Tflia PAPER j, published every afternoon, Saadays. ex cepted by JOSH. T. JAMES, XDITOK AND FBOPRIITOK. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGES PAID. 0Be yer,$& 00 8ix months, $2 60 ; Three months, $1 15 ; One month, 60 cents. The Pper wiU be delivered by carriers, fr of charge, in any part of the city, at the jl)0Te rates, or 13 cents per week, drertising rates low and liberal f -Subscribers will please report any and ,n filares to receive their papers regularly. FROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. ti.iv-jH' finished taking our annual .,lS u.i i if sm ami are -now daily receiv NKW (tO( from the Northern uikets, auiiable fur the yALli AND WINTER TRADE! .,ir pat rns will study thejr best inter u ,v making their purchases as early in fh. .Vason as convenient,as the general in dications of the market have an upward tendency. We have just received ov-r 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! 1'KICE $ iJEXTS.. Wholesale buyers would do well to look over our r lock before . purchasing as we have a ereat many so ds we are offering much befow THE riJ KENT MARKET VALCJE. Fans & Parasols, Cosine oat the balance at Greatly Re- ducjd Prices. plain, Striped and Checked Nainsook Muslius. The best value ever offered. Call and examine. Lineu Lawns from 12 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. V Our Variety is Large. Our prices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Bretonne, Torchon and Italian Laces We have very much th Largest assort ment that has been offered in this city and our prices, either by the yard or piece, can not be undersold. Ouilts. Dnnip.atip. and Imrorted Quilts. Our stock of the above is larse. We have marked none ud in mice, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wants at tne oia uncus Table Linens-Towels And Napkins. Our prtssent assortment excels anything we bavefl $ver shown. Call atff give our stock a look over. Our Bayer lsjb in the market at present and we aotreaJHtlng many Novelties. OUR IO 5 and Is situated on the S. W. corner of Market and Second streets,and every Steamer that comes into this port brings a Fresh Lot of the most surprisingly Cheap and Useful Goods that ever were offered in a.ny mar ket under any circumstances. We offer great inducements to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & iEODDICE, 45 Market Street aug 16 Warm Springs Western North Carolina, LS NOW OPEN for the reception of pleas ure seekers ana invalids. This lovely place is situated in the beauti ful valley of the Frtnch Broad, within eight a'isa oi me ru.roaa. We hare a fine band of music, attentive ser rants, and all other accommodations to be found at a. first-class watering place. For particulars apply for descriptive pam phlet. W. H. HOWERTON, jane 10 Proprietor. Come I ND SEE A YERY FINE;LOT OF BRKTONNE, ITALIAN, AND REAL LACES, The Bist SCI8S0B8 in the World I And the bet fitting and fastest Se!lia? CORSET, (Flexible Hip) Bretons- Laoe Ties and other Fancy Articles . EXCHANGE CORNER. u M Jt. H. BPRUNT. Steamer Passnort, JAI T. J. W. HARPER, Will resume 8UN0 A I TiUPd TO SMITH YILLE, A prU.2T, weather Prinittiojr. Dally Trips as usual. Leave Doek at 9.M A. it. pl 18 OBQ. MYERS. Aent. Houses and Stores to Rent. APPLY TO THE rJlcKOYS, Attorneyi and Counsellors at Law, Office Nortk Bide Market 8U, between 3d fiffi 1 , ' Daily Imww. -:L-rr- 1 1. . ! " . i i ' I ' i : i : : ' : 1 VOL. IV. 1 I - il LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. J. H FBKEMii Fr Kent. John B. Melton Just! Arrived. j Jas. . Ormks A Card' . j Matthkvt P. TATLoai-A Card to the Pub- lic i j - O. Bosknthal Tie-New Boot in Shoe Store. , - j P. HKiNHBBReKB'8-l-School Books, A. A I. SHaiEn-Fall and Winter Cloth ing. ' I I ,. j No City Got rt today! Now keep a lookout for meteors Day's length 12 boors and 26 minutes. Many Btickii rtqaire a little lemon-id. roe scnooner ii oeer nae the largest sale Onions possess virtues. I undoubted medicinal Ktrined husierv is revivtd in all sorts of forms. ! ! Dark red is a favorite color iu ci mirrg fall dresses. A financial crash cannot be worked up into towels. The girl of to-d ay perfects her form and stays so. Tobacconists gelt their wares puffed by th r customers.' No interments daring tbeweek. in J3eilevue Cemetery Window Glass of a Hardware Depot. sizes at J acobi A baby oyster is about the size of the head of a small pin. Nothing doing in Magistrate's Row to day worthy of note, j He that Knows not when to be silent knows not when to speak. Imported velvets ar'e said to have jump ed in price all of 30 per cent. The most fashionable morning "wrap per" is the inevitable milkman. I j : 1 : j I " ! Essays on the sun and moon come un der the head of light literature. Two adults and one infant! interred in Pine Forest Cemetery this week. The Julie Hay, bchroeder, sailed from Sharpness for this port on the 1st inst. The Emma Crook, Woodward, sailed from Liverpool on i the 1st inst. for this port. I ! I - i . To-morrow is known in the Church Calendar as the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. i No love lasts which goes to prove conclusively that Cupid, knows naught of shoemaking. ' There has been but due interment in Oakdale Cemeer y for the week ending with day and years. that was an adult, aged 671 The Register of Deeds1 has issued six marrisge licenses during the week; oi.e white couple and fivej colored couples wefe the parties made; happy, j The man who won't! take a paper be cause he can borrow machine with which one, has invented a he can cook his din- ner by the smoke of his neighbor's chim ney. It destroys half the. pleasure of a sum mer resort to bear a man eat Eoup at the dinner table like the! last few gallons of water being sucked out of a bath tub; by, a wa.te pipe j jJ . ! Easy chairs sometimes hold uneasy people, but ihey never do if ihe yeung fellow takes the j precaution to lock the parlor door, so the girl's father can't dis turb the festivities. I The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 600! bales, i This wa consider a pretty good beginning for September and beats any one day up to this date in September of jlast year. ; Nature does riot execute ?snap" judg ments, but alway8j warns the offender against her laws by the infliction of pain. Give attention to her warnirigs, and take Dr. Bull's Baltimore Piili iu g-v-d! time to prevent tl-e cccroachltrjeut' of dijjease rrlce 25 centa. . Uow to set sick. i Expose ycurself day and night; eat too much without exercise; Ij work too har! with6ut rest; doctor! all' the time; take all the vile rostrums I advertised; and then you will want to know ! now to set well. Which is answered in three words Take Hop Bitters! See other column. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1879. NO. 187 I : I I Again! We are called Upon. Assistant Adjutant and Inspector Gen eral B. F. Cobb, Jr., requests us to state that the ladies are most cordially and eirnestly i vited to bo present to witness the match game of bas 3 ball, which takes place on Thursday afternoon next between the Young Boys' of America and the Star light Clubs, oa the corner of Seventh and Princess streets. Happy Man. Mr. 8. Hannteiu, who has been on a visit to New York city for the past month, returned to this city last evening, looking well and happy. His visit proved to be the most Dleasant of his life, for while there he becamej betrothed to a fair daughs Iter of that city. The nuptials will be celebrated in about two months and Mr. llanstein will bring his bride to a home provided for her id this city. I t- -1 -Yon can get the best White Lead, Paints and Oils, and lowest prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Tke Raffle Last Aight. According tb previous anuou:cement iu the Review the raffle of the bale of cotton for the beneBt of the Hood fund came off at Mr. Stephen Jewett's book store jat 8 o'clock last evening. Maj. T. H. McKoy threw the lucky number of 42. whichjwonlbe prize, for his friend, Mr. Wm. A. Whitehead. The net amount realized will be about .$55, which amount, we understand, will be forwarded by ex press next week to New Orleans. I. : ; ! Rosenthal's INew Stock. Mr. Boson thai, of the new and fashion able boot and shoe store on Market street, returned here last night from the North ern markets, where he laid in a large and carefnlly selected stock ef goods. He says that he has now more goods, better goods and cheaper goods than he has ever bought before in any one seasda and he is confident that a call and an inspec tion of his stock will convince all of these facts. He appears in a handsome ad vertisement in this issue to which atten tion is respectfully invited. Money in Turpentine. It is said that, according to the low prices of spirits and rosin, there is no money in the - turpentine business now, and has not been for several years. Yet we happen to know of one gentleman, a turpentine man. who has farms in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, who made.$ 10,000 last year on turpentine and in one year since th e close of the war he made $32,000 clear in this busi ness. He is a man who gives a close per sonal and practical attention to the receipts as well as to the disbursements of his business and therbin may lie the secret of his success. ; A Good Appointment of the A. C. L. The Atlantic Coast Line, we learn, has secured the services ot Captain A. D. Cazaux and that gentleman will he iden tided hereafter with the A. C. L. in the matter of freight and freighting business. We are of the opinion that what Capt. C. doesn't know about the business can't be learned in twenty years, for that is about the amount of experience he has ! had injtnrough freights. We think Col. Pope, the General Freight Agent of the Line, ; quite fortun ate in securing a person) so favorably known and so highly esteemed as is Capt. Cazaux, to throw all of his well-known business energies and qualifications to wards influencing business for that route. Littcll's Living Age The numbers of the Living Age for the weeks ending September 6 th and 13 th, respectively, contain the following ar ticles: The Works ; of Rembrandt, Edivgburgh- Count Cavour, Quarterly, Seme Facts and Thoughts about Light- Emitting Animals, Popular Science Re view; Prince Louis Napoleon's Expedition to Boulogne, and A Gallican Novelist, Fraser; Fashionable Charity, and The Late Youth of Philosophers, Saturday Rivitw; Barnard Castle, Spectator', with continuations of Jean Ingelow's "Sarah de Berenger; and Misa Karys "Doubt ing Heart; ' and the usual amount of Poetry. - j For fifty-two such numbers of six four large pages each (or more than 3,000 pages in a year), the subscription price ($8) is low; while for $10 50 the pub lishers offer to send any one of the Ameri can $4 monthlies or weeklies with 2hc Living Age for a year, both postpaid. Littell fc Co., publishers. ; The best Windows, Doors and Blinds and Lowest Prices can be got at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. X 1 Mishap to the Dry Dock. We learn that late yesterday afternoon as an effort was being made to sink the third section of Messrs Blossom & Evans' dry dock, from some cause the section careened and capsized, snapping and tearing asunder some of the timbers which held the section together. The damage, however, we are glad to learn is only slight, at a cost not exceeding $45, while the dock will be ready by Tuesday afternoon to receive a vessel for repairs. I Another Liberal A et. : i I Mr. W m. A. Whitehead, the gentle- man who won the bale of cotton at the raffle last night, has donated the bale for the same charitable purpose, so that all who are willing to subscribe to the fund for the benefit of General Hood;s orphan children can have an opportunity of do ing so by calling at Messrs.. Whitehead & Turrentine's office, on f Dock street. The raffle will take place within a reasonable time, and as soon a respectable amount is subscribed to justify it. i Coming In Now. Messrs A. & I. Shrier are determined to maintain the enviable position they have reached in the clothing business in this city. By selling their goods at close prices and only representing them as they really are, thay have secured a large share of the public confidence. Their new stock is now coming in rapidly and as fast as the senior partner, who is now in New York, can make his selections. They will present this Fall all the newest and choicest styles and designs, and they In vite attention to the eloquent display they are making in all of the lines which go to make up the stock of a first-class clothiug house, Sudden Death. A young German sailor, named Car Anderson, died quite saddenly this morn, ing between 7 and 8 o'clock, at the Ma riner's Hotel, oi- Natt street, where he had been employed for some time as a barkeeper. He was taken sick last lion day Dooming, with an attack of delirium tremens, but he had been improving and the physician stated last night that if he would abstrain from liquor he would soon recover. The deceased was between 25 and 80 years of age and was a native of Guttenburg, in Germany. The physi cian giving a certificate of the cause of death, the services of the coroner were not called into requisition. He was buried this afternoon 1 in the Public Burial Ground by Mr. j Bryson, the proprietor of the Mariner's Hotel. Bead Ibis, (ilrls. Learu to darn stockings neatly, and see that your own are in order Don't let a button be off your shoe a minute longer than necessary. It takes just about a minute to sew one on, and ob, bow much neater a foet looks in a trimly buU toned boot than it does in a lop sided af fair, with half the buttons off! Every girl should learn to make the simple ar tides of clothing; and we know a little girl of seven who could do all of this and also make the whole of a blue calico dress for herself, and piece a large bed-quilt. She was not an overtasked child either, but a merry, romping, indulged, only daugh ter. But she was 'smart,' and she did not die young either. Indeed w have! seldom known children 'too smart to live.' Very few ever die of that complaint, whatever their grandmothers may think. So never be afraid a bit of overdoing the business. Ilelpall you can, and Btudy over the business daily. Once get in the habit of looking over your things, and you will like it wonderfully. You will have the independent feeling that ;you need not wait for any one's convenience in repairing and making, but that you can be beforehand with all such matters. The relief to your weary mother will be more than you can estimate. j For bar steel, iron and carriage goods go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, I Wilmington District. Methodist E. Church, South. Fourth Round of Quarterly Meetings, 1879. EizabethatElizabethtown. ..Sept 12-14 Whiteville at Liberty. . . .... .Sept 20 2t Waccamaw Mission.. ...Sept 24-25 Brunswick.................. Sept 27-28 Wilmington at Fifth Street.. ..Oct 4- 6 Smithville Station .M'r......Oct 7- 8 Wilmington at Front Street.. ...Oct 11-12 Topsail..... j. ....J.... . L . L .... .Oct 18-19 Onslow.............. L ........ Oct 26-26 Duplin at Wesley Chapel.. ..Nor 1- 9 Clinton at McGee's Nor 8-2 Cohrie Miss, at Wesley Chapel Nov 11-12 Cokesbnry at Bethel Nor 15-16 L. S. Buhxhzad, Presiding Elder. t 1 Bfshop Atkinson's Appointments. Rutherford ton, October 2nd. Shelby, October 3rd P. M. Lincoluton, October 5th, Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Beatty's Ford, October'Tth. High Shoals October 9th. Gastonia, October 10th. " Charlotte, October 12th, Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. Statesville. October 14th, Consecration of the Church. Morgan ton, October 15. Stj James' Iredell, Co., October 17th. Monroe, October 19th, Nineteenth Sun day after Trinity, j ! , Wades boro, October 21st, j 1 A nsonville, October 22nd. Rockingham, October 23rd. I Lausrl Hill, October 24th. Collections at each of these places for Diocesan Missions, i ' ' A great many black silk suits are being made, as these are staple suits, and re- main in favor no matttir are introduced later. what novelties New Advertisements. Just Arrived, fllHE FINEST LOT OF .8AMPSON CO., X BEKr and LAMBs of the season. Also, FOBS. TEAL. BOLOGNAS, 4c, for .sale at my makkwt, ao. b, Second st. Orders by telephone will receive prompt atteruon. j ;jOHN K. sept 13 It 1 Proprietor. For JPROM THE 1st OF JCTOBEB, 1879, the BRICK DWELLING. southwest oorner ot Orange' and Third sta. Apply to JOHN H. FREEMAN. septl3-tf , or SAM'L N. CANNON. A Card. I ' ' 1 jyR. B. D. DnFORREST is SOLE AGENT of the NATIONAL BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, for the 8 Ute of North Carolina, frem September 9th. Until it i - - ! i i - further notice no otherperson is authorised to- represent said Company in said State; JAS. M. OBMES, General Agent, ' sept 13-lt National Ball Telephone Co. A Card to the Public. I AM MADE AWARE THAT MR. JAMES M. ORMES will announce th is evening in substance my removal! from the office of Agent for the State of North, "Carolina of the Bed Telephone Comps:iy. . ' This action is whpJily unwarn nted, and in violation of, the Contract made with me. I ! forbear to sar more at present. i MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, State Agent, sept 1S-U. National Bell Tel echone Co. The New Boot and Shoe Store, ; ' ' ! t I i j 32 MARKET STREET. FJIO MY FRIENDS AND Patrons : TLankfal for past favors, I will in- form them that I have just returned fro m tl I . North, where I have visited all the celeb ra- ted markets for Boots and Shoes. I am determined te sell a good shoe foir if 1 v low price, such as you never bought i'ja this market before. All I ask is a call and a fair comparison. My stock is now arriving; with every trai in I ' . i i f ud cannot be excelled by any in the city. Respectfully, sept 13 C. ROSENTHAL. NEW STOCK OF i Fall and Winter Clothing. I A. & I. SHRIER, Z7os. 28 & 34 market Otreet. i , M ' WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF the public to their large and varied 8tock of handsome and well-made Clothing, now receiving, embracing all tie leading a Jul I. k A UDDTPD New York. They offer also a handsonse line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 1 HATS, TRUNKS, VALI8ES, k. The celebrated DIAMOND UHIRT ! 1 1 FOR ONX DOLLAR All finished and laundried. UnlaaadriedT Shirts at 75 cents, sept 12 ! ! A. ft L SHRIER. PLEASE NOTICE. I' We will be r!ad to receive eoxtmrni tiers from our friends on any and all. tvb'wu 1 1 general interest but: The name of the writer tuut. always te uiahed to the.Editor. Communications most bt-Hwrittao on fl'1 one side of the paper. Personalities must be aroJe4. And it is especially and pArti uiany under in the: editorial coli stood that the Editor does not alwsys en o f oodents, unices so s umns. I : l New Advertisements. School Books A .FULL AJJD COMPLETE assorlmen. of SCHOOL BOOKS, lor all ClascsaJjuU xe ceived. Teachers and Parents will find it to their 'advantage to send their erders to the MV2J BOOK OTOZL23. ' where School Books willibe furnished cheap er than erer before. j ! Orders from the country solicited and wilf meet with prompt tttention. ' Liberal disc mnt tj Teachers at nrttaDVDPtrma sept 12 3Sj and 41 Market st Information Wanted. CONCERNING LTJBRE B. OLTMANN, said t have resided at Pensacola. Yan- cey connty, A . C. Address j j j AUUAKU rCHUUAU, Imperial j German Comal. sert1l-3t Wilmington,! S. Asbeville Citizen copy 3t and send bill to the advertiser. 1 I !i i I For Rent. mHAT DESIRABLE STORE. LL also HALL oa third floorl hew (y fitted up, corner Market land l South Water Streets from the 1st of October Apply to sept 11-tf H. B S600. i OB. RENT THAT VERT desirable store on Market Street, occu ied by Mr. Thos. H. Ilowey, t . y- ; i - .ill as a onoe oiore. ine cnespest store on I i - street. Apply to THE McKOYV. sept 10-tf i Baby Syrup PARKER'S GINGER TONIC, I Indian I i" in fSM. l EILEK i. apeointedl Colegogue, Bull's Cough Syirup,!: Kluti' Chill Cure, AierB Ague Cure and.. a com i plete ftoek of pare Drugs and Med cmesi IF. C. MILLER, Oorner 4th and Nun StreetsJ Open day ad night, sept 8-tf Female School. MISSES BURR & JAMES, Principals. MRS. Mv S. GUSHING, Instructress En Yo cal and Instrumental Music. rTlHE FIFTEENTH ANNUAL SESSION JL of this School will commence onTMon. day, Oct. 6th, 1879, and close during thej last wees: in jane X9u, ine coarse of instruction is solid and thorough,-and the utmost care will be taaB, as heretofore,! to avoid every thing pertaining to a superficial education. Young children carefully and judiciously trained, by means of object lessons and Kin dergarten occupation, in conjunction with tne Desi text dook instruction, - il Free hand drawing taught without extra charge, j I L I 'i For further particulars see circulars at the different Hook stores in thej city, or enquire oi principals. imited number of pupils can be accommodated with board.; Send in Your Orders. "COUNTRY DEALERS AND TEACHERS will find it SCHOOL to their adrantage to buy their BOOKS and SCHOOL1 8TA IIONERY of w. YATES. Photographs. T AKEN AND FINISHED 'UP IN THE latest styles, t Low Prices, at YATES' BOOKSTORE AND PHOTO BOO US. sept 8 " j First Carto ftKSepteiTlber Mullets; Sright and Pai ! HALL & PEARSALL. sepUll . I I- Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY cautioned air&iBt tmmHn harboring any o f the ere w of the Am ' - v. n uu, h no joim oi meir con traction will be paid by the master or eoa- vigaees. n i I . PATERSON, DOWNING ft CO, I sops IV i The MUUonaire. PH. O'BRIAN, of San Francisco Cal., says t "Herald Comoonnd i th. hi-tt Cement for broken ware I ever saw. I hra article mended with it that stand as rood as before thoy were broken." Sold by ail tfrug gists ud country merehanti, or If your drug gist hasn't got it, nor wont send for it. st ad 2i eests for a bottle to i t 1 1 JNO. T. PATRIOT, Bole Man'fr, I apl 29-6t i-; 85? Wadeaboro. H O the i ! i

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