THIS PAPER It panRihed rtry afternoon, Buadayi; ex ecute Bj JOSH. T. J1ME8, KDITOK AKX PBOFSIROB. sn B8CBIPTIOW8. POSTAGE PAID. One year, X 00 Six montln, $2 60 ; Three moaths,l 25 Une monui, ou oenu. fhe paper will b delivered by carriers, frM of charge, In any part of the city, at the i ore rates, or IS eenta per week. Advertising ratea low and liberal -Subscribers will please report any and til failures to reeelTe tneir papers regularly. SHOWN & RODDICK. 45 Market St. We h tvp just finished taking our annual ice u'i f s and are now dai'y receiv VKYV GOO 1S from the Northern Markets, suitable for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE I 4 mr Tutfxrms will study their beat inter- t h makine their purchases as early in the Season as convenient, as the general in. I dications of the maricet nave au upwara teudei cy. We nave just receiveu utt 20.000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! PRICE o ;ents. Whnlpaala buyers would do well to look over our tocfc before purchasing as we have a great many so ls we are onenng roucn oeiow x xix x n- VALUE. Fans Cosing oat the balance at Greatly Re- auceu nices. Plain. Striped and Checked NaiDsook Muslius. The best value ever offered. Call and examine. Liueu Lawns from 12 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. Qur Variety is Large. Our prices ARE LOW.. 8c upwards. Laces. Bretonno, Torchon and Italian Laces. We have very much the Largest assort ment that has been offered in this city and our prices either by the 5 ard or piece, can not be undersold. Quilts. TV 11. 1 X .. -V.ll 1- 1 I of the ahorftia lanra. We have marked uuuiesiu: buu xiupurbcu quills, uur 1 none up in price, preferring to give our j patrons an opportunity to supply their wants at the old prices Table Lin en h-Tow , T m I . aliU naUHlIlOa Our present assortment excels anything j we have ever shown. I Call and irive our stock a look over. Our Buyer Is in the market at present and we are receiving many Novelties. OUR 5 and IO Cents Is situated on the S. W. corner of Market and Second streets, and every Steamer that comes into this port brings a Fresh Lot of the most surprisingly Cheap and useful Goods that ever were offered in any mar ket under any circumstances. We offer great indue ments to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & .RODDICK, 45 X&arket Street aug 10 Warm Springs Western North Carolina, T8 NOW OPEN for the reception of pleas, x trBieuentacinuuQi. 1 This lovely place is situated in the beauti-1 lul valley of the frtnch Broad, within eight vies of the riiroad ur I . u a r ? ... 11 vents, an J all other accommodations to be I v uitb une utau ut mane. uieauTB itr 1 r j . c.-i t I uu m m uiBi-ci waicriUK piaoi. For partieolart apply for descriptive pam phlet. W. H. HOWEftTON, jane 10 Proprietor. Come 1 WD SEE A VBY FINELOT OF BRKTONNE, ITALIAN, a vt t. a T T a ZltJCl ' The Best SCISSOBS In the World t And the beat fitting and fastest gellla CORSET, (Flexible Hip) Bretonne Laoe Ties and othar Fancy Articles EXCHANGE CORNER. an 21 y. H. 8PRUNT. Steamer Fassnort, QAPT. J. W. HARPER, Will resume SUNDAY TRIPS TO 8HITHVILLE, permitting. Dally Trips as uxoal. Leave Dock at 9,S A. M. apl ts GEO. MYERS, AenL Hqusis and Stores to Rent APPLY TO THE McKOYS, ittonxeyi and Connselloxf 'at Lat Office Nerth Bide Market BU between 24 andSd. aug 34 r 71 'J VOL. ly . I WILMINGTON, N. Ci, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1879. N0.1S1 ! Ill i ' LOCAL NEWST New Advertisements. Ths McKots For Rent. I ALEiAJDia I Spruht Administration No- tice. , Mi Paters Dowvise A To Ship Notice. Geo. N. Harriss, Reporter, K nights of Honor. . i i Johw Carroll New Rirer Oysters, j P. HsxasBBBexa'a The Karl, of May field Eggs still continue high in prici Masterpiece i-the teacher's rod. The pawnbroker leads a loan-sum; life i ; i ' 1 - Wood is retailius iatj two dollars per cord. Window Glass of all sizes at J corn's Hardware Depot, Qaite a number of summer absentees have returned to the city. Some-of the equestrians , of the city an talking of ge'tiug up a Polo Club. A man who goes a fishing should take his luncheon along, bite." ; ili 'I' He may get no other How a uicklv! people run ia and out of the surf when it rains, for fear of getting wet. Listening to the 'voices of nature' one may note that green corn is a litt'e husky. We hear of several changes of locations of business bouses to be made on the first of October. ) The city bill poster is getting his. boards in readiness for the. approaching theatri cal season. Steamboatmen report but; two and one- half feet of water on I thei shoa's hear Fayetteville. rrv, 1, Ur, f r.fW w merchants in the city purchasing their fall winter stocks The dog days pave come, to an end for the season and the days of grass widowers are fa8t coml T g fc a c ose- Shipments of sturgeon are being made trom this city. For the best two months these shipments of will be heavy, : Can any one enlighten i us as to the number of houses erected in this city during the year ending! October 1st 1879? White washers, plasterers, brick masons painters and carpenters are busy patching op houses preparatory to the moving sea son. !, , Sheriff S. H Manning who j has been on a visit to tbe mountains of North Car olina for the past month, returned last night. We do not believe in medicine for children, but we do believe in Dr Bull's Baby Syrup and aEsert that no family should be without it. Two companies !of the Fomth Battalion (colored) of the Noith, Carolina State Guard, are expected in this 15th of the present month. Icity on the Workmen were repairing tbe roof of the old foundry building on tbe corner of Surrv and nueeQ 1 8treetg yeaterday . Is . ' . , 1 .71 the building to be uti!ized7 A match game of base pall was played this morning between the Little Bubs and u it. o.ii.Vi ni..i u:.u 1 : 11 9 ma j iu v au kjo tvuavu avow kvu au se ii tory for the Little Bubs '11 ! It's a wonder that no politician has 1 1 1 thought of fiigning death in order to get eulogistic obituaries, parts of which he could use for campaign literature. A restaurant, bar and billiard saloon is to be opened at Smithville by a citizen 0 Fmnklinton, in this I State. The house will be opened by the Jst of October. The fish and shrimp market has been bountifully supplied for the past two weeks. Fine bunches . of fish sell for eight cents and shrimps atj five cents per quart. - , - i; - The man who comes to the) station two minutes behind time, and sees the train scudding out at the other end, derives no satisfaction from the proverb, 'better late than never. it,' 1 Mr. A. D. Brown who was ill at Sara toga for several weeks, has so f"ar recover ed as to be able to return home. He is feeling much better, but boars evident traces of a severe sickness. 1 i . Qound trayels a the j rate of 1,145 feet in a second of time, and jet hand organ men grind away as though it took four hoars tor it to reach up to a sleeping apartment in a second ?tory. i . '; . .3 A TLY I Unmallable. An unmailable letter remains in the - - 1 Post office in this city for Dan Williams, Columbia, S. C. First of the Season. Septembe r having rolled around the oyster seasou with it, Mr. John Carroll advertizes in to-day's Review the first arrival of the delicious New River bivalves, at his place on Market Street. u The Excursionists. Ahont fortv excursionists fr. m about Shoe Heel, arrived in this city, by the j Carolina Ceutral Railway this morning. They were n. t at the depot by the steam . acht Passport and proceeded down, the cave, or I tumble but I scream. s ! ! ill 1 river. ! Fire Alaim. i We are told by Gen. M. P. Taylor that we misunaer8T-ooa mm reiaiive 10 ine or mpletion of the fire alarm by the last of the present week. Gen. Taylor said that the material would be here by the latter part of this week. Use Tour Influence Ladles ., The ladies can do something for the Hood fund by persuading their sweet hart. nanaji hrnthfirs. Ronsins. unclea or ---f 1 tr 1 1 hisbands to go to Jewett's book store and pay one dollar for a chance at the bale of cotton to be rafflddj on! Friday n igbt. Complimentary. The Wilkesboro Index talks about Cap tain Johnson of the Carolina Central Rail way in the following style : V. Q. Johnson, tbe silent man of the - r r o : - : . u u: t :i . t j. j. av. xw., to vritu 1110 itiuiiijr Mb ur Uoiietts. ue is one ot tne rising nnan riara nf t.ha Sfjihn havintr arnnirfr1 orroaf. I "" r . : 0 ti &.- and deserved credit for the management of whatever interests he has undertaken since coming to North Carolina. . i" T aDdna TTlt 86 gf5 to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. J go Eilt Mosquitoes ! We have been informed by a lady of this city who has tried many expedients to get rid or those troublesome pests mos- quitoes that she has only succeeded by burning sulphur. , Her plan is to place a mmy vi sujpuur in a pan, 1 ignite 11 and put it on the floor m the middle of a room, having the doors and windows pre viously opened. This causes a stampede among the mosquitoes, and they will n.i return again during the night. Accident to a Policeman. Officer J. L. Everett, oi the night force, made an arrest of a colored individual last night about half past 12 o'clock and while escorting the "glsmman" to the Guard House had the mortification to see the fellow escape from his grasp, where upon Mr. Everett drew hu pistol and in the effort to cock it the weapon was dis charged, the ball passing through two of the fiDgers of ' the officer's leit band causing a very painful wound. We like It. We should like to take one more look at a ''great moral show" with its painted mules, "funniest clown in the world, unprecedented list of attractions, etc, etc. We don'tknow after all that it is the show we want to see. but we do like so well to ait under a tent and whiff the inviaorat. ingi aroma which arises from a sawdusted rinr. and look at! the leader of "the best o, -, brass band in the world" while he plumes himself and "passes off as a living likeness of Conkling who bounced out of Rhode Island in two leaps. v j The Hood Fund. At the risk of being considered officious, v. v4 bor of the Star, that North Carolina has we will state for the benefit ot our neigh V. V at a a fnv ha honaHt - nn. mk. I given more than $4 for the benefit of Gen, Hood's orphan children. To1 ascertain Which (act, one has only to step in at Mr Stephen Jeweti's bookstore on Front street and look at the list of subscribers to th raffle of the bale of cotton which is to take place there en Friday night for the benefit nf t.hia fnnA. rp.arlv all nf whom Tiar niid I " ' J I in tho am.mnt rT th fnnoo ornifn than I - -- I have subscribed for. We know also of an I enternrise beinff started bv two vonn? misses of the mterestire age of fifteen I r 0 0 summers, who have begun tbe project of f making tobacco bas, which they propose I to put up ibf rame among some of the young cigarette smokers of their acquaint. ance. Said chances to be sold at ten centg only. In these several ways, we trust be fore long that the fund for the Uttia or phans will reach mor &an one hundred timed our dollars. i I A fellow told his inamorata on yester- day that he shot a marsh hen through the i right aerial propeUer. the ball passing , vi 1 . r..t htliebodjand coming out a little tfiojp the left aquatic pedal etremitj, 1 Nothing to report in Magisterial circles to-day. Ihe new market is rapidly approaching completion. The Br. Barque Ella Moore. Fielding. rom this post arrived at Liverpool on the 7th lost. He who shows Kindness toward am malsjwill display the same characteristics to his fellow-man. hen a lady gets the better of S""""" an argument during warm weatner, the thing for him to say in ac j know.edgement of his defeat is not 'I tot t . . l xauuerman, isq., uiers: ot fen der Superior Court, paid a brief visit to 1 our sanctum this forenoon. He is in swu umhu, mm reports rair progess among the farmers generally 01 h's county. An hour spent with a good book is al ways so much solid and! substantial (rain Fire, flood, mistake or accident may rob n8 01 our material possessions, but they cannot get at the treasures of the immor I a' miDu, To Cure Lockjaw. Take a red-hot coal from the fire and pour sweet oil (olive oil) on it i then hold the wounded part over the thick smoke1, as near as possible without burning. It will be necessary to repeat or three times a day. the operation two This ! remedy has been known to cure after the jaws had ctmmenced tn . .tiff I 0 Death of Mp TirnnnS. 1 t in: , . , , . uigcu waH receivea in tms city a few days ago of the death in California recently of Mrs. Mann, wife of Maior J C. Mann, who resided in t.W r!t- fA- .- W 0 - veral years, shortly alter the war. Mrs, . T mTB' uxanu. nan yicnj anu Bccompusnea anal exhibited great .taste and fondnesfTfor verse, having written several pretty little I poems under; the nom de vlume of Scott. during her residence here. The news of I her death will be heard with sincere ! re- gret by her former friends and acouaint ances m this city. Cotton in Duplin. In a conversation with r Col. W. E. HillJ of Duplin county, a week or two since, he reported the condition of the cotton crop in his section as above the average, and we so published it. In a very brief interview held with the same gentleman last evening, he informed us that the continued recent rains had ma- terially changed the crop prospects, the bolls having fallen off to a considerable extent, and that, in consequence,! the cot" ton yield will be about one fourth less in that county than was anticipated. 1 , City Court- 1 1 Robt. Herring, colored, for f st driving, on tne street, was nned tbZ.bu. J. M. Whiteman, colored, for same of fence, was fined a similar amount. j Judy Ann Hunter,' colored, a former frequent attendant at the Mayor's Court, was arraigned for being drunk and dis- I -J 1 3 1 1 1 c j I uruer1 ttUU BCUfc uo uw rr ouo ua- Mince Evana colored, charged with di80rder1 condnct' iwas fined 2 or given tD9 or a aav ana niM m tbe cell, as the other horn oi the dilemma. Julius Jones, ft colored lad, about 17 1 i or IS years of age, was arraigned for dis orderly conduct in the Market House and sentenced to ten day's imprisonment in the City Prison. 1 You can set the best White Lead. Paints I and Oils, and lowest pricas at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. I t . " . - . ' I Thermometrical. From the United States Signal Office in 'his place we obtain the following report ot the thermometer, as taken this muro mj? at 7;J 0 clc- i Mobile, Ala..... 73 Montgomery Ala... 63 Nashville ..........,.6t' New Orleans..,,,....?; New Yo;k......t3 PaURassa, Ha...79 savannah, Ga.......70 Shreveport.....w.72 St. Louis Mo. ......56 St. Marks, Fla.74 Vicksburg, MiB..85i Washington.. 57 WilmitjEton...63 Augusta. Gtw. 65 vSiro 68 nk.Jiw a r cq vyincmnau at . .. Corsicana. Tex......71 5 Gibo ! T UHTegtn - Indiauo:!' i010?.8 JI Lynchburg.ZZT6 empnis, Tenn...o Wine With Cako Xer Entertainments We take pleasure in directing tbe at tention of tbe public to Speer's celebrated Port Grape Wine, a pure and unad niter ated article, upon . which every one may most implicitly rely. This wine is made at opeer s Vineyards, Passaic, New Jersey. It has a rich flavor, mellow juiciness, and brilliant colon and is not ouly an agree- "ie oeTerage, dui is nigajy oenescuu . m ll its prcpertiea ior inralids and aged wrfi or le by P. L, Bridgeril Co , J. a Mnndsand Green & Flanner. The barometer indicates bad weather. trraoes sell for twpntvufipo cents per peck in this market. , Mr. lhc8. H Uowey leaves t-morrow for the Northern Market to purchase his fall and winter stoGk. ine Dest A lUvlows, D.ors and Blinds and LiO west Prices can be got at Jacobi j Hardware Depot. About four miles of the U ln 1 rrr turnpike has ueu BQeiiea, 1 ne remaining hree miles will be worked On during the winter. lhe match between the Home and Champion bare ball Clubi comos off to morrow afternoon at the Athletic Grounds at 3 o'clock, weather permitting. vv.u. Uoups ISew United Monster Show" is on the vroad heading this way 1 hey claim to have eleven huge 'tents and the most perfect circus and menagerie in the country. A bicycle was on tho streets ibis after n7j tWn thonht they could ride it: There were! no limbs broken but there was heaps of fears in -;it to the spectators who gave it a wiJe ra ge. 1 Orange Citron Candied orange peel or orange pitron is eisily made. The only difficulty tain the orange with thick i enough peel. the thicker the better. Soak the peel in salt and water a dav ar.d niht . thpn 1 - -a 7 freshen for the kame length of time ; make a OJlup U1 oudr' U8IUS a Pouu,a 10 each pounu 01 peei ,ana Don until nearly trans- parent. I Death of a Coasting captain. The flags of the small coasters that are 1 in this port have been at half mast to day out of aspect tq the memory of Captain ' ' ennedy. jthe former Captain of the schooner Afaaaie. who died in thi rit 1 J at 3 morninS. of consumption, lhe remains have been taken to Jackson- ville, Onslow county, for interment. An Extra Steamer. steamqr Tybee, Captain Tribbn The from New York arrived in this city to day consigned: to Mr! Thos. E. Bond Superintendent of the New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Tubee was put on the line in connection with the steamers, Benefactor and licyulator until the Southern bound freights in New York can be cleared, away. Southern merchants have been purchasing very largely in New York this seasons hence the rush of freights. i Robbery Aboard Shin. Capt. J. E. Atchison's bunk aboard his barque James E. Ward, now un loading in frootofjthe Custom House, was robbed on Monday night of a pocket book containing vafuabla papers and some money. The robbery took place about me "me or me desertion 01 two seamen and they were thought to Le the thieves. One of them was arrested but nothing leading to his guilt could be es- tablished and he was released. As yet neither book ncr papers have been recover J t 1. a : ii . .1 1 eu lpul"uu fcUlDKS lQat, dook was extracted from his bunk by the thief running his arm through the port hole. Tragedy in Lumber ton J ail. We learn from the last number of the Hobesonian that Peter Leach, colored, who is confined in jail at Lumberton to await his trial for the murder of Sam Townsend, was taken suddenly and ser iously ill last Saturday night. Physicians were called who after a r.xrmM a-ramin- - . . .Auiua- t:nn tha ,nffaM;Mm. frt , tlon off the Bttfferer came to the conclu- biuu .unb lio uiu ueea poisonea. Sus picion was at once directed to his wife ai i l. A tl i- . i 1 1 I I. mo uuiii 1 party, as sue naa oeen in th9 jhabit of viaitiag the jail and bringing him. food, and had done soon the day he was takjen sick. It was OA account of alleged intimacy with her that Townsend was killed and as she has taken up with another 1 man since Peter's incarceration 1 the presumption is that she has been actuated by a aesire to ge rid of him without awaiting for the uncertainty of the law's delay. She has been arrested, and states that one Joshua Washington was the man who gave her the cake she carried to Peter. For Smithville, gTEAM YACHT ELIZA BETH, CapL D.W.Chadwick. carrying United 8Utee MaiL Leaves wharf foot of Market street daily (except Sundays) at 3 P. M. Returning, leave 8mithviUe st A. M. JU P..PADDl80rf. sepift AgenU ailoLs We'will be glad to recelre eoamnnl irom onr mends on any and all subieets kt general interest but: j M The name of the writer must eJwjy L fnr nished to theEditor. ' I1'" ' Commonications mnst be written on onlv mho uae or tnejtaper. I Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and parti ularlv ndr stcod that the Editor does not alweyf1endo7e the views of corresjK)ndeDtoL unleesso state".' in the editorial colnmpg. I j . j' New Advertisementa. Knights of Honor. QAROLINA .LODGE ITo. i. jpUlal Meeting to .morrow (Thursday) evening:, at 8 o'clk, for the purpese of eoaferilai d.rrLL purpese of conferring derrees. GEO. N. HARRI8S. ' I l I Reporter. sept 10 S600. RENT THAT VERY F OR desirable store on Market 8treet, occu jiei by Mr. Thos. H. Howeyi as a Shoe Store. The cheapest Store on' the street. Aprlj to i THE McKOT'J. sept 10 tf j 1 j - j j Ship Notice. A LL PRRROVH idi' dvd-psw 1 a cannoned acainst 1 1 - .ias UAn&iJX, trustinfl' or b at boring any of the erew of the Am.' Bark J. G Wi trartion will be paid byj the master or eoa ' u. ma au uiiib or rn.ip w W. WS. OJgUCCI. j 1 ... 1 .. , PATERSON, DOWNING CoJ eept 10 3t 1 I i AdiuiiiUtratioii IVoticei HAVING QUALIFIED as Admiatra'tor upon the Estate of IffHitina niflJ Am. c ased, late of New Hanover county, notice is hereby jriren to ail persons havine claims aemnst said Decedent, to exhibit th .... t- me, on or be ore the 1st day of October.1880. otherwise they will be barred of a recovery. All per ods indebted to said Estate are re- nueaicu 10 mate ior mediate pay rtent. aliaaijik SPRUNT, sept 10-oaw6w j Administrator!. J.. Wew River Oysterc THE FIRST IN MAR l Si KET THIS SEASON.' i C mj and see me. J Yours fraternally, sept 10-U JOHN CARROLL, Baby Syrup. pARKER'S GINGER TONIC, Inklna Oolojr,ogae, Ball's Cough 8yrupJ 'Kluta Chill Cure, Arers Ague Cure ' and a 00m- ! lete ttock of pure Drugs and Medicines. I m 1 1 ) P. C. MILLEBJ Corner 4th and Ana Street. Upen diy aad night. ! p j Bept8-U I ! -i I The Earl of Mayfield. TX field" ii the nnm of . ni . -- ful Novel, by a diatiauiflhed American am- uiur,;ioe opening acfes of whioh are laid 1 i-ouisiana during the early days of thei Be oel.i' n. The hero is a rich DlanUrl! and th. heroine is aiovely example of true I woman hood. The old English home is very likely a correct pbotegraph of an ideal houseas many simdar ones exist in that immediate lo cality. It has the advantage of havfn k.. wiiu gooa aeicnptions, ex cellent dialogue", well sustained interest, and contains all the elements of a BacceeBful novel, the whole being well told, within the! limits ol probability, and the work will no doubt i prove a great success. 1 il T ' For sale at 1 - ' 1. seP 8 I HEINSBERGER'S. I Send in Your Orders QOUNTRY DEALERS AND TEACHERS wil find it to their advantaire to bLy their SCHOOL BOOKS and 8CHOOL1 'btL , ' i I llUNhKY of C. W. TATE! Photographs. fJlAKEN AND FINISHED TJP IN THE latest styles, at Low Prices, at' YATES' BOOK STORE AND PHOTO BOOMS. ' ept8 " I ' , I. '. ' .' 1 ! I Female School, MISSES BURR & JAMES, Principals. I MRS. M.S, CU3HING, Instructress in Ye . ii I ' 1 cal and Instrumental Musieij 1 THE FIFTEENTH ANNUAL 8E88ION of this School will commence on Thars 1 day, Oct. 2d, 1679, and close during the last week in Jane 18f0. The course of insufuetiea 1 is solid and thorough, and the) utmost care j will be tak a, aa heretofore, to avoid every thing pertaioing to a superficial edeeatioa.1 Young children carefully and judiciously! trained, by means of object lessons 'and Kin dergarten occupation, in conjunction with the best text book instruction. ; Frfe hand drawing taught without , extra charge. 1 ; .. For farther particulars see circulars St the 1 different Book Stores in the city, or enquire of Principals ' 7 A limited number of moils eau accommodred with beard. I j, Furniture. , JUST RECEIVED FEOil FACTORY ft large assortment of Walnut and other grades of FTJB5ITURE, .which we ofe at Great Bargains. CaQ and rrhr 1 febW D A, SMITH & CO PLEASE NOTICE. 1 1 i.j 1

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