j Durham Plan': The e are uow 180 Norma! t?s at Chapel Hill. To nam per iuoliides only those who are teach ers or expect to become teachers, and a gentleman just from the Hill say people never worked harder: than these fformahtes i i Go'dsboro Messenger: The walls for ilr Wm Bouitz'a new Bestaurant building adds greatly to that part of the town. The two upper floors will co Um about! twenty -four comforta bl i rooms. The diuuing room, office, b.tting and billiard roomc, will be ou the lower floor. Goldsboro Messenger: We are pained to announce the de.ali of the kind and ener. us Major Alvah B Palmer, of ;he fi m of Smith, Palmer & Co, in this town, and of Palmer & Green in Wil hoj ,' who died at his residence in Wil- n at 2 o'c!ock on the morning of the 23th inst .Mjor Palmer was about 13 yjars old and a native of 2iew Ydrk. He came to North Carolina at the close of the war and identified himself with her interests and made hosts of friends He establish d the first hard ware busi- ue8s in uoiUPDirf', du; sola out to Wilson, wheie reen, he lorrrea tne present well known and successful firm of Palmar & Green. About a year and a ,'haif since he became an active member of the enterprisinar firm of "MtjiiBrs Smith. Palmer & Co. in t is townf aud continued so to his death. afterwards and w-pt with Mr Gt-o D Gree COT.TT.TERCIAL HEWS I WIIMIKQTON MARKET I ' 1 . : , JULT 1-4 F M.I SF1K1TB TDRPENTINE-Flriu1 at 25 cents. Sales 150 casks at; theo figures. ROSIN-QuoUd Arm at $1 10 for Strained and SI 15 for Good Strained,' an advance of 24 cnt8 on each grade ince yesterday's quotations. No sales reported. I TAR Firm at .75 cnU per bbl of 2S0 11. No receipts. . "" I PRUJJfi iTDK PENT IN E--S teady at tl 00 for Hard, SI 60 for Soft and Si 10 for Virgin. Sales receipts' at quotations. : COTTON-Quoted quiet. ! No sales ported. - ' 1 , 1'he following are the official quotations Ordinary Uood. Ordinary 11 Strict Good Ordinary. ........ Low Middling 11 Middling........ ; lia Good Middling TCXTOLEBAXiX XHICEO 3T The following quotationi represent the wholesale-prices genet slir. In making ql small orders hiffhe- prices have' to be charged uAGULKG Gar .47 M Double Anct-.M.. Dinble Actho 'A"..J.... Standard Domestic.......... BACON North; Carolina; Hami. y E.........v i. Sboaldera, ' a...... T 10 0 re- Cents. DAILT BSCSIPTS Cotton SpiritsTarpeDtine 5tOlQ Tar Q bales 609 cHsks 1,309 bb s Orade TurDontine 1 362 it MARINE NEWS. r Thermometrical. From the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain the following report ot the ttiurmometer, as-taken this morn iug at 7:81 o'clcrk : 1,1 Augusta. Ga. 77 Atlan a, 4a i4 Uairo, 111 75 CharieatonS. C....73 Cincinnati.. 71 Corsicana, Tex 76 Fort Gibson, C. N.76 Galveston ti Indianola.. ...82 Jacksonville, F1&...78 Knoxville. .....11 Lynchburg 73 Memphis, Tenn.....74 Mobile, Ala ....81) Montgomery Ala.. .79 Nashville ; 79 New Orleans ...83 Xew York... ...69 Punta Uaaaa, Fla...76 Savannah, Ga.......78 Shreveport St. Louis Mo 72 St. Marks, Fla. 76 Vicksburg, Mi8....7ti Washington. 70 Wilmington. H Quarterly pleetins. AVilniiugton Distr!ict 31 Hound. Bladen at. Soule Chapel .Junq 28-29 White viPe at Carver's Creek. . . .July 5-6 Coharr e J M iss Black 's Chapel .' . July 12-13 Clinton at Goshen (Uis. Con.).July 17-18 Bruuswick at .Bethel July 26-27 Wilmington Fifth Street....... July 26 27 Wilm;ngton Front street. .........Aug 2-3 Waccamaw Miss. Bethel. Aug 3-4 Smithville Station ...... i .... . . Aug 5 6 Topsail. . .-. A ug 9 1 o Onslow ...i. Aug 10-17 rhe District Conference will convene at Goshen Church," Clinton Circuit. July 17th, 1879, at 9 o'clock A. M. Let all the pastors and delegates he present at the lime appointed. Brethren, let us meet in the name and spirit of Christ. Her, John Tiilitt will preach the opening ser mon. ' , L. S. BUllKHEAD, P..E. Magnolia, N. C. ' The Flurry In Stocks" Always means an .opportunity for1 some snrewa and lively operator, to make bandsome profit. Messrs Lawrence & Co., Bankers, JS. 1- ! have estahlishedP the combination system for operating in stocks, so that capital in any amount from 5o to ou uuu can be used prohtabJy at any time that may suit thd customer. Bv pooling the orders of thousands ot patrons into one immense sum, and operating them as a mighty whole, under the most experienced skill, vast profiiB are made uicu ifuuiu oe gaineu in no otner way, These are divided pro rata among share! holders monthly. An investment of 10 returns 50, or 5 per cent on the stock. $ 100 pays $950. and so on, i ac cording to the market.' A Sti Louis patron made ever three hundred per cent.' on an investment in October by the com bination method. Messrs. Lawrence & Co.'s new circular (mailed free) "has and full two unerring rulea lor success information, so that any On can operate wita proht. btocks and bonds wanted. uovernment bouds supplied. Lawrence & Co.. Bankers. 75 flaca, N. Y. City. 'Tr.uth lies iu a nut-shell,' aud 'brevity is the soul of wit.' 1 To be brief, when the shell is broken the truth will be dis covered that, the GraDd Central Hotel on Broad way." New York, now kept on both plans, the American $2 50 or $3.00 and the European $1.00 , and Upwan per day, gives more stislaction lor the same money thn' auy other first-class house in Gotham. An elegant Restaurant, at moderate prices, is conducted by the Grand Central, I I ARRIVED. -Steam-yacht Passport Harper, Smith ville. Geo Myers. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth. Fayetteville Worth & Worth. . Kteamer Wavf Robeson, Fayetteville Williams a Murchison. ' ! Steamer Isis, Paddhon, Point Caswell, Kj P PaddLson. ! Nor barque Euzinug, Tallakson, Brygge, K E Heide. 7 Br brg Gem, Itichardson, London, E G Barker ol Co. CLEARED. . i Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville Geo Myers. - 1 Steamer A P Hurt, . Worth, Fayetteville, Worth fc Worth. Steamer Wave, ! Robeson, Fayetteville. Williams Murchison. i ! Hteamer Isis, PaddiStm, Point Caswell, R P Paddison. 7 . Steamer Clinton, Bisby,; Bannermaun's Bridge, Master. Schr S S Bickmore, Long, Bath, Me. Jas H Cbadbourn & Co. . i Br Schr Humber. Spencer, St John's, P R, Parsley & Wiggins. Exports. COASTWISE. Bath chr S S Bickmore 167,3i ft lum ber,. 6 bbls rosin, 1 do tar. i rOBHISM. St John's, P R Schr lumber, 25,01)0 shingles. Humber 123,800 ft I MONTALY STATEMENT 0 STOCKS i ON H AND JULT 1. 1879. Ootton Western Smoked Hams... 8idejj B Shoulder........ Dry Salted Side, yo m Shoolders, V BEEP Live weight.... AKKtL-S Spirit Turpen are .Second Hand, each.. 1 25 iNew Vork,eaci,-aew. ...... 1 75 UE5SWjAX V B....... I 0 rtliTnKWilmiTi(Tti.n.' Ml' fh Wortherp ' BUTTER North Caroliri i ft . Northern, "52 5).. CANDLES Sperm ? Jb Tallow. W IX)... Adamantine, ft set........L... OHEESbi ! - Northern Factory, t? B ... Dairy cream, . V ' 11 C 11 10 b (9 u 6 13 43 4 2 4,H 50 85' 21 I 15 25 in & "310 On 14 Ut Q 9 70 95 5 50 7 0 00 1 oo- 5 00 8ute. V rb - 1 J. OFFEE Java, V lb Rio, V fl ..I. Laguyra, V fl). CORN MEAL Tf3 buahol.... COTTON TIES- bdl , DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4. "I? yard. ' Tarn, butich J......M F1BH ; I Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl.lC 00 No. 1, y X bbl J 8 75 Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl... .12 50 ! No. 2, lA bbl. 6 CO Maekerel, No. 3 V bbl.. ...00 00 Mullete, V bbl 2 00 iSN. C.sflerrine, Skeg Dry Cod, V FLOUR Fine, bbl Super, Northern, bbl... Extra do " bbl.i. Familv " bbl... 00 City MillExSuper bbl..T)0 ' Family V bbl... 7 60 " JT" Ex. Family bbl... 8 00 FERTILIZERS , Peruvian Gcanol, y 2000 Iba. 60 00 Baueh'g Phosphate " " 00 00 Carolina Fertiliser j " " 45 00 Grotind Bone, ' " " 00 00 Bone Meal f' " 00 00 " i Flour; " 00 00 Navassa Gaano, " "-36 00 Complete Manure " " 00 00 Whann'e Phoiphate " 00 00 Wando Phosphate, " " 00 00 BsrgerABrutw'BRoe. " 00 00 Wilcox, Gibb A Co., ma nipulated Guano 48 00 GLUE yfl ......i 8 GRAIN Corn,gtore,y 56ft 6 Corn, cargo, y 66 Iba 66. j Corn,veL, y buKtieL.!.... None. ! data, bushel . 4h Peaa, cow, bnebi 66 HIDES Green, V lb 4 Dry, ft....................., 9 HAY Eastern, y 100 lbs... 1 00 North River, 100 lbs...; 1 00 HOOP IRON ton..i.... 60 00 8 Q 7 & 2S 12tf 18 20 25 40 11 l:t 12 8 SO 20 75 'i 10 0 Q10 00 9 00 600 00 G 6 50 O 8' 60 2 60 6 00 e o 4 00 5 00 e 6 00 8 00 7 25 7 75 8 25 00 CO 00 00 51 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 40 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 JHiscenanef rt-Grape Tar U ?ed in Churches for 67 9 60 10 67 60 66 1 10 ashore afloat.. 266 Total..... i. i Spirits ashore....... afloat 2 6 3,6 7 2,32 tf 1 20 18 Total..J.: ................J .... Rosin aihore...... afloat........ Toiai 4 75889, 8,760 94,694 14 00 25 00 aBhore......... ......i... 13,476 afloat. - Total, Crude ashore ' afloat 13,476 1,355 65 LAKii-orthern lb 7K JMortD Carolina w lb 11 LIME W bbl 90 LUMBER City ateam sa'Vd Ship stuff, resawed, M ft. 18 00 Rough edge plank , y Mft.16 00 r. Weet India cargo, accord- ing tojuality, M ft...!2 00 I Dreasedflooring,aeaaoned.l5 00 I - Scantling and boards , com- i ' mon. " M f t 11 MOLASSES Cuba,hhdgl UUDa, DDIs., y gal , Sugar houe,hhdB. V gal. i M " " bbla. V K&l... ' Orleans Choice bbls. W eal. NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,k'g 2 OILS Kerosene, gal. i Linseed, y gal.. I i 00 12i 00 00 00 Total 1,355 30, '79. itosin. n eal. PEANUTS bnahal. POTATOES -Sweet, bus. xriBaAiioriaern, DDi..... RXOEIPIS FOB THi MOTH ENDIXS JUB Cotton Spiritq Koein.. Tar Crude ; Tin ........ AVV i i.. ...12.442 43,9S0 648 9,-30 Aiuericaii.Wiues. . but lew ner.sons are aware ol the great amount of grapes raised in Nexv Jersey Aiirea opeer is Known to oe tne larges. wine grower east of the Kocky Mountainst His Port Grapej Wiiie is' the best, and is conside-ed by physiciaus aud chemists as the be.it wine to be procured. It is or uereu to lcuuon aua raris, wnere it is becoming very popular among wealthy families. For sale by J. 0. Munds, P. L Bridgers & Co and Green & Flanner Apl. 1- ? A. Card. , To all who are suffering from ,he er rors aua inaiscretions or youtn, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood c, i win sena a recipe mat wui cure you, FREE OF-CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America, Send a eelf-ad 'ressed f nvelope to the Rev. Josepk x T. Inman Station D, New York City, ' The Orffuinette. qHE MOST WONDEPFDL MUSICAL A i : - V & . i in -w w m-9 t amm . ij5XttUii,i r ot tne, age. a cnud can M I perform on iL Itplaja Hymn Tunes, Pop i ular Airs, Qatdrilles, Polkas, Waltz 38! Reels, and Hornpipes, which few pe formers can equal. It ia admirably adapted for Singing t i Parties, Evening Entertainments. Ac . Ac. : COME AND SEE IT AT ONCE. ' Price $10 to $15. At june2V YATES BOOK STORE. Apply to t Exchange lint Julep I THIS FIBST OFHIhLliASO.N I June 2 i JXO. CARROLL'S l Domestic ' ! : Cotton....... Spiriia.... j KoSLD... ..i...... ' Tar.. (rude i . ' Foreign. Cotton.. J 253 678 4,108 1,902 197 Spirits.... ...i. Roam , Crude........... J... .. .......10,647 66,664 600 The Millionaire, Pi H. O'BRIAN, of San Franco, Cal., says : "Herald Compound is the best Cement for broken wares I ever aw. I have articles mended with it that ttand as good as before they were troken Sold by ail drug gists and country merchant ,or if your drug gist naan t got it. nor wont lend for it send 3b cents for a bottle to JNO. T. PATRICK, SoIeMan'fr, ap!29-5t Wadesboro, N. C Steamer PassDort, I QAPT. J. W. HARPER, Will resume SUN DAY TRIPS TO SMITHVILLE, April 27,weather permitting. Dally Trips Taa usual. Leave Dock at;9.30 A. M. apl 26 j GEO. MYERS, Agent. 00 32 35 18 20 35 50 13 10 00 12 90 X)6 00 PORK Northern.citvmess.10 00 Thin, y bbl '. 00 00 ITime, y bbl(ettra). 10 50 Kump, IS bbl......;. CO 00 KICE Carolina, fl) East India, y lb Rough, Zl bushol ..." .1 RAGS Country, V lb ....... Uity, ROPE..: 1.. J-LCUJp !, Manilla SALT Alum, y sack Liverpool, w sack American V sack .... Marshal's fine, sack...... uaait sack... SUGAR Cuba, fl) Jforto Kico, A Coffee, lb B " fl).............. C " fl) L.c ExC f lb .....1 Crushed W lb J. oOAP Northern, ft.i.... BtnlL,i!;s Contract, Common, 19 M. ...... BTAVE3 W. O. bbl. M.10 14 9 Q 3 & & 1 1 & 00 45 50 45 10 20 25 50 50 50 00 00 i it u nnd. v K 00 oo TALLOW w fl) a TIMBER Shipping ? M ...10 00 jui i, extra per AJ 8 50 Mill, prime per M.. 7 00 Mill, fair per M j 5 00 Common, per M ..4 00 Inferior to Ordinarr.DerM 3 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl i 25 North Caroina, per gal... 1 60 WOOL Unwashed, per fl)... 21 waanea, cer lb 26 Burry wool, per lb.......... 15 Specr Port (jrapj)1 Wine Fours iVars Old I Old. rpillS JUSTLY CELEBRATb Xiim Wine is made from the juice of the L 1 Grape, raised in thi, country. ltjjiWllE'4 1 Tonic ana Slrerigthening frpi; are unsurpassed by aiiy elher natili'yJ i unddr Mr us purity and eenuineneis' ar ViW...... '' I he toon-est ihihl n.ay jj.artake iu glZ' oaj auaiitH'S. and t? e -PV.t r' use it to advantage. ficln.1 tn n.fjiri onH ;.. . I j re: to tbe varjnus ai usents t;, at afflict the weik HELIED'oNr'1 A WISf T;S Spcer's P. JT; Shei ryi The P. J. SnERRY'is-a .Wine of 51 pt RIOR CHARACTER and partakes r.f tEl g lden qualities of the grape from which is madei For MKDlClNALpKOPLRTiu it will be found unexcelled . I ' Speer; P. J. or Pedro . J. Brand; ! This, noted Brandy, is a ipure dtilUti A from the grape and is equal to the fineit hi nessy or Otai d ' Bi alidits; for medicinsl pw. posea it can be relied up n an strictly pn See that the sijeature of Alfred Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of each W ue. A. SPEER'S. Mt. New Jersey, ork. For sale by G KEEN A FL AN.V R- J r MUNDS, Druggists, and P L.SBRIDGKRjJ 4 CO. I . ! ,; it.. Prospect iVinoraK. Office, No. 3 Warren StSew t Beautiful ' ' i j Lace Lilsev Gloves neat, cl'?arj BRUCE WILLIAMS ATTOHNEY AT ! Pender County, N. C WILL ATTEND at Stanford, (Burgaw) ryZZZT 1 , t uyt weeK or moP ! everv Mondav. and at hii offiL Jt PTheon'y Restaurant in the citv. Collections and Conveyancing a Specialty June 4-dAw I , . ' "The Collins House On The European Plan. . 1 i Corner Front and Ked Cross Street Jlear Union Depot- J RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO my ir.enaa atia I the public that I have opened tbe above House and am now pre iu luruisu meais ana lougingg. ResUorajit open at all hours. mcea lw and bed-rooms tnd airv. . i i bpecial rates by day, week or moiith V 1:1 ' veijy ;i.oxe, ' . in G00 00 " . . 1 ' i - . S'liS The Latest Styic ! jk r ' j -. ! i IX. i I ; ' 1 12; ' , . " ALSO. h',i 13 , . I 1 ' I i : 70 j oo.". 1 ' . I : : " 80 & 00 ' I ' SOMETHING E A0H& 00 H , ! I oo e 9 i! - ' 'i 7 IN 1 . . i , 00 fj i ! . 9 ' lVA i" ! 6 Q 7X I ' . i 5 00 7 00W fi . . Y ' q I 00 00 . : I e --oo . ' . i . : t 12 00 I 10 75 8 00 ' ' I J S Bretonne Lac; s l 400 -'-li 3 50 , V ! I rH Blapk ami White, i ; J i7' . . " ' : - - .'-'I ,1 -.'!!: A fine lot of ) , . - . I j - - From thrco for 5 cei;ts ff i ' ;!- I " ! 1 -i ' i " ' ' " ' ' - 1 W. M. COLLINS oct-2G-2taw-mthu PronHr The Missionary fOLPOUTEUR FOB THE COAST OP V NORTH CAROLINA AND TdE HA. HAMA ISLANDS WILL VISIT wn. mington and the Sofods during the month of June ; from Soatn' Caroiiaa line up to Cape Fear during July ; from Gape Fear np to Cape Lookout during the month of An. gust ; from t! ape Lookout to Hatera and to HUteLine ot Vireiaia ana ttoanoke laltmi- anrmz the roontha of Hep ember and Octo ber; Frying Fan Ligotaiup and Bahama Ialanda daring the Winter months. - W. J. FOTTX&. Miaaionary Colpot tear. 30 J. O. Smithyille, H, C, W-lm A WEEK in your ' own t,owii,aijd no ca ,ital risk ed. )'ou can eivet thfl'hii. siuess a trial without expose. rlhf lit opportunity ever on'eiediortbosti wilLngto worK. xeusnoulft fry nothi. g else until you see for yourself what vou can dn at. iia business we oiler. No room to explain here You can devote all your time or onlv your spare timo to tbe business, and make great pay f x very hour that vou i work. Women, make as much as men. 5?nrf special private terms and particulars, which we mail free. $o Outfit free. Dont com plain of hard times while you have such a chance. Address H. HALLKTTi & CO. Portland, Maine. ! iune 7-d&w. '. ALL LINEN HA?fi)KERCHISFi 5 Tlie "Flexible Hip Corset:is siHl rl the favorite. Hosiery, patent fastening Kid Gloves Keck wear and other Fosters numerous to mention e articlco too . at Iff. H. jmne 9

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