The Daily Review. JOSH. T. J AXES. JSd. and Prop WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 18.9. . Entered at the j'osToFFt ce ai WlLMINGTOX, N. C, AS SeCOSIJ Cu4.SS Matter. VIEWS AND REVIEWS. Ex -Congressman John K Tarbox is to preside over the Massachusetts Butler Democratic Staje convention at Worcester on the 17th inst. An electric light in Saratoga enabled persons to read a newspaper at B tllston, 7$ miles distant, on a dark night. A powerful reflector was used. Ex-Con frressman Kueene llale "is a member elfct to the Maine Legislature from Ellsworth, .lie will be a candidate for the United States Senate, to succeed Mr. Hamlin. A correspondent of the Chicago Jour nal proposes Gen Phil H Sheridan for tfce Republican nomination for the presi dencv. If it is to be stolen azain this would be a capital nomination. The total production of silver for the last ha'f year, includitg that of Colorado, is estimated at 17,000,000, and that of gold at $15,000,000. This falling off in the production has doubtleess contribu ttd to the 'recent advance injhe price of silver. Governor Blackburn, of Kentucky, in a recent speech, declared that persons convicted of the cowardly and criminal practice of carrying concealed weapons need not apply to him for pardon. The Lonisvillo Courier Journal requires the Governor to paste this declaration in his hat and not forget it. M. Waddington, the French premier, caid at a dinner on the 22d of August: What will perhaps surprtse you ia that this republic, so cavalierly, so disdainfully treated by the organs of the old parties, has simply at this moment the test finarje cial situation in Europe.' Uohappy Hayti is again in the pangs of revolution, or the anarchy which in Spanish-American countries passes by that name. The only results thus far have been very destructive to property, the patriots' on both sides being apparently thieves and incendiaries rather than sol diers. Alta California, of the 1st instant says ; 'Threshicg is making rapid progress and the yield generally is fully up to the an ticipation in some places considerably above. Oregon has suffered severely from rust, and the wheat yield in the William ette Valley being one-third less on that account than it would have been otherwise a reduction of 1,300,000 centals on an estimated crop of 0,000,000.' The Norwegian bark Columbia, of 400 tons burthen, on the 4th instant, not far from the Newfoundland banks, struck an enormous fish or sea monBter, and tore away the planking on the port side of her bow. The fish was badly wounded and remained on the top of water struggling furiously and lashing the water with its tail, crimsoning the sea all around with its bloc d. It was judged to be at least forty feet long. The - crew were forced to take to the boats and the bark sunk bfore she was out of sight. The crew was picked up by the steamship P Caland and landed in New York on the 9th. The establishment of a system of horse passports is under consideration by th Russian Government. The measure is suggested, not in view of political danger from the equine race, but in order to prevent a misfortune that often happens to the horses themselves, namely, horse stealing. According to this curious pro ject, the birth, peculiar signs, and death of every horse must be recorded, and the proprietor of a horse or horses is to be furnished with a horse passport that will entitle him to the legal possession of said horse or horses. Now, as a horse thief cannot possibly steal both the horse and its passport, be cannot sustain his ri-ht to the possession of a stolen horse. This is the essence of the wit and wisdom of the Kus. siaa officials in this matter. The first French ballet in New York was given at the Bowery about 1827. Mine. Button, the principal dancer, on appearing in her brief and gausy costume was greeted with a storm of hisses, which ended with an uproar and the departure of many from the theatre. The curtain was rung down, and nofurther performance was given that night. There was a general attack upon the troupe in the papers of the next day, and the exhibition was characterized as the most shameful v and indecent ever presented in the city. The consequence was that standing room could not be found the following night on the rising of the curtain. The house was black with men only. Within s week, however, a few ladled appeared, and before the end of the month fashionable New York had flocked in large uujabers to the theatre. NOTES ON FENCESJ The farm fences of the United States . . Jt i rfi fvAA -re are estimated to cost ci,oy,vvv, quire 8250,000,000, annuilly, to keep them, in order, ii-sides tU direct cost of fjnces,the land which they occupy, and render worthless, is an important omsidj . ! - r ' - " eration. The z'g za;? nil fences, wn stake and iidtf:s,ua an ordinary firm occupy tire per dent, of the land, or Lte acres in every hundred. In view of this, a straight lence.othsr things being1 equal - is the cheapest. The wire fences of vari ous styles,, now used, ! are to be com mended as economizing space, and Deing . durable. DKOUTJJ IN CHIN A. Consul Lord, of Ningpo, China, writing July 20, says bf the grain crops in tie province of Che Kiang', that from April to the middle of June thei weather was we; and cold. It became; suddenly dry and hnt. and so continued ud to the time of writing. Such, was thf iuteosity of the heat that the canals, which are largely're iinon for ' irrigation. dried1 up, and V v ' -w- T 13 f ' everything became jparched. drouth continue much longer, Should the the Consul thou ht the grain crop of the province would be almost totally destroyed. The cotton crop had also suffered greatly. The f Che Kiane has an area of about 40,000 square mues, and a popula tionof 20,000,000. j ' . I, I IMPROVEMENTS MEANS OF TRAXS P0RTATI0X. This is certainly an age bfj improvement and invention. Ilardly a day passes but ime wonderful 'device is chionicled which goes to make labor lighter and moe cheap ly and expeditiously performed, r some thing to ameliorate the condition! of man kind. The I invention j ot the past fifty years, had they! beconicj known a couple of hundred years ago, would have doomed scores to the gallows as beiug endowed with the spirit ct w.tchcraft. , Among the more Ireceat inventions! we notice an improvement in the construction of freight car?, which if it jshould prove entirely successful upon a fair trial, will revolutionize the enltire railroad freight system. We give below a description of this newly , invented means: of freight transportation, which is as follows: The newly invented freight car, known as the Prosser car, threatens to disturb the freight question. (This car;isj made of a cylinder, tne circumference hoops on a barrel. The load rests almost entire ly on the rairandj the weight of bj frame work only rests 911 the sxle. It is as if a bar were put through a hogshead of to bacco aud traces attached to the extremities I of ithe , axle, the cir cumference! j of the; l hogshead forming its own ! wheel . It is claimed to have been demonstrated by actual trial that a speed of four miles per hour, and the centrifugal force! caused thereby, will hold the grain firmly Without intermotiun to the inside surface of the cylinder, and, if tt e car be not jfull,1 there, will be in the centre surrounding the axle a cylindrical body of air. The frame-work h lding these two cylinders together weighs only three tons, instead of ten tons, the ordi nary weight of a common car, while it takes up only one-half the room on the track, 1 11 i TILDEN A11J&AD. : Whatever may be Samuel J. Tilden's II i ! ' sins in the past, either as against his par ty tr against himself, it is certain that, as an organizer, he has few equals and do superiors in this age and generation. .The nomination of Gov. Robinson as his own successor was the best and the wisest thing that could be done and there islbut little, if any, cioubt, of his reelection John Kelly may be all-potent with Tarn' many but if he is, Tilden is equally all potent with the balance of the pai ty in . New, ('York " State. Kelley's biggett move was his most stupendous failure. He announced, in advance of the Conventicn, that Tammany would not, under any circumstances, vote for Robin son and that if he was nominated the organization 1 would bolt. Therein Mr. Kelly became adisorganizer. I t was the old story J of a- ;disatisfied minority at tempting to coerce the majority, and he failed, as he aniply deserved to do. Mr Robiason was' nominated and although Mr. Kelly may lolt". it is not j at all certain that Tammany will follow' him. Ex-Gov. Hoffman has already announced his secession from Tammany and I his de termination to! sujpport Gov Robinson, and Augmstus Schell and others will proba bly follow. 1 This shows that Tammany is not by any 'means a, unit under the leadership of John Kelly. I Mr. Tilden's i objective point is. of course, the Presidential nomination. If he can carry New York, through Robin- A 1 .1 .i 1 . ... son, men tne aoumern voce, notwith standing its repugnance to iMr. Tilden, will be forced into' his support in conven tion, ''i- ; -' j ' A correspondent bf the Pall Afall Ga zette says that it lis proposed to form a re ligious guild for ptronsi connected with the press, froii. editors: do wnw&rd. They are to pledge themselves to go to church once on Suudayii, and, if possible, once on week day; to spend five'minutes a day in private prayer, to be temperate in dress, speech 1 and food; to be friendly with those witn whom they work; and, if possible, to induce : their fellow workmen to join the guild. TheNorth Carolina System Mb. Editor: Thanking you for your courtesy xn publishing my pre fious communica tion, J Deg leave to repeat tnat u w not my purpose to attempt any dis cussion of the merits of any Norl Cardiiiia Railway System. Whetmr the policy put into operation by Pet ldeui Wbitford and the Jaivia direc arti w:i! prove beneficial isa question, ,i 8v.ea ii m, iit leust, that can be aatisfactoriiy solved onlv bv the fu ture; iu a word, by the Iruitsthat poli cy may bear. Itj may save the Atlan tic A N O Riilroad or it mav not; it may be that nopolicg ;an save it; time only can tell; certaiiy, however, in view of the .act that rrebident nugue and the Vance directors broke up the 'Combination' policy and put themselves unequivocally upon record in favor ot a North Carolina polioy, it seems to me to be the part of fairness and pru dence to give the new policy a fair trial,1 at least until some proof shell be offered that it is hot an honest! effort on the part of Governor Jar vis toeav6 the road to the State. That President Hughes and the Vanoo directors did break up the 'combination policy, I presume there is no doubt. The record speaks for itself as to that, and the record I have given. Ho less plainly, it seems to me, 1 does the same record speak as to their endorsement 01 the feo called North Carolina policy aud now that time enough has elapsed for the subsidence of any feeliug that may have ar.'sen, there) thought it proper to call attention to that record so that a fair minded and 'intelligent public may see for itself precisely what t declares. That is my sole pu pose. .1- I' Thanking you again for yon- cour tesy, Mr. Editorjl beg leave in con elusion to sty that the promptness with which measures vera inaugurated by the new President and the new Superintendent to repair the very serious damages at i More head Oitp caused by the dn- aetrom storm gives I 1 very hopeful promise of the ability of the road under the new policy to contend with the most advers& fortune. Wherri er the road,embarra-sed as it confesse d ly is,under any other policy could pro vide ways and means to repair bucli very serious damages within a reasoD able time, m -y well be doubted. To put, the road in the condition in which it was before the late storm will cost many. thousands of dollars, and yet, unless x am misintormed. mean-urea were matured to accomplish that do eirable end without any that absolutely needed to ascertain the ex tent of the damage doun, and wi 1 he prosecuted with the utmost vigor Thus far, at least, the new policy bus worfced no injury, X Motto for bakers: Dare to dough rightl TorODto Graphic. 1 ( 'Boos ebonized here' . is the an nouncementof a Bo ton boi t jjack. I A cold wave Putting aside en ice question. Havensack jEepublican. The flower named 'bachelor'd but ton' is so called because it is apt to fall off. New Orleans Picayune. , 'Have you a mother-in-law?' asked a man of a disconsolate looking person, 'No,' he replied, 'but I have a father in jail.' Albany Journal. ' , No matter how bad and destructive a boy may be, he never becomes so degraded or loses his self-respeot'suffi-oiently as to thro mud on a circus poster. New York Star. Correspondent 'Will Ith; editor please infer J3 me where my family can go on Sundays and be cool and com fortable without j danger of beiog orowdd?' Answer, by the Rochester Democrat: Go to church. When filling a oavitr dentists some times p'ace a dam in the patient's mouth. When a tooth is being ex tracted, the dentist is relieved of that duty. The patient supplies all that are required. Boston Transcript. A great many morally inclined busi ness men will tell you that the people of to-day are not as honest as they were in their time but they'll Bhove a bogus quarter on a near sighted man just as quick as a man of more modern make. Elmira Uszette. Is it Possible ! That a remedy made of such common, simple plants as Hops, Buchu, Mandrake, Dandelion, &c., make so many aijd such jnarvelons and wonderful I cures, as Hop Bitters do ? It must be, for when old and young, rich and poor, Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer and Editor, .all testify to bavng been oured by them, we must believe and doubt no longer. See other column. NEW 1 PIANOS $125 Each, and all styles, Including Grand Square and Upright, all strictly pikst-clabs, sold at the lowest nht cash wholesale facto ky prices, direct to the PtracHASsa. These Pianop made one of the finest displays at the Cer tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re commended fori the Hiohbst Honors over 12,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory established over 3 veara. The Square Grasdi contain Mathc abek'a new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, tt greatest improvement in the history ol Pfkno making. The Uprights are the finest in America, rianos sent on trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive r m rt :i j m catalogue oi o pca miuea iree. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., apl 7-6m " Jl Et 15th street, V Y Employment Wanted. IN THIS CITT OR ELSE7EERE, in doors, outside or on the road, slles man, writing or canvassing orders and couaignmeuts. By a man ho is familiar with trade in all it branches, who will give his undivided time and best efforts for ajsmall salary. Address, j, July 22 Wilmington, N. C - fcisoellaiieous. BBS nllli' CELEBRATED Fever and Ague is mogt common in the spring, but most revere in the fall and winter It ia strictly a ma'arious disease, and so sure ly will the individual who adopts this pre caution be exempted from its pains and pen alties. Add to this jits value as a stomachio and anti biilious agent, and who will rtn ture to gainsay its claims to the first place among family medicines. I For s le by all Druggists and respectable Dealers generally. sept l-d&w. VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST' AWARD And Grand Medal of Eonot. ! Economy, Durabilily and Rapidity odmbined with, perfect work, ' Arc Distinguishing Features of the celebrated. j Giant Farin anil Wareionse' Fans, ; ' HADE BY 1 , a: p. dickey, Racine, WIs. c " - ' Now having many late improvenan, they are fully equal to every demand ; cleaning all kinds of Grain, Peas, Beans, Castor Beans, Command Small Seed. They grade Wheat perfectly by once handling. Sep arate Oats-from Wheat, Barley and Rye. They have very perfect arrangements for cleaning Timothy, Clover, Flax Seed, Orchard Grass, and all other Small Seeds. They Chaff perfectly, and combine every qualification required to! do the best work in the shortest tine, i 1 I Warehouse, as weTl as FanrMMuls, are largely con structed, both kinds requiring1 nine sizes to accom modate the demand, and giving a capacity of from so to 500 bushels per hour, according to size of milL They are shipped, boxed for ocean transportation, and Vset up" or "knocked down" for forwarding inland, as requested; and in all cases put free on board Cars or. Steamer Orders illedsame day as received. Mills shipped" knodked 'down " go for half the freight charged as when forwarded "set up." Oleo graphs and Circulars supplied on application. Prices will be quoted low and on liberal terms. Corres pondence solicited. AGENTS WANTED For the Best and Faste8t-8ellirg Pictorial Books, and Bibles. Prices reduced 33 per cent. National Pl: libhIng Co.. Philada., Pa., j Atlanta, Ga.jor St. Louis, Mo. ' eefijrtl & A n f A returns in 30 days on $100, in JJ)1ZU U nested. Official reports and infor mation.FREE. Uke profits weetly oh 8tock options of $10 to $50. ' Address. T. Potter Wight & Co., Bank er 35 Wall St., N. Y. 1 eept 11 TEACHERS MuNTH unug Fall and Winter- Fo; ful! particulars address, J. C.McjUKD"ij & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. sppi 11 4w BAITD nrSTRTJMEirT CATAXOGTTB. Our new catalogue of Band Instrunicnts.Muslc, Suits, Caps, Bclts.Pouctea.Pom pons, Drum Majors' Staffs and Hats, Epaulets, Cap-' Lamps, Stands, and Out fits contains 85 pages of inormationtoT mutictant. Hailed free. Address LYOS A KF.AI.Y, 162 State St., CMcajo, HI. sept 11-4W LIVER INVIGORATOR is a Standard Family Remedy for diseases of ine Liver, Stomach and Bowel". It is Pure ly Vegetable. It never Debilitate. It is Cathartic and Tonic. It baa been used in m? practice and by the public, lor more than 35 years with unprecedented results. 8end for Circular; 8. T. IW. HANJ-okD, M. D., j 162 Broadway, New Yo'k Citv. Any Druggist will tell jou i i eputatibn. ; sept 11 Hfeadquarters for Ale I Lager Beer and Porter. i i . j No. 6 Market Stree? AJf FUBNIa WITH THE BESl J Ale, LiSer Beer ana i orier, pom reg ana bottled, in the citj. . , VCountrv orders prnmptlv attended t A WEEK in your own town, and no capital risk ed. y"ou can eive the hn. aii.t'5 a. trial without exnnse. Thft ht opportunity ever offered for those willing to work. Yfeu should try nothi g else until you see for yourself what you can do at the business we offer. No room to explain here You can devote all your time or or'y your spare time to the hnsiceas, and make gre it pay for every hour that you work. VVoinen make as much as men. ieud for special private terms and particulars, which we mail free. $5 Outfit free, Dont com plain of hard times while you have such a chance. Address II. IIALLBTT & CO. ' I w STOMACH ! i i S3 I Portland, Maine. j june 7-d&w. i Miscellaneous. THEBtST SOLD BY LaOfr WhiteSewing Machine Cpr Cleveland, ohio - 1 YELLOW FEVER -BLACK VOMIT. It to "on t forget tbe ravgosof thb terrible ditfeue, which w.ll no doubt retun in a more ma ignar.t and virulent f um in the fall months of 1879. ' Mkbrkll8 Hbpatinb, a Remedy discovered in Southern Nubia and need with such won derful results in South America whers tb most aggravatea oases of fever are found, rttusei from one to two ounces of bile to be filtered or strained from the blood each time it paasess through the Liver, as long as an ex cess of bile exists. By its wonderful action on the Liver and Stomach the HEPAT1NK not onlj prevents to a certainty any kind of Fever and Black Vomit, but also cures Head-1 ache, Constipation of the Bowels, I Dyspepsia and all Malarial diseases. io one need fear Yellow Fever who will expel the Malarial Poison and excess of bile trom the blood by using Ms skill's Hspatihs, which is sold by all Druggists in 25 cent and f 1.00 bottles, or will be sent by express by the Proprietors. A. r. MNKKKLL UO., Philadelphia, Pa. Dr Pemberton's Stillineria or Queen's Delisrht. j The reports of wonderful cures o Rheumatism, Scrofula, Salt Kheum, Syphi lis, Cancer, Ulcers and Bores, that come from all Darts ot the country, are not onlv remark able but so miraculous as to be doubted wer it not for the abundance of proof. I ' " JLenwkable Cure of Scrofula, &o. CASE O t' i;uii. J. C. BRANSON. 1 Kingston, Ga., Sept. 15, 1871 i ' 1 . i Gents:. For pixieen years I have been a great sufferer from Scrofula in its most dis tressing forms. 1 have been eo fixed to my r(fOmandbe i for fifteen y ars with scrofu lous ulcerations. The most pproved reme dies fpr such cases had been used, and the most eminent physicians consulted, without any decided benefit. 1 bus prostrated, dis tressed, desponding, I was adv Bed by Dr. yer, of Floyd county, Ga., to commence the use of your; Compoaod Ext; act Stdliagia! Language is as insufficient to describe tke re lief I obtained from tb iise of the Mtillingla as it is to convey an adequate idea of the in tensity of my suffering before ! using jyomr medicine ; sufficient to say, I abandoned all other remedies abd continued th use of j ur Extract of Stillingia, unt l I can say truly, "1 am cured of all pain," of al disease, with BOthiner to obstruct the aotivs pursuit of my profession. More than eight months have elapsed since this remarkable cure, without an v return .f th dinea.aa. For the truth! of the above statement, I re fer to any gentleman in Bartow county, Ga., and to the members of the bar of Cherokee Circuit, who are acquainted with me. I Bball eyer remain, with tbe deepest gratitude. Your obedient Bervant, I J. C. BRANSO Att'y at-Law. A MIRACLE. WestPoirt, Ga., Sept. 16, 1870. Gents: My daughter wsa taken on the 25th day ot June, 1863, iwitb what was supposed to be Acute Rheumatism, and was treated for the same with no success. In anarch, follow ing, pieces ef bone began to work out of the right arm, and continued to appear till all the bona from tbe elbow to the shoulder Joint cme out. Many pieces of bone came out ot the right foot and leg. The case was then pronounced one of White dwelling. After having been confined about six years to her bed, and the case considered hopeless, 1 was induced to try Dr. Pember ton's Compound Kx tract ot otilliogia, and was so well satis fied with its effects that I have continued the use of it until the present. ! My daughter was confined to her bed about sixyeais before she sat up or even turned over without he' p. She now sits up all dav, and sews most of her tine has walked across ine room. Her general health is now good, and I believe she will, as her limbs gain strength, walk well. I al tribute her recove ry, with the blessing of. God, to the use o your invaluable medicine. With gratitude I am, yours truly. W. B. BL ANTON. WssTj Poimt, Ga., Sept 16, 1870. Gents: The abc ve certificate of Mr.W. B. B lan ton we kuow and certify to as being true. The thing is so: hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to it. As much reference can be given as may 1 be required. Tours trulyi CRAWFORD A WALKER, Druggists. HON. H. D- WILLIAMS. S9 DR. Femberton's Stillingia is pre pared by A. F. Merrell k Co., Phil a., Pa. Held by all Druggists in $1.00 bottler, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canvass everywhere. J bend for Bonk-'Curious Ptorv" free to all. Medicines sent to poor people payable in instalments. I may 28 The ISew "Sunny South.' THE BEST AND HANDSOMEST PAPER M AMERICA. Send for it at Once ee Our Clnb i ! " ' Kates- , (-' ; i " THE "SUNNY SOUTH" is now the mod el weekly of the age. It comes out in as entire new or cm and new make-up generally and is overflowing wito the richest and spi ciest matter rf the day Poems, Essays, dtorie, ews of the Week, Wit and Humor, Female Go? sip, Domestic Matters, Letters from all Sections, Notes of Travel, Pussies, Chess, Problems, Marriages, Deaths, Health Notes, Personals, Stags Notes, Movement in Southern 8ociety, Fashion Notes with Plates, Answers to Correspondents, Bi graphies with Portraits of distinguished men and women, B numerous Engravings, Sensational Clip pings, Correspondents Column, Local Mat ters, Railroad Guide, snl forcible editorials upon ail subj cts. Is it' posuble to makes paper more complete t Get a copy and ex amine it. It now circulates in all the Stater aLd Territories, ia England, Ireland, Cana da, Australia, Br axil t and the Indian Natien It is rea'ly an honor to the South and cur people are proud of it, and every one should take it immediately. The price is only $2.50 a year. We will send the "Funny South" and the Daily Bkyibw one year for SB, ov. we will send the "nunny South" and the WiuuaeTOX Joca At. one year for $3.50. t , The "Sunny South'? and ."Boys and Girls of the Ben th" will be furnished one year for $3 50, with a large and magnificent pictmr thrown in 4 Address this office, er t i- j c W. U. A .W.l B.oaALo. I . may IT - Atlanta Qa -HigctUapeou. LIFE IN BOTTLE. The Most Valuable Medical Disc,1 jery Knowri to the World-' More Use fpr Quinine,! Caloi or Mineral Poisons Life for tT: Blood, Strength for the Ne and Health for AIL j AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PUliUC Believing that bv cleanain r .L'L i v building up the oonstituUon was the after trtir th hit ' , wonderful Hitter Ur ut.L Cleanser, the firs t bottle of which ar be J. life and vigor, and in time effected a htrl nent cure. I was free from catarrh, my i,, became strong and sound, being able to suL the most severe cold and exposure, and 1 gained over thirty pounds is weight! ?J ing confident that I had made a wendm, discovery in medicine, I prepared a oiaiwt, ot the Root Bitters, and .v..Tm-r. giving them away ( to sick friends aad atlA wonderful cures of all diseases cuiei ft humors or scrofula in the, blbod, Imprudent. Bad 8tomach, Weakness,! Kidney Din.. Torpid Liver, Ao , Ao.j The newt of J discovery in this way spread from ooo uerr j to another until 1 1 found myself called tp, ( to supply patients with medicine ir 4 wide, and I was induced to establish I Ul ator y for compounding and bottrrc; the ko 4 1 Bitte'rs in large quantities, and I now defm all my time to this business. 1 r I was at first back ward in presentici iutiu myself or discovery in this way to the piblit, not' being a patent medtcibe man and via small capital, but I am getting brarely am that. Since I first advertised this meHictM I have been crowded witn orderifi(im dur gists and country dealers, and the bund-rfi of letters I have received from persorii enr't prove the fact that no remedy I erer 4ii w Uiuch good in so short a time and had tb mv.-t success as the Root Bitters. In fact, ' I d convinced that they will soon take thu 'eti of all other medicines in use., ea It om l J J Lit 2v.n ! uuuuieu ruui jj ujcgiiM, iigui lucre bi.qjm in Cleveland, now sell Roct Bitteri, t tmt i whom have already sold over one UiontiU bottles. I . I . Root Bitters are strictly a medical prepir. ation, such as was used in the good old pin ef bur forefathers, when people w re jctirw. by some simple root or plaat, and wh calomel and other poisons of the'! mkeril kingdom were unknown.) 'I j They act strongly on tke livsr and kidgoi, keep the bowels regular and boiid up li nervous system. i hey peMtrVte-eTetjt psn of the body, searching out f every item, bone and tissue from the head to tle fet, cleansing and strengthening tbe ifosntut springs of life, hence they must' i-each all diseases by purification and nouruhmu 'j No matter wha your feelings or iniptoiti are, what the disease or ailment is, bm l&c Bitters. Don't wait until you are tick, bit if you only feel bad or miserable, uetbi Bitters at once. It msy save yoar life. I ; Thousands of persons in all parts of til ountry are already unng koot BiUtn They have saved many lives of) c )0b who had been given up by friends and phj eians to die, and have permanently at4 many old chronic cases of Catarrh, fcroftU, Rheumatism; Dyspepsia, and tikis Uue where all other treatments had fs'Ied. yen troubled with sick headache, entire!)-, dixxlness, weakness, bad taste in the tnoai nervousness, and broken down in coEitituti. Too will be cured if you take Koot Bin Have you humors and pimples on your ltrj or skin? Nothing will give you such f i health, strength, and beauty as h,oot t ters. - i ., . ' 1 know Jealous , pbyslcisni is cry humbug because my discovery curei many of their patients, h t I care tot a now my desire - and determinstios to pw mt Root Bitters -as fast as oosdbls withil reach of all those sufferingi throuffhoat fb world Hold by wholesale and retail Mt gists and country merchants, or seat 7 press on receipt of price, $L00 per bottle,! six bottles $5.00. For certificates of p derfal cures, see my large eircuTar srpw each bottle ef medicine. Read and i ud? W j-i . ' tM AirTonprfrarriit or nierchut W FR A TIER'S KOOf BlTTfcR, ther ecommend because he makes a large s""1! G. W, 'FRAIZER, . Discoverer-, q uTsm,tm tit movrlacd u Forsle by J. C. Munds sad T. tf. BarboW For Smithville. gTEAM TACHT ISLIZA BETH, Gapt D.W.Chadwick, carrying United SUtes Mail. U1L foot of. Market street daily (0j'B"?t . 9 P M Hamrnincr. T OPt" - Returning, leave at A.M. B, P. PADlWr sept 8 Burank's Pharmacy; PRESCRIPTIONS OOHPOUJfDJO care and accuracy by competent ! hsfcifc I Only ageney to the , I iver Pad Co's remedies. aug t$ . t Theodore Joseph Corner of Harriett & Baliioury & Oae Comer. West Raleigh RALEIG u, v w. . .Ill .1.- a.. mM thm EttXOP fitif action gmrrvteedln rJPV 11 v bar is snppliMl wtta Fia he's A and C, and W jtJK brands or ye suw . eet 19U , Furniture. JUST RECEIVED FEOilFl a large wuortment of Walnut 9 at icat Brgains: , CaD "tf onlt if. way ui um nmg oiseas and beinv tronh' I with weakness of the lungs, ea&rh . much broken down in eonititnH. .! er'