THIS PAFizi j, DlbHih.d rerj arWaooi, BmUji: w ptlPT JOSH. T. JABUSfi DB8CRIPTI058,POSTAaBiAm , . L ft M Sixiaomtk., $2 6ft; Three J.Vf charge i" "J Pwt of tbe cit ttt bore "tea, or 13 cent per week. AdTerthriB rtei low and liberal -Subscribers will please report any and ,ilBreto reccire their paperi regularly. t0CAL NEWS. New AdTertuemfents. Ball A Piamall Butter and Cheese. Jaj J. OaM Notice. . . 0.ihadt A Ce-Buggiea, Haraeas, Ac. Taos. D. ;MiARia Bale of Uaclaimed 'boatwbuht A McKeY At Their Old TnaLUK MuiuiwH Matcheter Trn. ox Jciipi DATi,Trutee Ter Bent. t)M ad Clyde'" 8teamshtp Coatjarj. F. a Mill" Babj Sjrup, AC gead N otice to Fifth Ward Bucket Co. got Bia A BaoBTo Beac UUa Habt, Principal Sckool for Tonng Ltdie. Dan O'Connor For Rent. Hhn A Goodman Local ads. Hitthbw P. Tamoa A Card. K. H.firOMT Zephjr Wtedr, Dan O'Conner For Beat. Taos. F. Boan Extra 8team9r. A. A I. Shbike Fall and "Winter Cloth iaf. - For other locala sf s fourth page. New moon to-night at 42 minutes prst 12 o'clock. Saniet this afternoon at 7 minutes pat 6 o'clock. 1 The almanac promises us rery rainy wather for to morrow. A man who smokes anything but five cent cigars at tbe present time is looked npon as a suspicious character. Window Glass of all sizes at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. The days are growing perceptibly short ir, and tbe nights longer, all of which Is farorable to tbe rest of the laboring nan. If tbe sun were not boiling, and the imd didn't get into the salad, and the rockS were soft and smooth, and there were no hornets, and one hadn't to go three-quarters of a mile for water, what a tame affair a picnic would be. Mr. J. A. Springer has leased the wharf almost in front of the Review office, re cantly occupied by Messrs. Kerchner & Calder Bros., together with the warehouse it ill ft m QstM rK on1 at r t t w A am J I l"'""'-b w aujviuiug iw, must. prill remoTe his woed and coal business to that place. Signal, Skkvick, U. S. A., Station Wilmington. C, Sept. 15,1879 iu:3U a. m. The following order has been, received at this station ; Signals are ordered down at Cape May, -Atlantic, Barnegt, the Hook and Lewes. J. M. WATSON. Sergt. Signal Corps, U. S. A. - i You can eet the beat White Lead. Paints ind Oils IrtVAar. nrinoa f .1 ifnm' jaaraware uepou f The Solicitor's Opiaiou on the Road Question. As there have ben numerous arrests nd trials t ifore the county Justices rc pntly for failure fo work the road in his county, we understand that Mr. Solicitor Moore has made a careful ex .amiuation oi the law bearing upon the question and has given it as his opinion that the Magistrates 'hare no jurisdiction in such cases, owing:, as the Solicitor .expresses it, to a technicality in the word g of tho law. Col. Moore states that he has no doubt t was the intention of the legislature to west the Magistrates with the authority try these eases . but in framing the the phraseology was such as to "delude their lesal rLzht to assume final Jcriadiction in the matter under the con Citation. the best Win.! PpweBt Price cn be got at Jacobi's p-uware uepot. t Magistrate's Court. Befort Justict Hall. Thorn m Fot. jlored, we arraigned for tho larceny of Mges from a market cart this morning, pnd guilty and boand over to the fttHMl Court, and in default of surety l fill lAkHnno. . . .V-i. i ? rr4JWB mas ume, was fitted to jail. Victoria Swiin, a lewd character from wdj's Hollow, was tried before JmHice this mominflr tnr thm I W f . Fket handkerchief from Fraacia Dray colored. The deftaiant waa bound the Criminal Court and ti i give bond in the sum of $50. How to get sick. ftvfJOUriel,dy nd St; too El! Ut f xerciM5 work too hard P'est; doctor all the tiae; Ukeall iCTH Dctnims advertised; and then T Will tint x, ' w &UUW Howtogct weU. IS 1SImJ tl 1 m . ttr See other coimmn. 1; 4)1111 Elf IE. . r . ; - 1 " i ; ! VOL. IVi WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER fl Ladies Tks fur fives cents, the preltiesil you ever saw. street. Jahn j& Goodman. Fourlh Jury oi Inauest Coroner Hewlett held an inquest yes terday over tbe body of a newly-born child, the offspring ot Peter Fur man and his wife, Amanda,) in ' Brooklyn. It wa reported thai the child was j born dead because of ill-usage jofi ;the part of the woman's husband but Drj A. D. Mc Donald, whe was called in before .the iprx, testified that because of a peculiar mal formation of the head tbe child oould not have been born! alivel under 'any j circum- tancea. A verdict of death frorn natural onuses was reudere j Query: I ow can there have been deal t where there was no life? All L'nen Towe worth 20 cents a piece, for 10 cents, at! Hahn te Goodmiiu, Fou h street. I, i t PerionaL Mr. E. A. Brown, a! !' Wilmington boy," paid a short visit here yeste- Jay. Mr. Brown "graduated" here ia Uhe ex press business p-id then went .out to Col umbia, S. C' where he is now in charge of the office at. that place. Ha spent Sun- day here with his relatives and last night returned to hi I ' The youngest brother: of the! family, Asa, whom so many of us remember, is now in Florida, also an Expressman , wbere we understand from one who knows him .i there that he is doing Well and stands d servedly high in the estimation of the poo pie. Ladies Ties, superior q aality,1 dirt cheap at 10 cents per piece, jat man's, Fouith street. I j Hahn fc Good- t NoTeltles and the Ladles The noveltiss bow piss all other efforts r i line. The Northern : i on the market sur. esver made in this and European mar ketf are flooded with them and the judic ions buyer has ample h:s taste and offer to facilities to show his customers the newest and prettiest things for t e lea t wossible money. Mr. Julius Hahn of the : i firm of Hahn & Goodman, has ust re turned from an European tour and an in spection of the novelties of the various markets. They have a class of goods' to offer which have never been seen in this market, and they are offering them at such figures that they will be in the reach of all. Their immense store on Fourth street is crowded to overflowing and new goods are conslantly arrivjng. Go see those 5 cent Ladies! Ties at Hahn & Goodman's, Fourth street. t City Court His Honor came !up smiling this morn ing and promptly pri time at the regular hour for.interviewing the evil doers of Sat urday night, and the violators of Sunday s peace and quiet j The docket was rather full er than usual which caused the reporters to smile sevenely in anticipation of a fcas) of locals. V I : j-. The first! case called waa Handy Wil- i - i - i i Hams, colored, charged jwith being drunk and disorderly. , This being the first of fence of the kind for the defendant; he was released upon payment of costs. ' . A "furriner'' wis the next case on docket charge, drunk and disorderly. . i i j j The defendant made quite an eloquent apperlto His Honor, and judgment j was suspended in the case. I M. Walker, colored, arrested in Paddy 'd Hollow for being drunk and disorderly and insolent to a police officer was sen tenced to pay a f ne of $5 or ten days imprisonment, j ! j ' i Nicholas Dudley, colored, fee the same offence, received a like; sentence. Toby Williamu,! colored, was arrested by Sergeant G. W. W. -Davis, in the Postof fice, just before daybreak yesterday morn ing, under suspicious' circumstances. The defendant was ordere4 turned over to U. S. Commissioner for trial. Thos. Foy, colored arrested in the ac1 of stealing cabbages from a cart in the market, this morning, was given over to the' courtesy of Justice Hall for trial. 1, This finished the docket, and the! Co adjourned. . j I 'May your troubles only be little ones, and may you always have Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup handy,' said an old bachelor to a newly -married couple. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the er nervous rors and indiscretions ot j youth. weakness, early decay, loss of manhood &C, I will send ia recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered byj a missionary in South America. Send a eelf-ad Iressed envelope to the Rev. JossphT.i Inman biation v, flew lone uuy. The Beaufort Relief Fund. The Raleigh l!ew$ publishes a com munication ftom Dr. L W. Mar'in, oi Beaufort, acknowledging amount received thre for the benefit of the sufferers by the recent storm. Ia all there was re ceived, in money, $336 07, ' and of amount, nearlg one-half, $150, this was received from citizens of Wilmin; otnn through Mr. W. P. Canaiiay. Fine and Juicy Beef. j ! Mr. J. R. Melton; has enlarged and im proved his market on Second street; and it is now the headquarters for good meats. He advertises to-day another lot of that fine Sampson county beef, which he will serveup to his customers during tbe week. Orders by telephone will meet his prompt and personal attention and those entrusting their orders to him will receive the best of beef in the market. Lsd;es Ties, 10 cents, at Hahn & Good man's, Fourth street. t Pa Imam qui Alerait, Ferat. - There recently appeared in the Charles ton Sews dc Courier the report of a Ccmmiit'3 appointed by the citizens of Columbia to gather testimony . and in formation in regard to the burning of there city by Geu. Sherman. It is a very complete and interesting history of this vvorst of Sherman's many desds of iufamy, and portions of the sad story have been copied by several of our papers It was first published Philadephia limes. Tbe history of the complete in the subject itself, and how it got into print, is of sufficient ins f rest perhaps to bear telling: The committee, of which Chancellor J. P. Carroll was chairman completed their report not very long after the close of tbe late war. It was deemed inexpedient to publish it, intbeihen condition of things, and for its safety and preservation the report was filed away among the city archives. A short time after Columbia passed un der the rule of the carpet-bag regime, and by some of these worthies1 the report was probably made away with. iAt least it could never be fouud after they came into power, and as it contains much! that must be very unpalatable to such gentry they doubtlets hoped by its destruction to blot cut the damning record. Fortu nately one or two copies had been i pre served by members of the committee, and a short time ago; a gentleman ofthis city, who had long sought vainly for the re port bucceeded in obtaining a copy of one of these copies. This was put in proper shape for the press, and was published in tbe Philadelphia Weekly Times ot June 21st and thus the reord was preserved and given to the public, j Our liiend, who was inst: jmental in procuring the pub'i .tion of the repoit gave the I.evEvv a copy of the Times contaiuing it some time ago, and to the sanae person the Xews cfc Courier owes its knowledge of the existence ot" the article. The Ji'cios & Courier prin'ed the repoii in full but, inadvertantly, ve are sure, needed to give the pioper credit for it. DIED. TART. Un Town Creek. Brunswick co.. N. C on the Uth in it., Mrs. SDSAN TAKT, wife of Rev. James fl. Ta t, of Marion Dis trict, 8.0, bhe leaves fire small children, o: e an i.ifant four dtvsold. New Advertisements. For Rent. 'JUI IT Fi N' E STORE, No. 9 Maiket SLreet. Apply to D. O'CONNOR. sept 13 if For Rent. rjWO NICE DWELLING HOUSES,; Corner Fourlh and Bladen streets. Apply to sept 15-lw D. O'CONNOR. School for Young Ladies. Miss HART, Principal. . i i Assisted by Miss M. B. BROWN. Session begins Thursday, 2d of Oct 'r. Instruction in Gkemis Laxspage and Lit E&A.TC&K by Profesaor Th. TonJabmdsd.1 Drawing aba Paistisq taught by Mrs. E. H. Parslit. j -1 Instec mental Mcsic under charge of Mrs. M. P. Taylor. ALL BEGINNERS iDHDia TK SPStlAt TuAISISG Of THE j Pbiscipal. j! Charges Modiatr. No extra charge for essonsia FasaoH Lahguaqb, Vocal Mcbic, KXLSWORK and CAL18TBBKIC8. For particulars, see Circulars at the Book stores, or address th e ! sept 15 MoaFri-tf PRINCIPAL. iiiif Now Advertisements. Notice. jyB. B. D. Da FOREST has been appoint ed State Agent ot the National Bell Tele jhcne Company for North Carolina, vice Matthew P. Taylor, removed for cause Sep tember 9th, since waich date all his connec tion wi h said Company has entirely ceased. ." ' JA8. M. OBMES, i General Agent, sept 15-lt National Bell Telephone Co. A Card! "WlLMIHGTOJt, N. C, Sept. 15, 1879. To B. D. DeForebt, Efq'., i I -Agent, Ac, Wilmington, N. C. ? " M Sia-Tn reply to your format demand up on me for the surrender of the books, papers nd property of the ".National Bell Tele phone CoHipanj", which I am in possession of &i thectate Agent of said Company for the 8tate of Worth Carolina, I have to say that the b each of contract by said Company committed by it in its assumption of the rignt to diimiss me from its employment, is wholly unwarrant snd utijast.But inas much as any present cont t about the pos session of the office, Ac. may interfere with the interes s of the business public, and inas much as my legal rights can he reserved and otherwise asserted, I shall not resist your taking po8sessien,notwith8- nding the defam atory terras of Mr. Jamc : M Orntes' card, that I hare been removed 'fr cause", against which I protest as-, as I also protest agaiost his whole proceeding. Very respectfully, sept 15-lt MATTHEW P. TAYLOR. School Books. FULL AND COMPLETE assortment of V. ! : ; ! i I . SCHOOL BQOKS,for all ClasessJuBt re- ( . , ceived. Teachers and Parents will find it to their advantage to send their erders to the LIVE BOOS STORE, where School Books will be furnished cheap er than ever befo e. Orders from the country solicited and will meet with prompt attention. Liberal discount to Teaohers at ' ; HFINSBERGER'S, 39 and 41 Market st. sept 15. Sale j of Uncla:mod Freight. QN WEDNESDAT, October 15th, 1879, at 12 o'clock M, at the Central Railway Com pany's Freight Depot, I will sell, at Public Auction, to the higheit bidder, for cash, in order to satisfy claim for freight and other charges, the following articles now remain ing uncalled for, viz ; 1 IRON SAFE, consigned to DeRosset A North), 1 Lot FURXITJRE, consigned to D. A. Smith & Co. By order General Superintendent. THOS. D. JHEABK3, sept 15oawtf Agent. Buergies, Buggies, llarness & Saddles, FOR SALE AT ' 023RE-a.E.DT & CO'S, 3rd st., opposite City Hall. REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS j AND DISPATCH. HOR8E-SHOEING A SPECIALTY sept 15-tf Butter and Cheese. 200 Boxes Fine CREAM CHEESE, Tubs BUTTER, For sale by j . sept 15 HALL A PEARSALL. , Manchester Yarn. 25 Bales MANCHESTER YARN. A superior quality, uat received. Salt, Eaggine:, Ties- KZCiri 8k8 LIVERPOOL SALT. OD UU Ktriped SacVi lonn Whole and Half BoUs BAGGING, 3500 es ew TIES 1 000 do PITIES. Flour, Bacon, &c- 1000 Bbls Fresh Flour, ' 250 Boxes D. H. and Smoked Sidea, 50 Bb City Mesi Pork, 75 Tubs Choica Family Iard, I 125 Bb!s Sugars, Crushed; Granulated, A Extra O, and C, F0 Bbls and Boxes Freth Lemon Cakes, 175 Bags Coffee, all gTadea, " Potash, Lye, Soda, Soap, Starch, Buckets, Paper Twine. For sale low by WILLIAMS k MUBCH1SON, sept IS Wholeaale Gro. k Com. Mer 15, 1879. NO. 188 New Advertisements. it andtTies. 5 QOTTON BAGGING For sake by AND TIES, sept 15 HALL A PEARSALL. CLYDE ew AND Wilmington,. N. O. Steamship Line1 Th Steamer BENEFACTOR, OAPT. JONES, WILL SAIL FROM j NEW YORK O SATURDAY, Soptembor 20. Shippers can rely npon the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, Sup't, m j Wilmington, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. ! 35 Broadwav. Ifew Fork. sept in Zephyr Worsteds. NOTHER LARGE LOT JUST RECEIVED. WHITE 10 CENTS. ! , COLORED '121 CENTS. Look out for announcement, of Grand Millinery Opening, j ' N. H. 8PRUNT, ' sept 15 Exchange Come Boatwriqfht & McKoy ARE STILL At Their Old Tricks. NAMELY : FURNISHING THE BEST GOODS TO THE PUB LIC FOR LESS MONEY 1 Than any Home in the State. We have had a bard summer. People had to economise on acconnt of the scar city of money. But things are look jDg up. You can now sse sniles depicted on faces where gloom and despondency once held their sway. So, good peoph, cheer up s;xp crying bard time 3 ; go to work like I ! men ; then when yun need Groceries go lo Boatwright & McKoj's '... ; i ; i ANJD BUY THEM YOU MAY BE HAFfY YET." i MIND T1TAT." Boatwiight & HcKoy, 5 & 7 Z7ortb Front Street. sept IS N PLEASE NOTICE. o wmiwgua 10 receive eownicni atlonj from our friends on any and all ub'ect h general interest but : The name of the writer moJt, wjr fir "hed to the iditor. Communicatiorg must In one tide of the paper. Personalities must be &t written on only idel. And it is especially And'rarti uiarly under stood that the Editor does net alt-ays endj r the views of corresi-on dents, unless so rtit in the editorial columns. I ! i Mi Kew Advertisement For Rent. ITROM 1st Oc'ober next. Store .j ...... .... on ouuiawest corner JUariet and Second streets now occupied by Brown A Roddie Apply to J 15-lt JCNiUS DAVIS, sept fTrnstde To Rent. gTORJS HOUSE ANlVDWEL i LING to let on Brunswick and ISI , 111, Seventh street, inpeijTect ojrdcr. Posses sion given immediately. 'so, three No. 1 Front Rooms tt jet. at tbe First National Bank, old bir'dicg uer Fronts and Princess streets. - n For particu'ars apply to j sept 15101 SOL. BEAR & BR( S. The Choicest this Season. TXTBA FINE BEEF AND LAJJlij -j received ac d will W on sale t morrow. Another lot of SAMPSON COUNT BEEF ard LAMBS1the fiawt of ,the seas. n. Also, FORK, VEAL, BOLQGNaK A for sale at my MARKET, No. 8, Second it. Orders 51y '.lephone will recrire prompt atterlion. sept 15 ; JOHN R. MtCLTONj Proprietiir. t Eztra Steamer. -r. rjlHE A. 1 STEAMSHIP TTBEE, Capt. Tribon, will leae New York lor this port on THURSDAY ofthis week.' ' . i 1 1 THOS, .E. BOND, SuU, sept 15 N. Y &W. S.S.ine Baby Syrup PAKKER'S GINGER TONIC, Indian Cologogue, Bull's Cough Syrup, ' Kluti Chill Cure, Ajers' Ague Cure and a com- plete stock of pure Drugs and Medicines. F. C. MILLER, Corner 4th and Ann Street. Open day and night. I. j : aept 15-tf ' . 1 ' j ' : : 1 Office of j Chief Engineer, Fire Department, CITY OF jwiLMINGTON, N. C, i September loth i$p. T HE MEMBERS of, the Fif.b Wa-d Bucket Company, and aU i white citizens j living in the Fourth and Fifth FirJ I ii" tricts, that wish to aid it perfecting said organization, and making it more cflipient, by increasing its membersiip, will please meet me at tbe Truck Iloure of said Com pany, corner Fifth and Nunn streets, oil m w. Tuesday nift, the ICth ipet, at 8 o'clock" ' j ROGER MOOSE;'1! sept 15 2t CTJtf Engineer. NEW STOCK OF Fall and.Winter Clothing. fl. & I. SHR1ER, ! -'Ml! 1 !! Wos. 28 & 34 Market Street. ' 1 " 1 i WOULD CALL THE ATTENTIOlf OF the public to their larpe and raried Stock of handsome and well-made Clothing, now receirinp, embracintr all tie leading styles, selected in person by A. HHRIKtt In New York. They offer also a handtome line of j GENT8 FURNI8HING GOODS,1 I j' ' j I HATS, .TRUNKS; VALI8E9, Afc. The celebrated DIAMOND SHIRT, j ! FOR ONE DULLER. ! All fioiihed and laandried, Unlaundjried Shirts at 75 cent. II l . eeptl2 JLU SHRlEllJ Adiniuistratioii Notice ...J- : - -I ! ltaving qualified a Adaici'rtr,r II upon the iUU of Jgn tins Or a 11, ! de ceased, late of .New uanorer l conn tr. douca ia hereby jriren to all persons baring claim against said Decedent, to exhibit tbe same ti me, on or be'ore the 1st day of Oetobar,18rp, otherwise they will be barred of a i recorery . All per ods indebted to said Estate j are rb queeted to make laimediate pay meet, i -f -I ALEXANDER HPRUNT, j sent lC-oaw6w AdoinUtratorl! - n :

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