Hit- m. T1 1? .- v m JO-Mf. T. El. anit Pmr WILJli.NGTO.N. .. C WED.VESDAT. JULT-1C- 1ST. V I K r A N 1 j II V I E U v. Down ia Georgia, fiijs th'i L uivt!!e Courier-Journal, they are in. favor of removing tlie fax on ipinine anl putting it oadogs. ('hnj;ii. the laty on tarn, ta it wre. Iu Pari thirty live yeara o store of all Linda were ij ta on Sunday moruiuz. Xow all lire cataMUhmenU are cJ-h? 1, ari'l only a few of the nu!! r are open. In Iu!j, tir, lab r is much more restricted oa SunJiy thin foronTtjr. Tk-re i a free liht arni.;; th New York gis :umiiaiii-.", aV..l tL r:ce of the article lit fallen. The is companies v.Uh it to le d:!itiCt!y udi-Mc! that it is coxiftiti.n arid tt the j.r K-ctivc e'ectrc l:ht which givei New York cbtaj-r illumination. A li:ii fcoy waout in tl.c b.ck yard pjundiugon a tin ji The father crm iu tired aud ut!rn, ar.d teins disturbed by tbenoUc cried cut: 'What ia turned 1 ose in the lack ard. a wild animal?' The Iilt!e fellow replied, Yt-th, thir, it s a pan thir.' Field lake-tics form part of the train of nearly every, Eurojvou army. Despite thtae arratienicLt, it h8 in recent wars been frcpcr.tly found ieiiwtb!e to trip ply the large armies with frcnh bread .from djy to diy; and it seem a likely that the attempt to l i - witl bs ahiudoued, aul biscoit is;utd instead of bread. The French R-publicaos are dii g what they can to hilp th Imperialist That Marshal MicMhou idimld hive Ken refused permission to attend the funeral of the ccly on of the Prince who tuade him a Mirahal of France and a Duke can only be reirdfd as aa act of judicial maJcepjj. Old Aunt .Sarah Fields a i egro woman of Blue Kidiio, Ky., lirinly believed that she must die, be buried, arid rise again on the third daT, in order thathcr race should be benefiled. The acccw modal ing boys of ber neighborhood gave Lnr cliloroform and left ber in a graveyard , so that when she awoke she thought that the desired miracle bad been wrought. She is now watting for the good result. The follow ir g naroml persors are ad ised to study the thermometer in hot weather and to take their ease as much as possible: Tenons pait the prim- of life, persons addicted lo"tbe free use of liquor', 'dyepp tJcs especially dyspeptics with overworked heads and the whole order of men and worn mi with shaken neivous systems, whe;her from the presence ol chronic dis eases, especially heart disease, or from any other cause.' In clearing away the ruins of the South, crn Hotel, :n St. Louis, which have been lying unimproved since the burning in 1577, the remains of a human being were found. It is thought that many other re males will be discovered in the removal of the debris. In the past few days con siderable quanti.is of etlverw'aro and jowelry have Won found, also gold watches and trunk of clothing. A tor lion of Kate CUxtou'a wardrobe is among the salvage taken cut. The New Yrk IIW Id publishes a list of persons killed and wounded by the U3t of firearms and fireworks oa the Fourth of July. It rills an entire column, though each casualty is narrated in the Lrietst style, and is doubtless very incom plete. There are eighteen fatalities, not including Mr. Seymour, and the wounded tarn op 107, many of which aro so ser ious that they will probably reu!l in death. It is truly said tbt if a complete list could be made the casualties would te found to equal that of a very respec table South American battle. A memWr of Congress, ia dipo.iag of h:s unad ministered assets before leaving Washington, seat two bottles of old Bourboa whlsksy to a memtar of the Cabinet, accompmied by the f-llowiog note, which is too gx! to be lost: Ebbitt, June SO. 1373. Hon. 1 Dear: Please accept the accompany ing 'twin relics'of a Bou rboa dynasty. If yoa find in the chosen vessels any spirit of revolution put it down. Very truly yours. v The English papers are still full of inci. dents connected ith the Pi i nee Imperial's life and death. The Empress has fonually expressed to the Duke of Cambridge her complete exoneration of lxrd Chelmsford from all blame m respect of the Prii.ce Iui rial's death. On the 2-lth of June the Umpress received the last letters written by her son. So far she has not dared to open them, and they remain at Chiselhursl as they arrived. When the nejfs of the Trine Imperial's desth reached the Prince t.f Wales so great was hU grief that those who were present thought be would have fainted. Z4CI1 CHANDLER THE BOXER. It has been cause f"rsome littlelwcnn der with cs how Mr icb Chandler, of MiehL-af, c-uM hiv te courfg to dare to ir..!-i'- i -u'-h pMII'p?cs as 1 bi'W' oa-i v illy hurll jK1"1 ':e Jn!Vn ani' hr p'"pe, in-the fn- of ko nijtuy G.-r-ft!rte Iiri'i iirs I We have notkeil that h. Ijh.-. ii-v-r r.itde! any elab.rat-ly prepared jwi-ch upon ariy of the vitilly i'Hportant sul j cts which claimed ti.e tit ter.tion of the 0nj:re3s whose isin has jaat tf rminatel,but that he has, at tunes, risen in his place in the Senate Chamber, to hurl impncaMons upon the South gen erally, aud upon Jeff.rton Davis in par ticular. It has seemed like an ecceutric ci.-e of dotage or vintaire, which c uld o lv Ik? relieved by uch an ebullition an Ij which hu was kindly permitted to do b the presiding t nicer, and which no Sen ator con.-idcr'-d it worthy to notice. Wc had not the remotest idea that uLder tuese periodic growli atd menacts was hiddeu a Piaster motive, Ie-at of all dii we iinai: i;,e thry were iutei.d.-d to , provoke a ijoii Mi-:. J I It Is more thin possible, however, that we have beeu rnistakpu, ftnd th-U erery menace of -his had a rihtin import; that he wa.-i prepared ud eacr for tne fray, and would have aa le ,iye!y tiv.e-: ft.r any oi.e wii i nh.ull have the fol hardir e to Sake up tae gauntlet which he threw s. deti mt:y li mq. To the earr uf au e5T interviewer, he recently ? n fideil the important fact that be is a ... i - . . scientific pui'i, and lroa the m inner in which be made the statement wa are lel to itfer that his speeches hi 1 no id e msaiiin, o'H were imrua.-'i i" arois" the wrath of the 'B igiuiifrs : 1 I Uih ft di zree that some one of ilm wc u'd "pitch iu.'Foitunnte!y he did :i'Uuect!ed. Here is what "Mizzer ' Cr-anlltr &ab ol him self as a boxer. "Many yenrs ao I determii'nl lo ta'te a course of tiainit. in boxi, and I em ployed one ! the bt trainers in thf c uutry, tlu tnan who trained Uetaan f r lii famous prize-tight before the war. I was uuder this jnan's chirge fl-r at le:ut -ix months, and-in thai time beca-ne an adept in using my fis's. 1 got a firbt class muocle aud have preserved it to this day. No person in the Si4te u?pect& that I am a boxer or that I can Ktrike a blow of iron, but rf I am ever assailed m assailant will discover that I can iLlend myself without reporting to weapous.' We rejoice that tha pllobel -Brigadiers' pursued : ha mild-manueied course which they did, and were not led into the trap which the Michigan pugilist! had laid for i them. It would have been a deplorable sitfht to see that host of umecoustructed Uebel Brigadiers" pitch J into ! the fight- with that old 'rebel yell" ringing through the Senate Chamber, 'aud have them all knocked icto smithereens" by Michigan' inutcle. We hope th it a proper caution will restrain our impulsive delegation in Congress for the future; at le&st so long as . 'I the man who took lessons ia pugilism frouVtleenan's trainer occupies a se&t in the Senate. They have escaped any dire Oilamity thus far; let us hope jbat now, with the important knowledge before them, they may with becoming prudence manage to avoid a colli sion which would result in disaster.! Til E C II I .X ES E CO 31 I.N G . A San Francisco dispatch to the Balti more Sun says a great increase of emi grants 'from China hs set in and promis es to continue. Oue thousand are just landed; 1,500 came in the two preceedingi weeks. One thousand landed at Portland Oregon. All sail ships now bring full complements, and Ilong Kong advices say that pa?sjge is engaged ahead estimated at 20,000. Like s-arming bees, thb cowds of Chiua are on the wing, seeking room for life where ' food is accessible Not an easy task to st-jp the flight of a nation swarming. ' j Here is what "Mizzer" Chandler sajs of hi Presidential chances, jto an inter viewer of the New York &t ar: Do yoa think Biaiae has a chance?' Yes. be has a chance only a chance, though ha may be tQe nominee. No one uow mentioned has more than a chance. The politicians ill kill Sherman off, and if the contest gct3 down' ta a bitter one, a negative man may be taken up, say Wsshburne or Z ica Chandler." "What of Cuaudler's chaneec-?" "Well, there h a I disposition! in some qnarters to ridicule the thought of his nomination, and yet iA my -intercourse with the ieople I find that there ia a de cided sentiment fayoring Cnandler. He has courage. The people like a coura geous man. I don't tnink Chand'er has any Presidential aspirations, but the Ue pubiican party could go a goojd deal fur ther for a candidate and1 fare a' good deal wore." i , , The ISerublicaKStilso like a modest man and the above shows Mr. Chandler to be a rcodcet mauvery. 1 The radical war in this State has been thus far a triumph' for John Sht-rnrau: Thomas Powers, collector of internal rev nue for the S:oad 1 District of North Carol ina, has been removed and the po sition given to Elihu A. White, but who EUhu A. White, is, or where ,he came from, is more than we ken. , I " ' .4' JflOUJSHlMrJ. Ajax de fie-1 the lightning, bntitis worthy of remark that the Jersey va riety was not then invented. We regret to hear that some country fdk- now write lette rs to their city r itivt-!i, telling hra the potato bog j w brlikfi out l).'.J y ia their neipb- fvr!uMi, ' a IB ea'ching. Oil City Di-rri :k ! " A L i J 'U ntfcsi.()r relates that wlin Fre! c'-m, who fell overboard fruru tfje st-oier whica tti k fhe Cob- Jfii C uh bick 'fiom lr eln-rjcf1, wa re ;u d t.d rttnrf-d tit dfck, the tiret tt ii;g he courteously sid Wft8 that h? hopnj he Lad not kept the bt.auifr waiting. 1 j A wi e wanted her hu-bind to pym pati.ize with her in a ft-minine quar rel, but he ref acted, raying : "I've ivr-d io-ig enough to know that one nitu i-i as good as anotiier, if not r.etter "Aud I,' retorted the wife, "have lived foug enough to know that one nitin is aa b;id as another, if not wor.ie.' ' A c-rtain colonial legion now ex- tiijct po-ses-ti'd at one time an officer wiiu would havo well paused foi own orot'u-r to jirs. Mlajrop. His eon brCitno a viotiai to tho tender passion, aJ wuile the spooning was ac its hot- teif, ti 'of our.-,," meets Mala- prop her.-, and eay: 0;d fellow, ia it trtir tfiHt your son Joe id engaged to "Vlib D ar.1? Every oue talks bo." "It u utters but little. Captain B ," re plies AIaiaprip, pompously, "what .cOp e talk. Tuere are always so many ei-.arjs tl jiug nboat that it ia difHojIt to believe any th ug. Whateverl hear, I h wallow with a dose of baits. , Joe is oot ahaancd. Miss Dah hm oeitainly 'uamtld him, completely enameled him. He ims put other shooters horse d: o o'nba ; but uo betrothal is on thn tapvti. Tnat w.ll come, I sup po.se, bt court-t ; when, I hardly know but port mortem, I fancy." Chm-b-.rs Journal. I ' " Iiileinperaiice among the women of Springfield, Mass., his excited the alarm of a local teniperance society. The lie Ituhlican says that two womeu who were rxnly Ore.-set), aud who aro aficustomed to move in the city's best society, went shopping while so obviously drunk as to attract the attention of all who taw them. These not the only women of good S'jciai position who' have been seen in puilic, withiu a few i months, the worse for' wine or something stronger. 1 A beheaded Kansas rojster still lives, after four mo .ths of decapitation. I He is fed at the throat, and is in good health. The head was cut off at the base of the brain without' injuring the ?piual col umn. A Fool Once Mure. j " For ten years my wife was confined to her bed with such a complication of ail ments that no doctor could tell what was the matter or cure her, and 1 used up a small fortune in humbug stuff. Six months ago I saw a U. S. liag with Hop Bitters on it, and 1 thought I wculd be a fool once more I tried it, but my folly prov ed to be wisdom. Two bottles cHred her. she is now as well and strong' as any man's wife, and it cost me only two dol lars. Such folly pays. H. W., Detroit, Mich. PARTICULAU NOTICE, T HAVE NOW ANI ALWAYS ON X. hand a very line lot of both Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos. The celebrated "HEIRESS OF VIK GINIA," OKAVELY" and the "ELDO KADO," are my principal Chewing Tobac- i 1 The Old Reliable, "TRIDE OF DUR HAM," Original Genuine "BULL DUR HAM," and th- "G LD LEAF," are my principal Sun ki u Tobaccos, which I can sell at very low piices. ! ZZ. BUB.3SZmxaZl, No. 0, Market St. , Wilmington, N: C. dec 7w Headquarters for Ale, Lager Uecr and Porter. a XVXARCT73 i BOIV'S, , No. 5 Market Street c IAN FURNISH "YOU WITH THE BE3. Ale, Laser B-er and Porter, both keg and bottled, in the city. Coantrf ordert proniptlr attodei to Furniture. JUST RE-JEIVED'FROM FACTORY a Urge UAsortmeut of Walnut and other grades of FURNITURE, which we offer at Great Ba-gaius. Call and examine. ieb 19 . D. A. SMI TH A CO. Salt. Salt Salt. 4 000 scti LlVEP00L-8ALT' Now landing' and for sale by jane 17 WILLIAMS A MUROHISOY. XEWBURY & CII1STEN SELL SO CRrfAP? Just bcue thrr do not look afw the long prou. Cume and see our 30 f GB4 Sew Butter ; also New burar and C'h aoest PIou" in the eity. If tou o not buy we will be glad ; f &how yoa. Call ia. NEWBURY & CHASTEN, jly 10-1 w WUr Srreet. t CELEBRATED The wear and tear of business life makes such treiBecdous drafts upon body afii mind that without, recourse to some sustaining asrentthey mnet give wy under the pressure. To those whoi are breakinjr down, or waeting away from general debility or affections of the liver, stomach and he kidneys, a eyste mtic course of the Bitters will so rt-inforce the vital functions as to baffi all the assault f disease and reetore the system to its wont ed health. For sale by all Druggists Dealers generally. julj 1 ly d4w" and respectable thb: NEW YORK WEEKLY HEKA D. JAMES GORDON BiSNNETT. Prop'tor. The Best and Cheapest Newspaper Published. i ! I Postage Fre. ONE DOLL AH Per Year, 50 Cents Tor Six Months, I: I An Extrs Copy toevery Club of Ten. New York Herald, Published every Day in thegYear. Postage Free; $10 pays for one year, Sundays included. $8 payB for one year, without Sundays. 1 ia pays for six mouths, Sundays included. ti pays for six months, without Sundays. f 2 pays tor one year 'or any specmea aay oi the week. 51 pays for six montus for any specified day of the week, I $1 pe' month (iccipding Bundays) will be charged on subscriptions tor a less penou than three months. I TO EUROPE Including Postage. Daily $17 30 Weekly( European Edition) 4 60 Weekly (Domstic Edition).. 2 00 j NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED, ! Postage Free.! Daily Eaition...Two and a half cts. per Copy 8undsy KdMon Four cts.. per Copy, Weekly Edition ......Two cents per Copy N. tt. Not less than 6 copies mailed to newsdealers at wholesale rates. We allow no comm seions on subscriptions Daily Editi. n Address, I NEW IOBK HERALD, ! mch 19 Bioadway and St. Ann N. Y. 11, 13, 10, So Front St. Deviled Ham- i i POUND PA.CKA.GErf. ONLY 75 Cents. PICKNICKESS aad EXCURSIONISTS, as well as Housekeepers, will had this the most delightful as well as the Cheapest Deli cacy ever off-red. I ' UEOKOE MYERS, Sole -Agent. Our Sweet I Mash ! j Whiskey t WE GUAR4KTEE THIS WHISKEY sold at $3.00 per jrallna, better than any Whiskey sold in the market at $5.00 per gallon. We invite special attention to the same. GEORGE MYERS, tiole Agent. Wholesale B uyers -yiLL DO WELL TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF GROCERIES ever offered in the State, at the LOWEST PRICES. , j iuoe20 GEORGE MYERS. A NEW SUPPLY I OF THE POPULAR; , .1 i P-S-I-N-C-I-P-E Cigars, gold only by jane 30 P. L. BRLDGER3 A CO. Steamer Passu or t9 Q A PT. J. W. HARPER, Will resume SUNDAf tRIPS TO 8MITHYILLF, AprU 27, weather permitting. Dally Trips, as ujual. Leave Dock at 9.30 A. M. 1 apt 28 GEO. MTE23, Agent. Mis cellancous. . THEBESJl THE WO- 1 SOLD QY S1500.00 'i .' BEWARE Orfi77i W iXVZn UMBERS Ml NOTICE our DEMURS and DBfg RACE PL4 r FOR PARTICULARS NUHBEROhS ADDRESS '. 9 White!sewing Machine LII E IN A BOTTLL ' ' ! i Che Most Valuable Meaieat Discov ery Known to the Worid No ; More Use for Quinine, (Jiloiiie I or Mineral Poisons Life Ifor the BloolJ Strength for the Nerves, and Health for All. AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PU CL1C Believing that bf oleansing tbe blood and building up the iconatitution was the only true ira of ban hiiig- dieae and beio troub'J with weaknes of the luns, catarrh, very much broken down in constitution, ic , and after tryiiig the bdrt phjticians and paying out my. money for mfy aitdo of mediciDee idvertised without finding a permnuent cure, i b g&u doctorinfi: myself, .usinj medicines jiAie from roots and herbs, j 1 fortunately :iscovered a wonderful Hitters or Blood Ckansfcr,trjerirst bottle of wbicn tfare me:De :i'e an t vior, arid in tioin rllecttjd a perma niiit cure. 1 was t're trom catarrh, my lung oecaute strong and sound, bbiujc able to staud the aioat severe cold and expobure, and 1 have gained over thirty pounds in weight. Feel ne confident that I had u-a ?e a wondertul diacve.y in meaiciue, 1 prepared a quantity ot the Koot bitters,. and was in tn baoito ziviaif t em awav to sick tru ud aud nih bors. I fu.Dd tne medicine effected the most wonderful cares cf &l difeafes caused tr -u humors or scrof la in the hio' d, lmjrdeijce Ba1 Stt macn, Weakuess, KivJney Diseape Torpid Liver, Ac . c. i'he ues of my discoveiw in this way spread r'ro u nue pereoc to another until I fouDtl -myself called upon to euniJlv t'atients with ree.iici' e tr and wide, and I was induced to establish a labor dtor? for compo -ndinr ana bottling tbe Koot Bitters in iare quutities, ad 1 now d vote al' mj time to this business. I was ar first backward in presenting eitne invself or discovery in this way to the publc. not being! a patent med cine man and with small capital, but Ii am getting bravely over that, Hiuce 1 nrsc advertised this meoicin' I have been crowded wita orders from drug gists and country deale'S, and the hundreds of letters 1 have receive J troto persons curf a, prove the fact that no remedy lever did so much good in so short a time and h id so much success as tbe Koot Bitters. In jact, 1 am convinced that they will soon take the lead of all othe' medicines in use. JVea ly one hundred retail d--urgi6t3, right here at home in Cleveland, now sell Koot Bit'ers, some o whom have already sjld over one thousand oottles. j Root Uitters are strictlv a medical prepar ation, such as was used in the good old days ot our forefathers, when people w , re cured by some simple root lor plant, and when calomel and other poisons of the, mineral kingdom ere unknowm Thev accstronirlv on the liver and kidnevs. keep the bowels regular and build up the nervous system. ' hey penetrate everv part of the body, searching: out every nerve, bone and tissue from the head to the teet, cleansing and stiengtheuing the . fountain springs of life, hence they must I reach air diseases by purification and nourishment. No matter what your freiings or 'symptoms are, what the disease or ailment is. use Root Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but it jou only feel bad or miserable, luse tbe Bitters at once. It mar save vour lite. . Thounands of persons in all parts of the ountry are already using Koot Bitters They have saved many lives of c nsumtives wLo bad oeen given up, by friends and physi cians to die, and have permanently cured many old chronic cases of Catarrh, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and Skin Diseases. where all other treatments had fa led. Are you troubled with s ck headache, costiveness, dizziness, weakness, bad taste in the mouth. nervoufnee8,and broken-down in constitution? You will be cured if you take itoot Bitters Have ynu humors and pimples oa your face or skinr .Nothing will give you such good health, strength, and beauty as Root Bit ters, .-j I know that jeJus ciy humbug because aiy discovery I cures so many of thei.' patients, b-1 I care not.k It is now my desire and determination to plaoe my Root Bitters as fast as possible within the reach ot all tbo-gt guttering" throughout the world. Hold by wholesale and retail drug gists and country merchants, or sent ry ex press on receipt of price, $1.00 pel: bottle, or six bottles $5.00. or certifacates of won derful cu'es, see my large circular around each bottle of medicine. Read aad judge for yourself. j iSftAsk your druggist or merchant for JfKAZlEK'S KOOT BITTER.-, the grea Blood Clar)8er,and take no substitute he ma ecomnond because he makes a large profit I .G. W. FRAIZER, niscoverer. 338 Supeiior St.. Clevrland O. For sale by J. C. Munds and T. S. Burbank, vraggisiz xnarcQ th eovr-diw Tlie New .s$unny South, 5) THE BEST AND HANDSOMEST PAPER IN AMERICA. Send for it, at Once See Our Club 1 i i I Bates- THE "3DNNT SOUTH" is now the mod el weekly of the age. It comos out in an entire new drew and new make-up generally and is overflowiog witn the richest and spi ciest matter of the day Poems, Eitsays 8torie, News of the Week, Wit and Humor," Female Go, sip, Domestic , Matters, Letters from all Sections, Notes of Travel, Puzzres, Chesi, Problems, Marriages, Deaths, Hia'th Notes, Personals, Stage Not, Movement - in Southern Society Fashion Notes with Plates, Answers to Correspondents, Bi graphies wirh Portraits of distinguubed men and women, Humorous fcngravings, Beniatioaal C.ip pings, Correspondents Column, Local Mat ters, Railroad Guide, and forcible editorials upon all aubj-cts. Is it possible to make a papr more complete ? Get a codv and ex amine it. It now circulates in all the Sta J and Territories, ia England, lrwfand, Cana da, Australia, Br2il, and the Indian a ation It is rea ly an honor to the South and t;ur F.pi .re proua or it, a,d every ooe should take it immedutely. - The price is only $2.50 a year. We will end the "Sunn7 sovtu" aod the Dailv Raviaw one year for f t', or we wil. gt-od th "Sunny South" and th, Wilmiotoh Jocar hxl one year for $ -50 The 'Sunny South" id "B ys and qirla J3 60, with a UrKe aad magnificent pictur thrown in.JkAddxe this office, r , tt17 Atlanu, da. Miscellaneous. Co. r CLEVELArip, ohio. For IleaKh aw! Pie. vuiei rpUEBE SPRINGS are situated fuur'l South of Shelby ard eii niilei nL , hitaker's. bn tne Air-Lin- Uu trr i m.1 1 t sv u - ' Of tn uj mil f Will t tif The chalybeate waters cann t e arPM23' having wrought many aim st mirtculonj These ' t-Ubratei Springs will bA 0pn . April, and ttiM p-ices are i-. racii of ii) h ing been gretl reduced this geaou. li' V Bathing houses, coquetl groundi," ien dib allev, and other ain'iwmeni. and attractiow free for Tailor?-. Hacks runin fri,uj place will meet vsit rs at Sh- lbv or at Whit aher's on the Air ir. R. K., upon short nJ tice to ;h Propriety. I Kates of Board, i Per d,y !.......$ 1 rer weei..,.... j , 1'er month..... U I'er m- Dth for two or more uiutb U (j-j Child'ei and seryntti alf prioej I For further Variiculai k, addrenn j I i VV .,G.. PA' Tr.USON, Pror ipl 2-dw-lSt HhelbJ, .V.cf i -I- A. Large A3.rt-j.nt of . wIlnut GHaMBEH SlilTS! I to be sold t the very bottom prioj. Walnut Wardrobes, Sideboards, txtiuinii Ta rles. Marble Top Tables, Ac., Ac., u 'I I i ' as common Chamber Sets, Bedstead, Ch:r and Rockers of all sorts. Looking (ln&.J - I I I ' Mirrors, Parlor Suit5, Lounges, ShaJuj B- i- ding and everything belonging to a Fi v. Class Furniture Establishment. . I Also," another lot of the celebrated Genuine Stewart Sewing Machines, a real corofurt. For sale at F. A. 8CHDTTEU i ana zs Front ana li to lft ID-k- k s's, mav 29 1 ' r. Schedule li Tax rtjee THE ATTENTION of merchan s aid Uai ders in j Pep der cmnty is invited to i'a following extract 1 rum the Rwrenue Lnwefot 187V: I Sec 12, Evejry merchant, jewe'e grocer) druggist, and every other dealer, who ihll buj and sell goods, mares r merrhaiidig ,-of whatevername or description, ezcepi'sufb ' are specially taxed elrewhere in i-hi act, shall, in addition to his ad valorem tlx od hii et ck, pay as a license tax one tenth of oni per cenum on the total amount of purchaH in or out of thb Statb, for citU or on Credit) whether such persons herein mentioned th!l purchase as principal or through an aeot or c mruission merchant. I very periun re -tiocedinthis section shall, within ten; dAi after the first dy of Jauuary and Ju'j in each year, deliver to the Heginter o! I ef a sworn statement ot the total ttumuDt ot uu purchases for the preceding six uiOMh?, eirf ing on the 3 1st day of Dt-ceuher or th Oth nf June. Any agent or c miuission merchant making such pu chases shall, for hii p i ci pal, make and deliver the statement a herein requi-ed. Provided, that the persons ir.en- tioned in this' section may make out ia Writ iog a list of their purchases, and rweif ,0 tbe same Detore any Justice orj the reaco . their cour ts, and return said list to the uez ister of Deeds ; the Register of Deeds shll keep a b. ok in which shall De recorded tbe I list given into him, as herein reqaijred, aal-t shall furnish the Sheriff' with a'1 copy of Mid list within ten days after the awe arnni"0 in. Itshailbethedutyof the Hleriff to col- j lect from every pers n on thai li t tumuhsd him by the Register oX Deeds the taiesewi i Ti ,1 i, j iii. j: a.ii1 oraceu luerein. i ne negisier o i ueeu bu" havenower to reouirs the merchant makini his statement to ubuiit his books for exu- , ination to him; aud every merchant failing to render Buch list, or rel using tn demtua, tn subnit hU b oks for sacb examinatitln, eh all be guilty of misdene-inor, aqd on can viction shalbe fined not more tan jnfty 't larn iT imDrioned t ot m;jre thaa thi itv dT ItBhajl further be the duty of the Aeiiter of deeds ito pr-isecate eveiy merchnt jrefufit-K as alorcsaid to the end or obuining u-n formation and compeiiit.g payment of tl. proper tax. As witl be ftn thp law aPnws me no dis cretion in the matter and Iahall be c,inpel;rl to nrniiteotA tn th fnll Ttnnt nf the lair, all who fail to comply with its provisions.! I. H. B.ROwlj , jane 19 Eeister of Deeds, Pender 0v Com, Bacon, Mpiais.ssa- 4() 000 Uuab Pfinie Whltd 4arn, ' . 3' 'or Boxes 1. S. and Pm.kW ' 1 ZD ridei,, i Hhds New Crop Cuba , , 1 Qr.fi Bbls Cuba, N. 0. aad . H.' 1 1 50 BbIa Freeh Floar 1 y r-Bbls Sugars, brushed, j , , 1 OOranulated A, Extra C, uJ , 1O0 Tuba Choice. Fami! Lj-d, 1 fr( Boxes Tobacco, Tax US'. r75 Half Bbu and Boxes . .. i Tat vH. IgQ'OlKejriMaJli, I ALSO, 1 Potash,1 Lye, Soda, Soap, Starch, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Glue, Ae , For sale low by t WILLIAMS A MUBCHISON, Qfune lTjWfcoiaaale Qro, A Coa Mr. , srai waters a e mlphur and chaljbetrf m i br.p-rties ot th sulphur re iron All1 mci Hiant sia. Pr.-p. tie combined i li nelicial to all di ease, and nerdr fii i j i

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