Victims of Yollow Feyor. T..e Disease In Memphis a Remoter of Races, Xt Persons Mfm-bi-, Aug 27-Tbe iudic?tir.t i.i;,. but little charge in tl, 6 ate of affairs Yrlh.w. Jack . WOrks of men of .M.,Lce. I.o j tins vear it i" in tl.e fever, and ail color, ftt-il sliad. ,e."Ven wtite and Mack aro less cept.ble. until7o..r-Hcb t he pur - -Rro or Af.ic.n type, wbicb 11-r-?I.i n nil. p.-ulirily l tu-t 11,1" .urf--l"""(ll African rrrcov. r- far niiiutT u. Jja.-t 3ear't- priv m Tj to a'.'.uiifrtM im- refer- more rap brtB the '.JwettBH hi a i.r.n hrt Tulii, race iwVftw race H,n,re,l ter.ib.y ThiH y.r the H.hrcws r.-fu-cef- The Inl and lirm-m rac e Kffe'rmore tnn do -the I'T"1 Spanish: The northern -1 ! : native American rwr th Southern biancu not n-ar bo tann, if being to a measure acci.raa'Kl ny reeide,c9 bmtb. -Few have yuov i, ver twice, but, hko hraaH'p.iX, it uu. LittvicetI.ebRU.ei:crM.u. Mruugc tn my the Chines do not taKo yellow fever L-.Ht year-no Oiimmu dy.u o b -VT. Tuis year nono have to far UkrLtL.edieust.. We. ha ve a, po,u- lilty Uuinse hi win British Labor Troirbles. London, Aug! .7-'lhe resolution passed by the operative epinners oi Oid.m. nrnteinfc Bgiin-t the pro- . ! .- i J In ...Mrv. fit l.roilIK l-diii j-w . ' ' t Hull Ulfl m liters m qW-rer ee uh ui-msf-lve in WorojT; ft scLeni' for Hvstf m.tio mratioii if reductions in w"k coL'tinne t. be made. Mm hotter Guardian' correspondent .,t O cltiim siivs: la the preheat tem per of the operative Lee the re is no telling wfm extremje measures they mividopt.' I . r, . - The Guardian eay.: ITbe Execnli Committee of the orth and ortb west L uiCinhire Master' Asf-ociatioL will meet in Miricrieater on Tuesday, the 21 of S-ptember, to con-ider a proposal for the further 1 re luction of H-agen. The meters aliego that som. tep toward the alleviation of the de-nr.-HHion iu Uade is absolutely iivce- ,arx; but Home dintriets aro more . fatrr nf a I rfidustioQ than MIUUiJiJ "J V. " j 1 Jucli JU is E' " . " J k tv to t.ike ijIcJi ce.1 d to-dav to colored nuoibHi y to l.ill'J piu or KiliUti's tl 1'alfiit 1 V AiiiM;rN' organ flat to his face. The blow was made with either a slang shot or 4 ft large stick, the person struck .not knowing which. Greensboro Patriot : Mr W B All red, of C-dar Falls, liandolph county, uas invented and patented a water tfheel. which it is confidently claimed - j , - COMMERCIAL NEWS Wll-MJLNOTON MARKET I AUGUST 29-4 F M. I I 8PIRIT8 TURPENTINE Quoted dull at 24 cents. Sales of 200 casks reported at tnai figure. , KOSIN Dull at ?1 00 for Strained and SI 0214 for Good Strained. No sales reported .till produce one-third more power in eu.her grade . Sales 100 bbls fine rosins at tha.n any otuer wheel wilh the same J3 qq orcM) Pale, and 3 37lA for (N) Extra ctric Liht. 27. A palent Axis'. was ibHii-a ve.-.rday frcm thp United rftatPH latent lOlKce ' to ,Tliomas A E.lidon cf Menio Trk, N.J,- for the wli:cti latiou OJ borne. nitv. 'i'ho new P;V e rr-portei the Board of Health number kn t. -rwi tw'.vft rolored lnnide the city, and two whites and ono Ac Tl, p-iees of death 'murium. , - j i.i'fQ nnil three coiorea miae, and three whites outfiule toe city We hav other fevers bewdt p yeno fever here, and many' of the former have been mistaken for the latter. One member ot the newmihUry white coxu pauy, Memphis K-Herved, A,eaautb:r IJoyd, has died of fever. i wo other members, J. II. rurueli and Joe W Pimm, aro sick. It is. estimated that not more than two hundred and titty peEM)' a imve as yyt been sick at an one time since the fever appeared, and the total nick from flrs' to last will no? exce d one thousand. I u 1 873 we had over eleven hundred sick at one time, and last" year treble that ninmb.. The ciy is very quit. Tne order of the Slate Boaid of Health, prohib iting pertioua from oeing out after J .t night without passes, is rigidly en forced. This has prevented mceudiar itm and house breaking tA a great, a tent The monotony of fever life is beeomiue oppressive, with no hope oi c.-suatiou until November. It is aston irdjwg how reckless people become when in daily contact wilh fever 'Those residing eleehere have no idea as to h iw Meuiphi ans expose them selves to fever iu atteuding friends, and even etranger3. . ' 1-ii..iri iictitincr ininiiraius on i!e ha.s been 'txperimenting for some Cimp. A patent lor ail electr.ctelepho- e wai iri-ued to rf.,A Gowfr, of France, a-pignor to C. U oosseveltj. New York. Two re -Hfui a for electro-harmonic telegraph were made ty the Il .rmomc Telegraph Gimpfny, assignor to K Gay ol Chicago 1 THE OLD WORLD. Ane 28 Several mornirg that an alliance wili lAKOLTxAi Wiijrftou hU.c-jutributed $G2 for ,th ii.'uufoit tutlefers. 1 ! On Wednesday nelxt, September 3-d, Dr T U Piitouard will be inauga r;.tnd a ft President, of Wkke Fore: t College. i 1 Gold-boro M'bi: Mr W D L me, of White Ii,tll Township, a few days ago killed a rattlesnake;") feet 3 mchtf iuantity of water, in existence, uhh t)een fully tested, and one is now in practical operation at Union. Mr Allred is having one constructed i at Charlotte to send to Boston, Mass., where it will be tested with other wheels. Washington Pre?: We are in re ceipt of a letter from Hyde county, which,' speaking of the late storm' says; Che corn and cottou are laying flat The f ct of it being the finest firops we have had for yearp, makes it the harder to bear. The bridges are all gone with vessels on! the shore. St George's Kni?couai Church waa unroofed and badlv damaged otherwise, abo the fine over the iQd at Swan Quarter, and svvnt several buildings from tbeii foundation; altogether 1 it was the iriiiBt tnrjji ever known m that sec tion. Italeiih Ujscrccr. Some attention has been directed to the feasibility of aiaking crops of upland rice m inis action, aud it is stated that it can oe -ucceefullv crown. Thej raising of rice will surely again become profita ble in the eastern tier oi counties Apropos of this the last Agricultural Hep'jrf says that the acreage" in rice in Craven couuty has been greatly en larged, and the crop looks promising, in iieaulort county it is doing web, and the acreage is doubled;, in Duplin the acreage is increasing, and it is Hriplv TiPnnir has increas d Pale. ! TAR Stead y at SI 10. Sales receipts at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE-Steady at 1 00 for Hard, and $1 60 for Soft and Virgin. Sales receipts at quotations. I COTTON Steady. No sales reported. Thejfollowing are the official quotations : Ordinary --- Cert- Qood Ordinarj.... 10 " Strict Good Ordinary " Low Middling... : Middling . il " Qood Middling " DA1LT aioiiiPTa Cotton ..j 45 bales Spirits TnrpeDtine... 36s cafcKj aosin 1,849 bb 8 Tar.... 56 " Crude TnrDntine.... 341 " Miscellaneous. MARINE NEWS. es. Wake county are long. It hdjll ratt n ore town -hip in over teu men, all oyer b veils pi age, who each day do g6od farm work, and aie tieulthy and hearty. . j Italeigh (jbvercer : A protracted meetit!g wi I btgin at odist, Church, about Ebenezcr Meth- fl miles from the G jldoboro L snoi city, uu Suuday, coaduct'jd byiUev J B IJobbitt 1 1 , Mail: Jno T Daly,1 of mini ii tulle of new cotton on Mir market Vcstt'i-diy for " Weight 300 lbs. T B flyman. i was the buyerj Ihis is the tirst; b ; ie. I U-ilpitrb Oba,,tccr : A. revival lis in ARRIVED. ! Steamer Elizabeth. Chadwick. Smithvill K P i'addison. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper. Smithville, Geo Myers. Steamer Gov Worth, worth. Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. , Steamer Isis, Paddison, Point Caswell, P Paddison. 1 Steamer Wave, Robeson, Fayetteville, Williams A Murchison. i Schr Jno A Griffin, Slover. Philadelphia, Harriss & Howell. i Br brig ' avaliere cardelli, Robertson Belfast,. A. Sprunt & Son. t Kchr Witch llagel, Ames, Baltimore, E G Barker A Co 1 Schr Anna W Barker, Snowman. Boston, E Gi Barker & Co. , CLEARED. Steamer Elizabeth, Chadwick, Smithville R P Paddisou. riteam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville THE NEW YORK i WEEKLY HERA D. .lAMRS -fiORDOX 15SNNKI I I Ton tor. The Bestnd Cheapest Newspaper PublUhtd. I ! j Postage Fre ON E DOLL A K Per Vear, j oO Cent lor ix Months, i An Extra Copy to every Club ofj Ten. New York Kerala, Published every Day in the Year. Postage Free. . $10 pays for one year, Sundays included. $8 pays for one year, without Sundays. $5 pays for six months, Sundays included. l i.atr for nix months, without Sundays. f 2 pays for one year br any.specified day of tu6 IT - $1 pays for six montus for any speci fied day $lpe- m(nth (iaciuding Sundays) will be chargea on suoscriptlons for a lees period thaa three mouths. i i ' TO EUROrE Includiug Postage. MigcellaneoUgt SPEER?g Port; Grape v.vuco iur oicmnnir.- n Hrpt, i PASSAIC, its acreage; in Pamiico the acreage has Geo Myers, b en increased tenfold. Two , yearf mervXVorth. Worth. at?o upland rice was commenaeu uy Steamer Wave, Robeson, Fayetteville Fayetteville fine Williams t Murchison luUDo luc, - -- steamer Isis, Paddison, Point Caswell, R speuiui 'i'o wcic ocui iu mo 4"- p I'addison but no report has been made to tue oi- tice on this variety this season. progress among tho Baptists at Samaria Ininortaut'o the Afflicted. We , would advise all who may need the idvice of a bhvsician, to either call or write to Dr. Rjuertson, 19, So. Eutaw jSt., Ritimore. Md., who irom 15 years expe l ienee in Hopilal and Special Practice, uuai.mtees a cure in all diseases of the Urinary Oryaii.s a.ud of the Nervous Sy a- lem. Ortranic and Seminal weakness, im poiency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debility ana trembling, Palpitation oi iue llnait. dimness of sicht or giddiness, Noc t.uinal Ejiissions. &c., all resulting from abuses in y uth, or excesses in manhooJ ; also all skin and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr. II. is a graduate of one of the oidpst and best medical schools m im? couiitrv (Uripersity of Marylai d), and re t'eis to the leading physicians iu his city,and allconsttltiughim can rely upon honorable and conndeutial treatment, in wining Steamship Benefactor,Jones, New York, T E Bond. Schr E S Powell. Williams. New York, cargo by Colville & Co; vessel by Williams & Murchison. ! Exports. COASTWISE. New York Steamship Benefactor 22 bales cotton, S bbls crude turpt, 25 do pitch, 193 do tar, 1,199 rosin, 1,107 casks spts turpt, 4 b'dls shingles, ft lumber, 95 bales Dine straw. 51 basrs rice. 187 nkes mflse. rsew lorK. acnr n; o J. oweii iuv.soi lumber. WEI KLY STATEMENT OF STOCKS OS HAND ATQ. 25, 1879 Cotton ashore afloat.. 66 36 Total....... Spirits 101 ashore...! 9,679 afloat I,0i8 Church, having begun on baturday J nclose stamp for reply. Special attention T r T TinnprH here state I I , . S shortly be conomded between many and Austria. The Standard's despatch from Vienna eavs it is intended to fdrtify m 15 snia every important point occupied l,v th. Austrian trooprf. Tiie Nutional "line steamer Helvetia, .which sailed from Liverpool yestcrdaj for New York, took out eighty farm ers, bound for Texas, who are dissat isfied tho agricultural pzospects of E'Jglaud. The Daily News' Paris correspon .int d,n tT,iorl reis'in to believe that III ui (5" - hpn tho Chambers meet the govern meut wiil demand power o banish . mnmiiprs of tho old reicmit-c: fam- iiit s who agitate against thj Itepublic. The Standard's Berlin despatch says the new treaty between Germauy aud Japan guarantees the free exercise of religious observf nces, and permits free acc.js to the iuterijr of the latter country bv colonists. It is c-aul in M idrid that on the cc- ciiouotKiug Alfonso's marriage an Hrruugement will be made ,with Dr'n C-r'os, ou whom it is proposed to confer. 'tho title of Iuf mte, with a large allowa ce, upon condition that he re nounces all c'a m to the throne of Spain. . The Standard's Tans correspondent reports that the republicans Vf Uu deau have resented the presence of King Alfonso at Areachou by placard u'g tue town with insulting references to the King. Tue police tore them down immediately, and an iuquiry has been instituted. The Russian steamer Nordenkj .Id arrived at Yokohama on the ls-t ol August and left outhe 4'h for B -bring Strait with stores for the Arctic expe dition. The London Financier says : 'Ac cording to the teachings ol all pas experience, a very altered state of things in the money market must su perveue within the next three months. The pinch is expected about the be- iuniug of October, wueu bins arawn by Aui-r.e.4 ugaiust wheat smpmeiiTs xiill bp fin to tall duo heavily, uar American food purchases are now be-i-inninsr to bo estimated at amounts ..inmilHrnhlv in excess of. those thouirht of a week or teu days ago, ani notwithstanding the purchases .f -.inn land other inanufncture.s hprp th conviction pievails that srold will be taken in payment to considerable amouut. It is known that large am-m .t of bills against -wheat 6hiDments. with' the usual aixtv days to run. have been steadily urniimulatine darincr tho last month. The crops iu Ireland seem to bo bet ter spoken of than those of any other n .rt ot the United Kingdom. Keports irom various prta of Ualway show that prospects of the harvest tre now bright. Farmers expect to commence reaping iu a fuw days. The hay is all saved and is ail excellent. The crops of turnios. mangolds. &c, aie in es callent condition. .Potatoes, however, tire in a good many instances blighted.' ast. Great crowds flock to the church, and there have been a number of con versions. Tarboro Southerner; WljMEdmond son, E ii, one of our best1 farmers, has a hog 3 years" old which he- says will now weigh 500 pounds, Mr iE raised nearly 20 bushels of wheat! per acre this seaon. , I ... ' , I Eiizdieth City) Epnonmt : The friends of Capt Josiah Simmons, of thir place, f-ar that he and his gallant vessei went down) at sea during the recent gale. Nothing has been heard fw.'in him. . i-' j ; 5 1 I j - Goldsboro Nad: W revival of re ligion closed at Salem1 M E Church, on Sunday a week ago; conducted by the liev MrShaunoh, aided byj ProfjTroy Forty-two professed faith in Christ; 18 added to the church1. j ' Tarboro Southerner: Rev L L Nash, pastor. of the Greenville Circuit, hm iust closed a prtraeted meeting at Bethel, the results of whioh were 41 accessions to the Church at that place among whom were some ot the best citi7"Tia i Charlotte iiiveu to all iemale complaints. Good ac- cumihodaUons for all wishing to Icall and iee him. Mediciufe sent to any address, f Total J 10,707 Rosin ashore........... J 89,5 10 afloat. 7,343 Cipt rr R B Brown Saunders, representing tfce Chemical Works, of Baltumore, who has been sick at the. Central! Hotel for three days .past, is out again and leaves for the western part, of the 1 State this morning. Statesville Landmark: We are in formed that quitei an extensive revi val is being conducted jat the Fifth Creek Presbyterian Church, in this county, by the venerable Kev Mr Nail. and that quitei a number have profess ed religion under his preaching. Weldon Krs : A revival is in pro gress at Scotland i , A CARD. . I , To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions ot youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manbood &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in Silmth America. Send a self-ad iressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph iT. Inman Station I), New Ydrk City j ;g-MWTJiW;rrTlll,liri i ii.i.-iii . 1 ii. 1 ileadquaners tor Ale ' Lager Beer and Porter, s itc4lrcus dc sort's, - . . I No. 5 Market Stree Toiai Tar ashore.... afloat 96,853 7,519 8t0 Total. Crude aehore afloat.... 8,il9 3.01 8 Total. 3,018 25, '79. C IAN FURNISH YOU WITH THE BES'i Ale, Lager Beer and Porter, both keg and bottled, in the city. i Country order promptly attended to conducted bv Revs Bjuiah Riptist Church Neck). The meetings in are' Huffham aud Dur- Judge Kerr has ittle improved by i i i ... 3 - I . 4 nam and under thqir superintepdance have had more than i thirty persons seeking forgiveness' cflitheir sins. Charlotte oierccr;. Mr W XV Woodruff, the baggage blaster on the Air-Line, who reejvd severe injmies by having his headj struck; jby a piece of timber projecting from a water tank, a week or ten jdays ago, is lying very ill at iNorcross. Chatham A'cxorcj, returned home I buts his visit to the j Virginia Springs. whither he had gone in search of health, fle will hardly be able to hold any of the Courts of his District daring this year,' which, will doubt less be a souroe of, much., regret to the people of those counties I 1 Chatham IZccordi Mr ( Thomas C Dixonhas a lemon free arid an orange tree on his farm, both of which yield as nice fruit as any raised in, a more tropical clime. Mr Robert G .Eubank has recently! brought, us a specimen lemon from Mr Dixon' j tree, and it is a very large one, weighing teven and a half oucoes. j j j Raleigh JyVtcs: On yesiterdcy after noon, about 4 o'oiock, Mr Sylvanua Martin, a country'man, j was severely injured by parties unknown while standing at th j I barrooui of J S Tay lor on Fayettetillei street. The blow was upon ( V nose, and mashed that Buggies, Buggies, Harness & Saddles, FOR SALE AT I GSRHARDT & CO'S, j 3rd st., opposite City Halli REPAIRING PONE WITH NEATNESS ) AND DISPATCH. HORSE-SHOEING A 8PECIALTY aug 25-tf i ! RECEIPTS FOB THU WBKK KNDINS ACQ. I ! i Cotton... '.i ! 31 Spirits 3,439 Rosin H.168 Tar 476 Crude 2,956 EXPORTS FOB THE WEEK ENDIKG ACQ. 25,1879 E Domestic Cotton U. 61 Spirits 5 3 Rosin.'....: 1,107 Tar.. i 8f0 Crude..... HO Foreign. Cotton Spirits i 1 1,317 Rosin U 3,097 Tar .J.. , Crude 30 0 A MON'IH guaran teed. $12 a day. home made by the . t. HI industrious, uapitai not requireu: we win start you. Men, women, boys and girls make money faster at work for us than at unythiug else. The work is light and pleasant, and such as ai yone can go right a Thosej who are wise who see this notice will send us their alddresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and 'terms free. Nw is the time. 1 nose al ready at work are laying up large sums of money. Add8 TRUE & CO., Augusta, Maine. j ;une 7 d&w, ! - i i Thoa. H. McKoy, iiobt H- McKoy attohneys-at-law WILMINGTON, N. C Office North side Market "street, betwet econd and Third streets. 2T-tf 66 a .cr-rv m your own town, and no capital risk ed, you can give the bu siness a mai wituuut cipt-use. ine nest opportunity ever offered ior those willing to work. Yeu should try nothi. g else until you see for yourself what you can do at the busiues we ofler. No room to explain here You can devote all your t ima or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay f- r every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send; for special private terms and particulars,which we mail free. $5 Outfit free. Dont com plain of hard times while you have such a chance. Address II. HALLKT1 & CO. Portland, Maine. june 7-d&w. List of Vessels uver iuu tons in 1 Port August 29th, 1879 I barks! ! Ger Marie, 567 tonsi Perinien, E Peschau fc Westermann Ger Onkel, 444 tons.) Wallenstein, E Pechau & Westermann Swd Gefion,465 tons, Borgsson, I EG Barker & Co Ger Shanchai. 378 tons . Nauschutz, jj RE Heide Nor Silo. 2G6 tonsi Morland, R E Heide Nor Jerbuen. 271 tons, Svendseu, K E liettie I BIUGS. Sp Dos Cunados, 227 tons, Laid up for repairs SCHOONERS. Schr Jno A Grlffln, 305 toi.s, Slover, I I Harriss & Howel Am H TV McColly, 110 tons, Dowdy, Master 7 i Foreiffn Vessels for this Port Hwf. baraueCarin. 357 tons, Westerland -o.l.rl from UlafliTOW. Julv 20. ! Vnr barane Gantrer. 316 tons. Andre&aen sailed from Lisbon. July 12. ' I i Nor barque lima, 450 tons, Albritcbsen sailed from Konisburg, Aug 4. , Br hat que J L Pencargaat, 558 tons, Bates ilpd from Cadiz July 21. I Ger barque Julie HeTn 332 tons, Pchro- der, sailed from Gloucester, auk . Br baraue Lady Muriel, 492 tons, May nailed from Liverpool, June f 26. Ger brqa Lyoia Pe chau, 403 tons, Bre TT..r. sailed from Hamburg, July 1. Br barque tiummer CloudJ292 tont,Roger8 t l.pith. Mar . ! Kr baraue'Sosie, 302 tons, Hoson, sailed from Olasirow. June 3. Br briz C C Van Hon, 377 tons, Hall, sail ed from Kott raara, June ou. i Rna&ian brisr lima, Z9U tODB, Anaers n a;ip.d from London, August 4. Ger baqae inna, 39 tons, Siewerts, sail ed from Rotterdm, Aug. 21. Ger barque Konigin Augtuta, 460 tons Wilda. aailed from Can, Aug. 8. Svre barqae Lydia, 3 i ton?, Norden, aiil ed trom London, ag. 22. " Br barque Vick A Mebane, 290 ton,Bojd ailod from Lirpol, int. 23. I Br barque D H Bills, t48tons, Jones, aail ed from inaoto, July 23. ! Nor brig Fred, Thorsen, aailed from Ma daria, Aug. 2. 00 Daily... i,.... "1J 30 Weekly ( European, Erfition) 4 vv Weekly (Domestic Kamon) i NEWSDEAL.Je.iis auiTiujiu, Postage Free. , Daily Eaition...Two and a half cts. per Copy Sunday Kdition.... Fdur cts. per Copy Wok v Kdition... i wo cenw per.v,uuy. vi h Nnt less than 5 copies 1 mailed to newsdealers at wholesale rates. We allow no comm seions on suDscripuons Daily Edition Address, NEW YORK HERALD, mch 19 Broadway and St. Ann N. Y The New 'Vunny Sooth." THE BESTL AND HANDSOMEST PAPER IN AMERICA.! Speer's Port Grape Wi e Fours Years'oid. rpHlS JUSTLY OELLB HATED XATIVll Wine is made from the jutes of thf it .. Grape, raised in thii countrj. iu inialu:. Tonic and Sircnstaiiis Propq BeiDg the pure juice of the gripe, prwj i under Mr. Speer's own personal inpeiTi i,)B its puuty and tfer.uineneBS are gnr.D.r., I he youngest thilo may partake o iu fet pud qualitiee, acd tf e weske? t inT!id a,. use it to adyantage. It is particularly h-t ticial to the aged and debilitated, and i itpt to the various ai merits tat afflict the wn'. pex. Jt is, in every respect, A. WINE TO hi RELIED ON. Speer's P. J. Cherry, The P. J. 8HEKRT is a Winl of UPJ. RIOR CHARACTER and parukei ( ti. g lden qualities of the grape from nhichit is made. I For M tblClN AL1 PKOPEKlliS it will be found unexcelled. ! Speer's P. J. or Pedro J. Brandt. This noted Hrandy is a pure diMillvj t from the graps and is equa. to the tinei ) ti. neesy or Otard Brandit-s; for uiedicintl -poses it can be relied upon as strictly pa . Bee that the sienature of Alfred Site Passaic, S. J , is over the cork of each U,i tie. . ; PPEER'B Mt. Prospect Vinej, Jersey, vuice, iw. ot n rwn r-ii.ft. A. New ork, V For sale by yHEEN A FLA.NJT R, J C.l MUND8, Druggists, and P L BRIDGiK A CO. 1 . - ! tjril l b , For Health and rjeaiirc Sand for it at Once-See Our Club I Rates- npHE "SUNNY SOUTH" is now tnemod I 1 nroatrlv nf thft Atra. 1 1 COmeS OUt In an entire new dre!-s aud new make-up generally and is overflowiog witn the ricnest ana spi ciPRt matter . f the I day oems, Essays rtfnrieii. News of the WeeJs, Wit and tiumor, ptt-.oIa On uin. Domestic Matters, Letters from all Sections. Notes of Travel, Puzzles, Chess. Problems, Marriages, Deaths, Health ' . ' ,-. . -r -a t . Notes, Personals, Stage wotes, movement in . . . i . r. . I ' Vn4.n with P'.taa soutuern csocieiy, rwmuu i'uico Answers to Correspondents, bi grapnies wiie Portraits of distinguuhed men and women, BumorouB Kngravinge, peneauoBai iiip rini?si CorresDondents Column, Local Mat tere, Railroad Ouide, and forcible editorials upon all aubjects. Is it possible to make a Darjer more complete ? Get a copy and ex amine it. It now I circulates in all the Statep and Territories, in England, Ireland, Cana da. Australia. Brazil, and the Indian Nation It is really an honor to the South and cur people are proud of it, aid eyery one should mflESE SPRING8 are situated foartile t.tA it immediatelv. i I II i cl The price is only $2.50 a year. 1 We will South of Shelby jard six n.iles Norjtk-1 send the "Sunny South" aod the Daily Whitaker's,1 on the Air-Line. R. K. fbe'stv RnvTnw one rear for Sfi. or. we will Send the. oral u.tprH at Htilnhur aiid chuhbeitr. til "SunnySouth" and the Wilmington 'Jour- properties ot the sulphur are iron. i n nal one year ior ji.ou- The "Sunoy South" and "Boys and Girls of the -Smith" will be furnished one year for (t4 Rfl nraK a lot-Q' OTlH IT1 Q mi RPOT) t tliptnT thrown in. Address this f'fflce, or 1 J. H. tk W. B. HEALS, may 17 - I Atlanta Ga GO TO Pattern's CeletaM Spiiy, "fABOq J D'HONNEUR 33 J nnHK DEMAND FOR THIS ELEGANT FLOUR haa induced us to double our orders. A car load in to-day, I EOR GE MYERS, 11, 13 and 16 South Front St. 25 TUBS ELEQANT SWEET BUTTER, 25 Z TUB At reduced prices. LARD without water.. and magiieBia. Properties combiDed neficial to all di eases, and neTer fail toer the most obstinate cases, as many wilt 1 1$. The chalybeate waters caDnot be 'arpt haying wrought , many aim' at mliacnl cares. I H These Celebrated Sprin2i will be opw Apfil, and th priceB are ia reach if all, ! ing been greatly reaucea im rw". i Rathintr houses, c oauet erounai. UfM alley, and other amusement and attrdti- free for visitor... Hacks runninii fruisl nlono trill TT1 PPt isitors at Shelby or t "I, aRer's on the Air i in R. R., upon ibortH tice to the Proprietor. ' ! Uitii nr RnARTJ. 1 1 Per dij ........- J i Per week r 'J ! Per month. f!D Po. m-inh far t wn nr more mOSUUmi 1 Children and servants dalf price. For further particulars, address i W. G. PATTERSON. Prop f. She br. Pig-Pork, Fulton Market BeefJ Smoked Beef, Breakjaet Strips, Cream Cbetse, 100 cases and packages of choice Goods in to tc- i dy. 1,0C0 pounds Confectioneries GEO. M " ERS 11, 13, A 6 South Front St JULES MUNN A CO'o Dry acd Ex-Dry Verzenay, Fresh Wines juet in at Agents' i - ! i prices. Every variety of Wines, B andies, i i Gins and Liquoia. De'momci Club Hons, Blue Grass, Sweet Mt h. i GEO. MVEHS, I' I I 11, U and 16 Front fit. i 5 Cents WILL BUY A GENUINE ROSA CONCHA 1 ! . . ! Segar H avana. They cost $ 0 per M - , ' ' i - Get a good Segar at half price. j aug 13 GEO. MYERS, 11, 13 A 16 Front St. $1 500 TO $0000ayeai or $5 t $20 a day in you own local ty. No risk. Women do as well as men. Many make more than the amount stated above. No one can tail to make money fas Anv one can do the woi kr Toucan n.dA it ir Scents to $2 an huj by devoting yjui e and spare time to j the business. It costs notxang to try the business. Nothing like it for money mak ing ever offer! d before. Rusim-es pleasant and strictly honorable. Read r, if you want to know all about the best paying business before the public send us your address a1-d we will send you) full particu lars and private terms freej samples worth $5 also free; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address GEORGE STJ-NSON & CO., Portland, Ma'me. jxiue 7-d&w I I apl 29-daw l3t Pllt A Sure c;ure for Pn I : . I " ' I '.. A SURE CURE for the blind, bled itching and ulcerated piles bU beta covered by Dr. William (an Indian ren; called Dr. William's Indian OinttDwM single box has cured the (worst old eM cases of twenty-five and thirty years itanc--No one re"d suller five mihutes after apr. igthis wonderful soothicg mediciM Jj ticin., in-ttuments and electuaries dft j barra than good. William's Ointmen sorbs the tumors, allays the inteni-e it" (particularly at night after getting bed)' acts as a poultice, gives hiit painless relief, and is prf pared only 'T' itching of the private parts and BPtbJjr? i "1 consolted physicians in rO'" phia, Louisville, Cincinnati, IndianApoU" this city, and spent hundreds of doUara, found no re lef until I obtained a boiJ Willi. m' Indian Ointment some lonr". aeo, and it has cured me completely- . JosurH M. Btdxb, Clevtland, 'Has done me more good than ai. Ut" cine I ever tried, and 1 rave spent . $ 1 00 wi ih doctors, besides meCipam cure cost me more than $40.' 1 -DAVib SPAauwe, Ingraham. l ,.t. a a. . with nave sunerea tweuijr jc. - - and ulcerate i piles, having used eve7. ay mat cafi e to wj uunv-a "7-71 until I uaed Indian Ointment and f. immediate relief. . ' ,' ! Jams CAaaot, (an old mi er) 1 i No Pile Remedy ever fJJJL,' rapid favor aod extensive sale. JTU ar a a Ji J -i.t. I Of 1 wholesale anajreian urwi." -J. C. Munds ahd T. S. Burbank. mch 20 eow-dAw T Views, AKE WACCAMAW and Vi also, Views of all poinU of intermit ,u " around WilrAington. Moore'a History of North CarolM- olher lot just received. School Books and tchool S V?- Liberal Discount to Coaotry Pf ! i ii W.TAir ers. I -J ' . . .. ,tnTTiSETT' Don't forget vn'". rIi most wonderlul inatrapeut or uf ;ng23 ,' ;. J "4 , -i.., t M ; ... - 9