STORM IX SETT BUrXSTVICK- Several L'.tcs Lost and Widespread Damafe to Boildlnz and Crops. vt. r tt f,rx:. X 13. Aug 7 A invert -Ve from the northwest yesterday nprooted trees, leveled fields ol wneat to the ground and btvarcly damsgfd field of corn. . BtrrcUCDE.h B, Au; i Th de stiuction oi property by the been much more extensive than at first auppoied. Wry few houses have es caped damage. The -outbn-ldiDgj. stoYe. Louse and barns of K.V ii Micbaud are a mass of mica, mm Julia Micbaud. nuce ol the ptitst, was severely injured. Tbe conrent was omervhat wrecsed, but ia a'lll stand ing Several cords of bark awaiting birment, witu several -aft of deaia, were driven to fcca. Irving a ware hi ue was utterly destroyed. A large sohool bnildir.g. with furniture and library, ar a total iota, liiabers ton in wnfiht wr- raid and earned eTsral Luudred f et by the ioleL f tho tempest. The old moulding Bhon and other buildiui i bLU' yard were ewept wy. Crop and valuable forest lands are complete. destroyed. Deaths are c .ntunaily re potted. Iu one initnLce a mot at r was crubedtu dath wl.iie m r luher arms was unit jund H'.verai children in tbe DoiUrd oettiameut aie mi-ting. 'Lhny vere picking berr e aiid it s euPiicaid wen- k.ll-?d. Visitors are a - nying Iron ail pans acuhuuii'v to tne Mir Ting country peopic freely made: are TlicZulu War. London. AuzH News hid b.en rc cived from bir Urtet Wolsaley, on tbe UtiU'ooci llivrx, under dale of July 21, tiiHt the prospect for peace and tbe Kettlc.on of t'je country are gooJ. Cherfvl Vo1'.1cjh interview wub the coat cbief was patiM'actory, but tbe latter convll'.rtd qniet impoa h bie wbilu Ki CcNva is at large. Tbe natives gt-uer!iy "cannot under-t-taad tb rTiitmeui of tbe lintisb force froni U.uudi. Gentrnl Wole Uy, tLMelure, tbinks it will be iiicos to Tec?upy tbtt p:ccf, and ha b nut i-u ...rr.l ah ae cb e'j to reft him tl.r- ou a t 10 ti t ! tLe qnea titju rli v o 'bo furufe ot the ctcitry. '.' r.t'.jr; Hg".irj9 Kinf C-'tewaTI'y irrgiiiars uii trieiidij uativen b.Tc birun. Art jngemeutb me cifckrt. ; ofw.k up tb- Firut D. v s on hill t;.j C-.Ta.ry Brigade auJ ?ciid tlieiiitn !:t:ie. Oaani ba uu d rtakku to capture bio biotLr Cwte wayo. a u:spute-i fr .m Cif Towa, dated 221, t!)- !u r v-rii Z liii chiefs have m:::- l to iz (i-roet Wo'seley at S:. IV.u "d. It m r . rw.rted tnut be as fured tlieai ti'-y vtou'd henceforth be KnverneJ d pr.iced by tb Bn!i?h Uovfrnruint. General C.ea ivc'.v ani Co.o-if'.H Wood aDd Li-lei v.iA re uru to f?:2ci. Auotber of r.;..ts na re-eabarked !or J-oHi. A i.. fort - is to adrance oj U.ue i; if'flj. A det'.cb-;of it:' f.:'; nni i.TfguUrs auu prolttb y : G r Ni wd-ute'fc tvltrrn.nj.i 1 1' . . .c Tiultatrfni-iy ou tbe 12.' t r 17 I;rsl. An fllic.ii f!erHni aui.'-..,CfS that :r G-:uel SVi l : y I. rt.-cWcd to occupy Uinn di until p-a'f" id fab'y ea'abliched, b ' tt;:pn are pre trg K ip C't.'i-jJ fr ru ai! ?i ls It is n pirj fef.t-d 'i ft K'.g Cj -"ri vi b. y. .tL Lira . fore ? 'j l.O'J m"n, rl it i j bt':" rt-.v r iz lu be eaptUrcO wi:h'-u t1it!l?..'.ty. The Vi en. of tbe Govsrtim?nt ot Cipe Co!ny inn ivj!..j :u the Arf m b:y that S.r Ertie frrr did Lotcon-ttnp'-ito rr?:t-::iog tbeGi vcrt.m?ft. Ti.c iim'"H correspondence ut the Uai-'oi I'.'.rr pay t!8t tfce retreat o? rr;o irt.s i frnra U'nndi baa restored C'te-riTD ccti Ienc(. It repotted rLri porrrinl cuief rrifh 4,0'JJ men f; t i ti:e K rg. Adesp'ch to the T : grrii report? tht Ce"ayo hn s-j ms'TiT Jo Jot'u Denn, asking wbti term b giveu bim if he tnrrcn-J n nor. 'I n ppc-.r.! corrccpoiidcnts agree in cidr"H'i' thr jlri tnt the war i 'vrr. ni l ,j-v depi. rue clr (larnet! r'idtng troepp home. At rtdfini :c the Th c-irr'Hjre in vrbich Kir.:: ..toro r:t!iiaing frcn l.rT-tat to Liicruji, was npc , nil trv: i r?' firm t.?n dilo cated. tier?''' E-rrissr:0, rh-k 'ooa p'nv'd th Kinr, bid hs t!v Fp.-f.iu-rd. Ti K'ig'n r.rra wes rc?c Th Mdiid Fohtici rxpr?fse3 the btiff thnt tbe deaHi- of the Infanta Marie del Pilar will cauio the post par.esjcnt of Kiror Alfonso's marriage until February, 18S0. The Indians bolf ilo Hunting., I) T, August 7. Litest reports from abova tbt- place state that Sitting Bull is ten railed north of the lino and wi-1 probibiy go to theHaiket- cheran. Gin Mils, it is pa;d, will Boon return Tue Indiana crcros sup posed to ba afranl of tho troops, but aro follotirg the bu'Xilo, which hae gone north. Goii: hack to IheeidWay. Was3:ngtjn. Anpnat 7. Tne vari ous Kepab;;en btate asanciations, wliica w.rod I'snilel shortly a'te-g the Pres:d.-nt'a civil service order vt issued, -ire now taking steps to reorga nize aud the low bat Association fcas already done so. It is mderstood by the memberiof thmo Associations that the President will not object to their reorganization. for the Tomb or the bead Prtnre. cxblc, August 7. The steamer leaving for EngiaaJ on Saturday will convey to Emprew Eagenie the wreath of immortelle o?ntributed by the Frenoh Canadian youths of this city, to be plc;d on the tomb of the late Pri.ic Irnparial at Cniielharst. THE FEVER. More Sew Cases at Memphis than on any day Uilhertothls Tear. -iii--an, AuRuatl Tr-Twenty-nine . c of frvr in ell. including tiv wUitionrd ii tbeae dutches Iet r.. .iu.nMl to the Board ol faith for the twmty-TOur uuuip cuu- t . . : - ft l . .Wt st- .... t . ! t iiiw i TtiiDff. Piine ... . . Kin A. T - 1 J - colored. Amo: g the h tan are iMike Dwy r, John rjwinai-der, J M A,Bu,f Webb. Lizz e GtcLellJ Nellie Todd and Amelia Herman. !Five deaths have occurred Mike Holly. Kate Holiv. Fred f Hollander, L'onoe Ch.Mot, a prescription clerk, and Jesae llea'rd, colored. I I Mrs J M T.ghe ia also down with the ftver at tr residence on,Valker avenne, beyend the city limits The weatler i" sultry . A heavy rain fall this afternoon and another storm fiom the toirb is th-'eateoedj Tfce mark -d increase in the numbu of new cases plainly indicates that the levssr ii rapidly spreading. The How ard A.'0-3iatian to-day assigned twen-tj-tive additional nurses to duty. Pheir daily expenses now aggregate uearly $500 The condition of Ed Moon to-night is more favorable than it a last uignt. j li. E Webb lies in i4 nritio! condition. ! iMrs Flagh and her remaining two children wer-pros trntrd thia aftfruoon. The entire iatincr of the mother ard four children, are down with the dis ease. Beg nnug to-morrow a semi weekly mil willj be received and sent to Grenada, Ms, via the Mi esissippi nd Tennessee rbd. The Committee of Safety Las seni a circular letter to -bent cit z ns of Memphis aKing heir aesifctauce towardi supporting the i oor nww in camp. tT Lowi-, August 7 The report from quarantine shows that there are five patients In the hospital one yei Jow fever, one doubtful, one yellow fever oouvale oent and two sick Hith malarial feverJ Mrs Fnilmott, of Mem phis, u improvinpr. Health Com mis sioner Francis applied toiay to the National Board for a auota ol tnr funds set apart by the FoderulGov em men t for yellow lever. Naw Ori.eans, August 7 The Board ol tlcjaub to-uigbt adopted a reaoiu tion dicJari'jK that there is not now a aintrle cse o veLlow fever in the city or environ, thtin its opinion there ;s no dangnr ot au epidemic arising this summer from puat or future cases, should such eccur, and that th board will use the strictest and most unremitting vigilance agaiust the in trodnctiou of foreign cases, lne reso 'utiou suggests that quarantines against New Orleaud bo removed. Jnforma tion has bten received that this has already been done at Grenada, Miss, and o'ber points on the Jacksou road The Xordensbjold Expedition. London, i Ancust 8 Acoordinar to advices from Copenhagen, the an- uonucment that the 1 Nordenskjold Arctic Expedition had pasted Behring Htraits was premature. A latter from Professor JSordeaekjold, dated in February, at theentrance of the straits, av: I nope to be free fioaa the ice in June.' I CAB9LLX1. lUieich er.d Durham are to be oon ni-cted by a taJcphonio line. liaiei?h Ohxcrvcr: A chioken foot with eight toes has been sent us by Mr It N Wynne, of Moncure. The chicken was full crown, and all the toes are fully formed and of the usual size. It is a double foot simply. ( Mooresville Gazette : During tbe month of July, the slack. month of the vear in business aspects, the railroad business at this place, according to the ogent s report to the bap t, was only 8101 93. The Fall months xun freight bills, &o up 1 3 81000.! itocKicgnam noe? uiea. near Spring Hill, N C, August 2nd, 1879. Maj John McNeil, aged about seventy years, one of Richmond oounty,8 best citizens, a good man who was greatly beloved. Un tne same day near Lanrinburgh, N O, Miss Peggy Mur- pny, a gooa oia iaay, egea about byj years. t F.aleigh Obstri.r : Lewis Turner. Esq. ofKichmond Hill township, Yad kin county, has two acres of land which bent s cultivated Icvery othef year in tobacco during tne past nine years, and has cleared 81,000 from ! it. The other yean he had it in wheat, and ha taken no'acoount of tbe value of that crop. Farming will "pay in this country u well managed. Ashevlllo Citizen : i Ater a loner. useiui me, uoi otepnea Lee passed I . . ... . . w away lass oaiuraay, and now sleeps tbe I sleep mat lenows no waking. He was f : l- boll .ii - . i . . m uia t jw year, au oi wnion, since I reacmncr tbe aire of annonntahiiit I were spent in earnest, honest, active I - . .. . euorts 10 serve wen bis liod, bis coun- r . M . f iryiana nis ieuowmau. Hia Meatbl occurred at the Eacle Hotel. 1 ft Kockinoham 7?- Wa nrr J I tKl,n.r.,'n rr. j -. i . I K3 . I V .VKIClf LI 1 rw V "eanesoayi iastl iua dioui iuiii miu new COlton lao-l ioit at ue iovinston Hnnrtra in h.'oi w w w Afta Muia plated, the machinery b6in? nearly all put up and about ready for runnii g, othing saved except a small Dortiun of belting; cause accidental; loss about nrtrt. i rr . c),uwi uu iiiauraiicu.. Xlugn MCln -c a ;uuku w iu,r ao years, came very near perifningm tbe flames. Raleigh Noes: A curious aiffht u seen by the reporter eterdaj morn ing. A country uj-aJs cm, unoccr- Diea. rtATKM nn in f rnn a .U- ket thVnwnpr hAln J . uu " r brl Llenen. Dtu, Hamburx De Kei, ine owner being at a neighboring Roaset Co. x store purchasing goods. ( The reina of D8ch.r Henrietta Hill, Bereridge, Baltimore me aouwe team were held by a email olt, about three months old. At first it had the appearanoe of au aocident but on inquiry it was ascertained that the oolt had been tiaiaed by hia owner to do thia. j Green-rille Express :j Hr John MaI- lison, a young man 18 j years old, was drowned while bathing ia Oontantnea Creek, near Bell's Bridgt, last Satur day evening. He could awim only a very little and happening to get in water over his head he became fright ened and sank before assistance could be given Tbe same gentleman in forms us that a house and three ne uroee were burned near the sama place here young Mallison was drowned, ju t two weeks before hia death. liaieigb Observer; The Magistrates and Commissioners of Yadkin county levied the tex on last Tuesday as fol lows: For county and State purposes, 96 i cents on the $100 vacation of real and personal property and $2 80 on tbe poll. This levy will also raise a special tax of $5,000 levied to pay off judgments against the county. Last year, under Radical rule, the tax was $1.08 on the 8100 valuation on prop erty, and 83.21 cents on the poll. The Democratic Commissioners have re duced the property tax 12 cents on the 8l00,and 35 cents ou the poll, and at tha same time raise a special tax of $5,000 in addition to the running expenses, to pay off the indebtedness of tneoouuty, What $200 Did fa Wall Street. Augu.i l(i h, 187S, a customer wrote Messrs. Lawreuoe & Co., Bankers, N. Y. "Dear Sirs ; Yours containing remittance for $1,113 25, as profits on my 200 shares, i s received. Accept my thanks, for I am very wHl satisfied. You may use this let ter. I would recommend every one who IWels disposed to speculate to send for your circular. This Lj but one instance out of housauds, by which the new COMBINA TION SYSTEM of operating stocks en ables people with large or small capital to make similar profits. By 4hls excellent plan, the orders of thousands of customers f om city and country are pooled into ONE IMMENSE SUM and co-operated as a MIGHTY INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT. Each member of the combination secure all the advantages of the largest capital united with exp liriiiced skill. Profits di vided monthly ; $10 Invested returns $50, i r 5 per cent., on the stock, $75 will make $450, and so on, accordiug to the market. Messrs. Lawreuoe & Coj. new circular (mailed fre) has "two unerring rules for success," and explains everything, so that any one can operate profitably. All kind: of Stocks and bonds wanted. New Gov ernment loa:. supplied. Apply to Lawrena & Co., B inkers, 57 Exchange Place, N. Y. City. A CAKD TO THE AFFLICTED. Sr Robertson, 19 South Eutaw street Baltimore, Md From long experience in hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent cure in all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous System viz : Organie and seminal Weakness, Impotency tloss of sexual power) Nervous Debility and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, Dim. ness of Sight or Giddiness, Pains in th Back and Nocturnal Emissions, etc.,' all resulting trom abuses in youth or excess in manhood. Diseases recently contracted cured in five to ten days, and the poisoL entirely eradicated from the system. Also all skin and blood diseases quickly cured Dr. Robertson, a graduate ot the Unive si- ty of Maryland, refers to any of the leading physicians of Baltimore.! Special attention given to all female complaints. All consultations stnctlr conndenital and medicines sent t any address. Call or write, enclosingy stamp for reply july 1 ly-d&w. Wine tor Evening Entertainment. i The Port Grape Wine of Alfred Speer, of Passaic, New Jersey, is generally pro nounced the most rt liable wine to be ob tainsd. and is now being uied by these ! fashionables and families who are the most choice in the (election of wines for everdng entertainments. For sale by P. L. Bridsers & Co . J. C. Munds and Greon & Fianuer. A CARD. loan wno are suuonng irom tne er rors aud indiscretions ot youtn, nervous 'weakness, early decay, loss of manhood occ. 1 win send a recipe mat win cure you, x1 lite ft ut utiAKUU. ims great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Josuph T. i Inman, btatien I), New York City. G0MMEB0IAL HEWS. WlliMINQTON MARKET 1 AUGUST 94 T M. I SPIRITS TURPENTINE Dull at 25 cents. No sales reported. ROaiN Quiet at 1 00 ' for 8 trained and Si 05 for Good strained. No sales reported. TAR Steady at $1 12 per bblf280 lba. Sales receipts at quotations. CRUDK TURPENTINE! Steady at 81 00 for Hard, tl 75 for Soft and 12 25 for Vinrln. Sales receipts at quotations. - COTTON steady. The following are theofilclal quotetlong Ordinary ......... . Gents. uood Ordinary.... low ? waary..... . . . .. ' - 44 U iiw m inn nn flp wTddiiB t ............. 11 aa mUaut ...... . T n . . . . wnun..........................M...w... OAlef Hplrlu Turpentlna ... ...... l,08i eaaki toui......M.....................w.... 1,757 bb a iar in w- MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steam-yacht Paspori. Harper. Rmithin Steamer D Murchlson, Garrason. v vUle, Williams & Murcnisn. CLEARED. 8team-yacht Paaaport. HajDer. Rmit,m Geo Myers. 8teamer D Murohtson. Garraaon Von. Harris A lliwelL Kx porta. COASTWISX. Baltimore -Schr Hanrltta. HUl-165,000 ahliiKlea. t roans. ! Hambura Ger briar Lienen .9 iwn kki- Hifccoliaiiuoujtj. VICTORIOUS I HIGHEST & BEST AWARD v aa- I . And Orttsi XUdal BoaofR. j ; ' -1 Eooxiomy, IHirability and Rapidity combined with perfect work. An Dbtiagttifthiof Feature celebrated Giant Farm and Warerionse Fans, MADE Y j . A., P. DICKEY, Raolne, Wla.I Kow harlnf tnaay late impnni'irnii, Aey are tt&y equal to every demand: cleaning all kinds of Grain, Peas, Beana, Castor Beans, Com and Small Seed. Tby rrade Wheat perfectly by once handling. Sep arate Oats from Wheat, Barley and Rye. They have very perfect arrangements for cleaning Timothy, Clover, Flax Seed, Orchard Grass, and all other Small Seeds. They Chaff perfectly, and combine everv Qualification reauired to do the best wont w the shortest time. Warehous, as vreTI'as Farm Mills, are largely con structed, both kinds requiring nine sizes to accom modate the demand, and giving a capacity of from 50 to 500 bushels per hour, according to sue of mill. They are shipped, boxed for ocean, transportation, and "set up "'or "'"knocked do wo"- for forwarding inland, as requested; and in all cases put free on board Cars or Stearnerrf Prders.filledsame day aa received. , 1 - C . Milh ihipper? knocked 'dwn ""go for half the freight thareed as when forwarded "set up. Oleo graphs and Circulars supplied on appUcadon, Prices will be quoted lout and on liberal tenas. Coo. ondence aolicited. ".'. Sale Under Mortgage. BY YIRTUE OF THE' PROVISIONS contained in a deed of mortgage, made the Id day of November, 1874, between Jam. Deans and wife Ellen and Edward Kidder & Sons, which is recorded in the Register's Of fice ef New Hanover county, in Book K", K, K, page 113, e eeq., which said mortgage, together with the bond which it was made to secure, and all the right, title and interest of tfdward Kidder k Sons, was on the 19th day of July inat ,assigned to James Madden, nowj this is to give notice that I will, a the Attor ney of said James Madden, assignee of said bond and mortzaflrav at 11 o'clock M. on Wednesday. August 13th, 1879, at public auc tion at the Court House door iu the said city of V ilmington, sell for cash to the highest bidder, the land and premises i conveyed ia said mortgage deed, paid land and premise being the western h If of lot No. 5, in Blocs So. 130, in the official plan of saia city of Wilmington. F. H. DAKBT, Att'y for Assignee. july 20-20t NEW PIANOS $125 l3A.f m w A nil ainlafl In a1 vi A iwi m Qinft.A and Upright, all strictly j first class, sold at tbe lowest hit cash wholrsalb factort prices, direct to the pubohasbr. These Piancf made one of the finest displays at the Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re commended for the Eishkst Hohohs over 12,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory established over 36 years. Tne square uranas contain ju. sma sher's new patent Duplex overstrung scale, tne greatest improvement in ine History ei . T A . ft I Piano making. The Uprights are the nnest in America, rianos sent on trial, non t fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive catalogue of 48 pages mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO OO., apl 7-6m 21 East 16th street. IN Y A Perfect Likeness iF YOURSELF CAN BE HAD BI calling at YATES' PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. Children's Pictures a specialty. STER EOSCOPIC YIEWSofall places of interest in. aud around the city constantly on hand. PICTURE FRAMES and MOULDINGS, SCHOOL BOOKS and School Statioaery. ft. Orders from the country will meet with prompt attention. STATES' BOOK STORE aug 4 AND PHOTO.BOOM 8. Furniture. TUST RECEIVED FROM FACTOR Tr a large assortment or walnut and otner grades of FURNITURE, which we offer i I I, at Great Bargains. Call and examine. pfeb 19 D. A. SMI TH A C O. Steamer PassDort, QAPT. J. W. HARPER, Will resume SUNDAY TRIPS TO 8MITEYILLF, April 27, weather -; i '. ! ,i permlttiag.lIDally Trips as lusmal. Leave Deckjat 9.3f A. M. apl M GEO. MYERS,' Agent. TonGoriaL ITAYING AGAIN located in the base LA men of the Puree 11 House, I have thor oughly renoWied and improved the old stan and am now prepared to shava.ahampoo. ao cut hair tor everybody. The beet of work men, clean towels, sharp rasors and lov prices. I EL YIN aRTIS. July it rmroau uomse tfarber Bhop. Thoi. H. McKoy, obt H McKov W1XMINGTON, n. a Office Serth dds Harktt. street, be twee Bieeoaa aaa Tsura itrseu. avsaV- f !' Jjaaftjaa" New Advertisements. j THE NEW YORK WEEKLYOHERALD. JAMES GOKpON BKN.NETT Proptoi. The Best and Cheapest Newspaper Published. Postage Fre . ONE DO L L A K ' Per: Year, I. " .' SO Cents Tor 8ix Months, Ajq Extra Copy to every Club of Ten. ; , , j New York HerataV ! ' 1 Published every Day in theYear. Postage Free: $10 pays for one year, 8undays included. $8 pay6 for one year, without Sundays. $5 pays for six months, Sundays included. 4 pays for six months, without Sundays. $2 pays for one year or any specified day of the week. $1 pays for six menu. i for any specified day of the week, $1 pe mrnth (iuciuding Hundays) will b cbargeu on snotcripuons ror a less perioo than three months. j I TO EUROPE Including Postage. Daily ...i $17 30 Weekly (European Edition) 4 00 Weeklv (Domestic Edition) 2 0C NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED, Postage Free.- Daily Edition. ..Two and a half cts. per Copy Sunday Edition... Four cts. per Copy Weekly Edition... Two cents per Copy N. H. ot lees than 5 copies mailed U newsdealers at wholesale rates. We allow no comm spion on subscription Daily Edition Add rets, NEW j YORK HERALD, inch 19 Broadway and bt. Ann N. Y CLYDE'S AND ! i Wilmington, W. C Steamship Line She Dteamer R1EFACTOR, ' OAPT. JONES, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK OX SATURDAY August 9. Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of 8teamen as advertised. "SjJ For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, Sup't, Wilmington, N. Ci WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. 35 Broadwav. New York. aug 7. Hall & Pearsall QFFER FOR SALE, AT close prices, a FRESH and COMPLETE stock of General Groceries, ccnristlng in part of 100 Boxes D. S. Bides. Bbls. New Mees Pork. 15 450 Tubs choice Northern Butter. Bbls. Flour made fr'im NEW WHEAT and put up in Fancy j-acrages. 3000 Bush. Corn, Whiteand Mixed; 500 30 , ,50 aug 8 Bush, fresh Va., 1 I Water Ground MeaL Bbls. and Bhds New Crop Cuba, Molasses, Bbls. Syrups aad Mp4assos. For Health and Pleasure GO TO Patterson's BeteliratBi Springs. rpHESE-SPRINGS! are situated four miles JL I south of Shelbv and six mile North nf W hitaker's, on the Air-Line R. R. The min eral waters a-e sulphur and chalybeate The properues oi tne suipnur are iron, sulphur and magnesia. Properties combined are be- nenciai to all di leases, and never fail to cure the most obstinate cases, as many will testify. The chalybeate (waters cannot be surpassed, uTing wrougni many almost miraculous ares. These Celebrated Sorinirs will be on An rt April, and the prices are io reach of all. htr. f V . i . . . " uik hwb greauy reaucea tnis season, j Bathing houses, coquet grounds, ten pin alley, and other amusement ! and attractions free for visitors. Hacks running from thi piace win meet vsitors at tthelby or at Whit aker's on the Air Lin R. R., upon short no nce vo tne rroprietor. Rates or Board. Per day ............ ....aM 1 2S p week..... j7 00 Per month . 20 00 Per month for two or more months.... 18 00 Children and servants half price. For furtherp articular addresa w. G. PATTERSON. Prop'r, apt JiMiw wt Shelby, N. fl. 8ftlt Salt. Salt- 4,000 LimPO0WT' Now landing aadfor sale by York niscellaneousi 'S Port Grape Win Used in Churches for PASSAIC, H Speer's Port Grape M'iif Fours Years Old. rpHld JUoll.Y CELEBRATED . AH , Wine is made from the julcs of the Grape, raised in this country, iu inu,jV Tonic ni 8!rfjitteiiiii Frcjij are unsarpassed bv any ntheri ni4ie Being the pure juioe of the (Trap, p'( under Mr. Hper'sown persona! snrriiid its purity and sefuineBPM arc uosnmui The TOicgest thlhi may partake o iu ir ous 'qualities, and tr e weakeft ictsJjd k use it toradTantujje. It is rsrtico,Irlj Itti facial to the aed and dsbilitsted.tDd i it,,, to the various ai ujerts tiati aflliet the veak? sex. ft is, in every respect,1 A WINK Ti n RELIED ON.4 1 Speer's P. J, Sherry, JL. 1 1 ' The- P. J. SHERRY is a Wine of ?rhfc RIOR CHARACTER and partake f tiit g 'lden qualities of the grape finm ahifha is made. For M bP101 AL PhOPthTlkS it wjil; be found unexcelled j 1 Speer's P, J. or Pedro J- Brandr. This noted Brandy is a pure dutilUti i trom the grape atd is equal to the finet r nesy or Utaid Brandies; for n ericinal pv poeee it can be relied upon as itrial pni. tee that the sienatnre of Alfrea fwt:t Pa&eaic, N. J., is over the cork of each I U t! tie. i 1 I A.' PPEKR'8 Mt. Prospect. Vinejsri, New Jersey. Office, No. 3 Wanes Ht, ork. i-i ; For sale by GKFEV A FLAN51 R, J. f. MUNDti, Druggipts, and P. A CO. L. KRIDGEKs arril Mr Beautiful Lace Lilse Gloves, VERY LONG, TheLafesf Sfylc 4 ALS SOMETHING is Bretonne Laces i Black and' White A fine lot of 3 j From three for 5 ceDts to t' ALL LINEN HANDKERCHIEF1'? The "Flexible Hip Corset" fl the favorite. Hosiery. patent fastening Kid Gloves. ' I Neck wear and other Articles ! I . if numerous to mention canjbe fcpj at ' p' I t ; Iff. H.fl SPRVJS1 ' I'll' onimunion hn'U. . i j j! TSl T b"TS. m 'Tifftftaftftfttfti 1am3T-a J Jtmt 17 WILLIAMS A.U ORCHIS OJ. JmMll , . If

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