THIS PAPEK I. nuokUhtd every afteraoon, Soidayi; ex cepted by JOSH. T. JAMES, EDITOR AKD PKOPRIXTOK. I mi BrtCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. ,1 rear. $5 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three nK.Dths, $1 15; One month, 60 onU. The p&per will be delivered by carriers, ,rW5 otebarge, in any part of the city, at the ibove rates, or 13 cent per week. Adrertieing rates low and liberal f-Subcribers will please report any and it failure to receive their papers regularly. Miscellaneous. KtiOWH & RODDICK. w- 45 Market St. v n vc insi finished taking our annual im; of a ..s k, ami are now daily recriv - N'KW (JOOL'S from the Northern Miiikets, tuitall for the FAI L AND WINTEH TRADK ! . nr natrons will study tbxir best inter- .. . ? f;ts i.y making tneir purcnasi-s as carry ui j,,. jy-usoii as couvenient,as the general in rations of the market have an upward 20.000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! PK1CE ;ents. Vhwlale buyers would do well to look ,....r .nr -iM-k. befiie Durchasiug as we I lve a tmat many no da we are offering I much Mow THE l'KESElMT MAKKUT VALl'E Fansl& C osiu2 out the balance at Greatly. Re- due d' Prices. l'liin, Siriped and Chncked Naiosook MuHi.s. The best value ever onered. Call and examine. Linen Lawns from 12 1 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. Our Variety is Large. Our prices ARE "LOW. 8c upwards. Laces. liretonne, Torchon and Italian Laces. YW have very .much th Largest assort ment that hai been onered in this city and our 'prices, either by th jard or piece, cau not be undersold. Ouilts. 'sf .ic atul Imported Quilts. Our stock of Hie above i lanre. We have marked m r .iw it, nmv.riMi,itv tn .nni. tiir H'a.iis at. 'he old p"lC- i - - j 1 r-j i T ble Linens-Towels and Nankins. nrj . resent assortment exc -Is anything I'.ivt! ever eh iwii. ''all atul i:ive our stock a ! k over. Our I'uyr Is in the market at piesent and we are mvivinj: many Novel: ies. OUR r 5 and lO Cents J Is itn:ited on the S. W. corner of Market c m'T V , 'ai GVery 7f Come ll, to l!ii rort lirincra a tCrAri lih nl I the most surpiisinsly Cheap and Useful fo ds 1 1 1 at ever were offered iu any mar ket under a?-.y circumstances. We offer great indue meuts to Wholesale Buyers. Dnrv ttt xt o t- ATTTriTr 45 Market Street nz It? Zephyr Worsteds. OTHER LARGE LOT JUT RECEITD. WHITE 10 CENT. COLORED 12 (ENTS. iu Look oat for announcement of Grand Millinery Ope:,in. N. H. 8PRUNT, ert15 Fxchanjre Corner Manchester Yarn. 25 3d. MANCHESTER YARN. A superior quality, just received 25 l5r1'8 T ve Oeorga Steetig. - wit, Bagging, Ties- 6000 8c" LIVERPOOL RALT. VUVJ String Si Mtrin .-v. I 200 hrle nd na!f Ro118 "AGGUro, 3500 Hundlefl5eTirs, Flour, Bacon, tic. "00 BW. Fresh Flour, in Sb'CltT MeasPork, 125 TtK' u hic Fmi1' 1 rd . Extra O. and O l 1M Rk V DQ v l ii ft nJ 80X68 Kreih Crackers- Jotwh, Lye, rioda, Soap, Starch Buckets, Paper Twine, .. OW by ..whLlAM8 A vnnnmsnv Wfiolesale Gro. A ComT Mer r- i j i c . j . r . rrMt i i - ' - . j : ! ' . " : " ' The1 ' ' Daily 1 Kevbew. 1 ! . . i ,- ; . - i . . .1 i. " "' ' " - " l . . " ' r ! VOL. IV. J WILMINGTON, N.C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 j 1879. . NO. 200 LOCAL NEWS. v Mew Advertisements. Fee ad Lost. i P. HaiHBBjaeift jDo Not Forget A. A I. Suaiia They ate Here. R. M. McIntirx To jHousekeepes. Osbhaudt A Ce Buggies, Harness, Ac F. C. Millkr Baby jSjrup, Ac Altaffbr Sl Prick We Do Not Claim Boatwrioht A McK-t Groceries Yatks' Book Hto e and Photo koam A W. rd. Hknbt Savase -Particular Notice. , L. VoLLEttb Kemoral i Williams A M6rhiom Ma&chester Yarn, J John Cark ll j-Houp. Bee ad Clyde's Steamship Lin. Rev. G. D. Bbrrhkim, p. D. St. Paul's Fem,je Seminary. For other locals see?, fourth, page. Wirdow Glass-all Ssizes at ltafler & Price's. t Window Glass of a 1 s;zes at Jacobi's Hardware Depit . No interments 1U Oakdale Cemetery during the week. Full moon to-morrow morning at 2 minutes past 4 o'clock. Br barque Indiana, EvaLs, from this port, arrived at I;ndon on the 26th inst. The best WiuJows, Doors and Blinds and Lowest Prices can be got1 at Jac Bi8 Hardware Depot.! J 1 here were three interments luliellevue Cemetery during the week all children. fetrangers in the city should not fail to vmi the fe'Sh Factory, loot ot Walnut street. ! f Sell-". Georyia B. McFarland, Strong, siiled from Bath, Me.,1 on the 25th inst fjr this poit. f v... .. t0ul, uwm j port for Trieste, cleared oh the 8th iust. from Gibraltar Mr. E. F, McKae hai ben elected Cap. tain of the Shoe Heel Rlflesi Vice C. T. ,in of the Shoe ... . i Willis, resigned, Last night w is lovely. The light of the nearly full harvest moon shone bright ly and from a clear sky. j . . .M - Green turtle soup, probably tl e last of the season , will bd hrUel out ove, the freeJnnc' counter, at in Carroll's.' tc- morrow morning. M my a woman dusts bijliard chalk ofi her husband's coat and a big tear stands in her eye as. she thinksnhow late he rwork3 at night at his desk by the white washed walls Any father who would go out and put tar on his front gate after dark, must be Io8t to a11 Ben6 of humanity and ordinary V , i "'J espectability. Prudent people always have: Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills convenient. Th?j often oT . uw,lur"uu "f.ouiy " x vt ociv. v . y uvm. I ' Frobably the mild-eyed goat s the only animaUver invented that jean eat 24 hours a day, and then get iup an hour Detore clay aua aevour a uour-narrel and even Old 4rUtt Cans for a lunch. Wheu a boy scrapes a little skin off hia L-nnrtlfxi whilA anvrtrttr wrwi for hw I mother he makes more ado about it than when he knocks his bis toenafl off run ning to a fire. ' This is reliable. ¬ We are reliable informed that the roads leading from this city to Pender county are now in much better condition than they have been for a number of years Pasc- If l The instruments or rather a nortion ol them, for the fire alarm were nceived by M i Mr. DaForest this morning. A portion cf the instruments have been in the citv for a month put. The alarm will soon Win working order. ! i ; . -i j Mr. xatz lias Keiurned. Mr. M. M. KatzJ who has been Ifarth j fr several .weeks pas', layinlg in his stoek of -Fall and Winter staDte and fancv drv I goods, has returned p. the city. I Hq eays that he has bought j lorgely arid is weil satisfied with his purchases. He will make a full announcement to the ladies in I a lew days through the columns of the REVIEW. Indications, j - War Department, 4 Office of the Chief Signal Officer Washington, D. C., Sept. 20, 1879 'J For the&oHth Atlantid, SUtea partly, cloudy weather, Easterly i wuda, slight changes of temperature and barometer. - 2" - . . - - For bar steel, iron and carriage goods I go to Jaoobi's Hardware Depot. 1 J iue uar.iu-r.aric ajiaucujij Our readers are possibly familiar with me lacunai ior me past weeK or more, there has been a duel imminent between Mr. J.'J- Dargan, ODe of the editors of the ,c f tt' , i r i bumter (S. C.) TJ atchman, and Mr. Joseph Earle, a lawyer, both pa.Ues from the lit, tie town of isumter. It seems that the difficultyerewout of a newspaper article vriten and nublish-d bv Air. Danran. euiniea "lUe Average Senator'7 JUr. I ..... . r. . . . . - E vrfe being in the State JSenatelroni Sum- tir county, thought that the article was iuteuded to reflect upon him. It seems, go rumor has it, that there has always been a little feeling of jealousy ex. istiug between the two parties in question, I. . f i oolu oeing rising young lawyers, ana coin w i u . J7 h. Ui.h., r. ... i terJ positively relatir to the article re ferred to and is said to have denounced Mr Dargan as a d d liar. This Intel li- i i gence.was communicaUd to Mr. D. ' and he immediately approached Mr. E. on the subject and the result was a demand of "that satisfaction due one gentleman to another." AH the preliminaries were ar ranged and the place of meeting was the noted duelling grounds of 'Sand Bar Ferry," near Augusta, Ga. The author ities at got wind of what was go- "Ma www sum. a mmw aw Bv ing on and immediately proceeded to t I w arrest aua put unaer Dona ine parties im plicated. Mr. Dargan was arrested and im- mediately complied with the requirements . r . . J ,, , i tuo low "J jv"" ,U4 wv s - . t ri . l a - . i r . i z wniGn aiterwarua provea to oe aeiecuve aad did not at the timQ e8Cape4 the pro- i r : .u I out the slightest hesitancy. Mr. Earle asked the officer to accompany him to his house after his arrest, in order that he might see his wife, who was there quite sick. The officer oomnlied and verv fooU i " ishly waited at the door for his prisoner, while he went into the house. Mr. Earle made his escape from the rear of his dwelling, where he Dad in waiting a horse and buggy, together with his 1 second, a Mr. BlandeDg. The two drove over to Wedgefield, a station on the W-, C. & A. R. R.. a distance of ten miles, I wher they boarded a' train for Columbia and thence to Augusta, thereby thwarting comP1etc,y the BtDg arm of .J' Vir. Darga took the train that night for j i Charleston, via Florence, where hs was joined by his second, Gen. Richardson. The two proceeded to Augusta and justas they crossed the Savannah river on the cars and were safely on the Georgia side, a Lieutenant of the Augusta police walked upjand, from the description of a telegram he had in his possession from the Intend ant of Sumter, together with an order for their arrest, he claimed his prisoners. They then gave bond, telegraphed their interruption to the other parties and arranged to meet in this State, somewhere near Charlotte. Mr. Eat le and his aec( n.5 again were succesbful in evading the cmcers of the law and salely reached the ... .... ... Ntlrlh Carolina line. Not so with Mr. Eargan and his friend, however; as Mr. tj. wa? arrested in Columbia. PcsitiVely refusing to give bond, he was put under a annrd at thfl "Hpi drix Hnnm" anH af K5o ? . r escape. 1 his was as feed and granted for the ostensible purpose of havine a BocL'l and private chat with kerne of his personal frieuds, , with out ' the unplearant subjection of having an officer or policeman in there presence. The conversation among the friends hating ceased Mr. Dargan gent to Chief i . ofPoliceRadcliff.andtold him that he then UCBircu lu uo " " F. u 1 : j . A l l r l t Jtt8UCB lo olT' r8M we wouul 8iaie nat : ?.-xm r u .i.i. .i . lDe autnomies seemea wining to reietr , mm ,I-iy u ." oi uocor showing the implicit confidence thy had ia h.m as a man and a genueman. L air. l. positively reiuseu anu tola luem hskt he was tben lheir prig0ner. A guard was stationed at the door of his room with his backa gainst in the Uinly know it. The room occupied by Mr. D was the third story of the buildme. About 11 o clock that niffht he made his escape by means of a rope ana descended to the f ouud . His disappearance was cot kiaown fur three or "more hours after. wards, and of course, every one was in ignorance aa to the direction he had taaen. flW second (Ue. Klchardson) who was ti - vn m Sumter, was teleraphel to and be immediately put out to join his Meud traveling over the country by prirale con- tv.i a rf-i .: ' .i veyance to Doko, S. OL, a station on the O. U & A. B. ' After baring reached mi... n.... n-M o..i I tkm nn:x ii ... yumi. tuey were still ignorant aa to the whereabouts of the other parties 'as Were they as to theirs Mr Earle and hi8 friend . . nhflrIftf;o I an tu 0 j- . . ' y advised them to return home, fpHny tW L effo ! , . . olu uu ma luu a f1718 them to return to Sumter, wmcn they did, Mr. Dargan and his i i r f nil rn ia jninM . I . . , lu"un,u6 Hucceeuing mgnt, t14" lhureday night). Parties from CJoi- urabia and other places, gentlemen of considerable note) and friends I of both parties, have gone to Sumter to see if thv runw a- ,lange the difficnitv in a manner tifa.. I i " tory to both partlea Ifc is giacereI hoped that it may be amicably settled Both Partus are gentlemen of considerable1 prominence and influence, youDg and fine-looking and of undaunted courage. fTIl ' I i . L jneanovejis a correct outline ot the facts rektivej to this projected! duel and is, we believe, the only fuU and thorough report of the atLir which. has' yet been published. Save your money by buying or-Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Pric - ' t Beautiflers. Ladies, you cannot make fair skin! I mSV r.hPf'M ami Qnnr tin rr rvra m.'rk 1 th m t f ; ioof!fi- f I - muvuj v-f a - U blUVl ui the world, while in poor health, and notning win give you such good health. !5rerffJtn! DUyant spirits and beautfy as Hop Bitters. A trial is certain prooi Bee another column. New Advertisements. St. nary. WILL RESUME 1T8 8ESSI0N8 ON WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1-t. 1879. lnorougn instruc' on guaranteed.- Prices eiceediDgly low. No .i ATtra ftharcrik fur rt-na extra language. Bojs admitted under twlTe J" af; , , , cut iitiiuor paruuuiarB luirrts, REV. G. D. BERNHEIM, D.D . sept29-lt, . ! riccii,aL Buggies, Buggies, Harness & Saddles, FOR SALE AT GERHARD T dL GO'S, 3rd st., opposite City Hall. REPAIRING DONE -WITH NEATNES8 AND DISPATCH. HORRE-8HOEINQ A SPECIALTY sept 29-tf OFFICE CLERK & TREASURER, CITY OF WILMINGTON, September 27ih 1879. Particular Notice. i QITY TAXES for 1879 are now due. Inter est at the rate of Eight per cent, per ant. mm, will be charged, according; to law, on all taxes remaining unpaid October 15th, 1879. HENRY SAVAGE, i sept29-oaw2t Treasurer. Removal ! IW.OULD NOTIFY the public that I w 11, on October 1st, remove u.y business to the Store formerly occupied by Mr. P. A. t-cbutte, as a Furniture Establishment, whare I will keep constantly on haad a etock of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. and would respectfully solicit the patron age of the public. Yoira, Very Respectfully, sept 29-tf X,. VOIiLPRS. A Word I rpO PARENTS AND TEACHERS : The University 8eriea of School Books were adopted by our 8ta'.e Boa-d of Educa tion and X have made arrargements with the Publishers for their introduction at Feduced or Introduction Katf 8, with the privi'ege of exchanging Old Books for toeoo. This ar rangement will contioue only for a short time. Secure your Books while thej are chiap ! i Counes immediately around New Hano ejr can be supplied throagh me on same teMreFnbhe,a W.YATES. Do Not Forget rjlHAT THE CUEAPFJsT PLACE TO BUY SCHOOL BOOKS is at THE LIVE 'BOOK STORE. Pianos and Organs. SOLD ON THE WEEKLY and Month ly instalment Plan, at Bottom Pi ices. Base Balls, Bats and Guides. Blank Boks and Stationery of etery description, at BEISSBERGE&'S, isept 23 33 and allTarketiL Pail s Fem e New Advertisements. YOU WILL FIND CARPETS, OIL AT 21 rHOUT STUBS T. fou wUl find LARGE, Wide Bed Blankets, 8heetin, FU1W Cottox.1, Ac, at 21 -r ! I Front Street. lace, Lambrequins, Curtain Maslina A large lot of Calico Wrappers only T5 cents ,lliU1Bu ooi veau.ijniiaren's c" " uueiorj, MORE sept 29 Baby Syrup. pAKKER'8 GINGER TONIC, Indian' viiuimnjus, ouu b vougn oyrup, xviuta Chill Cure, Aiers' Ague Cure and, a com plete Etock of pure Drnjrs and Medicines. ! F. C. MILLER, Corner 4th and Nun Streets. Open day attd night, j sept tt i ! Lost. A GOLD CHAIN AND LOCKET. ' i j ' . The finder will be suitably rewarded I - - - by leaving It at I j HkINSBERGER'S, sept29-!t Live Book Store., Soup! QREEN TURTLE SOUP, the last of the season, for Free Lunch to-morrow, at sept 29-1 1 JOH-N" CARROLL'S. We Do Not Claim jp 1TRON AGE simply because we are a home enterprise, nor do we expect it at the expense of any one's pocket; W E DO CLAIM that we can fall any order for Sash, Doors and Blinds, Or anything inour line, at as LOW FIG- UREb, and as good work and material, as can be bought any where. Window Glase Builder's Supplies always on hand. ; ! Our new DRY. KILN" isin operation, and none but the bi st Lurcher is used. llespec fully, ALTAFFER & PRICE. Factory Foot of Walnut street. T" Office Cor Nutt and Red Crota streets, sept 29- Boatwrioht & McKoy TOLD YOU SO. GROCERIES have Advanced. But nevertheless, we can evn niw sell you BARGAINS. Come and examine our etock and prices. It will certainly -pay you. . ' You will at least allow us to past you on prises. Won't you? i Write for Saaples an'd Piices. Your com-ican:c-ior swill receive prompt aniweri. We keep every thing tbat is kepi in a firit class Grocery estaMi hment. I Our Wiiie, Liqior and Cigar Depart meat i j caarot be excelled in the State. 8peciJ attention given lo the Ret iil De partment. , Goods al wars 'resh. Luxu ies and Sub tantials at very smalt margin. - The fact ;s we keep on retail the largest and most complete st ck of any bouse la the 8tate. 'I , v '! Call amd sea us. i . 1 -, - Boatwiight & LIcKoy, O Cl 7 ZTortU Front Street-, feptia : PLEASE KOTICE, We will be glad to receire eotrmtni aticcs from our friends on any and nil obeote ct general interest but : Tfe name of the writer t&nim a!wv? oe-fur aiahed to the Editor j Communications mast be written on one tide of the aper. , Personalities muit be avoided. And it is especially and partiarir under stood that the Editor does not alwry. endot the views of corresj-ondento, unless so state in the editorial column. I New I Advertisements. NEW AND PRETTY CLOTHS i AND MATS, Koith and Lace Curtain G oods, In great variety. each; y on may judge whether or not they Meiino Suits, in all s'zes, Ladies' and Child a v., AC, c., C, ANON, It. US. McIWTIIlD. CLYDE'S Mew Yod-Ec I AND Wilmington, fim C Steamship Lino. The flteamcf i BE WEF ACTOR. OAPT. JONES. WiiX 8AIL FROM NEW YORK OJi SATURDAY, Octobor 4. Shippers can rely upon the prom pi sailing of Steamers as advertised. -s For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, Snp't, i Wilininjt'n, WM.jP. CLYDE k CO., N. G. I 35 Broadway, New York. OPERA HOUSE. . i . . ii Monday Nig ht, September 29. E veil t E f raor cl iiJa ry T V " j . . u Krnu opeLirg ana only appearan this city of the unequaled and new ce in new STAR ALLIANCE OPERA COMPANY, , niione ccanery, Wardrobes and effects, presenting the entirely new Operatic success of the day, H. MJ S. PINAFOEEI Or, THE LABS THAT LOVES A SAILOR, itepresenting in tbe Star Cast THIRTY-FIVE LADIES A GENTLEMEN. Notb These performances are of the most refined and elevating character, and are given at double mense. bat withnnt Afra cnarge. -no advance in prices.) No extra charge for reserved seats. Box sheet for best eats now openat HEINSBEKGER'S Book Store. . Open at 7:30. Bfgin at 8:15 precuolj. Carnages at 10:30. sept j26j ORERA HOUSE. Tliursdar, October 2c! m m i j FORD'S JUVENILE OPERA CCMP'J . . - L ' i ju Arthur fcullivan's Comic Opera, j H. M. S. PINAFORE. I FIFTY CHILDREN IN. OPERA. Pinafore as done atjWallack's. PiWor I inanewdreu. tery character is so well 1 done both musically and dramatically, as to be beyond criicifin. i Th New York Tribune Said : "Pioaf re, j ai done, by Ford's Javenile Opra Co m pan y , was better sung and acted than bv ahr other Company that hai appeared in NeW York i City." - ;. Admiaeion 25, 50 and 76 ceats. Secarrd 1 Seat?, $L Secured Seat for Children, 60c. Hale of Feats will bee in on Tuesday, 8ep- f tember 30th, at Heinsbarger's Bookstore, t. j ,cpt276t i ( i ; They are Here. BEG OF OUR FRIENDS TO call and see ua. Our Fall and Winter'' Stock is now arriving by evary train and steamer. and we have no hesitation in pronouncing it ;' the MOST DESIRABLE ASSORTMEN T 1 I 1 ' , i f Gent's Clothing and Furnishing Goods I vet bi ought to tbe Sut. It will take our I two large and hand o me stores to hold it aL. If ot withstanding the recent advance in the Northern markets, we guarantee te sell aF L0VER PRICES TMAH EVER BEFORE ' Call and see uj and we will prove It to j ou. t f?rt2i . -. - jl. ' i. " r"T

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