THIS PAPER IipoU-hed every AfUraoom, Baadayi -eepted by JOSH. T. JAMES, EDITOR AND PROMtlXTOX. sUBSCKIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID, jce year, $5 00 8ix months, $2 60 f Three moBthi, $1 15 ; One month, 60 cent. The pPer wiU D delivered bJ carrien, :r. of charge, in any part of the city, at the .bore rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertising rates low and liberal j-Hutfcriberi will please report any and ,u fftilureito receive their paper rejrularlj. LOCAL NEWS. Sew Advertisements. Y Aits' Book Htere and Ptoto Rooms A W'rrd. I). A Skits Go For Rant. J. V. Oarrell For Rent. H. F. Mitchell A Son Corn, Pearl Horn- in?-. Oati, Kje An. K. M. Mtl.HT.'RB Daily Arrivals. (kkharit A Ce Buggies, Harness, Ac. Vei d Clyde's Steamship Company. y. C. Millkr Babyjrup, Ac. BoiiwRiQHT AMcKmt To heir Country Friends. P. Hi8R'ta You Will Always Find A LTiFf br A Price Hash, Doora, Blinds tnd Ornamental Woodwork. f. U. Fishblate Proposals. J H, ArxEK Bemoyal. Uyo Mtbrs Steamer Passport. head Uaha A Goodman's local ads. H. 9. Manniho, Sheriff 8tate and Coun ty Taxes for 1879. A. A I. Shrirr -Fall and Winter Cloth ing - , - Mud and sloBh everywhere to-day. Wood is scarce and in demand. Wii dow Glass ah .sizes at .Altaffer & l'rices. t The exchange that credits, respects your writes. Courtesy comes from a good heart, and is perennial. It is a sea-rious thing to see a mao half-beas over. " Window Glass of all sizes at J acobi's Hardware Depot. Fur bar steel, iron and carriage goods go tu Jacobi's Hardware Depot. J Stylish stockings are getting to be al nost as costly as jewels. Ladie Neck Ties 5 cents. Hahn & Goodman, Fourth street. f .It a wise railroad stock that knows its own par nowadays. Most reds are dependent upon the presence of iron for their color. The Lange i Magnussen, sailed from Lisbon on the 3d inst. for thii port. Cotton bagiug seems to be one of the principal articles of import here now. Mass nieetiHg resolutions are like ji rked beef, always cut and dried when used Br baique Jl'Uu Moore, Fielding, sailed from Liverpool, on the 17th inst., for this yort. Nor. barque Ji 'rage . Christiansen, from this port for London, passed Deal on the 7th iust. . Elegant Neck Ties for ladies, 5 cents Hahu it G odman's, Fourth st. f Kussian ha: que Ecliptic, Johansen, from this poit for Higa, arrived at Copenhagen ou tLe 17th inst. Col. S. L. Fremont has just made a flying visit to this city. He called to see u yesterday afternoon and left last night ou his return to Savannah. The Norwegian barque Princess Cyda, from Sewig, Norway, arrived at Smith- ville yesterday afternoon. Ladle s' Ties. E'egant Neck Ties at 5 and 10 cents. & Goodman, Fourth sf. f Capt. Juhn H. Alleu has removed hi jewelry establishment to No. 6, West side South Front street.where he will be hap- py to see and serve his friends. Mr. J as. C. Stevenson, who has been North j urchasing stocks of goods for his two stores, returned Saturday evening. We sell all our best Calicoes at 6 gents Hahn & Goodman, Fourth st. f Enforce th law which prohibits the Be.lingof graps on Market, between Water and Second streets. Workmen are engaged in repairing the bridge on Fourth street, over the railroad tiacks. It is now impassible. Jas. H. Carraway has opened, in con nection with his barber shop three nice bath rooms. Toey will be supplied with both hot and cold water. Strangers in the city should not fail to vi ir- tbe S sh Factory-, foot of Walnut street. j The best W indows, Dx)rs and Blinds and Lowest Pricea can be got at Jacobi's Jdardware Depot. J Tuose interested will take notice that Mayor F ishblate advertises that proposals H be received until Saturday next 27th t., lor proposals for keeping the city pumps at the fire cisterns in repair foe one year. i j- m . i - - - ,,jje - I : J- ' . i , U i !. ' i i ! : ' I' I." 1 ' J I : ' - I TIE, DAILY. 1 EEYIEW. I - ! , E ! I - r 1 t I I t i ! 1 ' ! ! , i: ' ' , .1 ! 1 i - i VOL. IV. i WILMINGTON, N.G., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1879. NO.19 1 1'nrauilable There are unmai.'able papers at thej Postoffice in this city addressed to Aaron Foy, Eastorer, S C, and M. 8 J C Sander 8jn, Pollock8vilie, JonVs county, N C. Rains pn Ulack Liver We have information frcin the Black Kiver section which says that the raius of the past few days have been very severe in ihat icinity, an'd a considerable irehet i to be expected. Wue her it has resulted in serious damage to any of j the crops; we have not bc-en able! to ascertain, but pit I i i i i sume that it has not. The tape Fear. Steamboatniju report a rise iu the Cape Fear ot about eighteen iucaes, with the water still rising. Te A. P. Jlurt made her trip without , any delay and ar rived here on time. 'Capt. VVorth thiuksi that, there jill be g.od'water in the river, but that there have not yet been rains enough to cause a large freshet. ! Colored Base Ball . A. baseball club, to be known as the Oxford Base Ball Club,!wa oigauized by I I i I ! I - .the colored mbnuf this city on h riday even ing last . They are now id active preparation forthefcState Agricultural! Fair to be held in Ealeigb in November uext. propose to be well uniformed; and They to by the chamDion; colored-base bali;sts of th State. i I Personal, j The London (Eugland) GazrUe of Au gust 2tkh. , reports that Major and Brevet LieuteuaDt-Colonel Luke O'Connor, V. C, of the 23 J regiment of Foot, has been promoted 10 a full Colonelcy n the Uiitish army. Col. O'Connor is a brother of our esteemed townsman, Mr. Dan. O'Connor, to whom we offer our congratulations on the military 'advancement1 of his brother across the wa'er j Well Said. A cotemporary wisely says: "What out couuty needs to day more Xhan the I I ! manufacturer, the mefchant or the lawyer, is the fa mer. ltj seems, however next to impossible to getipeope to rall'z the tact or to act on it when they dej- iteofthe h'trd t mes yorn men continue luungo around large c!tias, where ! there is i.o hipe of employment, waiting for something to turn up, and xjtterjy ueglecjtiug the op portunities that are presented ?u the coun try. The tiuth is, p;eople now-a days aie too much afraid of hard work, and de cidedly object tjo that sort of living which has to be earjned by the sweat of the brow. They had rather live by the sweat of somebody else's brow, if th y cau. ! The Latest Snake Story. As a party of young men were in the woods in Grant township, PeLder county, a few days sincJ hunting after some beet cattle that had stirayed away, they sud denly came upon a lot "Vol rattlesnakes . One of the young s menj named Hubert Hawkins. secu;3d a good stick and made war upon the reptiles, and succeeded in killing every one of them. , There were in all 21 rattlesnakes and one rattlesnake pilot, making 22 in all. . Til's occurred in a locality where rattlesnakes are sel- i ; I j dom seen, and ft is something remarkable that so many should be found collected together and a matter of congratulation that they were all destroyed. ' County Commissioners. The Board of County, Commissioners met yesterday at2:S0 p.' m, presen r, Col. W. L- Smith, Chii rjoan, and Commis sioners A. J. Grady, Jj A. Montgomery and H. A. Baggt i I The minutes of the las meeting wire read. and approved. The taxbook8' lor'jhe county of New Hanover lor the year itsy, being scorn . lefs, were furnished o ithe Board by - I j I M. Cronly, Esq., examined, found cor rect, and accepted. , ' ' i S. H. Manning, Sheriff pf New Hano ver county, tendered jti e "additional bonds required by the Board, $40,000 for j the collection of county, j poor, school and special taxes, land i $25,0Q0 for the collection ! of i public, taxes, aggregating with his old bond $90,000, with sureties I justifying to the amount of $125,000, Iwbich said bonds were approved, and the Register of Deed--, instructed to deliver io the Sheriff the tax books for the year 1879, upon 'taking 'a receipt therefor. J 1 i Carston Monasan1 was granted a license to retail spirituous liquors, j M - The Register of1 Deeds presented a du plicate of his annual Agricultural State ment for New H mover ounty to the Department of Agriculture, I which was ordered to Do piacea on nie. ; Tn Board adjourned to the first Mon day in October, the occasion Ot the regular monthly meeting. The finest Neck Ts in the city for Ladies, 10 cents. Hahn & Goodman, Four h stieet. , f1 Only a Moderate Gale. Captain Tribon, of the steamship Ty btt, which arrived here,: Sunday after noon, reports a moderate Northeast gale which struck him off Hatteras -about 1 o'clock Saturday morning. No damage done and no evidences of any shipwrecks along the coast. Iiell vs fclklioon. i The Bell Tel phone Company has tak?n charge of the Edison Exchanse in this city.; The Edisou iusiruments are to be replaced by those of thej Bell Company. The change of instruments w.ill iot in1 terfere with tbej workiugs of the tele phone lines in and about the city, Mr. Do Forest, the State Agent of the Bell Company, says that the new instruments will be put in position in a short time. j Wanted. ' Oi.e thousand La ?ies to call and txani ine our sock of Hamhurg Edgings, Bre tpnn, Torchon and Italian Laces, which will jbe tld at pikes that will astonish everybody. Hahn Sc Goodman, Fourth street , , The Peanut Crop. We are soi.y to learn that the j peanut crop, hi this section, will not yield this Fall a full crop. The promises of the Spring and early Summer were very good, but the drouth has cut short the crop. The yield wi'l probably rearij 100,000 bushels, but will hardly exceed it, whereas good seasons would have given 125,000 or 1S0, 000 bushels Last year's crop was about 100,000 bushels.- This includes estimates from Onslow, Pender, Duplin, New Han over and Bi unsvs ick counties, embracing what is known in the market as WPining- ton peanuts. You can get the best White Lead, Paints and Oils, and lowest prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. it The North American Reriew For October has been received. coutctinspiptrs on therollowing subjects', which are of unusual interest ; 'The Wo man Question,' by Francis Parkman 'Science and .Humanity,' by Frederic Har4 risonj 'Louis' Napoleon and the Southern I ConJtderacy, by; Owen b. Aldis; 'The! Railway Problem,' by Robert Garrett The Diary of a public Man,' Part; HI; 'Spencer's Evolution Philosophy,' by Prof E. L. Yp wmans, and 'Recent History and Biographyj by A. K. Fiske. Pub lished by D. Appleton & Co, New York. i ' ' i Mag-dficent Ladies' Neck Ties 10 cents. Hahu & Goodman, Fourth street. f Accident to a Wiliningtonian. Mr. "Ashley Gilbert, a young gentleman of Wiimiugton, who has been spending a fewjdays in this place, met with quite a serious accident last Monday evening, and here is howj it happened: , He and Miss Laura Bosi went horseback riding and af ter) going some distance the young lady's horse got frightened and started to run away.1 Mr. GilbertJ thinking it a banter for arace, started after her'at breakneck i' . speed and didu't discover the mistake for several minutes. On checkiug his horse too suddenly he was thrown over its held, his face striking the ground ad render ing him in&eusible for a time. His face was pretty badly bruised, but the wounds' are not of a serious nature. The young! lady escaped unin tired. Neicton Enter prise j An unknown brig is reported rs having arrived "below. I Receipts of co ton at tb:s port tonday foot up 1,094 bales. I 1 The steam tu Gladiolus is on the Marine Railway 'for ''repairs. I 1 Save your money by buying your Build ing Supplies from Allaffer fc Price. The steamship Benefactor, of the Clyde Line of New York steamers, arrived here this morning with a full manifest of freight. 1 i The approach of tail is already ' visible, although we have yet had no cold weather, in the fact that the trees are putting on their autumn colors. The reason is near ly at hand for the ladies to gather specie meus ol the gorgeously colored autumn leaves. The Light House Board, under date of the 15th inst., gives notice1 that in con sequence of the closing of the New Inlet mouth of Cape Fear river, North Carolina, the Light on Federal Point will be dhv. continued on and after January 1st, 1880. 1 Our Breakdown. In consequence cf breaking the down of our power press, justat a moment when it was too late to remedy the evil, we were compelled to forego the publication of yes terday's edition of the Review. The forms: were all ready, and locked-up, when the7 misfortune occurred. i j j i It is with -deep mortification that we feel compe'lri to araounce this fact and to beg the i idulgence of our subscribed It is the first time that the press has play i d us fa'se and we hope it will be the ,abt. The d jo ages have been repaired c;ry cleverly by Mr. Thomas ttand from Messrs Hart, Biiley & Cj's foundry, aud this irsue is worked off on it. We that i ol : neighbor of the1 Star for his k:ndly words, ss expressed through his paper this morn:pg as a'so the many expressions of 'nterest fom numerous mends. S( ores of inquiries were made at our office tt s morning relative j to the non-appearance yesterday afternoon, and in no single instance has aught than a fiiendly sympathy been expressed. ' Hosiery. The largest, cheapest and fiuet stock of Ladies' and Children's Hose ever brought to this city. Hahn & Goodman, Fourth street. j I -f- Tbe Nut Slieli. 1 I : j. Our sprightly little neighbor, the New bern Nut Shell, always as full of news as an egg is of meat, has found its space too limited j and has therefore enlarged to nearly double its original size. Bro. Pittman has r'aims on the Neuse River people and we hope that they wilL sup port him handsomely. For ba -gaks in Dry Goods go to Hahn & Goodman, Fourth street. f Given His Bond. The County j Commissioners held an 1 'a . . - adjourned, meeting this afternoon to allow Sheriff Manning the opportunity of giving the additional bond, required for the collection of taxes, amounting to 805,000., This, is in addition to the bond already furnished by the Sheriff for 25j- 000, swells the sum total to the nice little sum of $90,000. -j . The bond is a good one and every man ! I i on it has justified. Some of them are Republicans, but a large amount is repi(3ented by Democrats. Whatldoour Northern Republican friends think of this fact? i I Return and Removal. Mr. Thos. H Howey has leased the store on Market street, next to Lippitt's corner, recently occupid by Capt Jno. H Allen, and will remove there on October 1st, with his stock of boots and ' shoes. Mr. Howey has just returned from an extended visit to the Northern .markets, where he laid in a large and elegant stock of new goods, the merits of which will be set forth in a few days in the columns o the Review. v We have the largest, cliejapest and best s'oock of Flannels BlanketsJshawls, ii the kity. Hahu & Goodman, Fourth at. f Messrs. B. F. Mitchell, & Sons, ever in the vans offer in this issue for sale a big pile of corn, oats, seed rye and hominy. No excuse now for going to bed hungry. The cotton presses are now in full op eration and the amount of "business re quires that they should be run extra h jurs. Yesterday they were busy until 'ate inithe night. i Ladies' Ties. Elegant Neck Ties, at 5 an J 10 cents. Hahn & Goodman, Fourth st. t I From he Signal Office in this 1 city, we learn that the storm is very general. There are no reports of high winds from any section and no prospect of a blow. Mr. R. White has been ordered tOjthis city to assist Mr. Watson, the Officer in charge of the Signal Office. Mr. Wjhite relieves Mr. W. S. Dulin, who is ordered to Washington City j. , The ladies sing 'in the sweet 'buy' and 'buy' we will meet in that beautiful store and we certainly c in raise no objection. But remember the little ones at home and do not leave the nurse without a bottle of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. I I V The cheapest line of Dress Goods in the city at Ilahn & Goodman's, Fourth st. t! It may be interesting to, know that the Almanac ( Turner's North Carolina) told us that the weather yesterday would be lair and mild. But it makes up for this, however, by promising tiiat it will be stormy, with wind and rain, on next rn- day and Saturday New Advertisements. DAILY ARRIVALS! OF DRY GOODS AND CARPei juoi liuni VEM, JSV UA IjlCUJSb I I to the early Fall and Winter. io : ! CARPETS, HUGS, OIL CLOTHS, i i HOIXSE FUKNISb SG GOODW IN GREAT VARIET Y. The Swiss Curt; 5ns and THE GOOD PEOPLE L AIM lis' WATJiR IN ALL sept n For Rent. pROM 1st October that desira ble STORE, No. 45 North Front Street, at present occupied by Ho. Express Cpmpzny. App'y to sept 23 lw Dj A. 8MITH A CO. For Rent. rjlHK ELEGANT RESIDENCE on corner of Third and Walnut sts , recent y occupied by Wm. Calder, Feq nr. i Apply to sept iz t" J, F. GARRELL. Corn, Pearl Eominvf Oats, Rye, &c. 9H Hon Bushels Prime White Vi i and Mixed Corn. 2 500 Busnel C110506 Western Oats. 7 I ' nn Bushels North Caroliaa Vwv Seed! Rye. QQ Barrels Pearl Hominy, i For sale by B. FJ Mitchell & Eon. sept 23 A Word ? TO PARENTS AND TEACHERS : 1,1 .!!" jThe University Series of School Books were adopted by our State Board of Educa tion and 1 have made arrangements with the Publishers for their introduction at Reduced or Introduction Rates, with the privilege of. excnang'7i um Books for tnem. 1 his ar rangement will continue only for a short time, becare your Rooks while they are chiap I Coun"e8 immediate'y around New Hano ver can be supplied through me on same terms as by the rubushers. sept 23. C. W. YATES. i 'i , Baby Syrup. "DARKER' 8 GINGER TONIC. Indian Cholgogue, Bull's Cough Syrup, Klutz' Chill Cure, Aj ers' Ague Cure and a com plete stock of pure Drugs and Medicines.; S F. C. MILLER, j Corner 4th and Nun Streets. Open day and night. I i i sept 23-tr ! ' ! St8amer Passnort, 1 A PTJ J. W. HARPER, Will malte Dally Trips, ( 8unda v a excepted ) To SM1THVILLE and Return. li "Leave Wharf at 9.30 A. Mi sept 23 ' 1 GEO. MYERS, A? en.' You Will Always Find i THE LARGEST STOCK of Blank B6oks, Mem. Books, Paper and Envelopes, all sites and styles, Letter Copying Books, Ju venile Books, h crap Books, Dsk Portfolios, Muei'age, Itks, writing and copy ; Gold and Stevl Pens. Inkstands, Paper Weights, Let ter Boxes. CIps, Files, Rulers, Erasers, steel and rubber, aper Fasteners, Letter rresses, Copjinjr B usees, Ac, Ac , at the ' ' LITE BUOK STORK. Pianos and Organs, GUITARS and General; Musical Merchan dice, Chromos and EDzrannes, Frames, all s'ziS nd ttjlea, the cheapest in the city. sept 23 i 39 and 41 Market st. City.c f wil Jiington, 1 MAYOR'S OFFICE, , H Septe -nber 20, 1 Froosals. "Y'iLL BE RECEIVED AT THE City HaR, until SATURDAY, 2Tthlnst., at 12 o'clock, noon, for Keeping City I i I i Pomps, at Fire C'sterus, in Repair irjm i i October l't, 1879, to AprU 1st, 1880. S. H. FISHBLATE,1 aept 23-lt Mayor PLEASE SOTICE. We will be glad to receive rrn pur.i 'ations from our friends on anv'ajid all general interest but : I j : ' ' ' 1 1 T-e name of the writer mort. aU v'. T tr ouhed to the Kditor Communicatio e .nisi 5 ptur. On on.f ;one aide of the ap r Personalities mwet l.- sv..'y t. kA : . . 1 ' ii im eapeciaiij ud i li u mcij under stood ttat the LdHor doeeUotaiv T indo the ii-ws of corr oadert-, nnlt a ni! ;t t in the editminl clui ds. Hew Advortisbrrierit :o.-- AD CTlKAl' iplIK GOODS ad.iitc HASSOCKS, ttc, VEllY CHEAP. ' - i ... o Cheapest Lace and Lamb rt quins ever otfered to OF THIS SECTr0T. PROOF CIRi U LAIRS, COLORS. Verj Respectfully, R. XYX Removal. J H. ALLEN.. JEWELLER, and PRAflTTflAI. WiTnilMlCu- w - - j - v a v a-- j has removed to No. 6, West side South Frolnt street, w&ere all work entrusted to Li n wt have his personal attention, and be delivt-rj on day and date, prou sed. aept23-jlt State and Coiuilv Ta .i IbrlS70. I i i rpHE STATE AND COUNTY TAXES are ' ! ! - MM now due. Prompt payuent' will lave toets. ' i 1 I I M 8. U, MANMING, Shesitt'" " 1 I il 1 i ' sept 23 It New Hanorer (Jo. : : : i y J - Altaffer & Price MANUFAcruRsas and Dhalers iL SASH, OOORs! BLINDS. ORMAMEPiTAL W0QDW0R "ANJJ ! Builders' Supplies GENERALLY. Factory Foot of Walnut street. Office Nutt, near Red Cross street sept li- Buggies, Buggies, Harness & Saddles 1 ' FOR SALE AT OEH.HAIIDT 6l CO' 3, 3rd st., opposite City Hall, 'i REPAIRING DONE WITH NEAT. ESS 1 AN U LIlMfATCU. H HORSE-8HOEING A SPECIALTY sept ii-xs Boatwriht & McEoy ADVISE THEIR COUNTRY FRIENDS THAT NOW Is the Time to lay in Stpcl j " ' ' ' ! AS GOODS WILL i f Certainly bs Hicrhor ! Our Stock is Large an 1 C ia.Iete i T TT: 1 f t a a. j wiunington cenamiy can t be beat ap a Grocery Market. ' J 1 1 1 1 i. ' !. We appeal to our friend j. who I ave tried other markets to know if it is i ot t;ue Then why send your orders so far fn m - ' i I i ' i home, and stock up so largely, wren you ' i I . ; 1 hi- can buy them from ( I I - - V V 'I " Boatwright & McEoy or any other govd Grocery House Lin tLe i 1 City of Wilm'ngton to a bcer advintage:'1 You can order one day and receivp the Goods at your own doors the rjext. As! it has been wisely said, "Time is Money, ' - ' . ! : . i' M ' ii Our Retail Icparliueiii lis XTnri vailed." I :- . . We invit the citizens and jjthe public generally to call and examine stock and prices. We are sure you can tl do le BoatwiigM & IIlcKoy. O Cl 7 ZTorti Tront Street. i sept S3 ill I i1 I '1 ri

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