i . , : - : I h i ' 1 ,rnESWELLlXGSEA." , ...d of ibe "rtD 7 onward 11,1 ' .!it nKHn -le 1- .r h . r,, 'i"ht un'l brightly J'!",:;Vwtke wiiirlh.y pillars of .r".r.nHi.arrlniMn glpw. . , man lav "in bis hnt- '' a " r.--i""U U,J ,,ur' t-? . u. w - r ... mi the mouiitbin, ,. t.urv ih. e on the mountain !:' , ..ri'-ofihe miit Khali dance J '(,,11 still below? . ,,. ,. u- hiink in the sea r ..,. celling feu? 1 '( 'V ;,f tiu- tcniiht shall whirl is plav T-errlly."' HK'.i !,.."riin"y a,ld whispered ., -k-.i. the swelling sen - .u t..f - From the Danish. A False Standard. lue f lU.. ,t- l.oll Aovntt-A ii,nm OI i IlJ i,ruimn?H bHoDgtng to the city rit. in a loner. dutv 0 0 tl cr . ... wi iw nirtt one ar- i .. ini hrnw-i-bound atriD llt-c " 1 Ilut 19 it IK of waui ten Iei iui-h- . " - . ii. - .3 I. as compared with the 'United laVtandard, is a trifle greater. By uf d its predecessors (of sim- IVrrerafDf). all the Jots in the 1 . .. i.. . ,, im.i i.ff-and regulated. r!v Lae 'ru w - of meafur- meut peculiarly its own. A oarefootot City properiy.uueioiort-, 'ct-iDf atr-rierxore m area than a .aare foot anywhere. As a result, ...... i a coo! deal of work for the ftjriDeeraml his assistants when these neLurt-meiits" must be reduced to fuodard fett. - lhis is eeiaom neces- tarv, Low ever. As to toe manner m -v,'i, thin .li.creuancv oriKinated, the trebrnt geueration is pretty much in tie drK it arone, uuuuucoo, uuu crtleBH adoption of fetaudarda of meas ortDitDt, in themselves iucorrect, and has'v eurv- with imperfect ins.tr u- m,ritj, long years ago. The ripe Iiidnstr) in bermany. AtLOiig the resu'ia oi imcioot brtugijt out . in cjnnection witn tne okcl iLiairy into the extent of the tubacco trade of Gar any are some tlKareb relating to the maLufacture of tobacco pipes m that ouutry. Ine c iief ccLtre of this branch of industry b Kuhla, iu Tburingia. In that town icd tie Leighbonug villages tne an- lus; production for the past few years has tveraged 5iU,000 gemine meer Uci.auui bowls or head-, and 5440U,000 arttlciU or imitation meerschaum bowis. Tue number of polished, lac qaereJ, and variously mouuted wooden ppe-lit-ads annually produced was 4 SCO 000. Of the common procelain bowls, the favorite pipes of the Ger man peasantry, there were manufact ured every ye:r, y GOO 000, and of tine dsy or lava bowls J,700,000. Further, there has been au annual average pruducn-on of 15 000,(100 pipestema or tubes of various tiz-s and materials, 1,600,000 dcz u of mi6cellaueous ad- jji.cts, Mien us flexible tubes; chains, top-, tufts, etc., 12 000 dozens of meer wtianm time cases. 800.000 dozen fciOiulipieeeh and cgar holders of am beer or horu a d meerschaum, wood or coc atut-bht 11; and, faualty, 15,U0U,- WJ complete pipes composed of vari ous iuatt rials. l'tie Value of the whole is estimated at about $5,000,000. Cincinnati Enquirer. Blood, Yearjjo, Blood When the editor of the O kolona Sta't-s :.Ld the L-'mars Seutined were mtrudace 1 the other day they each iouk tuiee sn ps backward, and ior some tLimues iHred upon each other I'ke tieice Kumidiau lions. The I'koloua howler was the tir&t to find ord?. bud hai.l: 'Wua.V Aud ls'r thoii? Come, then, bastard. L-t me have at thee. ud by the gods lt rooat on high O ympui I'll eat ye op a holy stcond! IV : luj-ii: m ! itie li.y.l Beliga' B.dpr of th 5satiLai dinv-tyea bu fmgs aud rt JJiced.with Lis native feroc tv; 'I ttiank the gods " - I'pr this rppurruuity 'I'j call thee To thy TEEril, ljiar! Uippografl! fiippi potauiU! Snide! Shy6tir! Aud baliheaded unpo'of the valley! TJ. C'ae and tee me With thy miserable carcase ItH.u-traou-thon- . . itree ply Aud doubly died ti'Jrse- thief, And son of a gui A tv Vt5e ?kcil0 bowler didn't come. ur5i ? 5 5rgt" and held hiai 6e toat th.n t,hankfal wh the Iowa man kfaven. taiucu a sent prayer to aflquarters for Ale Lager Beer and Porter. a. BIAB.CTJS & WN'B : Nof Market Btreet (JA3f Ornish iod with the besi Ale.WerBWPaad Porter, both keg and in the city. . ' Coatrj orderi prompUy attended to . i i LliscellaneoTus. October1 1st- FALL CAMPAIGN ! WILL COMMENCE. Vat!irr Iia firen too hot tor Pt'ople 'llo He;ul FULL LINE OF Fancy Groceries JUST RECEIVED AT i I P. L. 8RmGERS! & GO'S. S500 Reward ! For a Cigar at the same price thai equals oiir P-R-I-KT-C-I-P-E S250 Reward ! FOR ONE THAT BEATS OUR -i I I I" M SOLON j SHINGLE ! 3100 Reward! For an all-tobacco Cigarette, of same fctyle, finish i and quality, J J 1 low as our that can be sol as Rose and Lilly. iept 3 ... j i VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD And Grand Hedal q Honot Economy, Durability and Rapidity combined with perfect work, - . Are Drsunguishing Teajtures of the celebrated i Giant Farm ai HADE BV A. .P.TDICKEY, Racine, Wis. Now ha ving many late impiOVtiMBts, Aey are fuily equal to every demand; cleatiingi all kinds of Grain, Peas, Beans, Castor Bears, jCom and Small Seed. They grade Wheat perfectly fcjj once handling. Sep-; arate Oats from Wheat, Barley nd Rye. They have' very perfect arrangements for cl canine Timothy,; Clover, Flax Seed, Orchard Grass, and all j other SmalFSeeds. They jCh4flf perfectly, and combine every qualification required to do the best work in tn oortett tizie. Warehouse, as u-eH as Farrnnns, are largely con structed, both kinds' requiring nine sires to accom modate the demand, and civing a capacity of from 50 to 500 bushels per hour according to si2C of mill. They are shipped, boxed for ocean transportation, and "set up" or "knocked down" for forwarding irdard, as requested; and in all cases put free on board Cars or. Steameri"" Orders filled same day as received. 1 r 1 2 S.. I - : Mills shipped" knocked "d-rwn ""go fortnalf the trcijht charged as whh forwarded, "set up Oleo graphs and Circulars supplied oh application. Prices will be quoted lev and on liberal terns.! Carres. ondnce solicited. . : n j I Butter and Cheese. 1 ( ! ! i 200 25 Boxes Fine CBEA1 M CHEESE. Tubs BUTTER, - i ! For sale by j sept 15 HALL A PEARSALT. A WEEK in your own town1, and no ca: ital risk-1 ed. S ou can give 1 he bu siness a trial witnout: expense, me Dest opportunity ever offered for those wjililng to work. Yeu should try jnothi g else until you see for yourself what you can do at the business we offer. No room to explain here You can devote all your time or orJy your spare time to the busiuess, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and particulars, which we mail free. $5 Outfit free. Don't com plain of hard times while you have such a chance. Address IL JJALLETT & CO. jarolioflSB FaiSi Portland. Maine ; I j i pine 7-dw. Miscellaneous. THE DAILY REVIEW, JOSH. T. JAMES EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Is published Every -Afternoon (Sundays excepted). At the following rates, postage paid One Year .... ....$5 00 Six Months..... ...... 2 5( Three Months . . . . 1 25 One Month.. 50 The paper will be delivered by carriers, free of charge, in any part of the city at the above rates, or 13 cents per week. The! Daily Review is now in the fourth year of its existence, is per J A manently established, with a large and steadily increasing! subscrip tjon list, and presents to merchants and others a most desirable medi um for advertising. THE WILffillTON JOURNAL. JOSH. T. EDITOR AND PU I'LISHER. i 1 I Is published ! i .- f : II EVERY FRIDAY. 1 At the following rates : i ' i 1 i One Year.... j.... ... .S2 00 Six Months 1 00 Three Months, 50 The WiLinxoTo: Journal circu- ' 1 - lates largely in the adjoining conn i y i t t -. . ties as well as in the Western por tion of the State and presents un equalled facilities to merchants for r .- ' .' . making known what they have for sale. Miscellaneous. CLYDE'S Mew , York AND r Wilmington, W. C. Steamship Line, The Steamer ECULATOR i VAT. DOANE, WILL SAIL FROM 1 NEW iOriK SATURDAY, Septemb r 27. Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Eneaeements apply ,tO: THOS. E. BOND, Hnp't, ' I Wilmington, N. C. V7M. P. CLYDE k CO., j 35 Broadway, New" York sept 22 I j COMMERCIAL HOTEL WILMINGTON, N. C. p. L. SCBTTrTS, Frop. rjlHE COMMERCIAL, formerly the "EM FIRE H0U8E",having been thoroughly ron ovated and refitted is now one of-the leading ' i ! . j first-class Hotels in the city. The table is supplied with the best our home and north ern markets affords. i i Board per Day $2 and $2 50 ! Largv Sample Rooms for the Com mercial trade. A First-Class Bar and Billiard Hall connected with this Hotel. I FREE LUNCH daily from 11 A. M. to 12.30 P. M. july 19- 1 Manchester Yarn. j - ! 25 Bales MANCHESTER YARN. A superior quality, juat received Salt, Bagging1, Ties- 8ac8 LIVERPOOL SALT. OOUU ! Striped Sacks, 1 onn Whcle and Half Bolls BAGGING, 3500 unes ew 1 000 d 'cdiTIE1?- ' Fiourt Eacon, &c. 1000 Bbls Freeh Flour, j 260 Boxes D. it, and Smoked Sides, 60 Bbis City Mess Pork, ! I 7i Tubs Choice Family Lard, 125 Bbls Sugars, Crashed, Granulated, a, Extra C, and C, ( fb Bbls and Boxes Fresh Lemon Cakes, j 175 Baps Coffee, all grades, I Potash, Lye, Soda, Soap, Starch, I Buckets, Paper Twine. . For sale low by WILLIAMS A'MURCBrSON, sept 15 Wholesale Gro. & Coin. Mer. 1W Each, and all styles, including Grand Square and Upright, all strictly fikst class, sold at the lowest kbt cash wholebalk facto et. pricesjdirect to the pcrch aseb. These Piano? made one of the finest -displays at te Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re commended for the Highest Hokors over 12,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory established over 36 years. The Square Grande contain Mathu ahek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement in the history: Piano making, the Uprights are the finest in America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive catalogue of 48 pages mailed free. MENDElSOilN PIANO CO., apl 7-m 31 Kvu Btb street, N Y $D(500 TO GOO0ayesi x $o to $20 a day in you owjj lofal tv. No risk. Women do as well as men. Many make more than the amount stated above. 'o one can lail to make money fas' . Any one can do the work You can ntc It w C0 ceuts to f 2 an hour by devoting youi ev i.lif ?pare time to the business. It costs notLing to try the business. Nothing like it for money mak ing ever offered before. Business pleasant and strictly houorable. Readfr, if you want to know all about the beat paying business before the public, send us your address and we will send you full particu lars and private terms free ; samples worth $5 also free; you tan then makeup your mind for yourself. Address GEORGE ST1NSON & CO., Portland, Maine., j june 7-d&w . BACON - ,j AND FLOUR. 100 oxil D 8 Smo Slde$' 1000 BhU Good New Flour At close figures bj Kptlg HALL A PEAKS ALL, rUMB $125 Miscellaneous. j SPEER'S Port Grape Wine Used in Churches for Communion purpose PASSAIC, Spepr's Vnrt (irape Uiae j 'Pours car Olii. rjlHlri JUSTLY OKLKBKATED NATIVF 'ine is made from the juice! of the Oporf Grape, raised inthij countiy. lu invaluabit Tonic anl Sirenstlienini Property are unsurpassed by any ther native Wine. BeiDg the pure juioe of the grape, produced under Mr. Speer's own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. 'J he youngest child may partake oi its gener ous qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it to advantage. It is particularly bene ficial to the aged and debilitated, and a ited to the various ai'mcnts tat afflict the weaker sex. It is, in every respect, A WINE TO BE Speer's P. JT. Sherry, The P. J. SHERRY is a Wice of -SUPERIOR CHARACTER and partakes of the C lden qualities of the grape fiom which it is made. For MEDICINAL PROPERTIES, it will be found unexcelled Speer's Pi J. or Pedro J- Brandy. This noted Brandy is a pure distillation from the grape and is equal to the finest Ben neisy or Otard Brandies; for medicinal pur poses it can be relied upon as strictly pure. 8ee that the signature of Alfred Speer, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of each bot tle. i ' I I A. SPEER'S Mt. Prospect Vineyards, New Jersey. Office, No. 3Warren St., New ore. i I MUND8, Druggists, and P x j outv w w a. i w -' m ls a a.v ii L. BRIDGERS A CO. axril 1-ly Hale's Weekly. o V TUESDAY, the 7th day of October, 1879, and in the City of Ralei,. ttie undereigm d will commence of r ' V8 WEKKLY, a the i publication North Carolina Dem,ci.tjc Newspaper. 1 These lour words convey all tha': i j i I a column of Prospectus,! could tell: th-j good of the State: the sac-eES of the f'arjy which is the life of the fctate and the C' ujury ; the pub lication of a I the news; thpse the objects proposed. That he can do ttie last and con tribute to tr-ejfirot and second, the subscriber does not affect o d-ubt. Ihe People have set their teal of approval ur on . his past aid he does not odubt the future. j Halk's Weekly will be printed from new and beautiful typj-and on la r white paper. The price will, bt pe a-jiiim. No nane will go upon its mail bo ks without payment and no paper will be sent a'ter expiration of the time paid fur; P. M.HALE. Raleigh, Sept 15, 1879. sept 16 tf The Sew V'Minny South THE BEST AN QJ HANDSOMEST PAPER f?i AMERICA. Send for it at Once See Our Club trs. rpHE "SUNNY SOUTU" I? n'.w tie mod- J tl weekly ot trio ae. It c( ints out in an entire new ore-s ai;d wtvf wa,k.c-ap gl enerally and is overflow 1'igr wita the ricaest ciest matter ;f thft day .'-'ceas. and spi Jt ssa s torie, ews!of th W. n, Wit and Humor, Female Go bp, Donxstic Matterp, Letters rom all Secures, N. tes of 1 ravel, Puzile, Che&s, Problm?, Mar-itrs, beathp, Hca'tb Notts, Pers jra's, Stage Noes, Movemsntiin Southtrn Society, FatMon -Notes with Plates, Answers to C- respondents, tJi graphies with Portraits of distinguiihei men and; women, Humorous tngraving?, fctmational Clip pings, CorrespondetiU Colnmn, Local Mat ters, Railroad Guide, arc forcible editorials upon all aubj'CU. I it possible to make a paper more ccmp'ete ? Get a copy and ex amine it. It n-'W circulates in all the State? and TeTitoris, in England, Ireland, Cana da, Australia, Brazil, and tbe Indian Nation It is rea ly an hon r to tbe South and our pe-"plp are proud f it, aiid evtry ox.e ebouid take it imuiediately. The price is only $2. '50 a year. We will send tbe "u;rj froath" a-.d the Dailt Kkvibw ( te -ar for f 6, or, we will ser d the 'b unny $outh" and the Wjlmisgtos Jocr sac ne year for $ i.50. ! The "'Sunny riutL" and "Boys atid Jirls of the wuth" will be furnuh.d one year for $3 60, with a large and magnificent pictur thron'in. Acdresj this rlice, or ! ! i J. II. A W. B SKAL, may 17 j Atlanta. G. $3Q0i inuustnoiis. 'apiti no $l)S I'll laran tfd. r $12 a day j lionie iija1j ly the not r-q:iiretT we wiiJ atartjou. Me;i, woni'-n, orys and girlt make m z.oty txer at worK f.r us tan ai. aDVthiit else. 11 v.rk is light and pleasant, aiim jUi b a a cLe ea:i go right at. Tlioffl who are wis' wiiL ee this notice wiill st-nd us ibeir addr-ssW at once and see f r th mselves, Cstly O-itfit and terms frW. ' Now is the timt. ! '1 he al ready ai work are laying up large sutu- of money; AtkiiaTKCl2 fc CO , AugniU Maine. unet-dAw Removal. B. HENDERSON A CO., .Produce I .. 1! n..t.n am) nnnnniuSna Ifpreliftnta oifi re moved from Front street, to th store recent ly occupied by J. W. Alderman A Co., cor ner Chestnut and Water ttreett. ! ZXTc. C! A I fT mT jl r Bail Eoad LLnca RAILROA (.; -( PAKT CHANGE OF SCHEDU Li? On ab-i fn-j Wud, J-re i5tt doa Railroad rai f-it -: DAY MAIL AM hXPKESS TKA i. Leave Wiimingu-n, Fr.nt St. Uepof, at............ ! ' " Arrive at'WeidAh'au!!! If Leave,Wtsldon..4-.. Arrive at Wilrcintn, Frj.ct Depot at... J.... ' AND EXPKESmI i DAILY. NIGHT MAIL w - uwAaih-ut a L ' Li I iW . Depot at.. J J Arrive at Weldon at Leave WeldoL, , ...!.. Arrive at Wiluiiinici., isontSti i Depot at. .. ....... H:l L.ii i a is. J Trains on Tarjbro branch Rc-n-i -rt r Rocky! Mount for larboro at 5.t 0 P it C(.i and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturt ay at 4 : AM. Returning, leave Tarboro at lv. A M daily, and Monday,' Wednesday The Day Train (make close eonnerti-c Weldon for all Doinu North ri Kv I daily, (except Sunday;) and daily, via Md.i iuodu ana aii ran route . , Night train makes i close eoanecti;ns Weldon for all points north via Richnutr. 1. Sleepirifi: Cars attached to all Night Tk-a?'; JOHN F. DIVINE, Ganeral Sun jane u 1 5r?-x!t Gen'ISup'ts! Ofrlee. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND A V, GUST A RAILROAD CO i - -ill.. jtfilminfton, N. C, Jne 13. li7'J, CHANGE OF HCHKDULE, On and after Sunday, June 15, tie lowing schedule will be run onj this ro.nd DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL.TRAIN, dai Leave Wilmugton J...... 9 (-5 a! rrive Florence II 25 !J ?: Leave !Florence..J1... & bh V M Irrive at Wilmington..... ......-S Q V m-i NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). 1 I 1 i ; '! J Leave jWilmington..... id 13 P l Leave Florence.. n ii Arrive at Columbia ; 9 OoIa l Leave Columbia. ...... .....L :6 ( o A M ' Lieave Florence... Arrive at Wilmington..... J 6j! A 16 50 A i i This Train stors only! at "Flemings WLiteviie, tair. BluM, and Marion, j , Bhould take Night Express Train jfrok rt ii minirun. Through Bleeping Cars on iilgh t train s for Charleston and Augusta. J. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Su jurei ii CAKOLIXA CENTRAL RAljLVY CO OnriCK Gkskbal SupxaiNraHnKst . H Wilmington, N. C, My 18 CllAjjdE OF ScilEDUlil: 187 fy AND AFTER THlSidAte, the f li W V- ing Schedule will be operated on ith nan way : II Passenger, Mail and Express1 Train. I ) Leave Wilmington at.... 7:0 r No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at....... 2:'J7 A j ai uarione at.... t:zu Afr' Lave Uharlotte at..L....J.j:25 P Arrive at Hamletat..!.... 1.31 A iM " at Wilmington at :50 a M Close connection made at Hamle vnth trains of Raleigh & Augusta Air Line liall way. J i i " 1 Shelby Division Mail. Freight A Paergf'r and Express. 1 Leave Charlotte.... L..S 4 J A iaii. a . r - - r Arrive at Shelby, ..12;33 No 10 I Leave Shelby ljI5 P ,'AD Arrive at Charlotte B,;05 P : V. rfOUNSON, j mar 1 T, General. Sucerintdndent.! C21TS lO JUST OPENED ! i ' . A A NEW AND ELEGIjlT ASSOKTMEN'T of goods I. Ofvaricu? kindi and ftylis nd descMpfcV'S I j : 1 . J at the 1 I I - " 'j. Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store. N H W GOO D RECEIVED IYRY TWO DAYS For the pu-nose of keeping the stock plenished and thoroughly up to the m Jik r No Such Variety ! AT SUCH PRICES I ' ' i .-i ; has -ver before been offered in Wilmiaitton. ! CALL AT ONCE i ANDMAKE YOUR SiLECTIONS! i, j 1 I : I- I ' : 1 And get wonderful bargains et tie i 11 I - Boston 5 and 10 Cent? Store, -41 3V- Froul Street. aug 15 I I - Old Newspapers j QUANTITY OF OLD JTEWSPAl'EIiB for wrapping, ' offered for sale cheap at the i pent i PAILT BEYIEW OFFICE, M M ii - It!. :l - H