THIS If pibHihtd every aflermooa, Sundays ex empted by JOSH. T. JAMES, KBITOK iHD PBOnUKTOX. 1UB8CBIPTI0N8. POSTAGE pldT Oae year, 00 Six months, 1N ; Three months, $1 15 ; One month, 50 cents. Hie paper will be delivered by carriers, ,rse of charge, i m7 Prtof the city, at the ibore rates, or 13 oenta per week. Advertising rates low and liberal BTSabseribers will please report any and Ul failures to receive their papers regularly. Miscellaneous. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 market St. We have just finished taking our annual account of gtock, and are now daily receiv ing NEW GOODS from the Northern Markets, suitable for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE ! Our patrons will study their best inter eats by making their purchases as early in the Season as convenient,as the general in dications of the market have an upward teudeucy. We hare just received ov.-r 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! PRICE O CENTS. Wholesale buyers would do well to look over our ttock before purchasing as we have a ereat many go da we are offering Wii below THE PRE5ENT MARKET VALUE. Fans fi Parasols. C oeiug out the balance at Greatly Re duc ;d Prices. Plain, Striped and Chectced Nainsook Muslins. The best value ever offered. Call and examine. , Liuen Lawus from 12 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. Our Variety is Large. Our prices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. LdC&Sa Iiretonne, Torchon and Italian Laces. We have very much th Largest assortr ment that has been offered in this city and our prices either by the 3 ard or piece, can not be undersold. Ouilts, Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is Urge. We have marked none up in price, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wants at the old prices Table Linens-Towels land Napkins, Our present assortment excels anything we have ever shown. Call and give our stock a look over. Our Buyer Is in the market at present and we are receiving many Novelties. OUR . 5 and IO Is situated on the S. W. corner of Market and Second streets.and every Steamer that comes into this port brings a Fresh Lot of the most turpi isingly Cheap and Useful Goods that ever were offered in any mar ket under any circumstances. We offer great inducements to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street aug 16 NEW STOCK OF Fall and Winter Clothing. A. & I. SHRIER, ZXos. 28 &. 34 EZarket Street. WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF the pmblio to their large and varied Stock of handsome and well-made Clothing now receiving, embracing all ti e leading styles, selected in person by A. SHRIEK in Haw Y ork. They offer also a handaome line of OKNT8 FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, TRUNKS, TALI8E8, Jkc. The celebrated DIAMOND SHIRT, FOR ONE DOLLAR. All finithed and leandried. Unlanndried BMrta at 7ft oenta. sept 12 A. A L SHRIER. Zephyr Worsteds. NOTHER LARGE LOT JUST RECEIVED. WIIITE 10 CENTS. ' COLORED 12 CENTS. Look oat for announcement of Grand Millinery Opening. H. H. 8PRUNT, ept II Exchange Cone" Old Newspapers. QUANTITY OF OLD NEWSPAPERS ftr wrapping, offered for sale cheap at the sept 4 DAILY RKYIEW OFFICE' T i VOL. W. LOCAL i NEWS. New AdTertiaements. DkRosskt Aj Co -St re for Rent. P. HautiBBaeaa Schoel Books. Hall a PiAMALL-i-Baoon and Flour. Altafibb A PEiCB-f-Bash, Doon, i Blinds and Ornamental Woodwork. j . Read Altaffer A Price's local ads. A. A I. Shriek! Fall and Winter Cloth- ine ' ' !! I I . I r - j Window Glass ah frizes at ltaffer & Pricels. 1 V '. j t People are now shooting birds, Summer hats, etc. 1 I The steamship Benefactor, Jones, hence, arrived dav. at New York on Wednes George Eliot says: Women don't love men for lucky, if true. their goodness.' This is Ask your j nearest 1 1 debating society which are the most heart-rending dog- days or catnights. j Rows or little Kuots of satin ribbons of two colors. are worn down the fronts of dresses of a I kinds in Paris. The best WiuJowb Dxrs and Blinds and Lowest1 Prices loan be got at Jacobi's Hardware DepOt. h X Street corner statesmen are voluble, Kitfrnna. awerressive. and ohl so dry. A "" -0- ' . j; 7 limekiln is a swamp in j comparison to them. . ;' .1 I i ' -v Some of the muslin polonaise have their backs tucked throughout their entire iength, and have their front tucked as ar as the waist. After several! days of dry,' hot and sun shiny weather, we were visited this lore noon by gentle and refreshing showers to make glad the parching earth. Window Glass of all sizes at JacObi's Hardware Depot - Rice' birds , in Petersburg (tbey call them sora there) are quoted by the Index Appeal at from 40 to 50 cents a dozen. They sell here for from 15 to 25 cents.! Women care more for nature and men more for art. A cynical bachelor might say that perhaps that is the reason why mfin and women care so much for each 1 other The city and the country are at this seeson like a change in a .night watch. One is waking and shaking itself into life, the otner is lying down and getting rid of company for a'lohg sleep Somebody in f Wilmington who signs himself with a single "M" (is that you, Tom?) publishes a very interesting letter in yesterday's Raleigh Observer on the Cape Fear river, ngejbirds and rice fields. He thought he heard j 'tha angels sing but it provedrtd be a chorus of yel s from the next door children 1 He grew desper ate, procured a bottle f Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup and sent it t Mrs S. with his compliments. 'He was a bachelor. When is a married man a bird? Whin he comes home at 2 A. M. P. S. For the benefit of bachelors (it not being nec essary for the married;! faction) we explain that when a man comes home at the hour named his wife makes : him quail . There is a touching beauty in the pale wild rose that' grows by the dus y way side, half choked with thistle down; but it is all lost upon the man who breaks both his back suspender buttons when be stoops to pluck U. j ; j! j For bar steel;! iron and carriage good go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, J Signal, Service, U. S. A., Station WiUnlngton,N. Ci Sept.20 ,1879 10:30 a. m. The following order at this station : j has been, received Signals are ordered up at Cape May.J "i 1 1 i J. M. Watson. I SergtJ Signal Corps, U. S. A. Match Game of Base Ball. A prominent event of interest in base ball eircles is the projected j match game between the Champion and Home Club, which is to take place at theOlub Grounds, near the Old Union Depot, on next Wed nesday, the 24th. ) You cau get iLe best WhiU) Lead, Paints and Oils, and lowest prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. , ' - , t Maslsirale's Court Before Justice Hall this morning Hen ry MacRae, colored, was arraigned upon the charge of false) " pretense, and bound over in the sum of $60 for bii appear ance at the next term of the Criminal Court, 1 ! r bull WILMINGTON, N.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER Assistant Marshal. Piatt D.Cowan.Esq, of this city,bas been selected as Assistant Marshal from New Hanover, by Col. A. B. Gorrell, of Wins ton, Chief Marshal tor th State Fair. Mr. Cowan is now in Raleigh, and we presume he will accept the tender which has been made him. Sunday School Convention. The eighth annual session of the colored Baptist Sunday School Convention of North Carolina will be held in Goldsboro on Wednesday, the 24th inst., and will continue in session for three days. The Convention is composed ot delegates from all parts of the State, representing a mem oership of 22,697, and a large attendance is expected. I 1 olonel. McRae. The Charlotte Democrat says: Col. D. K McRae, of Wilmington, has accepted the invitation to deliver an address at the Fail in Charlotte on the 6th of November next. The reputation of Col. McRae as a q orator will draw a large crowd to hear hina and we can say, from what we know about him, that no one will be disap pointed. He is the best and most enter taining speaker we ever heard, not ex cepting Stephen A. Douglass, Thoma i fL. Benton and Wm. L. Yancey, j I Strangers in the city should not fail to visit the Sash Factory, foot of Walnut street. ! I t Odorous Plants, Upon this subject the Country Gentle man has remarked that many cultivators of ornamental plants desire especially to raise those which produce fragrant odors particularly for. boquets, stands, and flower yeses. In answer to occasional in quiries, it names the following sweet dcented flowers, to which some of our readers may add others : Sweet violet, hy acinth, heliotrope, pinks, sweet-scented candy tuff , woodbine, sweet brier, jwhite lily, sweet alyssuoa, mignionette, sweet William, and several sweet-scented, per petual roses. Here are enough to fill a room or garden with perfumes rivaling the 'odors from the spicy shores of Araby. the blest,' if well managed and cultiva ted. j City Court- Mary Auderson, a delinquent from the Whitfield house, arraigned for disorderly conduct, was discharged. j Tilly Hall, alias Matilda Fennell, charged with disorderly conduct, was dis. charged, j 1 . j Jane Hines, charged with the same of fence, was sentenced to pay $5 fine or remain in custody for the space of ten days. . I Ij Mag McKoy, colored, for a like offence received a similar sentence. j A truly rural individual, arrested for drunkenness, was released after spending the nignt in a cell. Four retail merchants who were brought up for falling to pay their ; license tax were fined $5 each. This finished the day's sitting and the Court adjourned. ' Save your money by buying your Build- i na Supp lies from Allaffer & Price. Llppincott'a Magazine. Lippincott'a Magazine for October open with a very bright end amusing article, by Margaret Pjrtha Wright, de picting the rambles and experiences of a party of American artists in Italy. The illustrations are in keeping with the text, being full of vivacity and point. The fourth chapter of Dr. Oswald's 'Summer land Sketches treats of 'The Western Sierras and is not inferior to the former installments either in the interest of thel narrative or the beauty of the illustra-trations- A third illustrated article, 'Chamois Shooting with the Emperor of Austria is by W. A. Baillie Grohman, author of 'Gaddings with a Primitive People.' 'Sunday in England' is the pro duction of an English writer, who treats his subject with that intimate knowledge which none but a native could be expect ed to exhibit. William L. 8tone, author of the well-known life: of Sir William Johnson, relates the bioeraphy of Lady Harriet Acland, whose heroic character and eventful career give her a prominent place in the annals of conjugal devotion. Edward C. Bruce writes instructively on American Landscape Gardening.' H M. Kennedy gives an interesting account of The Study of English j in Germany,' and Mrs. E. B. Duffey j describes The Buried Wealth of South Jersey.' Through Winding Ways which ha proved I one ef the most attractive serials ever published in the Magazine, is con cluded in this number, and there are sev eral short stories saited to different tastes The 'Monthly Gossip' is entertaining as usual, and the number on the whole is as readable as any of its predecessor. BftKW. Pretty Low. Captain Albert Worth1, of the ateame1 A. P. Hurt, reports the river lower than it has been since 1871. But the Hurt can get through if thj sand is only , wet; at least so says, Captain Worth ! The Woodhull. Somebody, probably the inevitable Vic herself, has sent to j the Review and Journal copies of the London American Traveller, w ith a long editorial article on the Woodhull as a candidate for the Presidency, not of England, but of the United States, and enclosing a j full page picture of that notorious character. The 1 neatrical Season. Since our yesterday's issue Capt. Pen nypacker, the lessee of the Opera House, has had an application from the Fay Tmpleton Troupe for the Opera House for September 29th and 30th and Octo ber 1st, and has therefore booked tbt.m for those dates. The Templetons had other dates at first, but cancelled thorn for these. In all probability this will be the opening of the theatrical season in WiU mington. Juvenile Bailers. A match game of base ball was played yesterday afternoon, at the corner of Sev- 1 "1 j enth and Princess streets, between two juvenile clubs in this city, the Starlights and the Wide Awakes, j which resulted in a victory for the former by a score of 48 to 36. At the close of the game the vic tors left for Mr. P. Heinsberger's store where that gentleman presented a bai and ball to the winning club. The little fellows left the store in high.feather and with three cheers for Mr. Heinsberger. Tne Virtue 01 Turpentine. I A medical authority says: "Let any one who has an attack of lockjaw take small quantity of spirits of turpentine, warm it and pour it into jthe wound no matter what the wound is, or what its nature is and relief will follow in less than one minute. Nothing better can be applied to a severe cut or bruise than cold turpentine; it will give certain relief -almost instantly. Turpentine is also a sovereign remedy for croup. Saturat a piece of flannel with it, and place the flannel on the throat and chest; in every case three to five drops on a lump of sugar may be taken inwardly. Every family should have a bottle of turpentine on hand.' ,! r Not Enough Money1 for the Music. Henry MacRae, colored, "gin a treat the other night, that is, it was a country man's treat; every man was to pay for himself before he could gain admission to the ball-room in which there was music and dancingall in compliment to the col ored volunteers from Raleigh.t But Mac Rat, it seems, in settling up his indebted ness With those who discoursed the dulcet strains, while the, sable-hued gallants with the gold lace and brass buttons tripped the light fantastic with their lovely Dinah's, lacked just seventy eight cents to complete the amount, whereupon he was taken up with a war rant and carried before a Justice of the Peace for trial. 1 Mb. Editor : , The ladies living North of the W. & W. Railroad would like very much to know of the Board of Aldermen what has become of their petition, sent in. some two months ago? They would respect fully remind the city fathers of the fact that their husbands, fathers and brothers still 'lve wove antVpay taxiis. ! !i G. Important to the Afflicted. We would advise all who may need the advice of a physician, to either call or write to Dr. Rooertson, 19, So. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md., who from 15 years expe rience in Hospital and Special Practice, guatahtees a cure in all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous Sys tem, Organic: and Seminal Weakness, Im potency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debility and trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, dimness of sight or giddiness, Noc turnal Emissions, Ac, all resulting from abuses in youth j or excesses; in manhood ; also all skin and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr. R. is a graduate of one of the oldest and best medical schools in this country (University of Maryland), andre feis to the leading physicians in his city,and all consulting him can rely upon honorable and confidential treatment. In writing enclose stamp for reply. Special attention iven' to all female complaints. Good ac commodations for all wishing to call and jee him. Medicine sent to any address. t A CARD. To all who are goffering from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood' &ci, I will send a recipe' that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was' discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Ber. Joseph T. Ixxah &tatwn Dt New York City. j 19, 1879. NO. 192 Mr. Thos. E. Bond, Superintendent of the N. Y. & W. S. S. Line, has just re turned from a flying visit to Gotham. No man know how much cold comfort there is, in this world until his heel crushes n innocent , grape hull on a hard pavement.' No more nimbly does the feathered war bler of the wood flit from twig ;o twig than does the church congregation trip from benediction to snail talk and gossip. Code Duello. Passengers by the W. C. A A. train this morning report that an affair of honor was about to take place between Mr. Dargan, of the Sumter Watchman, who is also a practising lawyer, aoda Mr.Earle both ars young men and both Residents of Sumter, S. C, and both are practising lawyers; and, singular to say, they were both members of the last legislature which met in that State, where it is said the difficulty which is about to cu minate in a duel first had Its origin. One of the gentlemen has been arrested, so our informant states, but he gave bond and then went on the even tenor of hip way, expecting to forfeit the bond and meet his antagonist. The parties were expected to look at each other over tht barrels of t heir Derringers somewhere near the Georgia row. ine to day or to mor- Better than Foreign Port. Speer's Port Grape Wine is better than Imported Port, and since the adulteration of the latter, it must take its place. !It is pure, and really excellent and healtb giving. Troy Times) i- The mqst select Fifth Avenue families of New York use this wine at their eve ning entertainments. Messrs. P. L.Bridg ers & Col, J. C Munds and Green & Flanner have some direct from Mr, Speer. i Worthless Stufl! Not so fast, my friend; if you could see the strong, healthy, blooming, men women and children that have been raised from beds of sickness,1 suffering and Al most death, by the use of Hop Bitters, you would say Glorious and invaluable remedy." See another column, j I DIED. CRMS BY Near Bannerman'a Bridge, in ?hw?1u,i4t' ' n 8uPdy the 14th inst., JOHNNIE, the last son of Widow Ormsby! in the 19th year ef his age. He Was a ff0od, peaceable, inoffensive young man, with no stain of reproach to rest iepon his name. May the bereaved mether be euitained in ker iffiictioa by the assurance that her pres ent loss is his eternal gain. I Knox. New Advertisements. I Store for Rent fpHE STOBE NOW OCCDPIZD by Behrend A Monroe, on North 1 , ast corner of Market and Second streets. I apply to sept 19-St j DkROSSET k CO. Altaffer & Price, I ,j f Mamufactuhbbs and Dralersin USH, 000RS, BLINDS, ORNAMENTAL WOODWORK, AND Builders' Supplies ! j GENERALLY. I Factory Foot f Walnut i tree t. I ! ! i Office Nntt, near Red Croes street. eepi in ij BACON AND FLOUR. J 00 Bol3D8, nd Smoked Side?, J QQQ Bhls Good New Flour. 1 At close figures by pt 19 HALL A PEAR8ALL. School Books fTlHE i MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF 1 Bcbool Books, Book Bsgs, Book 8traps and Clamps, Lnneh Boxes, Slate Pencils, of every variety, in the city, is at HEINSBERQER'si Pianos and Organs, FBOM LEADIITQi MANUFACTURERS, eold on the instalment plan at the verv loweetprW GutUrs, Yiolins, FUtea, Ffee, Accordeonj, 4c. Strings for all Instrmaent' at the eept 19 LIFE B09K 8TORE. PLEASE NOTICE. VTf a - ne wui oe glad to receive eoitnnni ations from our friends on any and, all tcb'Uti bt general interest bat i ' ' l ML . . - iDename or the writer nrnst Jwvf p fri aished to the Editor. .T1 j : i I Communieatio&s most b- written on! on! y one nae 01 tne paper. Personalities must be avoidetl. And it is especially and parti li'arlv ft . poder the views of correfiKndenuJ nnlesl so I stat mo tuiwr aon nni aivrsts enar u the editorial coluttns. I 1 New AvertisQmon ra. Hale's Week! O v Tnwniv t.i. j. .! , ' iiiuy n ' CJ'THvr e?K0,Ld Z"l 'J? the jpUljcVtU Democratic Newspaper. : ' ' H Tbese lour woros convey ell the a iCoUirij fProspecru cculd tell: hs ood M thi State; the succees of the Pai-y whicli Is the life of the Mteand the c un rj ; i tte pb acatu.n of a 1 the news these the" oiljfCta proposed, lhat he can do the last and co-.-tribateto tfe firet and H?cond, the satweriber does not affect o dubt. ! 1 he People tave i Wu?n upon cu pastAud, uc uu uuivuudi me iutire. 1 Hale's Weekly will be printed from new and beautiful type and on lair white paper, fheprice will b $i pel annnm. No name will tro upon its mail books withont nvmor. and no paper will be sent alter expiration of! uuo uuib paiu ior. r. M. UALR. naieirn, Bept 15. 1879. sept 16-tr Wanted. JOURNEYMAN PRINTErt,1 Jho can oriDg the highest reeommend&riCEs, rous of a position iri a newppaper j)fflcb in cne country. Will work ebeap. Admire I M., c are of '. . I ! eept 16-tf fA ILY REVIEW Wilmington n, c." N - Tr A. IcnUTTB, Prop, TRE COMMERCIAL, firmerly the "EM 1 1 1 , r ' P1RE H0U8E",havlngbeen thoroughly rcn- i ... ,liU ovated and refitted is now one of the leadir first-class Hotels in . the city. The table auprlied with the best our home and nbr'tb- 1 I ern markets affords. i ' r r. ' Board per Day $2 and $2 50 I Large Sample Rooms for) the Com mercial trade. j j a. Dirst-uiasa War and Billiard llkll connected with this Hotel FREE LUNCH dallr. from 11 a 1 if July 19- I School for Young Ladies. Mies HART, Principal. Assisted by Miss M. BJ BSO WN. Session begins Thursdiy, 2d of OctV. Instruction in Qermaw La noctaoe and LitL eeatcee by Professor Th. VonJasmphd. ""f""" uu i taught by H. Pabblet. 11 Mrs. E. iNsiaciiENTAL Mcsrc under char M. P. .Tavlor. j I all Beginners W9 4 of Mrr UNDIE THE BPEf IA L TbA PaiHcirAt TH K charges moderate. N6 extr charge f-vV lessons in Frehch Languaoi, Vooau Alrsid For particulars, see Circulars at the B stores, or address the j i )b k sepiio Mon a Jbri-tf 1 PRINCIPAt' Organs. 1 1 TO) THOSE WHO WANT ORGANS, I would say that in future I'll keep constant'y on hand a number of FIRST-CLAsjs oR GAN8, wbich ; I will offer, for sale Very Cheap. My stock of SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIONERY is now cLpUti Photograph Booms Connected with Book Store Work fitished np in the very it ityle, at eptl7 YATES' BOOKSTORE. For Srriithville! gTEAM YACHT ELIZA BETH, Capt. D.W.Chadwick carrying United States Mail. Leaves whWf foot of Market street daily (except i"nndays) at 3 P. M. Returning, leave Bmithtiile at 6 A. M. , K. P. FADDlSOrf.i sept 8 A pent. CHAS. KLEIN, Uniertater ani Cabinet ike ffo. 24 Sonth Pront Streetj WILMINGTON, N. b. J 1 A fine asfrrtment of Cofilns and Cast keu constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Yarnished. j Orders by ;tele graph er mail promptly filled. 8 jan'U fj ; . a 1 Hi jThoi. H. HcKoy, Lobt H- McKovi ATTOnrJElffl-AT-LAW WILMINGTON, N. a wmcB flora nae siars:ei. street. Oetwee ecovn ana rear a streets. ian2T4Si ! Warm Sprihers Wwtcrn Horth Carolirlal 1 ' . - . i- 1 . i 18 NOW OPEN for the reception of plea nre seekers an 0 invalids.! I h i This lovely place is situated in the l beauti ful valley of the Frtnch Broad, within eight muee or tne ranro&o. : 1 j We have a fine band of music, attentive t vants, and all other accommodation to be foand at a first-class watering pike?. 1 , For particolars apply for descriotive dsjd- pblet. , W. H. HOWERTON. j june 10 Proprietor, .