ROSEBUD. n little maid in your rosebud-bower, nrenifiJKor growing old, WtebliK youth always would linger, a flower , Nvr m hste to unfold; iVt from iLeshH-Jowyour snniny head. Grow oJuuoLHiiig todreud. little-maid in the rose-tree shade, see how Us dry twuntis sb.wt! T . xJfneeo leave! fall and the ulosomb fade; Kut youth is a living root. The" e are always buds in the old tree' lieadyafbeckon of .Spring to ttart. (little maid, there in joy to ueek - i cry ofeaith a dhkj, W oeii the rosebud btreuk fades out of your cheek And th dewy gleam from your eye; i, and wider must life t ke root; Kcd-iernd higher imibt glow its fruit. n little maid, be never afraid hat you-h from your heart will go iJih forth onto heaven,, through fchower andshadef -We are always young, while we grow. Breathe out In a bloasiug your happy brt-alb! . For love keps the spirit from ge and ueath- LucylLarcom. Correspondence of Phitadelph-a Times, KATE CHASE. HEB M1KKI1GE WITH GOV- SPIUGIE Utr Life In Washlnston-IIer Personal Appeurance-Vlsits to Europe Miubbini: Lincoln and His Wife Utr Efforts in Her Father's Be half. , Saratoga, August 22, 1879. Although the eabjeot ougnt to be exhausted by this time, yet I think it may cot be amiss to give souie of my recollections of the lady who now absorb so iuuch of tho attention of tbe public. As a school girl in Ken tucky I knew but little of politics or politicians until the war broke out, and my home in Louisville became the seat of bitter sectional hostilities. My aim Jmater was seized for a hos pital and the scholars were arrayed in two belligerent parties. My mother and 1 fled to sympathizing Union friends in Washington. The war was at its height and I looked upon those who ruled at Washington as the rep resentatives of the patriotism of the country. I was frequently shocked at the levity with whioh I heard them mentioned. In the same house with me was the family of an Ohio Gen eral. One day the ladies were . dress incr for a Cabinet reception, and I was in the room with the young lady of the family. She said; It goes against me to call at the house of tbe b c rotary of the Treasury. In Ohio KATE CHASE IS HOT VISITED, but, ot course, now that her father ia in the Cabinet, we have to reoogniz her.' 'What has Miss Kate dont?' I inquired. 'On!' said she, 'have you never heard of her disgrace?' I bad not, but the remarks made a laUirjg jmpreenion. The next (Sunday I went to St John'p Cburoh, and in coming out cf church Kate Chase was pointed oi t to me. I saw an angular figure, ei cased in a tight-fitting biaok oioth polonaise. The garment had been just lone enough outof fashion to loo sin gular, but Iwas toid that the young lady ciudr to it because it showed off her figure. The only beauty about Kate Ubaee at that time were her eyes and eyelashes. The eyes were brown or gray, and the eyelashes dark; and long She understood the ue of her eyes, lor she was always dropping them and drooping the lids so that the eyelashes rested on her cheeks. At that time she was not artificial in her mrke-up. the had another good point which jhe made the most of. and that was a well foimed head. To show this to advant age he wore her hair, which.was Drown (the color is very different now) in close bands, as Mrs Havea'Btill wears hers. The greatest defect in Kite Chafe's face is a SMALL. TURNED-UP NOSE. WashiLgton was lu.l oi gossip abou1 the untamed g'rl bo refustd to be kept down by tne conventionalities of life. Then oame the announcement f her engagement to the Rhode Islauu millionaire. Her father had always been and was still poor, and if Kate w fond of drep, she had not been. able to indulge m any extravgance. Hue now enjoyed making the ootiiett preparations for her wedding, sena tor tiprugue paid twenty thousand do -lars for a tiara of diamonds, audit wis on exhibition in Tiiftiuy s window after it va purchased. vThis was tin wedding present, and, worn with tbe point lace veil on the occasion of hr marring?. After this the modest mat. sion whicd the Secretary of the Treas ury had occupied was purcbastd by Sprague, and his wife had it remodel ed and enlarged. Plain furniture was replaced by that which was oostly and sumptuous, pinners, balls and enter tajunienta oa the grandest fpale were given, Tbe diamonds were worn on the bead at night and fastened ju tbe bnnet;by day, One ball was given but Mrs Spragne wnen she had a tempo rary ball room built and the walls jov ered with FLUTED, K"E Co L' RED fATIN AKD MIRKOR-J. Champagne fiuwtd iike water at her feasts. She now played the grsmd dame, one snubbed President aud Mrs Lincoln, and took on all of the fine airs, or in the laconic language of ber husband, nothing could cqual'the insolence cf half a million, but a Whole milljon. She organized horse? back parties and galloped up and down Pennsylvania avenue to displav herielf to the gaping crowd. She hired a rural dwelling, a few miles f om Waahington, and she and her com panions would ride there and dis mount, have a dance and collation, and then troop back to the city. She viaited New York whenever a fresh novelty appeared in opera or theatre Hue would etop at a fashionable l.otel. and alone with a chevalier would pas diyiandnighUin a round, of'amiise Sbeleft with her husband one young child and ah Infant while she went to Europe. iere she was met amorphosed jinto an auburn haired blonre. Upon ber return after one or two years abserice, she vlas more rgal than ever in drest and thoj style of her entertainments.1 It appealed asj if fce had gone to Europe; to acquire ome oi the additional arts j lof the French woman who j j j ji ' I ' j 6HINTS IS POLITIC AL 'AI'NS;. Upon Lcr ietmu bhi btgau groom; ing her father as! a candidate for the PretideLcy. Shej opened her bead qnartere in New Yrk prior to the meeting: of the convention, forI8G8.6he feted and enteti-.iL.ed every pue. she desired to ii flutkce. She used; her most fascinating wiles and art?; she a female Warwick. attempted to b She Wis bnftl?d and defeated in 1868 but attempted the same role four years 'afterwards. In Now Yor she had worked upon politicians alont; four vears later uhe included the press Fought to the! third Until that time sheihad iot conciliate the memtjers estate. On the cbntrarv. of she had been lavish in snubs j to jthis inferior clas& of mortals. Now sjae wanted tbeir as sistance, and she inVitsd them to her house. The occasion was a reception the night before the departure of the delegates and press representatives Cincinnati. Her father had been STRUCK WiITHl i PARALYSIS to the year before, but' hid partially .re covered, and I stood by ( his queenly daughter as she so graciously received hei gue- ts. She 1 told fv ry on that her father had walked inj from Edg wood that evening. This ;was to prove that his health and strength were not impaired. H, with his mouth stili drawn from paralysis j and his speech vigorous. An i wnat efforts were made that night to send good reports to ibe Cincinnati Con vention. A few days (afterward the announcement came that Horace Gree ley was nominated Tlie ieth of the Chief Justice fhflrtly afterward de stroyed Mrs SprnAeu's last ambitious dream of presiding j ovef the White House. Htrr huktoandln fui'ure'lm business and the lo4s of Senate left this restless his seat iu the .woman with out any of thelobjects which had eu grossed her lite. Again sh went toEu rope,returned in a yar,put went again after a few mlonths in this country. At last nhe settled down in Washing ton to work.through Senator C oukling to reiievo her atate frcm taxation and to raise money, i I I ; Missj Grundy. It is passive suicide to permit the health to be undermined, the constitution jbroken, and the lease of lif shdrtene, bv nervous com- p'aint, conttipatiop, billioun ss, I indiges tion, hei.diche, or intermittent nd remit tent ttvers, when it Is a fact! established by that the Bitters will ur.questioned evidencj preve t ana remove tnepe tTis. ah tne symptoms of lvsitude and general debility epe dilv vani-h wLen thii invigorant is given a trial. For 8 le by all DrUgIs'3 and jreapectable Dealers generally. auff 14-dAw. ONLY 19 iDOLLARS ! PENNSYLVANIA. SINGER MACHINE Equal to any Singer in the Karkt ! Tbe above cut represents the nyst popular Style for the pe pie, which we t ff-jr you for the Yiry low price of.1 Sl in luoine at:ach men'!. " Remember, we d- not ak ca to pay until you navtj seen theachine. Hfe After having examioijd it if it is cot alt we reptefent, re'urn it ito us at our expecs!. Conru't vour in'e-'eets and order at nce. If tou live within seven 1 hundred miles the freight will rot b mo e tha j bne dcllari. Adires PeDnsylYania Sewing. Mate Co I 7 N. lOth Street, unsteady, exerted himself to prove by remembering names! ijand 'faces that his intellect was ilSflT?fev W W CatBRATED " fcjs " STOMACH --x (l ! i ; i h ' Philadelphia, Pa. aug29-wtf J i . h- l-i 1 t- BENSON'S I "I ; li t I 1 M CAPC NE PORUS PLASJER O ClIRES !.AM AND WEtK BACK. V " ! I: So d bj all Druggists. Bxaiuht A Jqihiow, Proprietors, 21 Piatt ?t, N. Y. it ! aa 13 i wnoiii30Ai.i3 miccc. aarThe following quoUtiona rpreenttbe wholesale prices jrenerallr. In making ap mall orderi highe- price have to be ehrged. BAGGING Quray Double Anchor. U... II Q Doable Ancnor ' A "...U. 1 Standard Domestic 11 BACON-North Carolina, Ha.mi. V O 10 9 b & 10 0 6 2XQ It 6 13 i 8boalden, lb.. Hides, V ft)-...... Western Smoked U&ms. Hides, Ex... 8hoxilders. .t... Dry aJte?l Sides, TP D...., 8hoalderb, l S)..M BEEF Li vp weieht 35s Secoodj Hand, each.......... New York,ack, new 1 25 0 1 50 1 75 165 20 21 8 00 010 00 00 tJU or 15 0 20 15 0 25 25 0 40 110 9 0 11 s o ! 110 12 7 0 8 28 0 30 120 16 18 0 30 70 0 75 1 35 0 2 10 0 7 96 & BEESWAX lb.... KICKS Wilminzton. If M Northern i! BUTTEH North Carolina B) Northern, f ft J CANDLES Sperm V lb J Tallow, ft 4 Adamantine,' set ....J CHEESi1 Northern Factory, ft , Dairy cream, t ft State, V ft...... COFFEE Java, ft...... Rio, ft UX& La?uvra, w tb CORN sJEAL bnshel.... COTTON TIES 1? bdl DOMESTIC Sheeting, 44 f vard. ...... fam, bunch FISH Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl....l 00 No. 1, bbl 8 76 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl.... 12 60 No. 2,M bbl 6 00 Mkckerel, No. 3 V bbl 00 00 Mullets, bfcd . 2 00 N. C. Herring, keg 6 60 Dry Cod, ft j........ 7 FLOUR Fine, bblj........ 0 00 Super, Northern, bbl... 4 00 Extra do " bbl... 6 00 Family " bbl... 6 00 Qity MillEx,.8nper bbl... 7 00 " Family bbl... 7 60 " Ex. Family V bbl... 8 00 1 ERTILIZERS 020 00 0 9 00 00 00 0 6 50 0 8 50 50 00 0 00 00 00 00 25 75 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 8 25 Peruvian Guano, 2000 fts.60 00 000 00 000 00 051 00 040 00 045 00 047 00 040 00 067 00 070 00 070 00 000 00 Baugh'f Phosphate ' 00 00 " 46 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 Carolina fertiliser Ground Bone, ' Bone Meal " Flour Navassa Guano, Complete Manure 00 00 35 00 00 00 Whann's Phosphate Wando Phosphate, BertrerABrnta'sRbB. " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 Wilcox, Gibb k Co., ma nipulated Guano 48 00 GLUE y ft ..., 8 067 60 0 0 10 GRAIN CorB,store,w 56n 65 Corn, cargo, $) 56 tbs 56 Corn,yeL, bushel. None. 67 Oats, V bushel 45 0 60 Peas, cow, bushol 55 0 65 4 9 0 9K 1 00 0. 1 00 0 1 10 HIDES Green, V ft . Dry, V ft HAY Eastern, 100 fts... North River, W 100 lbs r, V HOOP IRON ton 60 00 065 00 LARD Northern " ft....... 7K0 I 8K North Carolina If ft 11 12 LIME bbl 90 Q 1 00 LUMBER City steam sa'wd , Ship stuff, resawed,M ft. 18 00 20 00 Rough edge plank. 3 Mft.16 00 018 00 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, M ft...l2 00 014 00 Dressed nooring,seasoned.l5 00 025 00 Scantling and boards, com- i mon, M fti 12 00 014 00 MOLA88E8 Cuba,hhdgl 32 Cuba, bblfl., gal.. 35 8 tiger house, hhds. gal. 1 18 0 i " bbls. V gal... 20 0 Orleans Choice bbls. ? gal. 35 0 45 60 45 10 NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,Vk'g 2 60 0 3 OILS Kerosene, gal... 13 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 Lard, V gal 10 00 12 90 00 00 Linseed, $1 gal. Koain, V gal. 20 1 35 50 3 60 PEANUTS buahel POTATOES -Sweet, bus. t Irish, Northern, V bbl PORK Northern, city mess. 10 00 Thin, V bbl . ....00 00 Prime, bbl (extra) 10 50 Rump, bbl 00 00 010 60 00 00 011 00 000 00 RICE Carolina, ft. 7 00 00 9 East India, y ft Rough, bushel 1 BAGS Country, ft City, V, ft ROPE 9 00 15 9 l IK IK Hemp 121$ 0 Manilla 13K SALT Alum, aaok...... Liverpool, sack American sack 70 0 80 0 75 0 00 00 80 35 00 10 00 9 W 7 8K UK 7 ook 25 Marshal s hue, y sack....M 1 Cadix V sack 75 0 0 SUGAR Cuba, W ft 9X0 Porto Rico, 1$ ft 100 A- Coffee, V ft.. B " ? ft 00 9 9 9 0 9 9 c r ft , Ex C 19 ft.. 00 . Crushed'V ft. 60AP Northern,! ft...... 5 SHINGLES Contract, ?3? 6 00 Common, V M..1 1 60 JTA VEJ W. O. bbl. ? M.10 00 R O hhd. E 00 00 f ALLOW ft 8 TIMBER Shipping y M ...10 00 Mi 1, extra pe- M 8 50 Mill, prime per M 7 00 Mill, fair per M 5 00 Comm. n, per M..... 4 00 Interior to Ordinary,per M 3 00 WHISKEY North'npergl 1 25 North Caroina, peri gal... 1 60 A'OOL Unwashed, per ft... 20 Washed. xer ft ,.L 26 Burrv wool, per ft 15 7 2 9 015 00 00 00 0 00 12 00 10 75 0 8 00 0 6 50 4 160 0 4 00 0 3.50 0 2 9 & 35 22 28 17 Sol. Bear & Bros., rpiKE". PLEASURE in annoclng to thei numerous friends and patrons that they hav one of the inoet complete and largest Pt cks of 1 CLCTHIKG & FURNISHING GOODS HATS &c, I And that the above will be sold at lower I - prices than by any other House in the city. Call early and get Bargains. iune 17 POL BEAR HROH. Employment Wanted. I THIS CITY OR ELSEWHERE, in doors, outsida or on the road, sales man, writing or cmvassirg orders and consignments. By a man who is familiar with trade in all its branches, who wlU give h'sundivldQd time and best p?orU for a small salary. Address. , j july 22 ; ilmingtou, Xi'c. j OPEN DaY A Al) M(MT. SIMMOVa LIVER RKGULATOR, PAR ker's Ginger Toitie, Indian Cbolagogue, Bonfue Asthma Cigarettes, and full line of Drugs, Medxiaes and Perfumery. V. C. MILLER, Corner 4th and Nuo Streets. Open dy ax.d night. augi-u Miscellaneous. IS o i eserved ! FOR P. L, BR1DGERS & CO, Inly 25 A CARD. ITHSTANDING THE VERY Low prices off if d at present in our city on ! ! and the great oompetitionwhich has lately sprung up iu the j RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS, tie we w'sh to advi e our customers and the rUBLIU -GENERALLY, that on account of our Immense stDck we will furnish you with FA MILY SUPPLIES ! j i AT LESS PRICE THAN ANY OTHER GROCER IN THE ' 1 i ' ! ' ' 'i CITY. Rpmptnber, ! our terms are cash, and yo guarantee is that your goods will be bought at less price than any other i house , - i 1 in the citv U at Dresent char2ha. Very respectfully, Boatwiight &!2IcKoy A 7 WTorth Front Street. aug 25 Theodore Joseph, Corner of Harnett & Salisbury Sta One Corner West Raleigh National Bank. RALEI6 fl N. C. j Board by th. dar or on tie European plan btiafactiongrrantee1iaererr particalar My bar Is supplied with Fineba' OoMen Wedding, 1870, Uibaoa'a 1871 Rye, Pfeiffer A and Q, a aad many more of tbe , rues brands of Bre and Ken tacky Baarboa. oatltf R Miscellaneous. YELLOW FEVER- BLACK VOMIT. It is. too oon to forget the ravages of this teriible disease, whicn w.l. no doubt return in a more malignant and virulent form in the fall months of lb7. j Merbkll's Hepatif, a Remedy discovered in Southern Nubia and u?ed with ouch wjm derful results ., in South America where ijhe most aggravatea cases of fever are f 'urd, ruBep from one t two ounces of bile to be filtered or strained Tom t"e blood each time it purees through the Liver, a Iongr as an ex cesg of bile exists. By iCa wonderful action on the Liver and Hto'msch the HEPAtlN't-j not only prevents to a cetaintv any kind of Fever and Black Vomit, buc ajso cures Head4 ache, Constipation of the Bowels, Uyppepsia and all Malarial diseases. I ' i o one reed fear Yellow fev-cr who will expel tbe Malarial P-ison ancl xo'ssof bile trom the blqodby u ine Mkrv ki is nKPATisn, hich is sold by al! Drufririjts in 25 c-nt ard 1.G0 bottles, or will be set t bv ext rees bv the rroprietors.J A. t. M K fc-LL A CO , , 1 . - j Phi'.aCelphia, FaJ Dr Pemberton's Stillineria or Queen's Delight. The reports of Rheumatism, Scrofula. 8ait Hicum, Syphi lis, Cancer, Ulcers and Bires taat comefrom all oarts ot the coutitiy. are i.ot odiv remark able but so miraculous" as to be rioubted wer it not tor the abundance of proof. . j Rema'-kable Cure of Scrofula, &c. CASE Of UULJ J. C. imAN(pN. Kingston, Ga., Sept. 15, IS7I4, S . i - . 1 . Gents: For fixteen year. Ii hare been a great suflerer; from Scrofula in its moot cis tref8iog forms. 1 have been ro fi ed to mv room and bed for fifteen y ars with scrof'u lous ulcerations. 'J he 'most upprovtd reuie Jies for such cases had bren used, and ih most eminent physicians consulted, without any decided benetit. 'I hus prostrated, dis tress d, desponding, I was adv'sed by Dr. yer, of Floyd county, Ga ,!to commence the use of your Comooa'id Kxtract Stillintria j , Language ib as msujhcient to describe the re I! . Tt .1 - 1 r . m ...i net i ooiiinea iromjtn- use ot tne Mulmgia as it is to convey anfadequate idea Qf the in . tensity of my suffering before using your medicine ; sufficient to say, I abandoned all other remedies and continued the use of y. uf Extract of Htillingia, until I can say truly, "1 am cured of all pain," of al' disease, with nothing to obstruct the active pursuit of my profession. j More than eight months have elapsed since this remarkable cure, without any return of the disease. 1 For he truth ofj the abrjve statement, I re fer to any gentleman in Bartow county, Ga., and to the members! of the bar of Cherokei Circuit, who are acquainted with me. I shall eyer remain, with the deepest gratitude, j Your obedient servant, j J. C BRANSON, Atty at.Lawl A MIRACLE, i 1 ' 1 I ' WestPoist, Ga Sep ;. 16, 1870. Gents: My daughter was' taken on the 25th day ot June, 1863, with what was supposed to be Acute Kheumatism, and was treated for the same wiih no success. In JLarch, follow ing, pieces of bone began to work out of th right arm, and continued! to apier till all tle bone from tbeielbow to the shoulder joint csme out. Many pieces of b .ne came out ot the right foot ana leg. The case was then pronounced one of White Swelling, arte having been confined aDout six vears to her bed, and ihe case considered hopelfss, I was induced to try Dr. Pemberton's Compound Fxtract of Btilliogia, and was so well satis fied with its effects that I have continued the use of it until the present. j My daughter was confined t& her bed abou six y eat s before Btie Bat up or even turned over without he p. She new siti up all day, and sews most of her ti e has walked across tue room. Her ceneral health is now good, and I Delieve Hhe will, as her limbs gain strength, walk well. 1 attribute her recove ry, with the blfgniLg, of God, to the use o your invaluable medicine. With gratitude, 1 am, yours truly. W. B. BLANTON. ! West Point, Ga., Sept 16, 1870. Gents: The abr ye certificate of Mr. W; B. Blanton we know and certify to as being true. The thing is so; hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to it. As much reference can be! given as may be required. I Yours truly, j CRAWFORD A WALKER, UruggifltB. HON. H. D. WILLIAMS. DR, Pemberton's Htillingia is pre pared by A. F. Merrell A Co., ' Phila., Pa. , Scld by all Druggists in $1.00 bottlep, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canyass everywhere. Send for Book "Curious Story" free to all. Medicines sent to poor people payable in instalments, may 28 VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD , And Grand Medal of Honor. Economy, Durability and Rapidity ' combined witbj perfect work, Are Distinguishing Features of the! j i celebrated GiM Farm and Warehocse 'Fans, i ' 1 j Hade b . A.,P.!fDICKEY, Racine, Wis. Now having many late improrawn, they are faiTy equal to every demand ;i cleaning ail kinds cf Grain, Peas, Beans, Caistor Beans, Com and Small Seed. They grade Wheat perfectly by once handling. Sep arate Oats from Wheat, Barley and Rye. They have very perfect arrangements for cleaning Timothy, Clover, Flax Seed. Orchard Grass, and all other Small Seeds. They Chaff perfectly, and combine ever qualification required ts( do the best work ia the shortest tie, . 1 X3 Prrk &L-Z-.S mJ-. JLri Fr-i .T7!1. are larrery con- tructed, both kinds reaiannj cine sireal to accom modate the demand, and giviisg a capacity cf from 50 to soo bushels pet hour, according to se ot miiJ. Ther are shipped, boxed f r ocean transposition, and "Vet t:? irknoclied down" lot forwaxdla? inland, as requested; and in all cases put free oa board Cars or. Steamer,- Orders Ued.saae dav IlsHpped"knocled dawnSO for half the (rei'ht charged as wbn fwarded "set pp. Oleo vraphaaad Circulars strpplied ort appBcation. Pnces ViUbe jooted W aad oq liberal terma. Corns, oadeoce soliuaed. 1 ' J Bail Eoad Lines, &c. : : r-ri J I 1 rn-ry if w T 21 WILMINGTON &j WELD Oh RAILROAD COMPAJJT I .Urr'CK or Hkh'i St psriktwdt t WilmiDirfo. . C, Juoe 13,19. j CHANGE OF SCHEDULF On and after Sunday. June lStYJ IPTS Paasenger trains on the - . - Y iimmgton A V ei don Railroad will run as follows ; DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, da Leave Wilmington, Front St. depot . t...... ...r. J. 7-10A Arrive at Weldcn at J. Leave Weldon Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. IU P i'? Pi IJepot at 9! 53 I NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRE DAILY. Leave Wilmington, Front 8C Depot at..U " I Arrive at eldon at Leave Weldon,..... Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at......... 3 2 1 , Traim on Tarboro Branch Roau T? 1 It 1 r fl . l I r . . . . On at jrriaay at :3U f M. The Day Train makes close cocnertio weldon for all points Nortti vie l iy. aauy, t except Sunday) and aaily, via mond and all rail route . Uicti. 1 Night train makes close connections Weldon for all points north via Richmor Sleeping Cars attadhed to all Night '' ra! JOHN F. DIVINE, Generai ?nv iune 13 .1 1 I tr r i ,, 1 CenMSup'ts Office j t I WILMINGTON; COLUMBIA ' AND A U. I GUHTA RAILROAD CO I rVilmington, N. C, June 13, 1179 ' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE On and after Punday, June 15, the fol lowing schedule will be run on this road: ' j DAY EXPRESS AND MAILTRA IN, dally. Leave Wilmington 9 05 A Arrive Florence. 1 25 Leave Florence. 3 60 8 i0 Arrive at Wilmington P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily)! Leave Wilmington.. Leave Florence... Arrive at Columbia 10 13 P M 2 51AM 9 00 A M 6 (0 A M J bt A M 6 6(j A M Leave1 Columbia. Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington. I - . This i Trttin stots only at Flem ng;on, Wmtevuie, fair. Blutt, and Marion. -Ill Passengers for Augusta (via Columbia), enouia tare Aiirnt Express train iroiu v ii mmgton. rii:ay aiuuui lor i arotiro ai o.tir i- M flsiiy, and Tuesday J Thursday andjSatuft y at 4fei C AM. Returning, leave Tarboro j at lw.t . j 1 j . i. . j j . r 1 Through 81eertng Cars on nigh ftraiL e lor unarieston ana Augusta. j I JOHH F. DIVINE, General tmU jure 11 LM, J , CAROLINA! CENTRAL RAILWAY LO Offiok Gknkhal Bcpkrintbndekt, i I i V Wilmington, N. C, Miyl8, 187&.J ("JIANG K OF SCHKDULE. O N AND AFTER THIS due, the f llorr id? ocneaule Willi oe operatea on Railway : ' . 1 . j ' 1 Passenger, Mail and Express Trnin. . 1 Leave Wilmington at.... 7:0 . No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at.. 2:i7 P A A P A A J ' at Charlotte at.... j:20 Leave Charlotte ' at.........'8:2S 2. Arrive at Hamlet at....... 1:3 2 No. ) at WUmington at 9:60 1 riuif Close connection made at1 Hamlet wj.ith trains of Raleigh A Augusta Air .Lioe liailr way. I j I Shelby Division Mail, Freight A Pasienger and Express. j ' 1 1 . . vrt q Leave Charlotte......... 8:4 J A M ao' Arriveat 8helby..:..i.....12:33 P M mr. ) Leave 8helby. ...L..L... 1:15 F III III V ' ; Arrive at Charlotte 5;05 V. w. -OHNhON, may 17 General SucerintendenU CLYDE'S S3ew Y Wilmington, PJ. C Stcarnship Line Tb Stoamer RECUliATOp,!. CAPT. i)OANK, WILL SAIL FROM :si w 1 mix C.V R A TTTT? T A V . AnfHlft 30.1 Rhlnntri can relv nnoo the rrrnpt . .-.rrv-- 1 - - 1 Railing of Steamers as adrerti-ed. "x 1 For Freight Engagem-f,t r5Tlv THOS. E. UpSV, Hnj'r, , 1 , . Wilinin.t c, V. WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. . 1 i 35 Brcadwav, Nt' rr. Visitors to Smithviil i . ! ! WILL FIND THE BEST LIQCORft, Wire, Beer and Cigars a my.plel Tlie celebrated Delmonico and'Blae Oraw WhUkeya, Dry Wine, Champagne and Mil waukee Beer alwayionband tardinea and Pickeli for convenience of, excursionist, at j J. D. DAVIH'. " j 1 Jait b or Uarruion. f ft M M M i 1 i '. M M M bi 1A M I s 1 i ) ! 1