WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, Ik :.- Enteked AT TUE J'OSTOFFICE at Wilmington, X. C, as Second Clas Matteh. TIIET1LDEN TAX SUIT. In tbif suit, brought for" the recovery of money alleged to be due the U. S goverrmeot, it being charged that Mr Tilden did not make full returns as to bis income tax, the bill of particulars called for by the defendants' counsel has beer, refused, Judge Choate having on Sat' urday last refused the motion. The opinion was an elaborate one. Judge Choate say?: . Government is not to be presumed to know what any man's income is, stiW les? the several parts of which it is made up. Every man is to be presumed to know these things with entire certainty. W hile officera of the Government may have such credible information as to a tax payer's income as to make it prcper to bring suit to recover an excess of income tax due above that paid, that information may not be so specific or detailed a3 tu enable the District Attorr-ey in advance ol a trial to eet forth the items with cer tainty. This may be common law but it is by no meana common sense. It is, in effect,. an endeavor to shift the burden of proof of the charges on the shoulders of the defendant. If the U. d Government does not know "what ajiy man's income is, still less the several parts of which it is made up," how can that Government-V agents or attorneys make affidavit to s fact of bich they can. not be aware, viz, the amount of Air. Til den's income, and the consequent aoiouLt of tax he should have paid tnereou ? The animus of the suit against Mr. Tilden is more plainly apparent now than it ever was before. It is simply brought in the interest of the . Republican party and with the hope of making electioneer ing capital for that party. It remains to be peen who makis the most out of it Mr. Tilden or his enemies. DESSI3 KEARNEY STUBBED. Dennis Kearney, the San Francisco sand lot agitator, has made several at tempts to have an interview with Gen. Grant since the arrival of the latter in this country, but has thus far been un successful, lie has sent his card up to the General several times, but has only met with a prompt and decided . refusal to meet him in person. In this we think Gen. Grant manifests excellent judgment, for there is no'reasou in the world why such in illiterate, pro fane and revolutionary boor should be entitled to recognition. Ou the contrary he deserves to be ignored by all good and patriotic citizcDB, as a fomenter of dis cord and strife. By the most brazen faced effrontery he has forced hunsel! upou the notice of the public, more by bis lack than by his possession of any merits deserving the esteem of the peo pie. Kearney isone who is not likely to 6uL mit quietly to rebuke; he cotisidern Lfim self 'of mightly importance and as havir a mig ity influence in ihe pohticnT worid, and it is very doubtful if he lets the slight thus put upon his dignity and importance pas without retaliating, and Geu. Graut is in a fur way to bd the re:li ict.;t u-i in-v.-ctiVJs to wi:c:i he Uis uevu. ueiure rceu i-ubjecitd. ': There 'us Uft-n eniirfy t.n much noto riety given to Kearue) already, aud it ih high time that he was made to'feei thai he has uo clatm to anything further than a cornr griHf ry ncognkion. He ia the frothof politics and the sooner l.e is blown off the bftter. C01T0X MILLS IX SORTU CAROLINA We ate in receipt of the Monthly Ke port of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, from which we ell the following; We have 6fty-three cotton mills in op eration in the State, and the consumption for the past year is estimated at 38,41 bales, or 17,297 800 pounds. Accord ing to the figures of the National Cott. Exchange. this was an increase of 16 544 bales over the previous year. Thsee lare mills are now being erected, with u,v prospect that otheis will be added within the next twelve month, which will cue tinue to increase oar .consumption. It is a gratifying fact, that while all our spindles run on full time, they are unable to keep up with the den. and. Every pound of cotton produced in North Caro". Una should be spun within its borders, thereby affbrJing employment to thous ands of our population, and ad-ling mil lions to our aggregate wealth annually. The last sentence in the above para graph embodies all the advice necessary to make North Carolina one of the most prosperous States in the Union. There i available wafer power enough and-to spare to run the spindles and looms for the manufacture ot all the cotton raised in the State, even if the production, wert increased, as it ought to be, ten-fo!d. We have heretofore called attention to the importance of manufacturing our own prod nets by Our own people with our own jnachiiicry. Such enterprises are profit.1 !j I Lie a the ?rorth, a th wssnd rciles fn.ia whore -the stable is' grown, an I why shouU they not be more proGtable here? It is a flir.p: a the intelligence of our peo ple to ui.iujatf t h at. 1 lie y trplJ not. Tiip. Mfrri.-l..:rk ' rvr-r. which n.- amiti the Vuit- iloiiiU.r.-.-ioi .m-w . shire anl is fcrs -rp twoh-hrVeil length Til '.yet' to i s in an. with i -s ( ri'it.ii its power y which i-irnirbes U-e wiuer m-Lie in iC "i.jru ry .. is in vtd than anyu!ljr river, vt winit'vpi m;fniMdo in the worF; the water por of North Car.'lj.-a j ,ul,' liHi Uf tlmt oflhe river we h ive (n;ime'l, yet fully three-fourths of the co;toujsiiippffi from thi State for coastwise t-orts is manu factured by machinery for which th.it river or some of its tributaries furr.ifh the motive power. Is there any cirei t reason "why this shou'd be "so? Cm there, by zuy posibi!it'y, be an actual necessity that we should py such enor mous tribute to a section from which we have received so little coiijsi ler itiu ?. WASHINGTON LKTTEIi. VAMif-pTOKr, Bept.j2G, 1879. It is plaiu thsit the Republicans have giverj up hjpe of carrying Ohio by fair ujear., lor they are industriously circula ting btories of a ruijture between Senator Thurman and Geiil Ewing. Secretary Sherman helps in tiis work. Of jcur-e there is no truth injthese sories. jEvery reputable Democrat in Ohio is at work for the State ticket, Senator Bruce i Chairman of a soecial Freed- committee examining the broken man's Bank, sitjs his committee will make startling! revelatioLS. - But the Committee probably will not. 1 think everything discreditable to the managers of the concern has! already been published An institution s arted tO promote thrift among a newly -enlraDchisjid and w bully uneducated race was madi an instrument lor committing fraud upu them. Senator ' Biuce mily, indeed, i con nect new and rpmicientj names with the swindle, but he can discover no new facts that wjll addtejthe enormity of the offence. It is interestirig to know that he advises the purchase by Gern- ment of the Banks building in this cry Tnere is nothing to condemn, in thi the GovernoKnd's purchabes, from if the liauk eui tLere, tor me uumnijg is a g-jou )ne uud is -needed by the Government. Liut thg tax payer nrooosed Durchase should object if I this s to be ma .'e a prece- tU-ut. and all the worthless real estate t be bought on which the Bank officials carelessly or fraudulently loaned the money of their de;posirois. Oace pur chase that, and ,,ruu:a'aud combinations would be formed to force Govern meiit to buy outlying farms and vacant aqujires owned by the Bank. ter? 16 tne danger in purchasing the Bank building I think the titno spent lly newsp.ipers and people, whether) of the! Democratic or other party, in deprecating a cordial re ception to Geif 1 Grant iu San Francisco or in other places he may visit, is 'ime woise tbau thrown 'away. 1 Ail the Vest of the world has received with honor one of the principal celebrities of ! our civil war, and it would by absurd for jour own people to dp otherwise. They feel a greater; interest iu him than au other peop'e cau, and that iiueresij is cou hi;ed to no party, section, or creed. He was hot, a model I'resj ient, aiid he proba bly has no more 'chance ol beii.g lesid.'nt tor the yeais from lbfcl to lSb5 ihau has Jih jou;,,tit reauer oi this letter. In iru h, the i;lea of a "third term,'- did not cause the tand leeepilioiis1 tiven. He h ihtt oi iiiopal efeiebrity dt the day ia ibau- Ki aoCJseo. and' that is what, cal.s out the people to lueeL him. GuudoeJ ' . " Col. lNik'& Jtouihli i.eyur . 'Every liuzt'ii Interested. The utui-.y of the Agr:cutural Mu- u:o liM vtrj bv-eu qu--.tioijHd bv ;i v .. o ii..c- v, iirti it, oil' is Uo.v r any coii,mcUd t U. It1 cau bo niade of gr. at value to tijie itatb without a Cent i cost to the popu It ik ut.doubc--ijy the mo.'-t' tjtlici-.jt-.it, ;ind the cnap ; ,-t met hod oi" ijd Vtri iijug to the woiid the wonderful oatbilitjJeH of our State, aud uo State m the Unou ueeds it so mucu at our3.. The I)epartuieut not only urges the citizens of each couuty to send specimens but bays whatever i:ost attaches to lt. ThejCommifteioner is convmc-rd from his intercourse, and no extended correspondence with the people, that the cie for each cot nty would have be-n wiell filled loug ago, out for one thing- the l$Hke to be excelled in coinjieLth c fj)ort. If they . a -mot, send in they frcs', the will send nothing. But suppose tnis spirit gov erned in all the departments of human vffoft ! Improvement, advancement, progress, would hot only be paralyzed, but the world if- would rapidly retro grade, and we would soon be in a -tate of . liabarismj It j is impossi jle for every county to excel, but it ia possible lor each to have a handsome: representation. Any exhibition is better than none. While it'is desirable to haya specimens , of superior quality, jyet ij; is much more impo'tant to have a variety. The fol lowing named co. Unties each, have a fair representation, but any one oi them could, and should, be greatly improved: Alamance, iAuson, liiaden, Cuuarrus, Caswell, Catawba, Chatham, Caerokee, CraveDj Camberiand, Da plin, Forsy tb, Gates, Green, Guilford, tlalifax Jacfcson, Johnson, Lenoir, M-disor,- Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moore. Nash, North ampton, Onslow, Orange, Pamlico, Pafqaotank, Pender, Pitt, Randolph, Richmond, ikwan, Rutherford, Samp eon, Stanly, I Wake, Warren, Wayne, Wilson and Yanoy. Many of the re maining conn ties have nothing,-and none of them have a creditable dis play. Oar special correspondents have done welL They receive no compensation, save the ! consci ousness of 'duty, well performed, gn4 hare no more interest ia the work bin ny otjer citizen. Hxtry ci"z : owea a duty to hia family, his S.ate aad to posterity. This appeal is not mde to epfcial correspondents alone, but to every c:t z:-n ho rend" if. It is io you, whatever yoar Vvc.tion. , ilicb county wiii nave it." own cse .In the larq1 bail appropriat d to Uli V 'jirirtui' nt at the ptate Fair. Th te c 'ir' cow being constructed, and uli 1 de;g'-ated by came and ar ibug'-d in nJpbb tieal order. The sp-ciii' us sh;,uhl bt np.nti itr by th1 8 h of October. The exhibition will be returned to the Museum at the close of the Fair. 1 bo State Agricultural Society offers a silver medal to the county that has the bet-t exbi; it, to bekfp perroanenl Iv in the case of sad county, in the Mnseum. Burnett's new Btory is to be ''lVmibiana.' j Wejadge from its titlei that jit is not, founded upon fact. Soma men's manuscript is more difficult to set up tban a lusty old jtove wi h ten lengths of pipe bought .it auction. Syracuse Sunday Times. Three things conduc ive to happiness- -a full Rtomach, sn empty pocket and a clear cooscience. Ware .fearfully happy Whitehall Timea. ' Beerdriuker6 will resort to Ber eheba Spiicgs, Tenn, hereafter under the'impression that they cau get Beei" sheb there. Youkers Gazette. Thank Heaven, . the danger of be ing killed or cruejly mangled for life by an exploditg soda fountain is now over for at least, six mouths. Phila delphia Chronicle. .They have white mn, Indian?, negroes and 'Geasera' in L'eadvi le, aud they wan'i nilov? any Cbir aman there ou the principle that' more thun four uces won't go in thesumie pads. A New York chemist ha a sparge t ight feet iu cucumft renoej If it onlv bail a cane and a stand up collar it would b at its way out West in no time. Detroit Free Press. A poor but high Fpinted woman in Chicago pounds an old rag on I the kitOJieu iabla'every morning to m&ke tue neighbors bo ieve she has beef tsteik for brukfast. Stillwater Lum bet man. j Tho schoolbry wilt gloat for half a day over the enigmaa m a puzzle column, but when he comes to getting his re gular arithmetic lesson he considers it the greatest bore on earth. Home Sentinel. i ! Worthless Stun! . Notlso fast, my friend; if you c uld see the strong, healthy, blooining, men women and children that havebeeu raised from beds of sickucfs, sull'ering aud al most death, by the use of flop . Bitters, you would say Glorious and (invaluable remedy.'' See another column'. STOMACH 'evii and ' Afup-is most co-nrnon In the fprinir Put m st -eve e m the tail an1 wiater, It is Ptrfct'v a ina ari.ms dieas , and so sure lv.will'th individual Whj a louts th8 pre cwuiion bo xe j r-d from i pains and pen alties Add to this .its valae as a etotuachio and anti biilious ient, and who will ven tare to insav it cl inis! to the first place among tamny medicines. For a lebyall Druggists and, respectable oealers generally, septl-c&w. NEW PiAiVOS i $125 Each, and all styles, including Orand Sauare and Upright, all strictly first class, sold at the lowest nbt cash wholesale facto bt prices, direct to the purchased These. Pianos made one of the finest displays at tbe Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re commended for the Highest Honors oyer 12,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory established over 3f years. The Square Grande contain Mathu shek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, tae greatest improvement in the history o; Piano making. The! Uprights are) the finest in America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive catalogue of 43 pages mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., apl 7-m 31 East 15th street. ' H Y Headquarters for Ale r Laer Beer and Porter. H-1VXA11CTJS 6l DOR'S, No. 6 Market Street QAN FURNISH YOU WITH THE BESl Ale, Lager Beer and Porter, both keg and ' I I bottled, in the city. Country orders promptly attended tj. For (Smithville. gTEAM YACHT ELIZA BETH, Capt D.W.Chadwick, carrying United States Mail. Leaves wharf foot of Market street daily (except andT. at 3 P. M. Retar&iog, Uave 8mithTUle at 64.M. B. P. PADDiaOiff, P8 v . AenU !- - ' - ftliwcellaneous. r ur rv cm, i THAT DESIRABLE R18IDENCE on Third street, West iue, recently occu;.Ldbj Col. Jas O. Vu r. wpt U B- LAVGDOV. For Rent. . i THE ENTIRE THIRD Floor of the Mn chison Building, situated on Front Street, next North of the Bank of New Hanover. Especially enitable as a if ahl or for Ulub purposes. Tpply to B. D. DbtFOHEHT, I or G1LE8 A MDRCHIS05. gept 20-9t . . ' ' For Rent, pROM THE 1st OF 0CIOBEH, 1879, the BP.ICK DWELLIJjG, southwest corner ot Charge and Thh-d sts. AppW to JOHN H. FREEMAN. feptl3-tf or )SA.M'L V. CANNON. For Rent. THAT DFSIRABLE STORE, aleo HAL,. Oj thir;' fl o, new ly fitted j up, corner Market and tS nth W a tcjr Streets from th v 1st of October Apply to sept 1 tf H. B. E1LEKS. S600. OR RENT THAT VERY i desirable store on Market Street, i - i - ccu ie-' by Mr. Thos. H. nowey, A3 a Shoe tore. The cheapest Store on the r-triet. Api lj ti THE McKOT'S. eept 10 :f For Rent. JROM. 1st October that dea'ra ble STORE, No. 45 North jFrcnt treet,! at present occupied by Ho. Express Compny sept 23 l w Apply to D. A. SMITH St CO. For Rent. THE ELIGANt' BE8IDENCE jlj on corner of Third and Walnut sta., recently occupied by Wm. Calder, Fsq. ! i '''. Posseision given October 1st. Apply to . sept 23 tr J. F. GA.URELL. To Rent, gTORHJ HOUSE AND DWEL LING to let on Brunswick and Jli Seventh streets, in peifecf order. Tosses- i I ' ' ' ?ion s;iven immediately. ! A's vthree No. 1 Fror.t ltooms to let, at ine first National Lank,:oia buildiug, cor- 1 . ne: F-ont aud Princess stree s. i F--r ' particulars apply to , srpt 15 tOl SOL. BEAR & BROS. The New Boot and Shoo Stored 32 STREET. i. rpo MY FftlEXDS AND Patrons : 1 bankf ,1 for past fav rp, I will In form them that I hive ;ast returned frcm th -i North, wlere 1 have visited aJl th-v celer!- i ted markers for Bo its nd Shoes. ' I am determined t sell a good shoe for a low price, esch" as you nere- bought ic I t r j this market before. All I ask is a call and a r J I J fiir comparison. j! . My stock is now ariiviDg with every tiaii- nd cannot be excelled by any in the c tyj I .Respectfully, sept 13 C. ROSENTHAL. Meats. I1 Meats. 5Q Bb!s Mesa Pork, ! 2Q Boxes White 8trip?, Boxep D S Shou!ders; jq boxes Lheap Kreait-, Tcs Cheap Him:, At low prices by Hall & Pearsalli sept 26 ! Furniture. TUST RECEIVED FUOi1 ,F AG TOL f large assortment of Walnut and othe, grades o FURNITUKJfi, which ire oife Great1 Bargains, j Call and examine, feb 19 ! D. aJ SMITH & CO Removal. rjl B. HENDERSON CO., Product Dealer! and Commissicm Merchants, have re moved from Front street, to the store recent ly occupied by J. W. Alderman A Co.. cor i' ! - ner Chestnut and Water streets. HI 4r ., ,,,noi D lit. rvis" - . SOLD BY si5oo:oo A I! OTIC E our cn,,0sC&URS and D&tc RAZE P LA re f FOR PARTICULARS .wr,u.,w ADDLES SI WhiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, ohiq October 1st. FALL CAMPAIGN I WILL COMMENCE. Woather lias Ucoii foo Iiol lor iPeopld 'to iRcad Advert ieiiie ts. FULL LINE OF Fancy Groceries JUST RECEIVED AT Ft L. SRIDGEBS & GO'S, 8500 -Reward!. For a Cigar at the same price that equals our P-R-I-BT-G-I-P-E a-. $250 Reward ! I FOR ONE THAT BEATS OUR SOLON" SHIIJGLS ! S100 Reward ! For ' an all-tobacco Cigarette, cf same f.tjle, finish ;and quality, that can be sold as lowT'as our Boss and Lilly. sept Z ' , '.'I'- 2 WMFW&& ONLY 19 DOLLARS ! PENNSYLVANIA B MACHINE Equal to any -3ins:er in the Market ! The any cut represents the moBt populai Htyle for the i e pln, which we offer you ft tha v;ry low price of ,l.r, in 1u.jid attacb niens. jf" Kemeraber, wed not &k yoi to pay until you ( have seen the mach ne "fe ; After baving eiSmintd it if it is tot all w r.reent, re. urn it to ns at our expefg.. Q n;n!tyour ine-ests and orde at once II you live withii seven Laadred milesf tb frTgv;t will tot bijino e thai one dollar; , Ad Jres, PjonylTaiiia iSewlng Ma.MiiCjXo., - -17 N. lOth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. aug 29-wtf I v ' Winberry Oysters Q TH3I ABi5 GOOD xijjr now. Another ici tl- ment just receive ! Jiis axoriang. It's cold e ough ar-w for hot WhuKej ana fat Oysterr. Free Lunch erery day at 11 o'clock. 1 I i.... . . . , r rau- LUMBERS LIFE IN A BOTTLE, The .Most Valuable Medical Ic ery Known to thb Worll v 'More Use for Quihin Nv' or Mineral Poison sLjfe f! Blood, Strength for thi SU and Health fSr All. 'en AX OPEN LETTEITO TJ1E K'IiLlC BelieTinffthatbTcleaDsice ti -hi J ' building up the constitution aL?3 464 wa r ot baDi ning diSea and bein u'i with weakness of the lnns, catvrh"" much broktid down in constitution a UtJ after.trjidg the bet physician? and ''" out my Boieyformduy iLai of W advertised without nndinif a permar.lt 1 b: doctoring myself, Ln" martetrom. roots and herbs. 1 f0 ? "discovered1 a wonderful ' uitMt mu!' Cleanser,the tiroi bottle of whitn Ute m life, and Vigor, and iu titneefftbtwl a llr" nentoure. I was free troip catirrh mii became strong and sound being ble & the most severe cold and exposure and lV gained over thirty poundi in weight ing confident that 1 had male a wondJi discovery m medicine, I prepared a qbkh' ot the Root bitters, and wag in the haWiS giving them away to sick friends andneS bors. 1 found the medicine effect the ,i wonderful cures of al!) diseases cabtd fr humors or scrof ula in the blood, Imprttdewf Bad Stomach, Weakness, Kidney Sj Torpid Liver, Ac c. The nw 1ofT discovery m this way spread from bneU; to another until I found myself called i bd! to supply patientsvwith intLicire tar wide, and 1 was induced to establish a lab I atorj for compounding and bottling me Bitters in large quantities, and I ncwd 7ot al1 my time to this 'business. j I was a first backward in presenting eim myself or discovery in this way to thepablt not being a paten med cine man aadwitt small capital, but I am getting brarely oT!tf that. tince I first advertised this meditim I have been crowded witn orders froiri dL. gists and country dealers, and the hundred of letters 1 have received from peraons caret prove the fact that.no remedy ever did ij aiuch good in so short atimeind hadwrna success as the Koot Bitters. fact. 1 m convinced that they will soon take the . leaJ o alljOthef medicines in use. ealT oo hundred retail druggists! right here at hjiw in Cleveland, now sell Kjoct Bitters, gum a whom have already soli over one thoojui buttles. - Root Sitters are strictly a medical preptt. ation, such as was used in the good old cm of our forefathers, when people jr ctrei by some simple root or plaat.,' ac i wei calomel and other poisons of the mineral kingdom ere unknown. i hey ac strongly on th liver and kidneyt, keep tbe bowels regular and fcaild op tbt nervous Bjstem. hey pecetraje emjrpw of the body, searching out ej ery jerre, bone and tissue from the head to tr el feel, cleansing and strengthening the foanUil springs of life, hence they must reach til diseases by purification and nourijhmeDl No matter what your feelings or gjtnptoiii are, what the disease or ailment is, u:e Kpj Bitters. Don't wait until you arej gict, U if you only feel bad or miaerab.e, wtit Bitters at once. It may save your lite. Thousands of persons in all pans of th ountry are already u?ingj hoot Bitten f hey have saved many lives (of c mtumtiT who Lad' been given up by friends aud phjd cians to die,, and have permanently con4 many old chronic cases of Catarrh, rcVbfuj, Kheumatism, Dyspepsia, akd fskin hiseu vhereall other treatmetts had fa led. 4' you troubled with sick headache, coBujes, dizziness, weakness, bad taste in the flbouti, nervonsness,and broken orn in constittifT 5fou wiil be cured if you take Hoot Bitti. Have you humors and pimples on 'your fret or skin? NotbiDg wilt give you guch? i health, strength, and beauty a Uoot H tera. . j . J T know that jeah ja3 Iphyrciasi ftt cry butubug because piy discovery crei p many of thei. patients, b t 1 carje tot. hi now my desire and dtfrminaiion to plf my Root Bitters as fast asps ih within reach of al thos suiieriug throughout N world tSold by wi olesale and retail ditf ists and couQtr- me'chantf, or sjeot T press on rtcipt"of price, fi W per battle, zbjttles$5.UQ. Kor certificttcs of derfufcu es,sei ilt -.large ci.cua- v' ach b ;ttle cf nivdi'-ke. i eed andjo-jen. yourself. , S5sa-Ask yonr rngift r mercTiant w ?RAZl.Sh twOt. iilTTlirt-, jths dood anse -.and take no aubstitbW !, ecommtnd G. be.:a-js hf maiveJ a tar?eprs t., Ckv.-land 0 $.S9 upe;ior For sale by J. C. ilunds and IV. Bf Irueeists. j march 25th eow-f Baby Sjrup- D a h K Kit's n s --i y. u to 'Ac, holgogae, Builds Oah Hyrun, 'hill Cure, Ar e s' Agu-i Cure snd. oiete ftocs ot pnr.- i'ra;sai-u , f. C. ILLLH, 1 1 . . . ... I fartfU Corner ita and uo Open dy and night. sett23-tf Wanted, 'JOURNEYMAN1 '. PRINT Ei . lit nag tne highest re,commenaftuv -oug ofa position ia a newspaper c . ..... u vr Will work cheap. ddre he countrv. eept 16-tt Selected Fruits ' and Vegetables N f- TORE AND T ARR1"E- fiiii A. Vai iety of Apples, F-'Uto" V bage, Hutter, i neeef , r : A c sept 26-tf Corner ChegBB, ffouses and .Stores jto W APPLT TO THE WIcKOYS' , 11AT8 it I attorneys ana uomw Office North-Side Market St, J"' ang 13 ept M I JOHX CASBOLL. and 3d." I i