THIS PAPER U onoHshed every afternoon, 8aadayi; ex cepted by JOSH. T. JAMES, KSXTOK AHD FBOrXTBTOX. 8UB8CBIPTI0WS. POSTAGE PAID. Una year, S 5 00 Six months, $260 ; Three months, SI M One month, 60 oents. f he paper will be delivered by carriers, free of eharge, in any part of the city, at the above rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertising rates low and liberal -Subscribers will please report any and ill failures to recede their papers regularly. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. We have just finished taking our annual acci.uniof a'ck, and are now daily receiv ing NEW GOODS from the Northern Markets, suitable for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE ! Our patrons will study their best inter ests by making their purchases as early in the Season as couveuient,as the general in dicationof the market have an upward tendency rWe have just received over 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! ' FKICE O OENTS. Wholesale buyers would do well to look over our nock bef- re purchasing as we have a ereat many eo ds we are offering nmch rX! r THETKEENT MARKET VALUE. Fans c Parasols. Cosing but the balance at Greatly Re duced Frices. Plain, Striped and Checked NaiDsook Muslius. The best value ever offered. Call and examine. Lineu Lawns from 12 1 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. Our Variety is Large. Our prices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Bretonne, Torchon and Italian Laces. We have very much the Largest assort ment that has been offered in this city and our prices either by the yard or piece, can not be undersold. Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked none up in price, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wants at the old prictts Table Linens-Towels and Napkins, Our present assortment excels anything we have ever shown. Call and give our stock a look over. Our Buyer Is in the market at present and we are receiving many Novelties. OUR 5 and lO Is situated on the 3. W. corner of Market nrf Spcnnd atreets.and every Steamer that eomes into this port brings a Fresh Lot of the most surprisingly i;neap ana usemi Roods that ever were offered in any mar ket under any circumstances. We offer great indue ments to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & JtODDICK, 45 Market Street aug 16 Warm Spriners, Western North Carolina IS NOW OPEN for the reception of pleas ure setters an d invalids. This lovely place is situated in the beauti ful valley of the Frtncu Broad, within eight Bailee of the raiiroad. ; We hare a fine baud of music, attentive ier vants, and alt other accommodations to be foiad at a first-class watering place. For particulars apply for descriptive pam phlet. W. H. HOWERTON, jnne 0 Proprietor. Come I ND BEE A YERY FINE;LOT OF BRETONNE, ITALIAN, AND REAL LACES, The Best SCISSORS in the World ! And the bet fitting and fastest Seillag CORSET, (Flexible Hip) Bretonne Laoe Ties and other Fancy Articles EXCHANGE CORNER. ug S N. H. RPRUNT. Steamer Passnort, piPT. J. W. HARPER, wm resume Miu&i TRIPS TO SMiTHVILLK, April.2T,weather permitting 011 Tripe as usual. Leave Dock;at?. A.M. pl SS GEO. MYERS. Agent. Houses and Stores to Bent. APPLY TO THE McKOYS, Attorney! and Counsellor; at Law, Offic North Bide Market BW between Id and 3d. angK Tie . "DiiLT. IwiEw:1 - I , " "1 I - , VOL. IVJ ; WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1879. ! NO. 186 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. P. HaiHSBsaea's-l8cho'ol Books, A. A I. Sheike- Fall and Winter Cloth- ! I Window Glass of all sizos at Jacqbi s Hardware Depot. The German brig Dcr JPammor, Bohrj, hence, arrived at Rotterdam on the 10th inst. The Nor biraura ZsoAwr. Jacsen. for this port,was it Liverpool on the 30th fa . a . u!t. 'Investigator' wants to know what! s good for cabbage worms. Bless your soul, man, cabbage ojf course. A good, plump cabbage will last several worms a week.' i ' The Board of County Commissidmrs for this county will meet next Mor day afternoon at 21 o'clock, for the purpose of ' I. : completing the tax list and giving Sher,fl Manniner an CDDOrtunitv to renew, his i i r ond. 4 If a wouidu codtd only make up her mind as to what she waits and how much i J f she can aff jrd to pay for it before she enters a store. 1 he Poor clerks would be saved many a weary Jigh. But little change it noticect in gentle men's fashions.. Short cutaway coats will be as popular as ever for general wear while Prince Alnert frocks and swallow tails wilt rule for dress. , From Harnett Township. Gabe Everitt and Gopl jFoy, both col ored, were sent to this city to-day in cus tody of Officer Carney,1 under j commit ment from Justice J jGerritt Walker, of Earnett township, upon khe charge of larceny, in default of $200 bond for their appearance at the next term of the Grim- inal Court. M Carpet Pattern?. Carpets like clothes are ' subject, fashion's whims, and authority on to the subject says: The general preference hesetofore was given to the Persian which pat- terns seems i now to have subsided in favor of those styles in which more in which ground work: is apparent, and upon which the designs are less commingled. Dark olive grounds, lighted up with gay Oriental colors and moss shaded grounds over which the-gayest of roses are strewn, are the newest patternsi j shown. These are the distinctive new styles in carpets of all grades, from the modest ingrain to the elegant Wilton velvet,1 for they are all patterned from the same models. The South Atlantic. For August has just been received, number are, The articles In .the present Carmelita,' (continued) by'.W. H. Bab cock; 'Richard Dobbs SpaigHt,' by; Jos H. Wheeler The Late Prince Napoleon,' b D. J. O'Connell;1 'Influence of Mind and Body on Each Other, - by ; Jos. A. C eech; 'A Ballad of trie j Third Crusade,' bjr Paul II. Hayne; 'John Davidson's Wife (continued) by WJ H. ! Alexander; From the Talmud,' by Paul T. Horry; 'Bierout to Constantinople,' by W. C Johnstone; 'A Curious Inauguration,' by Th. VonJasmund, j besides short reviews of recent literature. The number is well gotten up, and is quite interesticg You can get the best White Lead, Paints and Oils, and lowest prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. , j . i The Raffle. To-jignt. Do not forget that the raille of the bale of cotton for the benefit of the gallant General Ilood'js-children cbm'es off at Mr, Stephen Jewett's bookstore at 8 o'clock this evening, j Those who hae not already subscribed can read the following touching lines written by a little j girl in Norfolk and they will possibly be in a better mood to do a generous act. ' j (Norfolk Virginian.) 1 Navtyard, Sept. 8, 1879. Col W. H. Taylcr. I ' , Dear Sir I am vefy sorry ' for Gen. Hood's little children, who hire neither father or mother, o I jbpen , my money box and send you $5 for them. Very respectfully. 1 i . XiOSEBCD. The above was: written ?n a C.hiW' band and bears upon its face the evidence of childlike tenderpess of beiirt L.itt9 liosebad has set an exam pi worthy of imitation by older persons and taken the' initiative in a movement; which deserves the' consideration and ceherosity lot the entire Southern people A dull, heavy pain in the sides, sleepli ness, want of energy, J no(coutinuity o( thought or labor, these all indica e disease uf the Liver, a.qd should be removed by the use of Dr Bull Baltimore Pills, which will surely accomplish the , object ought. ? ; ! i . M "I Maslstrate's Court. Justice T. M. Gardner had four more parties arraigned before ' him today for neglecting to work on roads. Two of the defendants submittee and paid the costs of the cas.ea third took an appearand the fourth was committed in default of pay ment of the- costs. Moved to Goldsboro. Captain De Leon B. Fillyaw, of tfiis city, has, in connection with Mr. V. W. Land of Goldsbcro,bou?ht out the Under bill Sash and Blind j Factory Mills in the above named place. The Messenger says: Capt Fillyaw was for many years a very popular and clever conductor on the W. & W. R. R- and makes friends wherever he goes. All of which we en dorse most heartily, hoping at the same time' that our former young townsman will meet with that success in business in his new found home which his energy as well as his genial and amiable qualities entitle him to j , ' ' 1 : I Sudden Death. It is with sincere regret that we are called upon to announce the death of Mr. William Farrior one of the most respected and much esteemed citizens ot Duplin county, who dropped dead in his field near Kenansville yesterday afternoon, j Mr. Farrior had been nnwell for some time, but was not considered dangerously Lo, aod his sudden demise has caused a shock of sadness among a large circle of children, relatives and friends. j The deceased has filled many positions of trust and honor in his county, the most recent and notable ?of which was his membership of the late Conbtitutional Convention of North Carolina, which formed the Constitution under which we now live. Mr. Farrier was about Y5 years of age and he died as he had lived, a respected citizen and an honest man, of whom it can well be said, truly a good man hath departed. Base Ball. The match game of baseball between the Champion and- the Home Clubs of this' city was played at the Athletic Grounds yesterday afternoon. The game was' very closely contested throughout, with victory hanging about evenly bal anced between the respective clubs until the very last moment. Quite a large num ber ot visitors wore present who mani fested the liveliest interest in the progress of the game. j - j Mr. John J. Fowler acted as Umpire, and Messrs. G. H. Smith and J. W, Mcares as Scorers. The 1 following is the j official record, which declares the Champions to be the winners of the game by only one score CHAMPION. Runs. Outs. F.mnie 4 2 3 8 1 1 1 5 2 21 Orr, W ! 2 McEachern 2 Weedon J 4 Ricaud.. 4 Kingsburv 1 Orr, Ed..r.... 0 Pickett 1 Morrison....... .1..... 3 Total,. 21 H'ME. Runs. Oats. 3 3 2 Smith 3 Rober .s. , Waddell. Berry..... 2 3 3 1 2 j 3 ! 2 2 2 3' Grant. v ShemweU.... Register, W......L.. Ruwell.. ....... Register, ft ........ 2 1 3 Total 20 j ; 21 Soon after the termination of the game, the Champions returned to the city and, stopping at Burbank's Pharmacy, the proprietor came out and presented the Club with a box containing 100 fine cigars wnich were thankfully received. The Club then held a meeting and voted to present Mr. Jas: Q. vYeedon, of Balti more, an excellent base ball player who is on a visit to this city aod participated in I ! i mi L the game, and by nis superior saui con tributed much towards a victory to perch on the banner of toe Champion, with a box of cigars as a testimonial to his worth as a man and his skill as a ball player. Xn beha' f of tbio Club, Mr. A. G. Rwau4 peeated the cigars to Mr. Wedon ia a neat and appropriate speech. Mr. Weedon, in receiving them, replied expressing bi gratitude in a brief and Cfeast? little speech,!, A good nurse is a blessing to every family, and all sensible nurses recom mend that innocent but effectual remedy for all the pains ana ill that befaU ' a baby, Dr. Boll i Babj Syrup. Price 2& cents. . .i The New Market-Its Dimensions aad Faculties. As the new Market House bm Idlng la beginning to assume its proportions the community generally are asking questions about it and seem to be desirous of know- lag its dimensions, facilities, etc We examined the chart of the building this morning, the minute details of which wre explained to us by Mr. J. H. Vaug- ban and Mr. John E. Lippitt. When completed, the market will su- ply long.felt need in this community and will compete in beauty, durability and facili ties with any Market House in a city the Bize of Wilmington in the country. The building is 70 feet wide by 208 feet long Oa each aide of the building, there will be cart sheds 18 feet wide, making the width of the Market House and sheds 106 feet. Ihe level of front walls is 36! feet from grade line. The centre portion of the front is 65 feet high. The tower on northeast corner of the building will be 15 feet square by 84 feet high to top of finial. The tower will be arranged for a belfry and 0ity clock. A corresponding tower on the Southeast cor ner of the building is 15 feet square by 64 feet high and will be finished eff by an appropriate finial. The top portion of this tower will be provided with a reser voir to be supplied fromf the river by a force pump and to be used in washing out and cleansing the building. The average height of the side walls will be 25 feet. The Market is to be supplied with fifty eight stalls fitted up with native wooe s and marble, and the cart sheds will have a holding capacity of 200 carts. Access to the sheds are bountiful: there being doors every eight feet j apart opening in the Eheds. The front of the building will be supplied with two stores and one restaurant. There will also be two ! restaurants on Water street. Over the stores is to be a room 28 by 40 feet and two smaller ones, 14 by 34 feet, besides suitable and appro priate offices for janitors and the superin tendent of the Market. The stores, res taurants and rooms, are to be heated by a furnace, and will be supplied witb small flues. Two main avenues 14 feet wide will ran the entire length of the building from Front to Water street. There will be twenty-two side ayenues communicating with the cart sheds on each side. The building will be provided with a clear story in the centre 36 feet high to the bottom of the ventilator, which is to be 12 feet wide, and 9 feet high, running the entire length of the building. The sides of the ventilator will be made of glass wit h adjustable sash so as to admit plenty of light and fresh air. The projectors of the enterprise have paid considerable attention to the matter of light and ventilation. There are 37 doors and windows on each side of the Market and eleven in the front of the building, besides two entrances to the Market from Water street, i i '! I All prciuce, meats etc,1 are to be kept under shelter and out of the weather and owing to the admirable construction of the building, persons marketing in rainy weather are relieved of the unpleasant necessity of making their selections of country produce with the rain pouring down on them, as is no the case, THE FISH MARKET 'I l Is to be constructed of wood, on the wharf immediately in the rear of the Market House. It is to be 50 feet wide and 88 feet long. It 1 will be sepplied with a skylight or ventilator 38 feet wide and extending the entire length of the buildiDg. It ia to be supplied with 36 stalls. To the South of it there is to be a dock 20 feet wide to be used j by the fish boats. There will a sufficient quantity of light s,nd air in: this building which, will be used exclusively for fish, oysters, crabs, etc. i The Famllj Story Paper, j We have received a copy of an 8 page illnstrated weekly, bearing the above title, published by N. L. Munro,1 14 an4 16 Vandewater street, New Xork at $3 per annum. A i& Vtle. WOQAd indicate it U devoted to such light reading as would -be apt to interest the jQner por tion of the home circle although from the hasty glance we have only had. time ! to give, it reveal much that should be of interest to those of more mature years. It contains no advertisements and no anginal edito rial matter, bat is filled up with narativea, tales, short sketches, poetry and 1 such other matter as to particularly engage the attention of the young. . Base Ball, Base Ball, Base Ball and Base Bail j The Second Nine of the Champion Base Ball Club and the Starlight have a contest at the Athletic grounds this after noon. U ,1 ye also learn that another! match game will be played between the Starlight Club ana the Young Boys of America at 8 o'clock on Thursday' afternoon at the corner of Seventh and ! Princess streets. Then there are about sixteen more maUhea next week and about as many more the week after and so on ad infinitum. liy Court. Wm Phinney, colored,' the well-known uuurucujr cuaracier wuoj uas Deen up De fore the Mayor's Court and other Courts, on different occasions, to the number of at least a score or times, was to-day sgam arraigned before Mayor Fishblate on two charges, viz : disorderly conduct and re sisting the ipolice. Upon the first charge His Honor said, $25 or thirty days, and upon the second charge, it appearing in the evidence that the defendant was very violent, the Mayor repeated the dose of $25 or thirty days. "In consequence of which" the aforesaid defendant, Wm. Phinney, will not emerge from his solitary confinement until the Ides of November. He will have a splendid opportunity to save money for Christmas, as he has no temp, tation to spend it provided, he has the money, j ' I i For bar steel, iron and carriage goods go to JacoBr's Hardware Depot. X The Fire This Morning. The alarm of fire which was sounded this morning about 4 o'clock,was causedby tl e burning of the carriage factory cf Alder man James Lowery, situated on the cor ner of Fourth and Campbell streets. There are conflicting accounts about j what part of the building the fire first originated. It was no deubt the work of an incendiary who doubtless had set his mind on plun der. ! The factory tools and stock wu & total loss. The dwelling next adjoining the factory whieh was also owned and occupied by j Alderman Lowreyj caught fire, but was soon extinguished without much damage to it. Quite a number of articles, including wearing apparel, bed ding and a carpet were stolen'during the excitement which ensued. A sable brother was seen making off in the direci tion of the cemetery with a large bundle on his back during the raging ef the fire and it is thought to have been the miss ing carpet. The building on the oppc site side of Fjurth street, occupied oy air. j&. ocharff and own ed! bv Mr. Jno. H. Hardin - . Bl was slightly damaged. Aldermen Lowery had an insurance of $800 on the building and $350 on stock and tools in the Royal of Liverpool, represented in this city by Mr. Norwood Giles, but it is estimated that his loss will amount to $1,500 over and above the (insurance. His dwelling was iasured in j Atkinson & Manning's Agency and the damage is fully covered. Notwithstanding the rapidity with which the fire spread the Fire Department kept it confined to the bui tding in which it originated. The .best Windows, Doors and Blinds and Lowest Prices oan be got at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. ! j How to set sick. Expose yourself day and nteht? eat too much without exercise; work too hard without reet; doctor all the ti- takas.ll the vile nostrums advertised: and then yon Willi want to know 1 How to set well. Which is answered in thra words .Take Hop Bitters! See other Icolamn. New Advertisements. i NEW STOCK" OF Fall and Winter Clothing. A. a I. SHRIER, XJos. 2L 8 l 34 EXarket Dtreet. WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF the pnhlie to their Isnre aad varied Stock of k&ndjom jm well-made 8toek, now reeeiviar, embracing all ti e leading styles, selected in peraen by A.. SHRIER in Mew York. They offer also a handsome line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, TRUNKS, VAL18E8, Ac. The celebrated DIAMOND UHIRT, j FOR ONE DOLLAR. All finished and laudried, Unlaudried Bairts at 76 cents, sept 11 A. A L SHRIER. For Smithville, gTEAH YACHT ELIZA BETH, Capt. D.W. Chad wick. esrryiar United States MaiL 'Leaves wharf foot of Market street daily (except Ssmdayi 1 at 3 P. -H. Eetoraiar, leave SaaithviUe at a. ix. u, r. fvuiaua, aeptV Agent PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to receive eommnni. aliens from ou friends on any aad 'all aabects ot fenerel ia tenet bmt: ' j'l:;: Tfte name of the writer mart, alwayvi'oe lax miahedto tbeditor. I 1 1 t"7 CeauaimieatioDi most W written on only one awe or tae;papr. I Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and parti -olany gndr tood that the Editor does not always endo e it. - - I l-V I , : I w Tiews oi correspondent, nnleai to ct f. Ne7 Advertisements. SchoDl Books, AIFOLL AND COMPLETE SMor'meni of I I it SCHOOL BOOKS, lor all CWesjwt re- I I 1 1 eeived. Teachers and Parents will find it to I -Ij i f j ' t their advantage to send their erderi to the IZVS 7JOOZZ I1TOILT7. where School Booka will be forniihed cbespi va as V v wiiifCt 'I Orders fjom the country sejicited' and will meet with prompt attention. ! I iaoerai aiecoont to Teachers at . I I -.' i HFIICHRKROTtRa ept 12 I 39 and el If arket it. Information Wanted! CONCRRNING LUBKe!bJ OLTHaW, aidt bare resided at Peneacola, Yan cey county, . C. Address 1 irH DDARD PKaUHAU, l Imperial German Consul. U septU-3t Wilmington, N. C isbeville Citizen copy 3t and tend bill to uju,urruier. , For Rent. THAT DESIRABLE STORE, also HALL oa third fl, oor, new lv fitted HD. enrnwr 1ai-kat rtd South Water Streets, with Whatf I'JJJ and Hhed, together or separately, 1 tuia uv jst oi uctooer Apply to I sept 11-tf u. B. EILERS. 1 S600. pOR RENT THAT VERY desirable store on Market Street, occu. ied by Mr. Thos. H. Howey, I i i . as a 8hoe Store. The chespest 8tore o4 the street. Aprly THE McKoY sept lv xl ... I Baby Syrup. piHKER'8 GINQER TONIC; Iadtin Cologogue, Bull's Cough Sylup, Klutaf t ' I wnm uure, Ajer& Ague Cure nd, a coml- plete stock of pure Drugs and Medicines. I j i i IF. C. MILLER, n Corner 4th and A un Street!. Open day aad night. I Qsept 8-tf , ' i Female School, MISSES BURR A JAMES, Principal MRS. M. 8. CUSHING, Instructress in to - cal' and Instrumental Musie. jjj ' mHE FIFTEENTFT Alvvnir. apaorntt - - . v u WUUUiViT OI this SCBOOl Will DomniAiiKi nn Th mid day, Oct. 2d, 1879, and close during the last week in June 1880. The course of instruction is solid and thorough, and the utmost care wm us , as neretoiore, to avoid every- i thing pertaining to a superficial elucatioe. Young children j carefully and judiciously trained, by means of object lessons and Kin dergarten occupation, in coBjunction with the best text book instruction. I h Free hand drawing Uught without extra ! oharge. .m r i For further wartlmTai-a ma Un1. . T,i different Book Stores in the city, or enquire! of Principals. : (. . I - SSt A limited SOmhir of nantla fn hJ accommodated with board. I : Send in Your Orders - - i i COUNTRY DEALERS AND, TEACHERS will find It to their advantage to buy their SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL 8TA IIONERY of C. W. YATES '.J..i1j Photographs. rriAKEN AND FINISHED UP' IN THE ! I A, I I latest styles, at Low Prices, at , YATES' BOOK 8TORE AND PHOTO R00M3., tf sept 8 v i ' ! First Cargo! September Mullets. X Bright and Patl HALL d PEARSALLl sept 11 , i h- Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY cautioned against trnatinr or harberinff ur of the erw nf th An. uarKJ. u. ward, as &o bills of their con traction will be Paid br the master or eon signeee. h j r-ATJSRBOJ. DOWKIJO A CO. ept 10-3 . j j !j; The Mlllioiialre, PH. ORLAN, of Saa 7rancisco, CaL, says t Herald Compound is the best Cement for broken wares I ever raw. 1 have artielee mended with it that stand as good as before they were broken. Sold by all dreg-! gists and country merchant ,or if vow drug-1 rist haan't got it. nor wont send for it. sind li cental for a bottle to i - ( JNO. Tt FATBlcr. BoIelTan'fr, J apimt YadesboroN.a i ! I I i i " Lb I i. f! (