T r II - ' it Vr in 6 ill u Si! H i 1 '!! 3 t ti Si! i. , The Daily Review, JOSH. T."' "-JAMES, fid. and Pro; WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY, 8RPTEMBER 1 WOjfDERFUL! DISCOYER11 IS I i FUFTLt. he London Aihcn from Miss Betnam "wii Uutboress,! who Under thisl head, " nm prints a! letter Iviwardd, i lvjI kn! that aLV j iys EUTEREB AT THE POSToFFt f'K AT WiLMIXOTOJ, X. C, AS i5KCOXI (JLA. MATTK. The Chinese keep grapes a loug time fresh, bj cutting a bole in a pumpkin, cleaning it out and after fing with ripe f Hit replac'ng the cover. Stuart Robsou, the .actor, has made a h'i lu Sjn Francifco by making himself coe'j rwemble Beecber when person th c Graftame, the wicked cleigyma in 'Cham pane ard Oysters.' Remark bj Judge MeCredy, in a court at New London, Conn.: "The Sheriff wi!I kincJIy request the geutlemn of the jurj to des'st from eating peanuts. IV h r. iijurbound, of Dijon, haw ius n.H'Je and periecfco a discovery whici e .ab s ni'::, t. C"? inexSi -Hil-i . ftv-o Latural sukt?m- nature, lr lighting u maintuiuipb.a hi a without firl coal.' The lighted and dust, smoke tenth of on; thus: 'I have 3e There is no mi woo i i or can be instantaneously . I. Ihe Pans Globe gives the following statistics of Masonry in France, declaring that they are the beat that can be ascer tained, and are reliable as far as they go. There are 70 grand lodgei and 110 pro vincial grind lodges, "having under them 7,500 lodges. Twelve "high councils Jirft 850 lodges. .There are eight lodges witirh ,;irc sinsiz;d as "independent,' - . itv.i, ur ciciuaeu. mere an thus nearly 8,00 lodges altogether extinguished, is ifree from lmjse ,DC,uae ye?y neirly oOO.OOO active au l trouble, and ciosta onlv a - ' ... I . mary luel. hhe coucJude en tbede fires and stoves take about the matter. It is as clear as possible that here we have economical cjourse of fuel- Two hundred years ago the i discoverer would b'we at)rely been burnt as a wiz ard.' members. It isiaid that the number ot membsrs why have withdrawn from fur ther participation in the brotherhood, r may be characterized a3 4,iudifferent," or inactive, amounts to between two and three miiions. 21UUHltliJ FtiU.MD GUILTY- going and don't want anvthincr vnn nkn't The Comptroller of the State pf Geor have.' j gia, hkvin f)een impeached for the em- Jou Cok is at TicoDderoga cipher- f jund guilty ceive his sen is f, 'Mamma, can't we have anything we warn T " Ydb, my deare, Jbut be ouref nl j i - j ; I- O i. : b..zement Jf the uublic funds, hka been lu8 out tuti reason why the unknowa i " . i -. ' v I.!.. J 7. and he .will probably re ence to-day. Being four-d jrever debarred froaa holdiu guilty fie again office dif trust, honor or emolument in the Htatel together with such other punishment as the Court may see fit to in l i i i . rlict. j i I This is; as it should I bit' pitpcnderance of the luminous ego cuuieb tiio hettrogeneous infiuiiy of the deplorable bioplast j to give way boiore ttie laughter of the soul at itself St Albans jAdverti&er. 1 The bell-punch is generally supposed t be a modern invention, but it wab evidently in use in Macbeth s time, irom the fact that he svs : Go bid be. If a Dublic thv mistresp. whon mv ririr;Ir is ruariu i - i i.- ... - Miscollaneous. AGENTS WAMTKO For the Best and Fa8te8t-8elli jr Pictorial Books Red Bible?. Prices reduced 3'i per.cent. ' Nat'oval Fib lishinq Co.," Philada , l'a., 't'an'a, (t., r rit. Louis, Mo. p.pt 11 (f jf)A re turns in 30 days on $l(K);iu J)lZUUveted. Oflhcialrepbrtsand infor- madoii free. Like rotit wetlj oh Htock optirme t to i 0. Addres. T. I'ottr W er , 35 Wi l St., N. Y. igat & Co., Bank-t-tt 11 I CMUllbO $100 or $iK I EU MuN-TH 'Uirn-g Fii ad Winter. For tail paMicuiars adcu &s, J. C. iiCv UKDY dc Ol., Philadelphia, Pa. sept ll.4w Miscollaaoous. THE BEST the world SOLD, BY si5co:go ! fin 7" BEWARE FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS WhiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, nm BAND mSTRTJMEITT CATALOGUE. Our nevr catalogue ot Band Intrumruts,ilusic. Suits, , Cap, Baits, Pouchee.Pom' pons. Drum Majors' Staffs and Bats, Epaulets, Cap Lamps, Stands, and Out fits contains Mo pafres of information for musician. Mail.-d free. Address LYOX ii HEALV. 162 Stat St., Chicago, HI. sept ii-iw :a ct a circus " Gam bet I a does not like to be a spectacle. The crowds that follow when ha st''r abroad ennoy h:m eifetdiDgly. lie has h.t upoa theexpr. :ent of fir.t goi-jg to h 'ht" cjuatry p!ce, near Paris, when . . . about to ita. . on a journay, and tjtace coder a false name. The imp ovemeat in the iron fidustry al ove- the country ?s very d t-cided. . At New A'bany, Ind., merchant 'ron has coaevpSU. ra'lroad iron 310 to .tw.lmav :have been ever so- -stronL' vet vry man present ranked es at- ot - w - t I " : , " ' l 1 I . I . , . excuse. ue. ur exceP me judj.S. iMvw wijeaoH xinaos. official betrave the trust which a people Bae strike upon the bell. Bob'ou has reposed in him, having every confi "c;ai liuiieun. , ,1,,.,, H, his hn.it. an,i inof".iL It was iu Belion.B?)! county, T:xp T " I rrrJ r . He got out in front o.fembree & K y't tMi uuiui ui auj iu.m. atore, and ofl;.rad a reward of 25 .or confidence whatever. The temptation a Tsn lieutenant. It sail ir- vain, pig Iron $3 50 to $9, and iron e 50c. per ton, a'l witr a tke p t 3nt year. The rol'"cg m;rg a e now a:1-an;i)g to run :ght and day. Suaday evening concerts of a devo tional can continue to flourish in New York. At fhe one given lastSunday ev nia at tbi Madison,Square Garden, MUe. Aiooee sang the drinking song from "Girofle-Qirofla." There is a .stem Pur itan'im about New York that . leaves the ! , original Puritans, down inNw EughmJ, all out ia the cold. Mr. Archibald Forbes is said to intend Making another lecturing tour. If he be on'y as successful in this as in his last expedition of the same kind he will be a forUnate man. He ' was "run' -as the jlng goes, by an imprcsar 10 , and his alary anteunted to $450 a week- with expenses. On the 1st of February he tarts'oS ia America New York proba ably with "Royal People I Have Knowa.' The A. T. Stewart of Cincinnati died m Wednesd ly last. John Shillito. born at Greensbnrg, Pa., on the 24th day of I Horember, 1808, started, as a clerk in Cincinnati, flityfive years ago, and f radially acquired immense wealth in the dry goeda trade. Mr. Shillj; there is nio Bhajow of Xot a penny of ;the money belonged to The agricultural interest. Landlord him, nor did he have even a usufructuary (t0 tenant . who has given up itirmiag ititerest therein, I J is j position clothed at the nd oi his leuse to await b. Uei him with! a! sacred fiduciary interest in time) 'Woii, Jackson, how j do you the funiis df the btate and that he be- V" F?Tl ., . n 1 . :. i uot too wolf, my lord ; but I hud it trayed in thje desire to at-am wealt'j, ciieaper than letting you live ou u.'-- jepord:zing he ift tgritv, prosperity anJ London Pauch. GO years old, and e7ery honor of the StatSe iu.the hbpel ihat his I aoa pit person scate-smausL'in which lurevei decars those s? runaw hn'lfflnftrtinna fh ma.-,A,. ; i- I I-" --'?v--aw-iwvio VUU JLLA W LXl W I V 1 ,. .1 .1:-! , . ml prtfepectd might Jbe improved nowand:iie 1 aieeta relick wto k;ew ,j- . .. t me 45 yeare ago, nd remembers sba.e :y. 1 ,s a Wepohcy and patriotic dtViitry 1 iv8 gjilty of then Ain t i trust, who violate Un important public frcm holdiug any office of honor, trust or emolument. of those things, and how weak it ennything good a feller mav liavt dentally done ? Josh Billings. While the LAW AA'D ORDER IV TME T? A V STATE. ! h i i : ! . iNortnern newspapers are -fuming over what they are pleased to f ! - i ' term the j'shot-guu j policy '; of the South, and we are subjected to every conceivable abuse froii those j immaculate "freedom shriekers, " we would respectfully suggest that all is not mild 'and serene and lovely in the. land of the puritans. If they is ov t cci- !-. SANFORD'S LEVER INV2G0HAT0R is a Standard Family Ktmedy for diseases of ine i mr, Momacti ana boweif.-i It is Pure ly Vegetable. It ntrer Debilitate. It is Cathartic and Toj.ic. It has been usd in in v p actice and by the public, lor more tliar 35 years witu unprectder.ted resu'ta. 8eni for Circular. S T. W, SANFOkD, M. D., 162 Broadwav. Neve York Citv. AnyDrugi t will tfeil jou ita reputation, eer-t 11 ''PAlFllONSEIIS,'"' rpilF, DEMAND FOR THIS ELEGANT FLOfJK has. induced us to double our orders. A oar load in to-dty. OEOKGK M Y tKS, 11, 13 and 16 South' Front St. 1 YELLOW FEVER BLACK YGMIT. It iA-osoon t forget the ravgs of this terrible dit-eaie, whicfi w.li no doubt relurn in a more ina ignant and virmen form in the fall months of 1879. AIerrkll's HtPATiMt, a Kemedy di covered in Southern Nubia aod ued with ench v?on derful resnlts iu South America where the most aggravated cases of fever are found, pauses from oi,e tj two ounces of bile to be filtered or strained irom the blooi each tiice it p assess through the Liver, as lonj? as an ex cess of bile exists. By its wonderful action on the Liver and. Stomach the HEPAT1NS not only prevents to a certaintv any kind of Fever and Black Vomit, but also cures Headt ache, Constipation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia and all Malarial diseases f oone reed fear Yellow Fever who will expel the Ka'arial Poison and excess of biie from the blood bv nino' '1ifpiiiiTT,a Frmin.r which is sold by all Druggists in 25 cent anc I f'f N A BOTTLE. 25 TUBS ELE tANT SW. ET BUTTKk, At reduced prices. 25 TUBS LARD-without water. Pig Pork, Fu"ton Market Beef, Smoked Beef, Breakfast Strips, Cream Cheese, 100 cases ard packages of choice Goods in to tc diy. 1,0.0 pounds Confectioneries. 41.C0 bottles, or willbesei t by exi-resbv the Philadelphia, Pa. Proprietors. Tli'tt fof i , eryiKnowia to ti,J,'3'.fl More Use ;for QS ?5 fr i "1WU tjueuytll for and Healtblfor All AN OPEN LETTUR SJl Believing that b cleansing ii j buddmy up the eon.h-i.fi " g trle ' l fn- wa.- of bani hibe auea-e ami k" e!'h with wMkne... St the lUn be"J' njuch broken dotn in SZi, , J after try, afi: the heet phvl,, u!?P"' M out my money tpr many kindTLr t advertised without tindina I of ffif'c i out my monev tU"-nd I, if i.-r" luaueirom roots anriiK.KJ , ""Jic discovered a wonderful di ter, CJeanser,thelirt bottle ofwhicSwll' h ute and vigor, and in thWflecS e r ' nent cure. I was t,ee trbm cat:rr?lj P'4' became strong and soand, beinabumfJ lu J the mt severe cold and Upo gained over thirty pouLds in l-fjA1 ng confident that I had; nlWl .U Dr Pemberton's Stillineiaor Queens Delight. L The reborts of wonderful owr&a Rheumatism, Sdrofula, Salt Kheum, Syphi lis, cancer, Ulcers and Bores, tht come from bora.' I found tue medicin ' ' 1 all oarts of the country, are not oniv remark- I wonderful cure of a 1 diT.. ll- tb! i able but so mirArn Inna a t ha ii..kci e i . 't ao Cim-d . 1 it not for the abundance of rroof. Bad Stomal, .w "j.e5 f .ilf'Prud. 4xema Kaoie tare dt Scrotula, &c. disCove.y in medicine, I Dri.rLk- fa" 4 ot he Rfot Bitters, fad Wtf' ffivmn t-em awav tcfu.Vt f,.. J ,e rtv''- 4 UAJi (juh. J. c. BRANSON. Kingston, Ga., Sept. 15, 1871 iiscoery in this way Spread frLi(! tj another until I foubd mrnelf 't ..! rm-iMj panenia with skin us a rest" for a wou'd consent to "give snort season, we would suggest that the interim nvght j be profitab readiDg the! following: Fall llii'ER, Mass, Sept y filled by 17 -By far -i,.r J '-; . ' w nil au in most SriAmPtn nntra ra f u . worth Tral milhoas of dollars. He was committed by strikers this afternoon, abstained Irom inU.-ferenc.rin politics, was Fight French faniiiies, comprising be close la big attention to business ' and twfnLf,eventy and eighty men, women 1-keral in h't donations t,wi,.. l' it f, fuunt nere to-day va VUAUb' ble objects. The St. Gothard tunnel through the Alps is being pushed rapidly to comple tion. Four thouand men are now en gafed in tke work, aad iresj hands are Uken on .very day. The tdvance is at tke rate of very nearly eight metres on tue noon train from Boston from Sorel panada. I liuy have never worked in a cotton mill, arid ire to work at the Staf lord and; Cresdent mills, The ccmpany was divided iijto two paitiet; one i was taken to the Stafford mills aDd the other to a block on l)avis street. It was eub sequently decided: to remove the; latter partytd a house in !the rear of the Cres- I'Otir mill 4J... X 1 1 1 (lav . and nn Anr At.- .i .... Inn . Ii "J iub icngin sun to ue party consisted !of two j men, beside be bored was 1,186 mtres, so that the tbe aent vho brought them here four . fennel will probably be finished bv the w.Faea aQ'd 1 e maiud-r were boys and od ef this year or tbe be-innln- ofn-zt SI a hf hteen yar8 of a8 flown- T1,4maV. x', oe'nnm. 01 n?it. ward. As the party came out on the xam muiDg i tbe Mont Benere brauch street thev Were hOotUrl ut hv a ofr.Tir,? ..e will be commenced on the 1st of October, wo"ieu; children! ami a few men, and a aud 1U completion is expected to coincide f?w btu' '8 were thrown! To make the with that of the main line 8?ore.st cut took what is known as . t ' the stom crusber lotj where they1 were alatrimonial fairs are st:M kept upin assaultt-d by a cr jwd InuaiLer- tae south of Ireland, where all the 4J:kelv ln 150 ! Versl,lj8. itmostly ! men oys and girls' in the parish are on view , e : i '1'"11 l n . VltW showers, and QU of the m m.vj uiAki.ucs 111 .nfl a r. otoH. I - . i 4 l . . i lrtMl,w. . , . . j .-uc. va3 6o lougiiry assaulted uiat ? mau wLo - j- mere is quite a st:r in the witnessed tne whole all drJ said he did uol neigUDornood, and a twitter run.-, tWi, pect to see b m come !t Beauiiflers ! Ladies, you canuot muke fiiii rosy cheeks and sparkling j eyes w i n all the cosmetics of France, or beautifiers! of the worid, while iu poor health, and oothiug will give you tuch go d health, strength, buoyant spirits and beaut fy:a llop Bitters. A trial is certain proof. See another column. The Sew ,'dunny Souths G 15, 13, & 16 THE BEST AND HANDSOMEST PAPER IN AMERICA. EO. M FEES, outh Front Ht. Dry and 5?x-Dry JULES MUSN & CO'rt V erzenay. Fresh Wines Just in at Agents' prices. Every variety of Wines, B andies, ""l 1 J i whs anaiqaor8; De!monico Club House. Blue Grass, Sweet Mah. GEO. MYERS, 11, 13 and 16'Front St. 5 Cents WILL BUY A GENUINE ROSA C sb'lA Segrar H avana. They cost $?0 per m Get a good Segar at half price. aug 13 GEO. MYERS, 11, 13 A 15 Front St. Headquarters for Ale Laer Beer and r(ertei :No. 5 Market Street them iu perfect f ... j ii i ut of it alive. the entire female population, 'i i.p- i , was Sveit1-K kicked, ad was bruised eve.y grl you meet on the load 1 olds out m hcr armsj was kmkked down and kicker' her kand for a sixpence, and vou can't a. lm,Ie. bo abijut seven (years old wrta peak to a domestic servant wi w,f J !" .u. n Ui ?aSe W all the little child- w a-uvruu lllll I I Mil 1 T'l Send for it at Once See Our Club Rates- rpHE "SUNNY SOUTH" is now trie moi 1 .1 Ll . . i . . r-i weeiviy 01 tne age. it conns out in an entire new dress and new make-up generally and ia overflowiie witn the richest md Rni ciest matter if the day oems, Essays atones, Aews of the Week, Wit and Humor. 1 "cwo "u-Bi, jLouoesuc Jua;rers, JUetters roin, all Sections. Notes of Tmvl. PnT,c Ohess, rroblms. Marriaces. Dentha Hoitv, N ; - , P. J HI Ote8. Person al. Mtoira Nno SA . i. Southern 8ocietv. Fa&hion Notes with P'aop AIe Lager Beer and Porter, both W ar, Answers to uoresponder.ts, Bi grraphies wit rortraits ot disUngui-hed men and women pings, Correspondents Column, Local Mat ' - -miMc, ouv iuiuuic t ii i i.i i r I :t I upon an suDj-cts. Is it posfible to uiakee paper more complete ? Get a copy and ex amine it. u now circulates in All the Stater uU lOMiiunes, In c-ngiana, Ireland, Cana da, Australia, Brazil, and th Inriitn iv.f; It is rea 1 an honor to the Mouth and our .pi. are proua ot it, and every oue should take it immediately. i The price is only $2.50 a year. We will send the "Sunny Soutn" a..d the Daily Kkviw one year for $6, o-f we will send the "WllTlt.1T J -n, V 1 -X 1 TT ""ULU anu tne wiluington Jooa- mal, one year lor $J.60. iuc, auii i wb nir.ucea to f stabile aiur lor comnounairiir Gents: For rutctn vars I have been a fitters in large Quantities great auflerer from Scrofula in its most dis- m.time to this business -c.-o.i-jg loriiJB. i i?ave Deen to n ed to my I 1 roo.-ii anJ be, for fifteen vals with pcrofn. nay I.-.., .1 .. " r u,: . ;. ' i "-ji,u iuuo uiKcruiiuuD. jne most tinrn?prt romo. ui ueiusj a Daient inpilpu J dies for snnh nan.. h.H K-. -.. sinall oarTitjil hn- r L....-j IT D(1 W1'l - M l V U U V most eminent physicians consul any decided benefit. rlhua nr CCD u, ucopuuumg, i was aaviseu Dy lir. K5io auu uuuiry aeaiers, and the ifonr,i A , , ."j u viuuijr, io commence i v oi;ciTeij irom Dersrt -. r "'i "ooi ;uui yompouau r.xtract cuiUDgia. F1 c mai no remedy evL'rVit auguage is as insufficient to describe tke re- ucd gooa in so Bhort atinend ti.d. i M lief I obtained from th use of the iStillinjzia flucctBU as the Hoot Bitteirs. In ifac- i '-4, as it is to convey an adequate idea of the in convinced that they will soon talje 'thc ( tensity of my t uffering before ueing- jroar of H other medicines ih nso. I ea! It medicine j sutHciit to sav, I abandoned all hundred retail drufzjristsjritrht iere it'h.n Cleveland, now sell Root Bitters. go.n, . have already sold oyer Ue th. u.-,.- r andbott!int , ''. I was ar first backward in pmentiu: i . yaalf or discovery in this way ; the i,.'' t beiu? a patent mpd,ni,. L.J.sr1 ised. and the BIoall capital, but I am getting jbraW.r ilted, withoot h,lt' Since I first adverted tkiim.;. rostrated, ais- l.have been crowded witn orderg fLm other remedies iLd ocDtinued th use of y u in Cleve Extract of Stillinfria, unt.l I can say truly, whom hi 'I am cured of all painj" of al duease. with bottles. BotLing to obstruct the active pursuit of my Ro Bitters are strictlv a medical proiessioii. Alore than eight months have anon, such as was used in the rood rid . i eiapsea since this remarkable cure, without 01 our loretathers, -when) people w.r cur t uy lciurui i ineaisease. ! uy oome simple root of p For the truth of the above statement, I re- calomel and other pois6os icr 10 any g-entiema in Bartow county, Ga., KinRaom were unknown; and to the members of the bar of Cherokee rircuit, who are acquainted with me. I shall eyer remain, with the deepest gratitude, 1 our ooeaient servant, J. C. BKANSOX, Atty at-Law. irvri'. Iwtt 1 A MIRACLE. West Point Ga., Sert. 16, 1870. Gents: Mv daurhter was tafcren nn th.zn day ot June, 1863, with what was supposed to be Acute Rheumatism, and wa tretd for tthe came with nosuccess. in Jbarch. follow ing, pieces of bone began to work out of tho ant, and jof the"; n.in.:4 Ihev acc etronirlv on tf litror t:. ,i kmf . r- . .1 ..l.'.f.iliiir-. eep the bowels regular and toiid up i:i nervous system. 'I hey perttra.e efei v in of the body, searching out every Iert ( bone and tissue from the head to tie fr, cleansing and strengthening the (oonuii springs ol lite, hencej they , must racb all distases by ptiriticatibn and nouriatfmenu i.iu uianer wuai your leeungg or symptom 11 p ko. t t are, what the disease, or ailment is, ue he 1 Hitters. Don't wait! until vou are sirk. hv if you only feel bad; or n.i8vrab!e,;n!et!i miters at once, it may eave your life. Thousands of persons in ail parts fof tir onntry jare al read $ using I Hoot ."jbitterj They have saved many lives kt C'niu!oiiTi: rignt. arm, and continued to annenr till ll who bad been given up by frieDd8and;DlT;i. the bone from the elbow to the shoulder ioint cians to;die, and have IpermanenUf curJ cme out. Many pieces of bon cum nnt nt many old chronic cases of Catarrh, scrota, l the right foot ana lej?. The nas wj hn Rheumatism, Dyspepsia.! and Skin - Di-',, pronounced one of White Swelling. After where all other treatments bad fadedJ . a.e unviug ueen connnea about six years to her 1 ;u,"uuu'eu wim sick neaaacne, cpsuTftoi. bed, and the case considered hocftless. T whq dizziness, weakness, bad tatte In i.tlje n)( uri- induced to try Dr. Pemberton'n ComnonnH nervousneps,and broken down inllcobstitlu noi.t Extract of Stilliogia, and was so well satis- You will be cured if you take iioct Hji i-n. fied with its effects that I have continued the ave.ya humors and pimleB )n yourta e use of it until the present. j or Bkin? Nothing; will give you fiich " d My daughter was confined to her bed about health, strength, and beauty as Hoojt flit- six yeats before she sat up or eventurned ter'- 1 ! I i over without he'p. She now sita up all day know that jealous j phys;c;api wi and sews most of her ti:ce has walked across cr humbug because my discovery cufei t. iue room. Her general health is now good many of their patieuts, b t I care LOtl hii and I hnlipiro aha tit! II ao V. ' HOW TT17 HenirA anA rltr.rrr,intinn fnf nllfl ( ) N YOU WITH THE 3 ESI strength, walk well. I'a'to-ibute her recove- mT Hoot Bittere as fast aspoA'ible witrjin thej I I ry, with the blpgsirg of God, to the use o reach of ali thosi suffering throughout tf .y our in vamaoie medicine. With i gratitude woria foia oy wnoiesale and retail to I am; yours truly. ! W. B. BL ANTON. gists and country merchant,! or eent tyex- West Poikt, Gi., Sept 16, 1870. bottk'd, in the city. p' country orders promptly Att-n tn uieuts, butitlio alaijui ili' e, who hap ened nand in a lew iuu ou V.. ""ca.uuei' avweil SS tne I jldffr r.fir. J k Vr , ,dl8t,e- u the sons in tbe pa.ly. ( The party" separated ay of the 'Sbraftlng' the guis s: uid in a ud, ran i3iil rent dire :t:ons, whicL fw on the tillage green, while he bovs ' uroike1lU0 crowd. fll.e police Wtre sum- they are called, clor - u,eu'. 3 1U Jwuf W I and tiie little dUTlM. drocao1 i .. . . l.. i F 1 vW iuvir oc-si, put wear ov, were wu, eneepish as possibl-. The ial basinesa of the occasion, however, is done hj the paren s on both sides. The Probate Office in "London is a won dtrful treasure house of valuable auto, graphe. It has lost that of Napoleoa I wnoee will, with Its codici The "'Sunny Houth" and Boys and Girl of the; Suth" will be furnished one year fo f3 50,i with a lare and majrmhe-ht pictar thrown in. may 17 le for Actdresa this office, or J. H. W. B. SEALS, a Atlanta. Ga. yourielf. OentsrThe ab ve certificate of Mr.W. B. derful cu-es.'s Bjanton we know and certify to as being each battle of w juic iiiijjj us bo; nunareas or the moBt respected citizens will certify to it. As much cicicuue tn oe jriven as may be required. Yours truly, ORA WriORD k WALKER, Druririrts. HON. H. D WILLI A Alt. tUkKli ie Tin u i i. . i.-,,. . i " ciuucj wit b ifuiiinpria is pre pared by A. F. iMerrell St Co., Phila., Fa ( Scld by all Druggists inj $1.00 bottler, or sent by express. Agents wanted to cacyass everywhere. j LCUU 'r "curious itory" free to -leucines eent to poor people payable may 28 press on receipt of price. $1.00 per bottle, or six Dome jo uu. or certificates oi;won pee m y large ?ircu;'ar arooul Head andjadgeiur I ,!!! medicie, I. I 1 I:' iftSiuAsk your rufferist I or! merchani for KAZlEk'S HOOT BITTKB-, 8 F ilood Ch arisen, and take no subititiitehm' ecommrnd became he mikeu a large profct. G. V-. iKkAJ-ZEK, Discoverer aoi superior rsi., vi.eTciru Fors de by J. O.I all in instalments. Fa civen approach aud tbelcrdwd had dispensed luraeof the isaaulled nartv had -r.r araled Irom Uiir fnenb, but are retorted to have been' louud with quamtai-ces jin another I part of the cuy More m I.gnkion ,?s expressed by the lehi Is, executed at eus ai-inis Ouuae than at ti1Q ...i... xiat dve pecurrea. rne cowardly assault S. toa, w proved in Doc.o,,' Cm. SS.!' W.') moM, but waacoollj set aside by the have "et 4" niade. j" ' . French coarts. When his nenhw aJ ' Northern Kepublicans I - .i u ii j n a. iMniiH (Vij tKrr.. c . . i . ; - -"tuo ui riauce me impe rial will o m.- Vvl ... - l i . , . our icuat'rea to nim . 31. . 1 mua 9j xapo.eoa III his uncle's tesU Bentarr iirwitin - . . jt ' " v,io arrieu oui n man to vote iu Rhode Und, and tihevwili not a'low even wo' i men CoiomaLuer C and children to labor for an honest liv ng in Massachusetts- mttun of the i Britiah their latarritv inp1n.i;n .i.. .1 i.u legacy of navv aavn th.,t h . irA 'i L, 2,000 franca U the Subfficer Can ti l,. ' . 7 . " L , T !v 1 tele WW had been tried for an hi iL E J". t Jate the Duke of Wellington in HehaSS 2S Can. drurn.ereantvS tilleconld not be discovered, but at for miles with great rapidit it. be ITof ZTf0nnd' f I"7 ,d maD' drum eiaS mal in .crd r.v 5., B 8UcT m i aris. a previous arrangement pf si -nah,. A Sure Cure for Piles. i . A SURE CURE for the blind, bleedin?, itching and ulcerated piles has been dis- vuTerea oy ir. William (an Indian remedy) called Dr. William's Indian Ointmer.t. A ia0 tiirou iae worst oia enronie wBeaui iwentj-nireand thirty vears'otandiD? No oae ned suSer five minutes after applr-i-K this wonderful soothing medicine Lo tions, instruments and electuaries do more barm than good. William's Ointment ab sorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching ( particula, ly at night after getting warm in bed), acts as a poultice, civea instant painless relief, and is prepared only for Files. Eanal tn qtitt .'i'nL ; -r i . , itchinK of the private Part3 and nothiae eisl x(uai 10 7 ameer in the Market ! iVlanchester Yarn. !' 25 Bales MANCHESTER YaIiN. I ' . ;' i A superior quality, just received. Munds andTl S. Burbii, march 26ih eow-C4, jt mm w w m w m UWLY iy DOLLARS ! .j PENNSYLVANIA IBIfiER 1ACH1E Ties- Salt, Bagging, fSllll oacis LIVERPOOL SALT. w . - I i Htriped Sack?, 1200 Vhcleand Ha,f Bo8 BAOOLNtt) 3500 Bundle9 Sew ties, j 1 000 do P'cdTIEg. parts and nothing else I consulted physicians in Philadel phia, Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and iiiio chj, ana spent .hundreds of dollars, an j found no re ief until I obtained a box of Dr. William's Indian Ointment sme four month! au it nas cure me completely." Joseph M. Ktdkb, Cleveland, O. 'Has done me more good than all the medi cine I ever tried, and I rave aoent mnr $100 with doctors, besides medicines I am cure cost me more than $10." David Sparling, Ingraharn, III, Have suffered twentr veara with itrh; and ulcerate t Diles. hivim? ned dy that case to myj notice without benefit until I used Indian Ointment and rect-iTt-r immediate relief, i I Juui OaaaoL. (an eldmi er) Tecoma, 5ev. No Pile Remedy ever! rained m-. rapid favor and extensive sale, ttold by at wholesale and retail druiata. For sale bv J. C. Munds and T. S. BuxbanJu J a.T,be.aboTe eat rePresents the most popular - tyJe for the ie-nlA. whioh r.ri. i L T , - t - r - - - U J JU IDT . ..j .ww i-iito ui i9, m'-iuainiz attach- "jcuio. Jmr ttememner. wa do nn .v to ray until you have seen the machine. Tfe Atier havine esamined it. if it is not .Til represent, re;ura it to na at our expense neit your ia:erests and order at once. If vou lire within seven hundred miles the '6ui, win noi more tbaa one dollar. Address, PecHsylrania Sewing Maiine Co., .17 m. i utn street, Philadelphia, Pa. aug 29-wtf ... Bagging and Ties. OTTOS BAGvilXG AND TIEa, Flour, Bacon. &c. 1000 Bb!s Fresh Flour, I 'Jf6n khXen-? moed Sides, t O bb s City Mess Pork, I 7a Tuba Choice Rrr,;iTr T j 125 Bbls Sugars, Cr.shed, Granulated I F0 Bbts and Bnip Fro.K T 175 Bags Coff,e, all iPadci, "T" M . RS.LStaoP tarcb, .wwou, , er a wine. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISOV eept 15 Wholesale Gro. A rr. Sir Theodore' Joseph,1 Corner of Harnett & Salisbury jSt ' i i ! One Corner West Raleigh Jfiticnal Baoi. - RALEIG a,N.0. ' -i ' j I Board by the day or on th( European r lS W-vtifACtion irarrantaed in evwify ptrticmJ!' My bar Is supplied wiih Pincbe'ji (Joll? Wedding, 1870, Gibson's ISTl.Hye.-'Pfifsf, A and C. and many mnre nf the T ii.eJ brands of Rye and j Kentucky Boarho : oet lUf j- . I Furniture. TUST KECJEIVED FKD1! FACMU i ' large iussortinent of Walnut and Go to 'JOHN OAKR'JLL'S BAR. Hetween Front and Water Streets if 1 wanf a first-class drink put ut iT th- y tyleoftbeart. Fancy at th s Bar-! Onl tis- k.. nr... mJFc1tJ adt of FURNITURE, which Great Bargains. feb 19 D. i Call and exV-i I S III H Employment I Want N THIS CITY OR ELSEWI doors, outbid a orf on the rof a stnall salary. Address, iuly 22 ! v.-l Wilminetot i. man. writini? or cnvasiri2 orjrtrs rtAMcJYT.iMOr.ta T M A r ta.ri'l 14 11 with; trade in all its branchfJ Fl 1 give h-.s undivided time aud.besS eto?ts I Mr na Li i w Houses and Stores tdBf1 APPLY TO THE IVlcKOYS Attorneys and Counsellors mch 20 aow-dAw "or tale by .ept 15 HALL A PZARSALU Ofllce'NorthSide Market u. hftwetr yjr -f rj