THE LILY. And shall the lily of the vale ljisdalii the painted rose? O. ne be proud that she .is pale. V nil he in purple glw K ii. tu the gU.ry of Hitir oiith -,'rl " froili the lowly ground; A .in:, while they biuouiou ei-ui, Ai.d then no more are found. A handful of brief, gasty wind Tnaich away their breath; Ktormcome- with cruel rain behind, And they lie cruatied m death; -Or if the worm a!ut the root be hungry for hi prey. The prouioof the kindly fruit lropt troin the teui away, -o hhalt thou also drop, O man! Heihink thee, wiiatart thou ? ttiighJ. ihuugu thy Utile mortal span h clid in purplnow, 10 thy ftlr no wr the gardener saith, .snort l eauty Hhalt thou have; - Ihv golden giory vanisheth, v ben tnou art In the grave ! . yri.m the Dunlin of Ambrosius fctUD. ' Gcb. Joe Lane, of Oreson. In publishing a letter from this vet ,ran Drmoorat to a lady relative in Nortb Carolina, the Charlotte Obser ve, , a j of him : This eminent and honored gentleman is another of the pods whom North Carolina ha sent out from hi r borders to illumine with their detds the pages of histories of d.atant State. Born in North Caro liua, of North Carolina people, North Carolina claims bim as one of her ,o , and places his name amoDg those ui the many illustrious men hom abe he produced Uis fame, how tver, caniot be said to' belong to any oue Sute, for he is apart ot all. As Kldier ard civilian he cm veil his way to uational distinction, and he is dis tinguished now as the only man livi g h(j wasevr bofore the war a candi date on the national ticket, he having been a candidate in 1860 for Vice President. Even yet the twin-names Breckinridge and Lane,' are familiar to nearly all ears. During the war between the States Gen Lane was hands off though he tells us that one tl his sons was in the Confederate ar my, having quit West Point in '61 in order to offer his sword to the South. Born in 1801, Gen Lane is now 78 years of age. He does well to say thai nis life has been an eventful one. A member of a State Legislature when he was 21 years of age, then a private in the regular army and a few years later u major general Governor of Ortgon, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, member of Congress, United States Senator and candidate for Vice President, he has certainly seen of war and politics a measure which has fallen to the lot of but few men who have ever liyed in this country. After tbe fitful scenes through which he has passed he sits down quietly to spend the remainii g years of a green old age amid tbe comforts of home and sur rounded by his children. May tbe years be lengthened to him, mellow ing as ibey ix crease, will be the wish of all of his fellow countrymen vho may havethe pleasure of reading this sketch of his 'changeful life, prepared by his yet steady hand. How Gen. Shields was Cared. The late Gen Shields, at the battle of Cerro Gordo, in Mexico, cvas se verely wounded while leadiag his men, hut be refused to quit the field. He advanced to tbe charge, when he was struck in the chest by a copper grape shot that passed through his lungs lie fell into the arms of Oglesby, at present United ' States Senator from Illinois, and was carried from the bat tlefield to all appearances lifeless. Obituary notices appeared afterward in nearly all the papers of the country, no convinoed were the brother officers of tbe impossibility of his surviving such a terrible wound. For weeks he lay at the brink of death in tbe neigh borhood of the battlefield, and his cure beems little short of a mirae'e Tbe army surgeons had given him over for death, when a Mexican doctor said he would live if he would let him re move the ooagulated blood from the wound. Shields, as a kill or cure remedy, told him to try, and a fiue nlk handkerchief was worked iu and finally drawn through ihe wouud, re moving the extravasant blood, when daylight could . be seen through the hole. He lived to be a hale and nearty man, free from disease or any iDo nve nience from the wound, which was o ju sidered at that time mortal. A Singular State of Affairs Bfistol, Va, is prhips the only city iu the world that ha two Mayors, two pity goveruments, police, ere, aLd that n tailed in two ritates The hue be tween Tennessee and Virginia is in the centre of Maia etreet and it gives rise to many funny bceues, as for ex Ample, the una way couple need no coach and-four, but arm-in-arm step across Alain street and are w.dded. The fugitive who commits a crime iu Virginia goes to the pavement on the o.her side of the street and talks defiautly to the officer on the opposite side, who has a war rant for his arrest. A etuoible or a too bold disposition w.ll sorae'imes, however, bring him to grief. Several instances have occurred of fugitives being "Buttled across the line by a par ty prepare (J whi'e in the aciof uolding sqcb a conversation, and they tell of a man who defiantly perched himself on a pile of store b xes, within six feet pf the line, jeering the officers on the other side, but unfortunately for him, jome more law-abiding citizens tilted the boxes, and when he reached the ground, to his extreme mortification, he found that he was ia the other OUte. Headquarters for Ale, Lager Beer and Porter. ZX- &XA.7XCU& l SON'S, No. 6 Market'Stree JAN FURNISH YOU WITH THE BES Al, Lager Bmt and Porter, both keg and bottled, la the city. Country order promptly attend! tt Miscellaneous. in STOMACH 11 U ' Tt ia niLflH-TA BKieiriA to nrmit the health to bue undermined, the constitution broken and th lease of lif shortened, by nervous cbm p'aint, constipation, billicu'n. ss, indices tion, headache; or intermittent iBd remit tent fevers, when it ia. a tact established by unquestioned evidence that the bitters will these evi's. .All the oreveit ana remove symptoms of latitude and general debility pe dily vani-h when this invigoraut is giyen a. trial- I I -i i 'i For s-le by all Druggists and' respectable aa 14-aAw. i I THE NEW YORK : !' :u . WEEKLY HERAT D. JAMES GORDON BENNETT. Trop'tor. i. i The Best and Cheapest Newspaper Published. Postage Free. ; f O N E DOLLAR i . 1 i I Per Year, 50 Cents for hi Months, i l.i An Extra Copy to every ClubjOf Ten. 1 'I ' Wew York Heralds : i " Published every jD ay in the Year. Postagj Free. I - $10 pays for one year,') Hundays included. $8 pays for one year, Without Sundays. $5 pays for six months,Hundays included. $4 pays for six months without Sundays. $2 pays for one yearjar any specified day of the week. . l i $1 pays for six montls for any specified day of 'the week.j : j , I : 1 $1 pe- month (ifaexuding1 Bundaysl will be cbarge'a on subscriptions for a less period than three nionths. 1 Ml ' I- 1 TO. EUROPE Including' Postage. Daily... $17 30 Weexly( European aition)..J 1 4 eo 00 Weekly (Dom-stic Kdition)..U 2 NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED, Postage1 Free. Daily Eaition...T4r;o and a half clsJ per Copy Sunday Fdition....i4 Fuui cts. per Copy. Weekly Edition... .i.L.....Two cents per Copy N. B. Not less ithaa-6 copies mailed to newsdealers at wholesale rates. i We allow no comm eeions on subscriptions Daily Ediuon Addre?, NEW Y OiiS. HERALD, mch 19 1 Broadway and St. Ann N. Y VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD And Grand aledal of Honor. Econoniy, Durability aad Rapidity combined with, perfect -work. Are D'itinguishing: Features of the celebrated I Giant Farmi anft Wareiionse Fans, j iade bv j j , ' ' A. Pif DICKEY, Racine, Wls J Now having many tateinipiwa!5tnts, thy are fuity equal to Crvery demand fcleaniag all kmcfe of Grain, Peas, Beans, Castor Beans, Com and Small Seed. They grade Wheat pen'ebtly by once handling. Sep arate Oats from Wheat, parley and Rye.' ITheyhave very perfect arrangements for cleaning Timothy, Clover, Flax Seed, Onfhftrd Grask, and all other Small Seeds. They Chaff perfectly, and combine every quauncaaon required to ca lac dcsi wor ia the saortftjsie. r&KM ran 1. K Warehouse, as well as Farm Mills, are largely con structed, both kinds requiring jiine sizes to' accom racxlate the demand, and eivinjr a capacity of from 50 to' 500 bushels per hour, according to sl2e'cf milL They are shipped, boxed for ocean transpprtatior!, and "set up" or ("knocked dowri" for forwarding inland, as requested; and; in i all cases put free on board Cars or. Steamer- Orders jGlled same day as received. . V . , V. . - , - 4T'- . Mills shipped "knocked down go for half the freight ch-ired as whtn farwarded "setup." Oleo jraphs and Circulars supplied on application, Prices will be quoted ar and oa liberal terms. Carre onderxe soliciwd. !' , I i . , ! I i SoK Bear & Bros.. r 1 1 Ah. L r Lb a u Ki. in announctne to tQei I . i 1 1 M f. 1 i . numsroua friend and patron' that they hir ! i j I one rf the most complete and largest tt cks of " M I CLOTHING & FURNISHING G0DDS 11 1 IATSl&c, And that the above will be sold at lower prics than by any other House in tha city. Call early and getBargalna. jane 17. SOL BEAR k BROS. wnoLzmALS pmcEc. The following quotaOom represent tbe wholesale prices generaliT. In making up mall orders hihe' piicea nTe to be charged. BAGGING Oar 4y ....... Uouble AnctkLfT........ 11 o . 11 j. j-. 10 0 it 5 & 6 10 13 6 7 Double Anchor A", Standard Domestic....... BACON Nortb Carolina. llama, V 0.............L.....M .:; Shoulders. n. Hides, V Tb ......... Western Amoked Haunt. Hide-, y ro U "Hhoaiders. lM Dry Salted j Sides, lb U iHhoaldeib, lbi. BEEF Liv weieht..... 3ARIIELS Spii iu TuTteaone 8econd Hand, each 1 25 i New York, eac,' new 1 76 BEHWAX B 20 BRICKS Wilmington, ?M 8 00 50 8.S 21 10 00 Northern 00 014 0 BUTTEl North Carolina fi 15 Northern, "9 lb ...1 15 CANDLES Sperm V lb 36 20 25 40 Tallow, m Adamantine, V set............ 9 Q 11 GHEES h. ! Northern Factory, ? E ... 8 D airy cream, HP B 1 1 M Q 8tate, &..J...J...J 7 COFFEE Java, V fi 28 0 Rio,2 1 12J 1 :9 u 8 SO 16M 20 75 2 19 Laguyra, ft.Cr: 18 CORN MEAL bushel.... 70 COTTON TIES f bdl... 1 35 DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4 f yard....... Tarn, V bunch 95 1I8H i Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl....l6 00 No. 1, V Mbbl I........ 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl....l2 60 No. 2, M bbl 6 00 o G Q'10 00 y 00 00 oc Q 6 5C e 8 5C Q 2 50 6 00 e 0 Q 4 00 5 00 6 00 G 8 00 7 25 7 75 e 8 25 00 00 00 00 51 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 40 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 Mackerel, No. 3 ? bbL....00 00 Mullets, bbl. 2 00 N. C. Herring, keg 5 50 Dry U91, V IB FLOUR Fine; bbl.. iSuper, Northern, ? bbl... Extra do " bbl... FamilT " ? obi... City MillEx,.Super W bbl... I " Family bbl... i ! Ex. Family bbl... I 7 0 00 4 00 6 00 6 00 7 00 7 60 8 00 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, 2000 lbs. 60 00 Baueh'a Phosphate " " 00 00 Carolina Fertilixer " 45 00 " 00 00 00 00 00 00 " 35 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 Ground Bone, Bone Meal " Flour Navassa Guano, Complete Manure Whann'a Phosphate Wando Phosphate, " Berger ABrutx'sRoa. ' Wilcox, Gibb k Co., ma nipulated Guano. ........ .48 00 GLUE y ft '. 8 GRAIN Corn,itore,V 56fia 65 Corn, eanro. TQ 56 fis 66 67 60 10 67 Corn.yeL, busheL None. Oats, V bushel 45 Peas, cow, ? bushsl 65 HIDES Green, ft 4 Dry,? ft 9 0 HAY Eastern, V 100 lbs... 1 00 50 65 1 North River, V 100 lbs.... 1 00 1 10 HOOP IRON y ton 60 00 t& uu LARD Northern's ft 7M 8K I North Carolina y ft....M. LIME 13 bbl...,...:... 11 90 12X I 00 LUMBER City steam sa'wd i Ship stuff, resawed, ? M ft. 18 00 Rough edge plank.? Mft.16 00 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, ? M ft...l 2 00 Dressed fiooring,seasoned. 16 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, M ft 12 00 MOLASSES Cuba.hhdV gl 32 20 00 18 00 14 00 25 00 14 00 45 3 50 1 45 il 10 20 1 35 50 3 60 10 50 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 1 15 Cuba, bbls.,W gal 35 18 20 35 60 13 10 Sugar house, bhds. y gal. bbls. y gal... Orleans Choice bbls. al. NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,k?g ,VVt 2 OILS Kerosene, V ga il Lard. V gal 1 Linseed, V 1 00 Rosin, ? gal 12 PEANUTS ? bushel , 90 POTATOES -Sweet,? bus. 00 Irish, Northern, ? bbl 3 00 PORSNorthern,citymess.lO 00 Thin, ? bbl....i ......iOO 00 Prime, ? bbl (extra) 10 60 Rump, ? bbl 00 00 RICE Carolina, ? ft 7 East India, ft....: 00 Rough. bushel... J ...1 RAGS Country, ? ft 00 l'-C IK IX IK City, i ROPE., City, .ft Hemp Manilla. SALT Alum, ? sack Liverpool, ? sack. American ? sack 70 80 75 00 00 80 35 00 10 00 9 Marshal's fane, y sack....M Cadix ? sack j. 75 SUGAR Cuba, y ft Porto Rico, ? ft A Coffee, ? ft B " ? ft c " ? a: Ex c-? ft :....j........ 9X 10 00 0 7 00 8X UK 7K Crushed? ft..L bOAP Northern, ? ft.... 5 SHINGLES Contract, ? 3f 6 00 Common, TP M 1 50 BTAVEt? W. O. bbl. ? M.10 00 R O hhd. ? E.. 00 00 TALLOW-? ft 8 TIMBER Shipping V M ...10 00 7 00$ 2 25 15 00 00 00 1 00 12 00 10 75 8 00, 6 50 4 50 4 00 3 60 Mi 1, extra per M : Mill, prime per M : Mill, fair per M ,. ! Common, per M 8 60 7 00 6 00 .4 00 Interior to Ordinary,perj M 3 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 25 1 North Caroina, per gal... 1 60 WOOL Unwashed, per ft... 2 ) Washed. xer ft 26 Burrv wool, rer ft 15 ' 9 25 22 28 17 Hall & Pearsall I - QFFER FOR SALE, AT close price, a FRESH and COMPLETE stock of Gereral Groceries, consisting in part of 1 fin Boxes D.S. Sides. A U U 25 r Bbls. New Mess Pork. 15 X Tubs choice Northern Butter. Af) Bbls. Flour made frm.NEr -y WHEAT and put up in Fancy Packages, ' !-.".' 3C00 Eush Corn-White nd Mixed rAA Bush fresh Va,,. OUU Water Grosnd Meal. o A Bbls. and Hbds New Crop jU i Cuba Molasifta, aug'll ' - j Rooms and Board. i - 1. . :' . VERT FINE ROOMS AND BOARD ean be famished to families, couples, or sin gle persons, on farorable terms for the Sum mer, at the p'eaaant and convenient dwell ing on the comer ol Front and Mulberry streets. I - . Both transient, permanent and day board ers accommodated at moderate prieeev For particulars enquire of i Mkrt.L. BOUDINOT, x Junel4-tf Cor. Front and Mnlbeir tti ittiscollanoousl is eserv FOK P. 1. BRIDGERS & 00, July 23 ONLY 19 DOLLARS ! I PENNSYLVANIA. ' LINGER MACHINE , . 1 j. Equal to any Sincer in the Market ! The above cut represents the rcrgt popular Ftyle for the pe pie. which we offer you for the very low price cf $19, in Ending attacb men's. Remember, we d not ak you to par until you have seen the machine. After having examined it if it is not all we represent, re:um it to us at our expense. Conduit yonr interests aad order at once. ! If jou live within seven hundred miles t& fieig t will not bt mo e thai one dollar. ' AdJrtSi, j Peiiiisylyania Sstc Ma.hice Co., 17 N. I Oth Street, . I Philadelphia, Pa. aug29-wtf A WJiLK. m your own ro-K-n, ami r.o ca. ital risk ed. Voir can gise t hfc'bu- siufss a" trial without exDTse. J h best opportunity ever offered for thre will ng to work. Yeu should try notbi. g else until you see for yourself what you can do at the business we effer. No room to explain here You can devote all your 1 imn or only your spare time to the business, and m ake great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms andjparticulars.which we mail free. $5 Outfit free. Don't com plain of hard times while 5 on have such a chance. Address II. HALLETT & CO. Portland. Maine, j iune 7-d&w. Bturgies, Buggies, Harness & Paddles, FOR SALE AT 3rd St., opposite City Hail. RKPAIRLNO DONE WITH j NfcAT3fE38 J AND DISPATCH, j ' , HURSE-8B0EING A SPECIAlTFe ed Miscellaneous. YELLOY FEVEg- BLACK VOMIT. It is to soon ta forget the ravga of this xernoie aisewe, wpich w.l: no . -1 t j - . . upuoi rtTu-n i . , in a more ma inbt atd viru ent frm iii ihe fall months of 79;. t Mxrrell's Hepatise, a Rroedv discovered in Southern Nubia and usjed with such won derful reulfs in iouth Au erica where :he juost ageTvtea caes of f-v-r are forcd. iau3e: from o; e t two ouac- of til t be filtered or strained tot t e blood each tiu;e it pg;es through the Liver, as long an hi cesh of bile exietx. By its wonderful ac li n on the Liver and Htjo'rtxic'i the HfclPATlpfK not vnlv rrevents to k ce,-taintv any kind of bVver and Blark it, but Utad ch51, t'oi f ti(-tion of ?he tiowf'.p, Dyspepsia md a!! Malarial cLtntt. No ore reetifea1" ellw "evr who will epelthe Valari! Pois n and vippof trora the blood by u in ftix. ki l's Hepatink, Wjhich i. sold bv all Iru:gts in 25 c rt;r c l.C0 bottles, or wiil be ee t br t-x re- b4 tht Proprietors A. F. M - R Kl.L A CU."j rhi!a-ielp!-.ii, Pa. I Dr PembertoL's Stilliarla or Guen's ji JT1 ffi" The rrorti of fu' cure? o Rheumatism, KcrntuU ! t i h un, H.Tphi U, fJancr, Litre-? a-d S re' t nt come from all rartj ot the connfy are -of om-. reaiark able but so: miraculous a? to be do'jfbted wer it not :or the aouniaace of proof. Remarka'ble Cure of Scrofula, &c. jCASE OF UO!i. J. i. BRANDON. E.INGST0S, Ga., Sept. 15, 1871l Gent?; For sixteen rears I hare been a great suIerer from tcrofuia in it aot-t r1 ia iresingl for ms. 1 hare been o fi ed to my room and be o for lit teen -y ars with scrofa lou? ulcerations, j Ihe inot pp-oved reme dies for such cases hd ben used, ar.d th most eminent phjsiciar.s consulted, wjt'jo it ay decidea benefit. 'Ihus prcstrateld, dis tress d, despbndinjr, I was adr:eed bv Dr. yer, Flojrd county, Ga., to comrnenoe the use of your Compound Extract St;liiniria Larguageja inautlicieht to describe the re i liet l obtained trom tn- use ot the f-t'.magia as it is to convey an adequate idea of the in. ter.gitv of my euffering btfore using jour medicine ; sutficient to say, I abandoned all other remedies ard continued th ue of y ur Extract of Stillingia, unt.l I can say trulr, "ljam cured of all pain," of alt disease, with nothing to obstruct the active rn'euit of my profession . More than eig-ht months have elapsed since thi9 retnarkabie cure, without any return cf the disease. 1 For he truth of the above statement, I re fer to any gentleman in'ilartow courty, Ga., and to the members of the brof Cherokee Circuit, who are acgaaintod with me. I shall eyer remain, with the deepest gratitude, Your obeoient servant, C BRANSON, Att'y at-Law. j Nil P. AC LZ. West Point, Ga.,. Sept.. 16, 1870. Gents: My dauhte- was taken on the 25th day ot June, 1H63, with what was supposed to be Acute Hhecmatism, and was t-eated for the same wiih noeuccess. In Ibarch, tollow ?ng, pieces of bone began tq work out of the right arm, and continued tn api e r till all the bone from tbe elbow to the shoulder joint cme out. Many pieces of b ne came out ot the right foot aa leg. Tbe case was then pronounced one of White dwelling. Afte having been confined about six years to her bed, and the case considered hopeless I was induced to try Dr. Pemberton's .Compound Extract of Sti'liigia, and was eo well satis fied with its effects that I have continued the use of it until the present.' 1 My daughter was confined tft her bed abou six v eat a befo-e she sat up or even turned ever without he p. hh now sit- up all day, and sews most of j her ti e has walked acroos we room. Her General health-is now good, and 1 Delieve (she will, gs her limbn gain stf neh, wjcll. I atribate bt-r recove ry, with th bi(-ecit.g of Go 1, to the use o" vour invaiunble meoicina. With grtitae, I am, yours truly. w. B. 15LANTON. ' West Point, Ga., Sept lo, 1870. ' Gents: The ab-. ve certificate of Mr.W. P,. Blanton we know and ceitify to as being true. The thing is so;: hundreds of the m -st respected citizens will certify to it. Ae Ojneh reference can be given aa may be required. j ours trmy, f'RA WFOKD WALKKK, Druggists. HONT. H. D V. ILLIlA MS. uk. rr-moerton t tmingia is pre pared by A. F. Mcrreil ICo., Pbila., Pa. Scld by all Druggist3 in ?1.0j bottle?, -or sent bv express. Agents wanted-to canrae' everywhere. i 1 8end for Pork "CnrionH Htory" free to all. Medicines sent to pour 'people j payable in instalments. . , mar '28 Superior Court, row Hano vor County. Chrles D. Bill, Charles llj Skinner and Charles Watkins,- i ! - "!''':' I VS. ' Farmvi-le Tr.?uranc:- and Dain Com:-any. To Parmvilla fnsurapiceaiid Binklts 1 CornDany Jaks 1 Kctice. THAT AN ACTIO V ri-.s been instituted a above for the rcoyry of herrtn Hun dred l)oilrs, with intere t teron from July 1st, 1873, du the PHintifla aslAs ignfe of J . R. iioore, that a Warrant of Attach ment wa3 takn out at the tme o'i??ning the summoi.8 n the above action and levied on certain bonds, the propertv of eaid dfendint Company, in the rsndg;f the Traeu er of the State of No'th Carolina, and that it i- hereby required to jappea- and aw nr de mur to the complaint of Eaid Plaintiff at a Court to be held f.-r the County of New Han over at the C urt ticue in VViIa,intin, on the Thirteenth Mcnday aft' r the ; First Mon day of .ep u.ber nv'rt, or the Pja:ntit wi!p apply to sai l Court Uie relief dtmandel in tbe co-'plact. ' j , This ithe 23J diy of Tn1-, 1 , H. VANAMiif .GE, Clerk Superior Coat ew lianbvtr v . Ji ly 23 laww I For Sale. T VERY REASONABLE P.'.ICE-', 1. ! THREE NO. AN 1 BLG'iV d drafJt hoef, AND SE.EAL BUGGIES. ApD-y to , aug 25 SOL. BAB h BSOS Removal, rp B. HEXDESSON AC), Produce DeaJr a&d Ct,ma,iseh s Merchrlti have re moved from Front street, to tnest re recent ly occupied by J. W. Alderman A Co., cr ner Chestnut and Water fctretU. H 13 i " Bail Hoad Lines, &c. WiLMIHuTOH & WELOCK RAILP.OAD COUP ANT, ttii or G !, f,rrttT'Tsiipi!rT I Hii.Brijva. V. 0., June 13, I3"?. t M vNOE OF. SCHEDULE On aad ntutt truuday, Jnne l!tb.'lS7D. Paspf-nper traini on the "wiiminpton A Wei doB Railroad will run as follow3;: DA MAIL AND EXPKKSS TRALN, daily. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot J. at. 7 10A , 1 10 i k 3 a2 P k Arrive at Wilder at... Leave Weldon Arrive at Wilmington, Front jt. lepot at............... 9 53 V M IGUT MAIL AND EXPRESH T.U U DAILV. Leave Wilmington, front St. Depot at Arrive at Weldon at...... L... Leave Weldon, Arrive at Wilmington, Front 8u Depot at .4 tf 0 P M 60 A 2 13 A il 8 45 h Train? on Tarboro Branch P.oao lean Rocky Mount for Tarboro at &,C0 V M f f-:lv. and Tuesday, Thursday and saturc av at 4:11' AM. Returning, leave Tarborc "at j U .('. A M dailv, and Monday, Wednesday arv Friday at 8:30 P M. jj Tbe pav Trair makes clone correction Ml (Veldon for all point North via bay JLin daily, (except Sunday ) and daily, via Kicbf-i tnond and all rail route . j ' I I Night train makes clge connections 1 ai Weldon for all points north via Kichn oni. ' Sleeping Cars attacheil to all Night Trains. JOHN F. DIVINE, General' Sunt. ' iune 13 ; - j ' Gen'! Sup'ts Office. WIf M I VOTON, COLUMBIA AND' AU G'JBTA RAILROAD CO. I ilxinfton, N. C, June 13, 180 CHANGE OF SdlEDUIJI i i On and after unday, June 15, the fol Icwlng schedule will be run on this road: DAY EXPPSaS AND MAILJTRAInL iaily. Leave Wilmijgton... 9 05 A 41 rnre r lorence. 1 251 Pi Leave Florence... 3 K Pi Arrive at Wilmington 30F NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Leave Wilmington.... 10 13 P M Florence..... Ji 61A M Arrive at Columbia i 9 00 A M Leave Columbia.-, 6 10 A M Hf A M 6 60 A M Leave Florence. Arrive at Wilmington.... This 1 Train stops only at Flenaington, wmteniie, fair JtfluM, and Marion. TT Passengers for Augusta (via Columbia!," should take Night Express Traii from V ii mington. I . , J&? Through Sleeping Cars on nigh 1 train f for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. DIV JNE, General Hart. lore 11 CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY Ofvick Gknsbal Bcpirintkndeht, Wilmington, N. C, Msy 18, 18 9 j Chaxgk'of Scukdulk, j ON AND AFTE THtS date, the fu ing Schedule will be operated jolo Railway : I y low th Passenger, 4Kail and Fxprees Train. I Leave Wilmington at.... 7:0 P No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at....... 5J:"'7i A " at Charlotte at.... :20 A Leave Charlotte at J...8:25 P No. Arrive at Hamlet at. l:3i A M ) 41 at Wilmington at 9:f0 A 1 r'lose connection made at Hamlet with traiiii of Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Rail wiy. - I bheiby Division Mail, Freight & Pasengdr and Exprers. ' ) Leave Charlottff. ..L. 8:ld A M Arrive at Shelby JL12:J0 P j M V 1 U 1 1 O U No. 9 N- ( I uenre Lliiriuj M t sat Ar rive at .UAriuii....j.... n;u i at V. V(. vOUNbON, General Bunerintendent. , mar 1 CLYDE'S If AND i Wilmington, R3. C Steamship iJine TLe flt8araer REGULAT , CAT. DO NEr-' WILL HAIL FROM NEW YORK. SATURDAY. August SO. '"5hsx. Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised. na For Freight Enggementi apply to TIIOS. E. BOND, Bap't, j i Wilmington, N. Ct ' ffM. P. CLYDE A CO., , . , j I . . 35 Broadway, ew Vorkl Visitors to Smitliville 1 II, ! .... WILL FIND THE BEST LIQUOHtN, Wires, Beer and Cigar at tee. Tbe celebrated Delmonieo and Bine Gra Whiskeys. Dry Wiae Champagne and Mil waukee Beer always on band Sardine and Pickelj for conyenience of excursionijt?, at I one 3d- 'JajTbtck cf Garruion. I a jit if -4 . MS . i i