THIS PAPER " I, oaoHahed every afternoon, 8uadayi; e ceptd by JOSH. T. JAMES, CDITOK AND PROPRIETOR. SU B-SCKI HTIOJiS, POSTAGE PAID. rear. $5 00 Six month, $2&0 ; Three months, $1 15 ; One month, 50 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers, ry5 uf charge, in any part of the city, at the tbore rates, or 13 centa per week. Advertising rates Jow and liberal -s-Subacribera will please report any and n failure? to receive their papers regtilarly. Miscellaneous. BROWN & RODDICK. 45 market St. We have just finished taking our annual hit iinv of sock, and are now daily rectiv i, .' NKW ; H'S from, the Northern Ma: kHs, suitable for the KAIL AND WINTER TRADE! nr. put rons will study thfir best inter , .a by nmkintheir puichas s as early in tl; S'ason as conveuiei)t,as the general in hibitions. of the inaiket have au upward t -i-tit' cy We have just received oyer 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! PUICL J CEN'I 6. Win .It-sale buyers would do well to look f.v. r ,ur -tick bef re purchasing as we l,tv.; a gre it ma V ds we are offering ln l! hhoiow 'I HE ITJEiKNT MARKET VAi.L'E Fans'tS Cosing out the balance at Greatly Re due -d Prices. I'itiu, S'rined and Checked Nainsook Alinlius. The best value ever offered. Call and examine. Linen Lawns from 12 to 20 cents. .. - Dress Goods. Cur Variety is Large. Our 'piices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Laces. Il-i-'onne, Torchon and Italian Laces W have very much iln Largest assort nitMit that has been offered in this city and ur inces either by tu-j j ard or piece," can not be undersold. Ouilts. Domestic ar.d Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked none up in price, preferring to give our patrons an ' opportunity to supply their wants at 'he old prices Table Linens-Towels and Napkins, Our present assortment excels anything we have ever shown. Call and give our stock a look over. Our ttuyer Is in the market at present and we are receiving many Novelties. OUR 5 and lO Gents Is -ntunted on the S. W. corner of Market ami s co'id streets, and every Steamer tha nines into this port brings a Fresh Lot of the most surprisingly ('heap and Useful O' ds that ever were offered in any mar ket under auy circumstances. We offer great indue ments to Wholesale Buyers. BTtOWN & RODDICK, 45 IVIarket Street &uz 10 Zephyr Worsteds. YOTREK LARQE LOT JU VT KECE1VED. VV1II1E '0 CENTS. COLObEJ 1 CENTS. 1 ook out for announcement of Grand ililiinery Opening. N. H. SPRUNT, "itlS Fichinze Corner A Word ! rjo PAiis'ra and tkacbers .- 'he Diversity Series of School Books f-t: ,i d bj ou Sta e Board of Edaca- . v" ) nr... ' t e uihviii (i-rarpemeL'a ih te iU i hets f-r tesr i truluctioo at ! educed "' Int.- Uwcu a it s, it!i the privi ejte o rxomcin oi for t'en. I his nr- rtn.euit-nt will coni ue nnl for a eho t Secu-e vour tiooks Wilde they re ih p J '-unV iiuir.f.'ruto y r--ai.d. Vew Han Ter cai bii u jil , j id o igh uje on tame t Tills M by tac ! ubU,he s. ert : t- C. W. Y ATFS. Altaffar &, Price, ASil FACUEBhlj AND DlALEKj II lASH.OOORt.BLINDS. ORNAMENTAL WOODWORK, AND Builders' Supplies ! GENERALLY. Factoryfoot of Walnut i tree t. Tfik "Dmj Review: ; VOL. IM. I WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1879 . NO. 199. I I i m i ! i LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. P. HrTHBiiRSxa -Again, i Fee ad Wilmington Cotton Mills. R. K. Heide NoticsJ ; i I C'PKRA HoUfEj s Juvenile 5 Opera "I il ' J i T. E. Bond, Supt-fExtjra Steamjr. A. A I. BaaiKa fby ate Here . 'j yourt to d No City C -t Days' length 11 boura and 55 menutes Wirdow Class --ah sizes !at Jtafler & Price's. , - , ! t The receipts of cotton to-day foot up 995 biles. 1 ; Window Glass of all sizes at J - copfs Hardware Depk. No interujeiits in Oakdale Cemetery luring the week. Thornes Gotuedy Conipauy, fifteen strong, opened in 8tate8ville last night. There were three interments in Bellevue Oemeterv duriut: the week-r-all children. - - The brig P, otperita- (Nr ) BerDuld- Ken. sailed from 'Gravesend , Enj:.. on the 1 ii i 25th inst. for this . ort. I.adies' Tie Elegant Neck Ties, at 5 and 10 cents Iiahn c Goodman, Fourth st. t, The barque Von du Jleydt (Ger) aiichaelis, sailta irom itio iae Janeiro on the 1st inst. for this pojrt. The bo a. sheet fur the sale of tickets for the performarce on Monday evening is new open at Hein&berger's Ladie Neck I Ties 5 j cents. iiahn & Goodman, Fourth street. t The last of the Sutomer visitors tp the North and to the West are now returning . t home. To-morrow in known in the Church Calendar as the Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. r- There were four iuterments in Pine Forest Cemetery during the week one adult and three children. I The Register of Deeds is&ued four mar- riage licenses during i the week two to white and two to colored couples. , I i i Mr D. R. Allen, advance aeut for the Templeton Star Alliance has been to See us several times du ring his short stay in this citv Although i as sharp as a meat-axe in business matters, he Is a clever and geuial gentleman, and we will always be glad to (see him, early and of ten. Home Again. ! -i i i Mr B E. Mitchell, who has been absent o'a a Northern touij for tie past two months, returned to the ! city last night He was in Maine duringfthe recent elec tion held in that State and gives a graghic description of the ignorance c or that State as to the real sentiments of the South and the facilities with which they were deceived, by dlsigning politi ciana. Personal. Mr. J. Louis Ford, ailvaoce agent for Ford's Juvenile Opera Company, whj are to give us Pinafore at the! Opera ilous nextThusday nightj called to see us this morning. Mr. Ford is Ian old acquain tance, and we are tdeased to see him on the road again with so good a company We can assure our people that the per- forntanceof Pinafore, as presented by this troupe, will be something pnusa'.j unique I and interesting. The . Virgiuia papers g ve it their mrst j unqualified endorsc- ment. The best AiuJows, Doors aud Bunds and Li west Prices can be ot at Jac bi's Hardware I);jpot.t t 1 he J euipie-ioa Alliance Tbis troupe, which has been traveling extensively through the S 'Bthern States, will iu.iiifiuiate the scenici amusements - i uf the seasou at the Ojpera H.ue iu this city ou Monday evening next, by the pro duction of H. Ml . Fiu '1 tore. Iu the cities in whih th.-y hivp pl'iyetl the preKs have been uuivt-ra.illy Ijavish in: ,-r o e ul tha .eiSO a.auce, a- d th -v cu.ue to heral hdby au enviable reputation as artisU. We trust thai a full house ma give tbern greeting and that thtt n.e i accorded them elsawhere may be ful y sustained here. Ke erved seats, without extra charge, are now for sale at Heinsbtr ger's. j M We have no hesitation whatever in re commendiLg Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup for children teething or buffering from VVind Colic, Diarrhooa or Dysentery I 1 hanks. ; We return our thanks to Capt. G R Denson, Seoretary of the North Carolina Agricultural Society, for an invitation to be present at the 19th Annual Fair of the Society, which will be held in Raleigh on the 13th, 14th, 15th! 16th, 17tb and 18th days of October next. M' We sell all our bes - Calicoes at 6 cents llahc & Goodman, Fourth St.. t cotton on th.eJ3aimri.- Reports from the various localities in this section are not altogether as encour aging as .they were a few weeks ago. We have recently had reports from several points in Pender ceunty, to the North of us, and now we hear from Topsail and Scott's Hill that the cotton crop in that section will fall all probability, ful ly one-th:rd, the rrsult of the recent' se vere storm of wind and rain. Magnificent Ladies' Neck Ties 10 cents. Hahn & Goodman, Fourth street. f The Planets In Autumn- This wdek Venus retires behind the sun, while Jupiter, rising early in ine east, succeeds to her honors and duties as morning star. For the past month Ve nus has been one of the most attractive objects in the heavens, making up in beau;y for what she has lacked of the in terest1 that just now attaches to her gigan tic rival .on account of the tremendous physical disturbances whose effects are visible on his diss. The finest views o VenuF, afcer she reached her greatest brightness a few weeks ago, were obtain ed in the daytime. With a perforated cap place i over the object glass, of the telescope to shut out the glare of the sun, she was seen on of blue sky like the background a - delicate sil larger than the the naked ey e. ver crescent, much new moon appears to Saturn i now rises early enough to be well seen with the telescope long before midnight, and the gradual opening out of his wonderful . rings will be one of the most interesting sights in the heavens for three or four years to come. Mars comes up later, but he is growing in bright ness. His two little moons are beyond the reach of small telecopes, but the snow fields about his poles and the out lines of his continents and oceans are not, and a more interesting and wonderful sight than this earth-like planet presects in a telescope bearing magnifying powers of 250 or 300 diameters cannot well be imagined. Save your money by buying jour Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. t Day or Atoninient. The Day of Atonement occurrs on the 27th of this month, to-day. The whole day, from the evening of yesterday to the evening of to-day, is spent in prayer and fasting. The enrollment of destinies is completed, and as perhaps the lot of some U death, Jthe prayers are unusually solemn and plaintive. On both these days it is customary to pray dressed in white vest ments. The Day of Atonement is the only one in the year when the Jews kneel. On this day they prostrate them selves several times. With regard to the day Leviticus (the 16 h chapter) says: Aud it snail be unto you a statute for ever. In the seventh month, the tenth lay shall you afflict yourselves, ai.dno work shall ye do, whether it be- one of your own country or the stranger that sojourneth amongst you. For on that day shall be madc an atonement to cleanse you from all your sins. Before the Lord shall ye be clean. It shall be a Sabbath of rest unto you, and ye shall , afflict yourselves as a statute forever." No Jew has ever failed to kejp this day. In a ons era of three thousand and three hundred years scarcely auy exceptions have been furnished to this rue. The weakest women last, au4 sometimes eveu youog children are made to take pirt in the general abstinence A,ll the Jewish places of business closed last-evening at sundowu and will not be re-opened 'ill the same hour tbis evening. Ladies' Ties. E eg ant Neck Ties at 5 and H hu & Goodman, Fourth st. 10 cents, t The colors of the plaid j iu tockings match tboie of the dres precisely.' Ft.r the d ispla cf this dainty hosiery shoes are made with from j aix to n'me straps running straight across the feetjaod ankKs, fitted by buttons on the outside Of the foot. For bar steel, iron aud carriage goods go to Jacobi 6 Hardware Depot. - Inmallable. The following unmailable postal mat ter remains in the postofEce in this city: Messr.. B. Altman & Co.. 19th St., cor. 5th ave. New York; Joh D nkel, 137 Essex St., New York; E. M. Davis, Pas- quctank co., N. O. "'out BCK 1 1HS fur l.a.liba f. intc Hahij & odm an 's, Fourth stl The Fires Last Nlffut. STbout 8 o'clock last evening the kitchen attached to the house of Mr Jeste Ives, o i the corner of Fifth and Bladen streets caught fire, which together with the dwelling house was completely destroyed The fire is uppostd to hav been caused by a defective flue. Tb fire department were promptly on hatd and by their efforts undoubtedly prevei t 1 Ui :Li . i ou wuat migni nave been an extensive conflagration, as the buildings in that locality are all of wood and quite thickly located The house of Mr. Ives war insured for 1,000 in the - Liverpool and Condon and Crlobe lusurance Company represented in this city by Messrs. Johd W. Gordon & Bro. i : Immediately after the fire described above, and when th different fira com paniea had barely had! time to I get back to their engine houses, another alarm" was sounded, caused by the burning of an old unoccupied one story house in the rear of a new dwelling being erected by j Capt James Williams, on Fourth, between Nun and Church streets. The building burn ed was of but little value, and was un doubtedly set on fire by an incendiary. Strangers in the city should not i fail to vitit. the b sh Factorv. toot of Walnut street. t The Fastest Time on Record. Once upon atime, within the memoiy of the oldest inhabitant, there came to this city two rural gentlemen in a dug out, or log canoe, for the pu. pose of laying in Chustmas supplies. TLeir purchases being concluded, the cargo put on boa"d and everything ready for departure, they could not leave the good bid town without taking several parting drinks, t in coisequence ol wliich night closed iu upon them before they embaiked. "Now to bur oa-s,' said one, "lorj we will have to pull against the tide." Never w s there such a strong cun rent, and they thought that there nevtr were so many floating logs in the river be fore, but they would not bo overcome with difficulties and , applied themselves manfully to their oars, stopping occasion ally to sip from the bottle. Just before daylight they thought they approachad their lauding. "Here we are at last," said one. 'But,by j;miny,"said the other, "there was not any houses here when we left." The broad light ol day showed them that they had forgottea to cast eff the line of their boat and that they were rowing in the Rock Spring dock the whole night A fact. I Youcan get the best White Lead, Paints and Oils, and lowest prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. - t Greenough-Dawson. i Yesterday's New York World says "Miss Fannie G. Dawson, of Wilmington, N. C, was married yesterday at the Wind sor Hotel to M". Charles E. Greenough, a son of Charles B. Greenough, of this city, who is widely known through his connec tion with the const taction of thestreet raiiroads of Brazil. The ceremony ,wbich took place at 1 o'clock, was performed by the Rev. Dr. Gallaudet, of St. Ann's Church. The contract kg parties weie both guests at the Windsor, son's tamily have for several Miss Daw- lyeais been in the habit of coming North in the spring and, after a summer at Saratoga, of sp?nd ing the eaily winter at this hotel. Mr. Greenough has been making his home there during the absence of his parents in Europe. The brid-j wore a dress of white satiujprofusely decorated with orange blof soins. Miss Wetmore, of New Yo;k, was her only 'biidesm aid. Mr. Albert Schultz was the j groom's best man, Th?re were about forty pe pie present at t-e ceremony and among them Commodore and Mrs! Dickinson, Miss Unlz, of Philadelphia; tfr.and Mrs. Bj'jamiu jBlar chard, Mis. Bixby, Mr. George CVcil, Mr. IItrhn Kerr, Mr. Thomas Lee, Mr. Fred Bremer and Dr. Ruppaner. A wedding-breakfatt and a dance followed the ceremony." Mr Greenough is said to be an accom plUhed gentleman, of high social pot fcion, and of great wealth. The bridal presents were numerous and very handsome, Mr Greenough having presented tis biide with diamonds to the value of $47 000. Turner's Almanac promised us wind and rain for to-day. It has but three predictions for this week and every one of them is very far wrong, ! The Public Roads Opinion of The Attornei-Gcneral- Divpd S Cowan, Esq., ra Justice of j i -M ., dressed .1 ndte to Attorney General Kenan I asking his opinion a? to the jurisdiction of magistrates in cases of; failure to Work the roads. The much interest an 'utire; -respondence is of we therefo-e publish it R.r.EsoN-, N C 23 1 Sept 1879. Columbus County, j Hob. Thos S. Kenan, Atty. Gen i. of N, C. i ! . Raleigh N. C. Dear Mr; Tw- of the Wilmington no ti ra .-.,..-. .a. "m Z n 1 ouuiiunre it hs air. Solicitor Moore s opinion that Justices of the Peace have not hnal jurisdiction over cases of I lailure to work the public 'roads. win you be goo 1 enough to answer thfi fn!I 1 T T i.. i! . . i - AOL - 1 1 ;1VH .i mT Pi kl l T r h.l 1 '.in ,m -- -- - -.c uiii junsaiction in such cases? Answer: Yes. 2id. locals of..vl fr. n;.-,: m - I - M 'J U'TlvLH n.lnn.wa ... ..U iL f i i - . I UViu L1A I I L V r ill ! I 1 L MM .1 I' ti 1lCtthn1 o - - ' a. . j f inuuw jemai'uins' a prosecution Loud from de fendant? Answer: No. j i By answer.'ng the within questions you wui oniige, . . . Yours respectfully, D. S. C avan, J. P. Rat.eic:u, n C. Sept. 24th, 1879. My Deau Sir I i ... . oee -answers io your questions m your letter. I refer vou rb the road law. cn. 82, sec. G. Acta 1879 The Legislature certainly I intended to give J ustices ot tho Peace the jurisdiction, and if there is any doubt aoout it; tne courts will have to construe It. I decide in favor of the legislative m'-ent bee; also ch. 92. sec. 7., Acts 1879. where the lurisdiction is inven. and also ssc. iu. wnere appeals may be had. De tendants are entitled to the ri"ht of an- peal, and where they are able, they should give bond, and if not. they can file affida- vit of inability. This is provided for appeals from Superior Court, Bat. Rsv.1 ch. 33, sec. Ill and 112. And io ap peals from Justices of the Peace, a re cognizince m fast be taken. See Bat. Rev. ch 33, sec. 124, ct seqi I hope an ex amination of these references may aid you. j I Yours &c, I Titos.. S, Kenan. I Attorney -General. TuelSi'JTax, Joseph E. Sampsot., Regisfer of Deeds for New Hanover county, has made the following report of tho taxes for this county for 1879 : STATE TAXES. x.ieal estate, personal, fran- t t cuise, ana income $0,819.11 C .106 21 Insane Asylum, itentiary ....... and Pen School tax payable to Coun ty Treasurer, but reported to State including poll tax for white.... 4.. i l JO Colored .'. 1,470.52 Bank tax of on '281,921. Z6 )6 School tax of 8 on 35,138. 510. 4 282 09 20170 81 count t. taxes. Current expenses 34 cents on $100 val.. 18,426 49 2.80C 02 375,00 Current expenses 102 on rw-illn Current expenses 1 per cent on if"" fraochise Current expenses 1 per cent. on income GS2.90 I 9,755 20 Criminal Court 18 cents on SlOOval.' Criminal Court 54 cents on polls.. ...J. . . 1.485 54 16,258 G7 Old debt 30 ceuts on $100 yal New debt 5 C3nts on $100 val 2,709.78 New debt 15 cents on noils. 412.65 52 611.00 County. State.... 20,170.81 ' Total State and county.... $72 C81. 81 1 A Ilappy Man. ! This morning Mr. Joseph Murphy, a venerable citizen, went iotD the SheriflTs 'ffice to pay his taxes, after doiog which he i ff. The Sherift" havioe been out jou came rn aud found a pocket .book, apparently wed filled, lying on the fljor. In a short time, however, Mr Murphy re tnrneld, having missed the money, an 1 as there was nod spute about the ownership, it was de'iveredtq him aod'be we .t ou his way, rej icin. a iappy.nian. ! ., A Keliabl Wine. Mr Sr, of Nsw Jersey, whose Yti.e h s such a wide reputa tion, i vvimu phvsxians prescribe sj gei era lly. iv;f the first iu this country to introduce the urt making wne from the Op rtj Graje, which is no thjbst wiue to be bad. and has bee -T.e a ?ret favorite among the most faahiouable ia New York and Philadelphia. j Beaatters. Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes wuh all tho cosmetics of France, or beautifiers of the world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you such good health. I: strength, buoyant bpirits and beautfy as I Hop Bitters A trial ij cei tain nrocf. ibeo another column. . ' PLEASE NOTICE.' I We will be glad to receive eomronij sti-Di from our friends on any and all subictlf general inUrest but: . . .. ! ... i The name of the writer ioat. oe nished to the Editor Communicator mtet b one aide of the. paper. rrit-t nn Pnl Personalities most be avoided And it is especially and parti Mjlany under I! rfe I in the editorial col unns. New Advertisements. Notice. a -1 rtiv-unia are forewArn O- 'v 'orewarned. Ct l trn,t or hATbor, of tVe c' f the Nor qie 'PRINDSESSE GY 1? as neither th I Matter or f ID j r asignee will respoosib!e. R. E. HEIDE, CoBsbn-e. O. HELGESJIN, Master. ipt?7-3k Batting, pOB QriLTP, NICELY CARDED, and. BatUn for Distilleries', At the I WILMLVflTnv nnTTnw mt a ept27 miuu. Again WOULD 8TATK, (thouh it may not be . I - . . .. I I 1. thltlh. f1!... & - vupe i iae io ru T i 8cnooI r,nnir- . L, rOUUOL BOOK? u at the ll' YE I aTntir r I niUrVT. Whara . M Ml I v "i o juu n lli IjDQ ft ccmrlete stock of liooks, Bags, 8trapa, Slates, ic. Also, BIa',k Bookn, ytatlcnerj, Inks,! Ma- cilage, Ac, Pianos and Orga, Chroinoi and tag ravinP, at 1 j : HELVSBEKGERV, ' 8ePl " 33 and 41 Market it I OKllA HOUSE. Tliursl;iy, October Sl FORD'S JUVENILE OPERA CCMPT In Arthur Sullivan's i'W.k n.M n "KT TIT SI "PT W A 17A"D TP ' 0,1 AW A Utt2f FIFTY CHILDREN IN OPEltA. . Pi"ifore as done at Wallack'L. P! fLL in a new dreta f.verr characfar is io wdll muuc uoia musically and draixjaticalfy, as to be beyond c i' cif in. i ' Th New 5 Nuw Xork Trb',e said : "Pinafore, one, by Ford's JaveniU Opera Company, better sung and acted to an by any pther a? done. was company that Or - ; w n; - rr AduQission 2S. 50 unrl 7.1 J o J. Seats, $1. tfecared eati far Children 60e. 8a'e of Peats will be . . ' " oecurm tember 30th at f. n... JVCP" ot r . ooojtatore. Extra Stsamsr. mnif jti' i vf j 1 1 t r t v t i X. f!A PP. TRiaflV. Will 8ail from New York c a Thursday moin- iUK wci. na. THOMAS E. BOND. oept Supt- UI K IV A S H . v. I.- ; Monday Wi? ht, September 29 Invent Ktraorliii;iry. The grand openirg and only appearance in tnis city of tae on qualed and new STAR ALLIANCE 0PRl COMPANY, With lie Fcanerj, Vardrobr ani ett'ects, presenting the entirely ntwf Operatic auccets ofr the day, ' j H. M. S. PINAFORE, Or, THE LA83 THAT LOVES A SAIOK, Fepresentinjr in the Star Cast I j THIRTY-FIVE LADIES A OENTLEME. Notb These performances are or tb mest refined and elevating character, and are given at doable xpena-, bit without etri charge. No advancs id prices. To extra charge for reserved seaU. Box sheet for bta c seats now open at litl XdDEKGEit'd Bjok a tore. I Open at 7:30. begin at 8:15 precisely. , Carriages at 10:30. ept 26 ! . 4 1 Removed,1 D B. WOOD HA3 REMOVFD his office aad dwelling t j the building diaonaMy op posite the Post Office, corner of Caut and I - ' Second it. spt 25-t They are Here. , yE BEG OF OUR F2IEN0J'T0 ali anJ im ua. Our fall an 1 W Liter Stock ' now arriving by ev.ry train aad kt ;amr. and we have no hesitation in proaouc ciojr it the MOST DE3IBABL1 ASSORTME j T of Oant's Ciothinr and Farnuhinjr Qoh a evM b ought to tie 8ut. It will take dor two larfre and aandouie stores to bold Ital. Notwithstanding the recent advance in t Northern markets, we guarantee to sell at; LOWER PRIGESTHAfJ EVER BEFORE Call and see u and we will prove it to 3 ou aept2 A- A L 3URIEE. SB,. fuj f; 0