THI8 PAPER ,. nabbed every afjernbon, Buadayi, ex cept b JOSH. T. JAMES, IDITOB AND PBOPKIKTOK. , ai KSCKIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. 0De yer,f& 00 Hi months, $2 60 ; Three months, SI " ; unemonu.woeBH. The ptPer will be delivered by carriers, r of charge, in any part of the city, at the lbore rates, or U cents per week. - . i iTertiainjr rates low and liberal j-tf-Subxcribers will please report any and 'fi'ure t" receire their papers regularly Miscellaneous. BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market St. hnv' just finished takineotir annual rr.-u'i' t s ick, and are now daily recfiv- ..' N'c'W ( JOl S fn iiu the Northern ykt-ts, Miitabl; for the j.A L AND WINTER TRADE! Mir patrons will study thit best inter ,,1'kmi.' tb'ir piiichas s as earlyin il, Si-oir as convenieiit,as the general in- i!i.-a nrn.softhe market nave an upwaru t. -..!. ,v. We have just received ovr 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! WiH-l.-.-aV buyers would do well to look mrr our ?H'k before purchasing as we na iv '-o d-i we are nrini much U-iow YAi.L'K T1JE PRESENT MARKET! 2 out the balance at Greatly Re duc d I'riCcS. ll.tin, Sniped and Ch-cKed Nainsook Mii-ln.s. The Inibt value ever ottered. Call and examine. lAufu Lawns from l to 20 cents. Dress Goods. Chi Va.ieiy i3 Large. Our piices ARE LOW. 6c upwards. Laces. . Ii etoiiin?, Torchon and Italian Laces. V- have very much th Largest assort ment that ha been ottered in this city and i:ir prices either by the jard or piece, can in it i? undersold. Ouilts, Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of trie above is large. AVe have marked none up in price, preferring " to give our patrons an oportiinity to supply their wants at the old prices Table Linens-Towels and Napkins. Our present assortment excels anythin wo bavt: ever shown. (y'al! and qive our stock a look over. Our Kuyer is in the market at present and we are n ceivins many Novelties. OUR ' 5 and lO Cents Is situated on the S. W. corner of Market and .Veoiul streets, and every Steamer that. eom.'s into this port brings a Fresh Lot o: the most surpiisinaly Cheap and Usefu Oo ds that ever were offered in any mar ket under any circumstances. We offer gteat iuduc. inputs to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 IVIarket Street Zephyr Worsteds. NOTUEK LARGE I OT JU5T IlECEITED. wiu r k :o cent.0. COLORED 2 CENTS. ft- Look out for &tmou-cedent of Grand Millinery Opening. N. H. 8PRUNr, 8eptls Fxchane Cornet" Removal ! T W?,D.L? NOTIFY be Plic tbat I w II, m " r . remoT u.y business to the nir-ucrij occupied by Mr.K.A.hchstte, .u.lJre nsiaDnstiment, where I will i"inuy on naad a pfek of CHOICE F. MILY GROCERIES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. nj wu!d lespectfully solicit the patron- it-of the public. u.r-, V-ry Respectful ly, -rt w-tr L. VOLLns. A Word ! parents and teachers : lh8 Lnir-ity Series of 'School Books adopted by o- State Board of Educa u n Qd I have inde arrai gemects ith the tnVPbeIs f"r their in troduction at reduced 'neujl. BK'.ka for tTle'D Tbia r ti.n- v- 1 wU1 contioae nnlj for a ehort ih'.i ecure Jour Book whUe they are ,j"UDtie immj:...i . ... Ura!? PP"d through L?.V.b lI'abluhei8. er can hJ , ,rouna -few Banc me on aaine rbt C W. YATES. - I j r : i E - i rr r rT7i v UL. IV!, i LOCAL NEWS. Hew Advertisements. P. Hbinsbbroer Do Not Forget. A. A I, Shbikr Thy are Here. H ' ' No City Court today. : - 1 p i New came for tight 'boots a corner ib The matrimonial! market is locking up Shells of the ocauf gunboat' ammuni tion. I A haudsdrne thing in shawls pretty girls The royalVmii to :inarriag going to court, The Almanac promises laiu for to-mor row. Wirdow Glass-all siies at 7 Itafler & Prion's j Hen. pecked husbands wear their hair ili : . , , DangfUf- hi! We !o8or65 minuiey ;of daylight this month. The clam lias uceu made to give way to the oyster. Wiudow Glass pt all Hardware Depot . $izes at J a code's Remove the summer camphor from yotir sealskin sac qnes. Education is said to be the key hole bf the the best society. The farmers say that honey does not i 1 : i I cell well this weat her. j The lawyer may be a man, fee-male all the samei- j but he's a A big spot on Jupiter is exciting the interest of the astrpnomers. Going, going, gone -not quite mos- qnitoes and snnmmer (dusters.! This month has five ! I I Wednesdays, five J ' I Thursdays and fiveyFrulays She stoops to cpnquer' was written before the days of pin back skirts. i hi 1 It is said that sorke persons pay atten tion who never pay anything else. Although money is 'going at easy rates on call, when we jcall, it is all gone. Foliage is rapidly changing color the prospect is a fine autumn display. ai(j Steamboatmen report the rivet again pretty low and the water still falling Fair prospects aheadi is the farmers' verdict at the current agricultural fair. The cheek of the lightning rod agent ii the only metal that is affected by the mosquito bite. Persimmon beer, w.hich doth not in foxicate. is now in order for the tempe rance folks. Authorities in the liqulor business pro nounce lager , beerj the whisky ever fought. ! greatest enemy The puzzle which caeful f iothers try to solve ia how to train the girls and 1()W to restrain the b vs. ! 4- You can get the best White Lead, Paints and Oils, and lowest .prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. j . ! ! f i 1 i 1 U.e married woman i depends on whether . - .1 r . i i . i I i " i ! I Now is the time tor oysters stewed, oroiiea anu escaiiopea. it L is It not quite cooljepough to take the mod the halt'shel'. Archery clubs are popuhr with the girls because they like to bend their beau. Get him down on his knees; or on the string . A man is always wanting some one to tel" him how handsome he looks. A woman will just stand before a glass aud see for herself. France has 1,800 000, marriageable girls, aud yet the young men of Wilming ton have pot thought of Frencby, foreign shore1. Functional disorganization of the Liver is a most powerful and conimon cause of melancholy Dr Bulk's Baltimore Pills invariably give tone i to the Liver and rn 1 tiromo'fl its nea.tbt ii act 'Stop a minute," is ous of the i most common of verbal phrases. And yet how could one stop a minn the sun to stand still rhiracles a-e over. it? Joshua caused I . but the Brass i rnaments should be first wished j with a strong lye made of rock alum, in J the proportion of one I ounce of alum to j a pint of water; when dry, rub with j eather and fine tripoli. j ' -. DAILY I ' WILMINGTON, N.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1879. NO. 202 I DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. Taylor Press of the Wilmington Com press Company Destroyed Their Tyler Press Intact and In Working Order Thirteen Hundred Bales i of Cotton Destrojed Estimated Loss iboot $110,000 ! The alarm" of fire this morning about one o'clock ws causjed by the burning of cotton at the Wilmington Compress on the Taylor Press yard ;n the first fire dis trict. I There are conflicting reports as to ; j a - - the exact location of the fire at the be ginning, and it is not known: whether it was accidental or the work of an incen- j: mi a i 1 J 1 . iJ Aue waicnman empioyea uy me Compress Company,1 stated that he first I dineovprarl thp. firfi in a nilfl of rntt in to I th WiRt. nf nnrl u1 ia?tTit. to inn 1 aslnr . j j Tra Sn rariirJlc HirJ thp firo unroait that the building in which the press was erec ted was enveloped in flames, and the cot ton stored in the warehouse separating the Taylor press from the Tyler press was in a light blaze almost instantly. The fire department were soon at work and confined' the fire to sections one, two and three of the Northern warehouse. The cotton is still burning and the i . . i . steam engines Lttt'c Giant and A Adrian are at work deluging it with water. The First Ward Bucket Com pany are at work clearing away the debris caused by the falling walls and tin roofs, in order that the streams of water can be put directly on j the burning cotton. The British Bark D. H. Bills was lying at the wharf when j the fire was discovered, but promptly dropped out in the stream and sustained no The Taylor Press was shut damage. Hnwn vpafprrlftv nff rnrwr at. Ft rV.lnf.k , . . , and the engineer and fireman remained until about seven putting out the fires and cooling off the engines aud boilers. Something over thirteen hundred bales of cotton were consumed which was covered by insurance. We could no1 ascertain the individual loss. Messrs Williams & Murchison, Kerch- ner & Calder Bros., and Lilly Bros., were the heaviest losers : in the order named. The damage to the company's property is estimated at about $60,000. but is most" ly covered. The Taylor press which cost the company, about a year ago 40,000, js very badly damaged, but is fully cov ered by insurance. Sections one, two and three of the Northern warehouse were bad. ly damaged. The fire of this morning will in no way interfere with the company's work as t' eir Tyler presses in thorough order and will be put to work to-morrow. The destruction of the TaylOrPress will in no way effect the interest of the cotton compressing of this port as the Tylor and Champion Compresses have a capacity of two thousand bales per day of twelve hours, and if necessity require it they can work extra se'.s of hands and work the full twenty-four hours, until the run would be over. i The fire department worked "!nob!y iu checking the fire aud too much Cannot be said of their efforts and success in confiu- incr the hrp n it tirpsant limifpri stimv ing the fire to its present l, r,..,. ... , , L , The Filth Ward Bucket .Cumpany and members of the engine coaipuies worked like Trojins. For bar steel, iron and carriage goods go to Jac jBI's Hardware Depot. X We Hope Not. We learn from the Raleigh Neicsl that there was a case of yellow fever reported on board of a vessel near Norfolk which caused some apprehension that it might be the dreaded Yellow Jack. We truft that there is no troth in the report, but it true a rigid quarantine at once mignt prevent the spread of the pestilence until visiting thatljjj. Frost can come, whoee advent can not be very long delayed now, and whip Yellow Jack out. Strangers in the city should not fail to vlu the sn Factory, toot oi vnamui sire-, i. i Pruuipi Business i Thn Wilminotnn fVmnfpss fjnmnanv I . , . , , , . nave aireauy commenctu wora ior re days Oil, j ,. ! , . , , . , by fire last night. Mr. B. B Wood, the contractor, guarantees to have his pait of the work ready ia ten days, and the management say the machinery will be here in that time. This looks like buai- 'ness and pretty quick busintss at that. ii REYlEW. f - ' No Performauce To-Kigh . The Star Templeton Troupe left this afternoon, immediately after the matinee, on the steamer MurchUon for Fayette ville where they perform to morroa night. This audden departure was nec essitated account of the "tae of the water in 'the river which will undonbt pd!y cause delay in reaching their destina tion. - Ihe be)jt Windows, LWs and Bli mcs and Lowest Prices oan be got at Jaoobi's Hardware Depot. j The Prince Nay leou. This military drmna was ' performed M the Opera House last uight by the 'star Templeton A lunce Troupe to a very small audience. The play, which has but little of character aud is absurd in its plot, has quite a number of points by whieh au audience might Le amusei for a time. The acting was generally good, some of it very hue. Miss Alice Vaiie, a the Prince, was undoubtedly the best female vocalist, although the others wlen tinging In duetts made sweet harmony. Mr. Crane, as Ulandi, has a rich, mellow -and well cultivated voice which i ha con- trolled with much skill. The vagaries of the Cracker from Carolina, who was always; anxious to fight, were quite amusing end he made some very clever hits, while the grief of the old French guard when he learned of the Prince's death, was an exhibition of fine pathetic acting, and the same may be said of Barbara when she parked from the Piince whom ske loved, but dared not express her affection. - i Harbor Master's Report. From Captain Joseph Price, Harbor Master, we have the following number of vessels, with the tonnage of the same, that have arrived at this port during the month of September, 1879: I I American. Steamers Schooners 7.. Brigs ' . i .' Barques.'. 1. Total 10 Foreign. Brigs i 3 .. Baiques j 7.... Tonnage. ...6,827 1,355 .... 291 424 Total 7 903 Tonnage i - 82 X ....3,014 Total 10 Total 3 835 Total number of American and For- l: I I i eign vessels, 26; total amount of American' and Foreign tonnage, 11,738. PILOT SOUNDINGS. The pi'ots report the average scuuding at the mouth of the river, for the month of September as follows;! in Bald Head Channel feet.on the Western Bar 12 feet, on the Rip 8 feet, i To this is added a rise of 4J or 5 feet of water at high tide. i . 1 Save your money by buying your Build in& Supplies from Altafferj& Price. f i . ; 1 . 1 ! I Sale of the W. C. & A. K- R. The sale of the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Rilroadj under a foreclosure of the first Mortgage Bondholders, took place .in front of the Court House in thi city at 12 o'clock to-day,' by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of the United States for North Carolina, His Honor Judge Bond presiding. , As the hour for the time of sale neared, several railroad magnates from this and ac joining cities, together with a committee of geLtlemen from the first mortgage bond holders resident in! Baltimore, wete seen wending their wayj quietly in the direc tion of the Court House. The commis sicner of the sale, with his crier, stood ready at hand beneath the folds of the blood red flag of the auction eer, ready for the work. S veral other citizens of prominence and importance in our community, among whom were the newspaper reporters, were there also, and several individual i of African descent who always attend important siles of real estate, stocks and so forth, were on band likewise. But then all were not there for the same purpose. However, the time arrived for the sale, watches were compared,' the Washington time and the city time ncted, and at 12 o'clock precisely the crowd were called together. Then came the decree of the Court to be read. This was an interesting and en tertaining part of the sale, which was completed in about thirty minutes. Then came the announcement for bids. Bat only one bid was made and that was by one of the purchasing committee oi boondholders from Baltimorewho bid the nice little sum of $860,500 at which amount the sale was closed That ia about i . j 25 pet Cant we believe of the amount of the first mortgage bonds together with the i j accrued interest to the date of sale. Increase In Cotton. From Col. Juhfl' L Cantwell, Secre tary of the Produce1, Exchange, we learn hat the receipt of cotton at this port for September, 1878. were 9 278 hales and f-r September, 1879, 10.0CG bales, mak ing a iu favor of this year's re. ceipts for tbe just gone 788 bales. r oio s i ii I Id re n Tn-Morrow Mebt. H. M. S. 'Pinafore at the Opera House to morrow night Fjml s Juvenile Oper" Troupe will present it in a highly credi table manner. Mr. F,rd seldom, sends nut any tbiiu: but gxid troupes, and he is to have a-reat many through the South Kduring the neasou. ami we hardlv Dresume he j would m ike his debut with an inferior troup The children are wel v a trained and no doubt will give a highly- creditable jni enjoyable pcrformanfce. Seats now on sale at lleiusberuer The first of the Bell Telephone instrju ments iu thij city wns placed in position a few dayti ago. The wires are between Meters Wiiiiarii& Murchisou's effice on Water street and the office of the WiU mm "tori Compress Company. Dame Fashion has been hurled from her throne. Woman may wear what sDe fancies. , j i . - Indications, j War Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer ;.- Washington, D. C Sept. 20j 1879 For; the Soath Atlantic States cloudy or partly cloudy weather with occasional rains in southern portions, 8 ight changes of temperature and barotpeteri Grape Culture and Wine dr. A. Speer, of New Jersey, one of the largest grape, producers' of I the East commenced, but a few years jago, in a small way, to make wines from currants, blackberries and other fruitsi He now controls large vineyards, from: which his famous Port Grape Wine is made, which chemists and physicians say' rivals tbe world forj its beneficial j effects on weekly aud aged persons. For sale by J. C. Munds, Green & Planner and P.-L. Bridgers & Co. i A CARD. I To all who are suffering from j the er rors aud indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss i of manhood &C, I will send a recipe that will oure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a eelf-ad Iressed envelope to the Rev.' Josepu T Inman' station Is, Jew lork Jay j Beautiners. Ladies, you cannot make fair skinl rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes with all tho cosmetics of France, or beautifiers of the world, while iu .pcor health, and nothing will give you f-uchj good health, strength, buoyant spirit! and beautfy as Hop Buters A trial is certain proof See another column. Wine and Cake for Evenings. Alfred Speer of New Jersey, it should be known, is one of the mostj extensive producers and dealers in Pure Wines and Brandies iu the United States, lie makes a Superior Port Wine, which took the highest premium attheCenteuuial, known as Speer s Port Grape Wiae. It is sold by J, C. --Munch, P. L Bridgers & Co and Green &Flanuer. j Aug-tf. 1)1 KO. J5.yaa nucaanly! ot apoplexy. ner a. TT .r . . BelJTitle, Pender coun'y, N. C, on tbe Z7th of heptember U73.-Mrs. MARTHA ELLEN EVANH, wife of Mr. Edvfard Evaas, aed a years. New Advertisements. A Reliable Boy ; BOUT 14 YEARS OLD, can get employ aent by applying at the sept 30 REVIEW OFFICE. We Take Pleasure N I.VTRODUCINQ TO OCR PATRONS I MR W. O. CDRRAN, An Artist of no man reputation (from the fashionanle part of New o k City), ith the cot fidtnt sjur.nce that he can eert duly jive them Fits. MONSON, TUK CLOTHIER rept3) AM MKK. TAILOR. Thoi. H. JttcKoy; Robt-H- .McKoy ATl'OaK33YS-AT-LAW WILMINGTON, IN. a Hlfic;-ortn ido Market street, betwee ecotd and Third streets. its ,'! CHAS. KLEIN, - Uniertater ani CaM Hater; Ke. 24 South Fmnt Street, 1 WILMINGTON, N. a A fine aafrtmeot of Coffins and 7m- kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished. Orders by tele. graph or loau rdmtlT filled, Jaa 13 PLEASE 5 OTICE. i We will be glad to receive eoirmwni aUont from our friendj on any and all ob'ecto or general inter et but: Tk. ..': !- i ...Cu,me oi me writer aM beftr uuaea to the tditr.r i ... Communicfttior.f must h- srTittn n ODiJ one side of the.paper. Personalitiee xnuat be avoided And it u eapecially nd parti -n any ondor v UIO buuur Qoes not aiw-w-j, er j0 f views oi dent, nlM, A . u tne editorial cotmrps. New Advertisement. OR ERA HOUSK. . 1 i Tluirscla v, Octolier 2il FORD'S JUVENILE OPERA KHP5 ' i In Arthur Sullivan's Comic Opera I , H. M. S, PKTAFORE. 1 FIFTY CHILDREN IN OPERk I in afore as done at Wallae&V Pi afie inanew drefcs lierr charscur lis to welt done both musically and dramatically, as to be beydnd c iici?m. j Thi New l'ork Tribune said : "Finaforei as done, (by Ford's JuvenileJOpera Coujpany, was better sung and acted uu br any other Company that has appeared in New York Aduision-2S, 50 and 75 cents. Pdcud Seats, $1. Secured 8-at-i for Children, fcOcl Ha!e of Heats will bezin on Tuesday1. Sep-teuihe-30th, at Uein.bjrger's Bookstore. . They are Here. WE BEQ'.OF OCR FRIENbk TO call and sea us. Our Fall and Winder Stock is now arriring by every train and ttJjncra and we hivejno hesitation ii proflc unciig it the MOST DESIRABLE As'soilTMKJiTj f Gent s rothin?. and Furnihinr Goods two la-re and hand omu Rtnrcn tn hnl -I .If " w iae niau. it Will take out! uiwuiisianaing tne recent advance in the Mortbern markets we guarantee to sell at LOWER PRIGES THAN EVER BEFORE U..iiL . . ,.. Call and see m and we will prove it to you. it toy oi !er. sent 2i A. A I. 811 Baby Syrup. 1 OAUKER'S GINGER TONIC, I Indian A - 1 l Cbolgojrue, Ball's Cough Syru KluU Chill Cure, AjerV Ague Cure' and a com- I I - . i i plete ttock of pure Dru2s and Medicinii . If. C. MILLER. I Corner 4th and bun Streets. Open dy aud night. iept2s)-tf. , We Do Not Claim "PATRONAGE simply because we are s - a. uoiue enterprise, nor do we iexnect it at the expanse of any one's iocket; . 1 WW. DO CLAIM that we can lill a;i 1 order for Sash, Doors and Bliiids, Or anything in our line, 1 a as LOW FIG UREb, andjas good work and tuateriiljas can oe nought any where. Window Glass, Buildei's Supplies always on lhand. I Our new DRY KILX is in operation. and none but the best Lumber is used! llespec fully, i ALTAFFER Lie PltlCE Factory Foot of Walnut street Office Cor Nuttand Red Crss streets, sept 29- . - l.i Do Not Forget fJU AT THE CHEAPEST PLACE 7 BUT SCHOOL-BOOKS is at THE LIVE BOOK STORE. Pianos and Organs, SOLD ON THE WE c KLY and Month ly instalment Plan, ai Bottom I 'ii ikes. Base Balls, Bais and Guide?. 1 Blank Books and Stationery f every description, at HkINS3ERO::it.,;, sept 23 33 nd 41 Market ft. COMMERCIAL HOTEL'; WILMINGTON, IN. C. P. A. 8CHUITIJ, Trop. rpHE COMMERCIAL, formerly the "Em PIRE U0U8E",havlngbeen thorongtly r n i 1 ovated and refitted is now one of tbejleaditg first-class Hotels in the city. The , uLIe 4 supplied with the bst our boma and nor lb !- ern markets affj.ds. I - - Board per Day Z aid $2 50 ! JB ' Large Sample Rooms Jforthe C6o.' mercial trade. A Firit-Class Bar and Billiard iia'l connected with this IloteL , tm- FREE LUNCH daily frocn it A. to r .n, lulj 19- $300 A MONTH guar teed. Vi a uy ut borne made by the industrious. Capital not required: we ill atart yoa. Hen, women, boys and gh make money faster at work for us than ai anything else. Tbe work is light and pleasant, and such as anyone can go light at. Those who are wise who see thi? notice will send as their addresses at one and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now Is the time. Ihoae al ready at work are laying np large sumsot money. Add TUUK &CO., Augiiata larT.e,,l i une7 d&w I i f - )

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