Tfli a PAPIK Is every tUn Saadays e eeyted y JOSH. T. J AMEI SOTTO no pBoruvroa. 9 1 r BatCKI KTIOJtM , fOtsTAQ K PAID. Ooe ju,li VO Si sosts, 11 W ; Three oUa, tl 15; OMmlh,MaU. rfce paper will be dellv ered by carriers, rref WgtU aay partef the city, at the ttiTi riiM, r IS miU pr wek. Adv ert'eiag rates low and liberal rSbribrs will pi report u; aad1 fiiftrMto revive their papers regularly. HfW ENTERPRISE. L20WN & RODDICK, W ill opeu on or aoout Wednesday, June 18, Tin Sti re on the Southwest corner t f 5jootid and Market streets. We pur lt d-viing tLu entire store to the sale uf arJcles at 5 and lO Gents. W cannot enumerate the different artf- c?- at this time but nr patrons may rest -.-r. .1 tllAt ourff-Kt wilt be spared to de tfU thi New Enterprise; W. certainly will offer the greatest ln- Ji:.-riunU that have ever been aniwn in th:a section cf the country, as no house in U- c uutry baa better facilitiea for .the purvh tse of such articles. BROWN & RODDICK. Sh w-uM also take this opportunity of stating that we are oflermg some Special Bargains at 45 Market street, in our urj Goods Department. Being short of space can only quote a short price list, but can safely say that at no time hare we been better prepared or had reater inducements than ai this par ticular moment. Dress Goods. W have Just received another small lot ot tt use at 15c. Call early. I ,f.,u ! fnmi HfTiffiTi fir I Worth double. (YI.uUJ Rows for Gent's wear In Black and White, 5c, worth 25c. The above when eouVd can lie ch.ansed w Itli a damp cloth. Ladles Lincii Collars, 5c. AdeciJod Bargtin. Summer Shawls. We are "closing out a small lot of the atiove at less than half the cost of manu lecturing. Children's Col'd Hose. The cheapest lot In this mark a ; 10c a pjir, and the qaality is good. I1D1P1 HtlFTHDElD QLOYEX. 5c. por pair. Comment unnecessary. Ptimsols and Sunshades. We have just received another lot of the aWe and can safely stae that they are i'hout exception the cheapest goods ever oil red by us at any time. Kor tlte niuliona at all price. Gents' White Shirts, UmJeuf Warnautta Cotton and the best !.iun front. Our price is still 75 cents BROWN & EODDICK, 43 XsXarksjt Straet jane U Bobesouian copy. New Uoorts! Low Prices! yyUILK IX 5BW YOKE rscenUy Mr. Hnttlia boaj ht, at very low rric a large tioti or Now and Desirable 6ood Thy hr Jtui bea received sad consis la p-i i OenU and Boys Cajiimere Suits ! lae lot at bettoaa figmres. A Wis itoek of WHITE TEST8, jnit the lata fr th mihi, ao4 will b sold at eatoalihiafly lowiato. PteM call aad ezaxalat, whtthar you par chaM r aU We dslifht la showing oar ivu, ui ao a t eoapei y.a to oy. SHKlaUfa TWO 8TURS8, I Market si. ilQHT RUHNIRQ "MEW HOME." T HIS A 8ELF-8ETTIN O 5IKDLK. A AitAMAtle Taasloa. Large space mader a4r thm Arm. SaHm T t!v OB hU La lVr.. n.:M fnr filing vaiy UeBc obbia wttAomt takiar off belt or raa-l lllr Ih. na.).i.. t . "i i I ri ft,. Ladies pleaMCalt aad see for joar- 'vas. IU.petfailT, . , . J. B. FARE1R, Jly U-lm u Market St. Lost-Eewardp A UODBLl RU PLALD SHAWL taa Tarapik. Friday mlglt. Tke laiar wul be rtvardsd by retarmiaf It to tils tfica. ..I - Tie ; 1 DMiii .ietiM:', VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1879. LOCAL 1 NEWS. If w, Advertisements. 8m ad Clyde's 8t-amshlp Coiptij. r.HsufSiiaeaa' Hammecks. J. B. Faisaa-Light' Running "New Home. ! i Hiaiaa's Keep Cool. Spiders are said to be very susceptible to music i A jpo says be is engaged at pic-nicks every day. ! The warm weather has spoiled a good mauy excellent jokes. j Coral are cot so much worn as they were a few years ago. ; Long lace pins set iu gold and pearl are esteemed beautiful. Sevea eclipses next year, accompanied by numerous smatty nose. A quantity of"poilt meat and fish were sent out of market yesterday. Excuse what yen see amiss in others; since all mankind are liable to errors. A big head is no tuore an evidence brains than a paper colUr is of a shut. of Shell jewelry is fashionable, but onyx is the most fashionable at the present Qod pardons like the mother who kieses the offense into jeverlastiug forgive ness. In memory's mellowed light, we behold not the thorn?; wesee only the beautiful f flowers. Watermelons are in , abundance, and oil of pepernaint has advanced to $3.25 per pound. Men milliners are on the iucrease ' in New York, but no ladies have yet gone into tailoring. ' A few lomons but lets of t-qutxztng may be seen at some of the picnics, as twilight shades appear. j Tou never can convince the average man that a roll of brown pairr' won t make a cork for a phial, j t Love's young dream may at this sea son ef the year be studied to the best ad vantage In an ice creamry . i Steamship Benefactor, Capt. Jones, will sail from New York on Saturday next on tie regular trip for this port. A wag thinks the hot weather ii very debilitating, because even the j picnic lem onade grows weaker and weaker. It Is suggested that the sweltering months the base ball pitcher should be . t f ,j t 0Terfl0WiQe with ice water The hucksters' still rule the market, and consequently the prices jofj vegetables and fraits are kept up to flush times figures. A young mother must have some rest. But how is this to be accomplished, when the bsby is restless and cries constantly ? Simply by using Dr. Bull's Baby Syrap. 'Oh.w she said "I think that eflVryes it: cing water is sodA-liciousj lie look the bint, and soda dime ou of love. 'V harvest field ilci If anybody would Invent some muci lage that would stick ai well as a fly does to a bald-headed man. be, would make a fortune. j , j ' The sea-serpent has hot yet put in an appearance at the watering places. This has caused some despondency among the hotel keepers. j j j If you an bit by a moriiuito or copper head snak, use carbonate ot soda imme diately, externilly,; and yooj will be made well in a few minutes. There was a fall iu the thermometer of four degrees, (from 96 U 92) at the time of the shower in the early part of this afternoon The change took place ia about two minutes, and was noted at our office. , I j The editor of the Boston Globe really believes in the theory that the earth's -ill size is increased by meteoric dust at the rate of a ton a day So it is the meteoric dust, is it, which makes the earth bulge nn Lnwnl nn aa von walk h ime i f in r 4 . evening toward morning? Wine tor iTenlaff KnterUlnmen;i. . The Port Grape Wine of Alfred Speer, of Faaaaic, New Jersey, la generally pro nounced the most n liable wine to be ob tained, and la now being used by those fashionables and I families who j are the moat cheice In the selection of Wine for evening entertainments, For sale by F. L. Brldgers k Co. J. C llunds and Green V Flanner. i ' A False Report Refuted. We clip from the New York Herald uf the 6th int. a refutation of the statement made to that paper by a Nor folk, Va , correspondent , relative to the dlnchxm of MtmAn. from a vtSRel at quarantine at Smithville, as bHug sen North by our city authorities. As will be seen,the first statement fiorn this city is made by the regul r corres pondent of the Herald while the secom is made by Dr. J. U. Walker, Superin. Undent of Health , - Wilmingtow. N O., Anz 5, 1879. The report sent to the Herald iroin Norfolk in regard to the seamen a.leged to have been discharged from quarantine here and hurried north by our authorities hftfl dnriA inmatira to this CltV. i be schooner E S. PwellJ not the Bri ish bark L.T. Oregon, arrived from Navassa Island, a Derfectlv health v Dort. on the Uth of July, after a voyage ot tweniy- w t w m w tive days. She brought a clear and clean bill of health, but was nevertheless quar aitined five days and thoroughly furaU ated. She was loaded with phosphates, the ammonia in which is itself a goed disinfectant. After being quarantined she went to the Navasea Works, above the city, and there discharged her cargo at the hands of her crew. The time of the crew had expired, and aa they wanted to be discharged they were paid ou , and allowed to leave, but in an excess of caution were not allowed to come to the city. The Pvwell is now in the river below the city, with her captain, male and stew ard on board, and has not bad a day's sickness while here. These facta were telegraphed to the Nortoik autnor ities on Saturday nigbt in response to inaumes from them, and were doubtless exaggerated by them iu their dread ot iu lection. Wilmikotom, N. C. Aug. 5, 1879. To tub Editor of thb Herald : Tne despatch in the Herald from Nor folk, dated August 8, about toe discharge of sailors from a yellow lever vessel at mis port, is untrue. No vesei;has arrived at the Quarantine station or in Wilmington with fever on board. The crew alluded to was from the schooner E. S. Powell, from Navassa Island, loaded with phosphate, with a clean bill or health and no sickness on board since sailing. She arrived here on the 16th of July, after a passage of twenty-fi e da.' s. a d as at Quarantine, where she was disinfected, and she was unloaded three mile above the city. 1 be crew demanded to be and were discharged, therefore, with safety. J. O. Walker, M. l , Superintendent of Health. i August Regatta. The regular August regatta of the Caro lina Tacht Club will be sailed over the Wrkhtsviile course to-morrow. The race will be commenced about noon. The fol lowing yachts have entered ; Bessie Le. . . .Commodore O. A. Wiggins. Restless Capt. S. P. Cowan. Frolic .Capt. G. . Parsley. Lizzie Capt. W. L. Parsley. Rosa Capt. Jno. M. Cazaux. Carolina. Capt. Jne. J. Fowler. Binnle.. ....dpt. Norwood Giles. The Qui Vive is eut of repairfl and will not enter. Tne crew ol the bpray are out of the city, and it is thought that she will not he put in the race. Tomato Pickle. The season for making tomato pickles is at hand, and the following recipe may therefore not be out of place: Take the small sized round tomatoes, those which are called "volunteers;" wash thoroughly and dry; take a knitting needle and pass it once or twice throvgh each tomato; got a large jar and put in a layer of salt on bottom, then Uyers of tomatoes and salt until the jar is full; let them remain fer a week. To each gallon of tomatoes take 4 ounces of ground pepper, 1 ounce and 12 small onions which have been i i i Biiced. late eut tomatoes .irom jar, v. ipe them and replace them again in the jar, putting in the above ingredients as layeis of tomatoes are made. Heat vine" gar almost te boiling point and pour on the tomatoes.' The tomatoes will keep their form and color. Thermemetrlcal. From the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as takes this morn ing at 7: SI o clerk: Augusts. GSw....Tf AUaa a, G a. ........ 77 Cairo, 111............. 00 Charleston, 8. C....79 Ciaeinnati... ......78 Corsieaaa, Tex 78 Fart Oibeoa, C. N.78 Oalvestoa.... 84- lodlanola. .........7 8 Jacksonville, Fla.82 B0zviIleM..M.n...7S 1 yaekbarc 79 Mempaia. Teu..- 81 Mobile, Ala. .........79 Montgomery Ala... 7 9 aahville . . 82 New Or leans...... ...8 2 Xew York....77 PanU Kassa, r Ia.,.80 Savannah, Oa..,.77 tihre Teport.... .81 HC Loois Mo 90 St. Marks, Fla...M7 Vteksborg, Miaj 81 Washington. .......6 WHmias;ton.MMMW.T9 Wine and Cake for scveninrs. 1 i Alfred Speer of New Jersey, it should te known, is one of the most extensive producers and dealer in Pure Wines and Brandies fa the United States. He makes a Superior Port Wine, which took the highest premium at tbeCentennial, known aa 8peera Port Grape Wine. It ia sold bj J, a Mnndj, P. L. Bridgere & Oo. and Green &FUnner. Ang-td Personal. Mr 1 nomas atuart,! of Canton. Miss who is engaged in the planting and mili inx ousiness; m that section, is here on a short visit to his sister, Mrs. P. Heinfcberger, whom he in nearly a quarter of has not seen before a century. Mr Stuart has been to New York on business and stops over here on his return to Canton. He is the guest while in the city oi bis brother-iu-law, Mr. He insbereer Criminal Court The following canes were taken up and disposed of by this tribunal to-day, as follows: i State vs Martha, Jackson, charged with assault. Verdict guilty. Motion in arrest of judgment. Motion granted and dt fondant discharged. StaU vs Margaret A. Wilson, chargr with perjury. Verdict not guilty. State Ys John Green and Henry Loftin, charged with attempting to commit a felony. Nol pros eutered las to Jehu stilL on Green; the case of Henry Loftin trial. 1 City Court- Alderman Bowden, Mayor pro tiinp., presiding. Lewis Dudley, colored charged with disorderly conduct, was sentenced to pay a fine of $1.50 or be locked up for five days. The defendant pouied up three sil ver hif-dollais aud turned his back on the A case of assault was disposed of by imposing a fine of $5 which the defendant walked up to the Captain's office and seU tied immediately. Julius Jackson, Thomas TitJ and John Gurley, three notorious little colored va grants, were sent to the lock-up for ten days to feast on bread and water duribg the time of their incarceration. Wm. Borden, Samuel Stokes and Frank Farrinfrow, who were arrested last night for sleeging in the streets, and fallidg to givo a satisfactory account of themsehes, were sent below for five days. This fin ished the business on the docket and the Court adjourned fur the day. ? Another Burglary, Early Sunday morning; la t the resi- donce of a gentleman living on the corner of Fourth and Bed Orcss streets, was burglariously entered and robbed ot $21. The thieves entered through a door which was opeh.leadin out on a piazsa enclosed by lattice work. They took the gentle man's pants off a chair, searched his pockets and discovered a money purse. They dropped the pants in the room, but examined the pocket book on the piazza and after extracting $21 left it on the floor near the door. The robbery was not discovered until the gentleman started to dress for the day. Some gold was left in the pocket book and nothing else about ttia hnaa wa. rii.tiirhd. but the nanta and money. It is supposed that the theft was committed by a' novice and by one who was cognizant of the habits of the victim. ! Arrest of a Burglar. j f uller Mans'ey, a colored man, ap parently abcut twenty years of age," was arrested in this city this morning by of ficer W. H. Biddle, of the police force upon the harge of burglary, and conveyed to the lock-up. The alleged crime was committed in Pender, and the defendant it seems, had been arrested by Justice McClammy, of that county, on yesterday, and locked up in his barn until the justice could make a trip to a neighbor's house to arrange the proper papersJ In the meantime, the prisoner becoming tired of his confine ment, forced the lock, when the door flew open and out! he walked a free man. I The time of this occurrence was, as they would express it in the country, "an hourbyaun." This morning Mr. Dan'I Futch, from Justice McClammy's neigh bo r hood, reached this city 'and imparted the foregoing information to Mr. Biddle, one of the police officers, giving him a full description of the man at the same time, whereupon the officer set his traps to cetchube offender, which he succeeded in doirg this morning j shortly after day break at the Market Dock, where the escaped prisoner was making diligent in quiries into the chances for getting over the river to Judge Bassell's plantation The party whose house was broken into was that of another colored min by the name of Frank Loften. I Mr. A. D. Brown and family left this merninj for Old , Point, Saratoga,! and other watering places. We wah them a pleasant trip. ; NO. 155 Enlargement. The 'Durham Tobacco Plant, uclw iu its eightp year oi a very successful exis- tencej comes to us this week eularged and utucrwine improvea. i ne lis a ...tL Z ' rvn t . goo I paper, apd Brother Green, who is a staunch lab rt-r in tlie jesvpjia)er field, Las nr le8t wished for hij coutinued success I'ity Their Suffer! ncs The officers of the Orimioal C4rt to- diy. the Solicitor, Olern and Sheriff, ais well as the members of the, lookt'd ah though they had beeu in swiuituing with their clothes on. Their suffering was groat aud they were really pitiable to look upon. Oh! for a reconstruction act bv the tioard ot Commissioners, add oue that would be thorough, entire, and en forced to the very letter. The Rotating Prodigy. The Doctor" Geo E. Tu omas, coKr ei, who figured so cxteusively iu this State a few years ago as the man who could move his heart ar will, storv his c . pulsations aud bend au inch1 bar of iron across his arm, has rotated around until at laBthe has brought up in Abbeville, Ala., where if whiskey is plentiful and cheap and guard houses have gone into desuetude I the "Doctor" will be able to spend 1 sev eral months very happily. J Wnat;$200 Did in W all . street. August lGtbi 1878, a customer wrote Messrs. Lawrence & Co., Baukers, N. Y. 'Uear feirs : 1 ours containing remittance for $1,113.25, as profits on ray 200 shares, is received. Accept my thanks, , for I am very well satisfied. You may use this let ter. I would recommend every one who feels disposed to speculate to send foryour circular. This is but one instance but of thousands, by which the new COM BIN A. TION SYSTEM of operating stocks en ables people with large or small capital to make similar profits. By this excellent I plan, the orders ot thousands of customers from city and country are' pooled into OE IMMEMSE bUM and co-operated as a MIGHTY INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT: Each member of the' combination secures :,uirci mr. t-uiuiuduuii secures advantages of the largest capital rith1 experienced skill. Profits di- an tne united with1 vided monthly : $10 Invested returns $50, or 5 per ceut., on the stock, $75 will make $450, and so on, according to the market. Messrs. Lawrence & Co's. iiiew circular (mailed free) has "two unerring rules for success,'.' and explains everything, Jso that any one can operate profitably. All kinds of Stocks and bonds wanted. New Gov ernment loan supplied. Apply to Lawrence Co., Bankers, o7 Exchauge Place, N. Y. City. No good Preaciiing. No man can do a good job rf wr rfr preach a good sermou, try a lawsuit well, doctor a1 patient, or write a , good article when he feels miserable and dull, with sluggish brain and u steady nerves, and none should make the attempt in such a condition when it can be so easily and cheaply removed by a little Hop Bitters. See other column. A CARD TO THE AFFLICTED. Br- Robertson, 19 South Eutaw street Baltimore, Md , From long experience in hospital and pri- practice, guaraniees a permanent cure in all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous System viz : Organie and Seminal Weakuess, Impotency floss of sexual power)! Nervous Debility and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness-of Sight or Giddiness, Pains in the BaCk and Nocturnal Emissions, etc., all resulting trom abuses in youth or excess in manhood. Diseases recently contracted cured in five to ten days, and the poison entirely eradicated from the system. Also all skin and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr. Robertson, a graduate ot the Unive si ty of Maryland, ref rs to any of the leading physicians of Baltimore. Special attention given to all female complaints. r All consultations strictly connaenitai and medicines sent te any address. Call or write, enclosingy stamp for reply I july 2 lyd&w. .A CARD. To all who are suffering from the er rors aud indiscretions ot youth,1 nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood &c., I will send i recipe that will t;ure vou. FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered jby a missionary in South America, Send a eelf-ad Iressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Isman, Station D. New York City, i "A Great Man Has Fallen " To-day Rev. J. P. Jordan, of the Metho dist Church, preached the funer al of Co was Urmsbt, agcJ eighty years, wko died at his residence in, Koekv Point Township, Pendr county,. Friday, 1st day. of August 1879. The ext was as above appropriate was the text. He was not (treat im weslth, position or learning, lui he was great in piety, in goodness, a&d ia all tb t constitutes grettcets in the eyes ot God. He has been a consist ent meiber of the Piesbyterian Chnrch for oyer fifty years, at one time an offic.-r in Pike t'hurrh, wbi'ehe belonged at the time of bis death, always at ending thinking by bis presence to cheer and eacoarage his beloved pastor, (Ker. U. B. Black) whom he luved so much and prayed for so deroatlr. There have beea few who have died in this neigh borhood that have let : a more stamleas i ecord, a better same than Cowaa Oaiusv. He leaves several! children a d grand children, and friends aad admirers without n amber to mourn his gain bnt their loss ! To his fam ily I would say; May the God of all me eies deal tenderly with yoa, and prepare jou for the final day so that yoa to may be, like yoa' fth er, ripe for the harvest. 'Truly a great man has fallen ia IsraeL Faissn. Ans,aftt 1879. . rLEABK 1T0TICK. Ws will be gld to reeelve com n animations from oar friends on any aad all ssbjeetf of general interest bat : I l " I i : '. I j P I I The Bams of the writer martjaiways be far aiahed to theKditor! ' ' ! ! I CommunTcationg most be written on only oae ,ide f thea'per. ' ' ' j , , j " j- : PersnnaHtiM mnt be avoided. i j I i . And it is especially nd parti -nlarly uadef tood tLt the Editor does not alwevs enda i. - ia views or corree.oo dents, In.the editorial columns. unless so state ' J-i New Advertisements. ' ANlj Wilmington, Steamship She fitsamer '- B EN E FA C TO R ? CAPT. JONES.! ILL 8AIL FROM &EW OKK ) SATURDAY, August 9. i ! aft. Shipper oan rely upon the prompt sailing of. Steamers as advertised. ' Fjr Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, 8np't, I Wilmington, N. WM. P. CLYDE CO., ! j 35 Broadway, New Vorr. aag7. Hammocks. NOW IS THE TIME1" Hammock-if you wish TO BUY A to list )m. lonaoie. Another lot just in at 1IE1 NSBERGEL'S. Summer Reading CO KEEP YOUR MINI) OCUPIkIi while yoa are comfort ably resting. 1 Thermometers T T TfiTT IV TVUPffPATtrvv V H . .. . TLMI ELA TULE, but lo 1U M10!,? iiVk nnnwUmvii a;e Notice, fTTHE ONDEIISIONED Willi at oud at JL the Court nou9 on Thnrsilay, the 14th examine applicanh for Teach- instant, to er's Certificates. A. U. BLA(K, s - . E: Examiner. pRE$n AND NO. 1, JUST KECKlVfiq to-dav from Pennsylvania. Call and see P. auif 1 NEWBURT A CBA5TKN. A Perfect Likeness ! QF YOURSELF CAN BE jUAB calling at ; ';' ' ' ! IhY TATESf. PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. , Children's Pictures a specialty.. 1 HTER EOSCOPIU VIEWaofall places df Interest in and around the city constantly on hand, PICTURE FRAMES and MOULDINGH, SCHOOL BOOKS and School Stationorj. Orde'8 from tho country (will meet with prompt attention. j" YATE8' BOOK STOitE aag t ANI PHOTO ROOVfS. Busies, Buggip, a m M- y FOR HALE AT ! asnxzAziBT fk cofs. 3rd sti, opposite City Hall. RKP AIRING DONE WITH NES ' j AND DISPATCH. I j - ) HORSE-SHOEING A SPEClAJLTre ang 4 tf 1 ' j Exchange Hotel, QOXiDSBOXIO,jXT. O; : '!-, v- - -; 'I -i A FIRST CLASS HrTJEin every respect. il. Special arrangemats oflered to 1 Com mercial tonnsts. . ( . i Ssv Pricvs Reason aSle. J. M. BnVTIWO Foraae'ly of Wilmington anJ P. PI O. Co. j U T. MERK1TT, Formerly of Petersburg A BlaeKfdge Springs STg 4- I PrnpriUrs. Come I ,1 ! OT OF A SEE A YEUY FINE L BRETON NK,'- ITALIAN, ' AND REAL ACks; The Best bCISSORS in the Wop I , And the bet fitting aad fastest J- f- SeBIag COSSET; (Flexible Hip) Bretonne Lace Ties aad other Fancy Articles EXCHANGE CORNER. 'ttlyM If . IL 8PRUNT. LL-l.. . CLYDE'S I Mew VoHc, . w:. c.. Line. Ii aig 4-tf i V

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