? r . .-a THIS PAPER u pnoUnbed every afternoon, 8umdsyi; ex cept by JOSH. T. JAMBS, EDITOR AND PBOPRIKTQK. SUBSCRIPTIONS. POSTAGE PAID. e4r$5 00. Six months, $2 60 ; Three month, 1 ; montb 60 cenU- f he PPer wiU b deIiTered br of charge, in any part of the city, at the ,bo rt, or 13 cents per week. Adverting rates low and liberal cSabicriben will please report any and v failures to receive their papers regularly. Miscellaneous. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. n e luvr just, finished taking our annual i(V,.ii'.i: ofst-rk, aud arc now daily receiv NfcW (iOOl)b from '.the Northern Ivwk'. i-. suiiabl-o for the KAi h AND WIN TEH TRADE! iur i.Htroiis will study their best inter f.fs ,v ,,i: ki:ii: ir puichas- s as early in ,1(h season as con'venient.as the general in dimtioiis of the market have an upward tiilf cy. We have just received over "20.000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! '1 1'IUUE 5 .JENTS. Wiii.l-'PaV buyers would do well to look ov r our -ock before purchasing as we -aw a r rtt many no (Is we are offering I;;,,,, 'I II IS PRESENT MARKET VAi-lE. Fansd Parasols. C osii-g out the balance at Greatly Re- due d Prices. n.t'm, S'ripid and Checked Nainsook Mil, litis. The best value ever offered. Call aud examine.; Linen Lawns from 12 to 20 cents. . Dress Goods., Our Variety is Large. Our pi ices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Laces. P.re'onne, Torchon and Italian Laces. We have very much tha. Largest assort ment that has been offered in this city and cur prices either by the jard or piece, can not be undersold. Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Q'lllts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked uone up in price, preferring to give our patrons . an opportunity to supply their waut9atthe old prices Table Linens-Towels and Napkins, Our present assortment excels anything we have ever shown, , Call ami give our stock a look over. Our Buyer Is in the market at present and we are rt ceivins many Novelties. OUR 5 and lO Cents Is sitiuited n the S. W. comer of Market anil Second streets, and every Steamer tba comes ii.to this port brings a Fresh Lot of the most surprisingly Cheap and Useful Go ds that ever were offered in any mar ket under a:;y circumstances. We offer pe.it indue, ments to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street ails 1(5 Zephyr Worsteds. K XOTHSh LARGE LOT A. 0 WHITE lo CENT. . . - ' COLORED 12 CENTS, ft- Look-out for announcement of Grand Millinery Opening. N. H. SPRUNT, lePt 15" Fxcaange Corner Removal ! T W?,P' u NOTY the public th I w 11, kV October 1ft, remove . T business to the Store -formerly occupied by Mr.F. A. Hchutte, Mrurn,ture t stablishiaent, whire I will "ep co: euntly on hasd a tt ck of CHOICE F MILY GROCERIES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. nd would lespectfulfy solicit the patron the public. Yo-jrs, Very Respectfully, taj-tf tVOllWB.' A Word I rp0 PaUKXTS AND TEACHERS : Tbe Unirersity Series of School Books e adopted by oir Sute Board df Educa te m ind I hate mid arrangements with the oMm1'!' for tbeir introduction at P educed tchatKmjr01l Book- for the Thar tim ,!nt wlU coti"e only for a ahort c h j' ecure our Book wnil "T TeO.untieitBn)ediate?y around New flano- eni 7 h Pnbhjhera. Pl2y aW. YATES. , ! - 1 I !' " ! .-V - . : ' ; - - ; vi : - : l l i' - ! - r i ' i": r" ., ;;" .'. J; - - :-. THE ; DlIEI lEYIEW.' VOL. IV. H WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1879. NO. 201 LOCAL1 NEWS. New AdTerjtsements. I -i i M M o h s o m - We, Take Pleaatire. H. Nutt fdr Rent. B. W. Chadwick Ma'e and Female School Op8ra liouei iThe Prince Napoleon . A Rehab e Boy Wanted. P. HKIHBBHEttKtt Hot Forget A. & I. 8hikb They are Here. Grapes are scarce nd high. Coots are pli 'utitul 341 d cheap. Wirdow Glas-.-ali sizes at Itaffer & irices. 1 1 ' t Window Glass of all sizes at J iCOBi's i . 1 . Hardware liepu. I The receipts ot cotton at tuu port to day foot up 890 bales Singers are thiu only people who wish to hold a note a iong time. If this weather continues moonlight ex cursions will agaiu be in order. A sleeveless basque ot fl tnuel lined with chamois is o comfortable. The floral effects ou velvets aud Wilton carpets are perfectly exquisite. . j J .!. . If a erirl wauts to eet i married, she generally says so to her ' 'popj er. I Have you got a 'iDear Little Butter cup, Sweet Little Buttercup" fan? . ,. ( H T e steamship Regulator arrived in port this morning with another good freight. j j-. 1 ( Shrimps are still marketable and have not been forced to give way to the delict ious oyster yet. I j ' In balancing ibis j accounts, a man should always use the prevailing scale of pices. - j f I . . A hen is the hest! topographical sur-. veyor, and understands, the lay of the laud pretty well. 1. 1 J ' At this particular season of the year what. bothers folks most is whether to put on linen suits or fall attire. ' Women would never do "lor assessors One couldn't be'induced to rate her neigh bor's grand piano as Worth overj two dol- lars.- . j; , It is wonderful how silent a man cau be when be knowa h's Ciuse is just, and how boisterous he becomes wben.be knows it he is in the wrong. A Boston paper thinks it is possible for a man to chew ' tobacco till he is not competent to criticise; the appearance of the sky in a chromo. The Tllestou Institute will be opened to-morrow mornitig. The liisses Nutter, Hoyt and Mut eer. , three , of the corps of 1 1 1 i teacheis, arrived in thh ci'y Saturday uiirt l. -. in. You can get the best White Lead, Paints and Oils, and lowest prices at JACobi's Hardware Depot. J ii'. J i To-morrow is generaj mdving day and miny familie will charige their places of residence. The changes in business cir- 1 1 cles will not be as numerous was at firot thought. If it was not lor tear ofj fiigutei i.ig all the t irkeys andlchickens to death, we'd like to call the attention of the country to lie less , For bar steel, irob and carriage goods go to Jacqbi'8 Hardware Depot. The canal between ihe Caspian and the Sea of Azoff, a survey of which is being made tor Russia, is estimate! to cost I $20,- 000,000. The rivers and a chain of: lakes wouJd facilitate the work. . S f t-H 1 1 ' ' Th re was tut one trifling date before the Cit Court this morning, thai of a colored " i j man charged with disorderly conduct. He was sent below to awai an investigation of the charges preferred against him. j ! ' - Stories first heard - at a mother's knee are never wholly, i forgotten. Mothers should never forget that the sufferings of their little ones cab' easily be overcome by the use of Dr. Bull's Baby Syt up. Ptdestrianim in Berlin! tenk this form. ii- A youutj man made a bet that he would run on all fours frm . Iv Mitstbor to Weisscusee, a distance of two or three miles, aud won, io a hours. peavy ram, in two Mr. L M. Williams', the Clerk of the Market, informs its thai on and after Oc tober 1st -be breakfast bell wijl be rung at 8 o'clock, a na.J the turnout bell at ,9 a. m. and ttie market bell at 10:30, . in stead of the boars at which they hare been rong heretofore. Seamen's Home. 1 ' Capt. John Fitzgerald, who for a num ber of years past was the Captain' of the police force of this city, has rented the Seamen's Home and will take charge to morrow. Capt. J. F. Gilbert, who is at present running the "Home," wilj retire, as he contemplate! changing business. Save your money by buying joar Build in Supplies from Altaffer & Price. f Who Will Set 'Kin Up? " Mr. John Dawson, tor whom the new steamer recently tu'dt by .Messrs.1 Paddi on & Sherman, at Point Caswell, has beenuamed, presented to Capt. Paddison, last night, a handsome set of colors for the new boat. The Dawson will be down here b : fore long, when Capt. Faddisou, Mr. Dawson, or somebody else, , will have a splendid chauce to "set 'em up." I A New Enterprise. Capt. Flaviel W. Foster baa recently erected and completed a new and com modious store on Fourth street, just North of the bridge, aud adjoining the dry goods establishment of Messrs Hahn &i Goodman which has been leased by Mr. James C. Stevenson for a retail grocery in connection with his principal house on Market street. He has ,already fitted the store up in excellent style and has filled it with a stock of desirable goods. This gives the Northern portion of Jhe city quite a lively and thriving ap pearance, especially at night ;when the 8 tores on that block are illuminated. Strangers in the city should not fail to visit the S sh Factory, foot of Walnut street. t Improvements. i The lessee of the Obera House has had some very tasteful and handsome im provements made to the interior of the building. The walls of the vestibule have been covered with very handsome gold and bronze paper of new designs and the floors covered with very pretty and sub stantial cocoa matting. Toe reception room has been repaired and a handsome three ply carpet covers the floor. The stage and green rooms have been touched up a Utile and the Opera House is now in excellent order and presents a fine ap pearance. The best Windows, Doors and Blinds and Lowest Prices can be got at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. The Star Alliance Opera House. 1 1.1 This troupe performed Pijaafore at the Opera House last night to a large, fash ionable and delighted audience. The play was put upon the stage in an excel lent manner, the scenery representing the harbor of Portsmouth, England, with ships at anchor and the city in the dis tance, which, with its many lights and the moon riding high in the heavens, in the night scene, presented a beautiful appearance. The performance in all its particulars was very much superior to those which have preceded it. The acting was better, the vbcalizttiou better and the harmonies perfect. Fay Templeton, as Ralph Ho ikatra , did some very fine acting j and singing, and in the duetts with Miss Inez Soxton, thej Jose phine, the combined efforts were peculiarly sweet. Miss Alice Vane, as Buttercup rendered her parts in excellent style aiid voice ; ilr. Buckley, as SZr Joseph Porter appeared with all the ab3urdi;y and gjotesqueness intended- in the coucep tipn of the play. Mr. Kendall, the Cap' tain, has a full baritone voice, and sung in correct tuue. His fine forn set off to ad vantage the part he assumed. Mr. Crane, as Dick Deadeye, was the only one who has visited our city who has given any ex pression, eith-ir in voice or action, to that difficult but important part of the opera. He was superb iu.bth, as was manifested by tbe applause which greeted many of the salient points of his pait. During the perormnce Mr. aud Miss Fuller entertained the audieuce with a dance which was executed with exquisite grace, and was raptuously applauded. We must not forget to mention with our unqualified praise the performance of the cornet solo by Mr. Duffy and the Xylopnone solo by Mr. Andre. They were both simply superb. i The company performs to-night a new piece entitled "Prince Napoleon or the Fatal Field in Ziluland." which will un doubtedly be interesting from its connec tion with the death ot the ili-fated Prince while in the service of Great Britain. To morrow (Wednesday) afternoon they hold a matinee when they will again perform Pinafore for the benefit of ladies and children who are unable to attend at nlgb,t. : r " ! Arrested. r or more tnan a year past the mail route 1 from Troy, in Montgomery county, and Bostick's Mills has been robbed ,to such an extent that it became almost im possible to have any valuable letter pass over the line in either direction. Sus picion pointiug very! strongly to . the carrier, Eli Sanders, he was arrested on the 26th lust. He admitted his guilt, and his confession indicated a wholesale robbery of the mails for the space of time indicated.1 In secluded, p!ac?s ia the woods along the line of the route were found a large number of envelopes which he had broken open aud dispoifed of their contents. The offender is now in jail awaiting his trial for the crime before the proper tribunal, where it may be presumed hewi.l be meted the justice the crime dvserves. n .t 1 1 By Water to HerrlnssvUle. Capt . R. P. Paddison made a trip last week by steamer up the head waters of Black River which has never before been accomplished, much leas attempted, by any) one. The steamer chosen for the I purpose was a little steam yacht, the Oklahoma, bound from Martha's ViueytrJ to some point in South America, which has been in our port for a week or ten days past. She draws but three feet of water and wa6 therefore .well calculated for the undertaking, as there had been a recent rise of about three. fee: of water in the river. , ' Capt. Paddison left Point Caswell on the Oklahoma Jast Thursday, and re turned on Saturday. He penetrated as far as Herringsville, in Sampson county which is 80 miles abov Point Ciswell and sixty above Beatty's Bridge, hereto fore considered the head of ' navigation on Black River. The Oklahoma went clear over the whole route, not having once touched bottom. She made an average of 6 miles, an hour going up and 10 miles an hour coming down the river. ( ( Capt. Paddison was everywhere greeted With warm congratulations on the success oi his undertaking and on his s fe return from his "voyage of discovery." He is of the opinion that if a small appropria tion could be secured from j water route to Wilmington, Congress a open for probably nine months in the year, would be at the disposal of the people of Samp son county. I The School Children. A good Item for this week, just when the schools arc opening, or abou to open, is the report of the Register of Deeds, to the' Superintendent of Public Instruction of the number of children in the county of New Hanover, which is as follows : Number of white children, males 1,-! 114; females 1,159. Total 2 273 Num ber, of colored children males 1,172; fe males 2,032 Total 3,084. Number attending public school the past year : White, males 240;- females 300. Total 540. Colored males 620; females 575 Tot 1 1.095. I Numble attending no school the past year: White males 507; females 557. Total 1 0G4. Co'ored males 687; females 796. Total 1,483. Number of free school houses: white, 9; for colored, 1 1 Number of public school houses: white, 6; for colored, 4.. Value of public , school property: For For For white,.$2 850; fcr colored $3,250. Number of School Districts, six foreach race. ' ! Number of teachers approved: WThite males 1; females 17. Colored males 10; females 13. - Magistrate's Court. Andrew Murphy was the cause of Ned Murphy's arrest to-day Upon the charge of assault; they both appeared before a Trial Jus.'ce. The case was dismissed upon payment of costs. ! Ned Murphy was at the same time and place arraigued upon a pea".e warraut. This case was also dismissed upon pay ment 'of costs. Ned Murphy then in turn had Andrew Murphy arrested upon a warrant for assault which case was likewise dismissed upon payment of costs, when the legal proceedings of the! Murphy s for the time being came to an end. E This peculation which is so frequent, is often the result of this speculation which is so common. When money changes hands on a race the hand that gets is the right hind, and the other is the left hand.. Captain Henry Savage, the City Treas urer, has all he can da ; aow4to sign the new issue of bonds. If be remains in office he wll have signed, by the time the issue is completed, his name some 50,000 times. Mail Robber Introducing Mr lurran. Mr. Munson,j the clothier and mercbaLt tailor, iutroduce through this issue to the Wilmington public his new cutter and .fitjer, Mr. W. II. Curran, a gentle man who conies frptn New York city with the best of recommendations, and wboBe j . . ... r r work will be guaranteed in e?ery partic uiar. Mr.Munsou also desires att jntiou to the elegant" stock for the Fall and Wiuter trade, purchased by him on a re- d-nMrip North atl now teing opened and jisplayed. ! 1 List of Letters The foLo ii.g is a list, of the letters re maining unclaimed in the City Postoflice Wednesday, OctoUr, 1st 1879: ' A Ca-rie Ar'.is, miss Alice Avant. Ii 'i83 Mary Burd, Delia Burnett David II Bro wn, W U Brown, Lewis H Bradiey, Henry Brown, H B Bes,eut. I C Miss Rosa ,Camrou, mrs Anuet Clantcn mrs Eliza Colosio, Sam Chest nut, L B CiemnioLs, Wesley Cureton, C RCal bourn. ' j - 1 D Airs Gakit-Davidson, ' miss Maria Davis, Ntllit; Jtue Duihjud, Dau'l Dix on, Capt E CD ivis-1 j E Mrs Martha Ennett. 1 1 G Win Gage, Mary (iavlu. II Wm Harsen. , J Jas M Johnson. Robt Johu3Giu K Elleu Kells, Fred Kucert. L-Wm Larkius (col). M W R McNeer, Rev Kenneth Mc Donald, Solomon Mohen, Frank L Mo Koy, George 1 Morphes, ' Lizzie Melton, Caroline r Madison, mrs Adaliae Mince, miss Annie A Meares, mrs A Moore. N-JT J Noe, W Nixon, Lewis Nixon. . 1 O W.J Orr, James Oliphant, Thos R Olesby,' Tena Ann Outlaw, j P Aon L Price. R Miss-Pauline Ransom, Solomon R Roberts, Newton Robinson. S Mary EUz Spearman, P C Smith, Primus Sloan, Fred E Small, Geo W Smith, Chas Spencer. T Jcs Tirntr, Dalla Thompson. W Catherine Walker, Sarah A Hew lett, care j T Wilkinsf Henry E Ward, Austin Williams, Charlie Westray, J N Wilkinson, Win A Williams. SHIP. 1 ' Geo Bor-Jon, Brig-S W Nichols, Capt Pool, Beusley Cal-'euette. 1 Peraons calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office,Washlngton, D. C. ' I E. R. BRINK, P. M. V j Wilmington, N. C. New Hansver County,N.C. f A Reliable Wine. Mr. A. Speer, of New Jersey, whose Port Grape Wine has such a wide reputa tion, and which physicians prescribe so generally, was the first in this country to introduce the art of making wine from the OporLo Grape, which is now the best wine to be bad. and, has become a great favorite among the most fashionable in New York and Philadelphia. Theriuometncal. 1 From the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o clerk : Atlanta, Ga.........62 Augusta. Oa 1.76 Cairo, 111 67 Charleston, 8. C....74 Cincinnati... 57 CorBicana, Tex......4 5 Fort Gibson, I. T.75 Galveston 78 Indianola..... 78 Jacksonville, FU...79 Mobile, Ala... ...... .73 Montgomery Ala.. .7 3 ashville C4 New Orleans 74 New York .....61 PunU Kass. rla.:.80 Savannah, Ga 74 Shreveport. 66 HL Louis Mo 6' St Marks, Fla 76 Tnoxville... 69 1 Vicksburg, Miss.... 70 I yncHburg........ 66 I W asbington..'..' 67 Memphis, Tenn.... 66 Wilmington 66 A philosopher once told a mi3er: ',You do not possess your wealth, but your wealth possesses you.' -l. I "; New Advertisements. 1 A Reliable Boy BOUT 14 YEARS OLD, can get employ ment by applying at the sept 30 REVIEW OFFICE. We Take Pleasure I NHJTTRODUCiNQ TO OUR PATH MR. W. H. CURRAN. An Artist o' no mnn reputation (from the ftshionatle part of New o-k City), with the cor fidtnt ' snr nce that he can eert linly five them .- ! I Fits, i MUN8ON, THH CLOTHIER AM) M.EK. TAILOR. eept 3) Male and Female School. R. W. C 16 WICK, Principal Miss MAMIE CUAOWICE, Assistant. 4 8 PREVIOUSI T ANNOUNCED, the l above riehool will bt op ced on Wed iiesday, the 1st proximo, ia the Melucj 8ehool Rcoui, on Fourth, near thi eoraer .f PrinceM street. ( . Ia addition to the da t, i there will be e in ducted at the same place a, Mioar scbool, for the accommodation of youag men who csia not attend during the day. Only two (2) ni?h-s in the week (Tseaday and Friday) will be set apart for this purpose! The exercises of tne Nigkt school will com mence Tuesday, October 7th. ; ! Terms s Fifty (50) c-nts per week. septtO-lt PLEASE NOTICE. , , "r ' We will be glad to receive eoTrironi ations from our friends on any and all ubcta'ol general iaUrett bat : ( , , The name of the writer mnt always o ur niahed to the Kditor , - ' CommnnicatioD moft b- written on only one tide of the.paper. . i, Personalities must be avoided; ' And it u especially and parti uiar if trpder ( tood ttat the Editor does not alwayV erido the views of correspondent, units' so iftaM in the editorial col air ns. ' 1 . .,. ; 1 1 ; jj 1 New Advertisement's. For Rent. rpUAT DESIRABLE WUAttf1, at 'ij-J-j foot of Mulberry s'reet, Utely occupiedlilli. OPERA HOUSED TITESDAY, September 30- Extra and Only Appearance in this City of the;Ureat and .New . STAR ALLIAWCE OPERA COMPANY. Only opportunity to see the most' B.ailtiful Opefatio Kealistic 3 Act Military -I Pageant, entitled The Prince Napoleon ! . Or, the Fatal Field in Zululand., ;' Prr daeed with a Selected Cau! Tew Reener4 aud i-ffects ! New Wardrobes and Mueicl- ' OKAND MTLVE:, WEDNKPDAf affr noon, at I 30 o'tlock.for th lUn.Kt. r 1 -f ana cniidren,on which occasion will be cre-l ,A v:u JZ. . uici ies aentea Dy particular request,1 M ' f I 1 H. M. s. I'lrVAFORE. 1 Note These performances are I lor the 1 most retined and elevating character,1 and are given afrd'.uble xpenao, bat without extra charge. So advanca in prices. U No ektra charge for reserved seatn. Box sheet fr best fi seats now open at UtLYSUEKUEIi'd Book , ' Open at 7:30. B gin t 8:15 preciSe?T. Carnages at 10:30. eept 30' lilRA IIOUSEi. Thiirscliiy, October Qd. F0ED:S J0VE8ILE OPERA CCMPT In Arthur ullivan's Comic Opera) ' ' H. BL s.i PINAFORE. FIFTY CHILDREN IN OPERA. ' Pi afore as done at WallacW'si Pi tf.ra inanewdrets. I-very character is b 1 well done both musically and dramatically, as! to be beyond criMcitm. , i I Th? New York Tribu-e said : "PinJfore' a done, by Ford's Juvenile Opera jCompany, was better sung and acted than byanyther Company that ha appeared in New'York Adaiiaeion 25, 50 and 75 ceifg. fianlt rod Seats, $1. Secured tieatj for Childrel. 60c. wafeot Heats will begin on Tuesday, Sep tember 30th, at Heinsbarger's Bookstore, h" 'iept '27 6t I ' I I . They are 'Here. "YyE BEG OF OUR FRIENDS TjO callj and see us. Our Fall and Winder Stock it now arriving by every train and eleamcr, -, and we have no hesitation in pronouncing it the MOST DESIRABLE ASSORTMENT" of Gent's Cothins; and Furnishing Goods evei bi ought to the 8tata. It wiU juke ourl" two large and handsome stores to hold it all. Notwithstanding the recent advance in ihll Northern markets, we guarantee to j sell at LOWER PRIGESTHAN EVER BEFORE Call and see us and we will prove it to you. seDt 24 A. A I. S BRIER. Baby Syrup. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC, Indian Choigogue, Bull's Couh Syrup, ? Kl vum vute, Ajers Ague lure; and a com plete stock of pure Drnrs ind Medicines'. F. C. MILLHt, , t Corner 4th and Nun fctieeu.. Open day and night. sept2-tf , r ! t j-- ,r We Do Not Claim JpATIiONAGE simply because , jwb aiej a home enterprise, nor do we expect it at the expense of any one's pocketf Wtf DO CIjAIM that we can till any brder forj Sash, Doors and Blind?, Or anything in our line, ra't as LOW Fldp UUEb, and as good work and ma'erial, xs can be bought anywhere. Window (ilase , Builder's Supplies always ou hand. Our new DKT KILN Is In operation", " and none but the bst Luaber is used. lleapec fully, 1 v ALTAFKER& PXiIC.! i ! Factory Foot of Walnut street. Office Cor Nutt and Red CrM itreeti,' sept 23- Do Not Forget fJIIIAT TUE C1IEAPEST PLACE O RJY SCHOOL BOOKS is at 1 THE LIVE BOOK STORE. Pianos and Organs. SOLD ON THE WEIKLY and Monlii ly instalment Plan, at Bottom Piicea. j Base Balls, Bats and Guides. Blank Books and Stationery of every dtacriptiou, at 1 HEWSBEROER'S, bf the Baltimore Steamship CompanyJ coins pie!e with i-ffi.es, beds, Ac Alio tit COAL and WouD Y AKD, corner 7f Frorik and Moi-berry rtreeU at t.reeent occupied bf J. A. Si ringer. Apply to i 1 sept30-tf I , II. NUTtJ 1 ' . L Lj lL- ' sept 2J 39 and 41 Market iU