The Daily Review 1. ja;:l tut. .. I'rcp WILMINGTON. N. C. Tt ESI) AY. SEPTEMBER 30, 1879. Entered at the PosToFFtCE at Wilmington, N. C, as Second-Class Matter. VIEVVt AND REV IEWS In the past year there were sixty-eight Bulcides in the ranks of the Italian army said to Lave been caused by ennui irom military life. France, Germany, Italy, Austria, and Sw t rerland have agreed that their em bassies and consulates shall tend home indigent persons ot their respective na- tionalties at half the ordinary railway fares. A Siamese embassy is in London to open tip a new line of connection between India and China, which will shorten the voyage by 800 miles, and, it is hoped, increase the commerce. The digging of a canal to connect the two rivers-which traverse tha Malayan peninsula is their Epecial object. 1 be Farmer's Emigration Society is a realitv in London. It sent a batch of . eighty men, with their families, to Tex as the other day, an l it is organizing a second and larger expedition. This fir&t colony carried with it mortj than $150,- 000 in cash. This would give not far from $2,000 to each emigrant. Of late wild beasts have appeared in unusual numbers in Russia In- one month ten bears near Uurak jflf destroyed seven horses, four cows, and several sheep, and such annoyances have occurred in other districts. Even in populous (Jiessa the police were occupied in chasing a wolf in the open streets. Norfolk Ii use, London, where a sou and heir haa just been born to the his'or ic house of Howard, was the birthplace of King George III. It is a vury large mansion in St. James ' bquare, uext to London House, the town residence of fhe Bishop of London, who has Lord Derby as his neighbor ou the other side. Forty years ago St. James' 'square was almost exclusively occupied by noblemen aud millionaires: but now clubs have invaaed its precincts, and a few public offices have also crept in A correspondent writing from Swi Zet land says ; 'The peasants are getting in their hay. The peasant ' woman hereabout wor afield in a velv t corset and a straw bat plentifully adorned by ribbons. She looks an operatic hay maker. It is impose sible to imagine that she is real. These good people in the happy valley near In. terlaken do not appear to feel that life is especially serious ; they work a little, then repose in the shade of the trees, watching the throrgs of tourists go by, without ever manifesting curiosity as to the comings and goings , of the strangers. They ask only to eat and drink well, to sleep well, to die well, and tor know as little about the outside world as possible. Perhaps they ar wise. Thirty years ago epaulettes were uni versally worn in the army, but to a smaller exitnt in Prussia and Austria than in any other country in Europe. Up to the time of the Crimean war the .British army, both cavalry and infantry, except the hussars and horse artillery, had epau lettes of three varieties. Ofikers of cav alry aud the line wore the ornament with a substructure of close serried spirals ot bullion; the liht infantry had wings, which may he described as curved pent house roofs projecting over the shoulders, and ufficers in undress rejoiced in 'scales,' which were simply the shoulder strap and dUh of the epaulette without any sub structure of bullion. The last display ou a grand scale of British military epaulettes took place at the funeral of the Duke o Wellington in 1852, when the army wa3 represented by a'commissohed ollcer, a sergeant, a corporal and a squad of prL vates from every regiment in the service. A strict observance of Sunday is being urged in Germany, and is looked jia with favor even by those who are church goers. It is a social and economical ami not a religious movement, and the end desired is not a Sunday like that of Eug land or America, but one ou which there shall be rest and recreation for all and particularly for the artisan and so-called laboring classes, employers not to be per mitted to exact work on that day except incases of absolute necessity. Sunday ; in Germany has not been invested with much of a sacred character. In the Cath olic parts of the couutry all classes go t -c'.iurch, but they spend the rest of.the day lu dancing, beer drinking, and other vig orous amusements. In the Protestant actions they do not even go to church. Tha houses of worship are few of ton not more than one to - ch zen villages, and an equally small pr portion in the cities and the Small number there are, are ill attended. At the same time there are fewer offences against the public peace than in church-going England, T ANOTIIFB SOUTHKRy OUT- RAGE. The CcjnfedJrate I rizailiers hve achievnl atjouV-r! Buhj-tantial v,icjtoryf one which w-iil J e tut. tj make Ue N York Tribune. ftn.1 the Cica'' -r- Ocean gnaBh thr-Jr t -eth iujimpM-fent ne This timeit was d'l 'about. Q.:ir. hnt il lutrinus traveler nttt n led thCunu F reef theex-F.'drr-il and ex Confederate o'dier a. San Francisco, on sLturd.iy ri.'ht. .ijid i f f i received a hearty ovation ! while thrre form the boys inf gra as well as the boys in blue. Let .tie iltadical ' howlers score one more victory Tori he Brigadiers. A PAPAL ORGAN. When the present Pope was , a cardi nal he cherished the idea of publishing a Catholic journal that should be; an for his church and tha could be read by ail the people of Europe ind America fn their mother language. Since his eleva tion to the pontificate, he' has exerted himsell to start, tms newspaper, and" now ancourccs that its first number will be issued next mnlh. It will be printed in seven differeut languages; it wdl dis cuss the political pad ecunomicar ques tions of the day, and ukuiiy j represent the opinions of the.IIol bee. i jThe com positors are t6 be thf deaf land dumb pupils in the tsySums of Rome !A!imonde will be the general superintendent, and the Pope is anxious that cardita should be at the Head off the editorial de partment. Toe rJovel' paper will strt with 42.000 jsubscribers. Very few of this number are Italians. , THE LATE, MAINE ELECTION. A Washington despatch to the New York World says a despatch icctiyed; there from Portland ahnoinces l h at D iv U needs from "2,000. pj 4 OoO votes to. give him a majjorit' ovsr Gkieeloo aud Smith. The IkepubliciiU min.gers are distressed over the dews, and wisa, that! the original" plan of, placing Htiene Hale in nomiuatioG for Governor had been car ried out. I' ' The nation of pltcjtig hirp in pDuiina tiou was sugeted wijthj a vie.v of secur ing was suggt? iiia vi.'iw of s'ecur ; i i case the popiilarj vM shou'd fail to elect, the Aasqnbly'icoul ac'udjin his and D-i'vis' name for the S,maie to UecMe up ! o:i it. B'ainej.opoosed the sttesli-'n be cause he. was Confident t'-iat Lpivi.- c--uid carry the State, and afraid' that with Hale iu the field. every ibinji 'ml . h; be lost As it is if the despatch shW! le true, either Smith's r Grcelh' iaroe must be sent to -.he Senate wih Davis.' .Dr. Garcelon was chosen' poveruor in ,that way before,' and Ihe reported proclivities of the Senate seem to indicate a proba bility that he may serve knother term, V -CHANCE FOR. US. The Montieollof (Flotida) Consttirtw ot the 5:h contains a letter from jTopeka, Kansas, mining Inumerous inquires in relation to that part of Floiida, written at the rr q-;ost ;ofj a number j of citizens of Kansas. i ne , writer, lor mmseii anu f rieuds, s'atv.s tlthey' intend to emigrate South. Their cduutiy ispa "cold, open, bleak prairie country,": and , "we have to take almost nothing for what we aisehert-; ten cents per bushel jbr oats, fif seen cents for corn, etc. It requires all (we can make in this country to pay axes aud buy wcod to keep from freezing ta death. 1 .We are fr.ize ud and idle five months in the vear." lie then adds tlie fo;llowiii'g, Vf hch is sug gestive "There is one jther reason jl will men tion influeuciLg Ud'io eiigiate. It is the recent influx oi nr groejs , into Kansas. It they continue to leave tLe iSouth in large bodies, it will be the beat and happiest event that has ever transpired, add will prove a blessing to' jou Southern! people They are the otily obstacle to white enii gration to the Sjouth. The whke farmers and laborers Of the North and East will not come ia contact with the b!ac race ; but let them 'eoidus," arid a constant stream of immigrants will tiil up your in viting country. V , ' 1 I Here's a chance for our people. If the Kansasians want to jmove anywhere, why not to" North Carolina? Let those who h-ve lands for sale see I if this is not the opportunity they have long' desired. A respectable elderly man icommitted suicide by throwing himself before the Northern Express tljfe other day in Eug land. In his lodgings were found a very curious model of a flying" machine, ird uounced-by an expertjlj who had wasted midnight oil oa jthe aerial irtystery, to realize the most pro'taising theory of sky ailing. There was also a locomotive model, the workipg principle, of which was electricity, with elaborate! notes for its full construction. An attempt ipn if to solve ths problem of perpetual motion, more ingenious thaa the screw cf Archimedes, but, equally I futile, was c-talogued. Tije'li tof mechanical at tempts, too numerous to giVe, included an improved safety lamp, an air gua in tended to supersede! powder ' guns, and a wonderfully clever contrivance capable of being transformed info a feejl, a chair, a table or a box, and f uaily serviceable in either shape. Emperor! Napoleon encouraged him, but his downfall Durst him. Tne re loDg arrears, ics are his landlady's for any Gen. G rib,aldi has retuined to i - j home in the island of Cape a to settle for the remainder of his days. Bis health during the trip from Rome was excellent, but his general condition is one of great feebleness, and it is thought that he can . not l ve much longer. Lie has a cabbage :irden on th island which he cherishes very fit. My, but he can't work jt as formerly, bt-ing fUt oi his back half the time through rheumatism, and unable ven to hoob'e about on crutches. HUUNSUI3E. i Sirah Bernhardt is the only woman on record who ever got mad because' she was told the ought to-get married. Boston yw, :: I' : Gen Schenck is very sick Detroit Free Press, liaise it, Generall Bluff the old hoy off! Don't pass in your checks Bus ton Post, I - . 1 A New York bigamist performed the difficult feat of living for several years with two wives at two separate establish ments, and ll jscoe Conkling should take courage. Ph ladelphia Chronicle.: In a circus at Palis, Illinois a suddenly crazed young ltdy ran into the ring, embraced the clown and declared that ho must become lur huaband. The audi euc said it was the first original j"ke that they had heard iu a circus ring lor moie thau twenty-five (years. Norr. II. raid. j I The B stou Tramci ipt calls upon the Iidpub.ican old tiuard to come to the trout. We would Triform the Republican uid uuard. w ho were! in the rear a sut- 1 :r? and contractors during the war, that ks the fighting ceased several years ago, it will be perfectly safe lor them to do so. Phila ' Chroti Worthless Smni Xot so fast, mv friend: if vou could sec tbo s:rong healthy, blooming, men i from' ledsof sickness, suffering and a1- most death,, by the use of Hop BiLtert you would s:i ''Giorious and invaluable remcjdy.'"' bee another column. c:aaagg-g4-gg samtaBmi. vuasM b--b fe? i Ft rg CELEBRATED 1 STOMACH Fever and Ace 'is rsnst cT7?mon in the sprin?, but mst -ev e'r e the fall and winter. It is strictly a ma ariou diseas.-, and so sure ly will the individual who adopt this pre caution be exe-rpted from its pains and pen alties Add to this its .alne as a--.stomachic anl arti biilioijis aerent, ai d holwil1 yen tare to tricsay it claims to the first place among fauiiiy int-diciues. For s le by ail Drugis-a and j respectab'e Dealers generally. 1 sept 1-3 w. . I NEW PIANOS $125 Each, and all styles, including Grand Square and Upright, ah etricuy first class, sold at the lowest net cash wbolebalb 'factobt prices, direct to the purchases. These Pianof made one of the finest displays at the Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re commended for the Highest Hosohs over 12,000 in use. Kegularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory established over 3t' years. The Square Grande contain Mathu shek's new patent Duplex Oventrung Scale, the jjreateat improvement in the history or Piano making. 1 he Uprights are the finest in America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive catalogue of 48 page mailed free. 1 ' MENDELJSdOllN PIANO CO., apl 7-6m 21 East lth street, Y COMMERCIAL.:! HOTEL I WILmNGTON, N. d F- A- CCnUTTE,, Prop. rpHE COMMERCIAL, formerly the '!- L 4 PliiE HOUr3E",havlng been thoroughly Tin " '': i ( ovated and refitted is now one of the leadlrg first-class Hotels in the city. The table ia supplitd with the beat our ' home and north- ern markets affords. j Board per Day $2 and $2 0 j 'Sfir Lrg riample Kooms for the Com mercial trade. j i i A First-Class Bar and Billiard Hall connected with thia IloteL .- FREK LONCH daily from 11 A. ii. to 12.30 P. M. i iuly 19- 1 A VEt in your own town, and no capital risked- Fou can give the bu siness a trial without expense. The best opportunity ever offered for those -willing to work:. Yeu should I try nothi: g else until vou see for yourself what you can do at the business we offeri No room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to Ue business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as pien, , Send for special private terms and particulars, which we mail free. free. Don't com plain of bard times while you have such a chance. Address II. HALLETT & CO , UliliAAUUU Fori Rent THAT DESIRABLE RE81DENCS ,1.. , . ' '-:L Wi on l uira sirtei, u.e, ie; "; occupied by Col. J8. Q. "u r. i Apply o , j , Root 24 R- LAXfJDOV. r For Rent. rpHE. ENTIRE TF?IHD Floorof the i Ma chison Building, situated on Front Street, next North of the Bank JiiSL of New Hanover. Esfecil)y suitable as "a Hall or for Club DUroos?s. Apply to . dJ Deforest, or OILEb MDiiCHiaOS. eept 2l-9t j For Rent. THAT DESIRABLE 8TURE, , also HALL oa third & or, new ly ntted up, corner MarKet ana 8uth Water Streets from ihd 1st of October Apply to gept 11 tf H B. fILERS. S600. pOR RP-NT THAT VERY , desirable store on Market Street. tTT- - I . S 5. . II cccuriel by Mr Thos. H. flcwey, aa a 8ho8 Store. The cheapest Store on the Btreet. Apvly to THE McKOY'S. eept 10 if j For Rent. JROfcl 1st October that desira ble STORK, No. 45 North Frcnt Street, at prefect occupied by So. r-xpress Company. Apply to 1 aept 23 lw D. A. 8iIITH CO.. ; . For Rent, rpHE ELEGANT RESIDENCE on corner cf Third and Walmit sts-, i ec.ntly occupied byt Wm. Calder, Fe'tj. P.'83eesion giv. n Uctober 1st, . ' 'I Apply to sept 3' t i J. F. (JARRELL. ent. s TORE HOUSE AND DWEL- I fVf3 tn lor rm RrnnaTnlr nnrl 1 Seventh streets, in peifoctj cder. Tosses si'.n given immediafelvL ' A!s , ihre No. 1 Fro t- llontus to let J -t l he First National Bar.k 'old building, coi Tie" F-'ont and Piincess-sfree s. j-- For particulars ''pp.y to spptl 15 tOl SOL. I'.E A R & BilOS. he Mew Boot and hoe Store," ... i 2 MABKET STREET. O rpO MY FRIENDS AND Patrons : 1 , f Thankfd for past favor?, I will in- f f$Ji form them that ? hv juat returned fr-' m tLe 1 ' ii orth, where I hn.vs visited a'l ths celebra ted markeis fur Bo ts and j Shoes. ' 1 ! ' I am d"termjed t sell a good shoe for a lowj price, sHchj as you never bought in th;s market before. All I ask is a cs.ll and a fiir comparison. My 8t ci is now ar;iyirg wi;h every t ai nd cannot be excelled by ant in the c'ty. hespectfully, ' . , eept 13 C. ROSENTHAL. I Meats. , Meats, 5Q Bbls Mesa Pork, 20 Boxe8 White 8tripp' Q Boxes D S Shoulders, Boxes Cheap Breasts, i 15 Tcs Cheap Ham? . j j At low pricee by I Hall . Pearsali. sept '-6 j ' '- Removal. Y B. HODERSON A tj J., Product Dealers and Commission Merchants, bave re moved from Front street, to the store recent ly occupied by J. W. Alderman Co., c -r ner Chestnut and Water street. aug 13 I . : I I '. llcad quarters for ALv Lager Beer and Porter. ro. 5 .arct ctree I 1 . J ! CAN FUBjlISH TOD WITH! THE BLIsl ' J -s ' ! Ale, Lager Beer and Porter, both keg and bottlei, in the city. I Country orderi promptly attends 1 y. For Smithville, gTEAM YACHT ELIZA BETH, CapL D.W.Cliadiric-, f carrying United States Mail. Leave wharf jg i . it ifea' foot of Market street daily 4 except tandayai at 3 P. M. I Returning, Uave ScuthTille at 6K A. M B. P. PADDlSOiif, eptfi t ' Agent. , i 1 THEBLST 3 I SOLD BY w W&IJS If 4 irV. wT.iJv,-.. f r ) i. .-W " vf.NUA,r ...... cuUl"' FOR PARTICULARS 0" ADDRESS! J1 October 1st. FALL CAIPAi WILL COMMENCE. Wc'aiherlms been too liol ivir People lo Head Adveriseiiieits. BULL LINE OF Fancy Grocsries . ' . JUST RECEIVED AT i PitBRlllGERSiCO'S, 8500 Be ward! ' - For a Cigar at the sjame price that I i equals our ' ! F-K-I-M-q-I-P-S 1 S2oO -tewaid I FOB ONE THAT BEATS OUB S100 Reward ! For an all-tobacco Cigarette, of same f,tyle,-. finish and quality, ! that can ,be sold as low as our Rose and Xilly sepf " ONLY 19 DOLLARS ! ; jPENNSYLYANXj I ' JNGER MACHINE Eiul to any hittcer in the Market ! The above cut represents the most popular Styie for the pe ple. which - offer you fcr the vry low- price 6f lt, in luomg attacLj ments. JBtr- ifctemenuber,1 wed not ak you to par until you have feen the mach ne. 1li. After having eiamiaed it. if it id cot a!l we rf present, re urn it ) to us at our expetf?. CnFu'jt your inferests and order! at once. If you IiVe within seven I hundred miles the freight wi 1 not b. ino e thai one dollar. ! AdJress', ' FeiiisylTania rSewim MailnellCo,, ZI7 14. lOth Street, I I Philadelphia, Pa. aug 23-wtf I J ' ' i '"' ,- j 4 1 Winberry Oysters-1 r THE. AKE GOOD now. Another irtt!- ment just receive! thia mortiag. It's cold . 1 aough naw fa hot Whiicey ana fa: Ojeterf, Fre L-nc eiery day at 11 o'clock. mi UFE IN A BJTTLeTI The Most ValuMe Medical'rJ ' ery Known to the ivor'd ' rire Use for Qainind, fj,p 0 or Mineral ' PoisoEHLif; Blood, Strength for thl Se and Health for AIL , n AN OPEN LETTER TO THE l-nLl(; Belierinf: that by cleansincr t. wl building up the .consutution wtf f f wv ot bai hiDg airewe'and beiEl? t,' with wekne of the luring, . ctvh much broken down in conatituUoa a. T' tter trid tbebert physician hL j'' out my inmev lor mtuj icds 0f m -tt-1 advertised without Hading rmtnt 1 b.tfan doctoring !mJeeif, uglnz mad from roots and herba. 1 fort uncovered a wonderful bitten or 'll'-' Clsanser.tlie Jirc't bottle of which - ' ; riant cure; Iviulrrrlrnm .....l' r"a , ' v.tlrrIi jj hACRiriA atPfincr und mnrH v,..; . mJ lwt 7C Z . " IT T - aue to r diBCOveiy in meuiaiiie, I prepdi qU-v wonderful cures of all ditea-eu cajwl tr f humors or ncrofila in the) blood, Imrni(W Bad Stomach, Weakesi, hidaej 0 Torpid Liver, Ac , c. Tne nwf(1f ' discovery in tLia way spread fro-n one peri.', to anotntr until I touu.i myself called ti ' to supply ratiepta with me licit e'lr D wide, aiii I w-a induced to establish ilit Atory for coir. po :cug ancbottlicg tht. Hitters in lare quaniities, aud 1 ntr i ;-j al' my time to this basiness.l I I Was "a first backward in preeentin. eia myself or discovery ia thii wy tulhep i nut being a patent me'd ciLe" mat .ma tii.i small capital," bat I am gkting brirtj ifj that, oince 1 riret advertistd ' tLis.tneicisj 1 have been crowded witn orders from int. gists and country dealers, and the hnndreL ut" letters I have.receive! from pergonicuj prove the fact that no rt-medyr eyer did1 r ucb good in so short atiend bd sosoct Bucce8'aa. the llooi Kitttrs. In fact, 1 u convinced that they will Boon lake t,he ',t4 o all other medicares in use. : ea it o hundred retail druggiti,,rigt here atlhJw in Cleveland, now sell Koct blt,.e',..j cf whom have already sold over one otuj bottles. . , ,'' . Koot Bitters are strictly a mecScM rrer ationi Kuch as was used in the gfod oi cv. ofouf forefathers, when people reenrti by some simple root or -plant,) and bci calomel and other pjoiaots of lit mikert sijjgdoro vre unknown. .j 1 hy ac" etr"ngly.on tt liver rd kidaMi, svet-p the boweia regular and build opt! nervous system. hey. pcJttra'e eleri m of the body, searching ut every terr?, bone and tissue from the held to vt ft, cleannUig and strengthening the fo!h springs of life, hence they1 mut' ititht. diseases by purineatio'n and nurirhaer'. No m tter v-hat your fee:ings r f vapni are,-wh it the disease or ailment i.s,'n:e t Bitteps Dt)n'r waituntil yoti a-'tj ,'icr, trt if you only leel bad or1 missrali e, ieri Bitters ai once. . It may fave yod,r i f 4- Thouiian vi of persons in ail par.i Jf i ountry are klready a?ing hoot iptei They have saved many lire3 of CLxari who l a1 ' een given up by. friends yj pbi cians todie, and have permanecUT care many old chronic of Catarrk, -cifis Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and rkin L'iJ'l where ail other treatments hadfa led. 50a troubled wlth sick headache, ctiw4e) dizziness, weakness; bad taste-in the mi;tk, uervou?ne("e,antt,tToken down in con?tirati"! You wif be cured if you take liwiwya Have von humors and. niuales od v? u: ucj or skin? Nothing will, give joa ucS? health, strength, and beauty! ai K(Kit & ,. J T ' tprs. 'I -.gguI know that jeil-u? phyrc'aw u crj Lumbug because niy djscovery-crei - many .of ihei; patients, b t 1 care i.ot now my desire ar-d" d-tf-rmioat'on to p. my Ro it Bitters &i fast a p. .s- DleVitbiau reach of all those tutieHng ttyoujriout t votM fold by ..wL-olesaleand retail o"t' istsa.d country irii'chanf, orient, bj press on i oC?ipt oTlprice. $1 00 per bf e six bo tie.- $5.00.1 IFor certitictea ?f f J derful cu t,fee mivl large a-'aro each!e of iedfciue. 'td ai.dja'-ge,J yourself.' j i ' , , L AsV your ruggi-t or mercb-t FRAZ1 iK'ri KOJi illTTlih th r ilood C'I-an3e ,aud take lo subsal-o-r, ecomaund beca-. he mre larPf G. YT. PiiMZbit, nUcoverer. J 1 333 irinpoiior tt., l'ct 'ULV For sale by J JiUggistu. C. Munds ar.d 1. Dafrr Wanted. JJPRVErMAV Pili.VTEa, A ho cai J trice- the highest recot aeadauct 1 , . 1 tie country. Wii wori eheap -di"e'' rt i' 1 1 .---., Selected Fruits ' and Vegetable fN PTOI? AND TO AKHIJ.- JUj I feXTRA SELEC ' ED UVTCUS A Varietv of Ap.lesFoUt es, 'Iw bige, Butter, Cheese, Ac. Kor a.j sept 25-tf Corner thesnutAJ Houses and JStores io; ' j APPLY TO THE IVIcKOY'S, ' i' .1 fAf. ttorrteys and Counsellors' Office NorthWiie Market bt, W ffice NorthSiie and 3d.; Furniture . .1 . . i "' U5T RECEIVED FROJ.TA ; 1 i k'- large ortuienl v ; j ' L r T?TTTVTTT!712. which ire t fiUi Bargains. Call and inn mini KKverr nnin ann - . , , . V "rMre0altir. gained over thirty pound in Weihl gituig tbem away to eick fr.ds nei," oora. I found the medirir rff. j .v Portland, Maine june T-d&w. sept 46 ' 1 J0Hf CJLEROLU feb 19 D. A.. '-.:: Ji

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